Highly Integrated 3-Phase BLDC Sinusoidal Sensorless Motor Fan Drivers and Dual Full-Bridge Drivers More Cost Effective and Faster Time to Market 3-Phase BLDC Sinusoidal Motor Drivers The MTD6501C/D/2B/5 product family is a 3-phase fullwave sensorless driver for brushless DC (BLDC) motors. It features 180° sinusoidal drive, high torque output and silent drive. With the adaptive features, parameters and wide range of power-supplies, the MTD6501C/D/2B/5 are intended to cover a broad range of motor characteristics, while requiring minimum external components. Speed control can be achieved through either power supply modulation (PSM) or pulse-width modulation (PWM). The compact packaging and the minimal bill-of-material make the MTD6501C/D/2B/5 product family extremely cost efficient in fan applications. For example, the CPU cooling fans in notebook computers require designs that provide low acoustic noise, low mechanical vibration, and are highly efficient. The frequency generator (FG) output enables precision speed control in closed-loop applications. Vmax Fsw MTD6501C Device 15.3V 20 kHz Thermally enhanced SOIC-8 Package FG, PWM, Lockup recovery MTD6501D 15.3V 20 kHz MSOP-10 FG, PWM, Boost, Lockup recovery MTD6501G 15.3V 23 kHz Thermally enhanced SOIC-8 FG, PWM, Lockup recovery MTD6502B 5.5V 30 kHz TDFN-10 FG, PWM, DIR, Lockup recovery MTD6505 5.5V 30 kHz UDFN-10 FG, PWM, DIR, Lockup recovery, programmable BEMF coefficient Features The MTD6501C/D/2B/5 includes Lockup Protection mode to turn off the output current when the motor is in a lock condition, with an automatic recovery feature to restart the fan when the lock condition is removed. Motor overcurrent limitation and thermal shutdown protection are included for safety enhanced operations. MTD6505 Application CIrcuit Diagram PWM FG MTD6505 PROG DIR VBIAS VDD VDD C2 OUT1 OUT3 OUT2 GND Features C1 ■■ 180° sinusoidal drive, for high efficiency and low acoustic noise ■■ Position sensorless BLDC Motor Drivers (no hall-effect sensor required) ■■ Integrated power transistors ■■ Speed control through Power Supply Modulation (PSM) and/or Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) ■■ Built-in frequency generator (FG Output Signal) ■■ Built-in lockup protection and automatic ■■ Recovery circuit ■■ Built-in overcurrent limitation ■■ Built-in thermal shutdown protection ■■ No external tuning required Applications ■■ 3-phase BLDC motors ■■ 3-phase BLDC fans ■■ Pumps; e.g. water pumps Dual Full-Bridge Drivers The MTS2916A/MTS62C19A motor drivers are integrated circuit to drive both windings of a bipolar stepper motor or bi-directionally control of two DC motors. The two output bridges can sustain 40V and deliver up to 750 mA of continuous current each. The maximum output current, controlled by a PWM circuit, is determined by the user’s selection of a reference voltage, a sensing resistor and two logic inputs. The outputs have been optimized for a low output saturation voltage drop. Device Features ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Load voltage supply range: 10V to 40V Output current up to 750 mA (each bridge) Internal fixed Toff time PWM current control Built-in protection diodes Internal thermal shutdown Under-voltage lockout LS-TTL compatible logic inputs with pull-up resistors Low Ron output resistance Low quiescent current Industry standard footprint Vmax IOUT Package Features MTS2916A 40V 750 mA SOIC-24 Selectable output current limit, Current direction control, Power bridge gate control, Current level control MTS62C19A 40V 750 mA SOIC-24 Selectable output current limit, Current direction control, Power bridge gate control, Current level control Development Tools MTD6505 3-Phase BLDC Sensorless Fan Controller Demonstration Board (ADM00345) MTS2916A Stepper Driver Evaluation Board (ADM00308) www.microchip.com/analog Visit our web site for additional product information and to locate your local sales office. Microchip Technology Inc. • 2355 W. Chandler Blvd. • Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 Information subject to change. The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, dsPIC, PIC are registered trademarks and MiWi, PICtail and ZENA are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. © 2012, Microchip Technology Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 06/12 DS22310B *DS22310B*