WiNEDGE & WiRELESS Winceiver WE904 / WE905 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver FEATURES x x x x x x x x x x x x x 100MHz to 1GHz Operating Frequency 2.7 - 3.3V Operation +3.0 dBm Tx Output Power -103 dBm Rx Sensitivity Full Duplex Dual VCO FM/FSK Modulator No Tuning "Tankless" FM Demodulator Direct-Conversion, Zero-IF Architecture Low External Component Count Serial Programming Interface Low Standby Current Thin-Quad Flat Package (TQFP-48) DESCRIPTION WE904/905 are single-chip FM/FSK transceiver ICs operate between 100 to 1000 MHz. Utilizing a unique direct-conversion, zero-intermediate frequency (zero-IF) receiver architecture, WE904/905 provides radio designers a high performance RF transceiver solution with low external component count and small PCB footprint. The receiver section of the WE904/905 provide all of the required receiver functions including local oscillator synthesis (VCO), down-conversion, filtering, automatic gain control (AGC), automatic frequency control (AFC), FM/FSK demodulator and RSSI functions. The transmitter section contains a directly modulated VCO and RF power amplifier (PA). Internal, dual, high-performance phase locked loop (PLL) synthesizers/VCOs allow full duplex or halfduplex operation over the entire RF tuning range. Tuning, power management, and gain control (manual) functions are accomplished via serial interface. APPLICATIONS x US ISM band (902-928 MHz), Europe SRD band (868MHz) - Wireless Voice/Data Products x 900 MHz Cordless Phones x AMR/Telemetry/Data Radios Winceiver, WE904 and WE905 are trademarks of WiNEDGE & WiRELESS Pte Ltd WE905 is recommended for new development. WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD TECHplace 1, Blk 4010, #04-12, Ang Mo Kio Ave 10, Singapore 569626 Tel: (65) 6455 4371 Fax: (65) 6455 6811 Email: [email protected] Website: Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver TABLE OF CONTENT SIMPIFIED 902-9028MHZ APPLICATION CIRCUIT ........................................................................... 3 BLOCK DIAGRAM................................................................................................................................ 4 PIN CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................ 4 PIN DESCRIPTIONS............................................................................................................................ 5 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................. 6 ZERO IF RECEIVER.............................................................................................................................. 6 TRANSMITTER...................................................................................................................................... 8 REFERENCE OSCILLATOR ................................................................................................................. 9 OPERATION LIMITS.......................................................................................................................... 10 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................... 10 FREQUENCY OF OPERATION......................................................................................................... 15 RECEIVER BANDWIDTH ADJUSTMENT ......................................................................................... 16 BASEBAND FILTERS BANDWIDTH ................................................................................................... 16 DEMODULATOR BANDWIDTH........................................................................................................... 17 IF FILTER BANDWIDTH...................................................................................................................... 18 RSSI ................................................................................................................................................... 18 RSSI TOLERANCE .............................................................................................................................. 18 METHODS OF CORRECTING RSSI TOLERANCE ............................................................................ 18 RSSI SETTLING TIME ......................................................................................................................... 19 RX/TX RESPONSE TIME .................................................................................................................. 19 RX/TX PLL LOCK TIME ....................................................................................................................... 19 RECEIVER ATTACK TIME .................................................................................................................. 20 FM MODULATION ............................................................................................................................. 21 FM DEVIATION.................................................................................................................................... 21 FM MODULATOR ................................................................................................................................ 21 AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY CONTROL (AFC) ................................................................................. 23 AFC CORRECTION RANGE ............................................................................................................... 24 SWITCHING AFC ON AND OFF DURING OPERATION .................................................................... 25 CRYSTAL TUNING WITH AFC............................................................................................................ 25 WORKING CONDITIONS FOR AFC ................................................................................................... 25 AFC NOISE.......................................................................................................................................... 25 AFC RESPONSE TIME........................................................................................................................ 25 SERIAL PROGRAMMING INTERFACE ............................................................................................ 26 TIMING DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................... 26 REFERENCE FREQUENCY REGISTER .......................................................................................... 27 RECEIVE FREQUENCY REGISTER ................................................................................................. 28 TRANSMIT FREQUENCY REGISTER .............................................................................................. 29 MODE REGISTER ............................................................................................................................. 30 RX GAIN CONTROL (BIT 3, 10-15, 18-19).......................................................................................... 30 AGC GAIN RESET DISABLE (BIT 15, WE905 ONLY) ........................................................................ 32 AFC POLARITY (BIT 15, WE904 ONLY)............................................................................................. 32 CHARGE PUMP CURRENT AND POLARITY (BIT 6-9) ...................................................................... 32 ANALOG VS DIGITAL OUTPUT (BIT 17) ............................................................................................ 33 OPERATION MODES (BIT 18-22) ....................................................................................................... 34 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES ............................................................................................................. 35 CIRCUIT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS............................................................................................. 36 PACKAGING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 37 REVISION HISTORY.......................................................................................................................... 38 ORDERING INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 39 In this document, differences between WE904 and WE905 are highlighted in red. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 2 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver SIMPIFIED 902-9028MHZ APPLICATION CIRCUIT © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 3 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver BLOCK DIAGRAM IFIL1 DCI IFIL2 DC Offset Correction (I) 10dB PAD IFSET AGC VGA RFI GCC BBSET IFIL3 LPF1 (I) LPF2 (I) VGA 90 90 Σ RFI VGA DCQ LPF1 (Q) LPF2 (Q) VGA DC Offset Correction (Q) IF Filter QFIL1 QFIL2 QFIL3 RPLL Rx VCO RVCO RVCO RFO DEMOD SYNTH P/D FM DEMOD PA Tx VCO RFO REF OSC RSSI AFC TPLL TVCO TVCO CLK DATA LE OSCI OSCO DCR RSSI AFCC AFC AUDIO/DATA PIN CONFIGURATION © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 4 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver PIN DESCRIPTIONS Name Pin LE 1 Load Enable. Active high CMOS logic compatible input Description DATA 2 Serial Data. CMOS logic compatible serial data input CLK 3 Serial Clock: CMOS logic compatible, positive edge trigger input VSS 4 OSCI 5 OSCO 6 VDD 7 Digital ground. Ground pin for the internal CMOS digital circuitry Reference Oscillator Input. Signal level should be within the range of 200400mV peak Reference Oscillator Output. Used in conjunction with OSCI to form a Colpitts oscillator using a crystal unit Power supply for the internal CMOS digital circuitry VDDO 8 Power supply for Tx output section (PA) RFO RFO 9 10 Differential Tx Outputs VSSO 11 Ground for Tx output section VSST 12 Ground for Tx VCO TPLL 13 Tx PLL control voltage. Connection point for PLL loop filter. VDDT1,2 14, 17 TVCO TVCO 15 16 Tx VCO Tank; establishes the natural oscillation frequency of the Tx VCO with external balanced inductors GCC 18 Gain control decoupling capacitor DCR 19 DC Offset for RSSI DCI, DCQ 21 DC Offset for I and Q sections of the baseband circuit IFIL1,2,3 23, 24, 22 Tx power supply pins for the internal Tx VCO Baseband In-phase (I) Filter BBSET 25 QFIL1,2,3 27, 26, 28 Baseband low pass filter frequency set resistor PFGND 29 Internal Pre-Filter ground reference VDDA 30 Power supply for Baseband and IF filters VSSA 31 Ground for Baseband and IF filters VDDI 32 Power supply for Rx Input section RFI RFI 34 33 Differential Rx Inputs VSSI 35 Ground for Rx Input section RSSI 36 Receive Signal Strength Indicator output SUBS 37 Ground to silicon substrate Baseband Quadrature (Q) Filter VSSR 38 Ground for Rx VCO RPLL 39 Rx PLL control voltage. Connection point for PLL loop filter. VDDR1,2 40, 43 RVCO RVCO 41 42 Rx VCO Tank:: establishes the natural oscillation frequency of the Rx VCO with external balanced inductors. IFSET 44 IF low pass filter frequency set resistor ACGND 45 Internal AC ground reference for the baseband and IF filters Power supply for Rx VCO AFC 46 Automatic Frequency Control Voltage Output AFCC 47 Automatic Frequency Control Capacitor AUDO 48 Rx Audio/ Digital Output © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 5 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The receive section consists of several major function blocks, including a switchable RF input attenuator (PAD), quadrature down-conversion mixer, differential-to-single-ended conversion, variable gain amplifiers (VGAs), PLL synthesizer/ voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), I/Q low-pass filters, DC offset correction circuitry, quadrature up-conversion mixer, IF filter, P/D FM demodulator. The transmit section consists of a PLL synthesizer, direct frequency modulated voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), and a RF power amplifier (PA). Additionally, the device contains a reference crystal oscillator, an automatic frequency control (AFC) circuitry and associated reference frequency synthesizer. A functional block diagram of the IC is shown in page 4. The following sections give details of each functional block. ZERO IF RECEIVER The receiver section of the WE904/905 utilizes a quadrature mixer in a direct-conversion, zerointermediate frequency (zero-IF) approach. After quadrature down-conversion and baseband filtering, a quadrature mixer up-converts the complex baseband signal to an intermediate frequency (IF) for demodulation. Direct conversion to zero-IF has several advantages over super-heterodyne approaches. First, the image frequency is eliminated because the IF is zero. Second, the use of active, low pass, filters provide a high level of integration, while eliminating the need for external IF filters and IF transformers. A description of each major receive function block follows: RF Input Attenuator Pad A switchable 0/-10dB attenuator pad allows high signal level capability at the RF Input of the receiver. This pad is located prior to the quadrature mixer (down-conversion) and can be either manually controlled via the 3-wire interface, or automatically controlled via the AGC section of the device. Down-Conversion Quadrature Mixer The main advantage of the quadrature mixer is its ability to translate the RF frequency directly to a zero-IF, thereby eliminating the image frequency. Consequently, the image filter before the RF input to the WE904/905 can be eliminated. The design requirements for the duplexer and RF band pass filter may also be relaxed. In addition, the quadrature mixer achieves a lower overall noise figure by virtue of image frequency elimination. The balanced mixers in the quadrature mixer are designed to closely track each other in both amplitude and phase response. The quadrature LO signal is generated by direct division of the receive VCO, thereby eliminating external phase shifting networks. Furthermore, for improved noise immunity, all internal RF signal paths are fully differential, thereby providing common mode noise rejection. The gain of the mixer can be adjusted via the 3-wire interface programming or automatically controlled by AGC. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 6 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver Receive PLL Synthesizer and VCO The receive PLL synthesizer with voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), is designed to provide a low phase noise local oscillator. The Rx VCO operates in a balanced mode at 2x the Rx local oscillator frequency. The VCO frequency is immediately divided by a factor of 2 to provide the local oscillator for the quadrature down-conversion mixer. The synthesizer is 17 bits in total (excluding the proceeding divide by 2). These 17 bits are split into 14 bits to provide the input to the PLL phase detector to be compared with the reference frequency, with an additional 3 bits providing fractional-n capability, to allow channel frequency definition in steps of 1/8 of the PLL reference frequency. This LO signal also drives the receive synthesizer and demodulator synthesizer. The Rx VCO center frequency is determined by an external tank circuit comprised of an external, center-tapped, inductor. The tank circuit is connected to pin 41 and 42. An external PLL loop filter network, connected to the RPLL pin (pin 39), filters the VCO control voltage. This control voltage is used to tune the tank frequency of the VCO via an internal, commonanode, varactor pair. The receive frequency for the WE904/905 is programmed via serial interface (Data, Clock, and Load Enable). Demodulator synthesizer This synthesizer consists of programmable and fixed dividers which determine the IF frequency and the demodulator bandwidth of the digital FM demodulator. The demodulator synthesizer is controlled by 3 PDR bits of the reference frequency register, programmable via serial interface. The demodulator bandwidth is programmable between 150kHz and 25kHz. Variable Gain Amplifiers The gain of the receiver can be dynamically adjusted via the serial interface to maintain signal linearity before the demodulator. This enables the achievement of high values of SINAD for an analog FM link. An Automatic Gain Control (AGC) function is also available on-chip. The gain can be adjusted in 3 locations along the receive path: x x x A 10dB RF pad before the down-conversion quadrature mixer Four step baseband attenuators in the down-conversion quadrature mixer load circuits Three-step baseband Variable Gain Amplifiers after the baseband I and Q low pass filters In addition, each VGA provides differential to single-ended conversion and amplification of the baseband signal, prior to the I/Q low-pass filters. These gain stages are referenced to pre-filter ground (PFGND), an internally generated virtual ground. LPF1 (I/Q) This first stage of the I/Q baseband low pass filter (LPF) section consists of active, Sallen-key type filters. These filters provide a combination of low noise figure and gain along with a wide dynamic input range. The purpose of these filters is to provide preliminary rejection of the out-of-band interferences. The reduction of out-of-band interferer levels, reduce the dynamic range requirements for the following filter stages in LPF2. The –3dB corner frequency of these LPFs are set via external RC values. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 7 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver LPF2 (I/Q) This second stage of the I/Q baseband low pass filter (LPF) section consists of active, transconductance (gm) type filters. Combined with LPF1, these filters provide the required channel selectivity by passing the entire desired frequency spectrum, while attenuating noise and adjacent channel interference outside of the desired signal’s bandwidth. DC Offset Correction A proprietary DC offset correction circuit is used to control DC offset voltages. The use of DC offset correction improves dynamic range, minimizes LO feed-through in the up-conversion mixer, and reduces signal distortion. The correction circuit operates automatically and in a continuous mode. Up-Conversion Quadrature Mixer The zero-IF, complex, filtered baseband signal is translated by the quadrature up-conversion mixer to an intermidiate frequency (IF). The resultant up-converted IF signal is low enough in frequency to provide adequate SNR at the output of the period-to-digital FM demodulator, yet high enough to satisfy signal sampling criterion. IF BPF The band pass filter, after the quadrature up-conversion mixer, passes the IF signal and rejects the harmonic components of the up-conversion mixer's local oscillator. The IF band pass filter is comprised of cascaded, active, transconductance filters with Butterworth response characteristics. The lower corner frequency of the IF BPF is fix at 8kHz. The higher corner frequency of the filter is determined by an external resistor connected to IFSET pin. RSSI The receive signal strength indication (RSSI) circuitry incorporates a log amplifier and detector for the purpose of measuring the received RF carrier power level. Period-to-Digital FM Demodulator The Period-to-Digital (P/D) FM demodulator digitize the half-cycle period of the IF signal and convert that information into the demodulated FM audio signal via a digital to analog converter. The digitizing clock signal for the P/D is derived from the Rx VCO oscillator and the P/D divide ratio (PDR). The PDR is programmable via serial interface. TRANSMITTER The transmitter section of the WE904/905 is comprised of a modulation input circuit, a PLL synthesizer / VCO, and a RF power amplifier (PA) capable of providing +3.0 dBm into a 50: load. A description of each major function block follows: Transmit PLL Synthesizer and VCO The transmit (Tx) on-chip PLL synthesizer is identical to the receive PLL synthesizer except that it does not contain the fixed divide by 2 directly after the VCO. The transmit VCO frequency is therefore identical with the transmitter local oscillator. The transmit PLL accepts modulation audio to provide a frequency modulated (FM) RF carrier. Utilizing a direct modulation approach, the modulation voltage is directly applied to the PLL loop filter. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 8 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver The VCO center frequency is determined by an external tank circuit comprised of two inductors connected to the TVCO pins 15 and 16. An external PLL loop filter network, connected to TPLL, pin 13, filters the VCO control voltage. This control voltage (KVCO 26 MHz/V for 900MHz) is used to tune the tank frequency of the VCO via an internal, common-anode, varactor pair. The transmit frequency for the WE904/905 is programmed via serial interface (Data, Clock, and Load Enable). PA The on-chip RF power amplifier is a differential gain stage capable of transmitting RF output power up to +4.5dBm. The differential output impedance is ~ 700://1.2 pF at 915MHz. In the simplified application circuit shown in page 3, a discrete LC network is used to match the output impedance to 50: at 915MHz ISM band. The 33: resistor set the output power to ~ +3dBm. A 82: resistor will reduce the power to –10dBm. REFERENCE OSCILLATOR Crystal Oscillator and Reference Synthesizer The reference synthesizer is comprised of an 11 bit counter which provides the PLL reference frequency for both the receiver and transmitter synthesizers. A crystal oscillator circuit normally provides the input to the reference synthesizer; however, external frequency source can be used as a reference for the synthesizer. All 11 bits of the synthesizer are fully programmable, to allow a large degree of flexibility in the choice of either the reference crystal or external reference frequency. For WE905, this reference oscillator can be kept active when both Tx and RX are off, by programming the Mode Register, and hence, reduce turn-on time for Tx or Rx. Whereas on WE904, the reference clock will be off when both Tx and Rx are off. AFC Automatic Frequency Control (AFC) of the receive local oscillator (LO) frequency is used to improve receiver performance. Without AFC, frequency offset (between receive signal and LO) causes a reduction in SINAD due to filter distortion and beat tone. The AFC minimized the offset by tuning the reference crystal oscillator. As a result, both transmit frequency and the receive LO are corrected at the same time. The AFC correction signal is available as a DC current at the AFC output (pin 46). A varactor, connecting to the AFC output and the reference crystal, provides the required tuning action. See section on AFC for more details. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 9 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver OPERATION LIMITS PARAMETER Power Supply Voltage Operating Temperature Frequency of Operation Reference Frequency MIN 2.7 -20 100 5 MAX 3.3 65 1000 20 UNITS Vdc C MHz MHz ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Unless otherwise specified, the specifications refer to performance of the typical 902-928MHz application circuit shown in page 3, with the following conditions. Supply voltages = 3.0V Temperature = 25qC Reference Oscillator = 12MHz Reference Frequency = 150kHz Channel Bandwidth = 140kHz Channel Spacing = 300kHz Modulation Frequency = 1kHz FM deviation = 25kHz PARAMETER DC Supply Current (Receive Only) Supply Current (Transmit Only) Supply Current, Total (Rx + Tx) Standby Current Receiver 1 Input Sensitivity (12dB SINAD) -3 2 Input Sensitivity (10 BER) Input Impedance (across RFI pins) 1, 4 Maximum RF Input (12dB SINAD) 3 Input IP3 4 Input 1dB Compression Point 5 Receiver Channel Bandwidth Adjacent Channel Rejection 3 RSSI Voltage Range (-100 to -35dBm) 3 RSSI Conversion Factor (Log) 3 RSSI Detection Range (Min-Max) 1 Audio Output Level 1 Demodulation Frequency Range Audio Output Impedance at Pin 48 1 SINAD (at -85dBm) 1 Distortion (at -85dBm) 1 Demodulation S/N (at -85dBm) 10 AFC Correction Range AFC Center Frequency Tolerance © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 MIN TYP MAX UNITS 50 34 20 54 36 24 60 5 mA mA mA uA -103 -89 60://0.9p -104 -91 dBm dBm -102 -87 -20 55 0.1 -27 -100 150 0.15 2 40 38 -5 -1 -18 140 60 -32 175 43 0.7 41 +/-20 0.5 65 2.0 -37 -35 200 50 10 2 2 dBm dBm dBm kHz dB Vdc mV/dB dBm mVrms kHz k: dB % dB kHz kHz Page 10 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PARAMETER 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver MIN TYP MAX UNITS 0 1 -50 -40 -70 140 2 dBm dBc dBc dBc mVrms 2 k: Transmitter 6 Transmitter Output Power Harmonic Level (2nd) Harmonic Level (3rd) Harmonic Level (4th) 7 Modulation Input Level Modulator Input Impedance Output Impedance (across RFO pins) 8 Modulation S/N Intermodulation Prod. (2*RxLO-TxLO) Intermodulation Prod. (Other) Phase Noise (10kHz Offset) Phase Noise (10MHz Offset) 1 35 700://1.2 pF 39 -58 -87 -150 dB dBc dBc dBc/Hz dBc/Hz -60 -82 Response Time RSSI Settling Time 9 Rx PLL Lock Time : Start Up Adjacent Channel Audio Lag Time (from PLL locked to audio appears at audio out pin) 9 Tx PLL Lock Time : Start Up Adjacent Channel 0.5 4 2.5 1.0 7 4 ms ms ms 1 2 ms 10 3.5 15 5 ms ms 1 CCITT receive audio filter 38.4kbps 511 PRBS, Data mode 3 AGC off; receiver gain maximum 4 AGC on or receiver gain minimum 5 Bandwidth can be adjusted between 12kHz and 160kHz by external components 6 Transmitter output power can be varied via an external bias resistor 7 To obtain 25kHz FM deviation, input level is TPLL setting dependant 8 300Hz HPF and 3kHz LPF 9 Lock time adjustable by PLL loop filters 10 With varactor capacitance varies from 25pF(0.1V) to 10pF (2.5V). Refer to section on AFC 2 © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 11 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver Receiver Performance (Analog Mode) Receiver performance of 902-928MHz application circuit shown in page 3, Supply voltages : 3.0V Channel Bandwidth : 140kHz Modulation Frequency : 1kHz FM deviation : 25kHz (peak) AGC : On Receiver Performance (Digital Mode) Receiver performance of 902-928MHz application circuit shown in page 3, Supply voltages : 3.0V Channel Bandwidth : 140kHz AFC : OFF AGC : On © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 12 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver Page 13 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver Page 14 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver FREQUENCY OF OPERATION While the WE904/905 are well suited for use in the 902 to 928MHz ISM band, other frequencies outside of this band are also applicable. The transmitter or receiver can be used with RF frequencies from 100MHz to 1000MHz by suitable choice of external inductors or the receiver and transmitter oscillator tank circuits. Internal, programmable trim capacitors are provided for correction of any device tolerance. Approximate center frequency calculations are given below: Tx VCO f = 1/{2S S x SQRT[ (L+Lp) x Ct ] } Rx VCO f = 1/{2S S x SQRT[ (L+Lp) x Cr ] } [Note Rx VCO is 2x Rx local oscillator] Where: L is the external inductance connected to VDDT or VDDR, from both the true and inverted tank outputs. Lp (= 2.6nH) is the parasitic inductance for the TQFP or QFN 48 package. Ct (= 4.6pF) is the total internal capacitance of TVCO, inclusive the TVCO varactor, internal trim capacitance at middle trim value and parasitic capacitance for the TQFP and QFN-48 package. Cr (= 1.7pF) is the total internal capacitance of RVCO, inclusive the RVCO varactor, internal trim capacitance at middle trim value and parasitic capacitance for the TQFP and QFN-48 package. The exact operating frequency is determined by programming of transmit and receive frequency registers. Assuming a ±5% tolerance on L, the guaranteed oscillator range is 3% of the center frequency if the external inductor is set for devices from the center of the distribution. Devices at the edge of the distribution can be brought to the correct center frequency by selection of the appropriate oscillator trim bit. The Tx trim is programmed by bits 21, 22 and 23 of the transmitter frequency register; the Rx trim is programmed by bits 21 and 22 of the receiver frequency register. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 15 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver RECEIVER BANDWIDTH ADJUSTMENT The application circuit diagram is given for a 915MHz ISM band receiver with a 130kHz bandwidth. The Rx bandwidths can be adjusted from 16kHz to 150kHz. Some of the bandwidth setting adjustments scale with the RF frequency. There are 3 major elements related to the receiver bandwidth: Baseband Bandwidth BWbb: the baseband bandwidth. This is defined by 8 pole low pass filters in both the I and Q baseband channels. The filtering in each channel is achieved by a two pole Sallen Key filter combined with a six pole Gm filter. The defining resistors and capacitors for the Sallen Key filters are off chip; the Gm filter is totally on-chip except for one bandwidth trimming resistor. Note that the bandwidth of the individual baseband I and Q channels is half of the demodulator bandwidth. For example, a receiver working at 915MHz with a bandwidth of 130kHz (i.e. r 65kHz), baseband bandwidth BWbb is 65kHz, demodulator bandwidth BWdm is 130kHz minimum. The DC offset correction feedback loop in the baseband section introduces an effective high pass filter (100Hz) in the center of the RF band. Demodulator Bandwidth BWdm: the demodulator bandwidth. This is the bandwidth of the Period to Digital demodulator. It is a ‘brick wall’ filter centered on the IF frequency. BWdm must be wider than receive bandwidth. IF Bandwidth There is filtering in the IF section following the second mixer, designed to attenuate mixer products prior to the demodulator. Filtering is defined by a 4 pole low pass filter followed by a single pole high pass filter. The low pass filter is an on-chip Gm design with an off-chip bandwidth trimming resistor and the high pass filter is on-chip and fixed frequency at 8kHz. The following sections shows how the bandwidth of these sections can be adjusted. BASEBAND FILTERS BANDWIDTH A. Sallen Key baseband filters The R and C components for this filter are off chip. To set the baseband bandwidth, BWbb, adjust the C values. Choose values to give a bandwidth equal to or slightly greater than the required bandwidth according to the following formulae. The recommended component tolerances for resistors should be 1%, with capacitor tolerances of 5%, or better. Capacitor attached to IFIL2/QFIL2 = 1.8nF x (65kHz/BWbb) Capacitor attached to IFIL3/QFIL3 = 0.68nF x (65kHz/BWbb) E.G., for a required 32kHz bandwidth, BWbb=16kHz, suggested values of 6.8nF and 2.6nF give a bandwidth of 34kHz. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 16 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver B. Gm baseband filter On-chip baseband filter bandwidth is adjusted by choice of the external resistor between VDDA and BBSET. Choose this resistor to give a same bandwidth as above. R = 22kΩ x (65kHz/BWbb) E.G., for 32kHz (r16kHz) bandwidth, BWbb=16kHz, suggested value is 82kΩ. C. DC Offset Correction Loop (Effective Baseband High Pass Filter) The 3dB bandwidth is set to ±100Hz by the external 330nF capacitors connected to DCI and DCQ. The HP cut off can be adjusted by inverse proportional change in DCI/DCQ capacitor. For example, in digital application, if the lowest data rate is 2400bps (1.2kHz), the cut off can be increased from 100Hz to 1kHz by reducing the capacitance to 33nF. Reduction in the cut off lower than 100Hz, with BWdm=130kHz may lead to instability in Auto Gain Control mode. Common Rx BW 150 kHz 130 kHz 100 kHz 50 kHz 25 kHz BWbb IFIL2/QFIL2 Cap /nF 1.5 1.8 2.2 4.7 9.1 75 kHz 65 kHz 50 kHz 25 kHz 12.5 kHz IFIL3/QFIL3 Cap /nF 0.56 0.68 0.82 1.80 3.30 BBSET R /kΩ 18 22 27 56 110 DEMODULATOR BANDWIDTH Demodulator bandwidth, BWdm, is adjusted by the choice of the Period to Digital demodulator clock frequency, Fpd. The chip divides down the receiver local oscillator, Frf, by the divide ratio, PDR, to obtain Fpd. Fpd = Frf/PDR PDR is programmed by bits 14, 15 & 16 of the reference frequency register. 1 2 Allowable PDR divide ratios for WE904 are 2 , 6 , 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 96. 3 4 Allowable PDR divide ratios for WE905 are 3 , 9 , 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 96. 1 Ratio 2 can only be used on WE904 with Frf < 180MHz Ratio 6 can only be used on WE904 with Frf < 540MHz 3 Ratio 3 can only be used on WE905 with Frf < 277MHz 4 Ratio 9 can only be used on WE905 with Frf < 830MHz 2 The choice of Fpd directly sets the IF frequency Fif, and BWdm: Fif = Fpd/544 BWdm = Fpd/580 Choose a value of PDR to give BWdm > 2 x BWbb. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 17 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver IF FILTER BANDWIDTH The bandwidth of the on-chip IF low pass filter, which precedes the Period to Digital demodulator, should be optimized as follows. Following the calculation of Fif and BWdm from section above, the filter bandwidth is adjusted by choice of the external resistor between VDDA and IFSET. R = 22kΩ x 206kHz / (Fif + 0.5 x BWdm) There is an on-chip high pass IF filter fixed at 8kHz. Examples Rx Freq Frf /MHz 915 930 869 434 PDR Fpd /MHz Fif /kHz 12 48 24 24 76.25 19.4 36.2 18.1 140.2 35.6 66.5 33.2 BWdm /kHz 131.5 33.4 62.4 31.2 Suitable for Rx BW /kHz 130 25 50 25 Recommended IFSET R /kΩ 22 82 47 91 RSSI For WE904, the RSSI output is a current source which work with external shunt resistor and capacitor (47k: ««10nF) to develop a filtered voltage level inversely proportional to the receive RF signal strength. For WE905, the matched shunt resistor is provided internally. This eliminates the error due to tolerance of external discrete resistor. Only a 10nF capacitor is required on RSSI pin. The RSSI measurement range is from -100dBm to -35dBm, with the RF input pad bypassed (0dB) and the quadrature mixer gain stage set to high. This range is extended as the receiver gain is reduced. The RSSI conversion factor is # (-30mV/dB), with a voltage range of 2.1 to 0.1 Vdc. RSSI TOLERANCE For WE904, typically with 5% 47k: resistor, the RSSI voltage tolerance is about +/-10%. For WE905, the RSSI tolerance is about +/-2%. If external low noise amplifier (LNA) and filters are added at the Rx front end, the LNA gain and filter loss will vary from unit to unit and will contribute to additional RSSI variation above the IC’s RSSI tolerance. As the RSSI voltage depends on its load, it should be connected only to an ADC or a comparator with high input impedance. METHODS OF CORRECTING RSSI TOLERANCE For applications that require accurate RSSI, the tolerance can be corrected by the use of an analogto-digital converter (ADC) or a trimmer pot meter. If ADC is used, the tolerance can be corrected using software. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 18 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver If non-volatile memory (EEPROM or flash) is available, correction can be done during production testing. The ADC can read RSSI values at no signal and at a know Rx signal level, and store those values to correct for the RSSI tolerance. If non-volatile memory (EEPROM or flash) is not available, correct can be done by checking and remember, in the RAM, the RSSI value with no Rx signal, such as when LNA is off; or when antenna switch is off at Rx side; or when Rx frequency is set to an impossible frequency. If comparator is used, the tolerance can be corrected by adjust a trimmer pot meter. RSSI SETTLING TIME For 130kHz Rx bandwidth, ~25kHz FM deviation, and with recommended 10nF external capacitor attached to RSSI pin, the RSSI reaches 80% of its final value in approximately 0.5ms. If the FM signal carried is varying significantly in amplitude (e.g. FSK, switching between FM deviation limits) then a longer integration time (i.e. larger RSSI capacitor) will be required for accurate measurement of RX signal strength. Hence, settling time will be longer. Also, for a narrower Rx bandwidth, the capacitor should be increased to integrate the received power over a longer time. The increase should be inverse proportional to the bandwidth. RSSI response time will also increase accordingly. RX/TX RESPONSE TIME RX/TX PLL LOCK TIME The values shown below are based upon calculations using the component values shown in application circuit with Rx and Tx charge pump currents being 1.0mA and 0.2mA respectively; and reference frequency being 100kHz. ' Frequency From start up 10MHz frequency change 1.0MHz frequency change 0.1MHz frequency change Rx 8.5 ms 6.5 ms 5.0 ms 3.5 ms Tx 17 ms 14 ms 11 ms 7 ms Note: The settling time for Tx are based upon a 150 Hz high pass filter (HPF) cut off frequency. This filter can be adjusted via the external Tx PLL loop filter components, or by the on-chip Tx charge pump current selection. Settling time will be approximately inversely proportional to the required HPF for the audio/data signal. PLL Loop Filter Faster PLL lock times are required in applications where time division duplexing or frequency hopping techniques is used. On the contrary, narrow band audio applications, which need low VCO phase noise, require tightening of PLL loop filter bandwidth. In the result, increases PLL lock time. The loop filters employed are second order passive loop filters. Separate literatures are available for various filter response considerations and calculation of filter components. Dumping factor, phase noise and reference spurs are the main considerations beside lock time. The following information is required for designing the PLL loop filter: Kvco © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 19 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver In 915MHz ISM band, when PLL voltage is about 1.8V, For RVCO, Kvco = 40MHz/V; For TVCO, Kvco = 23MHz/V. Please note that at different PLL voltage or different operating frequency, the VCO gain may be different. In such situations, the VCO gains can be determined by measurement (VCO frequency change/PLL voltage change for 1 reference frequency step change). Charge Pump Current The available charge pump current settings are 0.2mA and 1.0mA for both Tx and Rx. The charge pump current is selected by programming the Mode register bits 6 (Rx) and 7 (Tx). With proper consideration on damping factor, higher charge pump current reduces PLL lock time. Reference Frequency In general, larger reference frequency reduces PLL lock time. It is set by Reference Frequency Register. RECEIVER ATTACK TIME Rx Baseband DC Offset Loop Response Time Settling time is 2ms for an effective receiver baseband HPF of 100Hz. The HPF can be adjusted with changing the external capacitors on DCI/DCQ. Settling time will be approximately inversely proportional to the DCI/DCQ capacitors. When making such changes, consideration must be given to the required high pass filtering for the lowest possible frequency of the FM signal. Auto Gain Control Response Time Similar considerations apply as in RSSI Settling. Current recommendation is to set up the receiver to allow a gain change every 14ms for a receive bandwidth of 130kHz and every 56ms for a bandwidth of 16kHz. Note this only changes the gain by 1 step. For WE904, the gain is automatically set to maximum following the serial interface signal LE low so it could take 8x as long (110ms or 450ms) to get to minimum gain. For WE905, although this gain reset can be disable, time taken for gain to change from maximum to minimum is the same as WE904. More information is available in section on Rx Gain Control. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 20 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver FM MODULATION FM DEVIATION The transmitter utilizes direct modulation method where the modulation signal is directly applied to the PLL loop filter. FM deviation is depending on the a.c. voltage level of the applied modulation signal as well as TVCO gain. TVCO gain is in term, dependent on the TVCO frequency and TPLL voltage. It is normally desirable for FM deviation to be consistent for a given modulating voltage level. For a circuit that is designed to operate at a Tx frequency band, the TVCO frequency is fixed by Transmit Frequency Register. However, the locked TPLL voltage may differ from one unit to another. This is mainly due to the tolerance of external TVCO inductors and the choice of Tx trim bit which set the internal capacitance. The solution is either to use tight tolerance TVCO inductors or a potential divider to adjust the voltage level of the modulating signal. Using tight tolerance inductors, such as PCB printed inductors, FM deviation varies between board to board can be maintained within +/-20%. For more accurate FM deviation, a pot meter is required to adjust the modulating signal level. FM MODULATOR If there is a change in PLL loop filter, the Tx modulator components have to be changed to get the desired frequency response and Tx FM deviation. Values for modulator components can be determined by simulation. How VCO frequency responses to an input to the modulator circuit (ac or transient) are simulated to obtain the correct modulator RC combination. Below is the circuit for modulator simulation. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 21 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver Model for Modulator / PLL Simulation © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 22 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY CONTROL (AFC) In direct conversion, zero-IF receiver system, the frequency difference between receiving RF signal and the receiver LO produces a beat tone. If this beat tone falls in audio range, it will pass through the receiver filters and appear as an audible tone at audio output. The Automatic Frequency Control (AFC) feature tunes the reference crystal oscillator to minimize frequency offset between receive RF signal and receive LO. The continuous tracking action keeps the Rx LO at a small distance (<100Hz) away from the Rx RF signal. As the beat tone frequency is now very low, the baseband DC offset correction circuit and external audio filter can easily reduce the beat tone to noise level. The AFC pin 46 provides a DC correction signal corresponding to the amount of frequency offset. The signal changed the biasing, and hence the capacitance, of the varactor D1. The RC network (C4, C5, C6, R5 and R6) and the decoupling capacitors (C7 and C8) at AFCC pin 47, determines the attack time of the AFC integration (double) loop. AFC response time is approximately 16ms. AFC WE904/905 Schematics of AFC circuit and relevant components © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 23 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver AFC CORRECTION RANGE The AFC correction range should be at least 2 x crystal frequency tolerance: including temperature, aging and tuning. The steps to select components for the desire correction range are: 1. Determine C1, C2 and C3*, where C3* is the equivalent capacitance of C3//TC1//D1. The choice of C1, C2 and C3* depends on the crystal load capacitance and drive level. In figure above, the expected load capacitance of the 12.0MHz crystal is 18pF. The load capacitance presented by the circuit is approximately created by the series combination of C1, C2 and C3*. Choice of C1 and C2 are affected by the crystal drive level. E.G. for a load capacitance of 18pF: Drive level 0.1uW 0.1mW C1, C2 82pF 47pF C3* 27pF 56pF 2. Determine the variation in C3* ('C3*) to provide correction range This can be done experimentally by adjusting a trimmer capacitor or by calculation if the characteristics of the crystal are known. 3. Select varactor diode D1 Select a varactor that its change in capacitance from 2.5V to 0.1V is the slightly greater than 'C3*. The varactor use in the above AFC circuit has a capacitance of 10pF at 2.5V and 25pF at 0.1V. It gives an AFC correction range of +/- 20ppm. 4. Select trimmer TC1 Select trimmer cap TC1 to correct the initial tolerance of the crystal. The trimmer capacitor in above AFC circuit varies from 4pF to 20pF and gives a tuning range of +/30ppm. 5. Select C3 If the mid value of D1 (~16pF) and TC1 (~9pF) is lesser than C3*, then C3 (~2pF) is added to make up to the required C3*. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 24 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver SWITCHING AFC ON AND OFF DURING OPERATION When AFC is switched off, AFC output voltage will drop to 0V. The varactor capacitance will become maximum and pull the reference frequency to lowest point of the AFC correction range. Therefore, if the application requires switching AFC off during operation, the resistor network R9 – R11 is required to provide a DC1.2V at the varactor. However, if AFC is always on during operation, this resistor network can be omitted. CRYSTAL TUNING WITH AFC While tuning trimmer capacitor (TC1) to correct crystal error, it is necessary to fix the AFC voltage at mid value (1.2V) This can be done by: 1. 2. turning AFC off if the resistor network R9 – R11 is in placed. Adjust TC1 until the Tx frequency is the same as the Tx Frequency Register. connecting the Rx to a reference signal generator which is set to the receiving frequency of the Rx Frequency Register. Turn AFC on. Adjust TC1 until AFC voltage is about 1.2V. WORKING CONDITIONS FOR AFC In a pair of transceivers, AFC is only required in one transceiver; although it is fine to have AFC on both transceivers. In order for AFC to work properly, the receiving frequency must fall within the bandwidth of the receiver; and the frequency offset between receiving frequency and Rx LO must not be larger than what the AFC correction range can provide. In data communication (FSK modulation) with low baud rate or without using non-return-to-zero technique, AFC may treat FSK deviation as frequency offset and “correct” it. In such situation, AFC should not be used. AFC NOISE Although AFC removes the beat tone, it may result in another type of noise known as zero crossing pop noise. This noise may be audible in silent situation when there is no FM modulation in the receiving signal. This noise is removed by adding resistor R7 at AFCC. Suitable value for R7 is between 560k: and 1M:. AFC RESPONSE TIME The series RC network connected from AFC pin to VSS, along with decoupling capacitors connected from AFCC pin 47 to VDD and VSS, determines the attack time of the AFC integration (double) loop. With the component values shown in page 23, the AFC response time is approximately 16ms. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 25 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver SERIAL PROGRAMMING INTERFACE Tx/Rx frequencies, reference frequency, as well as various operational and test modes are controlled by a 3-wire serial bus comprised of Clock, Load Enable and Data. The programming word contains 23 bits. The first two bits (LSB) select the programming of the register for receive VCO frequency, transmit VCO frequency, reference frequency or device operational modes. The remaining bits contain the data to be programmed. The timing diagram below shows the relationship between Data, Clock, and Load Enable. CLOCK LE DATA 23 22 21 20 19 ............... 6 5 4 3 2 1 Data is clocked into the internal shift registers on the positive edge of the CLOCK (pin 3), while Load Enable (pin 1) is held HIGH. Data is loaded from the shift registers into the data registers on the negative edge of the Load Enable (LE). This load is NOT synchronized with the programmable divider, i.e. the load is controlled directly by the negative falling edge of the Load Enable. TIMING DIAGRAM DATA MSB LSB tds tdh CLOCK tld tlg LE tds: tdh: tld: tlg: Data set up time before +ve CLOCK edge 30ns min Data hold time after +ve CLOCK edge 30ns min Latch Enable lead time before first +ve CLOCK edge. 30ns min Latch Enable lag time after last +ve CLOCK edge. 30ns min © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 26 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver REFERENCE FREQUENCY REGISTER Bit 1 (last bit loaded) Bit 2 Bit 3 Ref(1) LSB Bit 4 Ref(2) Bit 5 Ref(3) Bit 6 Ref(4) Bit 7 Ref(5) Bit 8 Ref(6) Bit 9 Ref(7) Bit 10 Ref(8) Bit 11 Ref(9) Bit 12 Ref(10) Bit 13 Ref(11) MSB Bit 14 PDR(1) Bit 15 PDR(2) Bit 16 PDR(3) PDR (3) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Load control bit 1 = (0) Load control bit 2 = (0) Reference divide register (count 1 to 2047) Reference divide register (count 1 to 2047) Reference divide register (count 1 to 2047) Reference divide register (count 1 to 2047) Reference divide register (count 1 to 2047) Reference divide register (count 1 to 2047) Reference divide register (count 1 to 2047) Reference divide register (count 1 to 2047) Reference divide register (count 1 to 2047) Reference divide register (count 1 to 2047) Reference divide register (count 1 to 2047) PDR select PDR select PDR select PDR (2) 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 PDR (1) 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Divide ratio, PDR 2 6 12 24 36 48 72 96 Reference divide register (1 to 2047) sets the internal reference frequency. Internal Reference Frequency = Reference Oscillator Frequency / Reference divide register e.g. 12MHz reference crystal, Ref divider of 240, gives 50kHz internal reference frequency. PDR select sets the IF and BWdm. FM Demodulator bandwidth, BWdm = (Receiver LO) / (580 x PDR) IF frequency, Fif = (Receiver LO) / (544 x PDR) e.g. 915MHz frequency, PDR of 12, gives 131kHz demodulator bandwidth and 140kHz IF. For the above example, Programming word = 0000000 010 00011110000 00 © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 27 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver RECEIVE FREQUENCY REGISTER Bit 1 (last bit loaded) Bit 2 Load control bit 1 = (1) Load control bit 2 = (0) Bit 3 LSB Bit 4 Bit 5 MSB Rf(1) Rf(2) Rf(3) Rx frequency F register Rx frequency F register Rx frequency F register Bit 6 LSB Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 MSB Ra(1) Ra(2) Ra(3) Ra(4) Ra(5) Rx frequency A register Rx frequency A register Rx frequency A register Rx frequency A register Rx frequency A register Bit 11 LSB Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 Bit 16 Bit 17 Bit 18 Bit 19 Bit 20 MSB Rm(1) Rm(2) Rm(3) Rm(4) Rm(5) Rm(6) Rm(7) Rm(8) Rm(9) Rm(10) Rx frequency M register Rx frequency M register Rx frequency M register Rx frequency M register Rx frequency M register Rx frequency M register Rx frequency M register Rx frequency M register Rx frequency M register Rx frequency M register Bit 21 Bit 22 Bit 23 Rx VCO Trim bit 1 Rx VCO Trim bit 2 Not Used Rx VCO Trim Bits 2 0 0 1 1 Trim Capacitor 1 0 1 0 1 0 – minimum C 1 2 3 – maximum C Rx Frequency = Internal Reference Frequency x ((32 x M) + A + (F/8)) Trim capacitors are provided for correction of device tolerance. e.g. 903.50625MHz RF, 50kHz reference frequency; div ratio 18070.125, assuming trim 2 Programming word = X10 1000110100 10110 001 01 © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 28 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver TRANSMIT FREQUENCY REGISTER Bit 1 (last bit loaded) Bit 2 Load control bit 1 = (0) Load control bit 2 = (1) Bit 3 LSB Bit 4 Bit 5 MSB Tf(1) Tf(2) Tf(3) Tx frequency F register Tx frequency F register Tx frequency F register Bit 6 LSB Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 MSB Ta(1) Ta(2) Ta(3) Ta(4) Ta(5) Tx frequency A register Tx frequency A register Tx frequency A register Tx frequency A register Tx frequency A register Bit 11 LSB Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 Bit 16 Bit 17 Bit 18 Bit 19 Bit 20 MSB Tm(1) Tm(2) Tm(3) Tm(4) Tm(5) Tm(6) Tm(7) Tm(8) Tm(9) Tm(10) Tx frequency M register Tx frequency M register Tx frequency M register Tx frequency M register Tx frequency M register Tx frequency M register Tx frequency M register Tx frequency M register Tx frequency M register Tx frequency M register Bit 21 Bit 22 Bit 23 Tx VCO Trim bit 1 Tx VCO Trim bit 2 Tx VCO Trim bit 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Tx VCO Trim Bits 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Trim Capacitor 0 – Minimum C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 – Maximum C Tx Frequency = Internal Reference Frequency x ((32 x M) + A + (F/8)) Trim capacitors are provided for correction of device tolerance. e.g. 935.0625MHz RF, 50kHz reference frequency, div ratio 18701.25, assuming trim 2 Programming word = 010 1001001000 01101 010 10 © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 29 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver MODE REGISTER Bit 1 (Last bit loaded) Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 Bit 16 Bit 17 Bit 18 Bit 19 Bit 20 Bit 21 Bit 22 Load control bit 1 = (1) Load control bit 2 = (1) AGC (Automatic Gain Control) 0 = Off 1 = On Receiver 0 = Off 1 = On Transmitter 0 = Off 1 = On Receive Charge Pump Current 0 = 0.2mA 1 = 1.0mA Transmit Charge Pump Current 0 = 0.2mA 1 = 1.0mA Rx Charge Pump Polarity 0 = Normal 1 = Invert Tx Charge Pump Polarity 0 = Normal 1 = Invert Mixer Gain Control (Bit 1) Mixer Gain Control (Bit 2) Baseband Gain & RF Pad Control (Bit 1) Baseband Gain & RF Pad Control (Bit 2) Baseband Gain & RF Pad Control (Bit 3) For WE904 AFC Polarity 0 = Normal 1 = Invert For WE905 AGC Gain Reset 0 = Reset 1 = No Reset AFC Enable 0 = Disable 1 = Enable Audio/Data Output Select 0 = Analog 1 = Digital Mode (Bit 1) 0 for Normal mode. See page 33 & 34 for other modes Mode (Bit 2) 0 for Normal mode. See page 33 & 34 for other modes Mode (Bit 3) 0 for Normal mode. See page 33 & 34 for other modes Mode (Bit 4) [Tse_0] in Normal Mode. See page 33 & 34 for other modes Mode (Bit 5) [Tse_1] in Normal Mode. See page 33 & 34 for other modes RX GAIN CONTROL (BIT 3, 10-15, 18-19) The receiver section includes a facility to switch overall gain to maintain linearity over a wide dynamic range of on-channel signal levels. This can be done manually or automatically via an on-chip automatic gain control (AGC) circuit. Automatic Mode (Bit 3 = 1; AGC ON) When this bit is set to 1, the receiver will set the internal gain stages according to the received signal as shown in the following table. Nominal RF Signal Level Increasing Decreasing < -92dBm > -86dBm < -82dBm > -76dBm < -72dBm > -66dBm < -62dBm > -56dBm < -52dBm > -46dBm < -42dBm > -36dBm < -32dBm > -26dBm < -22dBm >-16dBm Attenuation dB from maximum gain RF section Baseband section st nd rd RF Pad RF Mixer 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 20 10 10 10 0 20 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 30 10 10 10 th 4 Block 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 In this mode, the mixer gain and baseband gain settings (bit 10-14) are ignored. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 30 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver Manual Mode (Bit 3 = 0; AGC OFF) In this mode, receiver gain stages are manually controlled by programming the Mode register bit 10 to 14. RF Mixer Attenuation Control Table Mode Register Bit RF Mixer Attenuation, dB 11 10 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 30 20 10 0 Baseband Gain and RF Pad Control Table Mode Register Bit Baseband Stage Attenuation, dB st nd rd th 14 13 12 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 0 0 1 10 10 10 10 0 1 0 10 10 10 0 0 1 1 0 10 10 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 RF Pad Attn, dB 10 0 0 0 0 0 Tse Signal Evaluation Time (Bit 21 & 22) Applicable only if AGC is ON, bit 3 = 1. To determine the correct gain setting for AGC, the received on-channel signal is integrated in the baseband section. The integrated signal level is evaluated at regular time intervals: signal evaluation time Tse. Tse is programmed by bits 21 & 22 of the Mode Register. The available Tse values are inversely proportional to the demodulator bandwidth, BWdm, allowing for the signal evaluation over a similar number of baseband cycles of an on-channel signal. Recommendations for setting Tsi and Tse are as follow: Recommended value for Tsi is: Tsi = 0.9ms x (130kHz/BWdm) + 1.6ms + 4.5ms x (65kHz/BWbb) where BWdm is the demodulator bandwidth and BWbb is the base band bandwidth Recommended value for Capacitance at GCC pin is: The recommended capacitance CGCC attached to GCC pin, for a given signal integration time constant, Tsi, is CGCC = 330nF x (Tsi / 27ms) Recommended value for Tse is: Tse > 2 x Tsi © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 31 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver Possible values for Tse are: Tse_1 0 0 1 1 Tse_0 0 1 0 1 Period 7ms x (130kHz/BWdm) 14ms x (130kHz/BWdm) 28ms x (130kHz/BWdm) 56ms x (130kHz/BWdm) e.g. 1 For 65kHz BWbb, 130kHz BWdm Recommended Tsi = 7ms, CGCC = 85.6nF, Tse ≥ 14ms Choose CGCC = 82nF , then Tsi = 6.7ms Choose Tse bits = 01 which gives Tse=14ms Change from maximum to minimum gain takes 110ms. e.g. 2 For 16kHz BWbb, 32kHz BWdm Recommended Tsi = 24ms, CGCC = 293nF, Tse ≥ 48ms Choose CGCC = 300nF , then Tsi = 24.5ms Choose Tse bits = 01 which gives Tse=57ms Change from maximum to minimum gain takes 456ms. AGC GAIN RESET DISABLE (BIT 15, WE905 ONLY) In WE904, when AGC is on, any change made to any register will reset the gain to maximum automatically. The gain then switches automatically according to the measured signal level. In WE905, bit 15 of the Mode Register offers a choice to disable the gain reset. If bit 15 is set to 1 and a register is being programmed, the gain setting will remain the same before and after the programming. AFC POLARITY (BIT 15, WE904 ONLY) For the AFC application circuit shown in AFC section, the AFC polarity is Normal. However, if the varactor diode is connected such that its anode is connected to AFC signal and cathode is connected to supply, then AFC polarity should be inverted. CHARGE PUMP CURRENT AND POLARITY (BIT 6-9) Available charge pump current for Tx and Rx VCOs are 0.2mA and 1mA. With proper choice of PLL loop filter components, higher charge pump current provides faster lock time. Please refer to section on Rx/Tx PLL Lock Time for more information. For the application circuit shown in page 3, the PLL lock time is optimized for Rx charge pump current of 1.0mA and Tx charge pump current of 0.2mA. Charge pump polarity is always Normal except if external VCO circuit is used. If the tuning diode’s anode is connected to ground and the PLL voltage is connected to the cathode, then the charge pump polarity must be inverted. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 32 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver ANALOG VS DIGITAL OUTPUT (BIT 17) The receiver AFO output can be configured to either analog or digital mode. In the Digital Mode, the demodulated signal goes through an internal data slicer before being output as CMOS compatible logic data. Polarity of RX data is the same as received FM deviation, i.e. no data inversion. A positive FM deviation produces a 1 and a negative FM deviation produces a 0. However, please note that due to the design of TX VCO, a 1 in the TX data produces a negative FM deviation and a 0 produces a positive FM deviation. Hence, when two WE2408 are used as data communication pair, the RX data will be inverted compare to the TX data. In the Analog Mode, the output pin provides the recovered, demodulated audio signal without passing through the data slicer. Polarity of RX waveform is the opposite of the received FM deviation, i.e. signal inversion. A positive FM deviation produces a lower voltage and a negative FM deviation produces a higher voltage. Since, TX FM modulation is inverted, when two WE2408 are used as analog communication pair, the RX signal will look the same as the TX signal, i.e. no inversion. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 33 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver OPERATION MODES (BIT 18-22) In Normal Mode, the AFO output can be configured to either analog or digital mode. In the Analog Mode, this output pin provides the recovered, demodulated audio signal. In the Digital Mode, the demodulated signal goes through an internal data slicer before being output as CMOS compatible logic data. Other than Normal Mode, the device offers test modes (in both WE904 and WE905) and 2 other special operating modes in WE905. In Test Mode, The AFO output pin can be configured to provide signal at various stages in the receiver path for trouble-shooting purpose. The special operating modes available on WE905 are Tx Charge Pump Disable Mode and Reference Oscillator On Mode Other Modes for WE904 Mode Bits 5 4 3 2 1 Other Mode for WE904 I Baseband Filter Test I baseband filter output route to AUDO (analogue) Only for Analogue output select X X 1 0 0 The I Baseband output of the Quadrature mixer is a sinusoidal waveform that center at approx. 1.34Vdc and amplitude depends on the injected RF signal strength. The amplitude is about 350mVpp at -80dBm RF_IN power. Q Baseband Filter Test Q baseband filter output route to AUDO (analogue) Only for Analogue output select X X 1 0 1 The Q Baseband output of the Quadrature mixer is a sinusoidal waveform that center at approx. 1.34Vdc and amplitude depends on the injected RF signal strength. The amplitude is about 350mVpp at -80dBm RF_IN power. nd 2 Mixer Test nd 2 mixer output route to AUDO (analogue) X X 1 1 0 Only for Analogue output select The 2nd mixer output is a sinusoidal waveform at frequency Fif (= Frf / PDR / 544) +/- FM Dev. The amplitude is about 280mVpp at -80dBm RF_IN power. IF Filter Test: (analogue) Input to IF filter via AFCC, filter output route to AUDO. Only for Analogue output select. AFC disabled. X X 1 1 1 Input a 1.3Vdc + 500mVpp sinusoidal signal to IF filter via AFCC pin 47. All components connected to pin 47 are removed to prevent loading. Response of IF low pass filter can be observed at AFO. Example: IFSET resistor = 22kohm, upper 3dB corner frequency should be at about 206kHz. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 34 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver Other Modes for WE905 Mode Bits 5 4 3 2 1 X X 0 1 0 Other Mode for WE905 Tx Charge Pump Disable Tx charge pump is disable to allow open loop TX VCO modulation. I Baseband Filter Test I baseband filter output route to AUDO (analogue) Only for Analogue output select X X 1 0 0 The I Baseband output of the Quadrature mixer is a sinusoidal waveform that center at approx. 1.34Vdc and amplitude depends on the injected RF signal strength. The amplitude is about 350mVpp at -80dBm RF_IN power. Q Baseband Filter Test Q baseband filter output route to AUDO (analogue) Only for Analogue output select X X 1 0 1 The Q Baseband output of the Quadrature mixer is a sinusoidal waveform that center at approx. 1.34Vdc and amplitude depends on the injected RF signal strength. The amplitude is about 350mVpp at -80dBm RF_IN power. nd 2 Mixer Test nd 2 mixer output route to AUDO (analogue) X X 1 1 0 Only for Analogue output select The 2nd mixer output is a sinusoidal waveform at frequency Fif (= Frf / PDR / 544) +/- FM Dev. The amplitude is about 280mVpp at -80dBm RF_IN power. Reference Oscillator On X X 0 1 1 This mode allows the reference oscillator to be kept active when both Tx and Rx are off so that faster PLL lock can be achieved when either Tx or Rx is turned on. PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES e.g Manual gain, AGC off Rx on, Tx off, 1.0mA Rx charge pump current normal Rx charge pump polarity, 10dB RF mixer attenuation, 20dB baseband attenuation, no RF pad AFC enable, normal AFC polarity (WE904), Analogue AUDO, Normal mode, ignore signal evaluation period, Tse (auto gain only) Programming word = 0XX000 010 01110 X0 X1 01 0 11 © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 35 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS e.g. 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver AGC on Rx on, Tx on, 1.0mA Rx charge pump current, 0.2mA Tx charge pump polarity, normal Rx and Tx PLL charge pump polarity, ignore manual gain control bits AFC enable, AGC Reset on (WE905), Analogue AUDO, Normal mode, Signal evaluation period 14ms x (130kHz / BWdm) Programming word = 001000 010 XXXXX 00 01 11 1 11 CIRCUIT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS BOARD LAYOUT Designing ultra-high frequency (UHF) RF circuits requires careful attention to detail and layout. Careful attention to layout should be observed to minimize stray inductance and capacitance effects. This attention to detail will preserve RF sensitivity of the device. At high frequencies, micro strip or strip-line transmission line techniques must be employed. Using “state-of-the-art” CAD techniques for PCB layout, standard FR-4 fiberglass PCB material (1.6-mm thickness) may be employed. For maximum performance, RF quality substrate material should be used. SUPPLY DECOUPLING Positive supply connections for the WE904/905 are nominally 2.7V to 3.3V. All supply pins must be bypassed to an RF, Analog, or Digital ground plane depending upon the type of supply pin. For RF supply pins, a 100 pF ceramic capacitor in parallel with a 1.0 nF ceramic capacitor, both RF quality, should provide adequate decoupling. For analog and digital supply pins, 0.01-0.1PF RF quality capacitors should be used. The bypass capacitors should be placed as close to all power supply pins as possible. An effort should be made to minimize the trace length between the capacitor leads and the respective WE904/905 power supply and common pins. GROUNDING The circuit designer should attempt to locate WE904/905, its associated analog input circuitry and interconnections, as far as possible from logic circuitry. A solid RF analog ground should be placed around the LNA and associated RF filter circuitry, while a solid digital ground should be placed around the reference oscillator. Analog signals should be routed as far as possible from digital signals and should cross them at right angles. Connect all ground pins together to a low impedance ground plane, as close to the device as possible. Observe proper RF grounding and shielding techniques. The WE904/905 should be used with separate analog and digital ground planes. The digital and analog ground planes should be "summed" at one point, typically at the power supply filter capacitor. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 36 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver PACKAGING INFORMATION TQFP 48 Dimensions All dimensions in mm Marking XXXXX . X YYWW YY WW : Log Number : Date Code : Year : Week number For WE904, the part number marking “WE905” will be replaced by “WE904”. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 37 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver REVISION HISTORY Document Version Revision Date 150802 15 Aug 02 030226 26 Feb 03 Comments Add new device WE905 Differences between WE904 and WE905 are highlighted in RED 030527 27 May 03 Page 33: Added a section on ANALOG VS DIGITAL OUTPUT (BIT 17) Page 35: Mode bits for Reference Oscillator On changed from 111 to 011. This change affects all WE905 with date code 0322 onwards. Page 37: Add marking diagram © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 38 Winceiver WE904/WE905 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS 0.1 - 1GHz Single Chip FM Transceiver ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number WE904 WE905 Frequency 100MHz -1000MHz 100MHz -1000MHz Supply 2.7 – 3.3V 2.7 – 3.3V Temp -10 to 65 ºC -10 to 65 ºC Package TQFP 48 pin TQFP 48 pin Information provided in this document is believed to be reliable at the time of print. However, WiNEDGE & WiRELESS makes no warranty, representation or guarantee on its correctness and accuracy; and assumes no responsibility on its suitability for any application and no liability from the consequences of using this information or its products. By publishing this information, WiNEDGE & WiRELESS does not convey any right to use any intellectual properties belongs to WiNEDGE & WiRELESS or other parties. Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2003 WiNEDGE & WiRELESS PTE LTD Rev Date: 2003 May 27 Page 39