Series OAC, (S)MOAC, X4OAC AC Output Modules • Status Indicating LED on X4 Series and 4A Fuse • UL, CSA, and CE • Zero Cross Switching Solid state I/O switching modules deliver an electrically clean, photo-isolated, noise-free "output" interface from logic level control systems to external loads such as motors, valves, solenoids, etc. -- or an "input" interface from the load or sensors to microprocessor or computer-based logic level systems. Designed for long, reliable service in demanding industrial environments. INPUT SPECIFICATIONS OAC5 (S)MOAC5 X4OAC5 OAC15 (S)MOAC15 X4OAC15 Nominal Input Voltage [Vdc] 5 15 24 5 15 24 Min. Input Voltage @ pin 3 [Vdc] (X4 Series) 2.5 (4) 8.5 (10) 16.5 (18) 2.5 (4) 8.5 (10) 16.5 (18) Max. Input Voltage @ pin 3 [Vdc] (X4 Series) 6.0 (7.5) 18.5 (20) 29.0 (30.5) 6.0 (7.5) 18.5 (20) 29.0 (30.5) Must Turn Off Voltage [Vdc] 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Typical Input Current [mAdc] 10 10 10 10 10 10 Max. Input Current [mAdc] 27 20 13.5 27 20 13.5 Nominal Input Resistance [ohm] 240 900 2.2K 240 900 2.2K Nominal Line Voltage [Vrms] 120 120 120 240 240 240 Max. Line Voltage [Vrms] 140 140 140 280 280 280 Min. Line Voltage [Vrms] 12 12 12 24 24 24 Max. Peak Off-State Voltage [V peak] 400 400 400 600 600 600 Max. Off-State Leakage Current [mArms] 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Static Off-State (dv/dt)[V/µs] 200 200 200 200 200 200 Max. On-State Current [Arms] 3 3 3 3 3 3 Min. On-State Current [mArms] 50 50 50 50 50 50 Max. One Cycle Surge [A peak] 100 100 100 100 100 100 Peak On-State Voltage [V peak] 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Max. Turn-On Time [cycles] 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Max Turn-Off Time [cycles] 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 Derating [mA per ˚ above 25˚ C] 33 33 33 33 33 33 Fuse Rating [fast-acting] (X4 Series Only) 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A OAC24 OAC5A (S)MOAC24 (S)MOAC5A X4OAC24 X4OAC5A OAC15A OAC24A (S)MOAC15A (S)MOAC24A X4OAC15A X4OAC24A OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS ©1998 CRYDOM CORP Specifications subject to change without notice. FastFax Document No. 304 SERIES OAC.070898, PAGE 1 OF 2 For recommended applications and more information contact: USA: (800) 8 CRYDOM • (800) 827-9366 • (619) 715-7200 • fax (619) 715-7280 Crydom Corp, 9525 Chesapeake Drive, San Diego, CA 92123 • e-mail: WEB SITE: FASTFAX Product Information: (888) 267-9191 UK: (44)1202 812300 • fax (44)1202 812340 Crydom International Ltd., 85, Condor Close, Woolsbridge Industrial Estate, Three-Legged Cross. Wimborne, Dorset, England BH21 6SU GERMANY: (49) (0)6874 182580 • fax (49)(0)6874 182585 Crydom GmbH, Gewerbegebiet Im Schachen, D-66687 Nunkirchen, Germany • e-mail: 9002 Series OAC, (S)MOAC, X4OAC AC Output Modules GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating temperature range –30 to +80°C Storage temperature range –40 to +100°C Isolation 4,000 Vrms Capacitance input to output 8 pF Line frequency range 47 to 63 Hz Package Color Black WIRING & MECHANICAL DIAGRAMS Standard Series, OAC Standard and Mini Pack X4 Series BOTTOM VIEW .30 (7.6) CAPTIVE #4-40. PHILLIPS HEAD HOLD DOWN SCREW 1.70 (43.1) .60 (15.2) Vac Vac .100 (2.5) 1.00 (25.4) 1 1 Zero Voltage Circuit 2 + 1.25 (31.7) + 3 3 LOGIC LOGIC - - 4 4 .25 (6.3) 4 3 2 1 Zero Voltage Circuit 2 .030 (0.8) .30 (7.6) .040 (1.0) DIA. (5 PLACES) .70 (17.8) X4 Series, X4OAC 1.20 (30.5) 1.40 (35.5) MINI-PACK Series, (S)MOAC SM Prefix M Prefix 0.81 (20.6) 0.20 (5.1) APPLICATION NOTES • Do not install or remove modules in live (electrically hot) circuits. High voltage CAPTIVE #4-40. PHILLIPS HEAD HOLD DOWN SCREW 1.70 (43.1) 1.70 (43.1) 1.00 (25.4) may be present. • An externally located commutating diode CAPTIVE #4-40. PHILLIPS HEAD HOLD DOWN SCREW 1.78 (45.2) 1.00 (25.4) 1.00 (25.4) must be installed across inductive loads .25 (6.35) • I/O module boards also available 4 3+ 2 .25 (6.35) 1 .30 (7.6) 4 3+ 2 1 .30 (7.6) .200 (5.1) .700 (17.8) 1.100 (27.9) .040 (1.0) DIA. (4 PLACES) 1.70 (43.1) BOTTOM VIEW .200 (5.1) .700 (17.8) 1.100 (27.9) 1.82 (46.2) .040 (1.0) DIA. (4 PLACES) .040 (1.0) DIA. (4 PLACES) 1.70 (43.1) .100 (2.5) 0.48 (12.2) BOTTOM VIEW 0.35 (8.9) .40 (10.2) .40 (10.2) 0.55 (13.9) 0.20 (5.1) 1.3 (33.0) .100 (2.5) 1.70 (43.1) All dimensions are in inches (millimeters) ©1998 CRYDOM CORP Specifications subject to change without notice. FastFax Document No. 304 SERIES OAC.070898, PAGE 2 OF 2 For recommended applications and more information contact: USA: (800) 8 CRYDOM • (800) 827-9366 • (619) 715-7200 • fax (619) 715-7280 Crydom Corp, 9525 Chesapeake Drive, San Diego, CA 92123 • e-mail: WEB SITE: FASTFAX Product Information: (888) 267-9191 UK: (44)1202 812300 • fax (44)1202 812340 Crydom International Ltd., 85, Condor Close, Woolsbridge Industrial Estate, Three-Legged Cross. Wimborne, Dorset, England BH21 6SU GERMANY: (49) (0)6874 182580 • fax (49)(0)6874 182585 Crydom GmbH, Gewerbegebiet Im Schachen, D-66687 Nunkirchen, Germany • e-mail: 9002