&月 叨〃jcα瓦o刀 ” ` zBc乃 刀oJogl,R贺 eJrc乃 电源散热风扇控制器 FsCT× ×A-UH5 原理及应用 化清 艹 景 海 栾 武 山东沂光电子股份有 限公 司 山东永光电子有 限公 司 , 无 服 要 :sT公 司生产的 FsCT× ×A UH5无 刷 DC风 扇速度控制器 IC,仅 需一个或两个外部元件 NTC热 敏 电阻,可 根据温度线性控制和调 节风扇速度 .这 种低成本控制器,主 要用于计算机 、 务器和通信 电源的通风散热 关键词 :FsCT× ×Aˉ UH5;风 扇控制器;低 成本;低 噪音 摘 需外部 . (sT)公 司最近推 出 FsCT系 列无 刷 DC风 扇 电机 控 制 器 芯 片 ,是 专 门为 用 于 台式 PC、 笔记本 PC和 服 务器 电源 及其 它各种需要通 风 意法半 导体 的消 费类 设备而专 门 设计 的 。FsCT系 列风扇速 度 控 制 器 IC含 有 二 个 型 号 ,即 FsCTo7A UH5、 FsCTl1A UH5和 FsCT17A UH5,每 种 器 仵 输 出 电 压 随温 度变 化 的斜 率及 最 大 【 t扇 速 度 卜的最 低温 。 度是不 同的 1FsCT的 封装、内部结构及引脚功能 FsCT× ×Aˉ UH5(以 下简称 FsCT)采 用 5引 脚 塑料 IP队 Κ 封 装 ,重 04g,夕 卜 形如 图 1(a)所 '六 。 电路 、滞 后 比较器 、接通 调节器 、驱动器及 NPN 晶体管输 出级等 ,其 内部结构 与外部 电路如图 1(b) 所示 。 FsCT的 引脚功能如表 1所 列 。 表 1引 脚功能 引脚 名称 1 TEsT 2 Vcc 3 CND 4 oN 5 oUT 功能说 明 测试 脚 ,该 脚必须 不被连接 工 作 DC电 压 ,范 围为 9~15V 地 ,在 内部连接到芯片散热 片 Tab 模式接通 和大断选 择 端 输 出端 ,外 部连接 PNP晶 体管 的基极 2电 气特性 及 主要 特 点 21主 要参数 FsCT主 要参数及其指标如下 ◆ 电源 电压 Vcc:9~15Vac; : ◆ ◆ 工 作 电流 Icc:11mA(典 型值 ); 输 出灌 电流 I。 L(外 部 PNP管 基 极 电流 ): ≥ 10mA; 接 通 模式输 出最低 电压 V。 L:055V(最 大 值是 07V); ◆ 接通模 式风扇最低速度输 出电压 V。 Ms: 53V(最 人值是 55V); ◆ 温度调节 门限电平 TMs:32℃ (典 型值 ); ◆ 关断模式接通温度 %N:71℃ (典 型值 ); ◆ 关断温度 T。 FF:39℃ (典 型值 ); ◆ 工 作结温 Tj:0℃ ~125℃ 。 三 种 IC的 输 出温度斜率 KsL、 风扇最大速 度最 ◆ (b)内 部 结 构及 外部 元 件连接 图 1 FsCT× ×A UH5的 外形封装 、内部 结 构 和外部连接 FSCT内 置温 度传感器 、参考 电压 、开/关 选择 ' C乃 枷曰Po” ″ sIJPPJ,s“ r,e, 2000年 第 8期 (总 第 45期 )《 中ΘV彳 博 览》 臼 o` ●● 助 c无 mo∶og 低温度 T。 L和 在 V。 LlT=3V下 的 Tab温 度 差另刂, 女口表 2所 歹刂。 Ksd mW℃ ) T° L(℃ ) FsCT11A-UH5 : η (2) ) `3(℃ '° FsCT17A-UH5 81 107 '° FsCTO7A-UH5 FsCT具 有 以下几方面 的特 点 (1)芯 片集成 了温度传感器 ,输 出模拟 电压 (Ⅴ 。 vT)与 %b温 度成 正 比 ,线 性控制外部与无刷 风扇 电机 串联在 一 起 的 PNP晶 体管 ,从 而控制风扇 : ; (2)外 部 晶体管 的线性控制减小 了声学噪音 在绿色模式操 作期间 ,由 于大 的滞后特性有效 抑制 , 了开/关 振荡 由于 PNP晶 体 管 作 为线 性 放 大器 工 作 ,与 PWM控 制 电路 比较 ,有 较小的 EMI和 声学噪声b 当 FSCT的 脚 0N悬 空或在该脚施加 一 个逻辑 高 电平 电压 时 ,接 通模式被激活 。在该模式下 ,输 出电压 V∞ T根 据结温 (TJ)出 现 三种特性 (a〉 着 Tl<TMs,为 防 止风扇 电机 失速 ,Vc,LlT被 : 22主 要特点 速度 接 AppⅡc油 Ⅱ 管 ,一 个 10111A的 基极 电流 ,其 发射 结正 向压 降 Ⅴ:E约 lV。 若风扇 电源 电压 VFsN+=12V,那 么施加 到风扇 上的 电压则为 V弘 M=VFANfV:E VouT=12V1V-V。 uT〓 11VV° uT TV3存 在 表 2三 种 IC参 数 比较 型号 R引 ecrc尼 : oN脚 (4脚 )输 出逻辑高 电平 (≥ 1V), 或者 oN脚 悬 空 ,选 择接通模式 ;若 在 0N脚 输 入 一 个逻辑低 电平 (≤ 03V),则 选择关断模式 (3)在 限制 ; (b)若 TMs<TJ(ToL,Vclt T随 结温被线性调节 ; (c)若 TJ)T° Lγ c,tlT被 钳位于其最小值 Vc,L(典 型值是 055Ⅴ ,最 大不超 过 07V)上 。 当在 0N脚 施加 一 个逻辑低 电平 电压 时 ,FsCT 进 入 关断模式 。在该模式 下 ,一 旦温 度超过 T。 N值 一 个滞后控制允 许系统转换到导通模式 。当系统冷 却到 T。 FF温 度 以下时 ,风 扇 则重新关断 。图 2示 出 了两种 工 作模式不 同温度 下的输 出特性 。 , ; (4)高 集成度 可只需用 一 个 (PNP晶 体管 ) 或两个 (一 只 100nF的 电容和 一 只 PNP晶 体管 )元 件 ; (5)输 出驱动 电流不低 于 10IllA,可 控制 12V, 200nlA的 DC风 扇 电机 。 3工 作 原 理 FsCT芯 片 上 的温度传感 器 ,直 接 由硅 特性产 生 。它是 一 个正 比于绝对温度 的精密 电压参考 ,其 ・ 硅热 电压 Vt为 :Vr= Kr 1(℃ 〉 (1) 图2 日 公式 中 ,K为 玻尔 兹曼常数 ,T为 绝对温 度 (Κ ), lQ℃ 「 Ⅱ 这种感测方法 ,呈 现 一 个 +2mV/℃ 的正温度系 数 。与晶体管 BE结 电压 V:E传 感方法 (带 圪mw q〓 16× 1σ ℃温 度系数 ,有 时用于热保护 )比 较 ,有 更高 的精 度 。信 号经过处理 ,可 提供期望的输 出电压范 围 。 众所周知 ,无 刷 DC电 机 的优 点是有 一 个类似 线性 的速度一 电压特性 。因此 ,风 扇速度随施加到 它 上 面 的电压变化而线性变化 。 当 FsCT的 %b感 测 的温度变化时 ,它 的输 出电压 V。 F也 随之改变 并 且 V∞ T随 温度升高而减小 ,施 加到风扇 电机上 的电压则随温度升高而增大 。对于外部 PNP晶 体 , t「 VOUT与 Tj关 系曲线 当温度低 于 TMs(37℃ )时 ,V。 uT被 钳位在 V。 Ms电 平 上 。由于 V。 Ms最 大值是 55V,根 据公式 (2)可 知 ,风 扇 上 的电压为 55V。 该 电压在大多 数风扇 电机 的失速 电压之 上 ,从 而保证在接通模式 风扇总是运转 ,避 免 了在低温下 因电压太低而 出现 虚假关断 。 当 FsCT脚 oN上 的信号为低 电平 时 ,输 出电 (Vc,LlT)为 压 高 电平 ,风 扇 因电机 上 电压过低而停 止运转 。 在 关 断模 式 ,风 扇 能够 节 约 能量 消耗 。对 于 12V、 ⒛ 0mA的 DC电 机 ,风 扇关 闭能节省 05~ 25W的 功率 。在模式关断期间 ,FsCT不 能丢 失温 / 囤 ⒛ OzI年 第 8期 (总 第 zIs期 )《 十Θ 唿 俦傅 览》 o山 ¢ Po”e`sIJPP,s口 r,,锣 TBc△ moJog/R贺 cJrch设 AppI记a劫刀 度控制 。事实上 ,在 温度过高时 ,风 扇 自动接通 。 当温度低 于 %FF时 ,为 保持节 能优 点 ,风 扇返 回到 关断模式 。 在关断模式 FsCT的 温度变化 情况如 图 3所 示 。 曲线示 出的三 种情况如下 : `● :∶ 通 状态 ,如 曲线③ 。 例如 ,FsCT17A UH5用 于 一 个 200W的 计算 机 电源 中 (FsCT17A uH5放 置 到半导体功率器件 散热器上 ),对 于 一 个 乃w的 功率消耗 ,第 一 种情 况可 以达到 。在此情况下 ,TJ稳 定在 ω ℃左 右 ,总 是低于 T。 N(71℃ )。 第 二 种情况可 以达 到 50W的 功率消耗 ,由 于 一 个大 的滞 后值 (30℃ ),开 /关 周 期 (Tp)至 少为 15分 钟 ,大 大减小 了每小时风扇 启动 次数 。第 三 种情况能达到不低 于 75W的 功率 消耗 ,电 源环境温度稳定 在 42℃ 左右 。 4安 装 考 虑 图 3 温度 变化 情 况 FsCT的 %b直 接连接到接地脚 (GND脚 ), 当 FsCT被 粘 结到散热器 上 时 ,如 果该散热器与 FsCT的 Tab是 在不 同的电压上 ,在 Tab与 散热器 之 问必须加进 电隔离垫片 。为减小热 阻 ,宜 使用夹 片将 1PPAK壳 体与散热器紧紧压在 一起 ,如 图 4 所示 。 5结 束 语 FsCT× ×A-UH5是 一种低成本 电源散热风 扇 U形 夹片将 FsCT与 散 热器 夹牢 (1)当 加热功率太低 时 ,TJ<ToN,风 扇停 留 在关断状态 ,如 (图 3)曲 线① (2)加 热功率高于第 一 种情况 ,TJ可 升至 T。 N 以上 ,但 因该功率仍然较低 ,Tl叉 降至 T。 FF。 当温 度再次升高到 T。 N时 ,风 扇又开始运转 ,于 是形成 开/关 周期 (Tp),如 曲线② (3)加 热功率高于第 二 种情况 ,TJ总 是高于 图 4用 ; 速度控制器 ,在 应 用 中仅 需外加 一 两个元件 ,无 需 使用 NTC热 敏 电阻 ,并 消除 了开/关 振荡和噪声 。 FsCT内 置温 度传感器 ,根 据温度来执行风扇速 度 的线性控制 与调节 。无刷 DC风 扇 电机 串接在 由 FsCT驱 动 的 PNp晶 体管的发射极 (集 电极接地 ), FsCT的 输 出电压与其 %b的 温度成正 比,用 作线 性控制 PNP晶 体管 ,施 加到 电机上 的 电压相应变 化 ,从 而 使风 扇速 度 改变 (其 中包括 风扇 停 止运 转 )。 ◆ ,风 扇在加热功率不减 小的情况下 ,停 留在接 T。 可 2004年 第 8期 (总 第 45期 )《 中0呻 诤博 览》 FSCTxxA-UH5 ® A.S.D.TM Application Specific Discretes FAN SPEED CONTROLER APPLICATIONS COMPUTER AND SERVER POWER SUPPLY TELECOM LOW COST VENTILATION ■ ■ ■ FEATURES Built in thermal sensor Brushless DC fan speed control Linear control and regulation of the fan speed according to the temperature Green OFF mode operation with automatic turn- ON in case of overtemperature Voltage limitation above fan stall voltage Built in linear temperature sensor 5 ■ 1 ■ IPPAK ■ ■ Fig. 1: Block Diagram. ■ ■ ON BENEFITS Low cost integrated fan speed control High integration: only one or two external components Reduced acoustic noise because of the linear control of the external transistor Power supply noise rejection Good thermal coupling with heater Reduced ON/OFF oscillation because of large hysteresis High current capability (base current higher than 10 mA) Higher accuracy than discrete circuit with NTC BIAS FSCTxxA-UH5 ■ ■ F VCC ON/OFF HIGH ON/OFF LOW VOLTAGE REF. ON REGULATION HYSTERESIS COMPARATOR OUT ■ ■ HYST.-EN TEMP. SENSOR COUT= 100nF VT DRIVER ■ ■ GND ■ ■ GENERAL DESCRIPTION The FSCTxxA-UH5 is a high-integrated low cost fan speed controller suitable for PC desktops, notebooks and server power supplies and also all kind of equipments where low cost ventilation system is needed. An internal thermal sensor connected to the tab is used to regulate the fan speed. A continuous analog voltage proportional to the tab temperature is produced at the OUT terminal and can control linearly an external PNP transistor (Fan Transistor) connected in series with a Brushless DC Fan, in order to vary its speed. The ON control terminal can be used to select two operation modes. If not connected (high impedance state) ON mode is selected by default. In Mode ON, the fan speed is regulated according to the tab temperature of the FSCT by adjusting the Vbe voltage of the PNP fan Transistor. In low temperature conditions, the fan transistor voltage is limited to about 5.5V (for a 12V fan) in order to guarantee a minimum voltage across the fan above its stalling voltage and to keep it running (see figure 3). This regulation is implemented with a high Fan supply voltage rejection. The mode OFF allows to operate in green Mode. The fan is stopped as long as the temperature remains below the TON threshold. When the temperature rises above TON the fan is forced to ON and the speed is regulated according to the temperature as in the same way as mode ON. When temperature falls below TOFF, the fan is automatically turned OFF. The hysteresis has been dimensioned large enough to reduce ON/OFF oscillations during the green mode operation. May 2003 - Ed: 1A 1/11 FSCTxxA-UH5 PINT OUT DESIGNATION Pint Out designation Description Pin TEST Test pin (must not be connected) 1 VCC Operating DC supply 2 GND Ground (internally connected to the tab) 3 ON Mode ON and OFF selection 4 OUT Output (connect to PNP fan transistor base) 5 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VCC Tj Tstg TL ESD Parameter Value Unit -0.3 to 20 V 0 to 125 °C -65 to 150 °C Lead temperature (double wave soldering) 260 °C Maximum voltage at any pin VCC V Minimum voltage at any pin -0.3 V 2 kV Supply voltage referenced to GND Operating junction temperature Storage temperature Electrostatic discharge immunity at each terminal (human body model) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continue) VCC from 9Vdc to 15Vdc, Cout = 100nF, Tj = 0°C to 125°C, otherwise specified Symbol Parameter Test conditions Value Min. Typ. Max. 1.1 3 Unit SUPPLY ICCmax Operating supply current VON = 5V or 0V VCC = 12V mA DRIVER IOL Sinking current capability VOUT = VOL and Tj = 125°C at the OUT terminal ILEAK Maximum sink leakage VOUT = 20V, VON = 0V current at OUT pin (mode Tj = 50°C OFF) VOL Minimum voltage at the VON = 5V, Tj = 125°C OUT terminal (mode ON) OUT voltage for minimum fan speed (mode ON) VOMS KSL 2/11 10 mA 10 µA 0.55 0.7 V VON = 5V, Tj from 0°C to TMS 5.3 5.5 V Static line regulation VCC = 9V to 15V, VON = 5V Tj = 25°C 0.5 VOUT temperature slope VOUT = 80% FSCT17A-UH5 VOMS to FSCT11A-UH5 20% VOMS FSCT07A-UH5 mV/V 155 165 175 100 107 114 68 72 77 mV/°C FSCTxxA-UH5 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continue) VCC within the supply voltage range, Cout = 100nF, Tj = 0°C to 125°C, otherwise specified Symbol Parameter Value Test conditions Min. Typ. TEMPERATURE MANAGEMENT (all T° threshold are guaranteed by design) Max. Unit TMS Temperature regulation VOUT = VOMS VON = 5V threshold 32 37 42 °C TON OFF mode switch ON temperature VCC = 12V VON = 0V 66 71 76 °C TOFF OFF mode switch OFF temperature VCC = 12V VON = 0V 34 39 44 °C TOL Minimum temperature for maximum speed VCC = 12V VON = 5V VOUT = VOL FSCT17A-UH5 61 66 71 °C FSCT11A-UH5 76 81 86 FSCT07A-UH5 97 102 107 FSCT17A-UH5 49 52 55 FSCT11A-UH5 56 59 62 FSCT07A-UH5 66 69 72 TV3 Tab temperature for VOUT = 3V (*) (see figure 3) VOUT = 3V VON = 5V °C ON SIGNAL VIH Voltage range for ON mode VIL Voltage range for OFF mode IS Source current at the ON pin (see figure 2) VCC = 12V ON terminal shorted to ground 1 V 10 0.3 V 25 µA (*) +/- 3°C absolute temperature dispersion applicable on all VOUT range between VOMS and VOL THERMAL PARAMETERS Symbol Rth(j-c) Parameter Thermal resistance junction to case Value Unit 3 °C/W Fig. 2: "ON" input schematic diagram. VCC IS To other blocks 50k ON 3/11 FSCTxxA-UH5 Fig. 3: Temperature slopes. VOUT(VDC) VOMS = 5.3V 5 UH A17 /°C CT mV FS 165 FS CT 11 FS CT 7m A-U 0 H5 V/ 72 7A-U °C mV H /°C 5 10 VOUT = 3V VOL = 0.6V Tj(°C) TMS=37 TV3 TOL=66 TV3 TOL=81 TOL=102 TV3 Fig. 4: ICC versus VCC for mode ON. Fig. 5: ICC versus VCC test circuit (mode ON). VCC ICC(mA) A 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 ICC Tj = 25°C VON 1V Tj = 125°C 3.8k ON Test 9 11 13 15 VCC(V) 4/11 VFAN 12V 17 19 VCC OUT GND 100nF FSCTxxA-UH5 DETAILED DESCRIPTION & APPLICATION INFORMATION 1. OUTPUT CHARACTERISTIC VERSUS TEMPERATURE 1.1 FAN speed control As it's well known, BRUSHLESS DC motors present the advantage of a quasi-linear speed-voltage characteristic. Hence, the fan speed is varying linearly versus the voltage which is applied across its terminals. The FSCT Integrated Circuit provides at its OUT terminal, a voltage which changes versus the temperature sensed through its tab. This OUT voltage decreases as temperature increases, following two modes of operation. By connecting this OUT terminal to the Base of a PNP transistor, as shown in figure 1, the FAN voltage will increase with the sensed temperature. The FAN voltage is given by the following equation: V FAN = V FAN + − V EB − V OUT (1) Typically, for a 12 V VFAN+ and a 1 V VEB voltage, this gives: V FAN (V ) = 11 − V OUT (V ) (2) It can be noticed that the PNP operates as a linear amplifier. This avoids EMI and acoustic noise compared to Pulse Width Modulation control circuits. 1.2 ON/OFF Mode Selection The figure 6 gives the algorithm flowchart of the FSCT behavior. First, two modes of operation are distinguished by the ON pin signal. Mode ON: activated when ON pin is at High Level or Not Connected (thanks to an internal Pull-up curren source "IS") Mode OFF: activated when ON pin is at Low Level. ■ ■ During Mode ON, the OUT voltage follows a three-parts characteristic, according to its junction temperature (Tj): Tj < TMS: in this case, VOUT is limited to VOMS to avoid stalling the fan rotor TMS < Tj < TOL: VOUT is linearly regulated versus the junction temperature Tj > TOL: in this case, VOUT is clamped to its minimum value (VOL). ■ ■ ■ During Mode OFF, an Hysteresis control allows the system to switch to mode ON only if the temperature exceeds the TON value. The Fan is turned back off, if the system is cooled enough to lower the temperature below TOFF. The figure 7 sums up the FSCT Output characteristic versus the temperature, for the two operation modes. 1.3 Minimum speed (mode ON) Mode ON allows users to ensure that the FAN will be always ON, whatever the ambient temperature is. The OUT voltage is clamped to VOMS for low temperature (below TMS = 37 °C typically). The VOMS has been set to 5.5 V max , thus the minimum voltage applied across the FAN is 5.5 V (according to Equation 2). This voltage is above stalling value of most fans and will then ensure that the controlled FAN will always run, in mode ON, avoiding spurious turn-off due to too low voltage at low temperature. Annoying noises due to FAN repetitive starts up are also suppressed. Fig. 6: FSCT behavior flow-chart. BEGIN ON is LOW ? yes FAN OFF (V OUT = V CC) no Tj > T ON ? no yes FAN ON VOUT = V OMS – kSL.(Tj – TMS) OR VOUT = V OMS IF Tj < T MS OR VOUT = V OL IF Tj > T OL FAN ON VOUT = V OMS – kSL.(Tj – TMS) OR VOUT = V OL IF Tj > T OL Tj < T OFF ? no yes FAN OFF VOUT = V CC 5/11 FSCTxxA-UH5 2. Hysteresis control (mode OFF) FSCT can be shut down by the ON signal. When, this signal is low, the OUT pin is at high level, i.e. the FAN is turned off. This mode enables to save the energy wasted by the FAN in case of operations at very low output power. For a 12 V supply voltage, the shut-down of the FAN brings a 0.5 to 2.5 W power saving (for a 200 mA 12 V DC motor). During the mode OFF, the FSCT doesn't lose temperature control; indeed, in case of over-temperature, the FAN is automatically switched on. This safety feature protects the power supply or the semiconductor devices from unexpected over-temperature. In order to keep the energy saving benefit, the FSCT turns back off the FAN when the temperature falls below TOFF threshold. In practice, three cases can appear for a constant applied heating power (for instance, the output power of the power supply where the FSCT is used) (cf. figure 8): Case 1: the heating power is too low, and keeps Tj below TON. The FAN remains OFF. Case 2: the heating power is high enough to raise Tj above TON. But, as this power is quite low, Tj falls down TOFF, and the temperature starts again to increase, up to TON. This results in a FAN ON/OFF periodical cycle. Case 3: the heating power is higher that in case 2, so that Tj remains above TOFF. The FAN stays ON in that case, unless the heating power decreases. For example, with a 200 W computer power supply, working with a FSCT17 device put on the power semiconductors heatsink, Case 1 could be reached for a 25 W output power consumption (Tj will stabilize around 60 °C, i.e. below typical TON). Case 2 could be reached for a 50 W power consumption. Then, thanks to the large Hysteresis value (30 °C typ.), the ON/OFF period (refer to TP on figure 8) lasts approximately 15 minutes. This is long enough to avoid too many FAN starts-up cycle per hour. Case 3 could be reached for a 75W, or higher, power consumption. For 75W, the power supply ambient temperature stabilizes itself around 42°C. It should be noted that, for Case 3, such steady state points of operation, are allowed due to the fact that the OUT voltage follows the same linear law as that in ON mode. Then, the Hysteresis control is smarter than a simple ON/OFF control mode. ■ ■ ■ Fig. 7: OUT voltage versus junction temperature. VOUT VCC Mode OFF VOMS Mode ON VOL TMS 6/11 TOFF TOL TON Tj(°C) FSCTxxA-UH5 Fig. 8: Temperature evolution cases in mode OFF. Tj TP TON TOFF 3 2 1 Time 3. Internal temperature sensor 3.1 Temperature sensor linear response FSCT devices feature an internal temperature sensor. This sensor results directly from silicon properties. It is actually a voltage reference which is proportional to the absolute temperature, as it is an image of the Silicon thermal voltage "Vt" (refer to the following equation). k : Boltzmann cons tant k ⋅T with: T : absolute temperature (K ) Vt = q q = 16 . ⋅ 10 −19C This sensing method, which presents a positive temperature coefficient of +2mV/°C is preferred to a VBE sensing method (-2mV/°C, sometimes used in thermal protections) because of its better accuracy (low impact of process dispersions). This signal is then processed to provide the desired OUT voltage range. This internal sensor allows users not to use a Negative Temperature Coefficient thermistor (NTC). Hence, users get rid of Joule effect, due to NTC bias current, that disturbs the temperature measurement. Furthermore, the FSCT response is linear with the temperature. This simplifies the thermal study and the heat sink rating for the power supply components or for the microprocessor. NTC thermistors users need also to add a fixed resistor in order to get a linear thermal response from such kind of sensor. The linear behavior is also only ensured for a restricted temperature range. 3.2 IPPAK mounting considerations First, it should be noted that the tab is directly connected to the GND pin; then care must be taken when the FSCT is glued to a heatsink. If this heatsink is at a differential voltage that the Ground, an electrical insulator has to be added between the tab and the heat-sink. Using non-isolated Through-Hole package like the IPPAK offers also a lot of benefits, compared to NTC bulbs. Indeed, NTC do not offer a flat area like IPPAK package. Users need to add some glue to ensure contact of the NTC bulb and the heat sink, at the cost of an increase in the thermal impedance and response. 7/6 FSCTxxA-UH5 Two components should be used to improve the heat exchange between the FSCT die and the heat sink, that the temperature has to be monitored. These components are: A thermal interface pad, in order to reduce the impact of air voids on the thermal impedance and to ensure an electrical insulation (if needed) A clip to push the IPPAK against the heat sink and then to reduce also the interface thermal impedance. Several clips can be used depending on the heat sink type: Saddle clips (cf. figure 9) for slim heat sink; U-clips (cf. figure 10) for thick heat sink Dedicated clips for special shape heat sink. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Fig. 9: IPPAK mounted with a Saddle clip. Fig. 10: IPPAK mounted with a U-clip. It can be noticed that the thickness of the IPPAK package (2.3 +/- 0.1 mm) is similar to those of SOT-32 and SOT-82 (2.55 +/- 0.15 mm). The same clips can so be used for all these packages. 3.3 Temperature measurement error Firstly, the time constant between a temperature variation on the external side on the IPPAK tab, and the silicon die is in the range of a few hundred of milliseconds. As temperature phenomena are extremely slow for the targeted applications (the temperature of a MOSFET heat sink, increases typically with an 1°C per second rate, in a power supply), the FSCT is able to react immediately to over-heating events. Moreover, the very low junction to case thermal resistance (3 °C/W) reduces as much as possible the temperature measurement error. We calculate, in the following, this error considering both the package and the heatsink-Tab interface thermal resistances (figure 11). Several companies offer adhesive and isolating materials to be used as interface between electronic devices and a heat sink. These interfaces can be provided with a shape dedicated for the Tab foot print. For the IPPAK package, users could choose a shape dedicated for SOT-32, SOT-82 or even TO-126 or TO-220 packages (the more can do the less). 8/11 Fig. 11: IPPAK Heatsink Interface. Interface FSCTxxA-UH5 These interfaces offer very low thermal resistance. For example, the Sil-Pad® 800 family, from BERGQUIST, which is designed for low cost applications and low mounting pressures, present a typical thermal impedance of 0.45 °C.in²/W. This impedance can increase up to 0.92 °C.in²/W for a 10 psi pressure, which is below the normal atmospheric one (1 atm = 1013 hPa = 1013 x 15.4 x 10-3 = 15.6 psi). Furthermore, a mounting clip will apply a force between 15 to 50 N. This leads to a 25 to 200 psi pressure. In this case, the thermal impedance varies from 0.6 to 0.29 °C.in²/W for the Sil-Pad® 800 family. For the example, we take the worst case hypothesis of a 1°C.in²/W interface between the FSCT case and the heat sink. We take into account only the tab surface for the heat exchange. This surface equals typically: S = 4.7 x 5.1 mm2 = 0.037 in2 This yields to a supplementary resistance of: Rthc-h = 1/0.037 = 27°C/W Then, the maximum power dissipated in the FSCT, for the maximum output power, is given by the following equation: Pmax = I CC ⋅ V CC + I OUT ⋅ V OMS The following numerical application gives (for a 150 mA FAN DC current, a 80 gain for the PNP and a 12 V power supply): IOUT = 150 / 80 = 1.87mA Pmax = 3 × 12 × 10 −3 + 187 . × 5.5 × 10 −3 = 46mW Then, the temperature error is: ∆T = 0.046 × (3 + 27 ) = 138 . °C The temperature sensing error can then be neglected whan one considers the operation range (from 0 to 100 °C), even with low cost interface material and without any mounting clip. For example, with a higher pressure, thanks to a clip, this error could be divided by three. 4. TEMPERATURE/VOLTAGE SLOPE CHANGE The OUT voltage versus temperature characteristic of the FSCT has been designed to fit majority cases of application, in the field of PC power supplies. The advantage for the user is to have a minimum count of components while achieving a smart temperature regulation. Nevertheless, some applications require dedicated temperature regulation characteristic. Figure 13 provides an example of a solution which allows to change the ratio between PNP base voltage and the temperature. This schematic only requires a dual Fig. 12: Modified characteristics. single-voltage amplifier (in DIL8 package for example) and less than ten supplementary resistors. VOUT This schematic keeps the advantage of applying a VNEW constant minimum voltage (VOMS) below TMS temperature. Indeed, the U1A operational amplifier subtracts 5.1 V (thanks to the D1 Zener diode, refer to VREF) from VOUT. This means that the ratio Mode OFF change is only taken into account when VOUT is VOMS lower than 5.1 V. For higher voltages (VOMS in mode Mode ON ON or VCC in mode OFF), the new base to GND voltage (VNEW) remains the same (cf. figure 12). Step-down So, if one wants to increase accurately the voltage-temperature ratio, i.e. that VOUT will decrease more quickly when Tj increases, figure TOFF TON Tj(°C) 13 schematics should be implemented. Indeed, the voltage at the operational amplifier U1B (which acts as a follower) output is: V NEW = V OUT if V OUT > V REF RN V NEW = V OUT − RD ⋅ (V REF − V OUT ) otherwise 9/11 FSCTxxA-UH5 Fig. 13: Step-down OUT voltage schematic. PARAMETERS: RD = 33k RN = 68k RF = 130k VCC VCC R2 {RN} 1 M1 U2 R1 5 U1A 4 {RD} ON TEST 2 R6 1 3 FAN MOTOR R9 {RF} GND 8 3 MC33172 2 OUT + 4 1 VCC - 2 FSCT VCC {RF} U1B VCC R7 5V1 10/11 C1 VREF 2N2907 {RF} {RD} DZ Q1 + R4 MC33172 7 5 R3 1k - 6 2n2 R5 {RN} VOUT R8 {RF} VNEW FSCTxxA-UH5 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA IPPAK DIMENSIONS REF. Millimeters Min. E A B2 C2 L2 D L1 H B3 B B6 L A1 V1 C e B5 G1 G Order code Marking FSCT17A-UH5 FSCT17A FSCT11A-UH5 FSCT11A FSCT07A-UH5 FSCT07A A A1 B B2 B3 B5 B6 C C2 D E e G G1 H L L1 L2 V1 Typ. 2.20 0.90 0.40 5.20 Inches Max Min. 2.40 1.10 0.60 5.40 0.70 0.086 0.035 0.015 0.204 0.30 0.094 0.043 0.023 0.212 0.027 0.039 0.023 0.023 0.244 0.259 0.017 0.018 0.236 0.215 1.27 4.9 2.38 15.90 9.00 0.80 Max. 0.011 1.00 0.60 0.60 6.20 6.60 0.45 0.48 6.00 6.40 Typ. 0.050 5.25 2.70 16.30 9.40 1.20 0.80 1.00 10° 0.192 0.093 0.625 0.354 0.031 0.206 0.106 0.641 0.370 0.047 0.031 0.039 10° Package Weight Delivery mode Base qty IPPAK 0.4 g Tube 75 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics © 2003 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All rights reserved. STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - Canada - China - Finland - France - Germany Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States. http://www.st.com 11/11