TECHNICAL DATA TRIAC PHASE ANGLE CONTROLLER KKA1185A The KKA1185A generates controlled triac triggering pulses and allows tachless speed stabilization of universal motors by an integrated positive feedback function. Typical applications are power hand tools, vacuum cleaners, mixers, light dimmer and other small appliances. • Supply Power Obtained from AC Line • Can be used with 220 V/50 Hz or 110 V/60 Hz • Low Count/Cost External Components • Optimum Triac Firing (2nd and 3rd Quadrants) • Repetitive Trigger Pulses when Triac Current is Interrupted by Motor Brush Bounce • Triac Current Sensing to Allow Inductive Loads • Programmable Soft-Start • Power Failure Detection and General Circuit Reset • Low Power Consumption; 6.0 mA Pin Connection VEE 1 14 VCC Gate trigger 2 13 Soft start NC 3 12 Finning Angle Set Ramp Generator 4 11 NC NC 5 10 Bias Current Current Cense 6 9 Feedback Input Voltage Cense 7 8 Integration Cap Figure 1. Representative Block Diagram 1 KKA1185A MAXIMUM RATINGS (voltages are referenced to Pin 14 (ground) unless other noted) Rating Symbol Maximum Voltage Range per Listed Pin Pins3. 5,11 (not connected) Pins 4,8.13 Pin 2 Maximum Positive Voltage (No minimum value allowed; see current ratings) Maximum Current per Listed pin Pin 1 Pin 6 and 7 Рin 9 Pin 10 Pin12 Maximum Power Dissipation (ТA=25oС) Value Vpin -20 to+20 -VCC to 0 -3.0 to +3.0 0 0.5 Vpin12 Vpin1 Ipin Maximum Thermal Resistance, .Junction-to-Ambient Operating Ambient Temperature Range V PD ±20 ±2.0 ±0.5 ±300 -500 250 mA mA mA µA µA mW RθJA 100 o 0 to + 70 o -55 to <+ 125 o TA Storage Temperature Range Unit Tstg C/W C C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (ТA= 25°С, voltages are referenced to Pin 14 (ground) unless other noted.) Characteristics Power Supply Zener Regulated Voltage, (Vpin1) Ipin1= 2.0 mA Circuit Current Consumption. Ipin1 Vpin1=-6,0V,Ipin2=0A Monitoring Enable Supply Voltage (VEN) Monitoring Disable Supply Voltage (VDIS) Phase Set Control Voltage Static Offset Vpin3 – Vpin12 Pin 12 Input Bias Current Vpin4 – Vpin12 Residual Offset Soft-Start Capacitor Charging Current Rpin10 = 100 kΩ Vpin13 from -Vcc to - 3.0V Sawtooth Generator Sawtooth Capacitor Discharge Current R10=100 kΩ, Vpin4 from -2.0 to -6.0V Capacitor Charging Current Sawtooth -High Voltage (Vpin 4) Sawtooth Minimum Low Voltage (Vpin4) Symbol -VCC -ICC Vpin1EN Vpin1DIS Voff Ipin12 Min -9.6 -2.0 Typ -8.6 -1.0 VCC+0.2 VEN+0.12 Мax Unit -7.6 - V mA VCC+0.5 VEN+0.3 V lpin13 1.2 -200 -17' 180 -14 2.0 0 -11 V nА mV µA lpin4 lpin4 VHTH VLTH 67 -10 -2.5 - 70 -1.6 -7.1 73 -1.5 -1.0 - µA mA V. V 2 KKA1185A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (ТA= 25°С, voltages are referenced to Pin 14 (ground) unless other noted.) Characteristics Positive Feedback Pin 9 Input Bias Current, Vpin9 = 0 Programming pin voltage related to Pin 1 Transfer Function Gain ∆Vpin8/∆Vpin9 R10=100 kΩ.∆Vpin9=50 mV R10=270 kΩ.∆Vpin9=50 mV Pin 8 Output Internal Impedance Trigger Pulse Generator Output Current (Sink) Vpin2=0V Output Leakage Current Vpin2=+2.0V Output Pulse Width C4=47nF, R10=270kΩ Output Pulse Repetition Period C4=47nF R10=270 kΩ Current Synchronization Threshold Levels Ipin6, Ipin7 Symbol Min Typ Мax IPin9 Vpin10 1.0 2xIpin10 1.25 1.5 A A Zpin8 - 75 36 120 - IPin2 60 - - -40 tP V kΩ 80 4.0 mA µA 55 - µs 420 - -4 +40 µs µA t Isync Unit PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Function Description VEE Gate Trigger Pulse NC Ramp Generator NC Current Sense Voltage Sense Integration Capacitor 9 10 11 12 13 14 Feedback Input Current Program NC Phase Angle Set Soft-Start VCC This pin is the negative supply for the chip and clamped at -8.6 V by an internal zener. This pin supplies - 1.0V triac trigger pulse at twice the line frequency. Not connected. The value of the capacitor at this pin determines the slope of the ramp. Not connected. This pin senses if the triac is on, and if so, will disable the gate trigger pulse. The internal timing of the chip is set by the frequency of the voltage at this pin This pin is the output of the feedback and the variation in voltage is averaged out by the capacitor. The change in load current is detected by the change in voltage across R9. The bias current for the circuit is determined by the resistor value at this pin. Not connected. The voltage at this pin sets the no-toad firing angle. The firing angle is slowly increased from 180o to the set value of Pin 12. Ground 3 KKA1185A N SUFFIX PLASTIC DIP (MS - 001AA) A Dimension, mm 8 14 B 7 1 Symbol MIN MAX A 18.67 19.69 B 6.1 7.11 5.33 C F L C -T- SEATING PLANE N G M K J H D 0.25 (0.010) M T NOTES: 1. Dimensions “A”, “B” do not include mold flash or protrusions. Maximum mold flash or protrusions 0.25 mm (0.010) per side. D 0.36 0.56 F 1.14 1.78 G 2.54 H 7.62 J 0° 10° K 2.92 3.81 L 7.62 8.26 M 0.2 0.36 N 0.38 D SUFFIX SOIC (MS - 012AB) Dimension, mm A 14 8 H B 1 G P 7 R x 45 C -TK D SEATING PLANE M Symbol MIN MAX A 8.55 8.75 B 3.8 4 C 1.35 1.75 D 0.33 0.51 F 0.4 1.27 G 1.27 H 5.27 J 0° 8° K 0.1 0.25 1. Dimensions A and B do not include mold flash or protrusion. M 0.19 0.25 2. Maximum mold flash or protrusion 0.15 mm (0.006) per side for A; for B ‑ 0.25 mm (0.010) per side. P 5.8 6.2 R 0.25 0.5 J 0.25 (0.010) M T C M NOTES: F 4