HIGH VOLTAGE CERAMIC DISC CAPACITOR - MINI TS16M CAP ≤5pF ≥5pF<10pF ≥10pF Suntan ® F E A T U R E S ‧ Use for coupling, and by-pass circuit there are a stable and high reliability products TOL A±0.1pF B±0.5pF C±0.25pF D±0.5pF J±5% K±10% M±20% Z+80-20% MINIATURE FINE SERIES RATED W. V TEMP.CHARACTERISTICS & CAPACITANCE RANGE SL 4KV 6.3KV 8KV 10KV 15KV 10~30 20KV 30KV 40KV 50KV Y5P(B) Y5U(E) 221~471 561~681 102 221~471 561~681 102 152~222 332~472 221~471 681~102 152~222 102 222 332~472 101~221 471~561 681~102 152 222 332 101~221 471~561 102 201~271 331~511 102 102 102 102 102 222 332~472 103 102 222 472 102 332 682 102 222 102 222 472 472 332 472 Y5V(F) 102 222 472 103 102 222 472 103 102 222 472 103 102 152 222 472 103 102 222 472 102 222 332 103 103 DIMENSION D 07 09 11 14 08 10 13 16 21 10 13 16 22 09 10 13 16 19 22 09 13 16 10 14 18 24 26 30 36 P T d 7.5~10 5 0.6 | 0.8 7.5~10 6 0.6 | 0.8 7.5~10 7 0.6 | 0.8 10~12 8 0.8 10~12 9 0.8 10 10 12.5 12.5 15 15 15 8 8 9 9 12 20 22 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.5 1.5 Note: Specification are subject to change without notice. For more detail and update, please visit our website. Suntan® Technology Company Limited Website: www.suntan.com.hk Email: info@suntan.com.hk Tel: (852) 8202 8782 Fax: (852) 8208 6246