SCBT SC-8986

Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
HNF-1 (H-205): sc-8986
HNF-1 (α and β), HNF-3 (α, β and γ), HNF-4 (α and γ), and
HNF-6 compose, in part, a homoeprotein family designated the
Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor family (1-4). The various HNF-1
isoforms regulate transcription of genes in the liver as well as in
other tissues such as kidney, small intestine and thymus (1).
HNF-3α, HNF-3β and HNF-3γ regulate the transcription of
numerous hepatocyte genes in adult liver. HNF-3α and HNF-3β
have also been shown to be involved in gastrulation events such as
body axis formation (2,4). HNF-4α and HNF-4γ have been
shown to be important for early embryo development. HNF-4a is
expressed in liver, kidney, pancreas, small intestine, testis and
colon; and HNF-4γ is expressed in each of these tissues except
liver (3). HNF-6 has been shown to bind to the promoter of
HNF-3β, which indicates a potential role of HNF-6 in gut
endoderm epithelial cell differentiation. Evidence suggests that
HNF-6 may also be a transriptional activator for at least 22 other
hepatocyte-enriched genes, including cytochrome P450 2C13 and
α-1 antitrypsin (4).
HNF-1 (H-205) is a rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against a
recombinant protein corresponding to amino acids 80-284
mapping within an internal region of HNF-1α of human origin.
Each vial contains 200 µg IgG in 1.0 ml of PBS containing
0.1% sodium azide and 0.2% gelatin.
Also available as HNF-1 (H-205) X TransCruz antibody:
sc-8986 X for gel supershift studies; supplied as 200 µg IgG in
0.1 ml PBS containing 0.1% sodium azide.
Store at 4° C, do not freeze; stable for one year from the date of
HNF-1 (H-205) reacts with HNF-1α and HNF-1β of mouse, rat
and human origin by Western blotting, immunoprecipitation and
immunohistochemistry (including paraffin-embedded sections).
HNF-1 (H-205) X TransCruz antibody is recommended for gel
supershift studies.
Recommended dilution range for Western blot analysis:
1:200–1:1000. Recommended starting dilution: 1:200.
Molecular weight of HNF-1: 75 kDa, 67 kDa.
Western blotting positive control: Hep G2 WCL, sc-2227: mouse
liver extract, sc-2256; rat liver extract, sc-2395.
For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.
1. Bach, I. and Yaniv, M. 1993. More potent transcriptional
activators or a transdominant inhibitor of the HNF1
homeoprotein family are generated by alternative RNA processing.
EMBO J. 12: 4229-4242.
2. Kaestner, K.H., Hiemisch, H., Luckow, B., and Schutz, G.
1994. The HNF-3 gene family of transcription factors in
mice:gene structure, cDNA sequence, and mRNA distribution.
Genomics 20: 377-385.
3. Drewes, T., Senkel, S., Holewa, B., and Ryffel, G.U. 1996.
Human hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 isoforms are encoded by
distinct and differentially expressed genes. Mol. Cell Biol.
16: 925-931.
4. Samadani, U. and Costa, R.H. 1996. The transcriptional
activator hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 regulates liver gene expression.
Mol. Cell Biol. 16: 6273-6284.
U.S. 1.800.457.3801 • 831.457.3800 • fax 831.457.3801 • Europe +800 4573 8000 • 49 (0)6221 4503 0 • fax 49 (0)6221 4503 45 •
April 2000
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