DAEV9118.001 29 January, 2002 0$6 0$6(YDOXDWLRQ.LW '(6&5,37,21 MAS9118 evaluation kit provides all the necessary hardware (excluding PC running Windows 9X) and software for evaluation of MAS9118 audio DAC with class-D output stage. of MAS9118 and for selecting various supply voltages for class-D output driver. The evaluation kit includes an on-board buzzer. Optionally an external buzzer or loudspeaker can be easily connected to the demo board by using a jumper connector. MAS9118 evaluation board has two adjustable voltage regulators for testing the input level shifters )($785(6 • • • • • • MAS9118 audio DAC with class-D output stage Power regulation Adjustable driver voltage Parallel port interface for PC Possibility to play wave files Software synthesizer for generating a test signal and multi-tone melodies FOSC (8 MHz) To the parallel port of a PC MAS9118 Eval V2.0 R2 VDDI (1.8 V) R1 VDD (3.6 V) Buzzer and speaker configurations: A) Buzzer on circuit board (Citizen CHB-03E) +7.5 V (600 mA) 0 V (ground) JP1 X5 X4 JP1 Jumper between pins 1 & 2 X3 buzzer MAS9118 B) External buzzer or loudspeaker X6 JP1 MAS9118 Eval V2.0 Between pins 2 & 4 Reset Figure 1. 1 (4) DAEV9118.001 29 January, 2002 48,&.67$57 1 Copy files from the disk to the desired directory of a PC 2 Restart the PC in MS-DOS mode. 1RWHWKDW'266KHOOZLQGRZLVQRWHQRXJK 3 Connect the data bus between the two evaluation boards (PC adapter and buzzer boards) 4 Connect buzzer or loudspeaker to the JP1 of the buzzer board, see figure 1 5 Connect 7.5 V power supply to the buzzer board. Adjust current limiter to 600 mA if possible 6 Connect adapter board (PCB with 25-pin D-type connector) to the parallel port of the PC 7 Run the evaluation kit program by typing: buzzer –p XX –m YY (XX is the number of the parallel port, YY is the melody number) Example: buzzer –p 1 –m 0 8 You should hear the signal from the buzzer or the loudspeaker '(7$,/(''(6&5,37,21 3DUWLWLRQLQJRIWKHKDUGZDUH 1RWH WKDW WKLV YROWDJH DIIHFWV WKH EX]]HU DQG ORXGVSHDNHUYROXPH The hardware is partitioned into two PCBs in order to provide robust data transfer from a PC to MAS9118 even if the distance between the two is several meters. Most of the components on evaluation board are used for the data transfer from the PC to MAS9118. &ORFNJHQHUDWLRQ The time domain is synchronized to the crystal oscillator frequency (FRVF) of 8.0 MHz. Other clock frequencies are generated from this frequency as follows: FMCLK= Fosc 8 = 1000 kHz (1) Fosc FXCS= 128 = 62.5 kHz (2) Fosc 8 = 1000 kHz (3) FCCLK= -XPSHUV The PCB including buzzer (buzzer board) adjusts supply and signal voltages of MAS9118. It has five jumpers, see figure 1. X3 is used for connecting 5 V for the interface logic (default position is ON). X5 is used for connecting the interface voltage level to MAS9118 (default position is ON). The voltage is normally 1.8 V and can be adjusted by R2 trimmer. X4 is used for connecting the operating voltage to MAS9118 (default position is ON). The voltage is normally 3.6 V and can be adjusted by R1 trimmer. X6 is used for generating reset signal to MAS9118 (default position is OFF). Since MAS9118 has power-on-reset this jumper can normally be off. JP1 is used for connecting a buzzer, a loudspeaker or a measurement instrument to the output pins of MAS9118 (OUTP, OUTN). 6RIWZDUH The data is read from the PC at the rate of FXCS (62.5 kHz). MS-DOS mode is required in order to quarantee continuous data flow. Note that the buzzer.exe program will disable the PC system clock interrupt and stop the PC system time. Therefore, it is recommended to boot the PC after using the program in order to retrieve the right system time. The help of the buzzer.exe program is shown each time the program is started. The melodies are started by typing EX]]HUSSRUW±PPHORG\ Zhere #port is the parallel port of the PC used for the data transfer (0…3) and PHORG\ is the number of the pre-programmed melody (0…5). 2 (4) DAEV9118.001 29 January, 2002 The audio quality test is best performed by using the build-in sine generator of the buzzer.exe program. It is started by typing External power supply X5 EX]]HU±SSRUW±VIUHT±DDWWHQ X4 JP1 X3 buzzer where SRUW is the parallel port of the PC used for the data transfer (0…3) and + - 3.6-5.5 V X6 MAS9118 Eval V2.0 #IUHTis the sine frequency in Hz and Figure 2. #DWWHQis the attenuation of the sine amplitude in dB (≥ 0). For example, a test signal using parallel port 1 of the PC, having peak signal to noise ratio at 1000 Hz and 1 dB attenuation of the maximum level is obtained by typing 'HOLYHUDEOHV EX]]HU±S±V±D 1 2 3 The wave files can be played by typing EX]]HU±ZILOHZDY[-f/F] [-c/C] [-d/D] where ILOHZDY is the name of an 8-bit wave file (sample frequency 62.5 kHz) and -f turns additional highpass filter on (default) -F turns additional highpass filter off -c turns dynamic compander on (default) -C turns dynamic compander off -d turns dynamic booster on -D turns dynamic booster off (default) Note that the wav file has to be in a specific format. 2QO\ WKH ZDY ILOHV ZLWK WKH VDPSOH UDWH RI N+] FDQ EH SOD\HG FRUUHFWO\ ZLWK WKH HYDOXDWLRQ NLW VLQFH LWV FORFN IUHTXHQFLHV DUH IL[HG Additionally the wav files have to be in mono and signed 8-bit format. The conversion from the CD quality data (44.1 kHz, 16-bit, stereo) to the evaluation kit's format (62.5 kHz, 8-bit, mono) can be easily made with the most of the audio softwares. 1RWH WKDW LI WKH ZDYH ILOH VSHFLILHG DIWHU Z FDQQRW EH IRXQG WKH 3& KDV WR EH UHVWDUWHG LQ RUGHU WR JHW WKH EX]]HUH[H SURJUDP WR UXQ SURSHUO\DJDLQ MAS9118 evaluation kit consists of the following deliverables: MAS9118 evaluation board V2.0 (2 pieces) Control bus cable Disk containing buzzer.exe, cwsdpmi.exe, sample wave files and the data sheets of MAS9118 and the evaluation kit 5HYLVLRQQRWHV Due to the class-D operation MAS9118 generates some out-of-band noise, which may cause problems for test equipment when using automatic scaling. For example Audio Precision audio analyzer will generate much additional distortion due to signal overload when auto scaling is used. Auto scaling does not take into account the existing high frequency components causing wrong scaling and leading to distortious signal clipping. Also some test equipment can not synchronize to the test sine frequency due to the out-of-band noise. Usually a first order RC filter, when added before the input of the test equipment, filters out the high switching frequency. Remember to use high quality components (especially capacitor) in order to minimize the additional distortion caused by this filter. The evaluation board consumes about 0.5 A current when the load is 8 Ohms. Use low ohmic wires from power supply to the evaluation board. At the nominal output voltage of 3.6 V the on-board voltage regulator (R1) can deliver required current to the class-D output stage of MAS9118. At higher voltages (up to 5.5 V) an external voltage source should be used if the load is as low as 8 Ohms. The external voltage source should be connected between the lower pin of the jumper X4 (jumper short removed) and the left pin of the jumper X6 (board ground), see figure 2. 3 (4) DAEV9118.001 29 January, 2002 /2&$/',675,%8725 0,&52$1$/2*6<67(062<&217$&76 MICRO ANALOG SYSTEMS OY Kamreerintie 2, P.O.Box 51 FIN-02771 Espoo, FINLAND Http://www.mas-oy.com Tel. (09) 80521 Tel. Int. +358 9 80521 Telefax +358 9 8053213 Email: [email protected] 127,&( Micro Analog Systems Oy reserves the right to make changes to the products contained in this data sheet in order to improve the design or performance and to supply the best possible products. Micro Analog Systems Oy assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits shown in this data sheet, conveys no license under any patent or other rights unless otherwise specified in this data sheet, and makes no claim that the circuits are free from patent infringement. Applications for any devices shown in this data sheet are for illustration only and Micro Analog Systems Oy makes no claim or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the use specified without further testing or modification. 4 (4)