Safeguarding Applications Light Curtains POC, 440L-M8200, Bulletin 100S, Dual Channel +24V DC Reset Momentary Push Button K2 A1 A2 PE K1 K1 Inputs T0 PE T13 T14 X11 X12 T21 T22 X21 X22 1.3 2.3 3.1 K2 PLC Logic 440L-M8200 Common Outputs 0 C1 D1 PE C2 D2 PE T3 T4 C3 D3 PE C4 K1 2 1 7 1 2 4 4 3 3 OSSD 2 Sender 2 3 4 ... N O1 7 OSSD 1 Test 1 D4 1.4 2.4 3.2 Receiver POC Light Curtain Bulletin 100S or 700S K2 O2 O3 Ground Circuit Status The light curtain is not detecting the presence of any objects. The power to the PLC Output common terminal is OFF. The Reset switch on the 440L-8200 must be pressed to apply power to the PLC Output Module. Operating Principle The momentary reset button must be pressed to apply power to the PLC output module. The PLC controls the operation of the machine. When an object breaks the beam of the light curtain, the outputs from the light curtain receiver turn off. The 440L-M8200 detects the absence of the input signals at T3 and T4 and causes the K1 and K2 Bulletin 100 contactors (or Bulletin 700S relays) to drop out. This disconnects power to the output module of the PLC. Fault Detection If either contactor K1 or K2 sticks ON, the PLC output module will be disconnected by the other contactor operating properly. The 440L-M8200 relay will detect the stuck contactor because terminals T21 and T22 will be open. The fault must be corrected and the 440L-M8200 reset in order to apply power to the PLC output module. Comments The contactors should be selected to meet the load requirements of the PLC output loads. The N.C. auxiliary contact is fed into the PLC input, so the PLC knows when the light curtain has been activated. 18-3