AMS324 DESCRIPTION The AMS324 consists of four independent, high gain, internally frequency compensated operational amplifiers which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split power supplies is also possible and the low power supply current drain is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage. Application areas include transducer amplifiers, DC gain blocks and all the conventional op amp circuits. FEATURES § § § § § § § § PACKAGE INFORMATION Wide range of supply voltages Low supply current drain independent of supply voltage Low input biasing current Low input offset voltage and offset current Input common-mode voltage range includes ground Differential input voltage range equal to the power supply voltage DC voltage gain 100 V/ mV Typ Internally frequency compensation ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at specified free-air temperature, VCC = 5V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS* VIO Vcc =5V to MAX, 25 °C Input offset voltage VIC = VICR min, VO=1.4V Full range αVIO Average temperature coefficient of input offset voltage IIO Vo=1.4V MIN AMS324 TYP 3 MAX 7 UNIT mV 9 µV/°C Full range 7 25 ° C Full range 2 αIIO Average temperature coefficient of input offset current IIB Vo=1.4V Input bias current Full range 10 25 °C Full range -20 VICR 25 °C 0 to Vcc-1.5 V Full range 0 to Vcc - 2 Vcc-1.5 V Input offset current Vcc = 5V to MAX Common-mode input voltage range VOH RL = 2 kΩ High-level output voltage VOL Low-level output voltage AVD Large-signal differential voltage amplification CMRR Common-mode rejection ratio kSVR Supply voltage rejection ratio (∆Vcc/∆VIO) Vo1/Vo2 Crosstalk attenuation IO Output current los Short-circuit output current Icc Supply current (four amplifiers) 25 °C Full range Vcc = MAX, RL =2kΩ Vcc = MAX, RL = 10 kΩ Full range 50 nA 150 pA/°C -250 -500 nA 26 27 28 RL = 10 kΩ Full range 5 20 mV Vcc = 15 V, Vo=1V to 11 V, RL ≥ 2 kΩ Vcc = 5V to MAX, VIC = VICR min Vcc = 5V to MAX 25 °C Full range 25 15 100 V/mV 25 °C 65 80 dB 25 °C 65 100 dB f=1kHz to 20 kHz 25 °C 120 dB Vcc = 15 V, VID=1V,Vo= 0 Vcc = 15 V, VID= -1V, Vo=15V 25 °C Full range 25 °C -20 -10 10 -30 mA Full range 5 12 20 VID= -1V, Vo = 200 mV 25 °C Vcc at 5 V, GND at -5V,Vo=0 Vo = 2.5 V, No load Vcc = MAX, Vo = 0.5Vcc, No load 25 °C ±40 ±60 Full range Full range 1.5 1.1 2.4 3 30 µA mA mA * All characteristics are measured under open loop conditions with zero common-mode input voltage unless otherwise specified. "MAX" Vcc for testing purposes is 30 V. Full range is 0 °C to 70 °C 1 AMS324 PAD LOCATION AMS324 Chip Size: 1.6 x 1.52 mm PAD LOCATION COORDINATES Pad N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pad Name #1 OUT #1 IN#1 IN+ V CC #2 IN+ #2 IN#2 OUT Coordinates, µm X Y 888 88 1425 185 1425 521 1425 712 1425 909 1425 1245 888 1342 Pad N 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 Pad Name #3 OUT #3 IN#3 IN+ GND #4 IN+ #4 IN#4 OUT Coordinates, µm X Y 622 1342 85 1245 85 909 94,5 712 85 521 85 185 622 88 AMS324 PAD LOCATION AMS324M Chip Size: 1.09 x 1.12 mm2 PAD LOCATION COORDINATES Pad N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pad Name #1 #1 #1 V CC #2 #2 #2 OUT ININ+ IN+ INOUT Pad size Coordinates, µm Pad Pad size ( µm × µm) N ( µm × µm) Y X 90 × 90 90 × 90 112 477 8 90 × 90 90 × 90 112 112 9 90 × 90 112 90 × 90 390 10 90 × 90 112 90 × 90 545.0 11 90 × 90 112 90 × 90 700 12 90 × 90 112 90 × 90 977 13 90 × 90 90 × 90 977 477 14 3 Pad Name #3 #3 #3 GND #4 #4 #4 OUT ININ+ IN+ INOUT Coordinates, µm X Y 977 642 977 1007 700 1007 545 1007 390 1007 112 1007 112 642 AMS324 Disclaimer: • AMS reserves the right to make changes to the information herein for the improvement of the design and performance without further notice! Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is complete and current. • All semiconductor products malfunction or fail with some probability under special conditions. When using AMS products in system design or complete machine manufacturing, it is the responsibility of the buyer to comply with the safety standards strictly and take essential measures to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such AMS products could cause loss of body injury or damage to property. • AMS will supply the best possible product for customers! 4