TDA7253L 6W AMPLIFIER WITH MUTING 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 2 FEATURES Figure 1. Package WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE 6W @ VS = 20V, R L = 8Ω, THD=10% MUTE FACILITY (POP FREE) WITH LOW CONSUMPTION AC SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION (150°C SIP10 Table 1. Order Codes DESCRIPTION Part Number Package TDA7253L SIP10 The TDA7253L is class AB audio power amplifier assembled in the Single in Line 10 pins Package. Figure 2. Test and Application Circuit +VS R7 820 = MUTE SW CSVR 100µF C4 0.1µF 3 C2 IN (L) C5 470µF 9 TDA7253L 5 C11 1000µF 7 100nF 27K 4 6 CF 47µF R3 1.5K R4 47 C9 0.1µF RL R6 4.7 D02AU1429 September 2004 Rev. 2 1/8 TDA7253L Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Value Unit VS Supply Voltage 30 V IO Output Peak Current (repetitive f >20Hz) 1.7 A IO Output Peak Current (non repetitive, t = 100µs) 2 A Ptot Total Power Dissipation (Tcase = 70°C) 8 W Top Operating Temperature Range Tstg,Tj Parameter Storage & Junction Temperature 0 to 70 °C -40 to 150 °C Value Unit 9 °C/W Table 3. Thermal Data Symbol Rth j-case Parameter Thermal resistance junction to case Max Figure 3. Pin Connection (Top view) 10 N.C. 9 +VS 8 N.C. 7 OUTPUT 6 GND 5 NON INVERTING INPUT 4 INVERTING INPUT 3 SVR/MUTING 2 N.C. 1 N.C. D02AU1430 Figure 4. Block Diagram CFCOUP1 RFI 27K ININ+ 4 - 5 + 7 L OUT RF1 SVR 3 MUTE SC PROTECTION RF2 VS 9 REFERENCES Tj TURN-ON AND OFF TH PROTECTION 6 GND D02AU1431 2/8 TDA7253L Table 4. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTCS (Refer to the test and application circuit, VS = 20V; RL = 8Ω; Gv = 30dB; f = 1KHz; Tamb = 25°C unless otherwise specified). Symbol VS Parameter Supply Voltage VO Quiescent Output Voltage Iq Total Quiescent Current PO Output Power d RI Total Harmonic Distortion Input Resistance Test Condition Min. 10 Typ. Max. 24 Unit V 9.5 V 30 d = 10% d = 1% PO = 1W 5 4 100 60 6 5 0.03 200 mA W W % KΩ 0.3 fL Low Frequency Roll-off (-3dB) 40 Hz fH High Frequency Roll-off (-3dB) 80 KHz eN Total Input Noise Voltage A Curve; RS = 10KΩ 2 mV SVR Supply Voltage Rejection RS = 10KΩ; f = 100Hz; Vr = 0.5V f = 22Hz to 22KHz; RS = 10KΩ VTMUTE Mute Threshold VTPLAY Play Threshold AM IqMUTE 2.5 46 1 Mute Attenuation 80 Quiescent Current Mute µV 10 60 dB 1.6 V 4.5 V 100 dB 6 10 mA CF Note: to avoid pop-on noise -------------- ≤ 1 C S VR Figure 5. Output Power vs. Supply Voltage POUT (W) D02AU1432 Figure 7. Distortion vs Output Power d%10 5 f = 1KHz RL = 8Ω 2 12 1 0.5 8 f =15KHz 0.2 d = 10% 0.1 d = 1% 0.05 4 f =1KHz 0.02 0 0.01 100m 8 12 16 20 VS(V) 200m 300m 500m700m 1 Pout (W) 2 3 4 5 6 78 Figure 6. Quiescent Current vs. Supply Voltage Iq (mA) D02AU1433 45 40 35 30 25 20 8 12 16 20 VS(V) 3/8 TDA7253L Figure 8. PC Board Component Layout Figure 9. Evaluation Board Top Layer Layout Figure 10. Evaluation Board Bottom Layer Layout 4/8 TDA7253L 3 HEAT SINK DIMENSIONING: In order to avoid the thermal protection intervention, that is placed approximatively at Tj = 150°C, it is important the dimensioning of the Heat Sinker RTh (°C/W). The parameters that influence the dimensioning are: – Maximum dissipated power for the device (Pdmax) – Max thermal resistance Junction to case (R Th j-c) – Max. ambient temperature Tamb max – Quiescent current Iq (mA) 3.1 Example: VCC = 20V, Rload = 8ohm, RTh j-c = 9 °C/W , Tamb max = 50°C 2 2V cc Pdmax = (N° channels) · -------------------------- + I q ⋅ V c c 2 Π ⋅ R lo ad Pdmax = 1 · ( 2.5 ) + 0.5 = 3W 150 – T am b max 150 – 50 (Heat Sinker) R Th c-a = ----------------------------------------- – R T h j-c = ---------------------- – 9 = 24.3°C /W 6 P d max In figure 8 is shown the Power derating curve for the device. Figure 11. Power Derating Curve 10 8 (a) Pd (W) 6 (c) (b) a) Infinite Heatsink b) 10 °C/ W c) 15 °C/ W d) 20 °C/ W 4 (d) 2 0 0 40 80 120 160 Tamb (°C) 5/8 TDA7253L Figure 12. SIP10 Mechanical Data & Package Dimensions DIM. mm MIN. inch TYP. MAX. A TYP. 2.7 3 B 0.280 0.106 0.118 24.8 b1 0.976 0.5 0.85 1.6 0.033 0.063 3.3 0.130 c1 0.43 0.017 c2 1.32 0.052 D 23.7 0.933 14.5 0.571 e 2.54 0.100 e3 22.86 L Weight: 2.02gr 0.020 C d1 OUTLINE AND MECHANICAL DATA MAX. 7.1 a1 b3 MIN. 0.900 3.1 0.122 L1 3 0.118 L2 17.6 0.693 L3 0.25 L4 0.254 0.010 0.010 M 3.2 0.126 N 1 0.039 P 0.15 SIP10 0.006 C D L1 L3 c2 N P 1 1 0 L L4 a1 L2 A d1 M b1 b3 e c 1 e3 B SIP10 0016108 D 6/8 TDA7253L Table 5. Revision History Date Revision Description of Changes June 2003 1 First Issue September 2004 2 Changed Status and the graphic aspect in compliant to the new rules “Corporate Technical Pubblications Design Guide” 7/8 TDA7253L Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners © 2004 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics group of companies Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America 8/8