THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS SP8704 IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS DS 3289 -1 SP8704 950MHz VERY LOW CURRENT MULTI-MODULUS DIVIDER The SP8704 is a switchable divide by 128/129, 64/65 programmable divider with a maximum specified operating frequency of 950MHz. The signal (clock) inputs are biased internally and require to be capacitor coupled. The SP8704 will operate from any supply from 3V to 5V and features full electrostatic discharge protection. DP8,MP8 FEATURES Fig. 1 Pin connections - top view DC to 950MHz Operation -40°C to +85°C Temperature Range Operation from 3V to 5V Supply ESD Protection on all Pins QUICK REFERENCE DATA ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltage 3V to 5V Supply Current 10mA - Including Output Emitter Follower Supply voltage Storage temperature range Junction temperature Input voltage ÷ 128/9 ÷ 64/5 Fig. 2 Functional diagram SP8704 7V -55°C to +125°C +175°C 2.5V p-p SP8704 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test conditions (unless otherwise stated): Tamb = -40˚C to 85°C, VCC = +2.75V to +5.5V Value Characteristic Min. Supply current Input sensitivity Typ. 10 10MHz 150 80MHz 25 150MHz 15 850MHz 15 950MHz Units Conditions mA Including output emitter follower Max. mV rms Sinewave input into 50Ω 50 Input impedance Ω 50 Output 2 pF 1 V pk-pk Emitter follower output current source = 0.75mA Ratio select (pin 3) LO HI Modulus control (pin 6) 1 VCC LO HI 1 2 V 128/129 selected V 64/65 selected V 65 or 129 selected V 64 or 128 selected Clock to output delay 8 ns Set up time 16 ns Release time 16 ns TRUTH TABLE Division Pin 3 Pin 6 ratio L L 129 L H 128 H L 65 H H 64 Fig. 3 Typical input sensitivity at 85°C SP8704 SP8704 HEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS Cheney Manor, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 2QW, United Kingdom. Tel: (0793) 518000 Fax: (0793) 518411 GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS P.O. Box 660017 1500 Green Hills Road, Scotts Valley, California 95067-0017, United States of America. Tel: (408) 438 2900 Fax: (408) 438 5576 CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRES • FRANCE & BENELUX Les Ulis Cedex Tel: (1) 64 46 23 45 Tx: 602858F Fax : (1) 64 46 06 07 • GERMANY Munich Tel: (089) 3609 06-0 Tx: 523980 Fax : (089) 3609 06-55 • ITALY Milan Tel: (02) 66040867 Fax: (02) 66040993 • JAPAN Tokyo Tel: (03) 3296-0281 Fax: (03) 3296-0228 • NORTH AMERICA Integrated Circuits and Microwave Products Scotts Valley, USA Tel (408) 438 2900 Fax: (408) 438 7023. Hybrid Products, Farmingdale, USA Tel (516) 293 8686 Fax: (516) 293 0061. • SOUTH EAST ASIA Singapore Tel: (65) 3827708 Fax: (65) 3828872 • SWEDEN Stockholm, Tel: 46 8 702 97 70 Fax: 46 8 640 47 36 • UNITED KINGDOM & SCANDINAVIA Swindon Tel: (0793) 518510 Tx: 444410 Fax : (0793) 518582 These are supported by Agents and Distributors in major countries world-wide. © GEC Plessey Semiconductors 1992 Publication No. DS3289 Issue No. 1.0 May 1992 This publication is issued to provide information only which (unless agreed by the Company in writing) may not be used, applied or reproduced for any purpose nor form part of any order or contract nor to be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned. No warranty or guarantee express or implied is made regarding the capability, performance or suitability of any product or service. The Company reserves the right to alter without prior knowledge the specification, design or price of any product or service. Information concerning possible methods of use is provided as a guide only and does not constitute any guarantee that such methods of use will be satisfactory in a specific piece of equipment. It is the user's responsibility to fully determine the performance and suitability of any equipment using such information and to ensure that any publication or data used is up to date and has not been superseded. These products are not suitable for use in any medical products whose failure to perform may result in significant injury or death to the user. All products and materials are sold and services provided subject to the Company's conditions of sale, which are available on request.