52149/52174 79HG REPLACEMENT NEGATIVE ADJUSTABLE 5-AMP VOLTAGE REGULATOR Features: Applications: • • • • • • • • • Replacement for 79HG 5.0A Output Current Internal Current And Thermal Overload Protection Internal Short Circuit Current Limit Low Drop-Out Voltage (Typically -2.2 V @ 5.0 A) 50W Power Dissipation Electrically Isolated Case Steel TO-3 Case • Mii HYBRID MICROELECTRONICS PRODUCTS DIVISION Designed for use in general purpose applications where adjustability is advantageous. Military and Hi Rel Industrial applications where hermeticity is required. ORDER INFORMATION 52149 Standard 52174 MIL-STD-883 Screened DESCRIPTION The 52149/52174, which is a replacement for the 79HG, is an adjustable 4-terminal voltage regulator capable of supplying in excess of 5 A over a –24 V to -2.55 V output range. This Hybrid Voltage Regulator has been designed with all the inherent characteristics of the monolithic 4-terminal regulator; i.e., full thermal overload and short circuit protection. It is packaged in a hermetically sealed 4-pin, TO-3 package providing 50W power dissipation. The regulator consists of a monolithic chip driving a discrete series-pass element and short circuit detection transistors. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Input Voltage.........................................................................................................................................................................-35 V Internal Power Dissipation @Tc = 25°C ...............................................................................................................................50W Maximum Input-to-Output Voltage Differential...................................................................................................................... 35 V Operating Junction Temperature ....................................................................................................................................... 150°C Storage Temperature Range..............................................................................................................................-55°C to +150°C Pin Temperature (Soldering, 60 seconds) ......................................................................................................................... 300°C Commercial Temperature Range 52149 ..............................................................................................................0°C to +125°C Military Temperature Range 52174....................................................................................................................-55°C to +125°C Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. HYBRID MICROELECTRONICS PRODUCTS DIVISION • 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: hybridsales@micropac.com 12/12/01 1 52149/52174 NEGATIVE ADJUSTABLE 5-AMP, VOLTAGE REGULATOR ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TJ = 25ºC, VIN = -10V and IOUT = -2.0A unless otherwise specified PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN VIN = VOUT -5V 40V ≤ VIN ≤ -7V 40V ≤ VIN ≤ -7V VIN = VOUT -10V -10mA ≤ IOUT ≤ -5.0A Output Voltage Range Nominal Output Voltage Range Output Voltage Tolerance Line Regulation Load Regulation Control Pin Current Quiescent Current Ripple Rejection VIN = -10V -18V ≤ VIN ≤ -8.5V VOUT = -5V, f = 120 Hz VOUT = -5V, 10 Hz ≤ f ≤ 100kHz IOUT = -5A @ -0.95 VOUT VIN = -15V VIN = -10V Output Noise Voltage Dropout Voltage Short-Circuit Current Limit Control Pin voltage (Reference) TYP MAX UNIT -7.0 -35 V 2.55 24 4 1.0 1.0 V % (VOUT) % (VOUT) % (VOUT) 3.0 7.0 µA mA dB 0.4 0.7 50 200 -2.2 8 -2.65 12 -2.45 µV V A V DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS This device has thermal overload protection from excessive power and internal short circuit protection, which limits the circuit’s maximum current. Thus, the device is protected from overload abnormalities. Although the internal power dissipation is limited, the junction temperature must be kept below the maximum specified temperature (150ºC). It is recommended, by the manufacturer, that the maximum junction temperature be kept as low as possible for increased reliability. To calculate the maximum junction temperature or heat sink required, the following thermal resistance values should be used. θJC Package Typical 1.8 TO-3 Where: PD = Power Dissipation Max 2.5 TJ = Junction Temperature TA = Ambient Temperature θCS = Case-to-heat sink thermal resistance θJC = Junction-to-case thermal resistance PD(MAX) = TJ(MAX) – TA θCA = θCS + θSA θJC + θCA Solving for TJ = TA + PD (θJC + θCA) θCA = Case-to-ambient thermal resistance θSA = Heat sink-to-ambient thermal resistance The device is designed to operate without external compensation components. However, the amount of external filtering of these voltage regulators depends upon the circuit layout. If in a specific application the regulator is more than four inches from the filter capacitor, a 2µF solid tantalum capacitor should be used at the input. A 1µF capacitor should be used at the output to reduce transients created by fast switching loads, as seen in the basic test circuit. These filter capacitors must be located as close to the regulator as possible. Caution: Permanent damage can result from forcing the output voltage higher than the input voltage. A protection diode from output to input should be used if this condition exists. VOLTAGE OUTPUT The device has an adjustable output voltage from -2.55 to -24V which can be programmed by the external resistor network (potentiometer or two fixed resistors) using the relationship: Example: If R1 = 0Ω and R2 = 5kΩ, Then VOUT = VCONTROL R1 + R2 VOUT = -2.55 V nominal, R2 or, if R1 = 12.8 kΩ and R2 = 2.1 kΩ then VOUT = -18V. Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. HYBRID MICROELECTRONICS PRODUCTS DIVISION • 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: hybridsales@micropac.com 12/12/01 2 52149/52174 NEGATIVE ADJUSTABLE 5-AMP, VOLTAGE REGULATOR Mechanical Configuration 1.551 (39.40) 1.531 (38.19) .770 (19.56) MAX. .293 (7.44) .273 (6.90) SEATING PLANE .067 (1.70) MAX. .421 (10.69) MIN. .041 (1.04) DIA. .037 (0.94) 1.197 (30.40) 1.177 (29.30) .225 (5.71) .205 (5.21) PIN 1 PIN 2 .675 (17.14) .655 (16.64) Ø.161 (4.09) Ø.151 (3.84) 2 HOLES R .177 (4.5) .440 (11.16) .420 (10.57) PIN 3 PIN 4 12° 0.47 (11.34) DIA. PIN CIRCLE 54° Basic Test Circuit Adjustable Output Voltage 3 VIN CIN=2uF SOLID TANTALUM 4 VOUT R1 2 + 1 R2 C >1.0uF + L VOUT =VCONT R1+R2 R2 Note: All Dimension in notes and Millimeters (parenthesis) Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. HYBRID MICROELECTRONICS PRODUCTS DIVISION • 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: hybridsales@micropac.com 12/12/01 3