NMA 2400 SERIES NOISE MODULES 10 MHZ TO 8.5 GH Z DESCRIPTION NMA 2400 M ODULES MODEL RF SPECIFICATIONS BY MODEL NUMBER FREQUENCY NOISE OUTPUT LEVEL FLATNESS * (window) dBm/BAND (min) dBm/Hz (min) ENR(dB) (min) NMA-2410 10MHz - 1.0GHz 2.0dB 0 -90.0 84.0 NMA-2411 10MHz - 1.5GHz 2.0dB 0 -91.8 82.2 NMA-2412 10MHz - 2.0GHz 3.0dB 0 -93.0 81.0 NMA-2413 10MHz - 4.0GHz 4.0dB 0 -96.0 78.0 NMA-2414 100MHz - 6.0GHz 4.0dB -3 -100.0 74.0 NMA-2415 30MHz - 3.0GHz 3.0dB -1 -96.0 78.0 NMA-2416 7.8GHz - 8.5GHz 2.0dB -11 -100.0 74.0 NMA-2417 2.0GHz - 8.0GHz 4.0dB -2 -100.0 74.0 * Flatness is defined as the decibel ratio of the highest amplitude peak minus the lowest across the frequency band. The NMA 2400 Noise Module is ideal for applications like jamming and built-in-test where high power and small size are required. The internally regulated driver provides long term highly stable noise output. Optional TTL is available for microprocessor control. Each NMA 2400 model is designed for easy integration into a wide range of equipment, from test sets to radar units. SPECIFICATIONS ? Operating Temperature: -30 to +85oC ? Storage Temperature: -65 to +125oC ? Supply Voltage: +12 / +15 VDC Internally regulated ? Current Draw 350mA max ? Output Impedance: 50 ohm ? Peak Factor: 5:1 specifications subject to change based on technological advances PERFORMANCE TEST D ATA Each unit ships standard with a spectrum analyzer plot of the noise output. Upon special request, Micronetics can supply tabular data in text file format on CD-ROM or floppy disk. The data points consist of power spectral density at discrete frequency points across the frequency band. HOW TO ORDER USEFUL NOISE C ONVERSIONS 0 dB ENR = -174 dBm/Hz Power (dBm) = N0 +10 log (BW) (equ 1) (equ 2) where: N0 = Noise spectral density in dBm/Hz BW = Bandwidth in Hz INSTALLATION N OTES 1) Should be mounted to a thermally conductive baseplate 2) Select style code T for mechanical clearance of mating SMA (m) connector nut with respect to thermally conductive baseplate 3) Warning: when using a narrow band filter following the noise module, use a 3 dB or greater pad to prevent damage caused by reflected power / 2 6 H A M P S H I R E D R I V E NMA-24xx-xxx Model # (see selection above) Voltage A = 15V B = 12V Option 1 = Stnd 2 = TTL Package S = Pkg Style S T = Pkg Style T / H U D S O N , N H 0 3 0 5 1 / T E L : 6 0 3 - 8 8 3 - 2 9 0 0 / F A X : 6 0 3 - 8 8 2 - 8 9 8 7 APPLICATIONS ? Frequency response built-in-test (BIT) for communication receivers ? Antenna/RF front end testing ? 70/140 MHz & L-Band modem BER testing ? Noise and interference simulation ? Jamming / jamming simulation ? Power distribution calibration of multiple receiver systems