wconnect e VT6305 PCI 1394 Host Controller 1394.A OHCI Link Layer Controller for the PCI Bus Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 VIA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Copyright Notice: Copyright © 1998 VIA Technologies Incorporated. Printed in the United States. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise without the prior written permission of VIA Technologies Incorporated. VT6305 may only be used to identify a product of VIA Technologies, Inc. is a registered trademark of VIA Technologies, Incorporated. Windows 95TM, Windows 98TM, Windows NTTM, and Plug and PlayTM are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. PCITM is a registered trademark of the PCI Special Interest Group. All trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. Disclaimer Notice: No license is granted, implied or otherwise, under any patent or patent rights of VIA Technologies. VIA Technologies makes no warranties, implied or otherwise, in regard to this document and to the products described in this document. The information provided by this document is believed to be accurate and reliable to the publication date of this document. However, VIA Technologies assumes no responsibility for any errors in this document. Furthermore, VIA Technologies assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of the information in this document and for any patent infringements that may arise from the use of this document. The information and product specifications within this document are subject to change at any time, without notice and without obligation to notify any person of such change. Offices: USA Office: 1045 Mission Court Fremont, CA 94539 USA Tel: (510) 683-3300 Fax: (510) 683-3301 Taipei Office: 8th Floor, No. 533 Chung-Cheng Road, Hsin-Tien Taipei, Taiwan ROC Tel: (886-2) 218-5452 Fax: (886-2) 218-5453 Online Services: Web Page: FTP Server: BBS: http://www.via.com.tw –or- http://www.viatech.com ftp://ftp.via.com.tw 886-2-2185208 Technologies, Inc. We Connect REVISION HISTORY Document Release Date Revision 0.1 Revision 0.2 5/19/98 7/31/98 Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 Revision Initial release as VT83C574 Changed part # to VT6305 Revised pinouts and added pin descriptions -i- Initial s DH DH Revision History Technologies, Inc. We Connect TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY................................................................................................................................................................I TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................................................................... II LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................................................III LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................................................III OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 PINOUTS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 PIN DIAGRAM ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 PIN LIST ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 PIN DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 REGISTERS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 REGISTER OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................ 8 REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 1394 Host Controller Configuration Registers (Function 0) ........................................................................................ 11 Configuration Space Header ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Controller-Specific Configuration Registers.................................................................................................................................. 13 1394 Host Controller Memory-Space Registers ........................................................................................................... 14 Autonomous CSR Resources ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 Bus Management CSR Registers .................................................................................................................................................. 15 HC Control Registers ................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Self-ID Control Registers ............................................................................................................................................................. 18 Channel Mask Registers............................................................................................................................................................... 18 Interrupt Registers........................................................................................................................................................................ 19 Link Control Registers ................................................................................................................................................................. 21 PHY Control Registers................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Cycle Timer Registers .................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Filter Registers ............................................................................................................................................................................ 23 Asynchronous Transmit & Receive Context Registers................................................................................................................... 24 Isochronous Transmit Context Registers ....................................................................................................................................... 26 Isochronous Receive Context Registers......................................................................................................................................... 27 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................................................................ 29 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ........................................................................................................................................... 29 DC CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................................................................ 29 PACKAGE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................. 30 Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -ii- Table of Contents Technologies, Inc. We Connect LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1. FIGURE 2. FIGURE 3. FIGURE 4. VT6305 CHIP BLOCK DIAGRAM ..................................................................................................................... 2 VT6305 PIN DIAGRAM (TOP VIEW) ................................................................................................................ 3 VT6305 PIN LIST (ALPHABETICAL ORDER)................................................................................................. 4 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS – 128 PIN PQFP PACKAGE ................................................................. 30 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1. VT6305 PIN DESCRIPTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 5 TABLE 2. REGISTERS ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 TABLE 3. PACKET EVENT CODES ................................................................................................................................... 25 Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -iii- List of Figures & Tables Technologies, Inc. We Connect VT6305 PCI 1394 HOST CONTROLLER 1394.A OHCI LINK LAYER CONTROLLER FOR THE PCI BUS • Single Chip PCI Host Controller for IEEE P1394.A • Data Transfers of 100 / 200 / 400 MHz • Embedded IEEE 1394.A Link Core − − − − • 32 bit CRC generator and checker for receive and transmit data Built-in isochronous and asynchronous receive and transmit FIFOs for packets 2 / 4 / 8 bit data interface to external discrete PHY Compliant with IEEE 1394.A Specification Release 1.0 OHCI Compliant Programming Interface − Descriptor based isochronous and asynchronous DMA channels for receive / transmit packets − Compliant with 1394 Open HCI Specification v0.94 • 32-Bit Power-Managed PCI Bus Interface − High-performance bus mastering support − Byte alignment to run in both little-endian (x86/PCI) and byte-swapped big-endian (PowerMac/PCI) environments − Compliant with PCI Bus Power Management Specification v1.0 • 3.3V Power Supply with 5V Tolerant Inputs • 0.35um, Low Power CMOS Process • 128-Pin PQFP Package • PCB Reference Designs & Schematics Available Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -1- Features Technologies, Inc. We Connect OVERVIEW The VT6305 IEEE 1394 Open HCI Link Controller provides high performance serial connectivity. It implements the Link layer for IEEE 1394.A release v1.0 and is compliant with Open HCI with DMA engine support for high performance data transfer. It has a PCI host bus interface. The VT6305 supports 100, 200 and 400 Mbits/sec transmission. Depending on transmission speed, the Link / PHY connection is provided through a 2- / 4- / 8-bit interface operating at 50 MHz. The VT6305 services two types of data packets: asynchronous and isochronous (real time). The 1394 link core performs arbitration requesting, packet generation and checking, and bus cycle master operations. It also has root node capability and performs cycle and retry operations. The VT6305 is ready to provide industry-standard IEEE 1394 peripheral connections for desktop and mobile PC platforms. Support for the VT6305 will be built into Microsoft Windows 98 (Memphis) and Windows NT 5.0. PCI 2.1 Host Interface Receiver CRC Checker Cycle Monitor Cycle Timer Transmitter DMA CRC Generator Register (Control/Status/Interrupt) SWAP Tx/Rx FIFO Iso/Asy Link/PHY Interface Figure 1. VT6305 Chip Block Diagram Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -2- Overview AD31 AD30 VDD1 AD29 AD28 VSS1 AD27 AD26 AD25 AD24 CEB3# IDSEL AD23 VSS2 AD22 VDD2 AD21 AD20 AD19 AD18 AD17 AD16 VSS3 CBE2# FRAME# VDD3 IRDY# TRDY# DEVSEL# STOP# PERR# SERR# VSS4 PAR CBE1# AD15 VDDC1 VSSC1 VSSC2 VDDC2 LPS PCI_ISO GPIO4 GPIO3/ LK_EN3 GPIO2/ PWREN_D3 VSS11 MA15/ REMREQ3# MA14/ USBPRSN3# MA13/ E3PRSN3# VDD8 MA12/ STS_D3 MA11/ LK_EN2 MA10/ PWREN_D2 VSS10 MA9/ REMREQ2# MA8/ USBPRSN2# MA7/ E3PRSN2# MA6/ STS_D2 MA5/ LK_EN1 MA4/ PWREN_D1 VSS9 MA3/ REMREQ1# VDD7 MA2/ USBPRSN1# MA1/ E3PRSN1# MA0/ STS_D1 BPCS# BPRD# BPWR# VSS8 GPIO1/ LK_EN0 MD7/ PWREN_D0 MD6/ REMREQ0# MD5/ USBPRSN0# MD4/ E3PRSN0# VDD6 Technologies, Inc. We Connect PINOUTS Pin Diagram 1 0 2 VSS12 PHY_CLK VDD9 PHY_D0 PHY_D1 PHY_D2 PHY_D3 VSS13 PHY_D4 PHY_D5 PHY_D6 PHY_D7 VSS14 PHY_CTL0 PHY_CTL1 VDD10 PHY_LREQ LINK_ON INTB# INTA# PCIRST# PCICLK VSS15 GNT# REQ# PME# 1 0 0 1 Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 9 5 5 9 0 1 0 8 5 115 1 5 8 0 2 0 -3- 7 5 2 5 7 0 3 0 6 5 103 64 105 60 110 55 VT6305 50 120 45 125 128 3 5 39 MD3/ STS_D0 MD2/ EECK VSS7 MD1/ EEDI MD0/ EEDO EECS AD0 AD1 AD2 AD3 VSS6 AD4 VDD5 AD5 AD6 AD7 CBE0# AD8 AD9 VSS5 AD10 AD11 AD12 AD13 VDD4 AD14 3 8 Figure 2. VT6305 Pin Diagram (Top View) Pinouts Technologies, Inc. We Connect Pin List Figure 3. VT6305 Pin List (Alphabetical Order) Pin 58 57 56 55 53 51 50 49 47 46 44 43 42 41 39 36 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 13 10 9 8 7 5 4 2 1 IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO Pin Name AD00 AD01 AD02 AD03 AD04 AD05 AD06 AD07 AD08 AD09 AD10 AD11 AD12 AD13 AD14 AD15 AD16 AD17 AD18 AD19 AD20 AD21 AD22 AD23 AD24 AD25 AD26 AD27 AD28 AD29 AD30 AD31 Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 Pin Pin Name 48 IO CBE0# 35 IO CBE1# 24 IO CBE2# 11 IO CBE3# 29 IO DEVSEL# 59 O EECS# 25 IO FRAME# 6 P GND 14 P GND 23 P GND 33 P GND 38 P GND 45 P GND 54 P GND 62 P GND 71 P GND 80 P GND 87 P GND 95 P GND 102 P GND 103 P GND 110 P GND 115 P GND 125 P GND 70 IO / O GPIO1 / DB0LEN 96 IO / O GPIO2 / DB3PEN 97 IO / O GPIO3 / DB3LEN 98 IO GPIO4 12 O IDSEL 122 O INTA# 121 O INTB# 27 IO IRDY# Pin 75 76 77 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 88 89 90 92 93 94 74 60 61 63 64 66 67 68 69 73 72 34 99 124 31 126 -4- O/I O/I O/I O/I O/O O/O O/I O/I O/I O/I O/O O/O O/I O/I O/I O/I O IO / O IO / I IO / O IO / I IO / I IO / I IO / I IO / O O O IO IO I O I Pin Name MA00 / DB1SLK MA01 / DB11394# MA02 / DB1USB# MA03 / DB1RRQ# MA04 / DB1PEN MA05 / DB1LEN MA06 / DB2SLK MA07 / DB21394# MA08 / DB2USB# MA09 / DB2RRQ# MA10 / DB2PEN MA11 / DB2LEN MA12 / DB3SLK MA13 / DB31394# MA14 / DB3USB# MA15 / DB3RRQ# MCS# MD0 / EEDO MD1 / EEDI MD2 / EECK MD3 / DB0SLK MD4 / DB01394# MD5 / DB0USB# MD6 / DB0RRQ# MD7 / DB0PEN MRD# MWR# PAR PCIISO PCLK PERR# PGNT# Pin 104 116 117 106 107 108 109 111 112 113 114 120 100 119 128 127 123 32 30 28 3 16 26 37 40 52 65 78 91 101 105 118 I IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO IO I I O O O I O IO IO P P P P P P P P P P P P Pin Name PHYCLK PHYCTL0 PHYCTL1 PHYD0 PHYD1 PHYD2 PHYD3 PHYD4 PHYD5 PHYD6 PHYD7 PHYLON PHYLPS PHYLREQ PME# PREQ# RESET# SERR# STOP# TRDY# VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC Pinouts Technologies, Inc. We Connect Pin Descriptions Table 1. VT6305 Pin Descriptions PCI Bus Interface Signal Name Pin No. I/O Signal Description IO Address / Data Bus. The standard PCI address and data lines. The address is driven with FRAME# assertion and data is driven or received in following cycles. CBE[3:0]# 1, 2, 4, 5, 7-10, 13, 15, 17-22, 36, 39, 41-44, 46, 47, 49-51, 53, 55-58 11, 24, 35, 48 IO FRAME# 25 IO DEVSEL# 29 IO TRDY# IRDY# PREQ# 28 27 127 IO IO O PGNT# IDSEL 126 12 I O INTA# INTB# PCLK RESET# 122 121 124 123 O O I I PAR PERR# SERR# STOP# 34 31 32 30 IO O O IO Command / Byte Enable. The command is driven with FRAME# assertion. Byte enables corresponding to supplied or requested data are driven on following clocks. Frame. Assertion indicates the address phase of a PCI transfer. Negation indicates that one more data transfer is desired by the cycle initiator. Device Select. As an output, this signal is asserted to claim PCI transactions through positive or subtractive decoding. As an input, DEVSEL# indicates the response to a VT6305-initiated transaction and is also sampled when decoding whether to subtractively decode the cycle. Target Ready. Asserted when the target is ready for data transfer. Initiator Ready. Asserted when the initiator is ready for data transfer. PCI Bus Request. Asserted by the bus master to indicate to the bus arbiter that it wants to use the bus. PCI Bus Grant. Asserted to indicate that access to the bus is granted. Initialization Device Select. IDSEL is used as a chip select during configuration read and write cycles. Interrupt A. An asynchronous signal used to request an interrupt. Interrupt B. An asynchronous signal used to request an interrupt. PCI Clock. Timing reference for all transactions on the PCI Bus. Reset. When detected low, an internal hardware reset is performed. PCIRST# assertion or deassertion may be asynchronous to PCLK, however, it is recommended that deassertion be synchronous to guarantee a clean and bounce free edge. Parity. A single parity bit is provided over AD[31:0] and C/BE[3:0]#. Parity Error. Parity error is asserted when a data parity error is detected. System Error. SERR# is pulsed active to indicate a system error condition. Stop. Asserted by the target to request the master to stop the current transaction. AD[31:0] Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -5- Pinouts Technologies, Inc. We Connect 1394 PHY Interface Signal Name Pin No. I/O Signal Description PHYD[7:0] 114, 113, 112, 111, 109, 108, 107, 106 117 116 104 119 120 100 IO PHY Data. IO IO I O I I PHY Control 1. PHY Control 0. PHY Clock. PHY Link Request. PHY Link On. PHY Link PHYCTL1 PHYCTL0 PHYCLK PHYLREQ PHYLON PHYLPS Serial Configuration Memory Interface Signal Name Pin No. I/O EECS# 59 O EEDO / MD0 EEDI / MD1 EECK / MD2 60 61 63 O/I I/I O/I Signal Description EEPROM Chip Select. Chip select for external serial EEPROM when used to provide configuration data. A high-value pull-up resistor is provided internally. EEPROM Data Out. EEPROM Data In. EEPROM Clock. Local Memory Interface Signal Name MD[7:0] MA[15:0] MCS# MRD# MWR# Pin No. I/O Signal Description 74 73 72 IO O O O O Memory Data. Pins optionally used for device bay if local memory not used Memory Address. Pins optionally used for device bay if local memory not used Memory Chip Select. Memory Read Enable. Memory Write Enable. Miscellaneous Signal Name PME# PCIISO GPIO1 / DB0LEN GPIO2 / DB3PEN GPIO3 / DB3LEN GPIO4 Pin No. I/O 128 99 70 96 97 98 O IO IO / O IO / O IO / O IO Signal Description Power Management Event. General Purpose I/O. General Purpose I/O. General Purpose I/O. General Purpose I/O. General Purpose I/O. Power and Ground Signal Name Pin No. Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 I/O Signal Description -6- Pinouts Technologies, Inc. We Connect VCC GND 3, 16, 26, 37, 40, 52, 65, 78, 91, 101, 105, 118 6, 14, 23, 33, 38, 45, 54, 62, 71, 80, 87, 95, 102, 103, 110, 115, 125 Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 P Power. P Ground. -7- Pinouts Technologies, Inc. We Connect Table 2. Registers REGISTERS PCI Function 0 Registers – Controller Configuration Register Overview Configuration Space Header Registers The following tables summarize the configuration and I/O registers of the VT6305. These tables also document the power-on default value (“Default”) and access type (“Acc”) for each register. Access type definitions used are RW (Read/Write), RO (Read/Only), “—” for reserved / used (essentially the same as RO), and RWC (or just WC) (Read / Write 1’s to Clear individual bits). Registers indicated as RW may have some read/only bits that always read back a fixed value (usually 0 if unused); registers designated as RWC or WC may have some read-only or read write bits (see individual register descriptions for details). Offset 1-0 3-2 5-4 7-6 8 9 A B C D E F 13-10 14-27 28-2B 2C-2F 30-33 34-3B 3C 3D 3E 3F Detailed register descriptions are provided in the following section of this document. All offset and default values are shown in hexadecimal unless otherwise indicated PCI Configuration Space Header Vendor ID Device ID Command Status Revision ID Programming Interface Sub Class Code Base Class Code -reserved- (cache line size) Latency Timer Header Type -reserved- (Built In Self Test) Base Address Register -reserved- (base address registers) -reserved- (unassigned) -reserved- (subsystem ID read) -reserved- (expan. ROM base addr) -reserved- (unassigned) Interrupt Line Interrupt Pin -reserved- (min gnt) -reserved- (max lat) Default 1106 0130 0000 0280 nn 10 00 0C 00 00 00 00 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 Acc RO RO RW WC RO RO RO RO — RW RO — RW — — — — — RW RO — — Default 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 TBD 00 Acc RO RW — RW — RW — RO — Controller-Specific Configuration Registers Offset 43-40 44 45 46 47-F3 F4 F5-F7 FB-F8 FC-FF Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -8- Heading PCI HCI Control Miscellaneous Control -reservedPHY Control -reservedHide Function Register -reservedManufacturer ID -reserved- Register Overview Technologies, Inc. We Connect 1394 Memory-Space Registers Offset 0 4 8 C 10 14 18 1C 20 24 28 2C-33 34 38 3C 40 44-4F 50 54 58-5F 60-63 64 68 6C-6F 70 74 78 7C 80 84 88 8C 90 94 98 9C A0 A4 A8 AC B0-DB DC E0 E4 E8 EC F0 F4-FF Heading Version -reserved- (GUID ROM) Asynchronous Transmit Retries CSR Data CSR Compare Data CSR Control Configuration ROM Header 1394 Bus ID 1394 Bus Options Global Unique ID High Global Unique ID Low -reservedConfiguration ROM Map Posted Write Address Low Posted Write Address High Vendor ID -reservedHC Control Set HC Control Clear -reserved-reservedSelf-ID Buffer Pointer Self-ID Count -reservedIsoch Rcv Channel Mask High Set Isoch Rcv Channel Mask High Clr Isoch Rcv Channel Mask Low Set Isoch Rcv Channel Mask Low Clr Interrupt Event Set Interrupt Event Clear Interrupt Mask Set Interrupt Mask Clear Isoch Xmit Interrupt Event Set Isoch Xmit Interrupt Event Clear Isoch Xmit Interrupt Mask Set Isoch Xmit Interrupt Mask Clear Isoch Rcv Interrupt Event Set Isoch Rcv Interrupt Event Clear Isoch Rcv Interrupt Mask Set Isoch Rcv Interrupt Mask Clear -reservedFairness Control Link Control Set Link Control Clear Node ID PHY Control Isochronous Cycle Timer -reserved- Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 Default 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 8000 0000 0000 0000 3133 3934 F000 0002 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 100 104 108 10C 110 114 118 11C 120-17F 180 184 18C 1A0 1A4 1AC 1C0 1C4 1CC 1E0 1E4 1EC Async Request Filter High Set Async Request Filter High Clear Async Request Filter Low Set Async Request Filter Low Clear Physical Request Filter High Set Physical Request Filter High Clear Physical Request Filter Low Set Physical Request Filter Low Clear -reservedAsync Request Xmit Context Set Async Request Xmit Context Clr Async Request Xmit Command Ptr Async Response Xmit Context Set Async Response Xmit Context Clr Async Response Xmit Cmd Ptr Async Request Rcv Context Set Async Request Rcv Context Clr Async Request Rcv Command Ptr Async Response Rcv Context Set Async Response Rcv Context Clr Async Response Rcv Command Ptr 200 Isoch Xmit Context 0 Set 204 Isoch Xmit Context 0 Clr 20C Isoch Xmit Context 0 Cmd Ptr 210 Isoch Xmit Context 1 Set 214 Isoch Xmit Context 1 Clr 21C Isoch Xmit Context 1 Cmd Ptr 220 Isoch Xmit Context 1 Set 224 Isoch Xmit Context 1 Clr 22C Isoch Xmit Context 1 Cmd Ptr 230 Isoch Xmit Context 2 Set 234 Isoch Xmit Context 2 Clr 23C Isoch Xmit Context 2 Cmd Ptr 250-3FF -reserved400 Isoch Rcv Context 0 Set 404 Isoch Rcv Context 0 Clr 40C Isoch Rcv Context 0 Command Ptr 410 Isoch Rcv Context 0 Match 420 Isoch Rcv Context 1 Set 424 Isoch Rcv Context 1 Clr 42C Isoch Rcv Context 1 Command Ptr 430 Isoch Rcv Context 1 Match 440 Isoch Rcv Context 2 Set 444 Isoch Rcv Context 2 Clr 44C Isoch Rcv Context 2 Command Ptr 450 Isoch Rcv Context 2 Match 460 Isoch Rcv Context 3 Set 464 Isoch Rcv Context 3 Clr Acc RO — RW RW RW RW RW RO RW RW RW — RW RO RO RO — RW RW — — RW RO — RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW — RW RW RW RW RW RW — -9- 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW — RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW — RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Register Overview Technologies, Inc. We Connect 46C Isoch Rcv Context 3 Command Ptr 0000 0000 RW 470 Isoch Rcv Context 3 Match 0000 0000 RW 480-7FF -reserved00 — Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -10- Register Overview Technologies, Inc. We Connect Register Descriptions 1394 Host Controller Configuration Registers (Function 0) The 1394 host controller interface follows the Open HCI (OHCI) interface specification. There are two sets of software accessible registers: configuration registers and memory registers. The configuration registers are located in the function 0 PCI configuration space. The memory registers are located in system memory space at offsets from the address stored in the Base Address Register. Configuration Space Header Offset 1-0 - Vendor ID .................................................... RO 0-7 Vendor ID ................ (1106h = VIA Technologies) Offset 3-2 - Device ID...................................................... RO 0-7 Device ID (0130h = VT6305 1394 Controller) Offset 5-4 - Command .................................................... RW 15-10 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 9 Fast Back-to-Back Enable ....... fixed at 0 (disabled) 8 SERR# Enable.......................... fixed at 0 (disabled) 7 Wait Cycle Control................... fixed at 0 (disabled) 6 Parity Error Response.............. fixed at 0 (disabled) 5 VGA Palette Snoop................... fixed at 0 (disabled) 4 Postable Memory Write Enablefixed at 0 (disabled) 3 Special Cycle Enable ................ fixed at 0 (disabled) 2 Bus Master Enable 0 Disable................................................. default 1 Enable 1 Memory Space Enable 0 Disable................................................. default 1 Enable Access to 1394 Memory Registers 0 I/O Space Enable...................... fixed at 0 (disabled) Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 Offset 7-6 - Status ........................................................ RWC 15 Detected Parity Error.......................always reads 0 14 Signalled System Error.....................always reads 0 13 Received Master Abort 0 No Master Abort Generated..................default 1 Master Abort Generated by 1394 Controller. Set by the 1394 interface logic if it generates a master abort while acting as a master. This bit may be cleared by software by writing a one to this bit position. 12 Received Target Abort 0 No Target Abort Received ....................default 1 Target Abort Received by 1394 Controller. Set by the 1394 interface logic if it receives a target abort while acting as a master. This bit may be cleared by software by writing a one to this bit position. 11 Signalled Target Abort.....................always reads 0 10-9 DEVSEL# Timing 00 Fast 01 Medium.................................................. fixed 10 Slow 11 Reserved 8 Data Parity Error Detected..............always reads 0 7 Fast Back-to-Back Capable..............always reads 1 6 User Definable Features ...................always reads 0 5 66 MHz Capable ...............................always reads 0 4-0 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 Offset 8 - Revision ID (nnh) ............................................ RO 7-0 Silicon Revision Code (0 indicates first silicon) Offset 9 - Programming Interface (10h=OHCI) ............. RO Offset A - Sub Class Code (00h=1394 Serial Bus) .......... RO Offset B - Base Class Code (0Ch=Serial Bus Controller) RO -11- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect Offset D - Latency Timer (00h) ..................................... RW 7-4 Latency Timer Count PCI burst cycles generated by the VT6305 can last indefinitely as long as PCI GNT# remains active. If GNT# is negated after the burst is initiated, the VT6305 limits the duration of the burst to the number of PCI Bus clocks specified in this field. 3-0 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 Offset E - Header Type (00h) ......................................... RO Offset 13-10 - Base Address – 1394 Register Space ...... RW 31-7 Base Address (128-Byte Space).............. default = 0 6-4 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 3 Prefetechable .................................... always reads 0 Reads 0 to indicate that the 1394 register space is not prefetchable. 2-1 Type ...................................... always reads 0 Reads 0 to indicate that the 1394 register space may be located anywhere in the 32-bit address space. 0 Resource Type .................................. always reads 0 Reads 0 to indicate a request for memory space. Offset 3C - Interrupt Line (00h) ..................................... RO Offset 3D - Interrupt Pin (01h=Drives INTA#)............... RO Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -12- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect Controller-Specific Configuration Registers Offset 43-40 –PCI HCI Control ...................................... RO insert bit definitions here Offset 44 – Miscellaneous Control ................................. RW 7-1 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 0 Lock GUID Registers 0 Global Unique ID Registers are RW..... default 1 Global Unique ID Registers are Read Only Once set, this bit cannot be cleared except by PCI Reset. The GUID registers are located in memory in the 1394 register space. Offset 46 – PHY Control ................................................ RW 7-2 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 1 Isolated 0 Direct Environment 1 Isolated Environment 0 Multiple Speed Concatenation Disable 0 Packets of different speeds may be concatenated as long as the concatenation is not down to an S100 PHY. 1 Only same speed packets may be concatenated (packets of different speeds may not be) Note: A default value of 0000 for bits 3-0 indicates that the 1394 interface is connected to a 1394a-compliant PHY. Offset F4 – Hide Function Control ................................ RW 7-1 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 0 Hide Function 0 1394 Function Visible ..........................default 1 1394 Function Hidden If this bit is set, the 1394 function will be hidden. All subsequent reads or writes to this configuration space will then cause a master abort to be generated. This bit can only be cleared by a PCI reset. Offset FB-F8 – Manufacturer ID ................................... RO 31-0 Manufacturer ID............................always reads ??? Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -13- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect 1394 Host Controller Memory-Space Registers These registers occupy a 2048-byte space in system memory (offsets 0-7FFh). This address space begins at the address contained in the 1394 Configuration Space “Base Address Register” (Function 0 Configuration Space Offset 10h). All registers must be accessed as 32-bit words on 32-bit boundaries. Writes to reserved addresses have undefined results and reads from reserved addresses return indeterminate data. Unless specified otherwise, all register fields default to 0 and are unchanged after a 1394 bus reset. Some registers are designated as Set and Clear registers. These registers are in pairs, where a read of either address will return the current contents of the register. Data written to the Set register address is assumed to be a bit mask where one bits determine which bits should be set. Data written to the Clear register address is assumed to be a bit mask where one bits determine which bits should be cleared. Memory Offset 0 – Version............................................. RO 7-0 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 Memory Offset 8 – Asynchronous Transmit Retries ..... RW 31-29 Second Limit ...................................................... RO Count in Seconds (modulo 8). These bits and the Cycle Limit bits below define a time limit for retry attempts when the outbound dual-phase retry protocol is in use. 28-16 Cycle Limit ....................................................... RO Count in Cycles (modulo 8000). These bits and the Second Limit bits above define a time limit for retry attempts when the outbound dual-phase retry protocol is in use. 15-12 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 11-8 Max Physical Response Retries .............default = 0 Specifies how many times to attempt to retry the transmit operation for the physical response packet when a “busy” or “ack_type_error” acknowledge is received from the target node. This value is used only for responses to physical requests. 7-4 Max AT Response Retries .....................default = 0 Specifies to the Asynchronous Transmit Response subsystem how many times to attempt to retry the transmit operation for the response packet when a “busy” or “ack_type_error” acknowledge is received from the target node. This value is used only for responses sent by software via the Asynchronous Transmit Response DMA context. 3-0 Max AT Request Retries ........................default = 0 Specifies to the Asynchronous Transmit DMA Request subsystem how many times to attempt to retry the transmit operation for a packet when a “busy” or “ack_type_error” acknowledge is received from the target node. This value is used only for responses sent by software via the Asynchronous Transmit Request DMA context. -14- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect Autonomous CSR Resources The VT6305 implements the 1394 “Compare-and-Swap” bus management registers, the Configuration ROM Header, and the “Bus Info Block”. It also allows access to the first 1K bytes of the configuration ROM. Atomic compare-and-swap transactions, when accessed from the 1394 bus, are autonomous without software intervention. To access these bus management resource registers via the PCI bus, the software first loads the CSR Data register with a new data value to be loaded, then it loads the CSR Compare register with the expected value. Finally, it writes the CSR Control register with the selected value of the resource. This initiates a compare-and-swap operation. When complete, the CSR Control register “done” bit will be set and the CSR Data register will contain the value of the selected resource prior to the host-initiated compare-and-swap operation. Bus Management CSR Registers 1394 requires certain 1394 bus management resource registers to be accesssible only via 32-bit read and 32-bit lock (compare-and-swap) transactions. These special bus management resource registers are implemented on-chip: CSR CSR Address Select Register Name FFFF F000 021C 00 Bus Manager ID FFFF F000 0220 01 Bandwidth Available FFFF F000 0224 10 Channels Available Hi FFFF F000 0228 18 Channels Available Lo Hardware or Bus Reset 0000 003F 0000 1333 FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF CSR Address FFFF F000 021C – Bus Manager ID....... RW 31-6 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 5-0 Bus Manager ID .................................default = 3Fh Memory Offset C – CSR Data ....................................... RW 31-0 CSR Data .............................. default = undefined Data to be stored if comparison is successful. Memory Offset 10 – CSR Compare Data ...................... RW 31-0 CSR Compare Data .................. default = undefined Data to be compared with existing value of CSR resource. Memory Offset 14 – CSR Control.................................. RW 31 CSR Done ............................................default = 1 Set when a compare-swap operation is completed. Reset whenever this register is written. 30-2 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 1-0 CSR Resource Select................. default = undefined 00 Bus Manager ID 01 Bandwidth Available 10 Channels Available Hi 11 Channels Available Lo Memory Offset 18 – Configuration ROM Header ........ RW 31-24 Bus Info Block Length............................default = 0 Length of the Bus Information Block in doublewords 23-16 CRC Length............................................default = 0 Length of the block protected by the CRC (a value of 4 indicates that the CRC only protects the configuration ROM header). 15-0 ROM CRC Value Default value loaded from GUID ROM if present (default is undefined if GUID ROM is not present). Must be set prior to setting the “HC Control” register “Link Enable” bit. CSR Address FFFF F000 0220 – Bandwidth Available RW 31-13 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 12-0 Bandwidth Available...................... default = 1333h CSR Address FFFF F000 0224 – Channels Avail Hi..... RW 7-0 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 CSR Address FFFF F000 0228 – Channels Avail Lo .... RW 7-0 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -15- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect Memory Offset 1C – 1394 Bus ID................................... RO This register maps to the 1st 32-bit word of the bus info block. 31-0 Bus ID ...... always reads 31333934h (ASCII “1394”) Memory Offset 20 – 1394 Bus Options .......................... RW This register maps to the 2nd quadword of the bus info block. 31 Isochronous Resource Manager Capable 0 Not capable 1 Capable................................................ default 30 Cycle Master Capable 0 Not capable 1 Capable................................................ default 29 Isochronous Capable 0 Not capable 1 Capable................................................ default 28 Bus Manager Capable 0 Not capable 1 Capable................................................ default 27 Power Management Capable 0 Not capable ......................................... default 1 Capable 26-24 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 23-16 Cycle Clock Acc 1394 Bus Management Field. This field must be written with valid data prior to setting the “HC Control” register “link enable” bit. 15-12 Received Block Write Request Packet Max Length 1394 Bus Management Field. This field must be written with valid data prior to setting the “HC Control” register “link enable” bit. Received block write request packets with a length greater than the value contained in this field may generate an “ack_type_error”. 11-8 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 7-6 Configuration ROM Changed Since Last Bus Reset 0 Configuration ROM not changed ......... default 1 Configuration ROM changed 5-3 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 2-0 Max Link Speed ................................. default = 010 Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 Memory Offset 24 – Global Unique ID High ................. RW This register maps to the 3rd 32-bit word of the bus info block. Contents are cleared by hardware reset but are not affected by software reset. Read/Write if Rx44[0] is cleared, Read/Only if Rx44[0] is set. 31-8 Node Vendor ID ......................................default = 0 1394 Bus Management Field. Must be set prior to setting the “HC Control” register “link enable” bit. 7-0 Chip ID High ..........................................default = 0 1394 Bus Management Field. Must be set prior to setting the “HC Control” register “link enable” bit. Memory Offset 28 – Global Unique ID Low .................. RW This register maps to the 4th 32-bit word of the bus info block. Contents are cleared by hardware reset but are not affected by software reset. Read/Write if Rx44[0] is cleared, Read/Only if Rx44[0] is set. 31-0 Chip ID Low ...........................................default = 0 1394 Bus Management Field. Must be set prior to setting the “HC Control” register “link enable” bit. -16- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect Memory Offset 34 – Configuration ROM Map............. RW This register contains the start address within the memory space that maps to the start address of the 1394 configuration ROM. Only 32-bit word reads to the first 1K bytes of the configuration ROM will map to memory space.(all other transactions to this space will be rejected with an “ack_type_error”). The system address of the configuration ROM must start on a 1K-byte boundary. The first five 32-bit words of the configuration ROM space are mapped to the configuration ROM header and Bus Info Block, so the first five registers addressed by this register are not used. This register must be set to a valid address prior to setting the “HC Control” register “link enable” bit. 31-10 Configuration ROM Address................. default = 0 Read requests to 1394 offsets FFFF F000 0400 through FFFF F000 03FC have the low-order 10 bits of the offset added to this register to determine the host memory address of the returned data value. 9-0 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 Memory Offset 38 – Posted Write Address Low ............ RO 31-0 Offset Low ...............................default = undefined If the “Posted Write Error” bit is set in the Interrupt Events register, this and the “Posted Write Address High” register contain the 48 bits of the 1394 destination offset of the write request that resulted in the PCI error. Memory Offset 3C – Posted Write Address High .......... RO 31-16 Source ID ...............................default = undefined The Bus Number and Node Number of the node which has issued the failed write request. 15-0 Offset High ...............................default = undefined If the “Posted Write Error” bit is set in the Interrupt Events register, this and the “Posted Write Address Low” register contain the 48 bits of the 1394 destination offset of the write request that resulted in the PCI error. Memory Offset 40 – Vendor ID ...................................... RO 31-0 Vendor ID .................................always reads TBD Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 HC Control Registers The following two registers are a “set / clear” register pair. Writing to the “Set” register address sets selected bits in the control register where the written bit value is 1. Writing to the “Clear” register address clears selected bits in the control register where the written bit value is 1. Reading from either address returns the contents of the control register. Memory Offset 50 (Set), 54 (Clear) – HC Control ........ RW 31-20 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 19 Link Power Status 0 Prohibit Link to PHY Communications ..... def 1 Permit Link to PHY Communications (link can use LREQs to perform PHY reads and writes). This bit has no effect on “Link On” status for the node (see Link Enable status below). Both software and hardware resets clear this bit. 18 Posted Write Enable ................. default = undefined 0 All writes return “ack_pending” 1 Enable 2-deep posted write queue Software should only change this bit when “Link Enable” is 0. 17 Link Enable 0 Disable packets from being transmitted, received, or processed...........................default 1 Enable packets to be transmitted, received, and processed Both software and hardware resets clear this bit. Software should not set this bit until the Configuration ROM mapping register is valid. 16 Soft Reset When set, all on-chip 1394 states are reset, all FIFOs are flushed, and all registers are set to their hardware reset (default) values unless otherwise specified. PCI configuration registers are not affected. Hardware clears this bit automatically when the reset is complete (it reads 1 while the reset is in progress). 15-0 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 -17- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect Self-ID Control Registers Channel Mask Registers Memory Offset 64 – Self ID Buffer Pointer .................. RW 31-11 Self-ID Buffer Pointer ...............default = undefined Contains the base address of a 2K-byte buffer in host memory where received Self-ID packets are stored. 10-0 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 Offset 70 (Set), 74 (Clear) – Iso Rcv Channel Mask Hi RW 31-0 Iso Channel Mask N+32 ...................default = 0000 Bits 31-0 correspond to channel numbers 63-32. Writing 1 bits to offset 70 enables corresponding channels for receiving isochronous data. Writing 1 bits to offset 74 disables corresponding channels from receiving isochronous data. Memory Offset 68 – Self ID Count ................................. RO 31 Self-ID Error .............................default = undefined 0 Self-ID packet received with no errors (this bit is automatically cleared after error-free reception of a Self-ID packet) 1 Error detected during most recent Self-ID packet reception (the contents of the Self-ID Buffer are undefined in this case) 30-24 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 23-16 Self-ID Generation ....................default = undefined The value in this field is incremented automatically each time the Self-ID reception process begins. The value rolls over after reaching 255. 15-13 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 12-2 Self-ID Size ...............................default = undefined Contains the length in 32-bit words of Self-ID data that has been received. This field is cleared by 1394 bus reset. 1-0 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 Offset 78 (Set), 7C (Clear) – Iso Rcv Channel Mask LoRW 31-0 Iso Channel Mask N+32 ...................default = 0000 Bits 31-0 correspond to channel numbers 31-0. Writing 1 bits to offset 78 enables corresponding channels for receiving isochronous data. Writing 1 bits to offset 7C disables corresponding channels from receiving isochronous data. -18- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect Interrupt Registers Memory Offset 80 (Set), 84 (Clear) – Interrupt Events RW 31-27 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 26 PHY Register Data Recieved PHY register data byte received (data byte not sent when register 0 received) 25 Cycle Too Long More than 115 usec (but not more than 120 usec) elapsed between the start of sending a cycle start packet and the end of a subaction gap. 24 Unrecoverable Error Error encountered that has forced the chip to stop operations of any or all subunits (e.g., when a DMA context sets its “ContextControl.Dead” bit) 23 Cycle Inconsistent Cycle start received with a cycle count different from the value in the “Cycle Timer” register 22 Cycle Lost Expected cycle start not received (cycle start not received immediately after the first subaction gap after the “Cycle Sync” event or arbitration reset gap detected after a “Cycle Sync” event without an intervening cycle start). 21 Cycle 64 Seconds Interrupt Bit 7 of the “Cycle Seconds Counter” has changed. 20 Cycle Synch Interrupt New isochronous cycle started (least significant bit of the cycle count toggled). 19 PHY Requested Interrupt The PHY has requested an interrupt using a status transfer. 18 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 17 Bus Reset Entered The Phy has entered bus reset mode. 16 Self-ID Complete Self-ID packet stream received. 15-10 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 9 Lock Response Error Lock response sent to a serial bus register in response to a lock request but no “ack_complete” received. 8 Posted Write Error A host bus error occurred while the chip was trying to write a 1394 write request (which had already been given an “ack_complete”) into system memory. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Isochronous ReceiveDMA Complete One or more Isochronous receive contexts have generated an interrupt (one or more bits have been set in the “Isochronous Receive Interrupt Event” register masked by the “Isochronous Receive Interrupt Mask” register). Isochronous Transmit DMA Complete One or more Isochronous transmit contexts have generated an interrupt (one or more bits have been set in the “Isochronous Transmit Interrupt Event” register masked by the “Isochronous Transmit Interrupt Mask” register). Response Packet Sent A packet was sent to an asynchronous receive response context buffer. Receive Packet Sent A packet was sent to an asynchronous receive request context buffer. Async Receive Response DMA Complete Conditionally set upon completion of an ARDMA Response context command descriptor. Async Receive Request DMA Complete Conditionally set upon completion of an ARDMA Request context command descriptor. Async Response Transmit DMA Complete Conditionally set upon completion of an ATDMA Response command. Async Request Transmit DMA Complete Conditionally set upon completion of an ATDMA Request command. Memory Offset 88 (Set), 8C (Clear) – Interrupt Mask . RW The bits in this register (except for the Master Interrupt Enable bit in bit-31) correspond to the bits in the Interrupt Event register above. Zeros in these bits prevent the corresponding interrupt condition from generating an interrupt. Bits are set in the mask register by writing one bits to the “Set” address and cleared by writing one bits to the “Clear” address. The current value of the mask bits may be read from either address. 31 Master Interrupt Enable 0 Disable All Interrupt Events .................default 1 Generate interrupts per mask bits 0-26 30-27 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 26-0 Interrupt Mask ......................... default = undefined (see Interrupt Event register) Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -19- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect Offset 90 (Set), 94 (Clear) – Iso Xmit Interrupt Events RW 31-4 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 3-0 Isochronous Transmit Context .default = undefined An interrupt is generated by an isochronous transmit context if an “Output Last DMA” command completes and its “i” bits are set to “interrupt always”. Software clears the bits in this register by writing one bits to the “Clear” address. Bits in this register will only get set to one if the corresponding bits in the mask register are set to one. Offset A0 (Set), A4 (Clear) – Iso Rcv Interrupt Events. RW 31-4 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 3-0 Isochronous Receive Context ... default = undefined An interrupt is generated by an isochronous receive context if an “Input Last DMA” command completes and its “i” bits are set to “interrupt always”. Software clears the bits in this register by writing one bits to the “Clear” address. Bits in this register will only get set to one if the corresponding bits in the mask register are set to one. Offset 98 (Set), 9C (Clear) – Iso Xmit Interrupt Mask . RW 31-4 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 3-0 Iso Transmit Context Mask.......default = undefined Setting bits in this register enables interrupts to be generated by the corresponding isochronous transmit context Offset A8 (Set), AC (Clear) – Iso Rcv Interrupt Mask . RW 31-4 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 3-0 Iso Receive Context Mask......... default = undefined Setting bits in this register enables interrupts to be generated by the corresponding isochronous receive context Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -20- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect Link Control Registers Memory Offset DC – Fairness Control .......................... RO 31-8 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 7-0 Requests Per Fairness Interval .............. default = 0 The number of request packets allowed to be transmitted per fairness interval Memory Offset E0 (Set), E4 (Clear) – Link Control .... RW This register contains the control flags that enable and configure the link core protocol portions of the chip. It contains controls for the receiver and cycle timer. Memory Offset E8 – Node ID......................................... RW This register contains the CSR address for the node on which this chip resides. The 16-bit combination of the Bus Number and Node Number fields is referred to as the “Node ID”. The Node Number field is updated when register 0 is sent from the PHY. This can happen either because software requested a read from the PHY through the PHY Control register or because the PHY is sending the register (most likely due to a bus reset). 31 ID Valid 0 No valid node number (cleared by bus reset) 1 Valid node number received from PHY 30 Root This bit is set to 0 or 1 during bus reset 0 Attached PHY is not root........................... def 1 Attached PHY is root 29-28 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 27 Cable Power Status 0 PHY reports cable power status is not OK . def 1 PHY reports cable power status is OK. 26-16 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 15-6 Bus Number ............................................................ Used to identify the specific 1394 bus to which this node belongs when multiple 1394-compatible buses are connected via a bridge (set to 3FFh by bus reset) 5-0 Node Number ..........................................default = 0 The physical node number established by the PHY during self-identification and automatically set to the value received from the PHY after the selfidentification phase. If the PHY sets this field to 63 (all ones), all link-level transmits are disabled. 31-22 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 21 Cycle Master .............................default = undefined 0 Received cycle start packets will be accepted to maintain synchronization with the node that is sending them. 1 If the PHY has sent notification that it is root, a cycle start packet will be generated every time the cycle timer rolls over, based on the setting of the “Cycle Source” bit. This bit is cleared automatically if the “Cycle Too Long” interrupt event occurs and cannot be set until the “Cycle Too Long” interrupt event bit is cleared. 20 Cycle Timer Enable...................default = undefined 0 Cycle timer offset will not count 1 Cycle Timer offset will count cycles of the 24.576 MHz clock and roll over at the appropriate time based on the settings of the above bits 19-11 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 10 Receive PHY Packet............................... default = 0 0 All PHY packets received outside of the selfID phase are ignored 1 The receiver will accept incoming PHY packets into the AR request context if the AR request context is enabled. This bit does not control receipt of self-ID packets. 9 Receive Self-ID ....................................... default = 0 0 All self-ID packets are ignored 1 The receiver will accept incoming selfidentification packets. Before setting this bit, software must ensure that the self-ID buffer pointer register contains a valid address. 8-0 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -21- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect PHY Control Registers Cycle Timer Registers Memory Offset EC – PHY Control ............................... RW This register is used to read or write a PHY register. To read or write, the address of the register is written into the Register Address field. For reads the “Read Register” bit is set (when the request has been sent to the PHY, the “Read Register” bit is cleared automatically by the chip). When transmitting the request, the first clock for LREQ for the register read/write portion will be bit-11 of this register followed by bit-10, etc, finishing with bit-8 for register reads and bit-0 for register writes. When the PHY returns the register through a status transfer, the “Read Done” bit is set. The address of the register received is placed in the “Read Address” field and the contents in the “Read Data” field. The first bits of data received on the status transfer for the register are placed in bits 27 (D[0]) and 26 (D[1]) of this register. For writes, the value to write is written to the “Write Data” field and the “Write Register” bit is set. The “Write Register” bit is cleared automatically by the chip when the write request has been sent to the PHY. Memory Offset F0 – Isochronous Cycle Timer.............. RW This register shows the current cycle number and offset. When the chip is cycle master, this register is transmitted with the cycle start message. When it is not cycle master, this register is loaded with the data field in an incoming cycle start. In the event that the cycle start message is not received, the fields continue incrementing on their own (when the “Cycle Timer Enable” field is set in the “Link Control” register) to maintain a local time reference. 31 30-28 27-24 23-16 15 14 13-12 11-8 7-0 31-25 Cycle Seconds .........................................default = 0 This field counts seconds (“Cycle Count” rollovers) modulo 128. 24-12 Cycle Count ............................................default = 0 This field counts cycles (“Cycle Offset” rollovers) modulo 8000. 11-0 Cycle Offset ............................................default = 0 This field counts 24.576 MHz clocks modulo 3072 (125 usec). Read Done Indicates that a read request has been completed and valid information is contained in the Read Data and Read Address fields. Cleared when the “Read Register” bit is set. It is set by the chip when a register transfer is received from the PHY. Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 Read Address The address of the register most recently received from the PHY. Read Data The contents of the register most recently received from the PHY Read Register Used to initiate a read request from a PHY register (must not be set at the same time as the “Write Register” bit). Cleared by the chip when the request has been sent. Write Register Used to initiate a write request to a PHY register (must not be set at the same time as the “Read Register” bit). Cleared by the chip when the request has been sent. Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 Register Address The address of the PHY register to be read or written Write Data The data to be written to the PHY (ignored for reads) Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -22- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect Filter Registers Offset 100 (Set), 104 (Clear) – Async Req Filter High.. RW 31 Async Request Resources All Buses 0 Asynchronous requests received from nonlocal bus nodes will be accepted only if the bit which is set corresponds to the node number (see the remaining bits of this register and the “Async Request Filter Low” register). .. default 1 All asynchronous requests received from nonlocal bus nodes will be accepted. Bus reset does not affect the value of this bit 30-0 Async Request Resource “N” ................. default = 0 If set to one for local bus node number N+32, asynchronous requests received from that node number will be accepted. The bit number corresponds to the node number + 32. Bus reset sets all bits of this field to 0. Offset 108 (Set), 10C (Clear) – Async Req Filter Low .. RW 31-0 Async Request Resource “N” ................. default = 0 If set to one for local bus node number N, asynchronous requests received from that node number will be accepted. The bit number corresponds to the node number. Bus reset sets all bits of this field to 0. Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 Offset 110 (Set), 114 (Clear) – Physical Req Filter HighRW 31 Physical Request Resources All Buses 0 Asynchronous physical requests received from non-local bus nodes will be accepted only if the bit which is set corresponds to the node number (see the remaining bits of this register and the “Physical Request Filter Low” register)................................................default 1 All asynchronous physical requests received from non-local bus nodes will be accepted. Bus reset does not affect the value of this bit. 30-0 Physical Request Resource “N”..............default = 0 If set to one for local bus node number N+32, asynchronous physical requests received from that node number will be accepted. The bit number corresponds to the node number + 32. Bus reset sets all bits of this field to 0. Offset 118 (Set), 11C (Clear) – Physical Req Filter LowRW 31-0 Physical Request Resource “N”..............default = 0 If set to one for local bus node number N, asynchronous physical requests received from that node number will be accepted. The bit number corresponds to the node number. Bus reset sets all bits of this field to 0 -23- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect Asynchronous Transmit & Receive Context Registers Offset 180 (Set), 184 (Clr) – Async Req Xmit Context.. RW Offset 1A0 (Set), 1A4 (Clr) – Async Rsp Xmit Context RW Offset 1C0 (Set), 1C4 (Clr) – Async Req Rcv Context .. RW 11 Offset 1E0 (Set), 1E4 (Clr) – Async Rsp Rcv Context .. RW These registers are the Context Control registers for Asynchronous Transmit Requests and Responses and Asynchronous Receive Requests and Responses, respectively. They contain bits for control of options, operational state, and status for a DMA context. The bit layout for both registers is given below: 31-16 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 15 Run This bit is set and cleared by software to enable descriptor processing for a context. The chip will clear this bit automatically on a hardware or software reset. Before software sets this bit, the active bit must be clear and the Command Pointer register for the context must contain a valid descriptor block address and a Z value that is appropriate for the descriptor block address. Software may stop the chip from further processing of a context by clearing this bit. When cleared, the chip will stop processing of the context in a manner that will not impact the operation of any other context or DMA controller. This may require a significant amount of time. If software clears a run bit for an isochronous context while the chip is processing a packet for the context, it will continue to receive or transmit the packet and update the descriptor status. It will then stop at the conclusion of that packet. If the run bit is cleared for a nonisochronous context, the chip will stop processing at a convenient point and put the descriptors in a consistent state (e.g., status updated if a packet was sent and acknowledged). Clearing the bit may have other side effects that are DMA controller dependent. This is described in the sections that cover each of the DMA controllers. 14-13 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 12 Wake ............................................ default = 0 When software adds to a list of descriptors for a context, the chip may have already read the descriptor that was at the end of the list before it was updated. This bit provides a semaphore to indicate that the list may have changed. If the chip had fetched a descriptor and the indicated branch address had a Z value of zero, it will reread the pointer value when the wake bit is set. If, on the reread, the Z value is still zero, then the end of the list has been reached and the chip will clear the Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 10 9-8 7-5 4-0 active bit. If, however, the Z value is now non-zero, the chip will continue processing. If the wake bit is set while the chip is active and has a Z value of nonzero, it takes no special action. The chip will clear this bit before it reads or rereads a descriptor. The wake bit should not be set while the run bit is zero. Dead ............................................default = 0 This bit is set by the chip to indicate a fatal error in processing a descriptor. When set, the active bit is cleared. This bit is cleared when software clears the run bit or on a hardware or software reset. Active ............................................default = 0 This bit is set by the chip when software sets the run bit or sets the wake bit while the run bit is set. The chip will clear this bit: 1) when a branch is indicated by a descriptor but the Z value of the branch address is 0 2) when software clears the run bit and the chip has reached a safe stopping point 3) while the dead bit is set 4) after a hardware or software reset 5) for asynchronous transmit contexts (request and response), when a bus reset occurs When this bit is 0 and the run bit is 0, the chip will set the Interrupt Event bit for the context. Reserved ......................................always reads 0 Speed (Async Receive Contexts Only) This field indicates the speed at which the packet was received or transmitted: 000 100 Mbits/sec 001 200 Mbits/sec 010 400 Mbits/sec 011 -reserved1xx -reservedAck / Err Code........................................default = 0 Following an “Output Last” command, the received “Ack Code” or “Event Error Code” is indicated in this field. Possible values are: “Ack Complete”, “Ack Pending”, Ack Busy X”, “Ack Data Error”, “Ack Type Error”, “Event Tcode Error”, “Event Missing Ack”, “Event Underrun”, “Event Descriptor Read”, “Event Data Read”, “Event Timeout”, “Event Flushed”, and “Event Unknown” (see “Table 3. Packet Event Codes” on the following page for descriptions and values for these codes). Offset 18C – Async Req Xmit Context Command Ptr .. RW Offset 1AC – Async Rsp Xmit Context Command Ptr .. RW Offset 1CC – Async Req Rcv Context Command Ptr.... RW Offset 1EC – Async Rsp Rcv Context Command Ptr .... RW -24- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect Table 3. Packet Event Codes Code Name DMA 00/10 Event Tcode Error AT, AR, IT, IR, IT 01/11 Event Short Packet 02/12 Event Long Packet IR 03/13 Event Missing Ack 04/14 Event Underrun 05/15 Event Overrun 06/16 Event Descriptor Read 07/17 Event Data Read 08/18 Event Data Write 09/19 0A/1A Event Bus Reset Event Timeout Meaning A bad Tcode is associated with this packet. The packet was flushed. The received data length was less than the packet’s data length (IR packet-per-buffer mode only). The received data length was greater than the packet’s data length (IR packet-perbuffer mode only). AT A subaction gap was detected before an ack arrived AT, IT An underrun occurred on the corresponding FIFO and the packet was truncated. IR A receive FIFO overflowed during the reception of an isochronous packet. AT, AR, An unrecoverable error occurred while the Host Controller was reading a descriptor IT, IR block. AT, IT An error occurred while the Host Controller was attempting to read from host memory in the data stage of descriptor processing. AR, IR, IT An error occurred while the Host Controller was attempting to write to host memory in the data stage of descriptor processing. AR Identifies a PHY packet in the receive buffer as being the synthesized bus reset packet AT Indicates that the asynchronous transmit response packet expired and was not transmitted AT A bad Tcode is associated with this packet. The packet was flushed. 0B Event Tcode Error 0CReserved 0D/1B -1D 0E/1E Event Unknown AT, AR, An error condition has occurred that cannot be represented by any other defined event IT, IR codes 0F/1F AT Sent by the link side of the output FIFO when asynchronous packets are being flushed Event Flushed due to a bus reset 11 AT, AR, The destination node has successfully accepted the packet. If the packet was a request Ack Complete IT, IR subaction, the destination node has successfully completed the transaction and no response subaction shall follow. The ack / err code for transmitted PHY, isochronous and broadcast packets, none of which yield an ack code, will be set by hardware to “Ack Complete” unless an “Event Underrun” or “Event Data Read” occurs. 12 AT, AR The destination node has successfully accepted the packet. If the packet was a request Ack Pending subaction, a response subaction will follow at a later time. This code is not returned for a response subaction. 13 Reserved 14 AT The packet could not be accepted after max “ATretries” attempts and the last ack Ack Busy X received was “Ack Busy X.” 15 AT The packet could not be accepted after max “ATretries” attempts and the last ack Ack Busy A received was “Ack Busy A." OHCI does not support the dual phase retry protocol for transmitted packets, so this ack should not be received. 16 AT The packet could not be accepted after max “ATretries” attempts and the last ack Ack Busy B received was “Ack Busy B" (see note for “Ack Busy A”). 17-1C Reserved 1D AT, IR The destination node could not accept the block packet because the data field failed Ack Data Error the CRC check or because the length of the data block payload did not match the length contained in the “Data Length” field. This code is not returned for any packet that does not have a data blocik payload. 1E AT, AR Returned when a received block write request or received block read request is greater Ack Type Error than “max_rec” 1F Reserved Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -25- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect Isochronous Transmit Context Registers 12 Offset 200 (Set), 204 (Clr) – Isoch Xmit Context 0........ RW Offset 210 (Set), 214 (Clr) – Isoch Xmit Context 1........ RW Offset 220 (Set), 224 (Clr) – Isoch Xmit Context 2........ RW Offset 230 (Set), 234 (Clr) – Isoch Xmit Context 3........ RW These registers are the Context Control registers for Isocchronous Transmit Contexts 0-3. Each context consists of two registers: a Command Pointer and a Context Control register. The Command Pointer is used by software to tell the controller where the context program begins. The Context Control register controls the context’s behavior and indicates current status. The bit layout for the Context Control registers is given below: 31-30 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 29 Cycle Match Enable In general, when set to one the context will begin running only when the 13-bit “Cycle Match” field matches the 13-bit “Cycle Count” in the Cycle Start packet. The effects of this bit however are impacted by the values of other bits in this register. Once the context becomes active, this bit is cleared automatically by the chip. 28-16 Cycle Match Contains a 13-bit value corresponding to the 13-bit “Cycle Count” field. If the “Cycle Match Enable” bit is set, this ITDMA context will become enabled for transmits when the bus cycle time “Cycle Count” value equals the value in this field. 15 Run This bit is set and cleared by software to enable descriptor processing for a context. The chip will clear this bit automatically on a hardware or software reset. Before software sets this bit, the active bit must be clear and the Command Pointer register for the context must contain a valid descriptor block address and a Z value that is appropriate for the descriptor block address. Software may stop the chip from further processing of a context by clearing this bit. When cleared, the chip will stop processing of the context in a manner that will not impact the operation of any other context or DMA controller. This may require a significant amount of time. If software clears a run bit while the chip is processing a packet for the context, it will continue to receive or transmit the packet and update the descriptor status. It will then stop at the conclusion of that packet. Clearing the bit may have other side effects that are DMA controller dependent. This is described in the sections that cover each of the DMA controllers. 14-13 Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 11 10 9-5 4-0 Wake ............................................default = 0 When software adds to a list of descriptors for a context, the chip may have already read the descriptor that was at the end of the list before it was updated. This bit provides a semaphore to indicate that the list may have changed. If the chip had fetched a descriptor and the indicated branch address had a Z value of zero, it will reread the pointer value when the wake bit is set. If, on the reread, the Z value is still zero, then the end of the list has been reached and the chip will clear the active bit. If, however, the Z value is now non-zero, the chip will continue processing. If the wake bit is set while the chip is active and has a Z value of nonzero, it takes no special action. The chip will clear this bit before it reads or rereads a descriptor. The wake bit should not be set while the run bit is zero. Dead ............................................default = 0 This bit is set by the chip to indicate a fatal error in processing a descriptor. When set, the active bit is cleared. This bit is cleared when software clears the run bit or on a hardware or software reset. Active ............................................default = 0 This bit is set by the chip when software sets the run bit or sets the wake bit while the run bit is set. The chip will clear this bit: 1) when a branch is indicated by a descriptor but the Z value of the branch address is 0 2) when software clears the run bit and the chip has reached a safe stopping point 3) while the dead bit is set 4) after a hardware or software reset When this bit is cleared and the run bit is clear, the chip will set the Interrupt Event bit for the context. Reserved ......................................always reads 0 Ack / Err Code........................................default = 0 Following an “Output Last” command, the received “Ack Code” or “Event Error Code” is indicated in this field. Possible values are: “Ack Complete”, “Ack Pending”, Ack Busy X”, “Ack Data Error”, “Ack Type Error”, “Event Tcode Error”, “Event Missing Ack”, “Event Underrun”, “Event Descriptor Read”, “Event Data Read”, “Event Timeout”, “Event Flushed”, and “Event Unknown” (see “Table 3. Packet Event Codes” on the previous page for descriptions and values for these codes). Offset 20C – Isoch Xmit Context 0 Command Ptr ........ RW Offset 21C – Isoch Xmit Context 1 Command Ptr ........ RW Offset 22C – Isoch Xmit Context 2 Command Ptr ........ RW Offset 23C – Isoch Xmit Context 3 Command Ptr ........ RW -26- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect than one Context Control register has the Multi-Channel Mode bit set, unspecified behavior will result. 27-16 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 15 Run This bit is set and cleared by software to enable descriptor processing for a context. The chip will clear this bit automatically on a hardware or software reset. Before software sets this bit, the active bit must be clear and the Command Pointer register for the context must contain a valid descriptor block address and a Z value that is appropriate for the descriptor block address. Software may stop the chip from further processing of a context by clearing this bit. When cleared, the chip will stop processing of the context in a manner that will not impact the operation of any other context or DMA controller. This may require a significant amount of time. If software clears the run bit while the chip is processing a packet for the context, it will continue to receive or transmit the packet and update descriptor status. It will then stop at the conclusion of that packet. Clearing the bit may have other side effects that are DMA controller dependent. This is described in the sections that cover each of the DMA controllers. 14-13 Reserved ......................................always reads 0 12 Wake ............................................default = 0 When software adds to a list of descriptors for a context, the chip may have already read the descriptor that was at the end of the list before it was updated. This bit provides a semaphore to indicate that the list may have changed. If the chip had fetched a descriptor and the indicated branch address had a Z value of zero, it will reread the pointer value when the wake bit is set. If, on the reread, the Z value is still zero, then the end of the list has been reached and the chip will clear the active bit. If, however, the Z value is now non-zero, the chip will continue processing. If the wake bit is set while the chip is active and has a Z value of nonzero, it takes no special action. The chip will clear this bit before it reads or rereads a descriptor. The wake bit should not be set while the run bit is zero. 11 Dead ............................................default = 0 This bit is set by the chip to indicate a fatal error in processing a descriptor. When set, the active bit is cleared. This bit is cleared when software clears the run bit or on a hardware or software reset. 10 Active ............................................default = 0 This bit is set by the chip when software sets the run bit or sets the wake bit while the run bit is set. The chip will clear this bit: Isochronous Receive Context Registers Offset 400 (Set), 404 (Clr) – Isoch Rcv Context 0 ......... RW Offset 420 (Set), 424 (Clr) – Isoch Rcv Context 1 ......... RW Offset 440 (Set), 444 (Clr) – Isoch Rcv Context 2 ......... RW Offset 460 (Set), 464 (Clr) – Isoch Rcv Context 3 ......... RW These registers are the Context Control registers for Isocchronous Receive Contexts 0-3. Each context consists of three registers: a Command Pointer, a Context Control register, and a Context Match register. The Command Pointer is used by software to tell the controller where the context program begins. The Context Control register controls the context’s behavior and indicates current status. The Context Match Register is used to start transmitting from a context program on a specified cycle number. The bit layout for the Context Control registers is given below: 31 30 29 28 Buffer Fill 0 Each received packet is placed in a single buffer 1 Received packets are placed back-to-back to completely fill each receive buffer If the “Multi-Channel Mode” bit is set, this bit must also be set. This bit must not be changed while the “Active” bit is set. Isoch Header 0 The packet header is stripped from received isochronous packets 1 Received packets will include the isochronous packet header (the header will be stored first in memory followed by the payload). The end of the packet will be marked with a “Transfer Status” (bits 15-0 of this register) in the first word followed by a 16-bit time stamp indicating the time of the most recently received “Cycle Start” packet. Cycle Match Enable 0 Context will begin running immediately 1 Context will begin running only when the 13bit “Cycle Match” field in the “Context Match” register matches the 13-bit “Cycle Count” in the Cycle Start packet. The effects of this bit are impacted by the values of other bits in this register. Once the context becomes active, this bit is cleared automatically by the chip. Multi-Channel Mode 0 The context will receive packets for a single channel. 1 The context will receive packets for all isochronous channels enabled in the “IR Channel Mask High” and “IR Channel Mask Low” registers (the channel number in the “Context Match” register is ignored). If more Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -27- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect 9-7 6-5 4-0 1) when a branch is indicated by a descriptor but the Z value of the branch address is 0 2) when software clears the run bit and the chip has reached a safe stopping point 3) while the dead bit is set 4) after a hardware or software reset When this bit is cleared and the run bit is clear, the chip will set the Interrupt Event bit for the context. Reserved ...................................... always reads 0 Speed This field indicates the speed at which the packet was received or transmitted: 00 100 Mbits/sec 01 200 Mbits/sec 10 400 Mbits/sec 11 -reservedAck / Err Code ....................................... default = 0 Following an “Input” command, this field contains the error code. For “Buffer Fill” mode, possible values are: “Ack Complete”, “Ack Data Error”, “Event Overrun”, “Event Descriptor Read”, “Event Data Write”, and “Event Unknown” (see “Table 3. Packet Event Codes” for descriptions and values for these codes). For “Packet-Per-Buffer” mode, possible values are: “Ack Complete”, “Ack Data Error”, “Event Short Packet”, “Event Long Packet”, “Event Overrun”, “Event Descriptor Read”, “Event Data Write”, and “Event Unknown” (see “Table 3. Packet Event Codes” for descriptions and values for these codes). Offset 40C – Isoch Receive Context 0 Command Ptr .... RW Offset 42C – Isoch Receive Context 1 Command Ptr .... RW Offset 44C – Isoch Receive Context 2 Command Ptr .... RW Offset 46C – Isoch Receive Context 3 Command Ptr .... RW Offset 410 – Isoch Receive Context 0 Match ................. RW Offset 430 – Isoch Receive Context 1 Match ................. RW Offset 450 – Isoch Receive Context 2 Match ................. RW Offset 470 – Isoch Receive Context 3 Match ................. RW Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -28- Register Descriptions Technologies, Inc. We Connect ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Min Max Unit 0 70 oC Storage temperature -55 125 oC Input voltage -0.5 5.5 Volts Output voltage (VCC = 3.1 - 3.6V) -0.5 VCC + 0.5 Volts Ambient operating temperature Note: Stress above the conditions listed may cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of this device should be restricted to the conditions described under operating conditions. DC Characteristics TA-0-70oC, VCC=3.3V+/-5%, GND=0V Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit VIL Input low voltage -0.50 0.8 V VIH Input high voltage 2.0 VCC+0.5 V VOL Output low voltage - 0.45 V IOL=4.0mA VOH Output high voltage 2.4 - V IOH=-1.0mA IIL Input leakage current - +/-10 uA 0<VIN<VCC IOZ Tristate leakage current - +/-20 uA 0.45<VOUT<VCC ICC Power supply current - TBD mA Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -29- Condition Electrical Specifications Technologies, Inc. We Connect PACKAGE MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 23.2 +/-0.2 20.0 +/-0.2 65 102 0.75TYP 103 VT6305 YYWWVV TAIWAN LLRLLLLLL © M 17.2 +/-0.2 14.0 +/-0.2 64 39 128 1 0.75TYP 0.2 +/-0.03 38 0.08 M 0.5 2.72 +0.18 -0.22 0.1 3.40 Max 0.25 Min 23.2+/-0.2 +0.1 0.15 -0.05 0~10 o 0.5+/-0.2 Figure 4. Mechanical Specifications – 128 Pin PQFP Package Revision 0.2 March 10, 2000 -30- Package Mechanical Specifications