PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) PM5352 S/UNI-STAR SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE (STAR) DATA SHEET ISSUE 2: FEBRUARY 2000 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) PUBLIC REVISION HISTORY Issue No. Issue Date Details of Change 2 February, 2000 1 December, 1999 Added additional bytes to software initialization (section 8.1) to further reduce power consumption. DC characteristics section was added. Released data sheet (replaces draft data sheet issue 2) PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer i PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 FEATURES .............................................................................................. 1 1.1 GENERAL ..................................................................................... 1 1.2 THE SONET RECEIVER .............................................................. 2 1.3 THE RECEIVE ATM PROCESSOR .............................................. 3 1.4 THE RECEIVE POS PROCESSOR .............................................. 3 1.5 THE SONET TRANSMITTER ....................................................... 4 1.6 THE TRANSMIT ATM PROCESSOR ............................................ 4 1.7 THE TRANSMIT POS PROCESSOR ........................................... 5 2 APPLICATIONS ....................................................................................... 6 3 REFERENCES......................................................................................... 7 4 DATASHEET OVERVIEW........................................................................ 9 5 PIN DIAGRAM ....................................................................................... 10 6 PIN DESCRIPTION.................................................................................11 6.1 LINE SIDE INTERFACE SIGNALS ..............................................11 6.2 SECTION AND LINE STATUS DCC SIGNALS ........................... 14 6.3 ATM (UTOPIA) AND PACKET OVER SONET (POS-PHY) SYSTEM INTERFACE ................................................................ 15 6.4 MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE SIGNALS ............................ 34 6.5 JTAG TEST ACCESS PORT (TAP) SIGNALS ............................ 36 6.6 ANALOG SIGNALS..................................................................... 37 6.7 POWER AND GROUND ............................................................. 37 7 MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE ....................................................... 45 8 OPERATIONS........................................................................................ 56 8.1 DEVICE INITIALIZATION............................................................ 56 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer ii PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 9 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) TEST FEATURES DESCRIPTION ........................................................ 57 9.1 MASTER TEST REGISTER ........................................................ 57 9.2 JTAG TEST PORT ...................................................................... 59 10 DC CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................... 69 11 ORDERING AND THERMAL INFORMATION........................................ 70 12 MECHANICAL INFORMATION.............................................................. 71 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer iii PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 1 1.1 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) FEATURES General • Single chip ATM User-Network Interface operating at 155.52 Mbit/s. • Implements the ATM Forum User Network Interface Specification and the ATM physical layer for Broadband ISDN according to CCITT Recommendation I.432. • Implements the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) over SONET/SDH specification according to RFC 1619/1662 of the PPP Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). • Processes duplex 155.52 Mbit/s STS-3c (STM-1) data streams with on-chip clock and data recovery and clock synthesis. • Exceeds Bellcore GR-253-CORE jitter tolerance and intrinsic jitter criteria. • Exceeds Bellcore GR-253-CORE jitter transfer and phase variation criteria. • Provides control circuitry required to exceed Bellcore GR-253-CORE WAN clocking requirements related to wander transfer, holdover and long term stability when using an external VCXO. • Compatible with ATM Forum’s Utopia Level 2 Specification with MultiPHY addressing and parity support. • Implements the POS-PHY 16-bit System Interface for Packet over SONET/SDH (POS) applications. This system interface is similar to Utopia Level 2, but adapted to packet transfer. Both byte-level and packet-level transfer modes are supported. • Provides a standard 5 signal IEEE 1149.1 JTAG test port for boundary scan board test purposes. • Provides a generic 8-bit microprocessor bus interface for configuration, control, and status monitoring. • Low power 3.3V CMOS with PECL and TTL compatible inputs and CMOS/TTL outputs, with 5V tolerance inputs (system side interface is 3.3V only). PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 1 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 1.2 ISSUE 2 • Industrial temperature range (-40°C to +85°C). • 304 pin Super BGA package. SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) The SONET Receiver • Provides a serial interface at 155.52 Mbit/s. • Recovers the clock and data. • Frames to and de-scrambles the recovered stream. • Detects signal degrade (SD) and signal fail (SF) threshold crossing alarms based on received B2 errors. • Captures and debounces the synchronization status (S1) byte in a readable register. • Filters and captures the automatic protection switch channel (K1, K2) bytes in readable registers and detects APS byte failure. • Counts received section BIP-8 (B1) errors, received line BIP-24 (B2) errors, line far end block errors (FEBE), and received path BIP-8 (B3) errors and path far end block errors (FEBE). • Detects loss of signal (LOS), out of frame (OOF), loss of frame (LOF), line alarm indication signal (LAIS), line remote defect indication (LRDI), loss of pointer (LOP), path alarm indication signal (PAIS), path remote defect indication (PRDI) and path extended remote defect indicator (PERDI). • Extracts the section and line data communication channels (D1-D3 and D4-12) as selected in internal register banks and serializes them at 192 Kbit/s (D1-D3) and 576 Kbit/s (D4-D12) for optional external processing. • Extracts the 16 or 64 byte section trace (J0) sequence and the 16 or 64 byte path trace (J1) sequence into internal register banks. • Interprets the received payload pointer (H1, H2) and extracts the STS3c (STM-1) synchronous payload envelope and path overhead. • Provides a divide by 8 recovered clock (19.44 MHz). • Provides a 8KHz receive frame pulse. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 2 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 1.3 1.4 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) The Receive ATM Processor • Extracts ATM cells from the received STS-3c (STM-1) synchronous payload envelope using ATM cell delineation. • Provides ATM cell payload de-scrambling. • Performs header check sequence (HCS) error detection and correction, and idle/unassigned cell filtering. • Detects Out of Cell Delineation (OCD) and Loss of Cell Delineation (LCD). • Counts number of received cells, idle cells, errored cells and dropped cells. • Provides a synchronous 8-bit wide, four-cell FIFO buffer. The Receive POS Processor • Generic design that supports packet based link layer protocols, like PPP, HDLC and Frame Relay. • Performs self synchronous POS data de-scrambling on SPE payload (x43+1 polynomial). • Performs flag sequence detection and terminates the received POS frames. • Performs frame check sequence (FCS) validation. The POS processor supports the validation of both CRC-CCITT and CRC-32 frame check sequences. • Performs Control Escape de-stuffing. • Checks for packet abort sequence. • Checks for octet aligned packet lengths and for minimum and maximum packet lengths. Automatically deletes short packets (software configurable), and marks those exceeding the maximum length as errored. • Provides a synchronous 256 byte FIFO buffer accessed through a 16bit data bus on the POS-PHY System Interface. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 3 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 1.5 1.6 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) The SONET Transmitter • Synthesizes the 155.52 MHz transmit clock from a 19.44 MHz reference. • Provides a differential TTL serial interface (can be adapted to PECL levels) at 155.52 Mbit/s with both line rate data (TXD+/-) and clock (TXC+/-). • Provides a transmit frame pulse input to align the transport frames to a system reference. • Provides a transmit byte clock (divide by eight of the synthesized line rate clock) to provide a timing reference for the transmit outputs. • Optionally inserts register programmable APS (K1, K2) and synchronization status (S1) bytes. • Optionally inserts path alarm indication signal (PAIS), path remote defect indication (PRDI), line alarm indication signal (LAIS) and line remote defect indication (LRDI). • Inserts path BIP-8 codes (B3), path far end block error (G1) indications, line BIP-24 codes (B2), line far end block error (M1) indications, and section BIP-8 codes (B1) to allow performance monitoring at the far end. • Optionally inserts the section and line data communication channels (D1-D3 or D4-12) via a 192 kbit/s (D1-D3) and 576 kbit/s (D4-D12) serial stream. • Optionally inserts the 16 or 64 byte section trace (J0) sequence and the 16 or 64 byte path trace (J1) sequence from internal register banks. • Scrambles the transmitted STS-3c (STM-1) stream and inserts the framing bytes (A1,A2). • Inserts ATM cells or POS frames into the transmitted STS-3c (STM-1) synchronous payload envelope. The Transmit ATM Processor • Provides idle/unassigned cell insertion. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 4 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 1.7 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) • Provides HCS generation/insertion, and ATM cell payload scrambling. • Counts number of transmitted and idle cells. • Provides a synchronous 8-bit wide, four cell FIFO buffer. The Transmit POS Processor • Generic design that supports any packet based link layer protocol, like PPP, HDLC and Frame Relay. • Performs self synchronous POS data scrambling (X43 + 1 polynomial). • Encapsulates packets within a POS frame. • Performs flag sequence insertion. • Performs byte stuffing for transparency processing. • Performs frame check sequence generation. The POS processor supports the generation of both CRC-CCITT and CRC-32 frame check sequences. • Aborts packets under the direction of the host or when the FIFO underflows. • Provides a synchronous 256 byte FIFO buffer accessed through the16-bit data bus on the POS-PHY System Interface. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 5 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 2 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) APPLICATIONS • DSLAM uplinks • Access Concentrators • WAN and edge ATM switches. • LAN switches and hubs. • Layer 3 switches. • Multiservice switches (FR, ATM, IP, etc..). PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 6 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 3 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) REFERENCES • Bell Communications Research - GR-253-CORE “SONET Transport Systems: Common Generic Criteria”, Issue 2, December 1995. • Bell Communications Research - GR-436-CORE “Digital Network Synchronization Plan”, Issue 1 Revision 1, June 1996.. • ITU-T Recommendation G.703 - "Physical/Electrical Characteristics of Hierarchical Digital Interfaces", 1991. • ITU-T Recommendation G.704 - "General Aspects of Digital Transmission Systems; Terminal Equipment - Synchronous Frame Structures Used At 1544, 6312, 2048, 8488 and 44 736 kbit/s Hierarchical Levels", July, 1995. • ITU, Recommendation G.707 - "Network Node Interface For The Synchronous Digital Hierarchy", 1996. • ITU Recommendation G781, “Structure of Recommendations on Equipment for the Synchronous Design Hierarchy (SDH)”, January 1994. • ITU, Recommendation G.783 - "Characteristics of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) Equipment Functional Blocks", 1996. • ITU Recommendation I.432, “ISDN User Network Interfaces”, March 93. • ATM Forum - ATM User-Network Interface Specification, V3.1, October, 1995. • ATM Forum - “UTOPIA, An ATM PHY Interface Specification, Level 2, Version 1”, June, 1995. • IETF Network Working Group – RFC-1619 “Point to Point Protocol (PPP) over SONET/SDH Specification”, May 1994. • IETF Network Working Group - RFC-1661 “The Point to Point Protocol (PPP)”, July 1994. • IETF Network Working Group - RFC-1662 “PPP in HDLC like framing”, July 1994. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 7 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) • PMC-971147 “Saturn Compliant Interface for Packet over SONET Physical Layer and Link Layer Devices, Level 2”, Issue 3, February 1998. • PMC-950820 “SONET/SDH Bit Error Threshold Monitoring Application Note”, Issue 2, September 1998. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 8 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 4 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) DATASHEET OVERVIEW The PM5352 S/UNI-STAR is functionally equivalent to a single channel PM5351 S/UNI-TETRA (TETRA channel #4). The devices are software compatible and pin compatible. This datasheet provides a complete pinout description for the S/UNI-STAR, as well as any differences between these devices (including boundary scan register, test mode 0 register). For a complete functional and register description, please refer to the PMC971240. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 9 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 5 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) PIN DIAGRAM The S/UNI-STAR is available in a 304 pin SBGA package having a body size of 31 mm by 31 mm and a ball pitch of 1.27 mm. 23 22 21 A VDD VSS TDAT[12] 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 TDAT[15] PHY_OEN B VSS VDD C TDAT[7] D TDAT[4] E TDAT[0] F VSS G VSS D[2] VSS A[0] A[3] A[7] VSS A[10] WRB TDO VSS N/C VSS N/C VSS TDAT[13] STPA N/C D[1] D[4] D[6] A[2] A[6] A[9] CSB RSTB TMS TCK N/C N/C QAVS_2 N/C VSS VDD TDAT[10] TDAT[14] TEOP BIAS D[3] D[5] A[1] A[5] A[8] ALE INTB TRSTB N/C N/C QAVD_2 N/C TDAT[6] TDAT[9] VDD TDAT[11] VDD TERR D[0] VDD D[7] A[4] VDD RDB TDI VDD N/C N/C VDD RAVS1_C TDAT[3] TDAT[5] TDAT[8] TMOD TDAT[2] VDD VDD TADR[0] TADR[2] TDAT[1] RAVD1_A H VSS TPRTY VDD TADR[1] N/C J TCA / PTPA TENB TSOC / TSOP VDD VDD K N/C DTCA / DTPA BIAS TFCLK L REOP RERR N/C N/C RVAL DRCA / DRPA VDD M VSS 20 19 4 3 2 1 VSS VDD VSS VDD VSS RAVD1_C VDD VSS N/C VDD N/C N/C VSS N/C VSS VSS N/C VDD RAVS1_A N/C VSS N/C VSS VSS RAVD1_B RAVS1_B BOTTOM VIEW RAVS2_A RAVD2_A VSS RAVS2_C RAVS2_B VSS N/C RAVD2_C N/C N/C RAVD2_B TAVD1_A TAVS1_A TAVD1_B VDD N N/C N/C N/C RCA / PRPA P RSOC / RSOP RENB RFCLK RADR[1] ATB2 R RADR[2] RADR[0] VDD VDD VDD VDD RPRTY RDAT[13] RAVS3_A RDAT[9] TXCP TAVS1_B RAVD3_B RAVD3_C RAVS3_B VSS N/C N/C ATB1 ATB0 RAVS3_C N/C N/C ATB3 N/C N/C VSS VSS RAVD3_A N/C T VSS U RDAT[15] V VSS RDAT[11] RDAT[8] VDD VDD TXCN VSS VSS W RDAT[10] RDAT[7] RDAT[5] RDAT[2] RAVS4_A SD TXDP VSS Y RDAT[6] RDAT[4] RDAT[1] VDD RMOD VDD N/C N/C VDD N/C N/C VDD N/C N/C VDD VSS TFPI VDD RAVS4_C VDD RAVD4_A RX- TXDN AA RDAT[3] VSS VDD RDAT[0] N/C N/C N/C RLD N/C N/C N/C N/C TLDCLK TSDCLK TLD VSS VSS QAVD_1 C- RAVD4_C VDD VSS RX+ AB VSS VDD VSS N/C RLDCLK RSD N/C N/C RALRM RCLK RFPO N/C TFPO N/C N/C VSS TSD VSS QAVS_1 C+ VSS VDD VSS AC VDD VSS RSDCLK N/C N/C VSS N/C VSS N/C N/C N/C VSS TCLK N/C N/C VSS VSS VSS REFCLK VSS VDD RDAT[14] RDAT[12] PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer RAVD4_B RAVS4_B 10 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 6 6.1 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) PIN DESCRIPTION Line Side Interface Signals Pin Name Type REFCLK Input Pin No. AC5 Function The reference clock input (REFCLK) must provide a jitter-free 19.44 MHz reference clock. It is used as the reference clock by both clock recovery and clock synthesis circuits. When the WAN Synchronization controller is used, REFCLK is supplied using a VCXO. In this application, the transmit direction can be looped timed to any of the line receivers in order to meet wander transfer and holdover requirements. . RXD+ RXD- SD Differential AA1 PECL Y2 inputs SingleEnded PECL Input W3 The receive differential data inputs (RXD+, RXD-) contain the NRZ bit serial receive stream. The receive clock is recovered from the RXD+/- bit stream. Please refer to the Operation section for a discussion of PECL interfacing issues. The Signal Detect pin (SD) indicates the presence of valid receive signal power from the Optical Physical Medium Dependent Device. A PECL high indicates the presence of valid data and a PECL low indicates a loss of signal. It is mandatory that SD be terminated into the equivalent network that RXD+/- is terminated into. . RCLK Output AB14 The receive byte clock (RCLK) provides a timing reference for the S/UNI-STAR receive outputs. RCLK is a divide by eight of the recovered line rate clock (19.44 MHz). . PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 11 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function RFPO Output AB13 The Receive Frame Pulse Output (RFPO), when the framing alignment is found (the OOF register bit is logic zero), is an 8 kHz signal derived from the receive line clock. RFPO pulses high for one RCLK cycle every 2430 RCLK cycles (STS-3c (STM-1)). RFPO is updated on the rising edge of RCLK. RALRM Output AB15 The Receive Alarm (RALRM) output indicates the state of the receive framing. RALRM is low if no receive alarms are active. RALRM is high if line AIS (LAIS), path AIS (PAIS), line RDI (LRDI), path RDI (PRDI), enhanced path RDI (PERDI), loss of signal (LOS), loss of frame (LOF), out of frame (OOF), loss of pointer (LOP), loss of cell delineation (LCD), signal fail BER (SFBER), signal degrade BER (SDBER), path trace identification mismatch (TIM), path signal label mismatch (PSLM) is detected in the channel. Each alarm can be individually enabled using bits in the S/UNI-STAR Channel Alarm Control registers #1 and #2. RALRM is updated on the rising edge of RCLK. . TXD+ TXD- Differential W2 TTL output Y1 (externally converted to PECL) TXC+ TXC- Differential U4 TTL output V3 (externally converted to PECL) The transmit differential data outputs (TXD+, TXD-) contain the 155.52 Mbit/s transmit stream. . The transmit differential clock outputs (TXC+, TXC-) contain the 155.52 Mbit/s transmit clock. TXC+/- must be enabled by setting the TXC_OE register bit to logic one. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 12 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 Pin Name Type TFPI Input Pin No. Y7 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Function The active high framing position (TFPI) signal is an 8 kHz timing marker for the transmitter. TFPI is used to align the SONET/SDH transport frame generated by the S/UNI-STAR device to a system reference. TFPI is internally used to align a master frame pulse counter. When TFPI is not used, this counter is free-running. TFPI should be brought high for a single TCLK period every 2430 (STS-3c (STM-1)) TCLK cycles, or a multiple thereof. TFPI shall be tied low if such synchronization is not required. TFPI cannot be used as an input to a loop-timed channel. For TFPI to operate correctly it is required that the TCLK/TFPO output be configured to output the CSU byte clock. The TFPI_EN register bits allow use of the global framing pulse counter and TFPI for framing alignment. TFPI is sampled on the rising edge of TCLK, but only when the TTSEL register bit is set to logic zero. When TTSEL is set to logic one, TFPI is unused. TFPO Output AB11 The Transmit Frame Pulse Output (TFPO) pulses high for one TCLK cycle every 2430 TCLK cycles and provides an 8 KHz timing reference. TFPO can be enabled using TFPO_CH[1:0] configuration register bits, with the restriction that the device must be self-timed (not in loop-timed or line-loopback modes). TFPO is updated on the rising edge of TCLK. TCLK Output AC11 The transmit byte clock (TCLK) output provides a timing reference for the S/UNI-STAR self-timed channel. TCLK always provide a divide by eight of the synthesized line rate clock and thus has a nominal frequency of 19.44 MHz. TFPI is sampled on the rising edge of TCLK. TCLK does not apply to internally loop-timed channels, in which case RCLK provides transmit timing information. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 13 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 6.2 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Section and Line Status DCC Signals Pin Name Type Pin No. Function RSD Output AB18 The receive section DCC (RSD) signal contains the section data communications channel (D1-D3) RSDCLK Output AC21 The receive section DCC clock (RSDCLK) is used to clock out the section DCC. RSDCLK is a 192 kHz clock used to update the RSD output. RSDCLK is generated by gapping a 216 kHz clock. TSD Input AB7 The transmit section DCC (TSD) signal contains the section data communications channel (D1-D3). TSD is sampled on the rising edge of TSDCLK. TSDCLK Output AA10 The transmit section DCC clock (TSDCLK) is used to clock in the section DCC. TSDCLK is a 192 kHz clock used to sample the TSD input. TSDCLK is generated by gapping a 216 kHz clock. RLD Output AA16 The receive line DCC (RLD) signal contains the line data communications channel (D4-D12). RLDCLK Output AB19 The receive line DCC clock (RLDCLK) is used to clock out the line DCC. RLDCLK is a 576 kHz clock used to update the RLD output. RLDCLK is generated by gapping a 2.16 MHz clock. TLD Input AA9 The transmit line DCC (TLD) signal contains the line data communications channel (D4-D12). TLD is sampled on the rising edge of TLDCLK. TLDCLK Output AA11 The transmit line DCC clock (TLDCLK) is used to clock in the line DCC. TLDCLK is a 576 kHz clock used to sample the TLD input. TLDCLK is generated by gapping a 2.16 MHz clock. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 14 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 6.3 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) ATM (UTOPIA) and Packet over SONET (POS-PHY) System Interface Pin Name Type Pin No. Function TDAT[15] TDAT[14] TDAT[13] TDAT[12] TDAT[11] TDAT[10] TDAT[9] TDAT[8] TDAT[7] TDAT[6] TDAT[5] TDAT[4] TDAT[3] TDAT[2] TDAT[1] TDAT[0] Input A20 C19 B20 A21 D19 C20 D21 E20 C23 D22 E21 D23 E22 F21 G20 E23 UTOPIA Transmit Cell Data Bus (TDAT[15:0]). A20 C19 B20 A21 D19 C20 D21 E20 C23 D22 E21 D23 E22 F21 G20 E23 POS-PHY Transmit Packet Data Bus (TDAT[15:0]). TDAT[15] TDAT[14] TDAT[13] TDAT[12] TDAT[11] TDAT[10] TDAT[9] TDAT[8] TDAT[7] TDAT[6] TDAT[5] TDAT[4] TDAT[3] TDAT[2] TDAT[1] TDAT[0] (ATM) Input (POS) This data bus carries the ATM cell octets that are written to the selected transmit FIFO. TDAT[15:0] is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted and the S/UNI-STAR is selected via TADR[2:0]. TDAT[15:0] is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. This data bus carries the POS packet octets that are written to the selected transmit FIFO. TDAT[15:0] is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted and the S/UNI-STAR is selected via TADR[2:0]. TDAT[15:0] is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 15 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name TPRTY ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Input H22 UTOPIA Transmit bus parity (TPRTY) signal. (ATM) The transmit parity (TPRTY) signal indicates the parity of the TDAT[15:0] bus. A parity error is indicated by a status bit and a maskable interrupt. Cells with parity errors are inserted in the transmit stream, so the TPRTY input may be unused. Odd or even parity selection is made using the RXPTYP register bit. TPRTY is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted and the S/UNI-STAR is selected via TADR[2:0]. TPRTY is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. TPRTY Input H22 (POS) POS-PHY Transmit bus parity (TPRTY) signal. The transmit parity (TPRTY) signal indicates the parity of the TDAT[15:0] bus. A parity error is indicated by a status bit and a maskable interrupt. Packets with parity errors are inserted in the transmit stream, so the TPRTY input may be unused. Odd or even parity selection is made using the RXPTYP register bit. TPRTY is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted and the S/UNI-STAR is selected via TADR[2:0]. TPRTY is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK TSOC Input (ATM) J21 UTOPIA Transmit Start of Cell (TSOC) signal. The transmit start of cell (TSOC) signal marks the start of cell on the TDAT bus. When TSOC is high, the first word of the cell structure is present on the TDAT bus. It is not necessary for TSOC to be present for each cell. An interrupt may be generated if TSOC is high during any word other than the first word of the cell structure. TSOC is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted and the S/UNI-STAR is selected via TADR[2:0]. TSOC is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 16 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name TSOP ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Input J21 POS-PHY Transmit Start of Packet (TSOP) signals. (POS) TSOP indicates the first word of a packet. TSOP is required to be present at the beginning of every packet for proper operation. TSOP is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted and the S/UNI-STAR is selected via TADR[2:0]. TSOP is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. TENB Input (ATM) J22 UTOPIA Transmit Multi-PHY Write Enable (TENB) signal. The TENB signal is an active low input which is used along with the TADR[2:0] inputs to initiate writes to the transmit FIFO’s. TENB works as follows. When sampled high, no write is performed, but the TADR[2:0] address is latched to identify the transmit FIFO to be accessed. When TENB is sampled low, the word on the TDAT bus is written into the transmit FIFO that is selected by the TADR[2:0} address bus. A complete 53 octet cell must be written to the transmit FIFO before it is inserted into the transmit stream. Idle cells are inserted when a complete cell is not available. While TENB is deasserted, TADR[2:0] can be used for polling TCA. TENB is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 17 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name TENB ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Input J22 POS-PHY Transmit Multi-PHY Write Enable (TENB) signal. (POS) The S/UNI-STAR supports both byte-level and packet-level transfer. Packet-level transfer operates in a similar fashion to Utopia, with a selection phase when TENB is deasserted and a transfer phase when TENB is asserted. While TENB is asserted, TADR[2:0] is used for polling PTPA and the currently selected PHY status is provided on STPA. Byte level transfer works on a cycle basis. When TENB is asserted, data is transferred to the selected PHY. Nothing happens when TENB is deasserted. Polling is not available and packet availability is indicated by DTPA. TADR[2] TADR[1] TADR[0] TADR[2] TADR[1] TADR[0] Input (ATM) Input (POS) G21 H20 G22 G21 H20 G22 TENB is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. Transmit Address (TADR[2:0]). The TADR[2:0] bus is used for device selection and device polling in accordance with the Utopia Level 2 standard. When TADR[2:0] is set to the same value as the PHY_ADR[2:0] inputs than the transmit interface of this S/UNI-STAR is either being selected or polled. Note that the null-phy address 0x7 is an invalid Address and cannot be used to select the S/UNISTAR. TADR[2:0] is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. POS-PHY Transmit Write Address (TADR[2:0]) signals. The TADR[2:0] bus is used to select the FIFO (and hence port) that is written to using the TENB signal. In packet level transfer mode, TADR[2:0] is also used for polling on PTPA. Note that address 0x7 is the null-PHY address and cannot be used to select theS/UNI-STAR. TADR[2:0] is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 18 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name TCA ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Output J23 UTOPIA Transmit multi-PHY Cell Available (TCA) (ATM) The TCA signal indicates when a cell is available in the transmit FIFO for the port polled by TADR[2:0] when TENB is asserted. When high, TCA indicates that the transmit FIFO is not full and a complete cell may be written. When TCA goes low, it can be configured to indicate either that the transmit FIFO is near full or that the transmit FIFO is full. TCA will transition low on the rising edge of TFCLK after the Payload word 19 (TCALEVEL0=0) or 23 (TCALEVEL0=1) is sampled if the PHY being polled is the same as the PHY in use. To reduce FIFO latency, the FIFO depth at which TCA indicates "full" can be set to one, two, three or four cells. Note that regardless of what fill level TCA is set to indicate "full" at, the transmit cell processor can store 4 complete cells. TCA is tri-stated when either the null-PHY address (0x7) or an address not matching the address set by PHY_ADR[2:0] is latched from the TADR[2:0] inputs when TENB is high. TCA is updated on the rising edge of TFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 19 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name ISSUE 2 Type PTPA SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Pin No. Function J23 POS-PHY Polled Transmit multi-PHY Packet Available (PTPA). PTPA transitions high when a programmable minimum number of bytes is available in the polled transmit FIFO (TPAHWM[7:0] register bits). Once high, PTPA indicates that the transmit FIFO is not full. When PTPA transitions low, it optionally indicates that the transmit FIFO is full or near full (TPALWM[7:0] register bits). PTPA allows to poll the PHY address selected by TADR[2:0] when TENB is asserted. PTPA is tri-stated when either the null-PHY address (0x7) or an address not matching the address set by PHY_ADR[2:0] is latched from the TADR[2:0] inputs when TENB is high. PTPA is only available in POS-PHY packet-level transfer mode, as selected by the POS_PLVL register bit. PTPA is tristated in byte-level transfer mode. PTPA is updated on the rising edge of TFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 20 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name STPA ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Output B19 POS-PHY Selected multi-PHY Transmit Packet Available (STPA) signal. (POS) STPA transitions high when a predefined (TPAHWM[7:0] register bits) minimum number of bytes is available in the selected transmit FIFO (the FIFO that data is written into). Once high, STPA indicates that the transmit FIFO is not full. When STPA transitions low, it optionally indicates that the transmit FIFO is full or near full (TPALWM[7:0] register bits). STPA always provide status indication for the selected PHY in order to avoid FIFO overflows while polling is performed. The PHY Layer device shall tristate STPA when TENB is deasserted. STPA shall also be tristated when either the null-PHY address (0x7H) or an address not matching the address set by PHY_ADR[2:0] is presented on the TADR[2:0] signals when TENB is sampled high (deasserted during the previous clock cycle). STPA is only available in POS-PHY packet-level transfer mode, as selected by the POS_PLVL register bit. STPA is tristated in byte-level transfer mode. STPA is updated on the rising edge of TFCLK. TFCLK Input K20 (ATM) UTOPIA Transmit FIFO Write Clock (TFCLK). This signal is used to write ATM cells to the four cell transmit FIFOs. TFCLK cycles at a 50 MHz or lower instantaneous rate. TFCLK Input (POS) K20 POS-PHY Transmit FIFO Write Clock (TFCLK). This signal is used to write packet octets into the 256 bytes packet FIFO’s. TFCLK cycles at a 50 MHz or lower instantaneous rate. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 21 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name DTCA ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Output K22 UTOPIA Direct Transmit Cell Available (DTCA). (ATM) These output signals provide direct status indication of when a cell is available in the transmit FIFO for the corresponding port. When high, DTCA indicates that the corresponding transmit FIFO is not full and a complete cell may be written. When DTCA goes low, it can be configured to indicate either that the corresponding transmit FIFO is near full or that the corresponding transmit FIFO is full. DTCA will transition low on the rising edge of TFCLK after the Payload word 19 (TCALEVEL0=0) or 23 (TCALEVEL0=1) is sampled if the PHY being polled is the same as the PHY in use. To reduce FIFO latency, the FIFO depth at which DTCA indicates "full" can be set to one, two, three or four cells. Note that regardless of what fill level DTCA is set to indicate "full" at, the transmit cell processor can store 4 complete cells DTCA are updated on the rising edge of TFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 22 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name DTPA ISSUE 2 Type Output Pin No. K22 (POS) SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Function POS-PHY Direct Transmit Packet Available (DTPA). These output signals provide direct status indication of when some programmable number of bytes is available in the transmit FIFO, for the corresponding port. When transitioning high, DTPA indicates that the transmit FIFO has enough room to store data. The transition level is selected by the TXFP Transmit Packet Available Low Water-mark (TPALWM[7:0]) register. When DTPA transitions low, it indicates that the transmit FIFO is either full or near full as selected by the TXFP Transmit Packet Available High Water-mark (TPAHWM[7:0]) register. This last option provides the Link Layer system with some look ahead capability in order to avoid FIFO overruns and smoothly transition between PHY’s. DTPA are updated on the rising edge of TFCLK. TMOD Input (POS) F22 POS-PHY Transmit Word Modulo (TMOD) signal. TMOD indicates the size of the current word. TMOD is only used during the last word transfer of a packet, at the same time TEOP is asserted. During a packet transfer every word must be complete except the last word, which can be composed of 1 or 2 bytes. TMOD set high indicates a 1-byte word (present on MSB’s, LSB’s are discarded) while TMOD set low indicates a 2-byte word. TMOD is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted and the S/UNI-STAR is selected via TADR[2:0]. TMOD is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 23 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name TEOP ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Input C18 POS-PHY Transmit End of Packet (TEOP). (POS) The active high TEOP signal marks the end of a packet on the TDAT[15:0] bus. When TEOP is high, the last word of the packet is present on the TDAT[15:0] data bus and TMOD indicates how many bytes this last word is composed of. It is legal to set TSOP high at the same time TEOP is high. This provides support for one or two byte packets, as indicated by the value of TMOD. TEOP is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted and the S/UNI-STAR is selected via TADR[2:0]. TEOP is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. TERR Input (POS) D17 POS-PHY Transmit Error (TERR). The transmit error indicator (TERR) is used to indicate that the current packet must be aborted. TERR should only be asserted during the last word transfer of a packet. Packets marked with TERR will be appended with the abort sequence (0x7D-0x7E) when transmission. TERR is considered valid only when TENB is simultaneously asserted and the S/UNI-STAR is selected via TADR[2:0]. TERR is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 24 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 Pin Name Type RDAT[15] RDAT[14] RDAT[13] RDAT[12] RDAT[11] RDAT[10] RDAT[9] RDAT[8] RDAT[7] RDAT[6] RDAT[5] RDAT[4] RDAT[3] RDAT[2] RDAT[1] RDAT[0] Output RDAT[15] RDAT[14] RDAT[13] RDAT[12] RDAT[11] RDAT[10] RDAT[9] RDAT[8] RDAT[7] RDAT[6] RDAT[5] RDAT[4] RDAT[3] RDAT[2] RDAT[1] RDAT[0] Output (ATM) (POS) SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Pin No. Function U23 U22 T20 U21 V22 W23 U20 V21 W22 Y23 W21 Y22 AA23 W20 Y21 AA20 UTOPIA Receive Cell Data Bus (RDAT[15:0]). U23 U22 T20 U21 V22 W23 U20 V21 W22 Y23 W21 Y22 AA23 W20 Y21 AA20 POS-PHY Receive Packet Data Bus (RDAT[15:0]). This data bus carries the ATM cells that are read from the receive FIFO selected by RADR[2:0]. RDAT[15:0] is tri-stated when RENB is high. RDAT[15:0] is tristated when RENB is high. RDAT[15:0] is also tristated when either the nullPHY address (0x7H) or an address not matching the address space is latched from the RADR[2:0] inputs when RENB is high. RDAT[15:0] is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. This data bus carries the POS packet octets that are read from the selected receive FIFO. RDAT[15:0] is considered valid only when RVAL is asserted. RDAT[15:0] is tristated when RENB is high. RDAT[15:0] is also tristated when either the nullPHY address (0x7H) or an address not matching the address space is latched from the RADR[2:0] inputs. RDAT[15:0] is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 25 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Pin Name Type Pin No. Function RPRTY Output T21 UTOPIA Receive Parity (RPRTY). (ATM) The receive parity (RPRTY) signal indicates the parity of the RDAT bus. RPRTY reflects the parity of RDAT[15:0]. Odd or even parity selection is made by using the RXPTYP register bit (in ATM cell processors, the four RXCP shall be programmed with the same parity setting).RPRTY is tristated when RENB is high. RPRTY is also tristated when either the null-PHY address (0x7H) or an address not matching the address space is latched from the RADR[2:0] inputs when RENB is high. RPRTY is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. RPRTY Output T21 (POS) POS-PHY Receive Parity (RPRTY). The receive parity (RPRTY) signal indicates the parity of the RDAT bus. Odd or even parity selection is made by using the RXPTYP register bit (in POS Frame Processors; the four RXFP shall be programmed with the same parity setting). RPRTY is tristated when RENB is high. RPRTY is also tristated when either the null-PHY address (0x7H) or an address not matching the address space is latched from the RADR[2:0] inputs. RPRTY is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. RSOC Output (ATM) P23 UTOPIA Receive Start of Cell (RSOC). RSOC marks the start of cell on the RDAT bus. RSOC is tristated when RENB is deasserted. RSOC is also tristated when either the null-PHY address (0x7H) or an address not matching the address space is latched from the RADR[2:0] inputs when RENB is high. RSOC is sampled on the rising edge of RFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 26 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name RSOP ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Output P23 POS-PHY Receive Start of Packet (RSOP). (POS) RSOP marks the first word of a packet transfer. RSOP is tristated when RENB is deasserted. RSOP is also tristated when either the null-PHY address (0x7H) or an address not matching the address space is latched from the RADR[2:0] inputs. RSOP/RSOP is sampled on the rising edge of RFCLK RENB Input (ATM) P22 UTOPIA Receive multi-PHY Read Enable (RENB). The RENB signal is used to initiate reads from the receive FIFO’s. RENB works as follows. When RENB is sampled high, no read is performed and RDAT[15:0], RPRTY and RSOC are tristated, and the address on RADR[2:0] is latched to select the device or port for the next FIFO access. When RENB is sampled low, the word on the RDAT bus is read from the selected receive FIFO. RENB must operate in conjunction with RFCLK to access the FIFO’s at a high enough rate to prevent FIFO overflows. The system may de-assert RENB at anytime it is unable to accept another byte. RENB is sampled on the rising edge of RFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 27 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name RENB ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Input P22 POS-PHY Receive multi-PHY Read Enable (RENB). (POS) The S/UNI-STAR supports both byte-level and packet-level transfer. Packet-level transfer operates as described above, with a selection phase when RENB is deasserted and a transfer phase when RENB is asserted. While RENB is asserted, RADR[2:0] is used for polling RPA. Byte level transfer works on a cycle basis. When RENB is asserted data is transferred from the selected PHY and RADR[2:0] is used to select the PHY. Nothing happens when RENB is deasserted. Polling is not possible; packet availability is directly indicated by DRPA. During a data transfer, RVAL shall be monitored since it will indicate if the data is valid. Once RVAL is deasserted, RENB or RADR[2:0] must be used to select a new PHY for data transfer. RENB must operate in conjunction with RFCLK to access the FIFO’s at a high enough rate to prevent FIFO overflows. The system may de-assert RENB at anytime it is unable to accept another byte. RADR[2] RADR[1] RADR[0] Input (ATM) R23 P20 R22 RENB is sampled on the rising edge of RFCLK. Receive Address (RADR[2:0]). The RADR[2:0] bus is used for device selection and device polling in accordance with the Utopia Level 2 standard. When RADR[2:0] is set to the same value as the PHY_ADR[2:0] inputs than the receive interface of this S/UNI-STAR is either being selected or polled. Note that the null phy address 7H is an invalid address and cannot be used to select the S/UNISTAR. RADR[2:0] is sampled on the rising edge of TFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 28 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Pin Name Type Pin No. Function RADR[2] RADR[1] RADR[0] Input R23 P20 R22 POS-PHY Receive Read Address (RADR). (POS) The RADR signal is used to select the FIFO (and hence port) that is read from using the RENB signal. The RADR bus is used to select the FIFO (and hence port) that is written to using the TENB signal and the FIFO's whose packet available signal is visible on the PRPA polling output. Note that address 0x7H is the null-PHY address and will not be identified with the S/UNI-STAR. RADR is sampled on the rising edge of RFCLK. RCA Output (ATM) N20 UTOPIA Receive multi-PHY Cell Available (RCA). RCA indicates when a cell is available in the receive FIFO ( when the STAR is selected by RADR[2:0]). RCA can be configured to be de-asserted when either zero or four bytes remain in the selected/addressed FIFO. RCA will thus transition low on the rising edge of RFCLK after Payload word 24 (RCALEVEL0=1) or 19 (RCALEVEL0=0) is output if the PHY being polled is the same as the PHY in use. RCA is tristated when either the null-PHY address (0x7H) or an address not matching the device address is latched from the RADR[2:0] inputs when RENB is high. RCA is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 29 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name PRPA ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Output N20 POS-PHY Polled multi-PHY Receive Packet Available (PRPA) signal. (POS) PRPA indicates when data is available in the polled receive FIFO. When PRPA is high, the receive FIFO has at least one end of packet or a predefined number of bytes to be read (the number of bytes might be user programmable). PRPA is low when the receive FIFO fill level is below the assertion threshold and the FIFO contains no end of packet. PRPA allows to poll every PHY while transferring data from the selected PHY. PRPA is driven by a PHY layer device when its address is polled on RADR[2:0]. A PHY layer device shall tristate PRPA when either the null-PHY address (0x7H) or an address not matching the address set by the PHY_ADR[2:0] register bits is provided on RADR[2:0]. PRPA is only available in POS-PHY packet-level transfer mode, as selected by the POS_PLVL register bit. PRPA is tristated in byte-level transfer mode. PRPA is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 30 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name RVAL ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Output M22 POS-PHY Receive Data Valid (RVAL). (POS) RVAL indicates the validity of the receive data signals. When RVAL is high, the Receive signals (RDAT, RSOP, REOP, RMOD, RPRTY and RERR) are valid. When RVAL is low, all Receive signals are invalid and must be disregarded. RVAL will transition low on a FIFO empty condition or on an end of packet. . No data will be removed from the receive FIFO while RVAL is deasserted. Once deasserted, RVAL will remain deasserted until the current PHY is deselected. RVAL allows to monitor the selected PHY during a data transfer, while monitoring other PHY’s is done using DRPA. RVAL is tristated when RENB is deasserted. RVAL is also tristated when either the null-PHY address (0x7H) or an address not matching the PHY layer device address is presented on the RADR[2:0] signals. RVAL is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. RFCLK Input P21 (ATM) RFCLK Input (ATM) UTOPIA Receive FIFO Read Clock (RFCLK). RFCLK is used to read ATM cells from the receive FIFO’s. RFCLK must cycle at a 50 MHz or lower instantaneous rate, but at a high enough rate to avoid FIFO overflows. P21 POS-PHY Receive FIFO Read Clock (RFCLK). This signal is used to read packets from the receive FIFO’s. RFCLK must cycle at a 50 MHz or lower instantaneous rate, but at a high enough rate to avoid FIFO overflows. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 31 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name DRCA ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Output M21 UTOPIA Direct Receive Cell Available (DRCA). (ATM) These output signals provides direct status indication of when a cell is available in the receive FIFO for the corresponding port. DRCA can be configured to be de-asserted when either zero or four bytes remain in the selected/addressed FIFO. DRCA will thus transition low on the rising edge of RFCLK after Payload word 24 (RCALEVEL0=1) or 19 (RCALEVEL0=0) is output if the PHY being polled is the same as the PHY in use. DRCA[x] is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. DRPA Output M21 (POS) POS-PHY Direct Receive Packet Available DRPA provides a direct status indication. DRPA indicates when data is available in the receive FIFO. When DRPA is high, the receive FIFO has at least one end of packet or a programmable minimum number of bytes to be read. DRPA is otherwise low. The polarity of DRPA can be inverted with the RPAINV register bit. DRPA is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. RMOD Output (POS) Y19 POS-PHY Receive Modulo (RMOD). The RMOD signal indicates the number of bytes carried by the RDAT[15:0] bus during the last word of a packet transfer. During a packet transfer every word must be complete except the last word which can be composed of 1 or 2 bytes. RMOD set high indicate a single byte word (present on MSB’s, LSB’s are discarded) while RMOD set low indicates a two byte word. RMOD is only used in POS mode. RMOD is tristated when RENB is deasserted. RMOD is also tristated when either the null-PHY address (0x7H) or an address not matching the address space set by PHY_ADR[2:0] is latched from the RADR[2:0] inputs when RENB is high. RMOD is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 32 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name REOP ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Output L23 POS-PHY Receive End Of Packet (REOP). (POS) The REOP signal marks the end of packet on the RDAT[15:0] bus. When the RXFP-50 is selected, REOP is set high to mark the last word of the packet presented on the RDAT[15:0] bus. During this same cycle RMOD is used to indicate if the last word has 1 or 2 bytes. It is legal to set RSOP high at the same time REOP is high. This provides support for one or two bytes packets, as indicated by the value of RMOD. REOP is only used in POS mode. REOP is tristated when RENB is deasserted. REOP is also tristated when either the null-PHY address (0x7H) or an address not matching the address space is latched from the RADR[2:0] inputs when RENB is high. REOP is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. RERR Output (POS) L22 POS-PHY Receive Error (RERR). The RERR signal indicates that the current packet is aborted. RERR can only be asserted during the last word transfer, at the same time REOP is asserted. RERR is only used in POS mode. RERR is tristated when RENB is deasserted. RERR is also tristated when either the null-PHY address (0x7H) or an address not matching the address space is latched from the RADR[2:0] inputs when RENB is high. RERR is updated on the rising edge of RFCLK. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 33 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Pin Name Type Pin No. Function PHY_OEN Input A19 The PHY Output Enable (PHY_OEN) signal controls the operation of the system interface. When set to logic zero, all System Interface outputs are held tristate. When PHY_OEN is set to logic one, the interface is enabled. PHY_OEN can be overwritten by the PHY_EN Master System Interface Configuration register bit. PHY_OEN and PHY_EN are OR’ed together to enable the interface. (ATM/ POS) When the S/UNI-STAR is the only PHY layer device on the bus, PHY_OEN can safely be tied to logic one. When the S/UNI-STAR shares the bus with other devices, then PHY_OEN must be tied to logic zero, and the PHY_EN register bit used to enable the bus once its PHY_ADR[2:0] is programmed in order to avoid conflicts. 6.4 Microprocessor Interface Signals Pin Name Type Pin No. Function CSB Input B11 The active-low chip select (CSB) signal is low during S/UNI-STAR register accesses. Note that when not being used, CSB must be tied high. If CSB is not required (i.e., registers accesses are controlled using the RDB and WRB signals only), CSB must be connected to an inverted version of the RSTB input. RDB Input D11 The active-low read enable (RDB) signal is low during S/UNI-STAR register read accesses. The S/UNI-STAR drives the D[7:0] bus with the contents of the addressed register while RDB and CSB are low. WRB Input A10 The active-low write strobe (WRB) signal is low during a S/UNI-STAR register write accesses. The D[7:0] bus contents are clocked into the addressed register on the rising WRB edge while CSB is low. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 34 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function D[0] D[1] D[2] D[3] D[4] D[5] D[6] D[7] I/O D16 B17 A17 C16 B16 C15 B15 D14 The bi-directional data bus D[7:0] is used during S/UNI-STAR register read and write accesses. A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7] A[8] A[9] Input A15 C14 B14 A14 D13 C13 B13 A13 C12 B12 The address bus A[9:0] selects specific registers during S/UNI-STAR register accesses. A[10]/TRS Input A11 The test register select (TRS) signal selects between normal and test mode register accesses. TRS is high during test mode register accesses, and is low during normal mode register accesses. RSTB Input pull-up B10 The active-low reset (RSTB) signal provides an asynchronous S/UNI-STAR reset. RSTB is a Schmitt triggered input with an integral pull-up resistor. ALE Input pull-up C11 The address latch enable (ALE) is active-high and latches the address bus A[7:0] when low. When ALE is high, the internal address latches are transparent. It allows the S/UNI-STAR to interface to a multiplexed address/data bus. ALE has an integral pull-up resistor. Except for S/UNI-STAR global registers. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 35 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name INTB ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Output Opendrain C10 The active-low interrupt (INTB) signal goes low when a S/UNI-STAR interrupt source is active and that source is unmasked. The S/UNI-STAR may be enabled to report many alarms or events via interrupts. Examples of interrupt sources are loss of signal (LOS), loss of frame (LOF), line AIS, line remote defect indication (LRDI) detect, loss of pointer (LOP), path AIS, path remote defect indication detect and others. INTB is tristated when the interrupt is acknowledged via an appropriate register access. INTB is an open drain output. 6.5 JTAG Test Access Port (TAP) Signals Pin Name Type Pin No. Function TCK Input B8 The test clock (TCK) signal provides timing for test operations that are carried out using the IEEE P1149.1 test access port. TMS Input pull-up B9 The test mode select (TMS) signal controls the test operations that are carried out using the IEEE P1149.1 test access port. TMS is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. TMS has an integral pull-up resistor. TDI Input pull-up D10 The test data input (TDI) signal carries test data into the S/UNI-STAR via the IEEE P1149.1 test access port. TDI is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. TDI has an integral pull-up resistor. TDO Tristate A9 The test data output (TDO) signal carries test data out of the S/UNI-STAR via the IEEE P1149.1 test access port. TDO is updated on the falling edge of TCK. TDO is a tristate output which is inactive except when scanning of data is in progress. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 36 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name TRSTB ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function Input pull-up C9 The active-low test reset (TRSTB) signal provides an asynchronous S/UNI-STAR test access port reset via the IEEE P1149.1 test access port. TRSTB is a Schmitt triggered input with an integral pull-up resistor. Note that when not being used, TRSTB must be connected to the RSTB input. 6.6 Analog Signals Pin Name C+ C- ATB0 ATB1 ATB2 ATB3 6.7 Type Pin No. Function Analog AB4 AA5 The analog CP and CN pins are provided for applications that must meet SONET/SDH jitter transfer specifications. A TBD nF ceramic capacitor can be attached across C+ and C-. Analog I/O P2 P3 P4 R1 The Analog Test Bus (ATB). These pins are used for manufacturing testing only and should be connected ground. Power and Ground Pin Name BIAS Type Pin No. Function Bias Voltage K21 C17 I/O Bias (BIAS). When tied to +5V via a 1 KΩ resistor, the BIAS input is used to bias the wells in the input and I/O pads so that the pads can tolerate 5V on their inputs without forward biasing internal ESD protection devices. When BIAS is tied to +3.3V, the inputs and bi-directional inputs will only tolerate 3.3V level inputs. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 37 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Pin Name Type Pin No. Function VDD Power A1 A23 B2 B22 C3 C21 D4 D6 D9 D12 D15 D18 D20 F4 F20 J4 J20 M4 M20 R4 R20 V4 V20 Y4 Y6 Y9 Y12 Y15 Y18 Y20 AA3 AA21 AB2 AB22 AC1 AC23 R21 T22 H21 G23 The digital power (VDD) pins should be connected to a well-decoupled +3.3 V DC supply. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 38 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name VSS ISSUE 2 Type Ground SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Pin No. Function A2 A6 A8 A12 A16 A18 A22 B1 B3 B21 B23 C2 C22 F1 F23 H1 H23 M1 M23 T1 T23 V1 V23 AA2 AA22 AB1 AB3 AB21 AB23 AC2 AC6 AC8 AC12 AC16 AC18 AC22 The digital ground (VSS) pins should be connected to ground. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 39 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function VSS Ground E2 D1 G1 G2 W1 V2 E3 J3 U3 AB6 AA7 Y8 The digital ground (VSS) pins should be connected to ground. VSS Ground AC7 AA8 AB8 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 40 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name N/C ISSUE 2 Type No connect SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Pin No. Function K23 L20 L21 N23 N22 N21 AA13 Y13 AC14 AA12 AB12 AC13 AA14 AC15 Y14 C1 D2 E1 F2 T2 U1 E4 D3 H4 G3 R3 R2 AB17 Y16 AA17 AC20 AA19 AB20 AB9 Y10 AC9 No connect PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 41 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name ISSUE 2 Type SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Pin No. Function N/C No connect AA15 AB16 AC17 AC19 Y17 AA18 AB10 AC10 Y11K 2 K1 N2 N1 B4 C5 T3 J2 D8 D7 C8 C7 B18 B7 B6 A7 A5. No connect QAVD Analog Power AA6 C6 The quiet analog power (QAVD) pins for the analog core. QAVD should be connected to analog +3.3V. QAVS Analog Ground AB5 B5 The quiet analog ground (QAVS) pins for the analog core. QAVS should be connected to analog GND. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 42 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 Pin Name ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Type Pin No. Function AVD Analog Power G4 A4 C4 H2 L4 J1 U2 M2 N4 Y3 AC4 AA4 L3 L1 The analog power (AVD) pins for the analog core. AVD should be connected to analog +3.3V. AVS Analog Ground F3 A3 D5 H3 K3 K4 T4 N3 P1 W4 AC3 Y5 L2 M3 The analog ground (AVS) pins for the analog core. AVS should be connected to analog GND. Notes on Pin Description: 1. All S/UNI-STAR inputs and bi-directionals present minimum capacitive loading and operate at TTL logic levels except: the SD, RXD+ and RXDinputs which operate at pseudo-ECL (PECL) logic levels 2. The RDAT[7:0], RPRTY, RSOC, REOP, RMOD, RERR, RCA, TCA, TCLK and RCLK outputs have a 4 mA drive capability. The TXD+ and TXD- outputs are met to be terminated in a passive network and interface at PECL levels. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 43 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) 3. It is mandatory that every ground pin (VSS) be connected to the printed circuit board ground plane to ensure a reliable device operation. 4. It is mandatory that every power pin (VDD) be connected to the printed circuit board power plane to ensure a reliable device operation. 5. All analog power and ground can be sensitive to noise. They must be isolated from the digital power and ground. Care must be taken to decouple these pins from each other and all other analog power and ground pins. 6. Due to ESD protection structures in the pads it is necessary to exercise caution when powering a device up or down. ESD protection devices behave as diodes between power supply pins and from I/O pins to power supply pins. Under extreme conditions it is possible to blow these ESD protection devices or trigger latch up. Please adhere to the recommended power supply sequencing as described in the OPERATION section of PM5351 S/UNI-TETRA datasheet. 7. Some device pins can be made 5V tolerant by connecting the BIAS pins to a 5V power supply, while some other pins are 3.3V only. In summary, the system interface (ATM or POS) is 3.3V only while the microprocessor interface, SONET and line interfaces are 5V tolerant. 3.3V only I/O’s: RDAT[15:0], RSOC/RSOP, RPRTY, RENB, REOP, RMOD, RERR, RVAL, TDAT[15:0], TSOC/TSOP, TPRTY, TENB, TEOP, TMOD, TERR, RCA/RPA, DRCA/DRPA, TCA/PTPA, STPA, DTCA/DTPA, RADR[3:0], TADR[3:0], PHY_OEN 5V tolerant I/O’s: REFCLK, RCLK, RFPO, RALRM, TCLK, TFPO, TFPI, RSD, RSDCLK, TSD, TSDCLK. RLD, RLDCLK, TLD, TLDCLK., D[7:0], A[10:0], WRB, RDB, CSB, RSTB, INTB, ALE, TRSTB, TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO, PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 44 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 7 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE The microprocessor interface block provides normal and test mode registers, and the logic required to connect to the microprocessor interface. The normal mode registers are required for normal operation, and test mode registers are used to enhance the testability of the S/UNI-STAR. The register set is accessed as shown in Table 1. In the following section every register is documented and identified using the register number (REG #).. Addresses that are not shown are not used and must be treated as Reserved. Table 1: Register Memory Map REG # 00 01 02 03 04 05 Address A[10:0] 000 001 002 003 004 305 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 206 307 308 309 30A 30B 00C 00D 30E 30F 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 31A Description S/UNI-STAR Master Reset and Identity S/UNI-STAR Master Configuration S/UNI-STAR Master System Interface Config S/UNI-STAR Master Clock Monitor S/UNI-STAR Master Interrupt Status S/UNI-STAR Channel Reset and Performance Monitoring Update S/UNI-STAR Channel Configuration S/UNI-STAR Channel Control S/UNI-STAR Channel Control Extensions Reserved S/UNI-STAR Channel Interrupt Status 1 S/UNI-STAR Channel Interrupt Status 2 CSPI Control and Status (Clock Synthesis) Reserved CRSI Control and Status (Clock Recovery) Reserved RSOP Control/Interrupt Enable RSOP Status/Interrupt Status RSOP Section BIP-8 LSB RSOP Section BIP-8 MSB TSOP Control TSOP Diagnostic Reserved Reserved RLOP Control/Status RLOP Interrupt Enable/Status RLOP Line BIP-24 LSB PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 45 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 REG # 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 Address A[10:0] 31B 31C 31D 31E 31F 320 321 322 323 324 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 325 326 327 328 329 32A 32B 32C 32D 32E 32F 330 330 331 331 332 333 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 33A 33B 33C 33D 33E 33F SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Description RLOP Line BIP-24 RLOP Line BIP-24 MSB RLOP Line FEBE LSB RLOP Line FEBE RLOP Line FEBE MSB TLOP Control TLOP Diagnostic TLOP Transmit K1 TLOP Transmit K2 S/UNI-STAR Channel Transmit Synchronization Message (S1) S/UNI-STAR Channel Transmit J0/Z0 Reserved Reserved SSTB Control SSTB Status SSTB Indirect Address SSTB Indirect Data Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved RPOP Status/Control (EXTD=0) RPOP Status/Control (EXTD=1) RPOP Interrupt Status (EXTD=0) RPOP Interrupt Status (EXTD=1) RPOP Pointer Interrupt Status RPOP Interrupt Enable (EXTD=0) RPOP Interrupt Enable (EXTD=1) RPOP Pointer Interrupt Enable RPOP Pointer LSB RPOP Pointer MSB and RDI Filter Control RPOP Path Signal Label RPOP Path BIP-8 LSB RPOP Path BIP-8 MSB RPOP Path FEBE LSB RPOP Path FEBE MSB RPOP Auxiliary RDI RPOP Path BIP-8 Configuration Reserved Reserved PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 46 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 REG # 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ISSUE 2 Address A[10:0] 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 34A 34B 34C 34D 34E 34F 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 35A 35B 35C 35D 35E 35F 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Description TPOP Control/Diagnostic TPOP Pointer Control Reserved TPOP Current Pointer LSB TPOP Current Pointer MSB TPOP Arbitrary Pointer LSB TPOP Arbitrary Pointer MSB TPOP Path Trace TPOP Path Signal Label TPOP Path Status Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SPTB Control SPTB Status SPTB Indirect Address SPTB Indirect Data SPTB Expected Path Signal Label SPTB Path Signal Label Status SPTB Reserved SPTB Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved RXCP Configuration 1 RXCP Configuration 2 RXCP FIFO/UTOPIA Control & Config RXCP Interrupt Enables and Counter Status RXCP Status/Interrupt Status RXCP LCD Count Threshold (MSB) RXCP LCD Count Threshold (LSB) RXCP Idle Cell Header Pattern RXCP Idle Cell Header Mask PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 47 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 REG # 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 90 91 ISSUE 2 Address A[10:0] 369 36A 36B 36C 36D 36E 36F 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 37A 37B 37C 37D 37E 37F 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 38A 38B 38C 38D 38E 38F 390 391 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Description RXCP Corrected HCS Error Count RXCP Uncorrected HCS Error Count RXCP Received Cell Count LSB RXCP Received Cell Count RXCP Received Cell Count MSB RXCP Idle Cell Count LSB RXCP Idle Cell Count RXCP Idle Cell Count MSB Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved TXCP Configuration 1 TXCP Configuration 2 TXCP Transmit Cell Status TXCP Interrupt Enable/Status TXCP Idle Cell Header Control TXCP Idle Cell Payload Control TXCP Transmit Cell Counter LSB TXCP Transmit Cell Counter TXCP Transmit Cell Counter MSB Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved S/UNI-STAR Channel Auto Line RDI Control S/UNI-STAR Channel Auto Path RDI Control PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 48 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 REG # 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Address Description A[10:0] 392 S/UNI-STAR Channel Auto Enhanced Path RDI Control 393 S/UNI-STAR Channel Receive RDI and Enhanced RDI Control Extensions 394 S/UNI-STAR Channel Receive Line AIS Control 395 S/UNI-STAR Channel Receive Path AIS Control 396 S/UNI-STAR Channel Receive Alarm Control #1 397 S/UNI-STAR Channel Receive Alarm Control #2 398 Reserved 399 Reserved 39A Reserved 39B Reserved 39C Reserved 39D Reserved 39E Reserved 39F Reserved 3A0 RXFP-50 Configuration 3A1 RXFP-50 Configuration/Interrupt Enables 3A2 RXFP-50 Interrupt Status 3A3 RXFP-50 Minimum Packet Size 3A4 RXFP-50 Maximum Packet Size (LSB) 3A5 RXFP-50 Maximum Packet Size (MSB) 3A6 RXFP-50 Receive Initiation Level 3A7 RXFP-50 Receive Packet Available High Mark 3A8 RXFP-50 Receive Byte Counter (LSB) 3A9 RXFP-50 Receive Byte Counter 3AA RXFP-50 Receive Byte Counter 3AB RXFP-50 Receive Byte Counter (MSB) 3AC RXFP-50 Receive Frame Counter (LSB) 3AD RXFP-50 Receive Frame Counter 3AE RXFP-50 Receive Frame Counter (MSB) 3AF RXFP-50 Aborted Frame Count (LSB) 3B0 RXFP-50 Aborted Frame Count (MSB) 3B1 RXFP-50 FCS Error Frame Count (LSB) 3B2 RXFP-50 FCS Error Frame Count (LSB) 3B3 RXFP-50 Min Length Frame Count (LSB) 3B4 RXFP-50 Min Length Frame Count (MSB) 3B5 RXFP-50 Max Length Frame Count (LSB) 3B6 RXFP-50 Max Length Frame Count (MSB) 3B7 Reserved 3B8 Reserved PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 49 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 REG # B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE Address A[10:0] 3B9 3BA 3BB 3BC 3BD 3BE 3BF 3C0 3C1 3C2 3C3 3C4 3C5 3C6 3C7 3C8 3C9 3CA 3CB 3CC 3CD 3CE CF 3CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF 3D0 3D1 3D2 3D3 3D4 3D5 3D6 3D7 3D8 3D9 3DA 3DB 3DC 3DD 3DE 3DF SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved TXFP-50 Interrupt Enable/Status Configuration 1 TXFP-50 Configuration 2 TXFP-50 Control TXFP-50 Transmit Packet Available Low Water Mark TXFP-50 Transmit Packet Available High Water Mark TXFP-50 Transmit Byte Counter (LSB) TXFP-50 Transmit Byte Counter TXFP-50 Transmit Byte Counter TXFP-50 Transmit Byte Counter (MSB) TXFP-50 Transmit Frame Counter (LSB) TXFP-50 Transmit Frame Counter TXFP-50 Transmit Frame Counter (MSB) TXFP-50 Transmit User Aborted Frame Count (LSB) TXFP-50 Transmit User Aborted Frame Count (MSB) TXFP-50 Transmit Underrun Aborted Frame Count (LSB) TXFP-50 Transmit Underrun Aborted Frame Count (MSB) WANS Configuration Register WANS Interrupt & Status Register WANS Phase Word (LSB) WANS Phase Word WANS Phase Word WANS Phase Word (MSB) Reserved Reserved Reserved WANS Reference Period (LSB) WANS Reference Period (MSB) WANS Phase Counter Period (LSB) WANS Phase Counter Period (MSB) WANS Phase Average Period Reserved Reserved PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 50 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 REG # E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF ISSUE 2 Address A[10:0] 3E0 3E1 3E2 3E3 3E4 3E5 3E6 3E7 3E8 3E9 3EA 3EB 3EC 3ED 3EE 3EF 3F0 3F1 3F2 3F3 3F4 3F5 3F6 3F7 3F8 3F9 3FA 3FB 3FC 3FD 3FE 3FF 400 701 7FF SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Description RASE Interrupt Enable RASE Interrupt Status RASE Configuration/Control RASE SF BERM Accumulation Period (LSB) RASE SF BERM Accumulation Period RASE SF BERM Accumulation Period (MSB) RASE SF BERM Saturation Threshold (LSB) RASE SF BERM Saturation Threshold (MSB) RASE SF BERM Declaring Threshold (LSB) RASE SF BERM Declaring Threshold (MSB) RASE SF BERM Clearing Threshold (LSB) RASE SF BERM Clearing Threshold (MSB) RASE SD BERM Accumulation Period (LSB) RASE SD BERM Accumulation Period RASE SD BERM Accumulation Period (MSB) RASE SD BERM Saturation Threshold (LSB) RASE SD BERM Saturation Threshold (MSB) RASE SD BERM Declaring Threshold (LSB) RASE SD BERM Declaring Threshold (MSB) RASE SD BERM Clearing Threshold (LSB) RASE SD BERM Clearing Threshold (MSB) RASE APS K1 RASE APS K2 RASE Synchronization Status S1 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved S/UNI-STAR Master Test Register Reserved for Test PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 51 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Notes on Register Memory Map: • For all register accesses, CSB must be low. • Addresses that are not shown must be treated as Reserved. A[10] is the test resister select (TRS) and should be set to logic zero for normal mode register access. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 52 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Register 0x01: S/UNI-STAR Master Configuration Bit Type Function Default Bit 7 R/W PECLV 0 Bit 6 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 5 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 4 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 3 R/W TXC_OE 0 Bit 2 R/W Reserved 0 Bit 1 R/W Reserved 1 Bit 0 R/W Reserved 1 TXC_OE: The differential line rate clock output enable (TXC_OE). TXC_OE enables the TXC+/- outputs. When TXC_OE is set to logic zero TXC+/is not active (high impedance). When TXC_OE is set to logic one, TXC+/- provides a line rate clock output. PECLV: The PECL receiver input voltage (PECLV) bit configures the PECL receiver level shifter. When PECLV is set to logic zero, the PECL receivers are configured to operate with a 3.3V input voltage. When PECLV is set to logic one, the PECL receivers are configured to operate with a 5.0V input voltage. Reserved: The reserved bits must be programmed to their default value proper operation. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 53 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Register 0x03: S/UNI-STAR Master Clock Monitor Bit Type Function Default Bit 7 R RCLK X Bit 6 - Reserved X Bit 5 - Reserved X Bit 4 R Reserved X Bit 3 R TCLKA X Bit 2 R RFCLKA X Bit 1 R TFCLKA X Bit 0 R REFCLKA X This register provides activity monitoring on S/UNI-STAR clocks. When a monitored clock signal makes a low to high transition, the corresponding register bit is set high. The bit will remain high until this register is read, at which point, all the bits in this register are cleared. A lack of transitions is indicated by the corresponding register bit reading low. This register should be read at periodic intervals to detect clock failures. REFCLKA: The REFCLK active (REFCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transitions on the REFCLK reference clock input. REFCLKA is set high on a rising edge of REFCLK, and is set low when this register is read. TFCLKA: The TFCLK active (TFCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transitions on the TFCLK transmit FIFO clock input. TFCLKA is set high on a rising edge of TFCLK, and is set low when this register is read. RFCLKA: The RFCLK active (RFCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transitions on the RFCLK receive FIFO clock input. RFCLKA is set high on a rising edge of RFCLK, and is set low when this register is read. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 54 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) TCLKA: The TCLK active (TCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transitions on the TCLK output. TCLKA is set high on a rising edge of TCLK, and is set low when this register is read. RCLKA: RCLK active (RCLKA) bit monitors for low to high transitions on the RCLK output. RCLKA is set high on a rising edge of RCLK, and is set low when this register is read. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 55 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 8 8.1 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) OPERATIONS Device initialization The S/UNI-STAR needs to be initialized to reduce power consumption. The following sequence should be executed to ensure proper power consumption prior to operation of the device. 1 Write Register 0x00F with 0x0F 2 Write Register 0x10F with 0x0F 3 Write Register 0x20F with 0x0F 4 Write Register 0x001 with 0x33 5 Write Register 0x205 with 0x80 6 Write Register 0x007 with 0x01 7 Write Register 0x107 with 0X01 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 56 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 9 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) TEST FEATURES DESCRIPTION Simultaneously asserting (low) the CSB, RDB and WRB inputs causes all digital output pins and the data bus to be held in a high-impedance state. This test feature may be used for board testing. Test mode registers are used to apply test vectors during production testing of the S/UNI-STAR. Test mode registers (as opposed to normal mode registers) are selected when TRS (A[10]) is high. Test mode registers may also be used for board testing. When all of the TSBs within the S/UNI-STAR are placed in test mode 0, device inputs may be read and device outputs may be forced via the microprocessor interface (refer to the section "Test Mode 0" for details). In addition, the S/UNI-STAR also supports a standard IEEE 1149.1 fivesignal JTAG boundary scan test port for use in board testing. All digital device inputs may be read and all digital device outputs may be forced via the JTAG test port. Table 2: Test Mode Register Memory Map Address 0x000-0x3FF 0x400 0x401-0x7FF 9.1 Register Normal Mode Registers Master Test Register Reserved For Test Master Test Register Notes on Test Mode Register Bits: 1. Writing values into unused register bits has no effect. However, to ensure software compatibility with future, feature-enhanced versions of the product, unused register bits must be written with logic zero. Reading back unused bits can produce either a logic one or a logic zero; hence, unused register bits should be masked off by software when read. 2. Writable test mode register bits are not initialized upon reset unless otherwise noted. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 57 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Register 0x400: Master Test Bit Type Bit 7 Function Default Unused X Bit 6 W Reserved X Bit 5 W PMCATST X Bit 4 W PMCTST X Bit 3 W DBCTRL 0 Bit 2 R/W IOTST 0 Bit 1 W HIZDATA 0 Bit 0 R/W HIZIO 0 This register is used to enable S/UNI-STAR test features. All bits, except PMCTST, PMCATST and BYPASS are reset to zero by a reset of the S/UNI-STAR using either the RSTB input or the Master Reset register. PMCTST and BYPASS are reset when CSB is logic one. PMCATST is reset when both CSB is high and RSTB is low. PMCTST, PMCATST and BYPASS can also be reset by writing a logic zero to the corresponding register bit. HIZIO, HIZDATA: The HIZIO and HIZDATA bits control the tri-state modes of the S/UNI-STAR . While the HIZIO bit is a logic one, all output pins of the S/UNI-STAR except the data bus and output TDO are held tri-state. The microprocessor interface is still active. While the HIZDATA bit is a logic one, the data bus is also held in a high-impedance state which inhibits microprocessor read cycles. The HIZDATA bit is overridden by the DBCTRL bit. IOTST: The IOTST bit is used to allow normal microprocessor access to the test registers and control the test mode in each TSB block in the S/UNI-STAR for board level testing. When IOTST is a logic one, all blocks are held in test mode and the microprocessor may write to a block's test mode 0 registers to manipulate the outputs of the block and consequentially the device outputs (refer to the "Test Mode 0 Details" in the "Test Features" section). PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 58 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) DBCTRL: The DBCTRL bit is used to pass control of the data bus drivers to the CSB pin. When the DBCTRL bit is set to logic one and either IOTST or PMCTST are logic one, the CSB pin controls the output enable for the data bus. While the DBCTRL bit is set, holding the CSB pin high causes the S/UNI-STAR to drive the data bus and holding the CSB pin low tri-states the data bus. The DBCTRL bit overrides the HIZDATA bit. The DBCTRL bit is used to measure the drive capability of the data bus driver pads. PMCTST: The PMCTST bit is used to configure the S/UNI-STAR for PMC's manufacturing tests. When PMCTST is set to logic one, the S/UNI-STAR microprocessor port becomes the test access port used to run the PMC "canned" manufacturing test vectors. The PMCTST bit is logically "ORed" with the IOTST bit, and can be cleared by setting CSB to logic one or by writing logic zero to the bit. PMCATST: The PMCATST bit is used to configure the analog portion of the S/UNI-STAR for PMC's manufacturing tests. Reserved: The reserved bit must be programmed to logic one for proper operation. 9.2 JTAG Test Port The S/UNI-STAR JTAG Test Access Port (TAP) allows access to the TAP controller and the 4 TAP registers: instruction, bypass, device identification and boundary scan. Using the TAP, device input logic levels can be read, device outputs can be forced, the device can be identified and the device scan path can be bypassed. For more details on the JTAG port, please refer to the Operations section. Table 3: Instruction Register (Length - 3 bits) Instructions Selected Register Instruction Codes, IR[2:0] EXTEST Boundary Scan 000 IDCODE Identification 001 SAMPLE Boundary Scan 010 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 59 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Instructions Selected Register Instruction Codes, IR[2:0] BYPASS Bypass 011 BYPASS Bypass 100 STCTEST Boundary Scan 101 BYPASS Bypass 110 BYPASS Bypass 111 Table 4: Identification Register Length 32 bits Version number 0H Part Number 5351H Manufacturer's identification code 0CDH Device identification 053510CDH Table 5: Boundary Scan Register (Length – 155 bits) PIN/ENABLE REG. BIT CELL TYPE ID CONTROL N/C 154 T 1 HIZ_OEB N/C 153 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 152 T 1 HIZ_OEB RALRM 151 T 1 HIZ_OEB RDAT[0] 150 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[1] 149 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[2] 148 T 1 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[3] 147 T 1 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[4] 146 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[5] 145 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[6] 144 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[7] 143 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 60 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 PIN/ENABLE SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) REG. BIT CELL TYPE ID CONTROL RDAT[8] 142 T 1 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[9] 141 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[10] 140 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[11] 139 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[12] 138 T 1 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[13] 137 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[14] 136 T 1 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RDAT[15] 135 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RPRTY 134 T 1 RX_UTOPIA_OEB Vdd 133 I 1 Vdd 132 I 0 RADR[0] 131 I 0 RADR[1] 130 I 1 RADR[2] 129 I 0 RFCLK 128 I 1 RENB 127 I 0 RVAL 126 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB REOP 125 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RERR 124 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB RSOC_RSOP 123 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB N/C 122 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 121 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 120 T 0 HIZ_OEB DTCA_DTPA 119 T 0 HIZ_OEB RCA_PRPA 118 T 0 RCA_PRPA_OEB N/C 117 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 116 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 115 T 0 HIZ_OEB DRCA_DRPA 114 T 0 HIZ_OEB PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 61 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 PIN/ENABLE SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) REG. BIT CELL TYPE ID TCA_PTPA 113 T 0 TFCLK 112 I 0 TENB 111 I 0 TSOC_TSOP 110 I 0 TPRTY 109 I 0 Vdd 108 I 0 Vdd 107 I 0 TADR[0] 106 I 0 TADR[1] 105 I 0 TADR[2] 104 I 0 TMOD 103 I 0 TDAT[0] 102 I 0 TDAT[1] 101 I 0 TDAT[2] 100 I 0 TDAT[3] 99 I 0 TDAT[4] 98 I 0 TDAT[5] 97 I 0 TDAT[6] 96 I 0 TDAT[7] 95 I 0 TDAT[8] 94 I 0 TDAT[9] 93 I 0 TDAT[10] 92 I 0 TDAT[11] 91 I 0 TDAT[12] 90 I 0 TDAT[13] 89 I 0 TDAT[14] 88 I 0 TDAT[15] 87 I 0 STPA 86 T 0 STPA_OEB 85 E 0 CONTROL TCA_PTPA_OEB STPA_OEB PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 62 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 PIN/ENABLE SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) REG. BIT CELL TYPE ID TEOP 84 I 0 TERR 83 I 0 PHY_OEN 82 I 0 D_OEB[0] 81 E 0 D[0] 80 B 0 D_OEB[1] 79 E 0 D[1] 78 B 0 D_OEB[2] 77 E 0 D[2] 76 B 0 D_OEB[3] 75 E 0 D[3] 74 B 0 D_OEB[4] 73 E 0 D[4] 72 B 0 D_OEB[5] 71 E 0 D[5] 70 B 0 D_OEB[6] 69 E 0 D[6] 68 B 0 D_OEB[7] 67 E 0 D[7] 66 B 0 A[0] 65 I 0 A[1] 64 I 0 A[2] 63 I 0 A[3] 62 I 0 A[4] 61 I 0 A[5] 60 I 0 A[6] 59 I 0 A[7] 58 I 0 A[8] 57 I 0 A[9] 56 I 0 CONTROL D_OEB[0] D_OEB[1] D_OEB[2] D_OEB[3] D_OEB[4] D_OEB[5] D_OEB[6] D_OEB[7] PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 63 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 PIN/ENABLE SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) REG. BIT CELL TYPE ID CONTROL A[10] 55 I 0 CSB 54 I 0 ALE 53 I 0 RDB 52 I 0 WRB 51 I 0 RSTB 50 I 0 INTB 49 O 0 HIZ_OEB 48 E 0 RX_UTOPIA_O 47 EB E 0 TCA_PTPA_OE 46 B E 0 RCA_PRPA_OE 45 B E 0 TFPI 44 I 0 REFCLK 43 I 0 Vss 42 I 0 Vss 41 I 0 Vss 40 I 0 TSD 39 I 0 Vss 38 I 0 Vss 37 I 0 Vss 36 I 0 TLD 35 I 0 N/C 34 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 33 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 32 T 0 HIZ_OEB TSDCLK 31 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 30 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 29 T 0 HIZ_OEB PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 64 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 PIN/ENABLE SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) REG. BIT CELL TYPE ID CONTROL N/C 28 T 0 HIZ_OEB TLDCLK 27 T 0 HIZ_OEB TFPO 26 T 0 HIZ_OEB TCLK 25 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 24 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 23 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 22 T 0 HIZ_OEB RFPO 21 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 20 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 19 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 18 T 0 HIZ_OEB RCLK 17 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 16 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 15 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 14 T 0 HIZ_OEB RLD 13 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 12 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 11 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 10 T 0 HIZ_OEB RSD 9 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 8 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 7 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 6 T 0 HIZ_OEB RLDCLK 5 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 4 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 3 T 0 HIZ_OEB N/C 2 T 0 HIZ_OEB RSDCLK 1 T 0 HIZ_OEB RMOD 0 T 0 RX_UTOPIA_OEB PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 65 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) NOTES: 1. N/C specifies a BSC that is present but not bonded out to a package pin. 2. Vdd and Vss specify BSCs that are connected to device pins which are permanently tied to Vdd and Vss respectively. 3. D_OENB[7:0] is the active low output enable for D[7:0]. 4. RX_UTOPIA_OEB is the active low output enable for RSOC/RSOP, RDAT[15:0], RXPRTY, RMOD, RERR, RVAL. 5. TCA_PTPA_OEB is the active low output enable for TCA/PTPA. 6. RCA_PRPA_OEB is the active low output enable for RCA/PRPA. 7. STPA_OEB is the active low output enable for STPA. 8. When set high, INTB will be set to high impedance. 9. HIZ_OEB is the active low output enable for all OUT_CELL types except those listed above. 10. A[7] is the first bit of the boundary scan chain. 9.2.1 Boundary Scan Cells In the following diagrams, CLOCK-DR is equal to TCK when the current controller state is SHIFT-DR or CAPTURE-DR, and unchanging otherwise. The multiplexer in the center of the diagram selects one of four inputs, depending on the status of select lines G1 and G2. The ID Code bit is as listed in the Boundary Scan Register table located above. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 66 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Figure 1: Input Observation Cell (IN_CELL) IDCODE Scan Chain Out INPUT to internal logic Input Pad G1 G2 SHIFT-DR 12 1 2 MUX 12 12 I.D. Code bit D C CLOCK-DR Scan Chain In Figure 2: Output Cell (OUT_CELL) Scan Chain Out G1 EXTEST Output or Enable from system logic IDOODE SHIFT-DR I.D. code bit 1 G1 G2 1 1 1 1 2 2 MUX 2 2 1 OUTPUT or Enable MUX D C D C CLOCK-DR UPDATE-DR Scan Chain In PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 67 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) Figure 3: Bidirectional Cell (IO_CELL) Scan Chain Out G1 EXTEST OUTPUT from internal logic IDCODE 1 INPUT from pin I.D. code bit 12 1 2 MUX 12 12 D C OUTPUT to pin MUX 1 G1 G2 SHIFT-DR INPUT to internal logic D C CLOCK-DR UPDATE-DR Scan Chain In Figure 4: Layout of Output Enable and Bidirectional Cells Scan Chain Out OUTPUT ENABLE from internal logic (0 = drive) INPUT to internal logic OUTPUT from internal logic OUT_CELL IO_CELL I/O PAD Scan Chain In PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 68 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 10 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) DC CHARACTERISTICS The following is the typical and maximum current consumption of the PM5352 S/UNI-STAR while in ATM mode and POS mode (with and without use of the TXC clock pin). PARAMETER UNIT UPPER LIMIT TYPICAL SPEC IDDOP in ATM mode (with TXC disabled) IDDOP in ATM mode (with TXC enabled) IDDOP in POS mode (with TXC disabled) IDDOP in POS mode (with TXC enabled) mA mA mA mA 280 310 330 360 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 215mA 235mA 245mA 265mA 69 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 11 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) ORDERING AND THERMAL INFORMATION Table 6: Ordering Information PART NO. PM5352-BI DESCRIPTION 304-pin Ball Grid Array (SBGA) Table 7: Thermal Information PART NO. PM5352-BI Ambient TEMPERATURE -40°C to 85°C Theta Ja 22 °C/W PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer Theta Jc 1 °C/W 70 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 12 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) MECHANICAL INFORMATION Figure 5:- Mechanical Drawing 304 Pin Super Ball Grid Array (SBGA) PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 71 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) NOTES PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer 72 PM5352 S/UNI STAR DATA SHEET PMC-1990421 ISSUE 2 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE 155 (STAR) CONTACTING PMC-SIERRA, INC. PMC-Sierra, Inc. 105-8555 Baxter Place Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 4V7 Tel: (604) 415-6000 Fax: (604) 415-6200 Document Information: Corporate Information: Application Information: Web Site: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (604) 415-4533 None of the information contained in this document constitutes an express or implied warranty by PMC-Sierra, Inc. as to the sufficiency, fitness or suitability for a particular purpose of any such information or the fitness, or suitability for a particular purpose, merchantability, performance, compatibility with other parts or systems, of any of the products of PMC-Sierra, Inc., or any portion thereof, referred to in this document. PMC-Sierra, Inc. expressly disclaims all representations and warranties of any kind regarding the contents or use of the information, including, but not limited to, express and implied warranties of accuracy, completeness, merchantability, fitness for a particular use, or non-infringement. In no event will PMC-Sierra, Inc. be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, lost profits, lost business or lost data resulting from any use of or reliance upon the information, whether or not PMC-Sierra, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damage. © 2000 PMC-Sierra, Inc. PMC-1990421 R2 Issue date: February 2000 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL TO PMC-SIERRA, INC., AND FOR ITS CUSTOMERS’ INTERNAL USE This Material Copyrighted by Its Respective Manufacturer