Ordering number: EN1218C Monolithic Digital IC LB1412 Level Meter Driver for 12 LEDs Functions and Features Package Dimensions . Bar-shaped display of input level by means of 12 LEDs . High-order 5 dots with peak hold . Built-in oscillator for peak hold reset. Requires 1 pce. each . . . . . unit : mm 3010A-DIP22 of external C, R. Uses either oscillator at the time of stereo operation. Capable of also resetting manually. Capable of constant-current driving low-order 7 dots (green LED). Constant-current value variable with an external resistor Lower current drain available by connecting green LEDs in series Built-in input amplifier Requires no other light-up level adjustment than adjustment for 0 dB. D1 error: within ±3 dB of 20 dB Supply voltage range : 10 to 16 V [LB1412] SANYO : DIP22 Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C Parameter Maximum supply voltage Output current Allowable power dissipation Symbol Pin No. VCC max 15 IOL 1 to 5 Pd max Conditions Ratings −0.3 to +18 D8 to D12, output on Ta = 60°C Unit V 30 mA 650 mW Operating temperature Topr −30 to +75 °C Storage temperature Tstg −40 to +125 °C Allowable Operating Range at Ta = 25°C Parameter Supply voltage Symbol VCC Conditions Ratings Unit 10 to 16 V SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Bussiness Headquarters TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110 JAPAN 53096HA(II)/9097KI/8075MW/113KI(KOT) No.1218-1/5 LB1412 Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, VCC = 12 V Parameter Symbols Pin No. Conditions min typ max Unit Input bias current Amp (1) IBIN1 7 −3 −0.2 0 Output saturation voltage Amp (1) VOH01 8 Pins 8, 9 short 10.5 11.2 11.6 V Amp (1) VOL01 8 Pins 8, 9 short 1.0 1.5 2.0 V Voltage gain Amp (1) VGA1 30 100 Input resistance Amp (2) RIN2 9 8 12 16 kΩ Load resistance Amp (2) R02 10 35 50 65 kΩ Output current Amp (2) IOL02 10 3 6 12 mA Voltage gain Amp (2) VGA2 1.8 2.0 2.2 times 13 17 20 mA 1.0 1.3 V 1.5 Output current Output saturation voltage Output leak current D8 Comparator level IOL 19, 22 Vsat 17, 18, D2 to D4, D6 to D7 : Output 19, 21, Transistor on across VZ and ILED 22 Vsat 1 to 5 loff 19, 22 loff 1 to 15 D1, D5 : 3 kΩ across VZ and ILED µA dB D8 to D12 : IOLD1 to D5 = 30 mA D1, D5 : output transistor off 2.0 V 0 30 µA D8 to D12 : output transistor off 0 30 µA VTHD8 1 D8 : Voltage to turn on D8 by applying DC voltage across VZ and INZ −0.625 −0.55 −0.465 V D1 GD1 16 D8 light-up level : 0 dB −23 −20 −17 dB D2 GD2 17 D8 light-up level : 0 dB −17 −15 −13 dB D3 GD3 18 D8 light-up level : 0 dB −12 −10 −8 dB D4 GD4 19 D8 light-up level : 0 dB −8 −7 −6 dB D5 GD5 20 D8 light-up level : 0 dB −6 −5 −4 dB D6 GD6 21 D8 light-up level : 0 dB −4 −3 −2 dB D7 GD7 22 D8 light-up level : 0 dB −1.5 −1 −0.5 dB D9 GD9 2 D8 light-up level : 0 dB 0.5 1 1.5 dB D10 GD10 3 D8 light-up level : 0 dB 2 3 4 dB D11 GD11 4 D8 light-up level : 0 dB 4 5 6 dB D12 GD12 5 D8 light-up level : 0 dB 7 8 9 dB VZ 12 5.6 6.3 6.8 V IOLR 11 3 kΩ across VZ and ILED VR = 0 V, OSC pin: open −0.6 −0.3 −0.1 mA VR 11 OSC pin: open 0.4 0.7 0.9 V fOSC 13 1.5 2 2.5 s ICC 15 1 MΩ, 2.2 µF across VCC and VZ 3 kΩ across VZ and ILED, all D outputs off 9 15 mA Reference voltage R pin flow-out current R pin voltage Oscillation frequency Allowable power dissipation, Pd max – mW Current drain Pd max – Ta Ambient temperature, Ta – °C No.1218-2/5 LB1412 Pin Assignment Equivalent Circuit Block Diagram Oscillator Constantcurrent driver Constantcurrent driver VCC 10 to 16 V Unit (resistance: Ω, capacitance: F) No.1218-3/5 LB1412 Sample Application Circuit R5 2.2 k R6 2.2 k R7 2.2 k R8 2.2 k R9 2.2 k 10 to 16 V Note : Input signal of approximately 110 mVrms causes D8 (0 dB display) to light. Unit (resistance: Ω, capacitance: F) For sample application circuit: 1. The LB1412 consists of the following blocks. Input amp 1 : Amplification of input signal, variable with external constants Input amp 2 : Amplification of signal (fixed, double), detection of signal Reference voltage : Reference voltage of comparator, constant-current drive of LED Comparator : Comparison of input voltage LED driver : LED drive, D1 to D7 : Constant-current drive Peak hold circuit : Hold of highest-order point of high-order 5 points (D8 to D12) Oscillator for peak hold reset : Peak hold circuit reset 2. Description of constants of each block 2-1 R3, R4 (R11, R12) The gain of amp 1 depends on R3, R4. Gain of amp 1 = R3/R4 times. The gain of amp 1 must not exceed 4 times (12 dB). R3 + R4 6 100 kΩ (C4 = 4.7 µF) 2-2 C2, C3 (C5, C6) C3 is for coupling amp 1 with amp 2 and its value is 1 µF. C2 is for controlling the time to turn off LED. 2-3 R2 (R10) The current of LEDs connected to D1 to D7 depends on R2. The current is stabilized to be approximately 17 mA at R2 = 3 kΩ and approximately 11 mA at R2 = 4.7 kΩ. 2-4 R5 to R9 (R13 to R17) The current of LEDs connected to D8 to D12 depends on these resistors. D8 to D12 pins are collectors of Darlington transistors. VCC – 3.5 V VCC – Vsat D8 to D12 – VFLED ID8 to D12 = 6 R5 to 9 R5 to 9 . . . . . . . ID8 to D12 is approximately 4 mA at R5 to 9 = 2.2 kΩ No.1218-4/5 LB1412 2-5 Reset pin (Pin 11) When the reset pin is open, peak hold of D8 to D12 occurs. When the reset pin is connected to GND, reset occurs. Connecting the reset pin to GND causes no peak hold. 2-6 C1, R1 The oscillation cycle of oscillator depends on the product of C1 and R1. The oscillation cycle at C1 = 2.2 µF, R1 = 1 MΩ is approximately 2 seconds. However, if an electrolytic capacitor is used for C1, the actual capacitance differs from the marked value. 2-7 Reduction in number of parts R3, R4, VR1 are substituted by one VR. Unit (resistance: Ω, capacitance: F) No products described or contained herein are intended for use in surgical implants, life-support systems, aerospace equipment, nuclear power control systems, vehicles, disaster/crime-prevention equipment and the like, the failure of which may directly or indirectly cause injury, death or property loss. Anyone purchasing any products described or contained herein for an above-mentioned use shall: 1 Accept full responsibility and indemnify and defend SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries and distributors and all their officers and employees, jointly and severally, against any and all claims and litigation and all damages, cost and expenses associated with such use: 2 Not impose any responsibility for any fault or negligence which may be cited in any such claim or litigation on SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries and distributors or any of their officers and employees jointly or severally. Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only; it is not guaranteed for volume production. SANYO believes information herein is accurate and reliable, but no guarantees are made or implied regarding its use or any infringements of intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties. This catalog provides information as of May, 1996. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. No.1218-5/5