TECHNICAL DATA KKA8138A 5.1V +12V REGULATOR WITH DISABLE AND RESET The KKA8138A is a monolithic dual positive voltage regulator designed to provide fixed precision output voltages of 5.1V and 12V at currents up to 1A. Output 2 can be disabled by TTL input. Short circuit and thermal protections are included in all the versions. • • • • • • • • Output currents up to 1 A Fixed precision OUTPUT 1 voltages 5.1 V ± 2% Fixed precision OUTPUT 2 voltages 12 V ± 2% OUTPUT 1 with RESET facility OUTPUT 2 with DISABLE by TTL input Short circuit protection at both outputs Thermal protection Low drop output voltage TO-220AB/7 HEPTAWAT (Plastic Package) ORDERING INFORMATION KKA8138A Plastic Package TJ = -0° to 130°C PIN ASSIGNMENT 7 6 5 OUTPUT 1 4 3 GROUND DISABLE 2 INPUT 2 1 INPUT 1 OUTPUT 2 N.C. BLOCK DIAGRAM INPUT 1 INPUT 2 2 1 REFERENCE OUT 1 7 OUT 1 OUT 2 6 OUT 2 PROTECTION DISABLE 3 DISABLE 4 1 KKA8138A MAXIMUM RATINGS* Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit VIN1 DC Input Voltage Pin 1 0 20 V VIN2 DC Input Voltage Pin 2 0 20 V VDIS Disable Input Voltage Pin 3 0 20 V IO1,2 Output Currents 0 1.6 A Tstg Storage Temperature -65 150 °C TJ Junction Temperature 0 150 °C Min Max Unit * Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation should be restricted to the Recommended Operating Conditions. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Parameter VIN1 DC Input Voltage Pin 1 7.0 16 V VIN2 DC Input Voltage Pin 2 14 18 V VDIS Disable Input Voltage Pin 3 0 7.0 V IO1,2 Output Currents 0 1.6 A Junction Temperature 0 130 °C TJ THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth (j-c) Rth (j-a) Parameter Maximum Thermal Resistance Junction-case Maximum Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Vlalue Unit 6 o C/W 60 o C/W 2 KKA8138A ELECTRICAL CHRACTERISTICS (VIN1 = 7 V, VIN2 = 14 V, TJ = 25°C, unless otherwise specified) Symbol VO1 Parameter Guaranteed Limit Test Conditions Output Voltage VIN1 = 7 V, IO1= -10 mA Unit Min Max 5.0 5.2 V 11.76 12.24 V VO2 VIN1 = 7 V, VIN2 = 14 V, IO2= -10 mA VO1 -5 mA ≤ IO2 ≤ -750 mA, 7 V ≤ VIN1 ≤ 14 V 4.9 5.3 V VO2 -5 mA ≤ IO2 ≤ -750 mA, 14 V ≤ VIN2 ≤ 18 V, VIN1 = 7 V 11.5 12.5 V 7 V ≤ VIN2 ≤ 14 V, IO1 = -200 mA 50 mV 14 V ≤ VIN2 ≤ 18 V, IO1 = -200 mA, VIN1 = 7 V 120 VIN1 = 7 V, -5 mA ≤ IO1 ≤ -0.6 mA 100 VIN1 = 7 V, VIN2 = 14 V, -5 mA ≤ IO2 ≤ -0.6 mA 250 VIN1 = 7 V, IO1 = -750 mA 1.4 VIN1 = 7 V, IO1 = -1.0 mA 2.0 VIN1 = 7 V, VIN2 = 14 V, IO1 = -750 mA 1.4 VIN1 = 7 V, VIN2 = 14 V, IO1 = -1.0 mA 2.0 ∆ VO1 LI Line Regulation ∆ VO2 LI ∆ VO1 LO Load Regulation ∆ VO2 LO VIO1 VIO2 Dropout Voltage Dropout Voltage mV V V IQ Quiescent Current VIN1 = 7 V, VIN2 = 14 V, VDIS = 0.8 V, IO1= -10 mA 2.0 mA IO1,2 SC Short Circuit Output Current VIN1 = 7 V, VIN2 = 14 V 1.6 A VIN1 = 16 V, VIN2 = 16 V 1.0 IDIS Disable Bias Current 0 V ≤ VDIS ≤ 7 V, VIN1 = 7 V, VIN2 = 14 V -100 VDISH Disable Voltage High (out 2 active) VIN1 = 7 V, VIN2 = 14 V 2 VDISL Disable Voltage Low (out 2 disabled) VIN1 = 7 V, VIN2 = 14 V 2.0 µA V 0.8 V TYPICAL APPLICATION NC (05) INPUT 1 (01) OUTPUT 1 (07) KKA8138A INPUT 2 (02) OUTPUT 2 (06) C3 C1 C4 C2 DISABLE (03) GROUND (04) C1 to C4 = 10 µF 3 KKA8138A 2.8 0.07 TO-220 AB/7 9.9 0.11 4.5 1 6.6 max 3.6+0.015 25.7 0.3 17.0 14.9 22.62 9.2 0.15 2 45 0,7 max 1.3 0.002 1 0.55 0.14 2.65 0.1 1.27 5.08 7 pins 0,7 0,1 6 127=7.62 4