Product specification 2SA1734 Features Low saturation voltage: VCE(sat) = -0.5 V (max) (IC = -700 mA). High speed switching time: tstg = 0.2ìs (typ.). Small flat package. PC = 1.0 to 2.0 W (mounted on ceramic substrate). Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector-base voltage VCBO -40 V Collector-emitter voltage VCEO -30 V Emitter-base voltage VEBO -6 V Collector current IC -2 A Base current IB -1.2 A PC 500 PC * 1000 Tj 150 Tstg -55 to +150 Collector power dissipation Junction temperature Storage temperature range mW 2 * Mounted on ceramic substrate (250 mm X 0.8 t) [email protected] 4008-318-123 1 of 2 Product specification 2SA1734 Electrical Characteristics Ta = 25 Parameter Symbol Testconditons Min Typ Max Unit Collector cut-off current ICBO VCB = -40 V, IE = 0 -0.1 ìA Emitter cut-off current IEBO VEB = -6 V, IC = 0 -0.1 ìA Collector-emitter breakdown voltage V(BR)CEO IC = -10 mA, IB = 0 hFE DC current gain VCE = -2 V, IC =-100 mA 120 VCE = -2 V, IC = -1.0A 40 Collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE (sat) IC = -700 mA, IB = -35 mA Base-emitter saturation voltage VBE (sat) IC = -700 mA, IB = -35 mA Transition frequency fT -50 V 400 -0.5 -1.2 V V VCE = -2 V, IC = -100 mA 100 MHz VCB = -10 V, IE = 0, f = 1 MHz 16 pF Collector output capacitance Cob Turn-on time ton 0.1 ìs Storage time tstg 0.2 ìs tf 0.1 ìs Fall time Marking Marking LB [email protected] 4008-318-123 2 of 2