ETC S7802

CpG WIZ™ p16 Amplification Kit
CpG WIZ™ p15 Amplification Kit
CpG WIZ™ E-cadherin
Amplification Kit
CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/Angelman
Amplification Kit
Not for use in diagnostic procedures
USA & Canada
Phone: +1(800) 437-7500 • Fax: +1 (909) 676-9209 • Europe +44 (0) 23 8026 2233
Australia +61 3 9839 2000 • Germany +49-6192-207300 • ISO Registered Worldwide • [email protected][email protected]
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I. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 1
Using this Manual ..................................................................................... 1
Background ............................................................................................... 1
Principles of the Technique....................................................................... 2
Fig 1: DNA Treatment with Sodium Bisulfite....................................... 3
II. KIT COMPONENTS ......................................................................... 4
Materials Required But Not Supplied ....................................................... 5
III. PROTOCOLS.................................................................................... 7
CpG WIZ™ p16 (S7800), p15 (S7802) and
E-cadherin (S7804) Amplification Kits ................................................. 7
Experimental Design............................................................................ 7
Fig. 2: Specificity of the CpG WIZ™ p16
Amplification Kit .................................................................................. 9
Amplification Protocol....................................................................... 10
CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/Angelman (S7806) Amplification Kit ........... 12
Experimental Design.......................................................................... 12
Fig. 3: Specificity of the CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/
Angelman Amplification Kit ............................................................... 14
Amplification Protocol....................................................................... 15
DATA ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 18
CpG WIZ™ p16 (S7800), p15 (S7802) and
E-cadherin (S7804) Amplification Kits ............................................. 18
CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/Angelman (S7806) Amplification Kit ........... 19
V. TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................... 20
CpG WIZ™ p16 (S7800), p15 (S7802) and
E-cadherin (S7804) Amplification Kits .................................................. 20
CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/Angelman (S7806) Amplification Kit ........... 21
APPENDIX ............................................................................ 23
Laboratory Setup and Precautions .......................................................... 23
Related Products...................................................................................... 23
VII. REFERENCES ................................................................................ 24
References Cited in this Manual ............................................................. 24
Disclaimers ............................................................................................ 25
Warranty.................................................................................................. 25
Using This Manual
Please read the entire instruction manual prior to using CpG WIZ™
Amplification Kits. Note that in the Procedures and Troubleshooting sections,
instructions are separate for the CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/ Angelman
Amplification Kit (S7806). Should additional questions arise, assistance is
available from Chemicon Technical Service at [email protected] or
(800) 437-7500.
Methylation of cytosines located 5' to guanosine is known to have a profound
effect on the expression of several eukaryotic genes (1). In normal cells,
methylation occurs predominantly in CG-poor regions, while CG-rich areas,
called CpG islands, remain unmethylated. The exception is extensive
methylation of CpG islands associated with transcriptional inactivation of
regulatory regions of imprinted genes (2, 3) such as those associated with
Prader-Willi/Angelman Syndrome (4) and genes on the inactive X-chromosome
of females (5, 6). Aberrant methylation of normally unmethylated CpG islands
has been documented as a relatively frequent event in immortalized and
transformed cells (7) and has been associated with transcriptional inactivation of
defined tumor suppressor genes in human cancers (8, 9). E-cadherin, p16, and
p15 are examples of genes that exhibit characteristic hypermethylation.
Previously developed methods to determine the methylation status of cytosine
include digestion with methylation sensitive restriction enzymes and genomic
DNA sequencing. Both techniques have limitations: restriction enzymes can
only detect methylation sites within their recognition sequence and sequencing
is time consuming. Increasing the detection sensitivity of CpG island
methylation has the potential to define tumor suppressor gene function and
provides a new strategy for early tumor detection.
Methylation-specific PCR (MSP) is a new technology for sensitive detection of
abnormal gene methylation utilizing small amounts of DNA (10). This process
employs an initial bisulfite reaction to modify the DNA, followed by PCR
amplification with specific primers designed to distinguish methylated from
unmethylated DNA. The CpGenome™ DNA Modification Kit (S7820) contains
the reagents necessary to perform the initial bisulfite reactions, while CpG
WIZ™ Amplification Kits contain the reagents required for the PCR
amplification reactions.
Principles of the Technique
MSP, performed using the CpGenome™ DNA Modification Kit and CpG
WIZ™ Amplification Kits, permits sensitive detection of altered DNA. Due to
the fact that it is a PCR-based assay, it is extremely sensitive, facilitating the
detection of low numbers of methylated alleles and the study of samples
containing low amounts of DNA. MSP also allows examination of all CpG sites,
not just those within sequences recognized by methylation sensitive restriction
enzymes. Increasing the number of such sites which can be assessed allows
rapid, fine mapping of methylation patterns throughout CpG regions. In
addition, the bisulfite modification is ideally suited for analysis of CpG islands
since it converts the majority of cytosines to uracils, making a region of the
genome which is CG-rich less difficult to amplify by PCR.
Methylation-specific PCR employs an initial bisulfite reaction to modify the
DNA, followed by a "hot start" PCR amplification with specific primers
designed to distinguish methylated DNA from unmethylated DNA. As shown in
Figure 1, in the bisulfite reaction, all unmethylated cytosines are converted to
uracils while 5-methylcytosines remain unaltered. Thus, the sequence of the
treated DNA will differ if the DNA is originally methylated vs. unmethylated.
Primers contained in CpG WIZ™ Amplification Kits are designed to specifically
amplify each of the sequences based upon these chemically-induced differences.
If the sample DNA was originally unmethylated, a product will be generated
after PCR using the U primer set. Conversely, a product will be generated using
the M primer set if the sample was originally methylated.
Figure 1: DNA Treatment with Sodium Bisulfite.
Unmethylated DNA
Methylated DNA
The components of CpG WIZ™ Amplification Kits include those required for
PCR amplification after bisulfite modification of DNA samples. Sufficient
reagents are provided to analyze 25 samples with appropriate controls.
Table 1: CpG WIZ™ p16 (S7800), p15 (S7802) and E-cadherin (S7804)
Amplification Kit Components (color-coded microcentrifuge tube caps)
35 µL (white cap)
-15°C to -25°C
35 µL (red cap)
-15°C to -25°C
35 µL (green cap)
-15°C to -25°C
50 µL (white cap)
-15°C to -25°C
50 µL (red cap)
-15°C to -25°C
50 µL (green cap)
-15°C to -25°C
265 µL (blue cap)
-15°C to -25°C
U Primer Set
5 µM each primer (25X)
M Primer Set
5 µM each primer (25X)
W Primer Set
5 µM each primer (25X)
U control DNA
0.1 µgµL
M control DNA
0.1 µg/µL
W control DNA
0.05 µg/µL
Universal 10X PCR Buffer
Table 2: CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/Angelman (S7806) Amplification Kit
Components (color-coded microcentrifuge tubes)
70 µL (white cap)
-15°C to -25°C
70 µL (red cap)
-15°C to -25°C
20 µL (green cap)
-15°C to -25°C
175 µL (blue cap)
-15°C to -25°C
P (paternal) primer set
5 µM each primer (25X)
M (maternal) primer set
5 µM each primer (25X)
Normal control DNA
0.1 µg/µL
10X PCR buffer
Materials Required But Not Supplied
Equipment and Supplies
a. Thermocycler
b. Gel electrophoresis apparatus (vertical or horizontal)
c. Power Supply
d. Screw-cap tubes for PCR amplification
e. Aerosol-resistant pipette tips
f. Microcentrifuge (to 12,000 X g)
g. 302 nm UV transilluminator, camera and film
a 2.5 mM dNTP mix (2.5 mM of each nucleotide)
b. Taq polymerase
Note: For S7806 (CpG WIZTM Prader-Willi/Angelman Amplification Kit),
the use of a "hot start" enzyme is strongly recommended. See Sec. III.
c. "Hot start" PCR reagents for S7800, S7802, and S7804 (see Sec. III.
d. Reagents for gel electrophoresis (2% agarose, 10% acrylamide, or suitable
high resolution agarose)
e. DNA markers (size range 100-300 bp)
f. Ethidium bromide (10 mg/mL)
g. Gel-loading solution
h. Bisulfite Modified DNA (CpGenome™ DNA Modification Kit, S7820)
CpG WIZ™ p16 (S7800), p15 (S7802) and E-cadherin (S7804)
Amplification Kits
Experimental Design
Primer Sets
CpG WIZ™ Amplification Kits contain primers that can be used for analysis of
DNA samples by MSP. However, the samples must first undergo bisulfite
modification prior to PCR amplification. CpGenome™ DNA Modification Kit,
S7820, contains the reagents necessary to perform the modification. Chemical
modification creates the sequence differences between the methylated and
unmethylated DNA. The primer sets in the kit are engineered to anneal to the
DNA, based upon the sequence differences.
U Primer Set will anneal to unmethylated DNA that has undergone a chemical
M Primer Set will anneal to methylated DNA that has undergone a chemical
W Primer Set serves as a control for the efficiency of chemical modification. It
will anneal to any DNA (unmethylated or methylated) that has NOT undergone
chemical modification, hence, the "wild type", or W.
Data interpretation can still proceed in the case of incomplete chemical
modification (up to 50%).
Amplification Regions
The amplified region is defined as the sequence between the 3' nucleotide of the
sense primer and the complement of the 3' nucleotide of the anti-sense primer
for each gene promoter. The nucleotide numbering systems are those used in the
GenBank submissions identified by the following accession numbers: p16,
X94154; p15, S75756; E-cadherin, L34545.
“Hot Start” PCR
The three sets of primers used in the CpG WIZ™ Methylation Assay are derived
from sequences closely related to each other, which introduces the possibility of
mispriming. In order to avoid this and other PCR-related artifacts, "hot start"
PCR is recommended. "Hot start" PCR permits the Taq polymerase to begin the
reaction only after the template and primers are in single-stranded form.
There are several modifications of the standard PCR protocol which allow a "hot
start" to occur. In one scenario, the PCR reaction mixture excluding the
polymerase can be overlaid with mineral oil prior to heating to 95°C. At the end
of the incubation, the enzyme is pipetted directly into the mixture under the
mineral oil. A second method involves the physical separation of the polymerase
and the rest of the PCR mix with a wax bead. The enzyme combines with the
rest of the reaction mixture only after the wax melts. In another variation, an
anti-Taq antibody inhibits the polymerase during reaction setup by forming a
complex with the Taq enzyme. Taq polymerase becomes active when the
complex is abolished due to antibody denaturation during the 95°C incubation.
Alternatively, a "hot start" enzyme can be used. Refer to the manufacturer's
instructions for enzyme activation protocol.
Note: Do not use a polymerase with 3'-5' exonuclease activity (i.e.
proofreading).Do not use a wax bead that contains Mg2+. Any extra Mg2+ added
to the reaction mixture produces suboptimal results.
Genomic Control DNAs
The methylated (red cap) and unmethylated (white cap) control DNAs must
undergo bisulfite modification prior to PCR amplification using the
CpGenome™ DNA Modification Kit (S7820). When used with their respective
U and M primer sets, a single PCR product of an expected size is obtained in
each case.
W control genomic DNA is used in the PCR and is NOT to be used in the
chemical modification step. When used with the W primer set, it is a positive
control for PCR amplification. Failure to generate a PCR product indicates a
general failure in the PCR reaction.
Specificity of the Assay
The specificity of the CpG WIZ™ p16 Amplification Kit is shown in Figure 2.
With a complete chemical modification reaction, U primers amplify only
unmethylated DNA (154 bp, lane 1) and M primers amplify only methylated
DNA (145 bp, lane 5). W primers amplify only DNA which is not chemically
modified, or "wild type W" (142 bp, lane 9).
Figure 2: Specificity of the CpG WIZ™ p16 Amplification Kit.
M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 M
Polyacrylamide gel analysis using the primers and the control DNA samples
included in the kit is shown. (Lanes 1-3: U control DNA; lanes 4-6: M control
DNA; lanes 7-9: W control DNA; lanes 10-12: Minus DNA control. Lanes 1, 4,
7, 10: U primers; lanes 2, 5, 8, 11: M primers; lanes 3, 6, 9, 12: W primers. M
lane: 100 base-pair marker.)
Experiment Setup
CpG WIZ™ Amplification Kits (S7800, S7802, and S7804) include sufficient
reagents to analyze 25 samples with appropriate controls (105 PCR reactions).
Each experiment will include chemical modification of seven DNAs: 5
experimental DNA and 2 control DNA samples, (M and U). In the subsequent
PCR reactions, each chemically modified experimental DNA sample is
amplified with each of three oligonucleotide primer sets U, M and W. The
chemically modified genomic control DNAs, U and M, are amplified with their
corresponding primer set. Untreated W genomic control DNA is amplified with
the W primer set. Lastly, a negative PCR control (i.e. no DNA) is performed for
each set of primers.
For example, a typical gel for the analysis of five experimental DNA samples
includes a total of 21 lanes:
Lanes 1-3
Experimental sample 1 with U, M and W primers
Lanes 4-6
Experimental sample 2 with U, M and W primers
Lanes 7-9
Experimental sample 3 with U, M and W primers
Lanes 10-12
Experimental sample 4 with U, M and W primers
Lanes 13-15
Experimental sample 5 with U, M and W primers
Lane 16
Chemically modified control U DNA with U primers
Lane 17
Chemically modified control M DNA with M primers
Lane 18
Untreated control W DNA with W primers
Lanes 19-21
No DNA control with U, M, and W primers
Amplification Protocol
To prevent PCR contamination, read Sec. VI. Appendix, Laboratory Setup and
Precautions before beginning.
STEP 1. Modification
Prior to performing PCR with the primer sets provided in CpG WIZ™
Amplification Kits, one microgram of purified DNA must undergo bisulfite
modification with the reagents contained in CpGenome™ DNA Modification
Kit (S7820).
STEP 2. Amplification
"Hot start" PCR is recommended for this assay (refer to Sec. III. Protocols,
Experimental Design). This is accomplished by several mechanisms, including a
wax barrier or anti-Taq antibody. Refer to the instructions specified by the
manufacturer of the "hot start" PCR reagents, and modify the amplification
"master mix" and reaction conditions accordingly in steps b-f, below.
a. Determine the number of assays to be run in the experiment: run three
amplification reactions for each experimental DNA sample plus six control
reactions per each set of methylation assays (refer to Sec. III. Protocols,
Experimental Design).
b. Prepare three (3) "master mixes" which correspond to the 3 possible primer
sets U, M and W (primer cap colors-white, red and green) by mixing all the
reagents outlined below except for the template DNA.
To analyze five experimental samples with appropriate controls, use the
following amount of "master mixes" of each color: 7 tubes X 23.0 µL = 161 µL,
plus 10% of that volume to adjust for pipetting error. Multiply the volume of
each reagent listed below by 7 and add 10% for each "master mix" (white, red
and green). Thaw all reagents and store on ice while creating the "master
mixes". The amount of reagents required in each reaction is:
10X Universal PCR buffer
2.5 mM dNTP Mix**
U, M or W primers (white, red and green)
TaKaRa™ Taq or "hot start" enzyme (5 U/µL)
2.5 µL
2.5 µL
1.0 µL
0.2 µL (1 Unit)
16.8 µL
23.0 µL
Template DNA (50 ng/µL)
2.0 µL
25.0 µL
** Upon first use, make aliquots of 2.5 mM dNTPs, which should be freezethawed no more than 5 times.
c. Aliquot 23 µL of each "master mix" (white, red and green) into
corresponding PCR tubes.
d. Add:
2 µL of water to the no DNA control tube.
2 µL of modified sample DNA to each of the sample tubes.
2 µL of corresponding DNA controls (modified U and M, unmodified W) to
each control tube.
e. Place tubes in the thermocycler block, and perform PCR under the following
for Taq Polymerase
95°C / 5 minutes
for "hot start" enzyme check manufacturer's specifications
Then, perform 35 cycles of the following conditions:
95°C / 45 seconds
60°C / 45 seconds
72°C / 60 seconds
f. Remove the tubes from the thermocycler block. From this point on, it is
important to designate separate pipettes and work areas for amplified vs.
unamplified samples. This prevents carry-over contamination of future DNA
samples with the amplified product.
STEP 3. Gel Electrophoresis
a. After the completion of PCR, add an appropriate amount of loading dye to
the sample and analyze 5 µL of the reaction on a 2% agarose, or a 10%
native acrylamide or other high resolution agarose gel. Use DNA markers
(100-300 bp range) to determine the size of PCR products.
b. After electrophoresis, stain the gel with ethidium bromide. Dilute the 10
mg/mL stock solution 1:10,000 in deionized water. Stain for 10-30 minutes
and destain for 10-30 minutes in deionized water at room temperature.
Note: Ethidium bromide is a known carcinogen. Exercise appropriate
caution and good lab practice when using this reagent.
CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/Angelman (S7806) Amplification Kit
Experimental Design
Primer Sets
The CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/Angelman Amplification Kit contains primers
that can be used for analysis of DNA samples by MSP. However, the first step
of MSP is the bisulfite modification of the DNA samples. CpGenome™ DNA
Modification Kit (S7820), contains the reagents necessary to perform the
modification. This chemical modification creates the sequence differences
between the methylated and unmethylated DNA. The primer sets in the kit are
engineered to anneal to the DNA, based upon the sequence differences.
P (Paternal) Primer Set will anneal to unmethylated DNA that has undergone a
chemical modification.
M (Maternal) Primer Set will anneal to methylated DNA that has undergone a
chemical modification.
Amplified Regions
The P and M primer sets are designed to amplify a differentially methylated site
present at the CpG island of the small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-associated
polypeptide N (SNRPN), a candidate gene for Prader-Willi Syndrome. The
amplified region is defined as the sequence between the 3' nucleotide of the
sense primer and the complement of the 3' nucleotide of the anti-sense primer
for each primer pair. The nucleotide numbering system is that used in the
GenBank submission identified by the accession number L32702.
"Hot Start" PCR
The two sets of primers used in the CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/Angelman
Amplification Kit are derived from sequences closely related to each other,
which introduces the possibility of mispriming. In order to avoid this and other
PCR-related artifacts, it is recommended that a "hot start" enzyme be used.
Normal Control DNA
The normal control contains DNA from both maternal and paternal homologs
which means that both methylated and unmethylated SNRPN sequences are
represented. Therefore, PCR products will be obtained after the bisulfite
modification of the normal control DNA when using either the M or the P
primer sets. The M primer set will generate a 174 bp product while the P primer
set produces a 100 bp fragment. Multiplex amplification is feasible since the
fragment sizes are sufficiently dissimilar.
Specificity of the Assay
The specificity of the CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/Angelman Amplification Kit is
shown in Figure 3. With a complete chemical modification reaction, P primers
amplify only unmethylated DNA (100 bp, lane 1) and M primers amplify only
methylated DNA (174 bp, lane 2). The smaller bands present in the lanes where
the M primer set was used in the PCR reaction represent excess primers.
Figure 3: Specificity of the CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/Angleman Amplification
Polyacrylamide gel analysis using the primers and the control DNA samples
included in the kit is shown. (Lane 1: P primer set with modified control DNA;
Lane 2: M primer set with modified control DNA; Lane 3: P primer set with
unmodified control DNA; Lane 4: M primer set with unmodified control DNA.
Marker Lane: 100 bp ladder)
Experiment Setup
The CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/Angelman Amplification Kit includes sufficient
reagents to analyze 25 samples with appropriate controls (70 PCR reactions).
For each batch of experimental DNA samples to be analyzed, the experimental
samples and the normal control DNA must first undergo bisulfite modification.
In the subsequent PCR reactions, the chemically modified DNA samples, both
experimental and control, are amplified using both the maternal (M) and
paternal (P) primer sets. In addition, a negative PCR control (i.e. no DNA) is
performed for each set of primers.
For example, a typical gel for the analysis of five experimental DNA samples
and proper controls includes a total of 14 lanes:
Lanes 1-2
Experimental sample 1 with P and M primers
Lanes 3-4
Experimental sample 2 with P and M primers
Lanes 5-6
Experimental sample 3 with P and M primers
Lanes 7-8
Experimental sample 4 with P and M primers
Lanes 9-10
Experimental sample 5 with P and M primers
Lane 11
Chemically modified normal control DNA with P primers
Lane 12
Chemically modified normal control DNA with M primers
Lanes 13-14
No DNA Control with P and M primers
Amplification Protocol
To prevent PCR contamination, read Sec. VI. Appendix, Laboratory Setup and
Precautions before beginning.
STEP 1. Modification
Prior to performing PCR with the primer sets in the CpG WIZ™ PraderWilli/Angelman Amplification Kit, the DNA samples must undergo bisulfite
modification. CpGenome™ DNA Modification Kit (S7820), contains the
reagents necessary to perform the modification.
STEP 2. Amplification
a. Determine the number of assays to be run in the experiment: run two
amplification reactions for each experimental DNA sample plus four control
reactions per each set of methylation assays (see Sec. III. Protocols,
Experimental Design).
b. Prepare two (2) "master mixes" which correspond to the 2 possible primer
sets P and M (primer cap colors-white and red) by mixing all the reagents
outlined below except for the template DNA.
To analyze five experimental samples with appropriate controls, use the
following amount of "master mixes" of each color: 7 tubes X 23.0 µL = 161 µL,
plus 10% of that volume to adjust for pipetting error. Multiply the volume of
each reagent listed below by 7 and add 10% for each "master mix" (white and
red). Thaw all reagents and store on ice while creating the "master mixes".
The amount of reagents required in each reaction is:
10X Universal PCR buffer
2.5 mM dNTP Mix**
P or M primers (white, red)
"Hot start" enzyme (5 U/µL)
2.5 µL
2.0 µL
2.0 µL
0.1 µL (0.5 U)
16.4 µL
23.0 µL
Template DNA (50 ng/µL)
2.0 µL
25.0 µL
** Upon first use, make aliquots of 2.5 mM dNTPs, which should be freezethawed no more than 5 times.
c. Aliquot 23 µL of each "master mix" (white and red) into corresponding PCR
d. Add:
2 µL of water to the no DNA control tube.
2 µL of modified sample DNA to each of the sample tubes.
2 µL of modified normal DNA control to each control tube.
e. Place tubes in the thermocycler block, and perform PCR under the following
for "hot start" enzyme check manufacturer's specifications
Then, perform 35 cycles of the following conditions:
95°C / 30 seconds
62°C / 30 seconds
72°C / 30 seconds
Final Extension:
72°C /10 minutes
f. Remove the tubes from the thermocycler block. From this point on, it is
important to designate separate pipettors and work areas for amplified vs.
unamplified samples. This prevents carry-over contamination of future DNA
samples with the amplified product.
STEP 3. Gel Electrophoresis
a. After the completion of PCR, add an appropriate amount of loading dye to
the sample and analyze 5 µL of the reaction on a 2% agarose or a 10% native
acrylamide or other high resolution agarose gel. Use DNA markers (100-300
bp range) to determine the size of PCR products.
b. After electrophoresis, stain the gel with ethidium bromide. Dilute the 10
mg/mL stock solution 1:10,000 in deionized water. Stain for 10-30 minutes
and destain for 10-30 minutes in deionized water at room temperature.
Note: Ethidium bromide is a known carcinogen. Exercise appropriate
caution and good lab practice when using this reagent.
CpG WIZ™ p16 (S7800), p15 (S7802) and E-cadherin (S7804)
Amplification Kits
Table 3: Sizes of Expected Products from Controls
U primer/U control DNA
M primer set/M control DNA
W primer set/W control DNA
In the three no DNA control lanes, no PCR products should be generated.
Table 4: Sizes of Expected Products from Samples
Experimental Samples
U primer set/ unmethylated
M primer set/methylated DNA
If the sample is a mixture of unmethylated and methylated DNA, both the U and
M primer will produce a PCR product.
If the W primer set produces a PCR product with an experimental sample, it is
an indication of incomplete chemical modification.
CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/Angelman (S7806) Amplification Kit
Table 5: Sizes of Expected Products
Primer Set
Normal Control DNA
Experimental Methylated DNA
Experimental Unmethylated DNA
In the two no DNA control lanes, no PCR products should be generated.
In a clinical research sample obtained from a normal individual, a 100 bp and a
174 bp fragment will be obtained when using the P primer set and M primer set,
respectively, in PCR reactions. MSP performed on a research sample from an
individual with Prader-Willi Syndrome will produce the 174 bp fragment with
the M primer set but will generate no product with the P primer set. Conversely,
a research sample from an individual with Angelman Syndrome will produce the
100 bp fragment with the P primer set, but will generate no product with the M
primer set.
CpG WIZ™ p16 (S7800), p15 (S7802) and E-cadherin (S7804)
Amplification Kits
There is no visual evidence of products in any lane.
Potential Problem: PCR amplification is not initiated.
a. Confirm that all PCR components were added to the reaction tube.
b. Confirm that the time and temperature settings on the thermocycler match
those described in this manual.
c. If performing "hot start" PCR using a "hot start" enzyme, verify the initial
denaturation/activation time of 12 minutes at 95°C.
d. For all other "hot start" methods, confirm the proper use of the reagents.
e. Confirm that the PCR polymerase is still active.
f. Confirm that no additional Mg2+ was added to the PCR reaction mix.
g. The optimal annealing temperature is 60°C. If items #a-f have not remedied
the problem, re-optimize annealing conditions to suit your amplification
No amplification product is generated in the experimental
samples using U, M and W primer sets, but products of the
correct size are observed with the control samples.
Potential Problem #1: Experimental DNA samples were degraded
prior to chemical modification.
Purify the genomic DNA again and repeat the chemical modification.
Potential Problem #2: Chemically modified experimental DNA
samples were stored for more than two months prior to PCR.
Repeat the chemical modification on new genomic DNA samples.
U or M primer sets are producing bands in all samples,
including the "no DNA" controls.
Potential Problem: PCR
amplification products.
Recommendations: see Sec. VI. Appendix, Laboratory Setup and Precautions.
a. Use fresh aliquots of every PCR component (i.e. dNTPs, buffer, etc.)
b. Use separate sets of pipettors for pre- vs. post-amplification liquid
c. Devote a work area to pre- and post-amplification procedures.
d. Always use aerosol-resistant pipette tips.
e. Always use a clean labcoat and gloves.
W primer set produces an amplification product in some or
all experimental samples, in addition to an amplification
product from the U or M primer set.
Potential Problem: Chemical modification of the experimental DNA
sample(s) is incomplete.
This will not jeopardize the validity of the assay as long as a product is also
produced using the U or M primer set. The PCR product produced with the W
primer set is always smaller than that produced with either U or M.
The only lanes containing a PCR product are from those
DNA samples (experimental and control) amplified with
the W primer set.
Potential Problem: Chemical modification of the experimental DNA
samples did not work.
If using the CpGenome™ DNA Modification Kit (S7820), check the
troubleshooting section of the manual.
CpG WIZ™ Prader-Willi/Angelman (S7806) Amplification Kit
There is no visual evidence of products in any lane.
Potential Problem: PCR amplification is not initiated.
a. Confirm that all PCR components were added to the reaction tube.
b. Confirm that the time and temperature settings on the thermocycler match
those described in this manual.
If performing "hot start" PCR using a "hot start" enzyme, verify the initial
denaturation/activation time of 12 minutes at 95°C.
Confirm that the PCR polymerase is still active.
Confirm that no additional Mg2+ was added to the PCR reaction mix.
The optimal annealing temperature is 62°C. If items #a-e have not remedied
the problem, re-optimize annealing conditions to suit your amplification
No amplification product is generated in the experimental
samples using the P and M primer sets, but products of the
correct size are observed with the control samples.
Potential Problem #1: Experimental DNA samples were degraded
prior to chemical modification.
Purify the genomic DNA again and repeat the chemical modification.
Potential Problem #2: Chemically modified experimental DNA
samples were stored for more than two months prior to PCR.
Repeat the chemical modification on new genomic DNA samples.
P or M primer sets are producing bands in all samples,
including the "no DNA" controls.
Potential Problem: PCR reagents are contaminated with
amplification products.
Recommendations: see Sec. VI. Appendix, Laboratory Setup and Precautions
a. Use fresh aliquots of every PCR component (i.e. dNTPs, buffer, etc.)
b. Use separate sets of pipettors for pre- vs. post-amplification liquid
c. Devote a work area to pre- and post-amplification procedures.
d. Always use aerosol-resistant pipette tips.
e. Always use a clean labcoat and gloves.
Laboratory Setup and Precautions
One of the most important considerations when performing MSP using CpG
WIZ™ Amplification Kits is the environment where the initial reaction mixtures
are set up. The ideal environment is free of amplified DNA products, which can
cause false-positive results. Potential sources of PCR product contamination are:
contaminated pipettors and tips, gel box and buffer, tube racks, notebooks, lab
coats and any other item exposed to amplified PCR products.
The following precautions should be followed in all steps of the assay protocol:
a. Always wear gloves.
b. Use sterile water for all solutions, aliquot the solutions in small amounts, and
use fresh aliquots as working solutions. Discard working solutions after use.
c. Keep the assay solutions (10X PCR buffers, dNTPs, polymerase, etc.)
separate from the amplified DNA.
d. Always use aerosol resistant pipette tips.
e. Separate micropipettors and work areas are recommended for the following
three steps of the assay:
1. DNA modification and purification
2. Amplification setup
3. Post-amplification analysis
Related Products
Catalog Number
CpGenome™ DNA Modification Kit
CpGenome™ Universal Methylated DNA (human
male genomic DNA)
DNA Extraction Kit, Non-Organic
EX-WAX™ DNA Extraction Kit
for paraffin-embedded tissue
References Cited in this Manual
Bird, A. (1992) The essentials of DNA methylation. Cell 70: 5-8.
Li, E., C. Beard and R. Jaenisch. (1993) Role for DNA methylation in
genomic imprinting. Nature 366: 362-365.
Tremblay, K.D., J.R. Saam, R.S. Ingram, S.M. Tilghman and M.S.
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alleles of the mouse H19 gene. Nat. Genet. 9: 407-413.
Kubota, T., S. Das, S.L. Christian, S.B. Baylin, J.G. Herman, and D.H.
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(1989) Genome Sequencing and Methylation Analysis by Ligation
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Cell 62: 503-514.
Herman, J.G., F. Latif, Y. Weng, M.I. Lerman, B. Zbar, S. Liu, D. Samid,
D.S. Duan, J.R. Gnarra, W.M. Linehan and S.B. Baylin. (1994) Silencing of
the VHL tumor-suppressor gene by DNA methylation in renal carcinoma.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91: 9700-9704.
Merlo, A., J.G. Herman, L. Mao, D.J. Lee, E. Gabrielson, P.C. Burger, S.B.
Baylin and D. Sidransky. (1995) 5' CpG island methylation is associated
with transcriptional silencing of the tumour suppressor p16/CDKN2/MTS1
in human cancers. Nature Medicine 1: 686-692.
10. Herman, J.G., J.R. Graff, S. Myohanen, B.D. Nelkin and S.B. Baylin.
(1996) Methylation-specific PCR: A novel assay for methylation status of
CpG islands. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 9821-9826.
Takara is a trademark of Takara Biomedicals.
The polymerase chain reaction ("PCR") is covered by one or more of the
following U.S. Patents: nos. 4,683,202; 4,683,195; and 4,899,818 issued to
Cetus Corporation and owned and licensed by Hoffmann-LaRoche Molecular
Systems, Inc. Purchase of a Chemicon PCR-related product does not convey a
license to use the PCR process covered by these patents. Purchasers of these
products must obtain a license to use the PCR process before performing PCR.
The CpG WIZ™ Methylation Products apply technologies exclusively licensed
from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Methylation-specific
PCR (MSP) technology is covered by
U.S. Patent # 5,786,146.
All trademarks, unless otherwise noted, are the property of Serologicals Royalty
Company or Chemicon International, Inc.
These products are warranted to perform as described in their labeling and in
CHEMICON literature when used in accordance with their instructions.
and purchaser’s exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty shall be, at the
option of CHEMICON, to repair or replace the products. In no event shall
CHEMICON be liable for any proximate, incidental or consequential damages
in connection with the products.
2003: CHEMICON International, Inc. - By CHEMICON International, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form
without permissions in writing.
Cat No. S7800
August 2003
Revision A: 41423