Overview iW-Camera Interface core accepts pre-processed, synchronized frames in 10-bit YCbCr / RGB format from a digital camera and outputs 10-bit video data in the same format in a continuous stream without blanking and synchronization information for downstream processing. Features X Parallel interface support for 8-bit X Pre-processed capture modes: YCbCr 4:2:2 data format GRB 4:2:2, RGB 565, RGB 555, RGB 444 data formats X Programmable vertical and horizontal resolution X Programmable polarity of frame clock & line clock Block Diagram System Interface clk_i rst_n_i Control Interface Camera Interface cn_addr_i[1:0] pclk_i cn_we_i cn_oe_i cn_data_i[31:0] Control Register FSM hsync_i vsync_i cn_data_o[31:0] Pixel Output Interface pixelout_o[7:0] pixelout_vld_o pixelout_rdy_i soi_o eoi_o FIFO pdat_i[7:0] Resource Utilization Summary Actel Family Device Cores RAM IO PLL Fmax (MHz) ProASIC3 A3P250 1261 1 104 0 63 1243 1 104 0 32 IGLOO AGL600 Core Benefits X Can be used in all kind of video processing applications Core Applications X By integrating with digital cameras this can be used in remote monitoring systems, security systems and etc. Deliverables X X X X Technical Specification RTL Verilog Synthesizable Code Comprehensive Test Environment Technical Support and Maintenance