Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 DLBM-CF121 Bluetooth TM Module Class 2 TM A Class 2 Bluetooth module suitable for various applications. 1.FEATURES: Built-in 4M Flash memory. Suitable for Cellular, PDA, PC, GPS… applications. Reducing the size and thickness greatly using high-density packaging technology. High sensitivity to achieve better performance. Compliant to various interfaces: UART, USB, PCM, PIO... Wide operating temperature range: -30~+80℃. 2.Device diagram AN T F ilter B alu n U AR T USB B C 2 --F lash S P I/ P IO F L AS H Sp eaker / M IC PCM Or PCM CODEC X ’TAL Figure 1. DLBM-CF121 Block Diagram Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 3.General Specification Bluetooth TM Specification Version 1.1 Frequency 2402~2480MHz Modulation FHSS/GFSK Transmission rate 721kbps Receive sensitivity -80 dBm Maximum output power +4dBm(Class 2) Operating Voltage 2.7~3.6V Operating temperature -30~+80℃ Antenna Impedance 50 ohm Package size 9.1*7.9*1.6mm Operating range < 10 meters Flash memory 4M bit 4.Rating Min Max Unit Storage Temperature -40 +85 ℃ VDD_1.8V -0.4 +1.9 V VDD_IO -0.4 +3.6 V VREG_IN -0.4 +3.6 V Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 5.Interface Interface Antenna UART Interface Description External Antenna 50 ohm TX,RX,RTS,CTS(9600bps~1.5Mbps) SPI Interface Synchronous Serial Interface for firmware download PIO Interface 9 terminals 6.Power Supply Diagram ANT ● BPF Balun VDD_1.8V BC2-Flash X’tal VDD_IO VREG_IN Figure 2. Power Supply Diagram Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 7.RF Characteristics Operating Condition: +25℃, VDD=2.7V RF Characteristics Min. Typ. Max. Unit 2400 ~ 2483.5 0 4 1. Frequency Range 2. Output Power MHz dBm 3. Sensitivity at 0.1% BER 1) 2402MHz -80 dBm 2) 2441MHz -80 dBm 3) 2480MHz -80 3 dBm dBm 4. Maximum Input Level (BER≦0.1%) 5. Adjacent channel selectivity 1) C/I F=F0 + 1MHz -4 0 dB 2) C/I F=F0 - 1MHz -4 0 dB 3) C/I F=F0 + 2MHz 4) C/I F=F0 - 2MHz -35 -21 -30 -20 dB dB 5) C/I F≧F0 + 3MHz -45 dB 6) C/I F≦F0 - 5MHz -45 dB 7) C/I F=FImage -18 -9 dB 6. Adjacent channel transmit power 1) F=F0 ± 2MHz -35 dBc 2) F=F0 ± 3MHz -55 dBc 1) Modulation Δf1avg 165 kHz 2) Modulation Δf2max 155 7. Modulation Characteristics - kHz 8. Initial Carrier Frequency Tolerance 1) 2402MHz -75 75 kHz 2) 2441MHz -75 75 kHz 3) 2480MHz -75 75 kHz Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 9. Carrier Frequency Drift 1) 1slot 9 kHz 2) 5slot 10 kHz 8 KHz/50us 1) 2402MHz 879 KHz 2) 2441MHz 816 KHz 3) 2480MHz 819 9 KHz dB 4) Drift rate 10. 20dB Bandwidth for modulated carrier 11.C/I co - channel Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 8.Application circuit DLBM-CF121-MT00 Figure 3. 2.7~3.6V Supply Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 9. Basic Embedded Architecture Profiles Audio Gateway Dial-up Networking MMI Serial Port FAX AT interpreter AT interpreter UART Digital Audio AT Commands UART PCM Digital Audio DLBM-CF121-MT00 HOST BTM Figure 5. Embedded Architecture Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 11.Hardware connection DLBM-CF121-MT00 requires the following hardware connections: Serial communications port with or without hardware flow control. PCM interface for audio gateway profile. 12. Mobile Phone Host requirements The DLBM-CF121-MT00 is designed to connect to the existing audio and data connections which or almost always made available on any mobile phone. This removes the need for any baseband software modifications on the part of the host controller since these connections already exist. The mobile phone designer need simply design a Bluetooth Man-Machine interface in order to do the following functions: Bluetooth Neighborhood inquiry Select, enter PIN and pair with a remote device Show the status of a currently connected Bluetooth service. Limited control of the Bluetooth link i.e. SCO creation (automatic option also available), in-band / out-of band ring determination etc. Since all the profiles are handles on DLBM-CF121-MT00 and a simple AT command set is utilized, there is minimal effort and time to market for the mobile phone company. 13. Software architecture 13.1 Initialization and start-up When DLBM-CF121-MT00 is initially turned on, the DLBM-CF121-MT00 firmware will request configurations data from the host using the +CCFG command. The host will download the PSKEYS, Bluetooth address and friendly name at this point and when it has finished configuring the device, will initiate a warm reset via the BCCMD interface. Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 RESET ATEO No “OK” Received? Delay 1s Yes Request configuration from host (+CCFG) Host sets up supported profiles list, Bluetooth address, friendly name and other required PSKEYS Host initiates warm reset via BCCMD Figure 6. Software Architecture Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13.2 Setting PSKeys Setting the PSKEYS consist of three elements in the AT+SETPS command. These elements are: The Pskey address which is a four digit word formatted in ASCII that represents the address of the key to be set. Therefore, to change the contents of address 0x0108, this field will be set to “0108”. The data string which is made up of multiples of four digit words. These word will be filled in the respective PSKey address’s data field. E.g. “000112349876” will enter the word 0001 1234 9876 into the selected PSKEY. The store type. Typically this should be set to 8 to select the Ram are of PSKEYS. An example of setting the PSKEYS is to set the crystal frequency trim :AT+SETPS=01f6,001d,0008. To set a string value such as the friendly name, the host must prefix the data field with ‘s’ i.e. AT+SETPS =0108,sHandphone,0008. This will change the friendly name to “Handphone” To read a PSKEY, the host must use the AT+GETPS command e.g. AT+GETPS=01f6 will return the crystal frequency trim value. To initiate a warm reset, the host must use the BCCMD protocol using the varid 0x4002 e.g. AT+BCCMD=4002,0002,0000. One of the field that must be set is the supported profiles list or PSKey address 0x028d Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13.3 Supported profiles list (0x028d) During the configuration process, the host must set up the supported profile list in PSKEY_USR_3 as follows: Bit 7 Reserved Bit 6 Bit 5 Reserved Reserved Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Fax Handsfree DUN SPP Headset Setting the respective bit will cause this profile to be registered after the warm reset. Phone Event Set Bluetooth address DLBM-CF121-MT00 Event +CCFG AT+SETPS=0001,<bd,addr>,0008 OK Set friendly name Start Initialization Set Bluetooth address AT+SETPS=0108,s<name>,0008 Set friendly name OK Set other required PSKEYS AT+SETPS=<key>,<data>,0008 OK Initiate warm reset Data Sheet AT+BCCMD=4002,0002,0000 DLBM-CF121-MT00 reset with new values in RAM May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13.4 Device Registration process Once the configuration process has completed, and the warm reset has been initiated, the host must register the trusted devices with the firmware. The host can register devices at any time after the DLBM-CF121-MT00 as sent the +CRREG request command. Once the device registration command has been sent from the host, the host must wait for the OK response from the DLBM-CF121-MT00 before registering the next device. Phone Event Retrieve first trusted device DLBM-CF121-MT00 Event +CRREG AT+CREG=<bd_addr[0]>,<link key[0]> OK Retrieve trusted device n Register bd_addr[0] with link key[0] AT+CREG=<bd_addr[n]>,<link key[n]> OK Data Sheet Initialization completed Register bd_addr[n] with link key[n] May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13.5 Pairing Process The sequence to pair the DLBM-CF121-MT00 with external remote devices is done as follows: Mobile Phone Host UA RT Search BT Neighborhood AT+CIQR = (1, 2),(1-8) DLBM-CF121-MT00 Start Inquiry Devices Found Name 1 1- Audio Devices 2- All Devices 1-8 – no of returns OK +CINQRES = name 1 , bd_addr 1 Comments Inquiry Result indication Receive responses +CINQRES = name 2 , bd_addr 2 Name 2 Name 5 Select a device e.g name 2 Name 2 PIN : **** +CINQRES = name n , bd_addr n AT+CPRR = bd_addr 2 Starts Paring process OK +CPINREQ = bd_addr 2 with bd_addr 2 Ask for PIN from host Remote device request a PIN code User enters the PIN code AT+CPCR = bd_addr 2, 1234 1234 DLBM-CF121-MT00 sends the PIN code to the remote device Name 2 Name 2 paired successfully +CPINCFM = (0 - 4), <link_key> DLBM-CF121-MT00 If PIN is correct sends the result of the pairing successful paring process to the otherwise failure host Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 A “+CINQCFM=<status> message will be sent to the host indicating why an inquiry is finished. This may be due to inquiry cancellation (e.g. when the user selects a device in the middle of an inquiry), Inquiry complete when the inquiry timer has expired, or maximum number of responses has been received. Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13.6 Incoming call is received (out-of-band ring used) Mobile Phone Host Connect request to headset Bluetooth connection UA RT AT+CCMR=<bd_addr> , 1,1 +CRFCSTAT=bd_addr,0 established Headset Profile DLBM-CF121-MT00 Comments Connect request with DLBM-CF121-MT00 will device bd_addr attempt a connection RFComm connection established +CPROFILE = 1 Incoming Call RING Call answered +CKPD=200 Send Ring command Headset plays ring sequence DLBM-CF121-MT00 can answer automatically User answers call (PSKEY_USR11 : 8) If +CKPD = 200 then AT+CASR=0 ask for SCO DLBM-CF121-MT00 Audio path open establishes a HV3 SCO connection +CSCOSTAT=0 DLBM-CF121-MT00 indicates SCO Call Disconnected +CKPD=200 DLBM-CF121-MT00 User disconnects call receives AT+CKPD = 200 command Phone indicates call NO CARRIER disconnection DLBM-CF121-MT00 Audio lost removes SCO connection +CSCOSTAT=3 Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 Phone disconnects AT+CRDR RFComm connection DLBM-CF121-MT00 RFComm link lost removes RFC connection Phone Disconnected Data Sheet +CRFCSTAT=bd_addr,3 May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13.7 Incoming call is received (in-band ring used) Mobile Phone Host Incoming Call UA RT AT +CCMR=bd_addr,1,1 DLBM-CF121-MT00 Comments Connect request with DLBM-CF121-MT00 will bd_addr attempt a connection unless a Bluetooth connection +CRFCSTAT=bd_addr,0 Incoming Call service level connection established established Headset profile RFComm connection +CPROFILE=1 RING DLBM-CF121-MT00 opens audio path +CSCOSTAT=0 Audio path open Headset plays in band ring tone from phone DLBM-CF121-MT00 indicates SCO status DLBM-CF121-MT00 Call answered +CKPD=200 indicates User answers call button press Call Disconnected +CKPD=200 DLBM-CF121-MT00 User disconnects call receives AT+CKPD = 200 Phone indicates call NO CARRIER disconnection lost e.g. out of range Data Sheet Audio lost removes SCO +CSCOSTAT=3 Bluetooth connection DLBM-CF121-MT00 +CRFCSTAT=bd_addr,3 connection Example of user goes RFComm link lost out of range May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13.8 Data services The DLBM-CF121-MT00 supports the following data services Serial Port Profile (+CPROFILE = 2) Dial-up networking (+CPROFILE = 3) Handsfree Profile (+CPROFILE = 4) Fax (+CPROFILE = 5) The default state of the firmware is to always be in idle. Therefore to put the device into connectable mode, the host must issue the AT+CCSR command. On connection of a service from a remote devices, the firmware will indicate the status of the service level connection with +CRFCSTAT = <bd_addr>,0. Thereafter the service type will be indicated with +CPROFILE=<service>. At this point, DLBM-CF121-MT00 will route all traffic passing over the RFComm layer directly to the UART and vice versa. Therefore, all “Fone Suite” applications will run over the serial port profile allowing the use of features such a sync, SMS, calendar etc over Bluetooth. Dial-up networking and fax operations will also directly route the RFComm traffic over UART, therefore all modem settings for the mobile phone will be configured on the remote device configuration settings. When a service is disconnected, DLBM-CF121-MT00 will indicate the removal of the service level connection with +CRFCSTAT=<bd_addr>,3. Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13.9 SPP, DUN and Fax connections Mobile Phone Host UA RT Bluetooth connection established +CRFCSTAT=bd_addr,0 SPP,DUN,Fax Profile +CPROFILE=(2,3,5) DLBM-CF121-MT00 RFComm connection established Comments SPP,Dial-up or Fax service connects to DLBM-CF121-MT00 Start 200ms timer to flush buffers Direct communications with remote device RFComm traffic routed directly to UART and vice versa PAIR I/O momentarily pulled high to disconnect RFComm RFComm Disconnect Request Bluetooth connection lost +CRFCSTAT=0.3 RFComm disconnected DLBM-CF121-MT00 does not process any commands Remote user disconnects service UART data now available to DLBM-CF121-MT00 When the Dial-up Networking, SPP or FAX profiles are activated, DLBM-CF121-MT00 will initiate two actions: • Change the mode state hardware output according to the setting is PSKEY_USR18. It will also issue the data stored in PSKEY_USR32 (SPP service connected), PSKEY_USR33 (DUN service connected) or PSKEY_USR35 (Fax service connected) which may be required by certain mobile phones to switch modes. • Immediately create a direct link between the UART data and RFComm data. At this point, the DLBM-CF121-MT00 is not involved in any data between the two devices. Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 On disconnection of the RFComm link, the mode state hardware output will change to the default mode and issue the data stored in PSKEY_USR30 To ensure that the mobile phone does indeed disconnect on the loss of an RFComm link, PSKEY_USR36 can be used to store the text string that will unconditionally disconnect the phone from the network (e.g +++ATH\r). An alternative method is to use the DATA_SEL I/O which will invert state for a period of 1s after the RFComm link has been lost. This can be used to simulate disconnection of a data service. For the list of DUN and FAX commands, refer to DUN and FAX profile specification from the Bluetooth SIG. 13.10 Changing the default states of DLBM-CF121-MT00 It is possible to change the default states to the following: • Make DLBM-CF121-MT00 idle. This is accomplished by sending the AT+CCNR command. This will cancel the last operation and switch off the BlueCore radio. • Make DLBM-CF121-MT00 discoverable. This is accomplished by sending the AT+CDIS= <use authentication> command to BlueCore. This will set-up a page and inquiry scan process so that the device is discoverable and connectable to other Bluetooth devices. This has the disadvantage of increasing the power consumption of DLBM-CF121-MT00. If Use Authentication is set then the DLBM-CF121-MT00 will request a PIN on first connection to the remote device. • Make DLBM-CF121-MT00 connectable. This is accomplished by sending the AT+CCSR=<use authentication> command to device. This will set-up a page scan process only so that the device is only connectable to other Bluetooth devices which know it’s address already. If Use Authentication is set then the firmware will request a PIN on first connection to the remote device. Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 • You can restart the DLBM-CF121-MT00 software by sending a AT+CRST command. This causes the software to panic and then relies on the watchdog timer to reset the device. Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13.11 Using Low Power Modes with the AT command set Since the standard UART protocol does not allow for the retry of transmission when information is lost over the UART, DLBM-CF121-MT00 uses a specific set off instructions to cause the device to exit out of deep sleep. The software recognises the AT command “AT+CWUP” from the host and will respond with a “ WAKEOK= <expected minimum wakeup time”. Therefore the host can issue the AT+CWUP command repetitively until it receives the WAKEOK command response. The parameter which is associated with the response, indicates the minimum time that the DLBM-CF121-MT00 will be awake and is sent in millisecond units. Therefore the host does not have to send AT+CWUP commands during this period. To reduce latencies, it is possible to re-transmit the second AT+CWUP command within 100ms of the first AT+CWUP command since there will be a high probability that DLBM-CF121-MT00 would now be awake. Thereafter it is suggested to wait at least 5000ms between subsequent AT+CWUP commands in order for DLBM-CF121-MT00 to respond. Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 Mobile Phone Host UA RT Host wishes to send a command to DLBM-CF121-MT00. It is not sure if DLBM-CF121-MT00 is able to receive No Response so resend Wakeup command DLBM-CF121-MT00 DLBM-CF121-MT00 is in deep sleep AT+CWUP DLBM-CF121-MT00 is in shallow sleep AT+CWUP Comments Communications causes DLBM-CF121-MT00 to exit deep sleep with corrupt data in the Uart. Timer starts to keep DLBM-CF121-MT00 awake DLBM-CF121-MT00 decodes Wakeup Command and starts 500mS wakeup timer WAKEOK=500ms Host can now send command within 500mS AT+XXXX Host sends next command within the 5000mS period AT+XXXX DLBM-CF121-MT00 restarts 5000mS timer on each UART event DLBM-CF121-MT00 restarts 5000mS timer on each UART event 5000mS expires. DLBM-CF121-MT00 may now enter deep Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13.12 Improving Execution Time It is possible to improve the execution time for known events by setting flags in PSKEY_USR11 as follows: PSKEY_USR11 (Bit Position) Function 0-5 Reserved 6 Automatically connect SCO on receipt of ATA from Handsfree device 7 Automatically disconnect SCO on receipt of AT+CHUP from Handsfree device 8 Automatically connect SCO on receipt of AT+BVRA=1 from Handsfree device 9 Automatically connect SCO on receipt of AT+CKPD=200 from Headset device 10 Automatically connect SCO on receipt of +CIEV:<call>,1 from host and Automatically disconnect SCO on receipt of +CIEV:<call>,0 from host 13.13 Hands Free Operation In order for hands free to work correctly there must be a serial link to the GSM phone supporting the GSM07.07 generic commands for hands free operation. These include the following: ATA AT+CHUP ATDdd..dd; ATD>nnn; AT+CCWA +CCWA AT+CHLD AT+CIND=? Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 AT+CIND? AT+CLIP +CLIP AT+CMER +CIEV The above commands are not interpreted by DLBM-CF121-MT00 and rely on the mobile phone to respond to these messages. All responses are passed directly to the hands free kit. All other operation relating to service level connection and Bluetooth operation is handled by DLBM-CF121-MT00. In handset mode, some of these commands will be passed to the phone host for interpretation such as AT+BVRA = <n> for voice recognition activation and AT+NREC=<n> for noise cancellation request. 13.13.1 Bluetooth Hands Free Profile The Bluetooth Hands Free profile is a mixture of analogue and data services. On connection of a Hands Free kit to the phone, the mode state will be Audio. Therefore a phone not supporting audio and data services simultaneously will not be able to support Bluetooth Hands free operation. The majority of commands used by the Hands Free profile are based on the GSM07.07 AT command set. For all these commands, DLBM-CF121-MT00 firmware will simply act as a feed through for the commands and responses. Therefore, commands such as CMER, CIND, ATA, AT+CHUP, ATD etc are not issued by DLBM-CF121-MT00 but by the Hands Free kit. It is still possible, however, to add more functionality to the Bluetooth hands free profile by emulating some of the Bluetooth commands into a mode that the phone supports, e.g. AT+BVRA=1 would initiate a voice tag dial in a Bluetooth phone. In order to set up the supported features list to be sent with the SDP record, PSKEY_USR7 stores the Supported Features list in the same order as expected by the Hands Free Profile i.e. Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 PSKEY_USR7(Bit Position) 0 1 2 3 4 Function Three way calling Echo cancellation or noise reduction (Unlikely to be supported) Voice Recognition Function (is enabled will cause DLBM-CF121-MT00 to initiate a long pulse sequence) In-Band Ring Tone. (If enabled will force an Audio SCO Connection on incoming calls) Attach phone number to tag (Not supported) 13.14 Managing the Trusted Device List Support has been included to manage the trusted device list. The commands associated with this process are as follows: Registering trusted devices stored within the host. This is done after DLBM-CF121-MT00 requests registration of these devices using +CRREG command. The host can then register the devices at any time, keeping in mind that any device not registered, attempting to connect with the Handphone would require authentication. Therefore, If a device is not a registered device, DLBM-CF121-MT00 will go through the process of requesting a PIN, and if successful, will respond with the +CLINK=<bd_addr>,<link key> response to inform the host of the new devices’ link key and address. It would be up to the host to decide whether to add this device to it’s trusted device list or not. Once the device have been registered, they may be removed from DLBM-CF121-MT00 security manager by issuing the AT+CTDDEL = <bd_addr> command. This Bluetooth address will thereafter be deleted from the registry. The management of the trusted device list is kept within the host, therefore the host may decide how many trusted devices to hold, and may change the name of the remote device name if so required. Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13.15 Initiating Connections It is possible for the host to initiate a connection to a device as follows: 13.15.1 Devices found during inquiry After completion of inquiry search, a list of devices will have been sent to the host using “+CINQRES=<name>,<Bluetooth address>”. It is possible to connect directly to a device without pairing by issuing the command AT+CMMR=Bluetooth address,<authentica>, <profile>. If authenticate is set then DLBM-CF121-MT00 will expect a pin code to be issued during the connection process therefore to establish an un-secure connection, the authenticate field must be set to 0 for unauthenticated connections. The service you wish to connect to will be put into <Profile> as follows: 1 – Headset Profile 2 – Serial Port Profile 3 – Dial-up Network Profile 4 – Hands free profile 5 – Fax Profile Once connection to the remote device is established, the normal status commands will be issued by DLBM-CF121-MT00 to the host to indicate the status of the connection. Please note that one cannot use the AT command set when the DLBM-CF121-MT00 is in data mode (i.e. DUN, SPP or FAX) since the UART and RFComm links are directly connected. If the link has to be disconnected by the DLBM-CF121-MT00, then the disconnect I/O must be used to disconnect the RFComm link. Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13.15.2 Connecting to devices in the trusted device list Connecting to devices in the trusted device list follows the same procedure as above, but the source will come from the hosts trusted device list. AT+CMMR=<db_addr in trust device list>,<authenticate>,<profile> 13.16 Configuring PIO assignments The PIO’s for DLBM-CF121-MT00 can be dynamically configured via PSKEY_USR17 as follows: PIO[0] PIO[1] PIO[2] PIO[3] PIO[4] PIO[5] PIO[6] PIO[7] PIO[8] PIO[9] PIO[10] PIO[11] 0001 0002 0004 0008 0010 0020 0040 0080 0100 0200 0400 0800 PSKEY_USR17 consists of four words. Each word is assigned a function as follows: Word 1 (most significant Word 2 Word3 Word 4 Audio service indicator Service disconnect Data service Host communications output input indicator output wake up signal word) Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13.17 Input / output indicators for service connections There are two indicator outputs which are used to indicate when the service DLBM-CF121-MT00 is connected to. These indicators are as set up using PSKEY_USR_18 as follows: B7 *1 B6 X B5 Fax B4 Hands Free B3 DUN B2 SPP B1 Headset B0 Default when idle or in Page Scan Note *1)Word 1 – Pulse DATA_SEL line when RFComm lost during DUN, FAX and SPP Word 2 – Use UART WAKEUP pulse PSKEY_USR_18 consists of two words, The first word sets up the state of the AUDIO_SEL I/O when in accordance with the above table bit positions. The second word sets up the DATA_SEL I/O in accordance with he above table bit positions. These I/O pins can be used to hardware select features or as indications into a host processor. If Bit 7 is set then DATA_SEL line will pulse high then low for a period of at least 20ms and then return to the original state. This can be used to wake up a host if necessary. For example PSKEY_USR18 = 0013 003c sets up I/O’s as follows: AUDIO_SEL State = 0x0013 : Data Sheet Idle High Headset High SPP Low DUN Low Hands Free High Fax Low May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 DATA_SEL state = 0x003c Idle Low Headset Low SPP High DUN High Hands Free High Fax High Setting bit 7 (0x80) of this word will generate a minimum 20ms pulse on the PWR_UP I/O. This can be used if the phone requires a wakeup before Uart communications. Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 14 List of PSKEYS PSKEY Function Comments 3 Supported profiles Bit 0 – Headset profile Bit 1 – Serial port profile Bit 2 – Dial-up networking profile Bit 3 – Handsfree profile Bit 4 – Fax profile 7 Hands Free Supported Described earlier Features 9 11 Time for host communication In 1ms increments – Time for wake-up pulse to wakeup signal ensure host is ready to receive data General Flags Bit 0 – Default SCO Flag (0-HV3, 1 HV1) Bit 1 – phone uses in-band ringing for headset Bit 2 – Reserved Bit 3 – Reserved Bit 4 – Reserved Bit 5 – Use 1.28s page scan interval Bit 6 – Automatic SCO creation on ATA Bit 7 – Automatic SCO disconnection on AT+CHUP Bit 8 - Automatic SCO creation on AT+BVRA=1 Bit 9 - Automatic SCO creation on AT+CKPD=200 Bit 10 – Control SCO on call status events 14 Data Sheet Sniff mode parameters Max interval, min interval, attempts, timeout May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 17 PIO configuration settings Word 1 – Audio service indicator output Word 2 – Disconnect service input Word 3 – Data service indicator output Word 4 – Host wakeup signal 30 Default AT String Sent to phone when service disconnected 31 Headset Mode AT string Sent to phone when connected to Headset service 32 SPP Mode AT string Sent to phone when connected to SPP service 33 DUN Mode AT string Sent to phone when connected to DUN service 34 Hands Free Mode AT string Sent to phone when connected to Hands Free service 35 Fax Mode AT string Sent to phone when connected to Fax service 36 Force Modem Disconnect AT string Sent to the phone when a DUN service is disconnected 37 Alternative Call Answer string Used if present, otherwise ATA is used 38 Alternative Call disconnect Used if present, otherwise AT+CHUP is used string 39 Alternate Call Initiate string Used to generate last number redial or voice tag via AT commands. Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 10. RECOMMENDED REFLOW PROFILE Figure4. REFLOW PROFILE Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 11.Pin description Pin No. Name 1 PIO_11 Programmable I/O terminal 2 PIO_9 Programmable I/O terminal 3 PCM_OUT 4 PCM_SYNC /Synchronous data sync 5 PCM_CLK /Synchronous data clock 6 PCM_IN /Synchronous data input 7 Gnd Ground 8 Gnd Ground 9 Gnd Ground 10 ANT RF input/output 11 AIO_0 12 Gnd Ground 13 Gnd Ground 14 Gnd Ground 15 Vdd_1.8V Refer to Power supply diagram 16 VREG_IN Refer to Power supply diagram Data Sheet Description /Synchronous data output Programmable input/output May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 17 VDD_IO Refer to Power supply diagram 18 USB_DN USB data minus 19 USB_DP USB data plus with selectable internal 1.5k ohm pull-up resistor 20 UART_TX UART data output active high 21 UART_RX UART data input active high 22 UART_CTS UART clear to send active low 23 UART_RTS UART request to send active low 24 Reset_B 25 PIO_4 Programmable input/output line 26 PIO_5 Programmable input/output line 27 PIO_10 Programmable input/output line 28 PIO_3 Programmable input/output line 29 Gnd Gnd 30 Gnd Gnd 31 Gnd Gnd 32 PIO_2 Programmable input/output line 33 PIO_1 Programmable input/output line 34 PIO_0 Programmable input/output line 34 PIO_0 Programmable input/output line 35 SPI_MOSI Data Sheet Reset if low Serial Peripheral Interface data input May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 36 SPI_MISO 37 SPI_CLK Serial Peripheral Interface clock 38 SPI_CSB Chip select for Serial Peripheral Interface, active low Data Sheet Serial Peripheral Interface data output May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 12.Dimensions (mm) Figure 5. Output pin dimensions Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 13. Layout Guide Don’t place the ground on the top layer (Inside area) Unit: mm Figure 6. Land Pattern DLBM-C**2* T≥5mil Ground VIA Main Ground plant Side View Figure 7. Layout Example Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change Preliminary DLBM-CF121-MT00 14. Record of changes Date Content of change Jan 21, 2005’ 1) Revise the PIO setting List April 6, 2005’ Include SPI interface May 6,2005’ Include Basic Embedded Architecture Contact information: Website: Email: [email protected] Tel No.: 886-3-3591968#2925 Data Sheet May 6, 2005 Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change