LM96080 System Hardware Monitor with 2-Wire Serial Interface General Description Features LM96080, compatible to LM80, is a hardware monitor that contains a 10-bit delta-sigma ADC capable of measuring 7 positive voltages and local temperature. The LM96080 also measures the speed of two fans and includes other hardware monitoring on an I2C® interface. The LM96080 includes a sequencer that performs WATCHDOG window comparisons of all measured values and its interrupt outputs become active when any values exceed the programmed limits. The LM96080 is especially suited to interface to both linear and digital temperature sensors. The 2.5 mV LSb (least significant bit) and 2.56 volt input range is ideal for accepting inputs from a linear sensor such as the LM94022. The BTI is used as an input from either digital or thermostat sensors such as LM73, LM75, LM56, LM57, LM26, LM27, LM26LV, or other LM96080. The LM96080 supports Standard Mode (Sm, 100 kbits/s) and Fast Mode (Fm, 400 kbits/s) I2C interface modes of operation. LM96080 includes an analog filter on the I2C digital control lines that allows improved noise immunity and supports TIMEOUT reset function on SDA and SCL that prevents I2C bus lockup. Three I2C device address pins allow up to 8 parts on a single bus. The LM96080's 3.0V to 5.5V supply voltage range, low supply current, and I2C interface make it ideal for a wide range of applications. Operation is guaranteed over the temperature range of (−40)°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C. The LM96080 is available in a 24-pin TSSOP package. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Applications ■ ADC Resolution ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Temperature Resolution Communications Infrastructure System Thermal and Hardware Monitoring for Servers Electronic Test Equipment and Instrumentation Office Electronics ■ ■ ■ ■ Local Temperature Sensing 7 Positive Voltage Inputs with 10-bit Resolution 2 Programmable Fan Speed Monitoring Inputs 2.5 mV LSb and 2.56V Input Range Chassis Intrusion Detector Input WATCHDOG Comparison of All Monitored Values Separate Input to Show Status in Interrupt Status Register of Additional External Temperature Sensors Such as the LM26/27, LM56/57, LM73, or LM75 I2C Serial Bus Interface Compatibility, Supports Standard Mode, 100 kbits/s, and Fast Mode, 400 kbits/s Shutdown Mode to Minimize Power Consumption Programmable RST_OUT/OS Pin: RST_OUT Provides a Reset Output; OS Provides an Interrupt Output Activated by an Overtemperature Shutdown Event Software and Pin Compatible with the LM80 Key Specifications ■ Total Unadjusted Error ■ Differential Non-Linearity ■ Supply Voltage Range ±1% FS (max) ±1LSb (max) +3.0V to +5.5V ■ Supply Current (Operating) 0.370 mA typ ■ Supply Current (Shutdown) 0.330 mA typ ■ Temperature Accuracy 10 Bits 0.5/0.0625°C ± 3°C (max) I2C® is a registered trademark of the Philips Corporation. © 2009 National Semiconductor Corporation 300701 www.national.com LM96080 System Hardware Monitor with 2-Wire Serial Interface November 3, 2009 LM96080 Typical Application 30070101 www.national.com 2 Temperature Range (−40)°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C Order Number LM96080CIMT NOPB1 LM96080CIMTX NOPB2 Note: 1-Rail LM96080 Ordering Information Connection Diagram NS Package Number Specified Power Supply Voltage Device Marking LM96080CIMT MTC24B +3.0V +5.5V transport media, 61 parts per rail and reel transport media, 2500 parts per reel 2-Tape 30070102 Pin Descriptions Pin Number Pin Name(s) ESD Structure 1 INT_IN Digital Input 2 SDA Digital I/O 3 SCL Digital Input Serial Bus Clock. 4-5 FAN1, FAN2 Digital Inputs Fan tachometer inputs. Digital Input Board Temperature Interrupt driven by Overtemperature Shutdown (O.S.) outputs of additional temperature sensors such as LM75. This pin provides internal pull-up of 10 kΩ. Type Description Interrupt Input Bar. This is an active low input that propagates the INT_IN signal to the INT output of the LM96080. Serial Bus Bidirectional Data. NMOS open-drain output. 6 BTI 7 GPI (Chassis Intrusion) Digital I/O General Purpose Input pin. GPI can be used as an additional active high interrupt input pin or as an active high input from an external circuit which latches a Chassis Intrusion event. 8 GND GROUND Internally connected to all of the digital circuitry. 9 V+ POWER 3 +3.0V to +5.5V power. Bypass with the parallel combination of 10 μF (electrolytic or tantalum) and 0.1 μF (ceramic) bypass capacitors. www.national.com LM96080 Pin Number Pin Name(s) ESD Structure Type Description Digital Output Non-Maskable Interrupt (Active High, PMOS, open-drain) or Interrupt Request (Active Low, NMOS, open-drain). Whenever INT_IN, BTI, or GPI interrupts, this output pin becomes active. 10 INT 11 GPO (Power Switch Bypass) Digital Output General Purpose Output pin is an active low NMOS open drain output intended to drive an external power PMOS for software power control or can be utilized to control power to a cooling fan. 12 NTEST_IN/ RESET_IN Digital Input An active-low input that enables NAND Tree board-level connectivity testing. Whenever NAND Tree connectivity is enabled, the LM96080 resets to its power on state. 13 RST_OUT/ OS Digital Output This pin is an NMOS open drain output. RST_OUT provides a master reset to devices connected to this line. OS is dedicated to the temperature reading WATCHDOG. Internally connected to all analog circuitry. The ground reference for all analog inputs. This pin needs to be taken to a low noise analog ground plane for optimum performance. 14 GNDA GROUND 15-21 IN6-IN0 Analog Inputs 22 A0/ NTEST_OUT Digital I/O 23-24 A1-A2 Digital Inputs www.national.com 4 0V to 2.56V full scale range Analog Inputs. The lowest order bit of the Serial Bus Address. This pin also functions as an output when doing a NAND Tree test. The two highest order bits of the Serial Bus Address. LM96080 Block Diagram 30070103 5 www.national.com LM96080 Charged Device Model Storage Temperature Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1, Note 2) 1000V (−65)°C to +150°C Soldering process must comply with National Semiconductor's Reflow Temperature Profile specifications. Refer to www.national.com/packaging.(Note 6) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. Operating Ratings Supply Voltage (V+) 6.0V Voltage on SCL, SDA, RST_OUT/ OS, GPI (CI), GPO, NTEST_IN/ RESET_IN, INT_IN, FAN1 and FAN2 (−0.3)V to +6.0V Voltage on Other Pins (−0.3)V to (V+ + 0.3V) and ≤ 6.0V (GND - GNDA) ±300 mV Input Current at Any Pin (Note 3) ±5 mA Package Input Current (Note 3) ±30 mA Maximum Junction Temperature (TJ max) 150°C ESD Susceptibility(Note 5) Human Body Model 3000V Machine Model 300V (Note 1, Note 2) Supply Voltage (V+) +3.0V to +5.5V Voltage on SCL, SDA, RST_OUT/ OS, GPI (CI), GPO, NTEST_IN/ RESET_IN, INT_IN, FAN1 and FAN2 (−0.05)V to +5.5V Voltage on Other Pins (−0.05)V to (V+ + 0.05)V and ≤ 5.5V |GND − GNDA| ≤ 100 mV VIN Voltage Range Temperature Range for Electrical Characteristics Operating Temperature Range (−0.05)V to (V+ + 0.05)V (−40)°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C (−40)°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C Junction to Ambient Thermal Resistance (θJA(Note 4) ) NS Package Number: MTC24B 95°C/W DC Electrical Characteristics The following specifications apply for +3.0 VDC ≤ V+ ≤ +5.5 VDC , IN0-IN6, RS = 25Ω, unless otherwise specified. Boldface limits apply for TA = TJ = TMIN to TMAX; all other limits TA = TJ = 25°C.(Note 7) Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical (Note 8) Limits (Note 9) Units (Limits) POWER SUPPLY CHARACTERISTICS V+ Supply Voltage +3.3 +5.0 +3.0 +5.5 V (min) V(max) I+ Supply Current (Interface Inactive). (See section Round robin conversion, 5.0 for the I+ equation). V+= 5.5V 0.430 0.580 mA (max) Round robin conversion, V+= 3.8V 0.370 0.520 mA (max) Shutdown mode, V+= 5.5V 0.400 0.540 mA (max) 0.330 0.480 mA (max) ±3 ±2 °C (max) °C (max) 0.0625 °C (min) Shutdown mode, V+= 3.8V TEMPERATURE-to-DIGITAL CONVERTER CHARACTERISTICS Temperature Error (−40)°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C (−25)°C ≤ TA ≤ +100°C Resolution ANALOG-to-DIGITAL CONVERTER CHARACTERISTICS n Resolution (10 bits with full-scale at 2.56V) 2.5 mV TUE Total Unadjusted Error (Note 10) ±1 % (max) DNL Differential Non-Linearity (Note 11) ±1 LSb (max) PSS Power Supply Sensitivity tC Total Monitoring Cycle Time ±0.05 (Note 12) %/V 728 662 810 ms (min) ms (max) 2 10 kΩ (max) MULTIPLEXER/ADC INPUT CHARACTERISTICS RON On Resistance ION Input Current (On Channel Leakage Current) ±0.005 μA IOFF Off Channel Leakage Current ±0.005 μA FAN RPM-to-DIGITAL CONVERTER Fan RPM Error www.national.com (–40)°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C 6 ±10 % (max) Parameter Conditions Typical (Note 8) Limits (Note 9) Units (Limits) 20.2 24.8 kHz (min) kHz (max) Internal Clock Frequency (–40)°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C 22.5 FAN1 and FAN2 Nominal Input RPM (See Section 7.0) Divisor = 1, Fan Count = 153 (Note 13) 8800 RPM Divisor = 2, Fan Count = 153 (Note 13) 4400 RPM Divisor = 3, Fan Count = 153 (Note 13) 2200 RPM Divisor = 4, Fan Count = 153 (Note 13) 1100 RPM Full-scale Count 255 (max) DIGITAL OUTPUTS: A0/NTEST_OUT, INT VOUT(1) Logical “1” Output Voltage IOUT = +5.0 mA at V+ = +4.5V, IOUT = +3.0 mA at V+ = +3.0V 2.4 V (min) VOUT(0) Logical “0” Output Voltage IOUT = +5.0 mA at V+ = +4.5V, IOUT = +3.0 mA at V+ = +3.0V 0.4 V (max) 0.4 V (min) 0.005 1 μA (max) 22.5 10 ms (min) 0.4 V (min) 1 μA (max) 2.0 V (min) 0.8 V (max) OPEN DRAIN OUTPUTS: GPO, RST_OUT / OS, GPI (CI) VOUT(0) Logical “0” Output Voltage IOUT = +5.0 mA at V+ = +4.5V, IOUT = +3.0 mA at V+ = +3.0V IOH High Level Output Current VOUT = V+ RST_OUT/OS, GPI (CI) Pulse Width OPEN DRAIN SERIAL BUS OUTPUT: SDA VOUT(0) Logical “0” Output Voltage IOUT = +3.0 mA at V+ = +3.0V IOH High Level Output Current VOUT = V+ 0.005 DIGITAL INPUTS: A0/NTEST_Out, A1-A2, BTI, GPI (Chassis Intrusion), INT_IN, and NTEST_IN / Reset_IN VIN(1) Logical “1” Input Voltage VIN(0) Logical “0” Input Voltage VHYST Hysteresis Voltage V+ = +3.3V 0.23 V V+ 0.33 V = +5.5V SERIAL BUS INPUTS (SCL, SDA) VIN(1) Logical “1” Input Voltage VIN(0) Logical “0” Input Voltage VHYST Hysteresis Voltage 0.7 × V+ V (min) 0.3 × V+ V (max) V+ = +3.3V 0.67 V V+ 1.45 V = +5.5V FAN TACH PULSE INPUTS (FAN1, FAN2) VIN(1) Logical “1” Input Voltage 0.7 × V+ V (min) VIN(0) Logical “0” Input Voltage 0.3 × V+ V (max) VHYST Hysteresis Voltage V+ = +3.3V 0.35 V V+ = +5.5V 0.5 V ALL DIGITAL INPUTS Except for BTI IIN(1) Logical “1” Input Current VIN = V+ −0.005 −1 μA (min) IIN(0) Logical “0” Input Current VIN = 0 VDC 0.005 1 μA (max) CIN Digital Input Capacitance 20 pF BTI Digital Input IIN(1) Logical “1” Input Current VIN = V+ −1 −10 μA (min) IIN(0) Logical “0” Input Current VIN = 0 VDC, V+= +5.5 V 1 2 mA CIN Digital Input Capacitance 20 7 pF www.national.com LM96080 Symbol LM96080 AC Electrical Characteristics The following specifications apply for +3.0 VDC ≤ V+ ≤ +5.5 VDC , unless otherwise specified. Boldface limits apply for TA = TJ = TMIN to TMAX; all other limits TA = TJ = 25°C. (Note 14) Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical (Note 8) Limits (Note 9) Units (Limits) SERIAL BUS TIMING CHARACTERISTICS t1 SCL (Clock) Period 2.5 100 μs (min) μs (max) t2 Data In Setup Time to SCL High 100 ns (min) t3 Data Out Stable After SCL Low 0 ns (min) t4 SDA Low Setup Time to SCL Low (start) 100 ns (min) t5 SDA High Hold Time After SCL High (stop) 100 ns (min) SCL or SDA time low for I2C bus reset 25 35 ms (min) ms (max) tTIMEOUT 30070126 FIGURE 1. Serial Bus Timing Diagram Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed. Some performance characteristics may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed test conditions. Note 2: All voltages are measured with respect to GND, unless otherwise specified Note 3: When the input voltage (VIN) at any pin exceeds the power supplies (VIN< (GND or GNDA) or VIN>V +), the current at that pin should be limited to 5 mA. The 30 mA maximum package input current rating limits the number of pins that can safely exceed the power supplies with an input current of 5 mA to six pins. Parasitic components and/or ESD protection circuitry are shown in the Pin Descriptions table. Note 4: The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by TJmax, θJA and the ambient temperature, TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation at any temperature is PD = (TJmax−T A)/θJA. Note 5: Human body model (HBM) is a charged 100 pF capacitor discharged into a 1.5 kΩ resistor. Machine model (MM), is a charged 200 pF capacitor discharged directly into each pin. Charged Device Model (CDM) simulates a pin slowly acquiring charge (such as from a device sliding down the feeder in an automated assembler) then rapidly being discharged. Note 6: Reflow temperature profiles are different for packages containing lead (Pb) than for those that do not.. Note 7: Each input and output is protected by an ESD structure to GND, as shown in the Pin Descriptions table. Input voltage magnitude up to 0.3V above V+ or 0.3V below GND will not damage the LM96080. There are parasitic diodes that exist between some inputs and the power supply rails. Errors in the ADC conversion can occur if these diodes are forward biased by more than 50 mV. As an example, if V+ is 4.50 VDC, input voltage must be ≤ 4.55 VDC, to ensure accurate conversions. Note 8: Typicals are at TJ= TA= 25°C and represent most likely parametric norm. Note 9: Limits are guaranteed to National's AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level). Note 10: TUE (Total Unadjusted Error) includes Offset, Gain and Linearity errors of the ADC. Note 11: Limit is guaranteed by Design. Note 12: Total Monitoring Cycle Time includes temperature conversion, 7 analog input voltage conversions and 2 tachometer readings. For more information on the conversion rates, refer to the description of bit 0, register 07h in section 13.0: Registers and RAM. Note 13: The total fan count is based on 2 pulses per revolution of the fan tachometer output. Note 14: Timing specifications are tested at the Serial Bus Input logic levels, VIN(0) = 0.3 × V+ and VIN(1) = 0.7 × V+. www.national.com 8 I+ vs. V+ I+ vs. V+ (Voltage Conversion) 30070134 I+ vs. V+ 30070135 I+ (Temperature Conversion) vs. V+ (Shutdown) 30070136 30070137 TUE Temperature Accuracy 30070138 30070140 9 www.national.com LM96080 The following specifications apply for +3.0 VDC ≤ V+ ≤ +5.5 VDC , unless otherwise specified. Boldface limits apply for TA = TJ = TMIN to TMAX; all other limits TA = TJ = 25°C. (Note 14) Typical Performance Characteristics LM96080 is controlled by the lower 3 bits of this register. Bit 3 enables 12-bit temperature conversions. Bits 4-7 reflect the lower four bits of the temperature reading for a 12-bit resolution. • Conversion Rate Register: Controls the conversion rate of the round robin cycle to either continuous or 728 ms. • Voltage/Temperature Channel Disable Register: Allows voltage inputs and the local temperature conversion to be disabled. • Value RAM: The monitoring results: temperature, voltages, fan counts, and Fan Divisor/RST_OUT/OS Register limits are all contained in the Value RAM. The Value RAM consists of a total of 32 bytes. The first 10 bytes are all of the results, the next 20 bytes are the Watchdog Register limits, and the last two bytes are at the upper locations for Manufacturers ID and Device Stepping/Die Revision ID. The LM96080 is compatible with Standard Mode (Sm, 100 kbits/s) and Fast Mode (Fm, 400 kbits/s) I2C interface modes of operation. LM96080 includes an analog filter on the I2C digital control lines that allows improved noise immunity and supports TIMEOUT reset function on SDA and SCL that prevents I2C bus lockup. Three address pins, A0 - A2, allow up to 8 parts on a single bus. When enabled, the LM96080 starts by cycling through each measurement in sequence, and it continuously loops through the sequence based on the Conversion Rate Register (address 07h) setting. Each measured value is compared to values stored in WATCHDOG, or Limit Registers (addresses 2Ah - 2Dh). When the measured value violates the programmed limit, the LM96080 will set a corresponding Interrupt in the Interrupt Status Registers (addresses 01h - 02h). Two output Interrupt lines, INT and RST_OUT/OS, are available. INT is fully programmable with masking of each Interrupt source, and masking of each output. RST_OUT/OS is dedicated to the temperature reading WATCHDOG registers. In addition, the Fan Divisor register has control bits to enable or disable the hardware Interrupts. Additional digital inputs are provided for daisy chaining the Interrupt output pin, INT. This is done by connecting multiple external temperature sensors (i.e. LM75 or LM73) to the BTI (Board Temperature Interrupt) input and/or the GPI (Chassis Intrusion) input. The Chassis Intrusion input is designed to accept an active high signal from an external circuit that latches, such as when the cover is removed from the computer. Functional Description 1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The LM96080 provides 7 analog inputs, a temperature sensor, a delta-sigma ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter), 2 fan speed counters, WATCHDOG registers, and a variety of inputs and outputs on a single chip. A two wire Serial Bus interface is also provided. The LM96080 can perform power supply, temperature and fan monitoring for a variety of computer systems. The LM96080 is pin and software backwards compatible with the LM80. The LM96080 continuously converts analog inputs to 10-bit resolution with a 2.5 mV LSb (Least Significant bit) weighting, yielding input ranges of 0 to 2.56V. The Analog Inputs, IN0 IN6, are intended to be connected to the several power supplies present in a typical communications infrastructure system. Temperature can be converted to a 9-bit or 12-bit two's complement word with resolutions of 0.5°C LSb or 0.0625°C LSb, respectively. Fan inputs can be programmed to accept either fan failure indicator or tachometer signals. Fan failure signals can be programmed to be either active high or active low. Fan inputs measure the period of tachometer pulses from the the fans, providing a higher count for lower fan speeds. The fan inputs are digital inputs with transition levels according to the Fan Tach Pulse Inputs in the Electrical Characteristic table. Full scale fan counts are 255 (8-bit counter), which represent a stopped or very slow fan. Nominal speeds, based on a count of 153, are programmable from 1100 to 8800 RPM. Signal conditioning circuitry is included to accommodate slow rise and fall times. The LM96080 provides a number of internal registers. These include: • Configuration Register: Provides control and configuration. • Interrupt Status Registers: Two registers to provide status of each WATCHDOG limit or Interrupt event. • Interrupt Mask Registers: Allows masking of individual Interrupt sources, as well as separate masking for each of both hardware Interrupt outputs. • Fan Divisor/RST_OUT/OS Registers: Bits 0-5 of this register contain the divisor bits for FAN1 and FAN2 inputs. Bits 6-7 control the function of the RST_OUT/OS output. • OS Configuration/Temperature Resolution Register: The configuration of the OS (Overtemperature Shutdown) www.national.com 10 LM96080 2.0 INTERFACE 2.1 Internal Registers of the LM96080 TABLE 1. The internal registers and their corresponding internal LM96080 address are as follows: Register LM96080 Internal Address (Hex) Power on Value (Binary) Notes Configuration Register 00h 0000 1000 Interrupt Status Register 1 01h 0000 0000 Interrupt Status Register 2 02h 0000 0000 Interrupt Mask Register 1 03h 0000 0000 Interrupt Mask Register 2 04h 0000 0000 Fan Divisor/RST_OUT/OS Register 05h 0001 0100 OS/ Configuration/ Temperature Resolution Register 06h 0000 0001 Conversion Rate Register 07h 0000 0000 Voltage/Temperature Channel Disable Register 08h 0000 0000 Value RAM 20h - 29h Indeterminate Input and FAN readings Value RAM 2Ah - 3Dh Indeterminate Limit Registers Value RAM 3Eh 0000 0001 Manufacturer's ID Value RAM 3Fh 0000 1000 Stepping/Die Revision ID FAN1 and FAN2 divisor = 2 (count of 153 = 4400 RPM) Allows voltage monitoring inputs to be disabled 2.2 Serial Bus Interface 30070109 (a) Internal Address Register Set Only 30070108 (b) Internal Address Register Set with Data Byte Write 11 www.national.com LM96080 30070110 (c) Single Byte Read from Register with Preset Internal Address Register 30070122 (d) Double Byte Read from Register with Preset Internal Address Register 30070124 (e) Single Byte Read from Register with Internal Address Set using a Repeat Start 30070123 (f) Double Byte Read from Register with Internal Address Set using a Repeat Start FIGURE 2. Serial Bus Timing www.national.com 12 If the Internal Address Register value is unknown, write to the LM96080 with the Serial Bus Interface Address byte, followed by the Internal Address Register byte. Then restart the Serial Communication with a Read consisting of the Serial Bus Interface Address byte, followed by the data byte read from the LM96080. The default power on Serial Bus address for the LM96080 is 0101(A2)(A1)(A0) binary, where A0-A2 are the Serial Bus Address. All of the combinations of communications supported by the LM96080 are depicted in the Serial Bus Interface Timing Diagrams as shown in Figure 2. 13 www.national.com LM96080 2. The Serial Bus control lines include the SDA (serial data), SCL (serial clock), and A0-A2 (address) pins. The LM96080 can only operate as a slave. The SCL line only controls the serial interface, all other clock functions within LM96080 such as the ADC and fan counters are done with a separate asynchronous internal clock. When using the Serial Bus Interface, a write will always consists of the LM96080 Serial Bus Interface Address byte, followed by the Internal Address Register byte, then the data byte. There are two cases for a read: 1. If the Internal Address Register is known to be at the desired Address, simply read the LM96080 with the Serial Bus Interface Address byte, followed by the data byte read from the LM96080. LM96080 activity on these lines will increase consumption current. Taking bit 0 high starts the monitoring loop, described in more detail subsequently. Bit 1 of the Configuration Register, INT Enable, enables the INT Interrupt hardwire output when this bit is taken high. Bit 2 of the Configuration Register, INT Polarity Select, defines whether the INT pin is NMOS or PMOS open drain. Bit 3, INT_Clear, clears the INT output when taken high. The LM96080 monitoring function will stop until bit 3 is taken low. The content of the Interrupt Status Registers (addresses 01h - 02h) will not be affected. Bit 4, RESET, when taken high, will initiate a 10 ms RESET signal on the RST_OUT/OS output when OS Pin Enable (address 05h, bit 6) = 0 and RST Enable (address 05h, bit 7) = 1. When bit 5, Chassis Clear, is taken high, the GPI (Chassis Intrusion) pin is driven low for 10 ms. Bit 6 of the configuration register, GPO, sets or clears the GPO output. This pin can be used in software power control by activating an external power control MOSFET. 3.0 USING THE LM96080 3.1 Power On When power is first applied, the LM96080 performs a “power on reset” on several of its registers. The power on condition of registers is shown in Table 1. Registers whose power on values are not shown have power on conditions that are indeterminate (this includes the value RAM and WATCHDOG limits). In most applications, usually the first action after power-on would be to write WATCHDOG limits into the Value RAM. 3.2 Resets Configuration Register INITIALIZATION bit (address 00h, bit 7) accomplishes the same function as power on reset. The Value RAM conversion results (addresses 20h - 29h) and Value RAM WATCHDOG limits (addresses 2Ah - 3Dh) are not reset and will be indeterminate immediately after power on. If the Value RAM contains valid conversion results and/or Value RAM WATCHDOG limits have been previously set, they will not be affected by the Configuration Register INITIALIZATION (except for addresses 3Eh and 3Fh). Power on reset or Configuration Register INITIALIZATION bit clear or initialize the following registers (the initialized values are shown in Table 1): 3.4 Starting Conversions Start the monitoring function (Analog inputs, temperature, and fan speeds) in the LM96080 by writing to the Configuration Register and setting INT_Clear (bit 3) low and Start (bit 0) high. The LM96080 then performs a round-robin monitoring of all analog inputs, temperature, and fan speed inputs. The sequence of items being monitored corresponds to locations in the Value RAM (except for the Temperature reading) as follows: 1. Temperature 2. IN0 3. IN1 4. IN2 5. IN3 6. IN4 7. IN5 8. IN6 9. Fan 1 10. Fan 2 1. Configuration Register 2. Interrupt Status Register 1 3. Interrupt Status Register 2 4. Interrupt Mask Register 1 5. Interrupt Mask Register 2 6. Fan Divisor/RST_OUT/OS Register 7. OS Configuration/Temperature Resolution Register 8. Conversion Rate Register 9. Voltage/Temperature Channel Disable Register 10. Value RAM Registers (only addresses 3Eh and 3Fh) Configuration Register INITIALIZATION is accomplished by setting bit 7 of the Configuration Register (address 00h) high. This bit automatically clears after being set. The LM96080 can be reset to its “power on state” by taking NTEST_IN/Reset_IN pin low for at least 50 ns. 3.3 Using the Configuration Register The Configuration Register (address 00h) provides control for the LM96080. At power on, the ADC is stopped and INT_Clear (bit 3) is asserted, clearing the INT and RST_OUT/OS hardwire outputs. The Configuration Register starts and stops the LM96080, enables and disables INT outputs, clears and sets GPI (CI) and GPO I/O pins, initiates reset pulse on RST_OUT/OS pin, and provides the reset function described in Section 3.2. Bit 0 of the Configuration Register, START, controls the monitoring loop of the LM96080. Setting bit 0 low stops the LM96080 monitoring loop and puts the LM96080 in shutdown mode, reducing power consumption. Serial Bus communication is possible with any register in the LM96080 although www.national.com 3.5 Reading Conversion Results The conversion results are available in the Value RAM (addresses 20h - 29h). Conversions can be read at any time and will provide the result of the last conversion. If a conversion is in progress while a communication is started, that conversion will be completed, and the internal register(s) will not be updated until the communication is complete. A typical sequence of events upon power on of the LM96080 would consist of: 1. Set WATCHDOG Limits 2. Set Interrupt Masks 3. Start the LM96080 monitoring process 14 R1 = [ (VS − VIN) / VIN] R2 For negative input voltages, the equation for calculating R3 is as follows: R3 = [ (VS − VIN) / (VIN − 5V)] R4 External resistors should be included to limit input currents to the values given in the ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS for Input Current At Any Pin. Inputs with the attenuator networks will usually meet these requirements. If it is possible for inputs without attenuators to be turned on while LM96080 is powered off, additional resistors of about 10 kΩ should be added in series with the inputs to limit the input current. 5.0 SUPPLY CURRENT (I+) The measured supply current (I+) in the Electrical Characteristics are only for the round robin conversion and the shutdown mode at a certain supply voltage. To calculate the supply current I+ in the round robin mode at different supply voltages, use the equation below. 30070139 FIGURE 4. I+ Calculation The I+TEMP, I+VOLTAGE, and I+SHUTDOWN values can be obtained from the plots shown in the Typicals Performance Characteristics section. 30070111 FIGURE 3. Input Examples. Resistor values shown in table provide approximately 1.9V at the analog inputs. TABLE 2: VIN = 1.9V for Different R Values Voltage Measurements (VS) R1 or R3 R2 or R4 Voltage at Analog Inputs ( ADC code 760) +2.5V 23.7 kΩ 75 kΩ +1.9V +3.3V 22.1 kΩ 30 kΩ +1.9V +5.0V 24 kΩ 14.7 kΩ +1.9V +12V 160 kΩ 30.1 kΩ +1.9V −12V 160 kΩ 35.7 kΩ +1.9V −5V 36 kΩ 16.2 kΩ +1.9V 15 www.national.com LM96080 For positive input voltages, the equation for calculating R1 is as follows: 4.0 ANALOG INPUTS The 10-bit ADC has a 2.5 mV (2.56/210) LSb , yielding a 0V to 2.5575V (2.56 - 1 LSb) input range. This is true for all analog inputs. In most monitoring applications, these inputs would most often be connected to power supplies. The 2.5, 3.3, ±5 and ±12 volt inputs should be attenuated with external resistors to any desired value within the input range. Care should be taken not to exceed V+ at any time. A typical application, such as is shown in Figure 3, might select the input voltage divider to provide 1.9V at the analog inputs of the LM96080. This is sufficiently high for good resolution of the voltage, yet leaves headroom for upward excursions from the supply of about 25%. To simplify the process of resistor selection, set the value of R2 first. Select a value for R2 or R4 between 10 kΩ and 100 kΩ. This is low enough to avoid errors due to input leakage currents yet high enough to protect both the inputs under overdrive conditions as well as minimize loading of the source. Then select R1 or R3 to provide a 1.9V input as show in Figure 3. LM96080 LUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS section. In most cases, open collector outputs with pull-up resistors inherently limit this current. If this maximum current could be exceeded, either a larger pull up resistor should be used or resistors connected in series with the fan inputs. The Fan Inputs gate an internal 22.5 kHz oscillator for one period of the Fan signal into an 8-bit counter (maximum count = 255). The default divisor is set to 2 (choices are 1, 2, 4, and 8) providing a nominal count of 153 for a 4400 RPM fan with two pulses per revolution. Typical practice is to consider 70% of normal RPM a fan failure, at which point the count will be 219. Determine the fan count according to: 6.0 LAYOUT AND GROUNDING Analog inputs will provide best accuracy when referred to the AGND pin or a supply with low noise. A separate, lowimpedance ground plane for analog ground, which provides a ground point for the voltage dividers and analog components, will provide best performance but is not mandatory. Analog components such as voltage dividers should be located physically as close as possible to the LM96080. The power supply bypass, a parallel combination of 10 μF (electrolytic or tantalum) and 0.1 μF (ceramic) bypass capacitors connected between V+, pin 9, and ground, should also be located as close as possible to the LM96080. 7.0 FAN INPUTS Inputs are provided for signals from fans equipped with tachometer outputs. These are logic-level inputs set according to the Fan Tach Pulse Inputs in the Electrical Characteristic table. Signal conditioning in the LM96080 accommodates the slow rise and fall times typical of fan tachometer outputs. The maximum input signal range is 0 to +5.5V. In the event these inputs are supplied from fan outputs which exceed 0 to +5.5V, either resistive division or diode clamping must be included to keep inputs within an acceptable range. R2 is selected so that it does not develop excessive error voltage due to input leakage. R1 is selected based on R2 to provide a minimum input of 2V and a maximum of 5.5V. R1 should be as low as possible to provide the maximum possible input up to 5.5V for best noise immunity. Alternatively, use a shunt reference or zener diode to clamp the input level. If fans can be powered while the power to the LM96080 is off, the LM96080 inputs must be protected to meet the ABSO- For example, if the frequency of the tachometer were 150 Hz, the RPM would be 4,500 [RPM = (freq) × (60 seconds/min) / (2 pulses/revolution) ]. Since the default divisor is 2, the count would be 150 according to the equation above. Note that Fan 1 and Fan 2 Divisors are programmable via the Fan Divisor/RST_OUT/OS Register (address 05h). FAN1 and FAN2 inputs can also be programmed to be level sensitive interrupt inputs. Fans that provide only one pulse per revolution would require a divisor set twice as high as fans that provide two pulses, thus maintaining a nominal fan count of 153. Therefore, the divisor should be set to 4 for a fan that provides 1 pulse per revolution with a nominal RPM of 4400. 30070112 (a) Fan with Tach Pull-Up to +5V 30070113 (b) Fan with Tach Pull-Up to +12V, or Totem-Pole Output and Resistor Attenuator www.national.com 16 LM96080 30070114 (c) Fan with Tach Pull-Up to +12V and Diode Clamp 30070115 (d) Fan with Strong Tach Pull-Up or Totem Pole Output and Diode Clamp FIGURE 5. Alternatives for Fan Inputs The table below shows example calculation for Count with different divisor and frequency. Counts are based on 2 pulses per revolution tachometer outputs. RPM Time per Revolution Counts for “Divide by 2” (Default) in Decimal Comments 4400 13.64 ms 153 counts Typical RPM 3080 19.48 ms 219 counts 70% RPM 2640 22.73 ms 255 counts (maximum counts) 60% RPM Mode Select Nominal RPM Time per Revolution Counts for the Given Speed in Decimal 70% RPM Time per Revolution for 70% RPM Divide by 1 8800 6.82 ms 153 6160 9.74 ms Divide by 2 4400 13.64 ms 153 3080 19.48 ms Divide by 4 2200 27.27 ms 153 1540 38.96 ms Divide by 8 1100 54.54 ms 153 770 77.92 ms 17 www.national.com LM96080 incorporated that compares the readings to the user-programmable Hot and Overtemperature setpoints, and Hysteresis values. 8.0 TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM The LM96080 delta-VBE type temperature sensor and sigmadelta ADC perform 9-bit or a 12-bit two's-complement conversions of the temperature. An 8-bit digital comparator is also 30070120 (Non-Linear Scale for Clarity) FIGURE 6. 9-bit Temperature-to-Digital Transfer Function 30070116 (Non-Linear Scale for Clarity) FIGURE 7. 12-bit Temperature-to-Digital Transfer Function www.national.com 18 Temperature Temperature Hex +125°C 0111 1101 7Dh +25°C 0001 1001 19h +1.0°C 0000 0001 01h +0°C 0000 0000 00h −1.0°C 1111 1111 FFh −25°C 1110 0111 E7h −55°C 1100 1001 C9h Digital Output Binary Hex +125°C 0 1111 1010 0 FAh +25°C 0 0011 0010 0 32h +1.5°C 0 0000 0011 0 03h +0°C 0 0000 0000 0 00h −0.5°C 1 1111 1111 1 FFh −25°C 1 1100 1110 1 CEh −55°C 1 1001 0010 1 92h Temperature Register data can also be represented by a 12bit two's complement digital word with a LSb of 0.0625°C: Temperature Digital Output Binary Hex +125°C 0111 1101 0000 7 D0h +25°C 0001 1001 0000 1 90h +1.0°C 0000 0001 0000 0 10h +0.0625°C 0000 0000 0001 0 01h 0°C 0000 0000 0000 0 00h (−0.0625)°C 1111 1111 1111 F FFh Hex 1111 1111 0000 F F0h (−25)°C 1110 0111 0000 E 70h (−55)°C 1100 1001 0000 C 90h 8.2 Temperature Interrupts There are four Value RAM WATCHDOG limits for the Temperature reading that affect the INT and OS outputs of the LM96080. They are: Thot, Thot hyst, Tos , and Tos hyst Limit Registers (addresses 38h - 3Bh). There are three interrupt modes of operation: “Default Interrupt” mode, “One-Time Interrupt” mode, and “Comparator Mode”. The OS output of the LM96080 can be programmed for “One-Time Interrupt” mode and “Comparator” mode. INT can be programmed for “Default Interrupt” mode and “One-Time” Interrupt. These modes are explained below and shown in the Temperature Interrupt Response Diagram. “Default Interrupt mode” operates in the following way: Exceeding Thot causes an Interrupt that will remain active indefinitely until reset by reading Interrupt Status Register 1 (address 01h) or cleared by the INT_Clear bit in the Configuration register (address 00h, bit 3). Once an Interrupt event has occurred by crossing Thot, then reset, an Interrupt will occur again once the next temperature conversion has completed. The interrupts will continue to occur in this manner until the temperature goes below Thot hyst, at which time the Interrupt output will automatically clear. “One-Time Interrupt” mode operates in the following way: Exceeding Thot causes an Interrupt that will remain active indefinitely until reset by reading Interrupt Status Register 1 or cleared by the INT_Clear bit in the Configuration register. Once an Interrupt event has occurred by crossing Thot, then reset, an Interrupt will not occur again until the temperature goes below Thot hyst. “Comparator” mode operates in the following way: Exceeding Tos causes the OS output to go Low (default). OS will remain Low until the temperature goes below Tos hyst. Once the temperature goes below Tos hyst, OS will go high. By default, Temperature Reading Register is represented by a 9-bit two's complement digital word with the LSb having a resolution of 0.5°C: Temperature Binary (−1.0)°C When using a single byte read, the 8 MSbs of the Temperature reading can be found at Value RAM (address 27h). The remainder of the Temperature reading can be found in the OS Configuration/Temperature Resolution Register (address 06h), bits 4-7. In 9-bit format, bit 7 is the only valid bit. In addition, all 9 or 12 bits can be read using a double byte read at register address 27h. Digital Output Binary Digital Output 19 www.national.com LM96080 8.1 Temperature Data Format Temperature data can be read from the Temperature Reading Register (address 27h). Temperature limits can be read from and written to the Hot Temperature, Hot Temperature Hysteresis, OS Temperature, and OS Temperature Hysteresis Limit Registers (addresses 38h - 3Bh). These limits are also referred to as Thot, Thot hyst, Tos , and Tos hyst respectively. Each limit is represented by an 8-bit, two's complement word with an LSb (Least Significant Bit) equal to 1°C: www.national.com 20 30070117 Temperature Interrupt Response Diagram. This diagram does not reflect all the possible variations in the operation of the OS and INT outputs nor the OS and Hot Temp bits. The interrupt outputs are cleared by reading the appropriate Interrupt Status Registers (addresses 01h - 02h). LM96080 LM96080 9.0 THE LM96080 INTERRUPT STRUCTURE 30070118 FIGURE 8. Interrupt Structure • Figure 8 depicts the Interrupt Structure of the LM96080. Note that the number next to each input of the gate represents a register and bit address. For example, INT_Clear 00h[3] refers to bit 3, INT_Clear, of register address 00h. The LM96080 can generate Interrupts as a result of each of its internal WATCHDOG registers on the analog, temperature, and fan inputs. 9.1 Interrupt Inputs External Interrupts can come from the following sources. While the label suggests a specific type or source of Interrupt, this label is not a restriction of its usage, and it could come from any desired source: • BTI (Board Temperature Interrupt) - This is an active low Interrupt intended to come from the Overtemperature Shutdown (O.S.) output of LM75 temperature sensors. The LM75 O.S. output goes active when its temperature exceeds a programmed threshold. Up to 8 LM75's can be connected to a single serial bus with their O.S. output's wire or'ed to the BTI input of the LM96080. If the temperature of any LM75 exceeds its programmed limit, BTI is driven low. This generates an Interrupt via bit 1 of the Interrupt Status Register 2 (address 02h) to notify the host of a possible overtemperature condition. To disable this feature, set bit 1 of the Interrupt Mask Register 2 (address 04h) high. This pin also provides an internal pullup resistor of 10 kΩ. • GPI (Chassis Intrusion) - This is an active high interrupt from any type of device that detects and captures chassis intrusion violations. This could be accomplished mechanically, optically, or electrically, and circuitry external to the LM96080 is expected to latch the event. Read this Interrupt using bit 4 of the Interrupt Status Register 2 (address 02h), and disable it using bit 4 of the Interrupt Mask Register 2 (address 04h). The design of the LM96080 allows this input to go high even with no power applied to the LM96080, and no clamping or other interference with the line will occur. This line can also be pulled low for at least 10 ms by the LM96080 to reset a typical Chassis Intrusion circuit. Accomplish this reset by setting bit 5 of Configuration Register (address 00h) high; this bit is self-clearing. INT_IN - This active low Interrupt provides a way to chain the INT (Interrupt) from other devices through the LM96080 to the processor. If this pin is pulled low, then bit 7 of the Interrupt Status Register 1 (address 01h) will go high indicating this Interrupt detection. Setting bit 1 of the Configuration Register (address 00h) will also allow the output INT pin to go low when INT_IN goes low. To disable this feature, set bit 7 of the Interrupt Mask Register 1 (address 03h) high. 9.2 Interrupt Outputs All Interrupts are indicated in the two Interrupt Status Registers. • INT - an output pin, not to be confused with the input INT_IN pin. This pin becomes active whenever INT_IN, BTI, or GPI interrupts. As described in Section 3.3, INT is enabled when bit 1 of the Configuration Register (address 00h) is set high. Bits 2 and 3 of the Configuration Register are also used to set the polarity and state of the INT Interrupt line. • OS - dedicated to the Temperature reading WATCHDOG. In the Fan Divisor/RST_OUT/OS Register (address 05h), the OS enable bit (bit 6), must be set high and the RST enable bit (bit 7) must be set low to enable the OS function on the RST_OUT/OS pin. OS pin has two modes of operation: “One-Time Interrupt” and “Comparator”. “OneTime Interrupt” mode is selected by taking bit 2 of the OS Configuration/Temperature Resolution Register (address 06h) high. If bit 2 is taken low, “Comparator” mode is selected. Unlike the OS pin, the OS bit in Interrupt Status Register 2 (address 02h, bit 5) functions in “Default Interrupt” and “One-Time Interrupt” modes. The OS bit can be masked to INT pin by taking bit 5 in the Interrupt Mask Register 2 (address 04h) low. A description of “Comparator”, “Default Interrupt”, and “One-Time Interrupt” modes can be found in Section 8.1. 9.3 Interrupt Clearing Reading an Interrupt Status Registers (addresses 01h - 02h) will output the contents of the Register and reset the Register. The Interrupt Status Registers clear upon being read. When the Interrupt Status Registers clear, the INT output pin is also 21 www.national.com LM96080 cleared until the Registers are updated by the monitoring loop. The INT output pin is cleared with the INT_Clear bit (address 00h, bit 3), without affecting the contents of the Interrupt 10.0 RST_OUT and GPO OUTPUTS In PC applications, the open drain GPO provides a gate drive signal to an external PMOS power switch. This external MOSFET would keep the power turned on regardless of the state of the front panel power switches when software power control is used. In any given application, this signal is not limited to the function described by its label. For example, since the LM96080 incorporates temperature sensing, the GPO output could also be utilized to control power to a cooling fan. Take GPO active low by setting bit 6 in the Configuration Register (address 00h) high. RST_OUT is intended to provide a master reset to devices connected to this line. RST Enable, bit 7 of address 05h, is the RST_OUT/OS control bit that must be set high to enable this function. Setting bit 4, RESET, in the Configuration Register (address 00h) high outputs a low pulse of at least 10 ms on this line, at the end of which bit 4 in the Configuration Register automatically clears. Again, the label for this pin is only www.national.com Status Registers. When this bit is high, the LM96080 monitoring loop will stop and will resume when the bit is low. its suggested use. In applications where the RST_OUT capability is not needed, it can be used for any type of digital control that requires a 10 ms active low open drain output. 11.0 NAND TREE TESTS A NAND tree is provided in the LM96080 for Automated Test Equipment (ATE) board level connectivity testing. If the user applies a logic zero to the NTEST_IN/Reset_IN input pin, the device will be in the NAND tree test mode. A0/NTEST_OUT will become the NAND tree output pin. To perform a NAND tree test, all pins included in the NAND tree should be driven to 1. Beginning with IN0 and working clockwise around the chip, each pin can be toggled and a resulting toggle can be observed on A0/NTEST_OUT. The following pins are excluded from the NAND tree test: GNDA (analog ground), GND (digital ground), V+ (power supply), A0/NTEST_OUT, NTEST_IN/Reset_IN and RST_OUT/OS. Allow for a typical propagation delay of 500 ns. 22 LM96080 12.0 REGISTERS AND RAM 12.1 Address Register The bit designations for a register are as follows: Bit Name Read/Write 7-0 Address Pointer Description Read/Write Address of RAM and Registers. See the tables below for detail. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 A7 A6 A5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 A2 A1 A0 Address Pointer (Power On default 00h) A4 A3 12.2 Address Pointer Index (A7–A0) Registers and RAM A7–A0 in Hex Power On Value of Registers: <7:0> in Binary Configuration Register 00h 0000 1000 Interrupt Status Register 1 01h 0000 0000 Interrupt Status Register 2 02h 0000 0000 Interrupt Mask Register 1 03h 0000 0000 Interrupt Mask Register 2 04h 0000 0000 Fan Divisor/RST_OUT/OS 05h 0001 0100 OS Configuration/Temperature Resolution Register 06h 0000 0001 Conversion Rate Register 07h 0000 0000 Channel Disable Register Value RAM 08h 0000 0000 20h – 3Fh Register 3Eh defaults to 0000 0001 Register 3Fh defaults to 0000 1000 12.3 Configuration Register—Address 00h Power on default <7:0> = 00001000 binary Bit Name Read/Write Description 0 Start Read/Write A one enables startup of monitoring operations, a zero puts the part in shutdown mode. Note: Unlike the "INT_Clear" bit, the outputs of Interrupt pins will not be cleared if the user writes a zero to this location after an interrupt has occurred. At startup, limit checking functions and scanning begin. Note, all limits should be set in the Value RAM before setting this bit HIGH. 1 INT Enable Read/Write A one enables the INT Interrupt output. 2 INT Polarity Select Read/Write A one selects an active high open source output while a zero selects an active low open drain output. 3 INT_Clear Read/Write A one disables the INT output without affecting the contents of Interrupt Status Registers. The device will stop monitoring. It will resume upon clearing of this bit. 4 RESET Read/Write A one outputs at least a 10 ms active low reset signal at RST_OUT, if bit 7 and bit 6 in the Fan Divisor/RST_OUT/OS Register (address 05h) = 1 and = 0, respectively. This bit is cleared once the pulse has gone inactive. 5 Chassis Clear Read/Write A one clears the GPI (Chassis Intrusion) pin. This bit clears itself after 10 ms. 6 GPO Read/Write A one drives the GPO (General Purpose Output) pin low. 7 INITIALIZATION Read/Write A one restores power on default value to the Configuration Register, Interrupt Status Registers, Interrupt Mask Registers, Fan Divisor/RST_OUT/OS Register, the OS Configuration/ Temperature Resolution Register, Conversion Rate, Channel Disable, Manufacturers ID and Stepping/Die revision ID registers. This bit clears itself. The power-on default is zero. 23 www.national.com LM96080 12.4 Interrupt Status Register 1—Address 01h Power on default <7:0> = 0000 0000 binary Bit Name Read/Write Description 0 IN0 Read Only A one indicates a High or Low limit has been exceeded. 1 IN1 Read Only A one indicates a High or Low limit has been exceeded. 2 IN2 Read Only A one indicates a High or Low limit has been exceeded. 3 IN3 Read Only A one indicates a High or Low limit has been exceeded. 4 IN4 Read Only A one indicates a High or Low limit has been exceeded. 5 IN5 Read Only A one indicates a High or Low limit has been exceeded. 6 IN6 Read Only A one indicates a High or Low limit has been exceeded. 7 INT_IN Read Only A one indicates that a Low has been detected on the INT_IN. 12.5 Interrupt Status Register 2—Address 02h Power on default <7:0> = 0000 0000 binary Bit Name Read/Write Description 0 Hot Temperature Read Only A one indicates a High or Low limit has been exceeded. Only “One-Time Interrupt” and “Default Interrupt” modes are supported (see Sections 8.2 and 8.2). The mode is set by bit-6 of the Interrupt Mask Register 2 (address 04h). 1 BTI Read Only A one indicates that an interrupt has occurred from the Board Temperature Interrupt (BTI) input pin. BTI can be tied to the OS output of multiple LM75 chips. 2 FAN1 Read Only A one indicates that a fan count limit has been exceeded. 3 FAN2 Read Only A one indicates that a fan count limit has been exceeded. 4 GPI (Chassis Intrusion) Read Only A one indicates GPI (Chassis Intrusion) has gone high. 5 OS bit Read Only A one indicates a High or a Low OS Temperature limit has been exceed. Only “One-Time Interrupt” and “Default Interrupt” modes are supported (see Sections 8.2 and 9.2). The mode is set by bit 7 of the Interrupt Mask Register 2. 6 Reserved Read Only 7 Reserved Read Only 12.6 Interrupt Mask Register 1—Address 03h Power on default <7:0> = 0000 0000 binary Bit Name Read/Write Description 0 IN0 Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. 1 IN1 Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. 2 IN2 Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. 3 IN3 Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. 4 IN4 Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. 5 IN5 Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. 6 IN6 Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. 7 INT_IN Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. www.national.com 24 LM96080 12.7 Interrupt Mask Register 2—Address 04h Power on default <7:0> = 0000 0000 binary Bit Name Read/Write Description 0 Hot Temperature Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. 1 BTI Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. 2 FAN1 Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. 3 FAN2 Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. 4 GPI (Chassis Intrusion) Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. 5 OS bit 6 Hot Temperature Interrupt Mode Select 7 OS Bit Interrupt Mode Select Read/Write A one disables the corresponding interrupt status bit for INT interrupt. Read/Write A zero selects the default interrupt mode which gives the user an interrupt if the temperature goes above the hot limit. The interrupt will be cleared once the status register is read, but it will again be generated when the next conversion has completed. It will continue to do so until the temperature goes below the hysteresis limit. A one selects the one time interrupt mode which only gives the user one interrupt when it goes above the hot limit. The interrupt will be cleared once the status register is read. Another interrupt will not be generated until the temperature goes below the hysteresis limit. It will also be cleared if the status register is read. No more interrupts will be generated until the temperature goes above the hot limit again. The corresponding bit will be cleared in the status register every time it is read but may not set again when the next conversion is done. (Refer to the Temperature Interrupt Response Diagram in Section 8.2). Read/Write A zero selects the default interrupt mode which gives the user an interrupt if the temperature goes above the OS limit. The interrupt will be cleared once the status register is read, but it will again be generated when the next conversion has completed. It will continue to do so until the temperature goes below the hysteresis limit. A one selects the one time interrupt mode which only gives the user one interrupt when it goes above the OS limit. The interrupt will be cleared once the status register is read. Another interrupt will not be generated until the temperature goes below the hysteresis limit. It will also be cleared if the status register is read. No more interrupts will be generated until the temperature goes above the OS limit again. The corresponding bit will be cleared in the status register every time it is read but may not set again when the next conversion is done. (Refer to the Temperature Interrupt Response Diagram in Section 8.2). 25 www.national.com LM96080 12.8 Fan Divisor/RST_OUT/OS Register —Address 05h Power on – <7:0> is 0001 0100 Bit Name Read/Write Description 0 FAN1 Mode Select Read/Write A one selects the level sensitive input mode while a zero selects Fan count mode for the FAN1 input pin. 1 FAN2 Mode Select Read/Write A one selects the level sensitive input mode while a zero selects Fan count mode for the FAN2 input pin. 2-3 FAN1 RPM Control 4-5 FAN2 RPM Control Read/Write Read/Write 6 OS Pin Enable Read/Write 7 RST Enable Read/Write FAN1 Speed Control. <3:2> = 00 - divide by 1; <3:2> = 01 - divide by 2; <3:2> = 10 - divide by 4; <3:2> = 11 - divide by 8. If level sensitive input is selected: <2> = 1 selects and active-low input (An interrupt will be generated if the FAN1 input is Low), <2> = 0 selects an active-high input (an interrupt will be generated if the FAN1 input is High). FAN2 Speed Control. <5:4> = 00 - divide by 1; <5:4> = 01 - divide by 2; <5:4> = 10 - divide by 4; <5:4> = 11 - divide by 8. If level sensitive input is selected: <4> = 1 selects and active-low input (An interrupt will be generated if the FAN2 input is Low), <4> = 0 selects an active-high input (an interrupt will be generated if the FAN2 input is High). A one enables OS mode on the RST_OUT/OS output pin, while bit 7 of this register is set to zero. If bits 6 and 7 of this register are set to zero, the RST_OUT/OS pin is disabled. A one sets the RST_OUT/OS pin in the RST_OUT mode instead of the OS mode. If bits 6 and 7 of this register are set to zero, the RST_OUT/OS pin is disabled. 12.9 OS Configuration/Temperature Resolution Register—Address 06h Power on default <7:0> = 0000 0001 binary Bit Name Read/Write Description 0 OS Status Read only Status of the OS. This bit mirrors the state of the RST_OUT/OS pin when in the OS mode. 1 OS Polarity Read/Write A zero selects OS to be active-low, while a one selects OS to be active high. OS is an opendrain output. 2 OS Mode Select Read/Write A one selects the one time interrupt mode for OS, while a zero selects comparator mode for OS. (See in Section 8.2) 3 Temperature Read/Write Resolution Control 4-7 Temp [3:0] www.national.com Read/Write A zero selects the default 8-bit plus sign resolution temperature conversions, while a one selects 11-bit plus sign resolution temperature conversions. The lower nibble (4 LSbs) of the 11-bit plus sign temperature data: <4> = Temp [0] (nibble LSb, 0.0625°C), <5> = Temp [1], <6> = Temp [2], <7> = Temp [3] (nibble MSb, 0.5°C). For 8-bit plus sign temperature resolution: <7> = Temp [0] (LSb, 0.5°C) <4:6> are undefined 26 LM96080 12.10 Conversion Rate Register—Address 07h Power on default <7:0> = 0000 0000 binary Bit 0 Name Read/Write Description CR1 Read/Write Controls conversion rate: 0 = 728ms (typical) 1 = Continuous Conversion. Note: — Each voltage channel conversion takes 3 ms typical. — Temperature conversion takes 3.6 ms typical for 9 - bit resolution and 23.5 ms typical for 12 - bit resolution. — Each fan tachometer input is monitored for 2 pulses, the time interval for two pulses is added to the round robin time for each fan tach input that is enabled. 1-7 Reserved Read only Reserved — will always report zero. 12.11 Voltage/Temperature Channel Disable Register— Address 08h Power on default <7:0> = 0000 0000 binary Bit Name Read/Write Description 0 IN0 Read/Write When set to "1", IN0: conversions are skipped and disabled value register reading will be 0 error events will be suppressed 1 IN1 Read/Write When set to "1", IN1: conversions are skipped and disabled value register reading will be 0 error events will be suppressed 2 IN2 Read/Write When set to "1", IN2: conversions are skipped and disabled value register reading will be 0 error events will be suppressed 3 IN3 Read/Write When set to "1", IN3: conversions are skipped and disabled value register reading will be 0 error events will be suppressed 4 IN4 Read/Write When set to "1", IN4: conversions are skipped and disabled value register reading will be 0 error events will be suppressed 5 IN5 Read/Write When set to "1", IN5: conversions are skipped and disabled value register reading will be 0 error events will be suppressed 6 IN6 Read/Write When set to "1", IN6: conversions are skipped and disabled value register reading will be 0 error events will be suppressed 7 Temp Read/Write When set to "1", Temperature: conversions are skipped and disabled value register readings will be 0 error events will be suppressed 27 www.national.com LM96080 12.12 Value RAM—Address 20h–3Fh Address A7–A0 Description 20h IN0 reading (10-bit) 21h IN1 reading (10-bit) 22h IN2 reading (10-bit) 23h IN3 reading (10-bit) 24h IN4 reading (10-bit) 25h IN5 reading (10-bit) 26h IN6 reading (10-bit) 27h Temperature reading (9-bit or 12-bit for easy read-back) 28h FAN1 reading Note: This location stores the number of counts of the internal clock per revolution. 29h FAN2 reading Note: This location stores the number of counts of the internal clock per revolution. 2Ah IN0 High Limit 2Bh IN0 Low Limit 2Ch IN1 High Limit 2Dh IN1 Low Limit 2Eh IN2 High Limit 2Fh IN2 Low Limit 30h IN3 High Limit 31h IN3 Low Limit 32h IN4 High Limit 33h IN4 Low Limit 34h IN5 High Limit 35h IN5 Low Limit 36h IN6 High Limit 37h IN6 Low Limit 38h Hot Temperature Limit (High) 39h Hot Temperature Hysteresis Limit (Low) 3Ah OS Temperature Limit (High) 3Bh OS Temperature Hysteresis Limit (Low) 3Ch FAN1 Fan Count Limit Note: It is the number of counts of the internal clock for the Low Limit of the fan speed. 3Dh FAN2 Fan Count Limit Note: It is the number of counts of the internal clock for the Low Limit of the fan speed. 3Eh Manufacturer's ID always defaults to 0000 0001; this register is writable and can be reset to the default value by the INITIALIZATION bit in the Configuration Register (address 00h, bit 7). 3Fh Stepping/Die Revision ID always defaults to 0000 1000; this register is writable and can be reset to the default value by the INITIALIZATION bit in the Configuration Register. Note: Setting all ones to the high limits for voltages and fans (0111 1111 binary for temperature) means interrupts will never be generated except the case when voltages go below the low limits. For voltage input high limits, the device is doing a greater than comparison. For low limits, however, it is doing a less than or equal to comparison. www.national.com 28 LM96080 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted 24-Lead Molded Plastic TSSOP Order Number LM96080CIMT or LM96080CIMTX NS Package Number MTC24B 29 www.national.com LM96080 System Hardware Monitor with 2-Wire Serial Interface Notes For more National Semiconductor product information and proven design tools, visit the following Web sites at: Products Design Support Amplifiers www.national.com/amplifiers WEBENCH® Tools www.national.com/webench Audio www.national.com/audio App Notes www.national.com/appnotes Clock and Timing www.national.com/timing Reference Designs www.national.com/refdesigns Data Converters www.national.com/adc Samples www.national.com/samples Interface www.national.com/interface Eval Boards www.national.com/evalboards LVDS www.national.com/lvds Packaging www.national.com/packaging Power Management www.national.com/power Green Compliance www.national.com/quality/green Switching Regulators www.national.com/switchers Distributors www.national.com/contacts LDOs www.national.com/ldo Quality and Reliability www.national.com/quality LED Lighting www.national.com/led Feedback/Support www.national.com/feedback Voltage Reference www.national.com/vref Design Made Easy www.national.com/easy www.national.com/powerwise Solutions www.national.com/solutions Mil/Aero www.national.com/milaero PowerWise® Solutions Serial Digital Interface (SDI) www.national.com/sdi Temperature Sensors www.national.com/tempsensors SolarMagic™ www.national.com/solarmagic Wireless (PLL/VCO) www.national.com/wireless www.national.com/training PowerWise® Design University THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION (“NATIONAL”) PRODUCTS. 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