MX929B COMMUNICATION SEMICONDUCTORS DATA BULLETIN 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Features Applications 4-Level Root Raised Cosine FSK Modulation RD-LAP¥ ¥ Systems Half Duplex, 4800 to 19.2kbps RCR STD-47 Systems Increase Channel Bit Rate/Hz Two Way Paging Systems Full Data Packet Framing Mobile Data Systems Impulse and NRZ Signal Modes Wireless Telemetry Enhanced Performance in Noisy Conditions DataTAC¥ ¥ Terminals Error Detection and Error Correction Portable Wireless Data Equipment Low Power 3.3V/5.0V Operation MX929B RADIO MODULATOR ANALOG TX RF DISCRIMINATOR ANALOG RX MODEM DATA PUMP HOST µC DATA AND CONTROL BUS SYSTEM APPLICATION PROCESSING The MX929B is a low voltage CMOS device containing all of the baseband signal processing and Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol functions required for a high performance 4-level FSK Wireless Packet Data Modem. It interfaces with the modem host C and the radio modulation/demodulation circuits to deliver reliable two-way transfer of the application data over a wireless link. The MX929B assembles application data received from the host C, adds forward error correction (FEC) and error detection (CRC) information, and interleaves the result for burst-error protection. After automatically adding symbol and frame sync codewords, the data packet is converted into filtered 4-level analog signals for modulating the radio transmitter. In receive mode, the MX929B performs the reverse function using the analog signals from the receiver discriminator. After error correction and removal of the packet overhead, the recovered application data is supplied to the host C. CRC detected residual uncorrected data errors will be flagged. Readout of the SNR value during receipt of a packet is also provided. The MX929B uses data block sizes and FEC/CRC Algorithms that are compatible with RD-LAP and RCR STD-47 over-air-standards. The device is programmable to operate at standard bit rates from a wide range of Xtal/clock frequencies. The MX929B may be used with a 3.0V to 5.5V power supply and is available in the following package styles: 24-pin SSOP (MX929BDS), 24-pin SOIC (MX929BDW), and 24-pin PDIP (MX929BP). ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 2 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION CONTENTS Section Page 1. Block Diagram ............................................................................................................... 6 2. Signal List ...................................................................................................................... 7 3. External Components ................................................................................................... 8 4. General Description .................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Description of Blocks ....................................................................................................... 10 4.1.1 Data Bus Buffers................................................................................................................... 10 4.1.2 Address and R/W Decode .................................................................................................... 10 4.1.3 Status and Data Quality Registers ........................................................................................ 10 4.1.4 Command, Mode, and Control Registers ............................................................................. 10 4.1.5 Data Buffer............................................................................................................................ 10 4.1.6 CRC Generator/Checker ...................................................................................................... 10 4.1.7 FEC Generator/Checker ....................................................................................................... 10 4.1.8 Interleave/De-Interleave Buffer ............................................................................................. 10 4.1.9 Frame Sync Detect ............................................................................................................... 10 4.1.10 Rx Input Amp ........................................................................................................................ 11 4.1.11 RRC Low Pass Filter............................................................................................................. 11 4.1.12 Tx Output Buffer ................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.13 Rx Level/Clock Extraction ..................................................................................................... 13 4.1.14 Clock Oscillator and Dividers ................................................................................................ 13 4.2 Modem - µC Interaction ................................................................................................... 13 4.3 Binary to Symbol Translation ........................................................................................... 14 4.4 Frame Structure............................................................................................................... 15 4.5 The Programmer's View .................................................................................................. 16 4.5.1 Data Block Buffer .................................................................................................................. 16 4.5.2 Command Register ............................................................................................................... 17 Command Register B7: AQSC - Acquire Symbol Clock ............................................ 17 Command Register B6: AQLEV - Acquire Receive Signal Levels ............................. 17 Command Register B5: CRC .................................................................................... 17 Command Register B4: TXIMP - Tx Level/Impulse Shape ........................................ 17 Command Register B3 - Reserved ............................................................................ 17 Command Register B2, B1, B0: TASK....................................................................... 18 NULL: No effect .......................................................................................................... 19 SFP: Search for Frame Preamble .............................................................................. 19 RHB: Read Header Block........................................................................................... 20 RILB: Read 'Intermediate' or 'Last' Block ................................................................... 20 SFS: Search for Frame Sync...................................................................................... 20 R4S: Read 4 Symbols ................................................................................................ 20 RSID: Read Station ID................................................................................................ 20 T24S: Transmit 24 Symbols ....................................................................................... 21 THB: Transmit Header Block...................................................................................... 21 ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump TIB: Transmit Intermediate Block ............................................................................... 21 TLB: Transmit Last Block ........................................................................................... 21 T4S: Transmit 4 Symbols ........................................................................................... 21 TSID: Transmit Station ID ............................................................................................ 22 RESET: Stop any current action................................................................................. 22 Task Timing................................................................................................................ 22 RRC Filter Delay......................................................................................................... 23 Control Register .................................................................................................................... 24 Control Register B7, B6: CKDIV - Clock Division Ratio.............................................. 24 Control Register B5, B4: FSTOL - Frame Sync Tolerance to Inexact Matches ......... 24 Control Register B3, B2: LEVRES - Level Measurement Modes ............................... 25 Control Register B1, B0: PLLBW - Phase-Locked Loop Bandwidth Modes............... 25 4.5.4 Mode Register....................................................................................................................... 26 Mode Register B7: IRQEN - IRQ Output Enable....................................................... 26 Mode Register B6: INVSYM - Invert Symbols ............................................................ 26 Mode Register B5: TX/RX - Tx/Rx Mode.................................................................. 26 Mode Register B4: RXEYE - Show Rx Eye ................................................................ 27 Mode Register B3: PSAVE - Powersave.................................................................... 27 Mode Register B2: SSIEN - 'S' Symbol IRQ Enable .................................................. 27 Mode Register B1, B0: SSYM - 'S' Symbol To Be Transmitted................................. 27 4.5.5 Status Register ..................................................................................................................... 28 Status Register B7: IRQ - Interrupt Request .............................................................. 28 Status Register B6: BFREE - Data Block Buffer Free................................................ 28 Status Register B5: IBEMPTY - Interleave Buffer Empty........................................... 28 Status Register B4: DIBOVF - De-Interleave Buffer Overflow ................................... 29 Status Register B3: CRCERR - CRC Checksum Error .............................................. 29 Status Register B2: 'S' Symbol Ready........................................................................ 29 Status Register B1, B0: SVAL - Received 'S' Symbol Value ...................................... 29 4.5.6 Data Quality Register ............................................................................................................ 29 CRC, FEC and Interleaving.............................................................................................. 30 4.6.1 4.7 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 4.5.3 4.6 Page 3 of 50 Cyclic Redundancy Codes .................................................................................................... 30 CRC0.......................................................................................................................... 30 CRC1.......................................................................................................................... 30 CRC2.......................................................................................................................... 30 Forward Error Correction............................................................................................ 30 Interleaving ................................................................................................................. 31 Transmitted Symbol Shape.............................................................................................. 31 ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 4 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 5. Application................................................................................................................... 33 5.1 Transmit Frame Example................................................................................................. 33 5.2 Receive Frame Example.................................................................................................. 36 5.3 Clock Extraction and Level Measurement Systems ......................................................... 39 5.3.1 Supported Types of Systems................................................................................................ 39 5.3.2 Clock and Level Acquisition Procedures with RF Carrier Detect .......................................... 39 5.3.3 Clock and Level Acquisition Procedure without RF Carrier Detect....................................... 39 5.3.4 Automatic Acquisition Functions ........................................................................................... 40 5.4 AC Coupling..................................................................................................................... 40 5.5 Radio Performance.......................................................................................................... 42 5.6 Received Signal Quality Monitor ...................................................................................... 43 6. Performance Specification......................................................................................... 44 6.1 Electrical Performance..................................................................................................... 44 6.1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings .................................................................................................. 44 6.1.2 Operating Limits.................................................................................................................... 44 6.1.3 Operating Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 45 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.2 Operating Characteristics Notes: ............................................................................... 46 Timing ................................................................................................................................... 46 Timing Notes: ............................................................................................................. 46 Typical Bit Error Rate ............................................................................................................ 48 Packaging........................................................................................................................ 49 MX-COM, Inc. Reserves the right to change specifications at any time and without notice ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 5 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Figures Figure Page Figure 1: Block Diagram ................................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 2: Recommended External Components .............................................................................................. 8 Figure 3: Typical Modem C connections ...................................................................................................... 10 Figure 4: Translation of Binary Data to Filtered 4-Level Symbols in Tx Mode................................................ 11 Figure 5: RRC Filter Frequency Response vs. Bit Rate (including the external RC filter R4/C5) .................. 12 Figure 6: RRC Filter Frequency Response vs. Symbol Rate (including the external RC filter R4/C5)........... 12 Figure 7: Over-Air Signal Format.................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 8: Alternative Frame Structures........................................................................................................... 16 Figure 9: Transmit Task Overlapping ............................................................................................................. 18 Figure 10: Receive Task Overlapping ............................................................................................................ 19 Figure 11: Transmit Task Timing Diagram ..................................................................................................... 23 Figure 12: Receive Task Timing Diagram ...................................................................................................... 23 Figure 13: RRC Low Pass Filter Delay ........................................................................................................... 23 Figure 14: Ideal 'RXEYE' Signal ..................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 15: Typical Data Quality Reading vs S/N............................................................................................. 29 Figure 16: Input Signal to RRC Filter in Tx Mode for TXIMP = 0 and 1 ......................................................... 31 Figure 17: Tx Signal Eye TXIMP = 0 .............................................................................................................. 31 Figure 18: Tx Signal Eye TXIMP = 1 .............................................................................................................. 32 Figure 19: Transmit Frame Example Flowchart, Main Program .................................................................... 34 Figure 20: Tx Interrupt Service Routine.......................................................................................................... 35 Figure 21: Receive Frame Example Flowchart, Main Program....................................................................... 37 Figure 22: Rx Interrupt Service routine........................................................................................................... 38 Figure 23: Acquisition Sequence Timing ........................................................................................................ 39 Figure 24: Effect of AC Coupling on BER (without FEC)................................................................................ 40 Figure 25: Decay Time - AC Coupling ............................................................................................................ 41 Figure 26: Typical Connections between Radio and MX929B ....................................................................... 42 Figure 27: Received Signal Quality Monitor Flowchart ................................................................................... 43 Figure 28: C Parallel Interface Timings ........................................................................................................ 47 Figure 29: Typical Bit Error Rate With and Without FEC ............................................................................... 48 Figure 30: 24-pin SOIC Mechanical Outline: Order as part no. MX929BDW ................................................ 49 Figure 31: 24-pin SSOP Mechanical Outline: Order as part no. MX929BDS................................................ 49 Figure 32: 24-pin PDIP Mechanical Outline: Order as part no. MX929BP .................................................... 50 ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 6 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 1. Block Diagram STATUS REGISTER IRQ DATA QUALITY REGISTER µCONTROLLER INTERFACE 8 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 COMMAND REGISTER DATA BUS BUFFERS CONTROL REGISTER DATA BUFFER WR RD CRC GENERATOR/ CHECKER FEC ENCODER/ DECODER ADDRESS AND R/W DECODE CS A0 A1 FRAME SYNC DETECT INTERLEAVE/ DE-INTERLEAVE VDD VDD MODE REGISTER VBIAS Tx Symbols Rx Symbols VSS RXAMPOUT Rx Input Amp VBIAS RXIN DOC1 Tx Rx RRC LOW PASS FILTER XTAL VBIAS CLOCK OSCILLATOR AND DIVIDERS Rx Tx Rx LEVEL/CLOCK EXTRACTION DOC2 RxEye Rx TXOUT Tx Tx Output Buffer XTAL / CLOCK Figure 1: Block Diagram ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 7 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 2. Signal List Pin No. Signal Type 1 IRQ output 2 D7 BUS 3 D6 BUS 4 D5 BUS 5 D4 BUS 6 D3 BUS 7 D2 BUS 8 D1 BUS 9 Description A 'wire-ORable' output for connection to the host C's Interrupt Request input. When active, this output has a low impedance pull down to VSS. It has high impedance when inactive. Pins 2-9 (D7-D0) are 8-bit, bi-directional, 3-state C interface data lines D0 BUS 10 RD input Read. An active low logic level input used to control the reading of data from the modem into the host C. 11 WR input Write. An active low logic level input used to control the writing of data into the modem from the host C. 12 VSS power Negative supply (ground). 13 CS input Chip Select. An active low logic level input to the modem used to enable a data read or write operation. 14 A0 input Logic level modem register select input 15 A1 input 16 XTAL output Logic level modem register select input 17 XTAL/CLOCK input 18 DOC 2 output Connection to the Rx level measurement circuitry. Should be capacitive coupled to VSS. 19 DOC 1 output Connection to the Rx level measurement circuitry. Should be capacitive coupled to VSS 20 TXOUT output Tx signal output from the modem. 21 VBIAS output A bias line for the internal circuitry held at VDD /2. This pin must be bypassed to VSS by a capacitor mounted close to the device pins. 22 RXIN input 23 RXAMPOUT output Output of the Rx input amplifier. 24 VDD power Positive supply. Levels and voltages are dependent upon this supply. This pin should be bypassed to VSS by a capacitor mounted close to the device pins. Output of the on-chip oscillator. Input to the on-chip oscillator, for an external Xtal circuit or clock. Input to the Rx input amplifier. Note: Internal protection diodes are connected from each signal pin to VDD and VSS. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 8 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 3. External Components µCONTROLLER INTERFACE VDD 1 2 3 4 IRQ D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RD WR 5 6 7 8 9 VSS CS A0 A1 MX929B 10 11 12 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 VDD C8 C1 R2 RXAMPOUT RXIN VBIAS TXOUT To Tx Frequency Modulator R4 DOC1 DOC2 XTAL/CLOCK XTAL A1 A0 CS From Rx FM Discriminator R1 C6 C7 17 C5 C2 XTAL/CLOCK C3 X1 R3 16 C4 XTAL Figure 2: Recommended External Components Component R1 R2 R3 R4 C1 C2 C3 ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Notes 1 Value 100k 1M 100k 0.1 µF 0.1 µF 3 Tolerance 20% 5% 20% 5% 20% 20% 20% Component C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 Notes 3 4 5 5 4 X1 2 Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Value Fax: 336 744 5054 Tolerance 20% 5% 20% 20% 5% Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 9 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Recommended External Component Notes: 1. See Section 4.1.10. 2. For best results, a crystal oscillator design should drive the clock inverter input with signal levels of at least 40% of VDD, peak to peak. Tuning fork crystals generally cannot meet this requirement. To obtain crystal oscillator design assistance, consult your crystal manufacturer. 3. The values used for C3 and C4 should be suitable for the frequency of the crystal X1. As a guide, values (including stray capacitance) of 33pF at 1MHz falling to 18pF at 10MHz will generally prove suitable. Crystal frequency tolerances are discussed in Section 4. Values C5 and C8 should be equal to 750,000 / symbol rate, e.g. Symbol Rate C5 and C8 2400 symbols/second 330pF 4800 symbols/second 150pF 9600 symbols/second 82pF 5. Values C6 and C7 should be equal to 50,000 / symbol rate, e.g. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Symbol Rate C6 and C7 2400 symbols/second 0.022F 4800 symbols/second 0.01F 9600 symbols/second 4700pF Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 10 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 4. General Description 4.1 4.1.1 Description of Blocks Data Bus Buffers Eight bi-directional 3-state logic level buffers between the modem's internal registers and the host µC's data bus lines. 4.1.2 Address and R/W Decode This block controls the transfer of data bytes between the µC and the modem's internal registers according to the state of the Write and Read Enable inputs ( WR and RD ), the Chip Select input ( CS ), and the Register Address inputs A0 and A1. The Data Bus Buffers, Address, and R/W Decode blocks provide a byte-wide parallel µC interface, which can be memory-mapped, as shown in Figure 3. D0:7 D0:7 Data Bus A0:1 A0:1 Address Bus A2:7 µC Address Decode Circuit MODEM VDD IRQ pull up resistor IRQ CS IRQ WR RD WR RD Figure 3: Typical Modem 2C connections 4.1.3 Status and Data Quality Registers Two 8-bit registers which the µC can read to determine the status of the modem and received data quality. 4.1.4 Command, Mode, and Control Registers The values written by the µC to these 8-bit registers control the operation of the modem. 4.1.5 Data Buffer A 12-byte buffer used to hold, receive or transmit data to or from the µC. 4.1.6 CRC Generator/Checker A circuit which generates (in transmit mode) or checks (in receive mode) the Cyclic Redundancy Checksum bits, which may be included in the transmitted data blocks so the receive modem can detect transmission errors. 4.1.7 FEC Generator/Checker In transmit mode, this circuit adds Forward Error Correction bits to the transmitted data, resulting in the conversion of binary data to 4-level symbols. In receive mode, this circuit translates received 4-level symbols to binary data, using the FEC information to correct a large proportion of transmission errors. 4.1.8 Interleave/De-Interleave Buffer This circuit interleaves data symbols within a block before transmission and de-interleaves the received data so that the FEC system is best able to handle short noise bursts or fades. 4.1.9 Frame Sync Detect This circuit, which is only active in receive mode, is used to look for the 24-symbol Frame Synchronization pattern that is transmitted to mark the start of every frame. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 11 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 4.1.10 Rx Input Amp This amplifier allows the received signal input to the modem to be set to the optimum level by suitable selection of the external components R1 and R2. The value of R1 should be calculated to give 0.2 x VDD voltsP-P at the RXAMPOUT pin for a received '...+3 +3 -3 -3 ...' sequence. A capacitor may be placed in series with R1 if ac coupling of the received signal is desired (see Section 5.4), otherwise the DC level of the received signal should be adjusted so that the signal at the modem's RXAMPOUT pin is centered around VBIAS (VDD/2). 4.1.11 RRC Low Pass Filter This filter, which is used in both transmit and receive modes, is a linear-phase lowpass filter with a 'Root Raised Cosine' frequency response defined by: H( f ) = 1 for 0 < f < 1- b 2T 5 ( 5Tf - ) 2 1 sin 1- b b for 2 2 2T H( f ) = H( f ) = 0 for f > Where <f < 1+ b 2T 1+ b 2T b = 0.2, T= 1 symbol rate This frequency response is illustrated in Figure 5 and Figure 6. In transmit mode, the 4-level symbols are passed through this filter to eliminate the high frequency components which would otherwise cause interference into adjacent radio channels. The input applied to the RRC Tx filter may be impulses or full-width symbols depending on the setting of the Command Register TXIMP bit. See Section 4.7. +3 MX929B Bit pairs Data Encoding +1 -1 -3 binary symbol Symbols Transmit filter Frequency modulator Modem Figure 4: Translation of Binary Data to Filtered 4-Level Symbols in Tx Mode In receive mode, the filter is used to reject HF noise and to equalize the received signal to a form suitable for extracting the 4-level symbols. The equalization characteristics are determined by the setting of the Command Register TXIMP bit. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 12 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 0 -5 -10 dB -15 -20 -25 -30 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Frequency / Bit Rate Figure 5: RRC Filter Frequency Response vs. Bit Rate (including the external RC filter R4/C5) 0 -5 -10 dB -15 -20 -25 -30 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Frequency / Symbol Rate Figure 6: RRC Filter Frequency Response vs. Symbol Rate (including the external RC filter R4/C5) 4.1.12 Tx Output Buffer This is a unity gain amplifier used in the transmit mode to buffer the output of the Tx low pass filter. In receive mode, the input of this buffer is connected to VBIAS, unless the RXEYE bit of the Control Register is '1', in which case it is connected to the received signal. When changing from Rx to Tx mode, the input to this buffer will be connected to VBIAS for 8 symbol times while the RRC filter settles. Note: The RC low pass filter formed by the external components R4 and C5 between the TXOUT pin and the input to the radio's frequency modulator forms an important part of the transmit signal filtering. These components may form part of any DC level-shifting and gain adjustment circuitry. The value used for C5 should take into account stray circuit capacitance, and its ground connection should be positioned to give maximum attenuation of high frequency noise into the modulator. The signal at the TXOUT pin is centered around VBIAS. It is approximately 0.2 x VDD voltsP-P for a continuous ’+3 +3 -3 -3...' pattern with TXIMP = 0. For typical Tx Eye Diagrams refer to Section 4.7, Figure 17 and Figure 18. For typical Rx Eye Diagrams refer to Section, Figure 14. A capacitor may be placed in series with the input to the frequency modulator if AC coupling is desired. See Section 5.4. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 13 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 4.1.13 Rx Level/Clock Extraction These circuits, which operate only in receive mode, derive a symbol rate clock from the received signal and measure the received signal amplitude and DC offset. This information is then used to extract the received 4level symbols and also to provide an input to the received Data Quality measuring circuit. The external capacitors C6 and C7 form part of the received signal level measuring circuit. The capacitors C6 and C7 are driven from a very high impedance source so any measurement of the voltages on the DOC pins must be made via high input impedance (MOS input) voltage followers to avoid disturbance of the level measurement circuits. Further details of the level and clock extraction functions are given in Section 5.3. 4.1.14 Clock Oscillator and Dividers These circuits derive the transmit symbol rate (and the nominal receive symbol rate) by frequency division of a reference frequency which may be generated by the on-chip Xtal oscillator or applied from an external source. Note: If the on-chip Xtal oscillator is to be used, then the external components X1, C3, C4, and R3 are required. If an external clock source is to be used, then it should be connected to the XTAL/CLOCK input pin, the XTAL pin should be left unconnected, and X1, C3, C4, and R3 should not be installed. 4.2 Modem - µC Interaction In general, data is transmitted over-air in the form of messages, or 'Frames', consisting of a 'Frame Preamble' followed by one or more formatted data blocks. The Frame Preamble includes a Frame Synchronization pattern designed to allow the receiving modem to identify the start of a frame. The following data blocks are constructed from the 'raw' data using a combination of CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Checksum) generation, Forward Error Correction coding, and Interleaving. Details of the message formats handled by the modem are provided in Section 4.3, Figure 7, and Figure 8. To reduce the processing load on the associated C, the MX929B modem has been designed to perform as much of the computationally intensive work involved in Frame formatting and de-formatting and (when in receive mode) searching for and synchronizing onto the Frame Preamble. In normal operation, the modem will only require servicing by the µC once per received or transmitted block. Therefore, to transmit a block, the controlling µC needs only to load the unformatted 'raw' binary data into the modem's Data Block Buffer, then instruct the modem to format and transmit that data. The modem will then calculate and add the CRC bits as required, encode the result as 4-level symbols (with Forward Error Correction coding), and interleave the symbols before transmission. In receive mode, the modem can be instructed to assemble a block's worth of received symbols, de-interleave the symbols, translate them to binary, perform Forward Error Correction, and check the resulting CRC before placing the received binary data into the Data Block Buffer for the µC to read. The modem can also handle the transmission and reception of unformatted data using the T4S, T24S, and R4S tasks as described in Sections 4.3 and 4.5.2. These tasks are normally used for the transmission of Symbol and Frame Synchronization sequences. These tasks may also be used for the transmission and reception of special test patterns or special data formats. In such a case, care should be taken to ensure that the transmitted TXOUT signal contains enough level and timing information for the receiving modem's level and clock extraction circuits to function correctly. See Section 5.3. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump 4.3 Page 14 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Binary to Symbol Translation Although the over-air signal, and therefore the signals at the modem TXOUT and RXIN pins, consists of 4level symbols, the raw data passing between the modem and the µC is in binary form. Translation between binary data and the 4-level symbols is done in one of two ways, depending on the task being performed. 1. Direct way: (simplest form) - converts between two binary bits and a single symbol, such as the 'S' Channel Status symbol. SYMBOL MSB LSB +3 +1 -1 -3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Accordingly, 1 byte = 4 symbols = 8 bits, and one byte translates to four symbols for the T4S and R4S tasks and six bytes translates to twenty-four symbols for the T24S task described in Section 4.5.2. MSB Bits: Symbols: LSB 7 6 a 5 4 3 b 2 c send first 1 0 d send last 2. FEC way: (more complicated) - essentially translates groups of 3 binary bits to pairs of 4-level symbols using a Forward Error Correcting coding scheme for the block oriented tasks THB, TIB, TLB, RHB, RILB, and RSID described in Section 4.5.2. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump 4.4 Page 15 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Frame Structure The MX929B Frame Structure as used in a RD-LAP system is illustrated in Figure 7, and consists of a Frame Preamble (comprising a 24-symbol Frame Synchronization pattern and Station ID block), followed by a 'Header Block', one or more 'Intermediate Blocks', and a 'Last Block'. Channel Status (S) symbols are included at regular intervals. The first Frame of any transmission is preceded by a Symbol Synchronization pattern. msb Station ID lsb Byte 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 System ID 0 Domain ID 1 Base ID 2 3 CRC0 Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 µC binary data stored in MX929B data block memory configured as header, intermediate, or last block by MX929B task being executed. 7 07 Byte 0 0 Byte 1 7 Byte 2 Header Block Intermediate Blocks Last Block 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address & Control Data Bytes (10 bytes) (12 bytes) Data Bytes (0-8) -------------Pad Bytes (0-8) CRC2 (4 bytes) CRC1 (2 bytes) 07 7 2 0 Byte 3 Byte 0 0 7 Byte 1 0 Byte 11 '000' '000' 0 1 8 2 9 10 0 tri-bits 1 FEC TRELLIS CODING / DECODING (ERROR CORRECTION) 0 20 21 1 3 2 4 5 29 30 31 32 FEC TRELLIS CODING / DECODING (ERROR CORRECTION) 4-level symbols 0 1 64 65 2 INTERLEAVING / DE-INTERLEAVING 22 Symbols Block: Over-air Signal (symbols) Symbol Frame 'Header' Station S Sync Sync S Block ID 69 24 24 1 22 1 S 22 Symbols Intermediate Blocks 69 Frame Preamble 69 S 22 Symbols 'Last' Block 69 Frame Sync S Packet (1 to 44 Blocks) Next Frame (Optional) Frame S: Channel Status Symbol: +3 = Busy, +1 = Unknown, -1 = Unknown, -3 = Idle Frame Sync: -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +3 -3 +3 -3 -1 +1 -3 +3 +3 -1 +1 -3 -3 +1 +3 -1 -3 +1 +3 Symbol Sync: +3 +3 -3 -3 +3 +3 -3 -3 +3 +3 -3 -3 +3 +3 -3 -3 +3 +3 -3 -3 sent first -3 -3 +3 +3 last Figure 7: Over-Air Signal Format ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 16 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION The 'Header' block is self-contained and includes its own checksum (CRC1). It would normally carry information such as the address of the calling and called parties, the number of following blocks in the frame (if any), and miscellaneous control information. The number of following blocks (if any) is required to allow the Rx device software to expect the Last Block and interpret it as a Last Block rather than an Intermediate Block. There is no other indicator to differentiate a Last Block and an Intermediate Block. The 'Intermediate' block(s) contain only data, the checksum at the end of the 'Last' block (CRC2) also checks the data in any preceding 'Intermediate' blocks. Proprietary systems that do not use RD-LAP format may use the block structures provided by the MX929B to build alternative frame formats more suited to the particular application. Some examples are shown in Figure 7. A B C SYMBOL SYNC FRAME SYNC 'HEADER' BLOCKS SYMBOL SYNC FRAME SYNC 'INTERMEDIATE' BLOCKS SYMBOL SYNC FRAME SYNC 'INTERMEDIATE' BLOCKS 'LAST' BLOCK Figure 8: Alternative Frame Structures The MX929B performs the entire block formatting and de-formatting required to convert data between the C binary form and the Over-Air form as shown in Figure 7. 4.5 The Programmer's View To the programmer, the modem appears as 4 write only 8-bit registers, shadowed by 3 read only registers. The individual registers are selected by the A0 and A1 chip inputs: A1 A0 0 0 Data Buffer Write to Modem Data Buffer Read from Modem 0 1 Command Register Status Register 1 0 Control Register Data Quality Register 1 1 Mode Register not used Note: There is a minimum time allowance between accesses of the modem's registers, see Section 6.1.4. 4.5.1 Data Block Buffer This is a 12-byte read/write buffer used to transfer data (as opposed to command, status, mode, and data quality or control information) between the modem and the host µC. To the µC, the Data Block Buffer appears as a single 8-bit register. The modem ensures that sequential µC reads or writes to the buffer are routed to the correct locations within the buffer. The µC should only access this buffer when the Status Register BFREE (Buffer Free) bit is '1'. The buffer should only be written to while in Tx mode and read from while in Rx mode. Note that in receive mode, the modem will function correctly even if the received data is not read from the Data Buffer by the C. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump 4.5.2 Page 17 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Command Register Writing to this register tells the modem to perform a specific task as indicated by the TASK bits and modified by the AQSC, AQLEV, CRC, and TXIMP bits. Command Register 7 6 AQSC AQLEV 5 CRC 4 3 2 TXIMP Reserved Set to '0' 1 0 TASK When there is no action to perform, the modem will be in an 'idle' state. If the modem is in transmit mode, the input to the Tx RRC filter will be connected to VBIAS. In receive mode, the modem will continue to measure the received data quality and extract symbols from the received signal, supplying them to the de-interleave buffer, but otherwise these received symbols are ignored. Command Register B7: AQSC - Acquire Symbol Clock This bit has no effect in transmit mode. In receive mode, when a byte with the AQSC bit set to '1' is written to the Command Register, and TASK is not set to RESET, it initiates an automatic sequence designed to achieve symbol timing synchronization with the received signal as quickly as possible. This involves setting the Phase Locked Loop of the received bit timing extraction circuits to its widest bandwidth, then gradually reducing the bandwidth as timing synchronization is achieved, until it reaches the 'normal' value set by the PLLBW bits of the Control Register. Setting this bit to '0' (or changing it from '1' to '0') has no effect, however; the acquisition sequence will be restarted every time a byte written to the Command Register has AQSC = '1'. The use of the symbol clock acquisition sequence is described in Section 5.3. Command Register B6: AQLEV - Acquire Receive Signal Levels This bit has no effect in transmit mode. In receive mode, when a byte with the AQLEV bit set to '1' is written to the Command Register and TASK is not set to RESET, it initiates an automatic sequence designed to measure the amplitude and DC offset of the received signal as rapidly as possible. This sequence involves setting the measurement circuits to respond quickly at first, then gradually increasing their response time, therefore improving the measurement accuracy, until the 'normal' value set by the LEVRES bits of the Control Register is reached. Setting this bit to '0' (or changing it from '1' to '0') has no effect, however; the acquisition sequence will be restarted every time a byte written to the Command Register has AQLEV = '1'. The use of the level measurement acquisition sequence (AQLEV) is described in Section 5.3. Command Register B5: CRC This bit allows the user to select between two different initial states of the CRC0, CRC1 and CRC2 checksum generators. When this bit is set to '1' the CRC generators are initialized to 'all zeros', as required by RD-LAP systems. When this bit is set to ‘0’, the CRC generators are initialized to ‘all ones’ as required by CCITT X25 CRC based systems. It should always be set to '1' for RD-LAP compatibility. Other systems may set this bit as required. Command Register B4: TXIMP - Tx Level/Impulse Shape This bit allows the user to choose between two transmit symbol waveform shapes as described in Section 4.7. Note: This bit must be set correctly every time the Command Register is written to. Command Register B3 - Reserved This bit should always be set to '0'. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 18 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Command Register B2, B1, B0: TASK Operations such as transmitting or receiving a data block are treated by the modem as 'tasks' and are initiated when the µC writes a byte to the Command Register with the TASK bits set to anything other than the 'NULL' code. The µC should not write a task (other than NULL or RESET) to the Command Register or write to or read from the Data Buffer when the BFREE (Buffer Free) bit of the Status Register is '0'. Different tasks apply in receive and transmit modes. When the modem is in transmit mode, all tasks other than NULL or RESET instruct the modem to transmit data from the Data Buffer, formatting it as required. The µC should therefore wait until the BFREE (Buffer Free) bit of the Status Register is '1', before writing the data to the Data Block Buffer, then it should write the desired task to the Command Register. If more than 1 byte needs to be written to the Data Block Buffer, byte number 0 of the block should be written first. Once the byte containing the desired task has been written to the Command Register, the modem will: Set the BFREE (Buffer Free) bit of the Status Register to '0'. Take the data from the Data Block Buffer as quickly as it can - transferring it to the Interleave Buffer for eventual transmission. This operation will start immediately if the modem is 'idle' (i.e. not transmitting data from a previous task), otherwise it will be delayed until there is sufficient room in the Interleave Buffer. Once all of the data has been transferred from the Data Block Buffer, the modem will set the BFREE and IRQ bits of the Status Register to '1', (causing the chip IRQ output to go low if the IRQEN bit of the Mode Register has been set to '1') to tell the µC that it may write new data and the next task to the modem. This lets the µC write the next task and its associated data to the modem while the modem is still transmitting the data from its previous task. Data from µC to Block Buffer Task 1 data Task 2 data Task from µC to Command Register BFREE Bit of Status Register IRQ Bit of Status Register IRQ Output (IRQEN = '1') TXOUT Signal from Task 1 from Task 2 Figure 9: Transmit Task Overlapping When the modem is in receive mode, the µC should wait until the BFREE bit of the Status Register is '1', then write the desired task to the Command Register. Once the byte containing the desired task has been written to the Command Register, the modem will: Set the BFREE bit of the Status Register to '0'. Wait until enough received symbols are in the De-interleave Buffer. Decode them as needed and transfer the resulting binary data to the Data Block Buffer Then the modem will set the BFREE and IRQ bits of the Status Register to '1', (causing the IRQ output to go low if the IRQEN bit of the Mode Register has been set to '1') to tell the µC that it may read from the Data Block Buffer and write the next task to the modem. If more than 1 byte is contained in the buffer, byte number 0 of the data will be read out first. In this way, the µC can read data and write a new task to the modem while the received symbols needed for this new task are being received and stored in the De-interleave Buffer. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 19 of 50 RXIN Signal MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION for Task 1 for Task 2 IRQ Output (IRQEN = '1') IRQ Bit of Status Register BFREE Bit of Status Register Task from µC to Command Register Task 1 Task 2 Data from Block Buffer to µC Task 1 data Figure 10: Receive Task Overlapping Detailed timings for the various tasks are provide in Figure 11 and Figure 12. MX929B Modem Tasks: B2 B1 B0 0 0 0 NULL 0 0 1 SFP Search for Frame Preamble T24S Transmit 24 symbols 0 1 0 RHB Read Header Block THB Transmit Header Block Receive Mode Transmit Mode NULL 0 1 1 RILB Read Intermediate or Last Block TIB Transmit Intermediate Block 1 0 0 SFS Search for Frame Sync TLB Transmit Last Block 1 0 1 R4S Read 4 symbols T4S Transmit 4 symbols 1 1 0 RSID Read Station ID TSID Transmit Station ID 1 1 1 RESET Cancel any current action RESET Cancel any current action NULL: No effect This is provided so an AQSC or AQLEV command can be initiated without loading a new task. SFP: Search for Frame Preamble This task causes the modem to search the received signal for a valid 24-symbol Frame Preamble, consisting of a 24-symbol Frame Sync sequence followed by Station ID Block which has a correct CRC0 checksum. The task continues until a valid Frame Preamble has been found. The search consists of four stages: First the modem will attempt to match the incoming symbols against the Frame Synchronization pattern to within the tolerance defined by the FSTOL bits of the Control Register. Once a match has been found, the modem will read in the following 'S' symbol, place it in the SVAL bits of the Status Register then set the SRDY bit to '1'. (The IRQ bit of the Status Register will also be set to '1' at this time if the SSIEN bit of the Mode Register is '1'). The modem will then read the next 22 symbols as station ID data. They will be decoded and the CRC0 checked. If this is incorrect, the modem will resume the search, looking for a fresh Frame Sync pattern. If the received CRC0 is correct, the following 'S' symbol will be read into the SVAL bits of the Status Register and the SRDY, BFREE, and IRQ bits set to '1', the CRCERR bit cleared to '0', and the three decoded Station ID bytes placed into the Data Block Buffer. Upon detecting that the BFREE bit of the Status Register has gone to '1', the µC should read the three Station ID bytes from the Data Block Buffer and then write the next task to the modem's Command Register. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 20 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION RHB: Read Header Block This task causes the modem to read the next 69 symbols as a 'Header' Block. It will strip out the 'S' symbols then de-interleave and decode the remaining 66 symbols, placing the resulting 10 data bytes and the 2 received CRC1 bytes into the Data Block Buffer and, when the task is complete, setting the BFREE and IRQ bits of the Status Register to '1'to indicate that the µC may read the data from the Data Block Buffer and write the next task to the modem's Command Register. The CRCERR bit of the Status Register will be set to '1' or '0' depending on the validity of the received CRC1 checksum bytes. As each of the three 'S' symbols of a block is received, the SVAL bits of the Status Register will be updated and the SRDY bit set to '1'. (If the SSIEN bit of the Mode Register is '1', then the Status Register IRQ bit will also be set to '1'.) Note that when the third 'S' symbol is received, the SRDY bit will be set to '1' coincidentally with the BFREE bit also being set to '1'. RILB: Read 'Intermediate' or 'Last' Block This task causes the modem to read the next 69 symbols as an 'Intermediate' or 'Last' block. (The µC can tell from the 'Header' block how many blocks are in the frame and therefore when to expect the 'Last' block). In each case, it will strip out the three 'S' symbols, de-interleave, and decode the remaining 66 symbols and place the resulting 12 bytes into the Data Block Buffer, setting the BFREE and IRQ bits of the Status Register to '1' when the task is complete. If an 'Intermediate' block is received, then the µC should read out all 12 bytes from the Data Block Buffer and ignore the CRCERR bit of the Status Register. For a 'Last' block the µC need only read the first 8 bytes from the Data Block Buffer, and the CRCERR bit in the Status Register will reflect the validity of the received CRC2 checksum. As each of the three 'S' symbols of the block is received, the SVAL bits of the Status Register will be updated and the SRDY bit set to '1'. (If the SSIEN bit of the Mode Register is '1', then the Status Register IRQ bit will also be set to '1'.) Note that when the third 'S' symbol is received, the SRDY bit will be set to '1' coincidentally with the BFREE bit also being set to '1'. SFS: Search for Frame Sync This task, which is intended for special test and channel monitoring purposes, performs the first two parts only of a SFP task. It causes the modem to search the received signal for a 24-symbol sequence, which matches the required Frame Synchronization pattern to within the tolerance defined by the FSTOL bits of the Mode Register. When a match is found the modem will read in the following 'S' symbol, then set the BFREE, IRQ, and SRDY bits of the Status Register to '1' and update the SVAL bits. The µC may then write the next task to the Command Register. R4S: Read 4 Symbols This task causes the modem to read the next 4 symbols and translate them directly (without de-interleaving or FEC) to an 8-bit byte which is placed into the Data Block Buffer. The BFREE and IRQ bits of the Status Register are then set to '1' to indicate that the µC may read the data byte from the Data Block Buffer and write the next task to the Command Register. This task is intended for special tests and channel monitoring - perhaps preceded by a SFS task. Note: It is possible to construct message formats, which do not rely on the block formatting of the THB, TIB, and TLB tasks. This can be accomplished by using T4S or T24S tasks to transmit and R4S to receive the user's data. One should be aware, that the receive level and timing measurement circuits need to see a reasonably 'random' distribution of all four possible symbols in the received signal to operate correctly. Accordingly, binary data may benefit from scrambling before transmission if it is not reasonably 'random' to start with. RSID: Read Station ID This task causes the modem to read in and decode the following 23 symbols as Station ID data followed by an 'S' symbol. It is similar to the last two parts of a SFP task except that it will not restart if the received CRC0 is incorrect. It would normally follow a SFS task. The three decoded bytes will be placed into the Data Block Buffer, and the CRCERR bit of the Status Register set to '1' if the received CRC0 is incorrect, otherwise it will be cleared to '0'. The SVAL bits of the Status Register will be updated and the BFREE, SRDY, and IRQ bits set to '1' to indicate that the C may read the three received bytes from the Data Block buffer and write the next task to the modem's Command Register. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 21 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION T24S: Transmit 24 Symbols This task, which is intended to facilitate the transmission of Symbol and Frame Sync patterns as well as special test sequences, takes 6 bytes of data from the Data Block Buffer and transmits them as 24 4-level symbols without any CRC, FEC, interleaving, or adding any 'S' symbols. Byte 0 of the Data Block Buffer is sent first, byte 5 last. Once the modem has read the data bytes from the Data Block Buffer, the BFREE and IRQ bits of the Status Register will be set to '1', indicating to the µC that it may write the data and command byte for the next task to the modem. The tables below show what data needs to be written to the Data Block Buffer to transmit the MX929B Symbol and Frame Sync sequences: 'Symbol Sync' Values written to Data Block Buffer Symbols Binary Hex +3 +3 -3 -3 Byte 0: 11110101 F5 +3 +3 -3 -3 Byte 1: 11110101 F5 +3 +3 -3 -3 Byte 2: 11110101 F5 +3 +3 -3 -3 Byte 3: 11110101 F5 +3 +3 -3 -3 Byte 4: 11110101 F5 -3 -3 +3 +3 Byte 5: 01011111 5F 'Frame Sync' Values written to Data Block Buffer Symbols Binary Hex -1 +1 -1 +1 Byte 0: 00100010 22 -1 +3 -3 +3 Byte 1: 00110111 37 -3 -1 +1 -3 Byte 2: 01001001 49 +3 +3 -1 +1 Byte 3: 11110010 F2 -3 -3 +1 +3 Byte 4: 01011011 5B -1 -3 +1 +3 Byte 5: 00011011 1B THB: Transmit Header Block This task takes 10 bytes of data (Address and Control) from the Data Block Buffer, calculates and appends the 2-byte CRC1 checksum, translates the result to 4-level symbols (with FEC), interleaves the symbols, and transmits the result as a formatted 'Header' Block, inserting 'S' symbols at 22 symbol intervals. Once the modem has read the data bytes from the Data Block Buffer, the BFREE and IRQ bits of the Status Register will be set to '1'. TIB: Transmit Intermediate Block This task takes 12 bytes of data from the Data Block Buffer, updates the 4-byte CRC2 checksum for inclusion in the 'Last' block, translates the 12 data bytes to 4-level symbols (with FEC), interleaves the symbols, and transmits the result as a formatted 'Intermediate' Block, inserting 'S' symbols at 22-symbol intervals. Once the modem has read the data bytes from the Data Block Buffer, the BFREE and IRQ bits of the Status Register will be set to '1'. TLB: Transmit Last Block This task takes 8 bytes of data from the Data Block Buffer, updates and appends the 4-byte CRC2 checksum, translates the resulting 12 bytes to 4-level symbols (with FEC), interleaves the symbols, and transmits the result as a formatted 'Last' Block, inserting 'S' symbols at 22-symbol intervals. Once the modem has read the data bytes from the Data Block Buffer, the BFREE and IRQ bits of the Status Register will be set to '1'. T4S: Transmit 4 Symbols This task is similar to T24S but takes only one byte from the Data Block Buffer, transmitting it as four 4-level symbols. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 22 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION TSID: Transmit Station ID This task takes three ID bytes from the Data Block Buffer, calculates and appends the 6-bit CRC0 checksum, translates the result to 4-level symbols (with FEC) and transmits the resulting 22 symbols preceded and followed by 'S' symbols. Once the modem has read the data bytes from the Data Block Buffer, the BFREE and IRQ bits of the Status Register will be set to '1'. RESET: Stop any current action This task takes effect immediately, and terminates any current action (task, AQSC or AQLEV) the modem may be performing and sets the BFREE bit of the Status Register to '1', without setting the IRQ bit. It should be used after VDD is applied first to set the modem into a known state. Note: Due to delays in the RRC filter, it will take several symbol times for any change caused by RESET to appear at the TXOUT pin. Task Timing The following table and figures describe the duration of tasks and timing sequences for Tx and Rx operation. Task t1 Modem in idle state. Time from writing first task to application of first Any transmit bit to Tx RRC filter Time (symbol times) 1 to 2 t2 Time from application of first symbol of the task to the Tx RRC filter until BFREE goes to a logic ‘1’ T24S TSID THB/TIB/TLB T4S 5 6 16 0 t3 Time to transmit all symbols of the task T24S/TSID THB/TIB/TLB T4S 24 69 4 t4 Max time allowed from BFREE going to a logic '1' (high) for next task (and data) to be written to modem T24S TSID THB/TIB/TLB T4S 18 17 52 3 t5 Time to receive all symbols of task SFS SFP RSID RHB/RILB R4S 25 (minimum) 48 (minimum) 23 69 4 t6 Maximum time between first symbol of task entering the deinterleave circuit and the task being written to modem SFS SFP RSID RHB/RILB R4S 21 21 15 51 3 t7 Maximum time from the last bit of the task entering the de interleave circuit to BFREE going to a logic '1' (high) Any 1 ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Data to Data Block Buffer Task to Command Register Page 23 of 50 1 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 3 2 1 2 t4 3 t4 t4 IBEMPTY Bit BFREE Bit t2 t2 t2 t3 t3 t3 t1 Symbols to RRC Filter from Task 3 from Task 2 from Task 1 Modem Tx Output Figure 11: Transmit Task Timing Diagram Modem Rx Input Symbols to De-Interleave Circuit for Task 1 for Task 2 for Task 3 t5 t5 t5 Data from Data Block Buffer Task to Command Register t6 1 t6 3 2 1 2 t7 t6 t7 3 t7 BFREE Bit Figure 12: Receive Task Timing Diagram RRC Filter Delay The previous task timing figures are based on the signal at the input to the RRC filter (in transmit mode) or the input to the de-interleave buffer (in receive mode). There is an additional delay of about 8 symbol times through to the RRC filter in both transmit and receive modes, as illustrated below: Delay from Tx Input symbol to TXOUT response. Delay from Rx Input (from FM discriminator) to interpreted data in internal buffer. Tx Symbol to RRC Filter Tx Symbol at TXOUT pin / Rx Symbol from FM discriminator RX Symbol to De-Interleave Buffer Symbol-times Figure 13: RRC Low Pass Filter Delay ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump 4.5.3 Page 24 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Control Register This 8-bit write-only register controls the modem's symbol rate, the response times of the receive clock extraction, signal level measurement circuits, and the Frame Sync pattern recognition tolerance to inexact matches. Control Register 7 6 5 CKDIV 4 FSTOL 3 2 1 LEVRES 0 PLLBW Control Register B7, B6: CKDIV - Clock Division Ratio These bits control a frequency divider driven from the clock signal present at the XTAL pin, therefore determining the nominal symbol rate. Because each symbol represents two bits, bit rates are 2x the symbol rates. The table below shows how symbol rates of 2400/4800/9600 symbols/sec (4800/9600/19200bps) may be obtained from common Xtal frequencies: Xtal Frequency (MHz) 2.4576 4.9152 9.8304 Division Ratio: Symbol Rate (symbols/sec) / Bit Rate (bps) Xtal Frequency/Symbol Rate 512 4800/9600 9600/19200 B7 B6 0 0 0 1 1024 1 0 2048 1 1 4096 2400/4800 4800/9600 9600/19200 2400/4800 4800/9600 2400/4800 Note: Device operation is not guaranteed below 2400 symbols/sec (4800bps) or above 9600 symbols/sec (19200bps). Control Register B5, B4: FSTOL - Frame Sync Tolerance to Inexact Matches These two bits have no effect in transmit mode. In receive mode, they define the maximum number of mismatches allowed during a search for the Frame Sync pattern: B5 B4 Mismatches allowed 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 4 1 1 6 Note: A single 'mismatch' is defined as the difference between two adjacent symbol levels, thus if the symbol '+1' were expected, then received symbol values of '+3' and '-1' would count as 1 mismatch, a received symbol value of '-3' would count as 2 mismatches. A setting of '4 mismatches' is recommended for normal use. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 25 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Control Register B3, B2: LEVRES - Level Measurement Modes These two bits have no effect in transmit mode. In receive mode they set the 'normal' or 'steady state' operating mode of the Rx signal amplitude and DC offset measuring and tracking circuits. These circuits analyze the Rx signal envelope and charge the DOC1 and DOC2 capacitors to 'store' signal maximum and minimum references that are used in the data reception process. This setting is temporarily overridden during the automatic sequencing triggered by an AQLEV command when level is initially being acquired as described in Section 5.3. B3 B2 Mode 0 0 Hold 0 1 Level Track 1 0 Lossy Peak Detect 1 1 Slow Peak Detect In normal use the LEVRES bits should be set to '0 1' (Level Track). The other modes are intended for special purposes, for device testing, or are invoked automatically during an AQLEV sequence. In 'Slow Peak Detect' modes, the positive and negative excursions of the received signal (after filtering) are measured by peak rectifiers driving the DOC1 and DOC2 capacitors to establish the amplitude of the signal and any DC offset with regards to VBIAS. This mode provides good overall performance, particularly when acquiring level information at the start of a received message, but does not work as well with certain long sequences of repeated data byte values. It is also susceptible to large amplitude noise spikes, which can be caused by deep fades. The 'Lossy Peak Detect' mode is similar to 'Slow Peak Detect' but the capacitor discharge time constant is much shorter so this mode is not suitable for normal data reception and is only used within part of the automatic AQLEV acquisition sequence. In 'Level Track' mode the DOC capacitor voltages are slowly adjusted by the MX929B in such a way as to minimize the average errors seen in the received signal. This mode provides the best overall performance, being much more accurate than 'Slow Peak Detect' when receiving large amplitude noise spikes on long sequences of repeated data byte values. It does, however, depend on the measured levels and timing being approximately correct. If either of these is significantly wrong then the correction algorithm used by the 'Level Track' mode can actually drive the voltages on the DOC capacitors away from their optimum levels. For this reason, the automatic AQLEV acquisition sequence (see Section 5.3) forces the level measuring circuits into 'Slow Peak Detect' mode until a Frame Sync pattern has been found. In 'HOLD' mode the DOC Capacitors are isolated from the charging and discharging circuits, allowing their voltages to remain constant. Control Register B1, B0: PLLBW - Phase-Locked Loop Bandwidth Modes These two bits have no effect in transmit mode. In receive mode, they set the 'normal' or 'steady state' bandwidth of the Rx clock extraction Phase Locked Loop circuit. The PLL circuit synchronizes itself with the Rx Signal to develop a local clock signal used in the data clock recovery process. This setting will be temporarily overridden during the automatic sequencing of an AQSC command when Rx clock extraction circuits are initially being trained as described in Section 5.3. B1 B0 PLL Mode 0 0 Hold 0 1 Narrow Bandwidth 1 0 Medium Bandwidth 1 1 Wide Bandwidth The normal setting for the PLLBW bits should be 'Medium Bandwidth' when the received symbol rate and the frequency of the receiving modem's crystal are both within 100ppm of nominal, except at the start of a symbol clock acquisition sequence (AQSC) when 'Wide Bandwidth' should be selected as described in Section 5.3. If the received symbol rate and the crystal frequency are both within 20ppm of nominal then selection of the 'Narrow Bandwidth' setting will provide better performance especially through fades or noise bursts which may ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 26 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION otherwise pull the PLL away from its optimum timing. In this case however; it is recommended that the PLLBW bits only be set to 'Narrow Bandwidth' after the modem has been running in 'Medium Bandwidth' mode for about 200 symbol times to ensure accurate lock has first been achieved. The 'Hold' setting disables the feedback loop of the PLL which continues to run at a rate determined only by the actual crystal frequency and the setting of the Control Register CKDIV bits, not the PLL's operating frequency immediately prior to the 'Hold' setting. 4.5.4 Mode Register The contents of this 8-bit write only register control the basic operating modes of the modem: Mode Register 7 6 5 IRQEN INVSYM Tx/Rx 4 3 2 RXEYE PSAVE SSIEN 1 0 SSYM Mode Register B7: IRQEN - IRQ Output Enable When this bit is set to '1', the IRQ chip output pin is pulled low (VSS) given the IRQ bit of the Status Register is a '1'. Mode Register B6: INVSYM - Invert Symbols This bit controls the polarity of the transmitted and received symbol voltages. B6 Symbol Signal at TXOUT Signal at RXAMPOUT 0 '+3' Above VBIAS Below VBIAS '-3' Below VBIAS Above VBIAS '+3' Below VBIAS Above VBIAS '-3' Above VBIAS Below VBIAS 1 Note: B6 must be normally set to the same value in Tx and Rx devices for successful communication between them. Mode Register B5: TX/RX - Tx/Rx Mode Setting this bit to '1' places the modem into the Transmit mode, clearing it to '0' puts the modem into the Receive mode. Note: Changing between receive and transmit modes will cancel any current task. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 27 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Mode Register B4: RXEYE - Show Rx Eye This bit should normally be set to '0'. Setting it to '1' when the modem is in receive mode configures the modem for a special test mode, in which the input of the Tx output buffer is connected to the Rx Symbol/Clock extraction circuit at a point which carries the equalized receive signal. This may be monitored with an oscilloscope (at the TXOUT pin itself), to assess the quality of the complete radio channel including the Tx and Rx modem filters, the Tx modulator and the Rx IF filters, and FM demodulator. This mode is provided because observation of the direct discriminator output of a root raised cosine Tx filtered signal (before Rx equalization) is not very recognizable so it is generally not useful. The resulting eye diagram (for reasonably random data) should ideally be as shown Figure 14, with 4 distinct and equally spaced level crossing points. Figure 14: Ideal 'RXEYE' Signal Mode Register B3: PSAVE - Powersave When this bit is a ‘1’, the modem will be in a ‘powersave’ mode in which the internal filters, the Rx Symbol and Clock extraction circuits, and the Tx output buffer will be disabled. The TXOUT pin will be connected to VBIAS through a high value internal resistance. The Xtal clock oscillator, Rx input amplifier and the C interface logic will continue to operate. Setting the PSAVE bit to ‘0’ restores power to all of the chip circuitry. Note: The internal filters, and therefore the TXOUT pin in transmit mode, will take approximately 20 symboltimes to settle after the PSAVE bit has gone from ‘1’ to ‘0’. Mode Register B2: SSIEN - 'S' Symbol IRQ Enable In receive mode, setting this bit to '1' causes the IRQ bit of the Status Register to be set to '1' whenever a new 'S' symbol has been received. (The SRDY bit of the Status Register will also be set to '1' at the same time, and the SVAL bits updated to reflect the received 'S' symbol.) In transmit mode, setting this bit to '1' causes the IRQ bit of the Status Register to be set to '1' whenever a 'S' symbol has been transmitted. (The SRDY bit of the Status Register will also be set to '1' at the same time.) Mode Register B1, B0: SSYM - 'S' Symbol To Be Transmitted In transmit mode, these two bits define the next 'S' symbol to be transmitted. These bits have no effect in receive mode. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump 4.5.5 Page 28 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Status Register This register may be read by the C to determine the current state of the modem. Status Register 7 IRQ 6 5 4 3 2 CRCERR IBEMPTY BFREE DIBOVF SRDY 1 0 SVAL Status Register B7: IRQ - Interrupt Request This bit is set to '1' by: The Status Register BFREE bit going from '0' to '1', unless this is caused by a RESET task or by a change to the Mode Register TX / RX or PSAVE bits or The Status Register IBEMPTY bit going from '0' to '1', unless this is caused by a RESET task or by changing the Mode Register TX / RX or PSAVE bits. or The Status Register DIBOVF bit going from '0' to '1'. or The Status Register SRDY bit being set to '1' (due to a 'S' symbol being received or transmitted) if the Mode Register SSIEN bit is '1'. The IRQ bit is cleared to '0' immediately after a read of the Status Register. If the IRQEN bit of the Mode Register is '1', then the chip IRQ output will be pulled low (VSS) when the IRQ bit is set to '1', and will go high impedance when the Status Register is read. Status Register B6: BFREE - Data Block Buffer Free This bit reflects the availability of the Data Block Buffer and is cleared to '0' when a task other than NULL or RESET is written to the Command Register. In transmit mode, the BFREE bit will be set to '1' (also setting the Status Register IRQ bit to '1') by the modem when the modem is ready for the µC to write new data to the Data Block Buffer and the next task to the Command Register. In receive mode, the BFREE bit is set to '1' (also setting the Status Register IRQ bit to '1') by the modem when it has completed a task and any data associated with that task has been placed into the Data Block Buffer. The µC may then read that data and write the next task to the Command Register. The BFREE bit is also set to '1' - but without setting the IRQ bit - by a RESET task or when the Mode Register TX / RX or PSAVE bits are changed. Status Register B5: IBEMPTY - Interleave Buffer Empty In transmit mode, this bit will be set to '1' - also setting the IRQ bit - when less than two symbols remain in the Interleave Buffer. Any transmit task written to the modem after this bit goes to '1' will be too late to avoid a gap in the transmit output signal. The bit is also set to '1' by a RESET task or by a change of the Mode Register TX / RX or PSAVE bits, but in these cases the IRQ bit will not be set. The bit is cleared to '0' within one symbol time after a task other than NULL or RESET is written to the Command Register. Note: When the modem is in transmit mode and the Interleave Buffer is empty, a mid-level (halfway between '+1' and '-1') signal will be sent to the RRC filter. In receive mode this bit will be '0'. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 29 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Status Register B4: DIBOVF - De-Interleave Buffer Overflow In receive mode this bit will be set to '1' - also setting the IRQ bit - when a RHB, RILB, RSID, or R4S task is written to the Command Register too late to allow continuous reception. The bit is cleared to '0' immediately after reading the Status Register, by writing a RESET task to the Command Register or by changing the TX / RX or PSAVE bits of the Mode Register. In transmit mode this bit is '0'. Status Register B3: CRCERR - CRC Checksum Error In receive mode, this bit will be updated at the end of a SFP, RHB, RILB, or RSID task to reflect the result of the receive CRC check. '0' indicates that the CRC was received correctly, '1' indicates an error. Note: This bit should be ignored when an 'Intermediate' block (which does not have an integral CRC) is received. The bit is cleared to '0' by a RESET task or by changing the TX / RX , or PSAVE bits of the Mode Register. In transmit mode this bit is '0'. Status Register B2: 'S' Symbol Ready In receive mode, this bit is set to '1' whenever an 'S' symbol has been received. The C may then read the value of the symbol from the SVAL field of the Status Register. In transmit mode, this bit is set to '1' whenever an 'S' symbol has been transmitted. The bit is cleared to '0' immediately after a read of the Status Register, by a RESET task or by changing the TX / RX or PSAVE bits of the Mode Register. Status Register B1, B0: SVAL - Received 'S' Symbol Value In receive mode, these two bits reflect the value of the latest received 'S' symbol. In transmit mode, these two bits will be '0'. 4.5.6 Data Quality Register In receive mode, the MX929B continually measures the 'quality' of the received signal, by comparing the actual received waveform over the previous 64 symbol times against an internally generated 'ideal' 4-level FSK baseband signal. The result is placed into bits 3-7 of the Data Quality Register for the µC to read at any time, bits 0-2 being always set to '0'. Figure 15 shows how the value (0-255) read from the Data Quality Register varies with received signal-to-noise ratio: 250 200 150 DQ 100 50 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 S/N dB (Noise in 2 x Symbol Rate Bandwidth) Figure 15: Typical Data Quality Reading vs S/N ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 30 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION The Data Quality readings are only valid when the modem has successfully acquired signal level and timing lock for at least 64 symbol times. It is invalid when an AQSC or AQLEV sequence is being performed or when the LEVRES setting is 'Lossy Peak Detect'. A low reading will be obtained if the PLLBW bits are set to 'Wide' or if the received signal waveform is distorted in any significant way. Section 5.6 describes how monitoring the Data Quality reading can help improve the overall system performance in some applications. 4.6 CRC, FEC and Interleaving 4.6.1 Cyclic Redundancy Codes CRC0 This is a six-bit CRC check code used in the Station ID Block. It is calculated by the modem from the first 24 bits of the block (Bytes 0, 1, and 2) as follows: The 24 bits are considered as the coefficients of a polynomial M(x) of degree 23 such that the MSB bit (7) of 23 byte 0 is the coefficient of x , and bit 0 of byte 2 is the coefficient of x0. The polynomial F(x) of degree 5 is calculated as being the remainder of the modulo-2 division. x 6 M( x ) ( x 6 x 4 x 3 1) 5 4 3 2 1 0 The polynomial x + x + x + x + x + x is added (modulo-2) to F(x). 5 The coefficients of F(x) are placed in the 6-bit CRC0 field, such that the coefficient of x corresponds to the MSB of CRC0 CRC1 This is a sixteen-bit CRC check code contained in bytes 10 and 11 of the Header Block, which provides error detection coverage for the Header Block of a message. It is calculated by the modem from the first 80 bits of the Header Block (Bytes 0 to 9 inclusive) using the generator polynomial: x16 + x12 + x5 + 1 CRC2 This is a thirty-two-bit CRC check code contained in bytes 8 to 11 of the 'Last' Block, which provides error detection coverage for the combined Intermediate Blocks and Last Block of a message. It is calculated by the modem from all of the data and pad bytes in the Intermediate Blocks and in the first 8 bytes of the Last Block using the generator polynomial: x32 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x4 + x2 + x1 + 1 Note: In receive mode the CRC2 checksum circuits are initialized on completion of any task other than NULL or RILB. In transmit mode the CRC2 checksum circuits are initialized on completion of any task other than NULL, TIB, or TLB. Command Register bit B5 (CRC) allows the user to select between two different forms of the CRC0, CRC1 and CRC2 checksums. When this bit is set to ‘1’ the CRC generators are initialized to ‘all zeros’, as required by RD-LAP systems. When this bit is set to '0', the CRC generators are initialized to 'all ones' for calculations such as CCITT X25 based systems. It should always be set to ‘1’ for RD-LAP compatibility, other systems may set this bit as required. Forward Error Correction In transmit mode, the MX929B uses a Trellis Encoder to translate the 96 bits (12 bytes) of a 'Header', 'Intermediate', 'Last' Block, into a 66 symbol (132 bits) sequence which includes FEC information. Station ID Blocks (30 bits) are translated into a 22 symbol (44 bit) sequence which includes FEC information. In receive mode, the MX929B decodes the received 22 or 66 symbols of a block into 30 or 96 bits of binary data using a 'Soft Decision' Viterbi algorithm to perform decoding and error correction. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 31 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Interleaving The 66 symbols of a 'Header', 'Intermediate' or 'Last' block are interleaved by the modem before transmission (and before the ‘S’ symbols are added) to provide protection against the effects of noise bursts and short fades. The 22 symbols of a ‘Station ID’ Block are not interleaved. In receive mode, the MX929B strips out the 'S' symbols and then de-interleaves the received symbols. FEC and decoding follow. 4.7 Transmitted Symbol Shape Bit 4 of the Command Register (TXIMP) selects the transmit baseband signal and the receive signal equalization as follows: If the TXIMP bit is '0', then the transmit baseband signal is generated by feeding full-symbol-time-width 4-level symbols into the RRC lowpass filter and the receive signal equalization is optimized for this type of signal. With this setting, the MX929B is compatible with the MX929A device, another member of the MX929 device family. If the TXIMP bit is set to '1,' impulses, rather than full-symbol-time-width symbols are fed into the RRC filter when in TX mode and the receive signal equalization is suitably adjusted in RX mode. TXIMP = 0 TXIMP = 1 +3 +3 +1 +1 -1 -1 -3 -3 1 symbol time 1 symbol time Figure 16: Input Signal to RRC Filter in Tx Mode for TXIMP = 0 and 1 Figure 17: Tx Signal Eye TXIMP = 0 ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 32 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Figure 18: Tx Signal Eye TXIMP = 1 Note: Setting TXIMP to '1' affects the Tx output signal level as shown in Section 6.1 and the table below. TXIMP = 0 TXIMP = 1 Nominal Voltage difference between continuous '+3' and continuous '-3' symbol outputs. 0.157VDD 0.157VDD Nominal VP-P for continuous '+3 +3 -3 -3…" symbol pattern. 0.20VDD 0.22VDD ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 33 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 5. Application 5.1 Transmit Frame Example The operations needed to transmit a single Frame consisting of Symbol and Frame Sync sequences, and one each Header, Intermediate and Last blocks are provided below: 1. Ensure that the Control Register has been loaded with a suitable CKDIV value, that the IRQEN and TX / RX bits of the Mode Register are '1', the RXEYE, PSAVE, and SSIEN bits are '0', and the INVSYM bit is set appropriately. 2. Read the Status Register to ensure that the BFREE bit is '1', then write 6 Symbol Sync bytes (a preamble) to the Data Block Buffer and a T24S task to the Command Register. 3. Wait for an interrupt from the modem, read the Status Register; the IRQ and BFREE bits should be '1' and the IBEMPTY bit should be '0'. 4. Write the 6 byte Frame Sync to the Data Block Buffer and a T24S task to the Command Register. 5. Wait for an interrupt from the modem, read the Status Register; the IRQ and BFREE bits should be '1' and the IBEMPTY bit should be '0'. 6. Write 3 Station ID bytes to the Data Block Buffer and a TSID task to the Command Register. 7. Wait for an interrupt from the modem, read the Status Register; the IRQ and BFREE bits should be '1' and the IBEMPTY bit should be '0'. 8. Write 10 Header Block bytes to the Data Block Buffer and a THB task to the Command Register. 9. Wait for an interrupt from the modem, read the Status Register; the IRQ and BFREE bits should be '1' and the IBEMPTY bit should be '0'. 10. Write 12 Intermediate Block bytes to the Data Block Buffer and a TIB task to the Command Register. 11. Wait for an interrupt from the modem, read the Status Register; the IRQ and BFREE bits should be '1' and the IBEMPTY bit should be '0'. 12. Write 8 Last Block bytes to the Data Block Buffer and a TLB task to the Command Register. 13. Wait for an interrupt from the modem, read the Status Register; the IRQ and BFREE bits should be ‘1’ and the IBEMPTY bit should be ‘0’. 14. Wait for another interrupt from the modem, read the Status Register; the IRQ, BFREE and IBEMPTY bits should be '1'. Notes: 1. The final symbol of the frame will start to appear approximately 2 symbol times after the Status Register IBEMPTY bit goes to '1'; a further 16 symbol times should be allowed for the symbol to pass completely through the RRC filter. 2. The SSYM bits of the Mode Register may be altered at any time to change the transmitted ‘S’ symbols. If a timing reference is required, then setting the Mode Register SSIEN bit to ‘1’ will cause a C interrupt after every ‘S’ symbol transmitted, in which case the C will have to distinguish between interrupts caused by the BFREE bit going to ‘1’, and those caused by the SRDY bit being set to ‘1’. 3. Figure 19 and Figure 20 illustrate the host C routines needed to send a single Frame consisting of Symbol and Frame Sync patterns, a Station ID Block, a Header block, and any number of Intermediate blocks and one Last Block. It is assumed that the Tx Interrupt Service Routine Figure 20 is called every time the MX929B IRQ output line goes low. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 34 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION START Ensure that the Control Register has been loaded with a suitable CKDIV value Set µC variable 'IBLOCKS' to the number of Intermediate blocks to be transmitted Ensure that the Mode Register IRQEN, PSAVE, RXEYE and SSIEN bits are '0', the TX/RX bit is '1' and the INVSYM and SSYM bits are set appropriately Set µC variable 'STATE' to 0 Set the Mode Register IRQEN bit to '1' Write a RESET task to the Command Register Enable µC's MX929B Tx Interrupt Service Routine Read the Status Register Write 6 bytes of Symbol Sync pattern to the Data Buffer BFREE bit = 1 ? Yes Write a T24S task to the Command Register No Note: during this time the µC may perform other functions, as the µC variable 'STATE' is updated by the interrupt service routine Yes 'STATE' < 6 ? No Disable µC's MX929B Tx Interrupt Service Routine Set the Mode Register IRQEN bit to '0' No 'STATE' = 6 ? Yes END with error END Figure 19: Transmit Frame Example Flowchart, Main Program Notes: 1. The RESET command in Figure 19 and the practice of disabling the MX929B’s IRQ output when not needed are not essential but can eliminate problems during debugging and if errors occur in operation 2. The CRC and TXIMP bits should be set appropriately every time a byte is written to the Command Register. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 35 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Value of µC variable 'STATE' on entry to IRQ routine and corresponding MX929B's actions: 0: Symbol Sync pattern being transmitted, load Frame Sync pattern & T24S task. 1: Frame Sync pattern being transmitted, load Station ID bytes and TSID task. 2: Station ID Block being transmitted, load Header Block bytes &THB task. 3: Header or Intermediate Block being trransmitted . load Intermediate or Last Block bytes & TIB or TLB task. 4: Last block being transmitted, ignore this interrupt. 5: Waiting for end of transmission, finish on interrupt with IBEMPTY bit set. START ( IRQ line goes low ) Read Status Register RETURN No ( Not MX929B IRQ ) IRQ bit = 1 ? Yes E No BFREE bit = 1 ? Yes Yes 'STATE' = 5 ? No E Yes No E IBEMPTY bit = 1 ? Yes IBEMPTY bit = 1 ? No E Write 6 bytes Frame Sync pattern to the Data Buffer then write a T24S task to the Command Register Yes 'STATE' = 0 ? No Set µC variable 'STATE' to 9 Write 3 Station ID bytes to the Data Buffer then write a TSID task to the Command Register Yes 'STATE' = 1 ? RETURN ( Error ) No Write 10 Header Block data bytes to the Data Buffer then write a THB task to the Command Register Yes 'STATE' = 2 ? No No 'STATE' = 3 ? Yes No E Write 12 Intermediate Block data bytes to the Data Buffer then write a TIB task to the Command Register No 'IBLOCKS' = 0 ? Yes 'STATE' = 4 ? Yes Write 8 Last Block data bytes to the Data Buffer then write a TLB task to the Command Register Decrement µC variable 'IBLOCKS' Increment µC variable 'STATE' RETURN RETURN Figure 20: Tx Interrupt Service Routine ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump 5.2 Page 36 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Receive Frame Example The operations needed to receive a single Frame consisting of Symbol and Frame Sync sequences, Station ID Block, and one each Header, Intermediate and Last blocks are shown below; 1. Ensure that the Control Register has been loaded with suitable CKDIV, FSTOL, LEVRES and PLLBW values, and that the IRQEN bit of the Mode Register is '1', the TX / RX , RXEYE, PSAVE, and SSIEN bits are '0', and the INVSYM bit is set appropriately. 2. Wait until the received carrier has been present for at least 8 symbol times (see Section 5.3). 3. Read the Status Register to ensure that the BFREE bit is '1'. 4. Write a byte containing a SFP task and with the AQSC and AQLEV bits set to '1' to the Command Register. 5. Wait for an interrupt from the modem, read the Status Register; the IRQ and BFREE bits should be '1' and the CRCERR and DIBOVF bits should be '0'. 6. Read 3 Station ID bytes from the Data Block Buffer. 7. Write a RHB task to the Command Register. 8. Wait for an interrupt from the modem, read the Status Register; the IRQ and BFREE bits should be '1' and the DIBOVF bit '0'. 9. Check that the CRCERR bit of the Status Register is ‘0’ and read 10 Header Block bytes from the Data Block Buffer. 10. Write a RILB task to the Command Register. 11. Wait for an interrupt from the modem, read the Status Register; the IRQ and BFREE bits should be '1' and the DIBOVF bit '0'. 12. Read 12 Intermediate Block bytes from the Data Block Buffer. 13. Write a RILB task to the Command Register. 14. Wait for an interrupt from the modem, read the Status Register; the IRQ and BFREE bits should be ‘1’ and the DIBOVF bit ‘0’. 15. Check that the CRCERR bit of the Status Register is '0' and read the 8 Last Block bytes from the Data Buffer. Note: 1. The value of the latest ‘S’ symbol received will be contained in the SVAL bits each time the Status Register is read. If desired, the Mode Register SSIEN bit may be set to ‘1’, which will cause a C interrupt after every ‘S’ symbol received, in which case the C will have to distinguish between interrupts caused by the BFREE bit going to ’1’ and those caused by SRDY bit being set to ‘1’. 2. Figure 21 and Figure 22 illustrate the host C routines needed to receive a single Frame consisting of Symbol and Frame Sync patterns, a Station ID Block, a Header Block, any number of Intermediate blocks and one Last block. It is assumed that the Rx Interrupt Service Routine Figure 22 is called every time the MX929B’s IRQ output goes low. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 37 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION START Ensure that the Control Register has been loaded with suitable CKDIV, FSTOL, LEVRES and PLLBW values Wait until the received carrier has been present for at least 8 symbol times Ensure that the Mode Register IRQEN, PSAVE, RXEYE, TX/RX, and SSIEN bits are '0', and the INVSYM bit is set appropriately Set µC variable 'STATE' to 0 Write a RESET task to the Command Register Set the Mode Register IRQEN bit to '1' Read the Status Register Enable µC's MX929B Rx Interrupt Service Routine BFREE bit = 1 ? Yes Write a SFP task to the Command Register with the AQSC and AQLEV bits set to '1' No Note: during this time the µC may perform other functions, as the µC variable 'STATE' is updated by the interrupt service routine Yes 'STATE' < 4 ? No Disable µC's MX929B Rx Interrupt Service Routine Set the Mode Register IRQEN bit to '0' No 'STATE' = 4 ? Yes END with error END Figure 21: Receive Frame Example Flowchart, Main Program Notes 1. The RESET command in Figure 21 and the practice of disabling the MX929B’s IRQ output when not needed are not essential but can eliminate problems during debugging and if errors occur in operation. 2. The CRC and TXIMP bits should be set appropriately every time a byte is written to the Command Register. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 38 of 50 START Value of µC variable 'STATE' on entry to IRQ routine and corresponding MX929B's actions: ( IRQ line goes low ) 0 : Frame Sync has been recognized and Station ID block received, read out data and load RHB task. 1 : Header block has been received, read out data and load RILB task. 2 : Intermediate block has been received, read out data and load RILB task. Read Status Register RETURN No IRQ bit = 1 ? MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION ( Not MX929B IRQ ) 3 : Last block has been received, read out data and finish. Yes BFREE bit = 1 ? No E Yes DIBOVF bit = 0 ? No E Yes No 'STATE' = 2 ? Yes CRCERR bit = 0 ? Read 12 Intermediate Block bytes from the Data Buffer then write a RILB task to the Command Register No E Yes Read 3 Station ID bytes from the Data Buffer then write a RHB task to the Command Register Yes 'STATE' = 0 ? Decrement µC variable 'IBLOCKS' No Read 10 Header block bytes from the Data Buffer then write a RILB task to the Command Register Yes 'STATE' = 1 ? No Set µC variable 'IBLOCKS' to the number of Intermediate Blocks to be received Yes 'STATE' = 3 ? Read 8 Last Block data bytes from the Data Buffer. No No 'IBLOCKS' = 0 ? E Yes Set µC variable 'STATE' to 3 RETURN Increment µC variable 'STATE' Set µC variable 'STATE' to 9 RETURN RETURN ( Error ) Figure 22: Rx Interrupt Service routine Note: This routine assumes that the number of Intermediate blocks in the Frame is contained within the Header Block Data. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump 5.3 5.3.1 Page 39 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Clock Extraction and Level Measurement Systems Supported Types of Systems The MX929B is intended for use in systems where: 1. The Symbol Sync pattern is transmitted immediately on start-up of the transmitter, before the first Frame Sync pattern (see Figure 23). 2. A Base Station may remain powered up indefinitely, transmitting concatenated Frames with or without intervening Symbol Sync patterns (each Frame starting with the Frame Sync pattern and symbol timing being maintained from one Frame to the next). 3. A receiving modem may be switched onto a channel before the distant transmitter has started up or may be switched onto a channel where the transmitting station is already sending concatenated Frames. 5.3.2 Clock and Level Acquisition Procedures with RF Carrier Detect When the receiving modem is enabled or switched onto a channel, it needs to establish the received symbol levels, clock timing, and look for a Frame Sync pattern in the incoming signal. This is best done by the following procedure: 1. Ensure that the Control Register's PLLBW bits are set to 'Wide' and the LEVRES bits to 'Level Track'. 2. Wait until a received carrier has been present for 8 symbol times. This 8-symbol delay gives time for the received signal to propagate through the modem's RRC filter. An 'RF received 8 symbol times' qualifying function can be included in a radio's carrier detect circuitry to take this into account. 3. Write a SFS or SFP task to the Command Register with the AQSC and the AQLEV bits set to '1'. 4. When the modem interrupts to signal that it has recognized a Frame Sync pattern (or completed the SFP task) then change the PLLBW bits to 'Medium'. Once the receiving modem has achieved level and symbol timing synchronization with a particular channel as evidenced by recognition of a Frame Sync pattern - then subsequent concatenated Frames can be read by simply issuing SFS or SFP tasks at appropriate times, keeping the ASQSC and AQLEV bits at zero, and the PLLBW and LEVRES bits at their current 'Medium' and 'Level Track' settings, respectively. Noise Frame Sync Symbol Sync Rest of Frame Rx Signal from FM discriminator to Modem 8-Symbol delay Set AQSC and AQLEV bits to start Acquisition sequences Level Measurement and Clock Extraction Circuits Increasing accuracy and lengthening response times Figure 23: Acquisition Sequence Timing 5.3.3 Clock and Level Acquisition Procedure without RF Carrier Detect It is also possible to use the modem in a non-standard system where there is an indeterminate delay between the RF transmitter turn on time and the transmission moment of the Symbol Sync pattern, or where a receive carrier detect signal is not available to the controlling C, or where the transmitting terminal can send separate unsynchronized Frames. In these cases, each Frame should be preceded by a Symbol Sync pattern, which should be extended to about 100 symbols, and the procedure provided in Section 5.3.2. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump 5.3.4 Page 40 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Automatic Acquisition Functions Setting the AQSC and AQLEV bits to '1' triggers the modem's automatic Symbol Clock Extraction and Level Measurement acquisition sequences, which are designed to measure the received symbol timing, amplitude, and DC offset as quickly as possible before switching to accurate - but slower - measurement modes. These acquisition sequences act very quickly if triggered at the start of a received Symbol Sync pattern (as shown in Figure 23), but will still function correctly, although more slowly, if started any time during a normal Frame as when the receiver is switched onto a channel where the transmitter is operating continuously. The automatic AQLEV Level Measurement acquisition sequence starts with the level measurement circuits being put into 'Clamp' Mode for one symbol time to quickly set the voltages on the DOC pins to approximately correct levels. The level measurement circuits are then automatically set to 'Lossy Peak Detect' mode for 15 symbol times, then 'Slow Peak Detect' until a received Frame Sync pattern is recognized, after which the automatic sequence ends and the level measurement circuit mode reverts to the mode set by the LEVRES bits of the Control Register (normally 'Level Track'). The peak detectors used in both 'Slow' and 'Lossy Peak Detect' modes include additional low pass filtering of the received signal. This greatly reduces the effect of pattern noise on the reference voltages held on the external DOC capacitors but means that pairs of '+3' (and '-3') symbols need to be received to establish the correct levels. Two pairs of '+3' and two pairs of '-3' symbols received after the start of an AQLEV sequence are sufficient to correctly set the levels on the DOC capacitors. The automatic AQSC Symbol Clock acquisition sequence sets the PLL to 'Extra Wide Bandwidth' mode for 16 symbol times (this mode is not one of those which can be selected by the Control Register PLLBW bits) then changes to 'Wide' bandwidth. After 45 symbol times, the PLL mode will revert to that set by the Control Register PLLBW bits. 5.4 AC Coupling For a practical circuit, ac coupling between the modem's transmit output to the frequency modulator and between the receiver's frequency discriminator and the receive input of the modem may be desired. There are, however, two issues which deserve consideration: 1. AC coupling of the signal degrades the Bit Error Rate performance of the modem. The following graph illustrates the typical bit error rates at 4800 symbols/sec (9600bps) without FEC for reasonably random data with differing degrees of AC coupling: 1.E-01 1.E-02 BER 1.E-03 Tx & Rx DC coupled Tx 5Hz, RxDC Tx 5Hz, Rx5Hz Tx 5Hz, Rx10Hz 1.E-04 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 S/N dB (Noise in 20 to 9600Hz band) Figure 24: Effect of AC Coupling on BER (without FEC) ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 41 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 2. Any AC coupling at the receive input will transform any step in the voltage at the discriminator output to a slowly decaying pulse which can confuse the modem's level measuring circuits. As illustrated in Figure 25 below, the time for this step to decay to 37% of its original value is 'RC' where: RC = 1 25(3dB cut - off frequency of the RC network) which is 32ms, or 153 symbol times at 4800 symbols/sec (9600bps) for a 5Hz network. Step Input to RC Circuit 100% Output of RC Circuit 37% T = RC Figure 25: Decay Time - AC Coupling In general, it is best to DC couple the receiver discriminator to the modem and ensure that any AC coupling to the transmitter's frequency modulator has a -3dB cut-off frequency of no higher than 5Hz for 4800 symbols/sec (9600bps). ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump 5.5 Page 42 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Radio Performance The maximum data rate that can be transmitted over a radio channel using this modem depends on: RF channel spacing. Allowable adjacent channel interference. Symbol rate. Peak carrier deviation (modulation index). Tx and Rx reference oscillator accuracy. Modulator and demodulator linearity. Receiver IF filter frequency and phase characteristics. Use of error correction techniques. Acceptable error rate. As a guide, 4800 symbols/sec (9600bps) can be achieved (subject to local regulatory requirements) over a system with 12.5kHz channel spacing if the transmitter frequency deviation is set to ±2.5kHz peak for a repetitive ' +3 +3 -3 -3 ... ' pattern and the maximum difference between transmitter and receiver 'carrier' frequencies is less than 2400Hz. The modulation scheme employed by these modems is designed to achieve high data throughput by exploiting as much as possible of the RF channel bandwidth. However, this does place constraints on the performance of the radio. Particular attention must be paid to: Linearity, frequency, and phase response of the Tx Frequency Modulator. For a 4800 symbols/sec (9600bps) system, the frequency response should be within ±2dB over the range 3Hz to 5kHz, relative to 2400Hz. The bandwidth and phase response of the receiver's IF filters. Accuracy of the Tx and Rx reference oscillators, as any difference will shift the received signal towards the skirts of the IF filter response and cause a DC offset at the discriminator output. Viewing the equalized received signal eye diagram, using the Mode Register RXEYE function, provides a good indication of the overall RF transmitter/receiver performance. Tx FREQUENCY MODULATOR Rx FREQUENCY DISCRIMINATOR SIGNAL LEVEL ADJUSTMENT DC LEVEL ADJUSTMENT RXAMPOUT RXIN µC D0 - D7 A0 - A1 CS RD WR IRQ SIGNAL AND DC LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Rx CIRCUITS D0 - D7 A0 - A1 CS RD WR IRQ Tx CIRCUITS TXOUT MX929A MODEM Figure 26: Typical Connections between Radio and MX929B ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump 5.6 Page 43 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Received Signal Quality Monitor In applications where the modem has to monitor a long transmission containing a number of concatenated Frames, it is recommended that the controlling software include a function which regularly checks that the modem is still receiving a good data signal and triggers a re-acquisition and possibly changes to another channel if a problem is encountered. This strategy has been shown to improve the system's overall performance in situations where fading, large noise bursts, severe co-channel interference, or loss of the received signal for long periods are likely to occur. Such a function can be simply implemented by regularly reading the Data Quality Register, which gives a measure of the overall quality of the received signal, as well as the current effectiveness of the modem's clock extraction and level measurement systems. Experience has shown that if two consecutive DQ readings are both less than 50 then it is worth instructing the MX929B to re-acquire the received signal levels and timing once it has been established that the received carrier level is satisfactory. Re-acquisition should follow the procedure given in Section 5.3. The interval between Data Quality readings is not critical, but should be a minimum of 64 symbol times except for the first reading made after triggering the AQSC and AQLEV automatic acquisition sequences, which should be delayed for about 250 symbol times. A suitable algorithm is shown in Figure 27. AQSC/AQLEV task issued Reset timer. Set µC variable 'LAST_DQ' to 99 No Note: Times are symbol times. Timer > 250 ? Read DQ register into µC variable 'THIS_DQ' 'THIS_DQ' < 50 ? No Yes 'LAST_DQ' < 50 ? No Yes Re Acquire Copy 'THIS_DQ' to 'LAST DQ'. Reset Timer. No Timer > 64 ? Yes Figure 27: Received Signal Quality Monitor Flowchart ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 44 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 6. Performance Specification 6.1 Electrical Performance 6.1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Exceeding these maximum ratings can result in damage to the device. General Min. Max. Units Supply (VDD - VSS) -0.3 7.0 V Voltage on any pin to VSS -0.3 VDD + 0.3 V VDD -30 30 mA VSS -30 30 mA Any other pin -20 20 mA DW and P Packages Min. Max. Units 800 mW 13 mW/°C above °C Current Total Allowable Power Dissipation at TAMB = 25°C Derating above 25°C Storage Temperature -55 125 °C Operating Temperature -40 85 °C Min. Max. Units 550 mW DS Package Total Allowable Power Dissipation at TAMB = 25°C Derating above 25°C 6.1.2 9 mW/°C above °C Storage Temperature -55 125 °C Operating Temperature -40 85 °C Operating Limits Correct operation of the device outside these limits is not implied. Notes Min. Max. Units 3.0 5.5 V Symbol Rate 2400 9600 Symbols/sec Temperature -40 85 °C Xtal Frequency 1.0 10.0 MHz Supply (VDD - VSS) ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump 6.1.3 Page 45 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Operating Characteristics For the following conditions unless otherwise specified: Xtal Frequency = 4.9152MHz, Symbol Rate = 4800 symbols/sec (9600bps), Noise Bandwidth = 0 to 9600Hz, VDD = 3.3V to 5.0V @ TAMB = 25°C Notes Min. Typ. Max. Units DC Parameters IDD 1 4.0 10.0 mA IDD (VDD = 3.3V) 1 2.5 6.3 mA IDD (Powersave Mode) 1 1.5 mA IDD (Powersave Mode, VDD = 3.3V) 1 0.6 mA 2 1.0 2.5 k AC Parameters Tx Output TXOUT Impedance Signal Level TXIMP = 0 3 0.8 1.0 1.2 VP-P TXIMP = 1 3 0.88 1.1 1.32 VP-P 4 -0.25 0.25 V Output DC Offset with respect to VDD /2 Rx Input RXIN Impedance (at 100Hz) 10.0 M RXIN Amp Voltage Gain (input = 1mVRMS at 100Hz) 300 V/V Input Signal Level 5 0.7 1.0 1.3 VP-P DC Offset with respect to VDD /2 5 -0.5 0.5 V 'High' Pulse Width 6 40 ns 'Low' Pulse Width 6 40 ns 10.0 M 20 dB 70% VDD Xtal/Clock Input Input Impedance (at 100Hz) Inverter Gain (input = 1 mVRMS at 100Hz) µC Interface Input Logic "1" Level 7, 8 Input Logic "0" Level 7, 8 Input Leakage Current (VIN = 0 to VDD) 7, 8 Input Capacitance 7, 8 5.0 30% VDD 5.0 µA 10.0 pF Output Logic "1" Level (lOH = 120µA) 8 Output Logic "0" Level (lOL = 360µA) 8, 9 8% VDD 9 10.0 µA 'Off' State Leakage Current (VOUT = VDD) ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA 92% Fax: 336 744 5054 VDD Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 46 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Operating Characteristics Notes: 1. Not including any current drawn from the modem pins by external circuitry other than the Xtal oscillator. 2. Small signal impedance. 3. Measured after the external RC filter (R4/C5) for a "+3 +3 -3 -3...." symbol sequence. (Tx output level is proportional to VDD). 4. Measured at the TXOUT pin with the modem in the Tx idle mode. 5. For optimum performance, measured at RXAMPOUT pin, for a "...+3 +3 -3 -3..." symbol sequence, TXIMP = 0 or 1. The optimum level and DC offset values are proportional to VDD. 6. Timing for an external input to the XTAL/Clock pin. 7. WR , RD , CS , A0 and A1 pins. 8. D0 - D7 pins. 9. IRQ pin. 6.1.4 Timing C Parallel Interface Timings (ref. Figure 28) Notes Min. Typ. Max. Units Address valid to CS low time 0 ns tAH Address hold time 0 ns tCSH CS hold time 0 ns tCSHI CS high time 6.0 clock cycles tCSRWL CS to WR or RD low time 0 ns tDHR Read data hold time 0 ns tDHW Write data hold time 0 ns tDSW Write data setup time 90.0 ns tRHCSL RD high to CS low time (write) 0 ns tRACL Read access time from CS low 2 175 ns tRARL Read access time from RD low 2 145 ns tRL RD low time tRX RD high to D0-D7 3-state time tWHCSL WR high to CS low time (read) tWL WR low time tACSL 1 200 ns 50 ns 0 ns 200 ns Timing Notes: 1. Xtal/Clock cycles at the XTAL/CLOCK pin. 2. With 30pF max to VSS on D0 - D7 pins. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 47 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION WRITE CYCLE (DATA TO MODEM) tAH ADDRESS A0, A1 ADDRESS VALID tACSL tCSH tCSHI CS tWL WR tRHCSL tCSRWL RD tDSW tDHW DATA D0 to D7 DATA VALID READ CYCLE (DATA FROM MODEM) tAH ADDRESS A0, A1 ADDRESS VALID tACSL tCSH CS tCSHI tWHCSL WR tCSRWL tRL RD tRX tRARL DATA D0 to D7 tDHR DATA VALID tRACL Figure 28: 2C Parallel Interface Timings ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump 6.1.5 Page 48 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Typical Bit Error Rate 1E-1 BER with FEC 1E-2 BER without FEC 1E-3 BER 1E-4 1E-5 1E-6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 S/N dB (Noise in 2 x Symbol RateBandwidth) Figure 29: Typical Bit Error Rate With and Without FEC Measured under nominal working conditions, LEVRES bits set to 'Level Track' or 'Slow Peak Detect' and PLLBW bits set to 'Medium' or 'Narrow' Bandwidth, Command Register TXIMP bit set to '0' or '1' (same for Tx and Rx devices), with pseudo-random data. Note: § Signal Voltage · ¸¸ S / N calculates as 20log10¨¨ © Noise Voltage ¹ Where: Signal Voltage is the measured VRMS of a random 4-level signal. Noise Voltage is the VRMS of a flat Gaussian noise signal having a bandwidth from a few Hz to twice the symbol rate (e.g. to 9600Hz when measuring a 4800 symbol/sec (9600bps) system). Both signals are measured at the same point in the test circuit. ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump 6.2 Page 49 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Packaging Package Tolerances A Z B ALTERNATIVE PIN LOCATION MARKING E W L T PIN 1 X Y C K H P J DIM. A B C E H J K L P T W X Y Z MIN. TYP. MAX. 0.613 (15.57) 0.299 (7.59) 0.105 (2.67) 0.419 (10.64) 0.020 (0.51) 0.020 (0.51) 0.046 (1.17) 0.597 (15.16) 0.286 (7.26) 0.093 (2.36) 0.390 (9.90) 0.003 (0.08) 0.013 (0.33) 0.036 (0.91) 0.050 (1.27) 0.016 (0.41) 0.050 (1.27) 0.0125 (0.32) 0.009 (0.23) 45° 10° 0° 5° 7° 5° NOTE : All dimensions in inches (mm.) Angles are in degrees Figure 30: 24-pin SOIC Mechanical Outline: Order as part no. MX929BDW Package Tolerances A Z E B PIN 1 L T PIN 1 X Y H J P C DIM. A B C E H J L P T X Y Z MIN. TYP. MAX. 0.318 (8.07) 0.328 (8.33) 0.205 (5.20) 0.213 (5.39) 0.066 (1.67) 0.079 (2.00) 0.312 (7.90) 0.301 (7.65) 0.002 (0.05) 0.008 (0.21) 0.010 (0.25) 0.015 (0.38) 0.022 (0.55) 0.037 (0.95) 0.026 (0.65) 0.005 (0.13) 0.009 (0.22) 0° 8° 7° 9° 4° 10° NOTE : All dimensions in inches (mm.) Angles are in degrees Figure 31: 24-pin SSOP Mechanical Outline: Order as part no. MX929BDS ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. 4-Level FSK Modem Data Pump Page 50 of 50 MX929B PRELIMINARY INFORMATION A Package Tolerances B E E1 Y T PIN1 K H L C J J1 P DIM. A B C E E1 H J J1 K L P T Y MIN. TYP. MAX. 1.270 (32.26) 1.200 (30.48) 0.555 (14.04) 0.500 (12.70) 0.151 (3.84) 0.220 (5.59) 0.600 (15.24) 0.670 (17.02) 0.590 (14.99) 0.625 (15.88) 0.015 (0.38) 0.045 (1.14) 0.015 (0.38) 0.023 (0.58) 0.040 (1.02) 0.065 (1.65) 0.066 (1.67) 0.074 (1.88) 0.121 (3.07) 0.160 (4.05) 0.100 (2.54) 0.008 (0.20) 0.015 (0.38) 7° NOTE : All dimensions in inches (mm.) Angles are in degrees Figure 32: 24-pin PDIP Mechanical Outline: Order as part no. MX929BP ©2001 MX-COM, INC. Tel: 800 638 5577 336 744 5050 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105-1201 USA Fax: 336 744 5054 Doc. # 20480171.003 All trademarks and service marks are held by their respective companies. CML Microcircuits COMMUNICATION SEMICONDUCTORS CML Product Data In the process of creating a more global image, the three standard product semiconductor companies of CML Microsystems Plc (Consumer Microcircuits Limited (UK), MX-COM, Inc (USA) and CML Microcircuits (Singapore) Pte Ltd) have undergone name changes and, whilst maintaining their separate new names (CML Microcircuits (UK) Ltd, CML Microcircuits (USA) Inc and CML Microcircuits (Singapore) Pte Ltd), now operate under the single title CML Microcircuits. These companies are all 100% owned operating companies of the CML Microsystems Plc Group and these changes are purely changes of name and do not change any underlying legal entities and hence will have no effect on any agreements or contacts currently in force. CML Microcircuits Product Prefix Codes Until the latter part of 1996, the differentiator between products manufactured and sold from MXCOM, Inc. and Consumer Microcircuits Limited were denoted by the prefixes MX and FX respectively. These products use the same silicon etc. and today still carry the same prefixes. In the latter part of 1996, both companies adopted the common prefix: CMX. This notification is relevant product information to which it is attached. CML Microcircuits (USA) [formerly MX-COM, Inc.] Product Textual Marking On CML Microcircuits (USA) products, the ‘MX-COM’ textual logo is being replaced by a ‘CML’ textual logo. Company contact information is as below: CML Microcircuits (UK)Ltd CML Microcircuits (USA) Inc. CML Microcircuits (Singapore)PteLtd COMMUNICATION SEMICONDUCTORS COMMUNICATION SEMICONDUCTORS COMMUNICATION SEMICONDUCTORS Oval Park, Langford, Maldon, Essex, CM9 6WG, England Tel: +44 (0)1621 875500 Fax: +44 (0)1621 875600 [email protected] 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105, USA Tel: +1 336 744 5050, 0800 638 5577 Fax: +1 336 744 5054 [email protected] No 2 Kallang Pudding Road, 09-05/ 06 Mactech Industrial Building, Singapore 349307 Tel: +65 7450426 Fax: +65 7452917 [email protected] D/CML (D)/2 May 2002