ChipCorder® ISD-ES002 Parrot™ Demonstration Board ______________________________________________________________________ GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ISD-ES002 Parrot™ Demonstration Board is a handheld unit with a built-in socket, allowing easy and immediate record and playback of ISD1000A, ISD1100, ISD1200, ISD1400 and ISD2500 series ChipCorder® products. Messages can be recorded on ICs and saved due to the ISD’s nonvolatile solution. Without power, create recordings using the ISD1000A, ISD1100, ISD1200, ISD1400, and ISD2500 series ChipCorder® devices. Simple operation is accomplished through two switches: • • Record Play Push-button play and automatic power-down are supported. CE certified for use in Europe. The ISD-ES002 system includes: • • • Speaker (16 Ω) 9-volt battery with power supply regulation ISD1416P and ISD1420P ChipCorder® device samples Figure 1: ISD-ES002 Parrot™ Demonstration Board (Demo Board for ISD11xx, ISD14xx, ISD25xx) 1