Thermoelectric Module The thermoelectric Module (TEM) is a solid semiconductor thermoelectric device. Its operation is based on the Peltier effect. For containers of limited dimensions TEM provides and maintains volume temperature below ambient temperature. Construction N- and P-type semiconductor elements are connected in a specific sequence and soldered between two ceramic plates. Direct voltage, applied to the TEM’s leads, provides heat absorption on the surface of one of the ceramic plates and heat emanation at the opposite plate. Thus, the effect of heat pump is achieved. The temperature difference between the opposite sides of TEM may reach up to 70 °C. Type TEM 31-1,4-1,6 20,0 х 20,0 TEM 71-1,4-1,6 30,0 х 30,0 TEM 127-1,4-1,6 38,0 х 38,0 TEM 127-1,4-1,6 40,0 х 40,0 TEM 2 x 63-1,4-1,6* 40,0 х 40,0 TEM 199-1,4-1,6 50,0 х 50,0 TEM 127-2,0-1,2 51,0 х 51,0 TЭM 127-1,0-1,2 30,0 x 30,0 TЭM 127-1,0-1,6 30,0 x 30,0 TЭM 127-1,0-2,0 30,0 x 30,0 TЭM 127-1,0-2,5 30,0 x 30,0 TЭM 127-1,4-1,2 40,0 x 40,0 TЭM 127-1,4-2,5 40,0 x 40,0 TЭM 241-1,0-1,6 40,0 x 40,0 TЭM 161-1,2-1,5 40,0 x 40,0 TЭM 199-1,4-1,2 50,0 x 50,0 TЭM 127-2,0-1,6 51,0 x 51,0 TЭM 72-3,0-1,4 51,0 x 51,0 TЭM 219-1,4-1,6 54,0 x 54,0 TЭM 241-1,4-1,2 54,4 x 54,4 2TEM 72/127-2 40,0 х 40,0 2TEM 128/127-1 40,0 х 40,0 2TEM 72/127-3 40,0 х 40,0 Imax, А 6 6 6 6 6 6 16 3,6 2,6 2,1 1,6 7,1 3,6 2,6 4,1 7,1 11,1 11,6 5,6 7,1 5 6 7,5 R, Ом Thickness, mm ≥70 ≥70 ≥70 ≥70 ≥70 ≥70 ≥69 ≥70 ≥70 ≥70 ≥70 ≥70 ≥70 ≥70 ≥70 ≥70 ≥70 ≥50 ≥70 ≥70 0,5 1,2 2,2 2,2 1,1 3,5 0,8 3,2 4,3 5,4 6,7 1,7 3,4 8,2 3,6 2,6 1,1 0,24 3,93 3,1 3,4 3,4 3,4 4,0 3,4 3,4 3,1 3,1 3,5 3,9 4,4 3,6 4,9 3,5 3,4 3,1 3,4 4,15 3,5 3,1 ≥70 ≥70 ≥70 2,6 2,4 2,0 7,3 7,1 7,8 Paramertres Umax, В Qmax, W DТmax, К One stage TEMs 4 ≥13 9 ≥29 16 ≥53 16 ≥53 8x2 ≥27,0x2 25 ≥84 16 ≥148 14,2 ≥34 13,5 ≥25 13,2 ≥20 12,2 ≥16 14,5 ≥67 15,0 ≥33 26,0 ≥48 18,0 ≥50 22,5 ≥100 14,5 ≥100 3,5 ≥85 26,0 ≥89 27,5 ≥120 Two stage TEMs 16 ≥34 16 ≥35 20 ≥36 RIF Corporation manufactures according to your request a TEM having heat transfer surfaces from 20x20mm2 up to 51x51mm2 with the current maximum from 2 up to 100A and a maximum ∆T of about 70 K. e-mail: [email protected] Microelectronics • Thick-Film Heating • Thermoelectric Cooling