HI-SINCERITY Spec. No. : IC200401 Issued Date : 2004.02.01 Revised Date : 2005.07.14 Page No. : 1/8 MICROELECTRONICS CORP. H1117 Series H1117 Series Pin Assignment 3-Lead Plastic SOT-89 Package Code: M Pin 1: ADJ/GND Pin 2: VOUT Pin 3: VIN 1.2A Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator 1 Features 2 3 Tab • Low Dropout Voltage 1.2V at 1.2A • Adjustable or Fixed Voltage (1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V) • Over Current Protection • Thermal Overload Protection • Maximum Line Regulation 0.45% • Maximum Load Regulation 0.4% • Adjust Pin Current Less Than 90 uA 3-Lead Plastic SOT-223 Package Code: SJ Pin 1: ADJ/GND Pin 2 & Tab: VOUT Pin 3: VIN 3 1 2 Tab Applications 1 • SCSI-2 Active Termination • High Efficiency Linear Regulators • 5V to 3.3V Voltage Converter • Battery Charger • Battery Management Circuits For Notebook And Palmtop PCs • Core Voltage Supply: FPGA, PLD, DSP, CPU 2 3-Lead Plastic TO-252 Package Code: J Pin 1: ADJ/GND Pin 2 & Tab: VOUT Pin 3: VIN 3 Tab 3-Lead Plastic TO-220AB Package Code: E Pin 1: ADJ/GND Pin 2 & Tab: VOUT Pin 3: VIN 1 General Description 2 3 The H1117 Series are available in fixed and adjustable output voltage versions. Over current and thermal overload protection are integrated onto the chip. Output current will decrease while it reaches the preset current or temperature limit. The dropout voltage is specified at 1.2V Maximum at full rated output current. H1117 Series provide excellent regulation over variations due to changes in line, load and temperature. H1117 Series are three terminal regulators and available in popular packages. Device Selection Guide Device Output Voltage H1117M-Adj 1.3V to 4V H1117M-Fix 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V H1117SJ-Adj 1.3V to 4V H1117SJ-Fix 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V Package SOT-89 SOT-223 Device Output Voltage H1117J-Adj 1.3V to 4V H1117J-Fix 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V H1117E-Adj 1.3V to 4V H1117E-Fix 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V Package TO-252 TO-220AB Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Maximum Units Input Voltage VIN 20 V Power Dissipation PD Internally Limited * W Operating Junction Temperature Range TOPR 0 To +125 °C Storage Temperature Range TSTG -65 To +150 °C Lead Temperature (Soldering) 5 Sec TLEAD 260 °C 2 KV/Min Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity *: SOT-223: 0.9W(Max.), SOT-89: 0.6W(Max.), TO-252: 0.9W(Max.), TO-220: 2.1W(Max.) H1117 Series HSMC Product Specification HI-SINCERITY Spec. No. : IC200401 Issued Date : 2004.02.01 Revised Date : 2005.07.14 Page No. : 2/8 MICROELECTRONICS CORP. Electrical Characteristics (C =10uF, C =100uF, unless otherwise noted.) i o Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Output Voltage H1117-1.8 IO=0mA, VIN=3.3V 1.782 1.8 1.818 V H1117-2.5 IO =0mA, VIN =4V 2.475 2.5 2.525 V H1117-3.3 IO =0mA, VIN =4.8V 3.27 3.3 3.33 V H1117-5 IO =0mA, VIN =6.5V 4.95 5 5.05 V IO =10mA, VIN -VO=3V 1.238 1.25 1.262 V Reference Voltage H1117-Adj Line Regulation H1117-1.8 IO=0mA, VIN=3.3~10V - 1 6 mV H1117-2.5 IO =0mA, VIN =4~10V - 1 7 mV H1117-3.3 IO =0mA, VIN =4.8~10V - 2 7 mV H1117-5 IO =0mA, VIN =6.5~10V - 3 10 mV H1117-Adj IO =10mA, VIN -VO=1.5~10V - 0.1 0.4 % IO=0~800mA, VIN=3.3V, TJ=25oC - - 0.4 % IO=0~1200mA, VIN=3.3V, NOTE1 - - 1 % IO=0~800mA, VIN=4V, TJ=25 C - - 0.4 % IO=0~1200mA, VIN=4V, NOTE1 - - 1 % IO=0~800mA, VIN=4.8V, TJ=25 C - - 0.4 % IO=0~1200mA, VIN=4.8V, NOTE1 - - 1 % IO=0~800mA, VIN=6.5V, TJ=25 C - - 0.4 % IO=0~1200mA, VIN=6.5V, NOTE1 - - 1 % IO=0~800mA, VIN=2.75V, TJ=25 C - - 0.4 % IO=0~1200mA, VIN=2.75V, NOTE1 - - 1 % IO=100mA, TJ=25oC - 1.05 1.15 V Load Regulation H1117-1.8 o H1117-2.5 o H1117-3.3 o H1117-5 o H1117-Adj Dropout Voltage NOTE3 o All H1117 Series IO=500mA, TJ=25 C - 1.1 1.15 V IO=1200mA, TJ=25oC - 1.2 1.3 V IO=1200mA - 1.2 1.55 V 2000 2600 3200 mA VIN -VO=13.75V NOTE1 & NOTE2 - 1.7 5 mA VIN -VO=5V NOTE1 - 6 10 mA Current Limit All H1117 Series VIN -VO=1.5V Minimum Load Current H1117-ADJ NOTE1 & NOTE2 Quiescent Current H1117-Fix NOTE1 Adjust Pin Current NOTE1 & NOTE2 Adjust Pin Current Change IO =10mA, VIN -VO=1.5V NOTE1 & NOTE2 - 50 120 uA IO =10mA, VIN -VO=1.4V~10V - 0.5 5 uA f=120MHz, VIN -VO=3V+1.5Vpp, CO=22uF - 62 - dB TJ=0~25oC - 0.5 - % - 2 - % Ripple Rejection All H1117 Series Temperature Drift H1117-Fix H1117-Adj o TJ=0~25 C Note: 1. Specification applies over the full operating junction temperature range, 0~125oC 2. H1117-Adj require a minimum load current for ±3% regulation 3. Dropout voltage is the input voltage minus output voltage that produces a 1% decrease in output voltage. H1117 Series HSMC Product Specification HI-SINCERITY Spec. No. : IC200401 Issued Date : 2004.02.01 Revised Date : 2005.07.14 Page No. : 3/8 MICROELECTRONICS CORP. Characteristics Curve Ripple Rejection & Frequency Current Range 70 50 Output Voltage(V) Ripple Rejection (dB)... 60 40 30 20 Vin -Vout=3VDC o Tj=25 C Vin-Vout(ic)=3VDC+1Vrm s Iout=100mA o Tj=25 C 10 0 10 100 1000 Frequency (Hz) 10000 0.0 100000 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Ouput Current(A) Output Voltage Change & Temperature 2.5 3.0 Start Time 0.6 8 7 0.4 Vinput 6 ∆V/Vout (%) 0.2 5 0 4 0mA, Voutput 3 -0.2 2 1A, Voutput -0.4 1 Iout=10mA -0.6 0 50 100 o 150 0 200 100 200 Temperature ( C) Dropout Voltage & Output Current 400 500 Load Transient Response 0.6 1.20 0.5 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.3 0 Output Voltage Deviation (V)... 1.22 1.18 Dropout Voltage (V) 300 Time (uS) 1.16 1.14 1.12 1.10 0.2 0.1 0.0 Vin-Vout=1.5V o Tj=25 C -0.1 1.08 Load Current (A) 0 -0.2 1.06 0 H1117 Series 200 400 600 800 Iout (mA) 1000 1200 1400 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Time (uS) HSMC Product Specification HI-SINCERITY Spec. No. : IC200401 Issued Date : 2004.02.01 Revised Date : 2005.07.14 Page No. : 4/8 MICROELECTRONICS CORP. Applications Description • Output Voltage Adjustment Like most regulators, H1117 series regulate the output by comparing the output voltage to an internally generated reference voltage. On the adjustable version, the VREF is available externally as 1.25V between VOUT and ADJ. The voltage ratio formed by R1 and R2 should be set to conduct 10mA (minimum output load). The output voltage is given by the following equation: VOUT =VREF (1+R2/R1) + IADJ R2 On fixed versions of H1117 series, the voltage divider is provided internally. In V IN Out V OUT ADJ V REF R1 I ADJ 10uA R2 • Thermal Protection H1117 series have thermal protection which limits junction temperature to 150°C. However, device functionality is only guaranteed to a maximum junction temperature of +125°C. VOUT =VREF (1+R2/R1) + IADJ R2 The power dissipation and junction temperature for H1117 in all packages given by PD=(VIN - VOUT) IOUT, TJUNCTION=TAMBIENT+(PDxθJA), Note: TJUNCTION must not exceed 125°C • Current Limit Protection H1117 series are protected against overload conditions. Current protection is triggered at typically 1.5A. • Stability And Load Regulation H1117 series require a capacitor from VOUT to GND to provide compensation feedback to the internal gain stage. This is to ensure stability at the output terminal. Typically, a 10uF tantalum or 50uF aluminum electrolytic is sufficient. Note : It is important that the ESR for this capacitor does not exceed 0.5Ω. The output capacitor does not have a theoretical upper limit and increasing its value will increase stability. COUT = 100 uF or more is typical for high current regulator design. H1117 series load regulation are limited by the resistance of the wire connecting it to the load(RP). For the adjustable version, the best load regulation is accomplished when the top of the resistor divider(R1) is connected directly to the output pin of the H1117 series. When so connected, RP is not multiplied by the divider ratio. For fixed output versions, the top of R1 is internally connected to the output and ground pin can be connected to low side of the load as a negative side sense if, so desired. RP Parasitic Line Resistance In V IN Out Adj R1 Connect R1 to Case RL R2 Connect R2 to Load • Thermal Consideration The H1117 series contain thermal limiting circuitry designed to protect itself for over-temperature conditions. Even for normal load conditions, maximum junction temperature ratings must not be exceeded. As mention in thermal protection section, we need to consider all sources of thermal resistance between junction and ambient. It contains junction-to-case, case-toheat-sink interface and heat sink resistance itself. An additional heat sink is applied externally sometimes. It can increase the maximum power dissipation. For example, the equivalent junction temperature of 300mA output current is 115°C without external heat sink. Under the same junction temperature IC can operates 500mA with an adequate heat sink. Therefore, to attach an extra heat sink is recommended. Junction-to-case thermal resistance is specified from the IC junction to the bottom of the case directly below the die. The bonding wires are appending paths. The former is the lowest resistance path. Proper mounting is required to ensure the best possible thermal flow this area of the package to the heat sink. Thermal compound at the case-to-heat-sink interface is strongly recommended. The case of all devices in this series is electrically connected to the output. Therefore, if the case of the device must be electrically isolated, a thermally conductive spacer can be used, as long its thermal resistance is considered. • Protection Diode (The figure is shown as Regulator with Reverse Diode Protection in advanced applications) In general operation, H1117 series don’t need any protection diodes. From the cross-section structure of H1117 sries, the output pin is connected to P+ substrate, and the input pin is connected to N- well. There is a parasitic reverse diode between them. It can handle microsecond surge currents of 5A to 10A. Even with large output capacitance, it is very difficult to get those values of surge currents in normal operation. Only with high value output capacitors, such as 1000uF. And with the input pin instantaneously shorted to ground. can damage occur. A crowbar circuit at the input of the H1117 series can generate those kinds of currents, and a diode from output to input is recommended. Normal power supply cycling or even plugging and unplugging in the system will not generate currents large enough to do any damage. H1117 Series HSMC Product Specification HI-SINCERITY Spec. No. : IC200401 Issued Date : 2004.02.01 Revised Date : 2005.07.14 Page No. : 5/8 MICROELECTRONICS CORP. SOT-223 Dimension Marking: A Pb Free Mark Pb-Free: " . " (Note) H Normal: None S J 1 1 1 7 - Product Series (ADJ,1.8,2.5,3.3,5) B C 1 2 Control Code Date Code 3 Note: Green label is used for pb-free packing Pin Style: 1.ADJ/GND 2.VOUT 3.VIN D E F H G Material: • Lead solder plating: Sn60/Pb40 (Normal), Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu or Pure-Tin (Pb-free) • Mold Compound: Epoxy resin family, flammability solid burning class: UL94V-0 a1 I DIM A B C D E F G H I a1 a2 Min. 2.90 6.70 3.30 0.60 *2.30 6.30 1.40 0.25 0.02 *13o 0o Max. 3.10 7.30 3.70 0.80 6.70 1.80 0.35 0.10 10 o *: Typical, Unit: mm a2 3-Lead SOT-223 Plastic Surface Mounted Package HSMC Package Code: SJ SOT-89 Dimension C Marking: H Date Code Control Code Pb Free Mark H 1 1 1 7 D B 1 2 3 Pb-Free: " " (Note) Normal: None Product Series ADJ(A),1.8(B),2.5(C),3.3(D),5(E) F I E Note: Green label is used for pb-free packing Pin Style: 1.ADJ/GND 2.VOUT 3.VIN G A DIM A B C D E F G H I Min. 4.40 4.05 1.50 2.40 0.36 *1.50 *3.00 1.40 0.35 Max. 4.60 4.25 1.70 2.60 0.51 1.60 0.41 *: Typical, Unit: mm Material: • Lead solder plating: Sn60/Pb40 (Normal), Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu or Pure-Tin (Pb-free) • Mold Compound: Epoxy resin family, flammability solid burning class: UL94V-0 3-Lead SOT-89 Plastic Surface Mounted Package HSMC Package Code: M H1117 Series HSMC Product Specification HI-SINCERITY Spec. No. : IC200401 Issued Date : 2004.02.01 Revised Date : 2005.07.14 Page No. : 6/8 MICROELECTRONICS CORP. TO-252 Dimension Marking: M A a1 F H 1 1 1 7 J Product Series ADJ(A),1.8(B),2.5(C) 3.3(D),5(E) 2 Pin Style: 1.ADJ/GND 2.VOUT 3.VIN N 3 H a5 Control Code Note: Green label is used for pb-free packing G Material: • Lead solder plating: Sn60/Pb40 (Normal), Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu or Pure-Tin (Pb-free) • Mold Compound: Epoxy resin family, flammability solid burning class: UL94V-0 Min. 6.35 4.80 1.30 5.40 2.20 0.40 2.20 0.90 0.40 0.65 Max. 6.80 5.50 1.70 6.25 3.00 0.90 2.40 1.50 0.65 *2.30 1.05 *: Typical, Unit: mm a1 a2 L Pb-Free: " . " (Note) Normal: None Date Code C 1 Pb Free Mark DIM A C F G H L M N a1 a2 a5 3-Lead TO-252 Plastic Surface Mount Package HSMC Package Code: J Marking: A B C D a1 M F a1 y1 Pb Free Mark Pb-Free: " . " (Note) H Normal: None 1 1 1 7 Date Code E y1 H K a2 y2 H1117 Series a1 O a2 ADJ(A),1.8(B),2.5(C) 3.3(D),5(E) Control Code Pin Style: 1.ADJ/GND 2.VOUT 3.VIN y1 N L Product Series Note: Green label is used for pb-free packing GI J J y2 3-Lead TO-252 Plastic Surface Mount Package HSMC Package Code: J Material: • Lead solder plating: Sn60/Pb40 (Normal), Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu or Pure-Tin (Pb-free) • Mold Compound: Epoxy resin family, flammability solid burning class: UL94V-0 DIM A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O a1 a2 y1 y2 Min. 6.40 5.04 0.40 0.50 5.90 2.50 9.20 0.60 0.66 2.20 0.70 0.82 0.40 2.10 - Max. 6.80 6.00 5.64 *4.34 0.80 0.90 6.30 2.90 9.80 1.00 0.96 0.86 2.40 1.10 1.22 0.60 2.50 5o 3o *: Typical, Unit: mm HSMC Product Specification HI-SINCERITY Spec. No. : IC200401 Issued Date : 2004.02.01 Revised Date : 2005.07.14 Page No. : 7/8 MICROELECTRONICS CORP. TO-220AB Dimension DIM A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Marking: A F B Pb Free Mark E Pb-Free: " . " (Note) Normal: None H C D 1117 Date Code E Product Series ADJ(A),1.8(B),2.5(C) 3.3(D),5(E) Control Code H M I K 3 G N 2 1 Tab O P Note: Green label is used for pb-free packing Pin Style: 1.ADJ/GND 2(Tab).VOUT 3.VIN Material: • Lead solder plating: Sn60/Pb40 (Normal), Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu or Pure-Tin (Pb-free) • Mold Compound: Epoxy resin family, flammability solid burning class: UL94V-0 J L Min. 5.58 8.38 4.40 1.15 0.35 2.03 9.66 3.00 0.75 2.54 1.14 12.70 14.48 Max. 7.49 8.90 4.70 1.39 0.60 2.92 10.28 *16.25 *3.83 4.00 0.95 3.42 1.40 *2.54 14.27 15.87 *: Typical, Unit: mm 3-Lead TO-220AB Plastic Package HSMC Package Code: E Important Notice: • All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written approval of HSMC. • HSMC reserves the right to make changes to its products without notice. • HSMC semiconductor products are not warranted to be suitable for use in Life-Support Applications, or systems. • HSMC assumes no liability for any consequence of customer product design, infringement of patents, or application assistance. Head Office And Factory: • Head Office (Hi-Sincerity Microelectronics Corp.): 10F.,No. 61, Sec. 2, Chung-Shan N. Rd. Taipei Taiwan R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-25212056 Fax: 886-2-25632712, 25368454 • Factory 1: No. 38, Kuang Fu S. Rd., Fu-Kou Hsin-Chu Industrial Park Hsin-Chu Taiwan. R.O.C Tel: 886-3-5983621~5 Fax: 886-3-5982931 H1117 Series HSMC Product Specification HI-SINCERITY Spec. No. : IC200401 Issued Date : 2004.02.01 Revised Date : 2005.07.14 Page No. : 8/8 MICROELECTRONICS CORP. Soldering Methods for HSMC’s Products 1. Storage environment: Temperature=10oC~35oC Humidity=65%±15% 2. Reflow soldering of surface-mount devices Figure 1: Temperature profile tP Critical Zone TL to TP TP Ramp-up TL tL Temperature Tsmax Tsmin tS Preheat 25 Ramp-down t 25oC to Peak Time Profile Feature Sn-Pb Eutectic Assembly Pb-Free Assembly <3oC/sec <3oC/sec - Temperature Min (Tsmin) 100oC 150oC - Temperature Max (Tsmax) 150oC 200oC 60~120 sec 60~180 sec <3oC/sec <3oC/sec 183oC 217oC Average ramp-up rate (TL to TP) Preheat - Time (min to max) (ts) Tsmax to TL - Ramp-up Rate Time maintained above: - Temperature (TL) - Time (tL) 60~150 sec Peak Temperature (TP) Time within 5oC of actual Peak Temperature (tP) Ramp-down Rate Time 25oC to Peak Temperature o o 60~150 sec 240 C +0/-5 C 260oC +0/-5oC 10~30 sec 20~40 sec <6oC/sec <6oC/sec <6 minutes <8 minutes Peak temperature Dipping time 245 C ±5 C 5sec ±1sec 260oC +0/-5oC 5sec ±1sec 3. Flow (wave) soldering (solder dipping) Products Pb devices. Pb-Free devices. H1117 Series o o HSMC Product Specification