Ordering number : ENN5339A Monolithic Digital IC LB1846M, 1848M Low-Voltage/Low Saturation Voltage Type Bidirectional Motor Driver Another point is that these ICs include built-in thermal shutdown circuits so that IC scorching or burning is prevented in advance even if the IC outputs are shorted. Additionally, the MFP-10S miniature package used supports reduced-space mounting. Package Dimensions unit: mm 3086A-MFP10S 10 0.625 [LB1846M, 1848M] 6 5.15 6.4 Both of these IC products can directly control a motor from signals from a microcontroller. The LB1846M is optimal for 1-2 phase excitation drive for 2-phase stepping motors using 4-input logic (IN1, IN2, IN3, and IN4) and the LB1848M is optimal for 2-phase excitation drive for 2-phase stepping motors using 3-input logic (ENA, IN1, and IN2). Standby current: zero Thermal shutdown circuit Miniature package: MFP-10S (6.5 × 5.1 mm2) Through-current prevention circuit (LB1848M only) “Soft off” function that reduces power supply line noise when switching from drive to standby modes. (Requires the use of one external capacitor.) (LB1848M only) • No limitations on the magnitude relationship between the power supply voltage (VCC) and the input voltage (VIN) 4.4 The LB1846M and LB1848M are 2-channel low-voltage, low saturation voltage type bidirectional motor driver ICs that are optimal for use as 2-phase stepping motor drivers in printers, floppy disk drives, and cameras and other portable equipment. The output circuits are of the bipolar type, with pnp transistors in the upper side and npn transistors in the lower side, and they achieve low saturation output and low power characteristics despite being provided in a miniature package. • • • • • 5 1 1.8 max Overview 5.1 • Optimal for 1-2 phase excitation drive for 2-phase stepping motors (LB1846M) • Optimal for 2 phase excitation drive for 2-phase stepping motors (LB1848M) • Low saturation voltage. VO(sat) = 0.55 V typical at IO = 400 mA 0.1 1.5 Features 0.15 0.35 1.0 0.55 SANYO: MFP10S Any and all SANYO products described or contained herein do not have specifications that can handle applications that require extremely high levels of reliability, such as life-support systems, aircraft’s control systems, or other applications whose failure can be reasonably expected to result in serious physical and/or material damage. Consult with your SANYO representative nearest you before using any SANYO products described or contained herein in such applications. SANYO assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all SANYO products described or contained herein. http://semicon.sanyo.com/en/network 73099TH (OT)/O3096HA (OT) No. 5339-1/8 LB1846M, 1848M Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C Parameter Maximum supply voltage Output voltage Input voltage Ground pin outflow current Allowable power dissipation Ratings Unit VCC max Symbol –0.3 to +8.0 V VOUT VCC + VSF V VIN –0.3 to +8.0 V IGND Conditions Per channel 800 mA Pd max1 Independent IC 350 mW Pd max2 When mounted* 870 mW Operating temperature Topr –20 to +75 °C Storage temperature Tstg –40 to +150 °C Ratings Unit Note: *On the specified circuit board (a 114.3 × 76.2 × 1.5-mm3 glass-epoxy printed circuit board) Allowable Operating Ranges at Ta = 25°C Parameter Symbol Conditions Supply voltage VCC 2.5 to 7.5 V Input high-level voltage VIH 2.0 to 7.5 V Input low-level voltage VIL –0.3 to +0.7 V Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, VCC = 5.0 V Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings min typ Unit max [LB1846M] Current drain ICC0 IN1, 2, 3, 4 = 0 V 0.1 10 µA ICC1 IN1, 3 = 3 V, IN2, 4 = 0 V 30 40 mA VOUT1 VIN = 3 V or 0 V, VCC = 3 to 7.5 V, IOUT = 200 mA 0.27 0.4 V VOUT2 VIN = 3 V or 0 V, VCC = 4 to 7.5 V, IOUT = 400 mA 0.55 0.8 V VIN = 5 V 150 200 µA 30 µA 1.7 V Output saturation voltage Input current IIN [Spark Killer Diode] Reverse current IS(leak) Forward voltage VSF IOUT = 400 mA ICC0 ENA = 0 V, VIN = 3 V or 0 V 0.1 10 µA ICC1 ENA = 3 V, VIN = 3 V or 0 V 25 35 mA [LB1848M] Current drain VOUT1 ENA = 3 V, VIN = 3 V or 0 V, VCC = 3 to 7.5 V, IOUT = 200 mA 0.27 0.4 V VOUT2 ENA = 3 V, VIN = 3 V or 0 V, VCC = 4 to 7.5 V, IOUT = 400 mA 0.55 0.8 V Output saturation voltage Input current 1 IIN VIN = 5 V 75 100 µA Input current 2 IENA ENA = 5 V 85 110 µA 30 µA 1.7 V [Spark Killer Diode] Reverse current IS(leak) Forward voltage VSF IOUT = 400 mA Note: The thermal shutdown circuit function values are design guarantees, and are not tested. No. 5339-2/8 LB1846M, 1848M Pin Assignments No. 5339-3/8 LB1846M, 1848M Block Diagrams [LB1846M] [LB1848M] Note: When the “soft off” function is used, a capacitor must be connected to the SOF pin. If this function is not used, this pin must be left open with absolutely no signals or lines connected. Notes on Wiring and Lines Since large currents flow in the VCC and ground lines, oscillations may occur on these lines. The following points should be observed if such oscillations occur. (1) Lower the line impedances by making them shorter and thicker. (2) Attach capacitors close to the IC. (3) If the controller (CPU) is mounted on a separate printed circuit board, insert series resistors (of about 10 kΩ) between the controller outputs and this IC. No. 5339-4/8 LB1846M, 1848M Truth Tables [LB1846M] IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 OUT4 Notes L L L L OFF OFF OFF OFF Standby H L L L H L OFF OFF H L H L H L H L L L H L OFF OFF H L L H H L L H H L L H L L L H OFF OFF L H L H L H L H L L L H OFF OFF L H H L L H H L L H H H — — — — H H 1-2 phase excitation The logic output for the first high-level input is produced. *2 Note: 1. “—” indicates a “don’t care” input. 2. If two high levels (H/H) are input to the IN1/IN2 pins with the timing shown in ① in the figure below, then the IN2 input that arrived later will be ignored and the IC will function as though an H/L combination is applied to the IN1/IN2 pins. Similarly, the timing shown in ➁ results in a L/H combination on the IN1/IN2 pins. [LB1848M] ENA IN1 IN2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 OUT4 Notes L — — OFF OFF OFF OFF Standby H L L H L H L L H H L L H H H L H L H H L L H H L 2-phase excitation Note: “—” indicates a “don’t care” input. No. 5339-5/8 LB1846M, 1848M SOF Pin (“Soft Off” Function) Operation [LB1848M only] The soft off function reduces power supply line noise due to the kickback current generated when the stepping motor drive mode is switched from drive to standby. The “soft off” function provided by this IC operates when a capacitor (0.001 to 0.01 µF) is connected between the SOF pin and ground. (Leave the SOF pin open to disable the soft off function.) The waveforms for each pin are shown below. Timing Chart for Stepping Motor 2-Phase Excitation No. 5339-6/8 LB1846M, 1848M No. 5339-7/8 LB1846M, 1848M Specifications of any and all SANYO products described or contained herein stipulate the performance, characteristics, and functions of the described products in the independent state, and are not guarantees of the performance, characteristics, and functions of the described products as mounted in the customer’s products or equipment. To verify symptoms and states that cannot be evaluated in an independent device, the customer should always evaluate and test devices mounted in the customer’s products or equipment. SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. strives to supply high-quality high-reliability products. However, any and all semiconductor products fail with some probability. It is possible that these probabilistic failures could give rise to accidents or events that could endanger human lives, that could give rise to smoke or fire, or that could cause damage to other property. When designing equipment, adopt safety measures so that these kinds of accidents or events cannot occur. Such measures include but are not limited to protective circuits and error prevention circuits for safe design, redundant design, and structural design. In the event that any or all SANYO products (including technical data, services) described or contained herein are controlled under any of applicable local export control laws and regulations, such products must not be exported without obtaining the export license from the authorities concerned in accordance with the above law. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Any and all information described or contained herein are subject to change without notice due to product/technology improvement, etc. When designing equipment, refer to the “Delivery Specification” for the SANYO product that you intend to use. Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only; it is not guaranteed for volume production. SANYO believes information herein is accurate and reliable, but no guarantees are made or implied regarding its use or any infringements of intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties. This catalog provides information as of July, 1999. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. PS No. 5539-8/8