a Complete 14-Bit CCD/CIS Signal Processor AD9822 FEATURES 14-Bit 15 MSPS A/D Converter No Missing Codes Guaranteed 3-Channel Operation Up to 15 MSPS 1-Channel Operation Up to 12.5 MSPS Correlated Double Sampling 1–6x Programmable Gain ⴞ350 mV Programmable Offset Input Clamp Circuitry Internal Voltage Reference Multiplexed Byte-Wide Output (8+6 Format) 3-Wire Serial Digital Interface 3 V/5 V Digital I/O Compatibility 28-Lead SOIC or SSOP Low Power CMOS: 385 mW (Typ) Power-Down Mode: <1 mW PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD9822 is a complete analog signal processor for CCD imaging applications. It features a 3-channel architecture designed to sample and condition the outputs of trilinear color CCD arrays. Each channel consists of an input clamp, Correlated Double Sampler (CDS), offset DAC and Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA), multiplexed to a high performance 14-bit A/D converter. The CDS amplifiers may be disabled for use with sensors such as Contact Image Sensors (CIS) and CMOS active pixel sensors, which do not require CDS. The 14-bit digital output is multiplexed into an 8-bit output word that is accessed using two read cycles. The internal registers are programmed through a 3-wire serial interface, and provide adjustment of the gain, offset, and operating mode. The AD9822 operates from a single 5 V power supply, typically consumes 385 mW of power, and is packaged in a 28-lead SOIC or SSOP. APPLICATIONS Flatbed Document Scanners Film Scanners Digital Color Copiers Multifunction Peripherals FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM AVDD VINR AVSS CML CDS CAPT CAPB AVDD CDS AD9822 3:1 MUX PGA CDS 14 14:8 MUX 8 MUX REGISTER PGA INPUT CLAMP BIAS CDSCLK1 14-BIT ADC OEB DOUT CONFIGURATION REGISTER 6 9-BIT DAC OFFSET DRVSS BANDGAP REFERENCE 9-BIT DAC VINB DRVDD PGA 9-BIT DAC VING AVSS 9 CDSCLK2 RED GREEN BLUE RED GREEN BLUE SCLK DIGITAL CONTROL INTERFACE GAIN REGISTERS SLOAD SDATA OFFSET REGISTERS ADCCLK REV. A Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781/329-4700 World Wide Web Site: http://www.analog.com Fax: 781/326-8703 © Analog Devices, Inc., 1999 AD9822–SPECIFICATIONS (TMIN to TMAX, AVDD = 5 V, DRVDD = 5 V, CDS Mode, fADCCLK = 15 MHz, fCDSCLK1 = fCDSCLK2 = 5 MHz, PGA ANALOG SPECIFICATIONS Gain = 1, unless otherwise noted.) Parameter Min MAXIMUM CONVERSION RATE 3-Channel Mode with CDS 1-Channel Mode with CDS 15 12.5 ACCURACY (Entire Signal Path) ADC Resolution Integral Nonlinearity (INL) INL @ 6 MHz Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) DNL @ 6 MHz No Missing Codes No Missing Codes @ 6 MHz Offset Error Gain Error ANALOG INPUTS Input Signal Range1 Allowable Reset Transient1 Input Limits2 Input Capacitance Input Bias Current Typ Max Unit MSPS MSPS 14 –17.0/+3.5 –10.5/+1.5 –0.65/+0.75 –0.6/+0.65 14 –1.0 14 –240 –1.4 –19 +3.5 +1.1 +200 +6.9 2.0 1.0 AVSS – 0.3 AVDD + 0.3 10 10 AMPLIFIERS PGA Gain at Minimum PGA Gain at Maximum PGA Gain Resolution2 PGA Gain Monotonicity Programmable Offset at Minimum Programmable Offset at Maximum Programmable Offset Resolution Programmable Offset Monotonicity 1 5.7 64 Guaranteed –350 +350 512 Guaranteed Bits LSB LSB LSB LSB Bits Bits mV % FSR V p-p V V pF nA V/V V/V Steps mV mV Steps NOISE AND CROSSTALK Total Output Noise @ PGA Minimum Total Output Noise @ PGA Maximum Channel-Channel Crosstalk @ 6 MHz 1.5 6.0 <1 POWER SUPPLY REJECTION AVDD = +5 V ± 0.25 V 0.063 0.9 % FSR 1.0 1.06 V +70 +150 °C °C 5.25 5.25 V V DIFFERENTIAL VREF (@ 25°C) CAPT–CAPB (2 V ADC Full-Scale Range) 0.94 TEMPERATURE RANGE Operating Storage 0 –65 POWER SUPPLIES AVDD DRVDD 4.75 3.0 5.0 5.0 OPERATING CURRENT AVDD DRVDD Power-Down Mode Current 73 4 150 POWER DISSIPATION 3-Channel Mode 3-Channel Mode @ 6 MHz 1-Channel Mode 1-Channel Mode @ 6 MHz 385 335 300 250 –2– LSB rms LSB rms LSB mA mA µA 450 410 mW mW mW mW REV. A AD9822 NOTES 1 Linear input signal range is from 2 V to 4 V when the CCD’s reference level is clamped to 4 V by the AD9822’s input clamp. 4V SET BY INPUT CLAMP (3V OPTION ALSO AVAILABLE) 1V TYP RESET TRANSIENT 2 2V p-p MAX INPUT SIGNAL RANGE The PGA Gain is approximately “linear in dB” and follows the equation: Gain = [ 5.7 1 + 4.7 [ Specifications subject to change without notice. ] where G is the register value. See Figure 13. 63 – G ] 63 (TMIN to TMAX, AVDD = 5 V, DRVDD = 5 V, CDS Mode, fADCCLK = 15 MHz, fCDSCLK1 = fCDSCLK2 = 5 MHz, DIGITAL SPECIFICATIONS C = 10 pF, unless otherwise noted.) L Parameter Symbol Min LOGIC INPUTS High Level Input Voltage Low Level Input Voltage High Level Input Current Low Level Input Current Input Capacitance VIH VIL IIH IIL CIN 2.0 LOGIC OUTPUTS High Level Output Voltage Low Level Output Voltage High Level Output Current Low Level Output Current VOH VOL IOH IOL 4.5 Typ Max 0.8 10 10 10 0.1 50 50 Unit V V µA µA pF V V µA µA Specifications subject to change without notice. TIMING SPECIFICATIONS (T MIN to TMAX, AVDD = 5 V, DRVDD = 5 V) Parameter Symbol Min CLOCK PARAMETERS 3-Channel Pixel Rate 1-Channel Pixel Rate ADCCLK Pulsewidth CDSCLK1 Pulsewidth CDSCLK2 Pulsewidth CDSCLK1 Falling to CDSCLK2 Rising ADCCLK Falling to CDSCLK2 Rising CDSCLK2 Rising to ADCCLK Rising CDSCLK2 Falling to ADCCLK Falling CDSCLK2 Falling to CDSCLK1 Rising ADCCLK Falling to CDSCLK1 Rising Aperture Delay for CDS Clocks tPRA tPRB tADCLK tC1 tC2 tC1C2 tADC2 tC2ADR tC2ADF tC2C1 tADC1 tAD 67 80 30 10 10 0 0 0 30 30 0 SERIAL INTERFACE Maximum SCLK Frequency SLOAD to SCLK Setup Time SCLK to SLOAD Hold Time SDATA to SCLK Rising Setup Time SCLK Rising to SDATA Hold Time SCLK Falling to SDATA Valid fSCLK tLS tLH tDS tDH tRDV 10 10 10 10 10 10 DATA OUTPUT Output Delay 3-State to Data Valid Output Enable High to 3-State Latency (Pipeline Delay) 40 40 2 –3– Max Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns MHz ns ns ns ns ns 8 10 10 3 (Fixed) tOD tDV tHZ Specifications subject to change without notice. REV. A Typ ns ns ns Cycles AD9822 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Parameter VIN, CAPT, CAPB Digital Inputs AVDD DRVDD AVSS Digital Outputs Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Lead Temperature (10 sec) PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS With Respect To Min Max Unit AVSS AVSS AVSS DRVSS DRVSS DRVSS –0.3 –0.3 –0.5 –0.5 –0.3 –0.3 AVDD + 0.3 AVDD + 0.3 +6.5 +6.5 +0.3 DRVDD + 0.3 150 +150 V V V V V V °C °C 300 °C –65 *Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods may affect device reliability. ORDERING GUIDE Pin No. Name Type Description 1 CDSCLK1 DI 2 3 4 5 6 7 CDSCLK2 ADCCLK OEB DRVDD DRVSS D7 DI DI DI P P DO 8 D6 DO 9 D5 DO 10 D4 DO CDS Reference Level Sampling Clock CDS Data Level Sampling Clock A/D Converter Sampling Clock Output Enable, Active Low Digital Output Driver Supply Digital Output Driver Ground Data Output MSB. ADC DB13 High Byte, ADC DB5 Low Byte Data Output. ADC DB12 High Byte, ADC DB4 Low Byte Data Output. ADC DB11 High Byte, ADC DB3 Low Byte Data Output. ADC DB10 High Byte, ADC DB2 Low Byte Data Output. ADC DB9 High Byte, ADC DB1 Low Byte Data Output. ADC DB8 High Byte, ADC DB0 Low Byte Data Output. ADC DB7 High Byte, Don’t Care Low Byte Data Output LSB. ADC DB6 High Byte, Don’t Care Low Byte Serial Interface Data Input/Output Serial Interface Clock Input Serial Interface Load Pulse 5 V Analog Supply Analog Ground ADC Bottom Reference Voltage Decoupling ADC Top Reference Voltage Decoupling Analog Input, Blue Channel Internal Bias Level Decoupling Analog Input, Green Channel Clamp Bias Level Decoupling Analog Input, Red Channel Analog Ground 5 V Analog Supply 11 D3 DO Model Temperature Range Package Description 12 D2 DO AD9822JR AD9822JRS 0°C to 70°C 0°C to 70°C 28-Lead 300 Mil SOIC 28-Lead 5.3 mm SSOP 13 D1 DO 14 D0 DO 15 16 17 18 19 20 SDATA SCLK SLOAD AVDD AVSS CAPB DI/DO DI DI P P AO 21 CAPT AO 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 VINB CML VING OFFSET VINR AVSS AVDD AI AO AI AO AI P P THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Thermal Resistance 28-Lead 300 Mil SOIC θJA = 71.4°C/W θJC = 23°C/W 28-Lead 5.3 mm SSOP θJA = 109°C/W θJC = 39°C/W PIN CONFIGURATION CDSCLK1 1 28 CDSCLK2 2 27 AVSS ADCCLK 3 26 VINR OEB 4 25 OFFSET DRVDD 5 24 VING 23 CML DRVSS 6 AD9822 AVDD (MSB) D7 7 TOP VIEW 22 VINB D6 8 (Not to Scale) 21 CAPT D5 9 20 CAPB D4 10 19 AVSS D3 11 18 AVDD D2 12 17 SLOAD D1 13 16 SCLK (LSB) D0 14 15 SDATA TYPE: AI = Analog Input, AO = Analog Output, DI = Digital Input, DO = Digital Output, P = Power. CAUTION ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although the AD9822 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. –4– WARNING! ESD SENSITIVE DEVICE REV. A AD9822 DEFINITIONS OF SPECIFICATIONS INPUT REFERRED NOISE INTEGRAL NONLINEARITY (INL) The rms output noise is measured using histogram techniques. The ADC output codes’ standard deviation is calculated in LSB, and converted to an equivalent voltage, using the relationship 1 LSB = 4 V/16384 = 244 mV. The noise is then referred to the input of the AD9822 by dividing by the PGA gain. Integral nonlinearity error refers to the deviation of each individual code from a line drawn from “zero scale” through “positive full scale.” The point used as “zero scale” occurs 1/2 LSB before the first code transition. “Positive full scale” is defined as a level 1 1/2 LSB beyond the last code transition. The deviation is measured from the middle of each particular code to the true straight line. CHANNEL-TO-CHANNEL CROSSTALK In an ideal 3-channel system, the signal in one channel will not influence the signal level of another channel. The channel-tochannel crosstalk specification is a measure of the change that occurs in one channel as the other two channels are varied. In the AD9822, one channel is grounded and the other two channels are exercised with full-scale input signals. The change in the output codes from the first channel is measured and compared with the result when all three channels are grounded. The difference is the channel-to-channel crosstalk, stated in LSB. DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITY (DNL) An ideal ADC exhibits code transitions that are exactly 1 LSB apart. DNL is the deviation from this ideal value. Thus every code must have a finite width. No missing codes guaranteed to 14-bit resolution indicates that all 16384 codes, respectively, must be present over all operating ranges. OFFSET ERROR APERTURE DELAY The first ADC code transition should occur at a level 1/2 LSB above the nominal zero scale voltage. The offset error is the deviation of the actual first code transition level from the ideal level. The aperture delay is the time delay that occurs from when a sampling edge is applied to the AD9822 until the actual sample of the input signal is held. Both CDSCLK1 and CDSCLK2 sample the input signal during the transition from high to low, so the aperture delay is measured from each clock’s falling edge to the instant the actual internal sample is taken. GAIN ERROR The last code transition should occur for an analog value 1 1/2 LSB below the nominal full-scale voltage. Gain error is the deviation of the actual difference between first and last code transitions and the ideal difference between the first and last code transitions. REV. A POWER SUPPLY REJECTION Power Supply Rejection specifies the maximum full-scale change that occurs from the initial value when the supplies are varied over the specified limits. –5– AD9822 ANALOG INPUTS tAD PIXEL N (R, G, B) PIXEL (N+2) PIXEL (N+1) tAD tC1 tC2C1 tPRA CDSCLK1 tC2 tC1C2 tC2ADF CDSCLK2 tADCLK tADC1 tC2ADR tADC2 ADCCLK tOD tADCLK OUTPUT DATA D<7:0> R (N–2) G (N–2) G (N–2) B (N–2) B (N–2) R (N–1) R (N–1) G (N–1) G (N–1) B (N–1) B (N–1) R (N) R (N) G (N) G (N) HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE Figure 1. 3-Channel CDS Mode Timing ANALOG INPUTS PIXEL N tAD PIXEL (N+1) PIXEL (N+2) tAD tC2C1 tC1 tPRB CDSCLK1 tC1C2 tC2 tADC1 CDSCLK2 tC2ADF tC2ADR tADCLK ADCCLK tADCLK OUTPUT DATA D<7:0> tOD PIXEL (N–4) PIXEL (N–4) PIXEL (N–3) PIXEL (N–3) PIXEL (N–2) PIXEL (N–2) HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE Figure 2. 1-Channel CDS Mode Timing –6– REV. A AD9822 PIXEL N (R, G, B) PIXEL (N+1) tAD ANALOG INPUTS tPRA tC2 tC2ADF CDSCLK2 tADCLK tADC2 tC2ADR ADCCLK tOD tADCLK OUTPUT DATA D<7:0> R (N–2) G (N–2) G (N–2) B (N–2) B (N–2) R (N–1) R (N–1) G (N–1) G (N–1) B (N–1) B (N–1) R (N) R (N) G (N) G (N) HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE Figure 3. 3-Channel SHA Mode Timing PIXEL N tAD ANALOG INPUTS tPRB tC2 CDSCLK2 tC2ADR tC2ADF tADCLK ADCCLK tADCLK OUTPUT DATA D<7:0> tOD PIXEL (N–4) PIXEL (N–4) PIXEL (N–3) PIXEL (N–3) PIXEL (N–2) PIXEL (N–2) HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE HIGH BYTE LOW BYTE Figure 4. 1-Channel SHA Mode Timing REV. A –7– AD9822 ADCCLK OUTPUT DATA <D7:D0> tOD tOD HIGH BYTE DB13–DB6 LOW BYTE DB5–DB0 HIGH BYTE N+1 PIXEL N PIXEL N LOW BYTE N+1 LOW BYTE N+2 tHZ HIGH BYTE N+3 tDV OEB Figure 5. Digital Output Data Timing SDATA R/Wb A2 A1 A0 XX tDH XX XX D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 tDS SCLK tLS tLH SLOAD Figure 6. Serial Write Operation Timing SDATA R/Wb A2 tDH A1 A0 XX XX tDS XX D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 tRDV SCLK tLS tLH SLOAD Figure 7. Serial Read Operation Timing –8– REV. A AD9822 grounded, a zero volt input corresponds to the ADC’s zero-scale output. The OFFSET pin may also be used as a coarse offset adjust pin. A voltage applied to this pin will be subtracted from the voltages applied to the red, green, and blue inputs in the first amplifier stage of the AD9822. The input clamp is disabled in this mode. For more information, see the Circuit Operation section. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The AD9822 can be operated in four different modes: 3-Channel CDS Mode, 3-Channel SHA Mode, 1-Channel CDS Mode, and 1-Channel SHA Mode. Each mode is selected by programming the Configuration Register through the serial interface. For more detail on CDS or SHA mode operation, see the Circuit Operation section. 3-Channel CDS Mode In 3-Channel CDS Mode, the AD9822 simultaneously samples the red, green and blue input voltages from the CCD outputs. The sampling points for each Correlated Double Sampler (CDS) are controlled by CDSCLK1 and CDSCLK2 (see Figures 8 and 9). CDSCLK1’s falling edge samples the reference level of the CCD waveform. CDSCLK2’s falling edge samples the data level of the CCD waveform. Each CDS amplifier outputs the difference between the CCD’s reference and data levels. Next, the output voltage of each CDS amplifier is level-shifted by an Offset DAC. The voltages are then scaled by the three Programmable Gain Amplifiers before being multiplexed through the 14-bit ADC. The ADC sequentially samples the PGA outputs on the falling edges of ADCCLK. The offset and gain values for the red, green and blue channels are programmed using the serial interface. The order in which the channels are switched through the multiplexer is selected by programming the MUX register. The offset and gain values for the red, green, and blue channels are programmed using the serial interface. The order in which the channels are switched through the multiplexer is selected by programming the MUX register. 1-Channel CDS Mode This mode operates in the same way as the 3-Channel CDS mode. The difference is that the multiplexer remains fixed in this mode, so only the channel specified in the MUX register is processed. Timing for this mode is shown in Figure 3. 1-Channel SHA Mode Timing for this mode is shown in Figure 1. It is recommended that the falling edge of CDSCLK2 occur coincident with or before the rising edge of ADCCLK, although this is not required to satisfy the minimum timing constraints. The rising edge of CDSCLK2 should not occur before the previous falling edge of ADCCLK, as shown by tADC2. The output data latency is three clock cycles. This mode operates in the same way as the 3-Channel SHA mode, except that the multiplexer remains stationary. Only the channel specified in the MUX register is processed. The input signal is sampled with respect to the voltage applied to the OFFSET pin. With the OFFSET pin grounded, a zero volt input corresponds to the ADC’s zero scale output. The OFFSET pin may also be used as a coarse offset adjust pin. A voltage applied to this pin will be subtracted from the voltages applied to the red, green, and blue inputs in the first amplifier stage of the AD9822. The input clamp is disabled in this mode. For more information, see the Circuit Operation section. 3-Channel SHA Mode In 3-Channel SHA Mode, the AD9822 simultaneously samples the red, green and blue input voltages. The sampling point is controlled by CDSCLK2. CDSCLK2’s falling edge samples the input waveforms on each channel. The output voltages from the three SHAs are modified by the offset DACs and then scaled by the three PGAs. The outputs of the PGAs are then multiplexed through the 14-bit ADC. The ADC sequentially samples the PGA outputs on the falling edges of ADCCLK. Timing for this mode is shown in Figure 4. CDSCLK1 should be grounded in this mode of operation. The input signal is sampled with respect to the voltage applied to the OFFSET pin (see Figure 10). With the OFFSET pin REV. A Timing for this mode is shown in Figure 2. CDSCLK1 should be grounded in this mode. Although not required, it is recommended that the falling edge of CDSCLK2 occur coincident with or before the rising edge of ADCCLK. The rising edge of CDSCLK2 should not occur before the previous falling edge of ADCCLK, as shown by tADC2. The output data latency is three ADCCLK cycles. –9– AD9822 INTERNAL REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS Table I. Internal Register Map Register Name A2 Address A1 A0 Configuration 0 0 MUX 0 Red PGA 0 Green PGA 0 Data Bits D4 D8 D7 D6 D5 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 VREF 3Ch/1Ch CDS On Clamp Pwr Dn 0 0 0 1 0 RGB/BGR Red Green 1 0 0 0 0 MSB Blue 0 0 0 0 LSB 1 1 0 0 0 MSB LSB 0 0 MSB Blue PGA 1 0 0 0 Red Offset 1 0 1 MSB LSB LSB Green Offset 1 1 0 MSB LSB Blue Offset 1 1 1 MSB LSB Configuration Register The Configuration Register controls the AD9822’s operating mode and bias levels. Bits D8, D1, and D0 should always be set low. Bit D7 sets the full-scale voltage range of the AD9822’s A/D converter to either 4 V (high) or 2 V (low). Bit D6 controls the internal voltage reference. If the AD9822’s internal voltage reference is used, this bit is set high. Setting Bit D6 low will disable the internal voltage reference, allowing an external voltage reference to be used. Bit D5 will configure the AD9822 for either the 3-Channel (high) or 1-Channel (low) mode of operation. Setting Bit D4 high will enable the CDS mode of operation, and setting this bit low will enable the SHA mode of operation. Bit D3 sets the dc bias level of the AD9822’s input clamp. This bit should always be set high for the 4 V clamp bias, unless a CCD with a reset feedthrough transient exceeding 2 V is used. If the 3 V clamp bias level is used, the peak-to-peak input signal range to the AD9822 is reduced to 3 V maximum. Bit D2 controls the power-down mode. Setting Bit D2 high will place the AD9822 into a very low power “sleep” mode. All register contents are retained while the AD9822 is in the powereddown state. Table II. Configuration Register Settings D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Set to 0 Set to 0 Internal VREF # of Channels CDS Operation Input Clamp Bias Power-Down Set to 1 = On 0 = Off (Normal)* 0 Set to 0 1 = Enabled* 0 = Disabled 1 = 3-Ch Mode* 0 = 1-Ch Mode 1 = CDS Mode* 0 = SHA Mode 1 = 4 V* 0=3V *Power-on default value. MUX Register The MUX Register controls the sampling channel order in the AD9822. Bits D8, D3, D2, D1, and D0 should always be set low. Bit D7 is used when operating in 3-Channel Mode. Setting Bit D7 high will sequence the MUX to sample the red channel first, then the green channel, and then the blue channel. When in this mode, the CDSCLK2 pulse always resets the MUX to sample the red channel first (see Timing Figure 1). When Bit D7 is set low, the channel order is reversed to blue first, green second, and red third. The CDSCLK2 pulse will always reset the MUX to sample the blue channel first. Bits D6, D5, and D4 are used when operating in 1-Channel Mode. Bit D6 is set high to sample the red channel. Bit D5 is set high to sample the green channel. Bit D4 is set high to sample the blue channel. The MUX will remain stationary during 1-Channel Mode. Table III. MUX Register Settings D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Set to 0 3-Channel Select 1-Channel Select 1-Channel Select 1-Channel Select 1 = R-G-B* 0 = B-G-R 1 = RED* 0 = Off 1 = GREEN 0 = Off* 1 = BLUE 0 = Off* Set to 0 Set to 0 Set to 0 Set to 0 *Power-on default value. –10– REV. A AD9822 PGA Gain Registers There are three PGA registers for individually programming the gain in the red, green, and blue channels. Bits D8, D7, and D6 in each register must be set low, and bits D5 through D0 control the gain range in 64 increments. See Figure 13 for a graph of the PGA Gain versus PGA register code. The coding for the PGA registers is straight binary, with an all “zeros” word corresponding to the minimum gain setting (1x) and an all “ones” word corresponding to the maximum gain setting (5.7x). Table IV. PGA Gain Register Settings D8 D7 D6 D5 Set to 0 Set to 0 Set to 0 MSB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Gain (dB) 1.0 1.013 • • • 5.4 5.7 0.0 0.12 • • • 14.6 15.1 LSB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0* 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 • • • 0 0 Gain (V/V) 1 1 1 1 *Power-on default value. Offset Registers There are three PGA registers for individually programming the offset in the red, green, and blue channels. Bits D8 through D0 control the offset range from –350 mV to +350 mV in 512 increments. The coding for the offset registers is sign magnitude, with D8 as the sign bit. Table V shows the offset range as a function of the Bits D8 through D0. Table V. Offset Register Settings D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 MSB 0 0 D0 LSB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0* 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 • • • 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 • • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 *Power-on default value. REV. A Offset (mV) –11– 0 +1.2 • • • +350 0 –1.2 • • • –350 AD9822 CIRCUIT OPERATION Analog Inputs—CDS Mode Figure 8 shows the analog input configuration for the CDS mode of operation. Figure 9 shows the internal timing for the sampling switches. The CCD reference level is sampled when CDSCLK1 transitions from high to low, opening S1. The CCD data level is sampled when CDSCLK2 transitions from high to low, opening S2. S3 is then closed, generating a differential output voltage representing the difference between the two sampled levels. The input clamp is controlled by CDSCLK1. When CDSCLK1 is high, S4 closes and the internal bias voltage is connected to the analog input. The bias voltage charges the external 0.1 µF input capacitor, level-shifting the CCD signal into the AD9822’s input common-mode range. The time constant of the input clamp is determined by the internal 5 kΩ resistance and the external 0.1 µF input capacitance. AD9822 CCD SIGNAL S1 VINR 2pF CML CIN 0.1mF S3 5kV CML S2 AVDD S4 2. Linearity. Some of the input capacitance of a CMOS IC is junction capacitance, which varies nonlinearly with applied voltage. If the input coupling capacitor is too small, then the attenuation of the CCD signal will vary nonlinearly with signal level. This will degrade the system linearity performance. 3. Sampling Errors. The internal 2 pF sample capacitors have a “memory” of the previously sampled pixel. There is a charge redistribution error between CIN and the internal sample capacitors for larger pixel-to-pixel voltage swings. As the value of CIN is reduced, the resulting error in the sampled voltage will increase. With a CIN value of 0.1 µF, the charge redistribution error will be less than 1 LSB for a full-scale pixel-to-pixel voltage swing. Analog Inputs—SHA Mode Figure 10 shows the analog input configuration for the SHA mode of operation. Figure 11 shows the internal timing for the sampling switches. The input signal is sampled when CDSCLK2 transitions from high to low, opening S1. The voltage on the OFFSET pin is also sampled on the falling edge of CDSCLK2, when S2 opens. S3 is then closed, generating a differential output voltage representing the difference between the sampled input voltage and the OFFSET voltage. The input clamp is disabled during SHA mode operation. 2pF AD9822 1.7kV OFFSET 1mF + 4V 0.1mF INPUT CLAMP LEVEL 2.2kV IS SELECTED IN THE CONFIGURATION REGISTER 6.9kV 3V VINR INPUT SIGNAL OFFSET OPTIONAL DC OFFSET (OR CONNECT TO GND) S1 2pF CML S2 S3 2pF RED CML VING Figure 8. CDS-Mode Input Configuration (All Three Channels Are Identical) S1, S4 CLOSED VINB S1, S4 CLOSED CDSCLK1 S1, S4 OPEN CDSCLK2 S2 OPEN S2 CLOSED S3 CLOSED Q3 (INTERNAL) GREEN BLUE S2 CLOSED Figure 10. SHA-Mode Input Configuration (All Three Channels Are Identical) S3 CLOSED S3 OPEN S1, S2 CLOSED CDSCLK2 Figure 9. CDS-Mode Internal Switch Timing External Input Coupling Capacitors S3 CLOSED The recommended value for the input coupling capacitors is 0.1 µF. While it is possible to use a smaller capacitor, this larger value is chosen for several reasons: Q3 (INTERNAL) S1, S2 CLOSED S1, S2 OPEN S3 CLOSED S3 OPEN Figure 11. SHA-Mode Internal Switch Timing 1. Signal Attenuation. The input coupling capacitor creates a capacitive divider with a CMOS integrated circuit’s input capacitance, attenuating the CCD signal level. CIN should be large relative to the IC’s 10 pF input capacitance in order to minimize this effect. –12– REV. A GAIN – dB ( ) Figure 12 shows how the OFFSET pin may be used in a CIS application for coarse offset adjustment. Many CIS signals have dc offsets ranging from several hundred millivolts to more than 1 V. By connecting the appropriate dc voltage to the OFFSET pin, the CIS signal will be restored to “zero.” After the large dc offset is removed, the signal can be scaled using the PGA to maximize the ADC’s dynamic range. AD9822 RED GREEN BLUE R1 SHA RED-OFFSET SHA GREEN-OFFSET VING 12 5.0 9 4.0 6 3.0 3 2.0 0 0 SHA BLUE-OFFSET OFFSET 0.1mF R2 Figure 12. SHA-Mode Used with External DC Offset Programmable Gain Amplifiers The AD9822 uses one Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) for each channel. Each PGA has a gain range from 1x (0 dB) to 5.8x (15.5 dB), adjustable in 64 steps. Figure 6 shows the PGA gain as a function of the PGA register code. Although the gain curve is approximately “linear in dB”, the gain in V/V varies nonlinearly with register code, following the equation: Gain = 4 8 1.0 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 63 PGA REGISTER VALUE – Decimal Figure 13. PGA Gain Transfer Function VINB DC OFFSET 5.7 63 − G 1 + 4.7 63 where G is the decimal value of the gain register contents, and varies from 0 to 63. REV. A 5.7 VINR VREF FROM CIS MODULE AVDD 15 –13– GAIN – V/V ( ) AD9822 AD9822 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Circuit and Layout Recommendations The recommended circuit configuration for 3-Channel CDS mode operation is shown in Figure 14. The recommended input coupling capacitor value is 0.1 µF (see Circuit Operation section for more details). A single ground plane is recommended for the AD9822. A separate power supply may be used for DRVDD, the digital driver supply, but this supply pin should still be decoupled to the same ground plane as the rest of the AD9822. The loading of the digital outputs should be minimized, either by using short traces to the digital ASIC, or by using external digital buffers. To minimize the effect of digital transients during major output code transitions, the falling edge of CDSCLK2 should occur coincident with or before the rising edge of ADCCLK (see Figures 1 through 4 for timing). All 0.1 µF decoupling capacitors should be located as close as possible to the AD9822 pins. When operating in single channel mode, the unused analog inputs should be grounded. Figure 15 shows the recommended circuit configuration for 3Channel SHA mode. All of the above considerations also apply for this configuration, except that the analog input signals are directly connected to the AD9822 without the use of coupling capacitors. The analog input signals must already be dc-biased between 0 V and 2 V (see the Circuit Operation section for more details). 0.1mF 5V CLOCK INPUTS 0.1mF 5V/3V 1 CDSCLK1 AVDD 28 2 CDSCLK2 AVSS 27 3 ADCCLK VINR 26 4 OEB 5 DRVDD 6 DRVSS 7 D7 (MSB) 8 D6 CAPT 21 9 D5 CAPB 20 10 D4 AVSS 19 11 D3 AVDD 18 12 D2 SLOAD 17 13 D1 14 D0 (LSB) 0.1mF DATA OUTPUTS RED INPUT 3 0.1mF GREEN INPUT 0.1mF BLUE INPUT OFFSET 25 AD9822 VING 24 0.1mF 0.1mF 1.0mF CML 23 0.1mF VINB 22 0.1mF + 10mF 0.1mF 0.1mF 5V SCLK 16 SDATA 15 8 3 SERIAL INTERFACE Figure 14. Recommended Circuit Configuration, 3-Channel CDS Mode 5V CLOCK INPUTS 5V/3V 1 CDSCLK1 AVDD 28 2 CDSCLK2 AVSS 27 3 ADCCLK VINR 26 4 OEB 5 DRVDD 6 DRVSS 7 D7 (MSB) 0.1mF 0.1mF GREEN INPUT BLUE INPUT OFFSET 25 AD9822 VING 24 0.1mF VINB 22 D6 CAPT 21 9 D5 CAPB 20 10 D4 AVSS 19 11 D3 AVDD 18 12 D2 SLOAD 17 14 D0 (LSB) 0.1mF CML 23 8 13 D1 DATA OUTPUTS RED INPUT 3 0.1mF + 10mF 0.1mF 0.1mF 5V SCLK 16 SDATA 15 8 3 SERIAL INTERFACE Figure 15. Recommended Circuit Configuration, 3-Channel SHA Mode (Analog Inputs Sampled with Respect to Ground) –14– REV. A AD9822 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Dimensions shown in inches and (mm). C3700a–0–12/99 (rev. A) 28-Lead, 300 Mil SOIC (R-28) 0.7125 (18.10) 0.6969 (17.70) 28 15 0.2992 (7.60) 0.2914 (7.40) 1 0.4193 (10.65) 0.3937 (10.00) 14 PIN 1 0.1043 (2.65) 0.0926 (2.35) 0.0118 (0.30) 0.0040 (0.10) 0.0500 (1.27) BSC 88 08 0.0192 (0.49) SEATING 0.0125 (0.32) 0.0138 (0.35) PLANE 0.0091 (0.23) 0.0291 (0.74) 3 458 0.0098 (0.25) 0.0500 (1.27) 0.0157 (0.40) 28-Lead, 5.33 mm SSOP (RS-28) 0.407 (10.34) 0.397 (10.08) 15 1 14 0.311 (7.9) 0.301 (7.64) 0.212 (5.38) 0.205 (5.21) 28 0.078 (1.98) PIN 1 0.068 (1.73) 8° 0.015 (0.38) 0° SEATING 0.009 (0.229) 0.010 (0.25) PLANE 0.005 (0.127) 0.03 (0.762) 0.022 (0.558) PRINTED IN U.S.A. 0.008 (0.203) 0.0256 (0.65) 0.002 (0.050) BSC 0.07 (1.79) 0.066 (1.67) REV. A –15–