F E AT U R E S MODEL NO. DSWM6309 Broad Band, 1 - 2000 MHz Modular Design Phase Tracking, ± 2 Degrees Hermetic Aluminum Case HDI Switch Ne twork PORT SELECT S1 (J66 to J73) J58 to J65 S3 J58 to J65 S3 J50 to J57 J26 to J33 J34 to J41 J42 to J49 1.800 0.625 0.125 TYP 0.850 0.475 0.400 0.180 0.950 1.610 Port 21 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 20 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0.180 REF -15V GND +5V PORT 20 PORT 21 PORT 22 STROBE STROBE PORT 22 PORT 21 PORT 20 +5V GND -15V 0.135 0.470 22 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 S3 J18 to J25 S1 J18 to J25 S1 Not Sel. Not Sel. Not Sel. Not Sel. 6 - 32 X .475 DEEP, MAX INSERTS 3 PLACES 0.030 DIA 7 PLACES 0.200 Switch State S2 J10 to J17 J10 to J17 J2 to J9 J2 to J9 Not Sel. Not Sel. Not Sel. Not Sel. 0.200 0.700 J10-J17 J2-J9 1.180 1.500 0.520 2.930 J26-J33 J18-J25 3.400 0.520 3.000 0.960 J66-J73 0.520 3.000 J34-J41 J58-J65 0.520 J42-J49 J50-J57 .400 FEMALE SMA CON, 2 PLACES .400 0.600 0.25 REF 0.252 ±.008 OSP CONN, 7 PLACES GUARANTEED PERFORM A NCE S2 J2 to J9 J10 to J17 Parameter Min Typ Max Units Operating Frequency 1 250 1200 2000 50 37 DC Current S3 J18 to J25 PHASE ADJUST TTL S1 J34 to J41 J42 to J49 Low 50 J66 to J73 J58 to J65 VSWR Intercept Points 2nd J50 to J57 CONTROL ±10 ±10 High Isolation Insertion Loss J26 to J33 STROBE PORT 22 PORT 21 PORT 20 +5V GND -15V Control Type Control Current 3rd 75 45 Amplitude Balance Phase Balance P1dB Compression 55 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 80 49 ±0.1 +15 +20 +21 +30 0 +25 No Damage Operating Temperature DA I C O In d u s t r i e s MHz MHz mA mA 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 1.5/1 ±0.3 ±1 ±2 +30 +70 µA µA dB dB dB dB dB dBm dBm dB DEG DEG dBm dBm dBm °C Conditions J2 to J25, S1 J26 to J73, S2 and S3 At +5 VDC Supply At -15 VDC Supply See Logic Table VIH = +2.7 V VIL = +0.5 V Any Port to Port 1 - 20 MHz, S1 20 - 1200 MHz, S1 1200 - 2000 MHz, S2 and S3 250 - 1200 MHz, S2 and S3 1 - 20 MHz, S1 20 - 2000 MHz, S1, S2 and S3 1 - 20 MHz 20 - 2000 MHz TA Rev. N/D / Iss. 1