-10- ⒛00年 第 9期 zO00年 《@舛 电弓无番件》 9月 ●新 特 器 件 应 用 岛清晰煮么 宫 电视 适配均 衡器 GS1504 西安电子科技 大学 艾渤 王勇 Matching EquaⅡ zer Gs1504for HDTⅤ Ai Bo Wang YOng 摘要 :介 绍 了 Gennum公 司生产的可靠性适配均衡器 GS15⒄ 芯片的管脚封装和性能特 J点 。分析 了 它的基本 工作原理 ,给 出了典型应用电路及其在 大型路 由器、 多路 串行数 字传输 系统 中的应用框 图,指 出了它在 HDTV技 术 中的关键作 用。 关键词 ∶ 高清晰度数 字 电视 ;适 配均衡器 ;GS1sO4 文献标识码 :B 分类号 :TN715 1 文章编号 :1OO6-⒆ 刀 (2000)⒆ -OO10-Ⅱ 脚说 明。功 能框 图如 图 2所 示 。 概述 GS15⒄ 的主要特 点如下 : 电视技术 的革命经历 了 TV、 DTV、 SDTV等 过 ①遵从 SMPTE⒛ 2M标 准协议 程 ,现 在 ,人 们 已把 目光集 中在 了正在发展 的卫星 电 ● 可对 1。 人机交互 电视 、 视、 高清晰度数字 电视 (HDTV)等 新 型 电视系统上 。作为将来 的发展趋势 ,如 何使得广 缆均衡 ● 可 均 衡 100m Belden羽 81或 150m Belden 16%高 质 同轴 电缆 ●有静 噪输 出功能 键元器件 ,使 用该器件可避免使用造价相对 昂贵 的 292M标 准 ,可 用来为 1。 鲳 5Gb/s的 ; ●具 有 电缆长度指示 功 能 HDTV技 术 的关 光 纤 传 输 线 。 GS1504属 于 Gennum公 司 HD— uNKTM系 列器件 中的一 种 ,它 完 全遵从 SMPTE ; ; 的 GS1SO4电 缆均衡器和 GS1sO8电 缆驱动器正是 未来在现有广播设施 基础上实施 ● 可 调 电缆 最 大 长度 ; ●低 功耗 HDTV数 字视 ; ●采用 +5V或 一 频信号提供 电缆均衡 。 5V单 电源供 电方式 。 2 3 管脚封装及特性 GS15⒄ 的引脚排列如 图 1所 示 ,表 1为 其 引 HDTV信 号进 行 自动 电 ● 能驱 动 SOΩ 负载 的差 动 串行 输 出⌒ 播 电视 台能利用现有 的同轴 电缆设各来满足将来对 HDTV技 术 的需要 呢?Gennum公 司最新开发研制 鲳 5Gb/s的 ; ; CLI CD/MUTE Ⅴcc Ⅴcc ⅤEE ⅤEE sDI sDI SD0 sD0 ⅤEE ⅤEE MCLADJ NC NC NC 工 作原理 GS1504是 一 种 ; 图1 GS15⒄ 的引脚排列 表 1 GS1⒛ 4的 管脚说 明 管脚号 符号 ° 类型 说 明 输出 电缆长度指示 ,提 供代表均衡 电缆总量 的输 出电压 2,15 CLI V∞ 输人 最大正 电源 电压 3,6,11,14 Vm 输人 最小负 电源 电压 ∈ 引 E)I,SDI 输入 差动输入管脚 ,建 议使用交流耦合 MCLADJ 输人 可调节待均衡的最大电缆量(从 0米 到最大长度)当 达到所需的最大线缆量时 可对输出进行静噪处理 4、 5 7 NC 8,9,10 12,13 16 SDO,SDO ∞ 咖 , 未用 不连 ,注 意不能把这些管脚接到 电源或地端 输出 差动串行数据输出管脚(输 出阻抗为⒛Ω) 输人 或 输出 检波碲 噪指示器膨蹄 刂 器 。当面 /M卫 E输 出端 为低 电平 时 ,输 出端 有 效 ;当 αⅥ呱刀 E输 出端 为高 电平 时 ,数 据输 出端得 到静 噪。这 就 意 味着 已达 到 了 由 MCLADJ所 设定 的最大线缆长度 -11- 高清晰度 数 字 电视适配均衡 器 GS1SO4 高速率双极性集成 电路 ,它 是采用 +5V或 一5V单 电源供 电的低功耗 (约 为 乃 0mW)器 件 ,采 用 16脚 3.5 3 应用时应将 ⌒ 霎≤ˇ哄 窄封装 ,无 需外部提升 电阻。 HD串 行数据信号 以差动或单端方 SDI输 人 \ 2.5 \ ` J〓 式接在输人管脚 (SDI/SDI)。 由于 SDI及 \ 0 端有近 2.7V的 内部偏压 。因此应 当使用交流耦合 输人 。输人信号通过可变增益均衡级 使其频率特性 与反 向电缆损耗特性相匹配 。除此之外 ,频 率响应 随控制 电压 的变化亦可模拟反 向电缆损耗长度 的变 0 50 100 150 电缆长度 (米 ) 化。 图3 CLI电 压电缆关系曲线图 已均衡信号 的边界能量可 由检测 电路监控 ,该 电路能产生 一 个与实际边界能量和所需边界能量之 噪时 ,MCLADJ管 脚 悬 空 。CD/MuTE管 脚 为双 向 差相对应 的误差信号 。该误差信号经 内部增益滤波 多 功 能管 脚 ,在 该 管 脚 上 加 一 高 电平 可使 GS1sO4 电容累积 ,产 生一个稳定 的增益控制 电压 。由于增 的输 出处 于静 噪状 态 。在该 状 态 下 ,输 出将 被锁定 益 的频率特性受着负反馈 的作用而改变 。这样 ,均 CD/MUTE端 上加 一 低 电平 ,则 不 管 输 入 电缆 长 度 及 加 到 MCLADJ管 衡信号的边界能量就会保持为常数 ,该 数值可表示 在最后 的逻辑 电平 上 ;女 口果 在 CD/ 发射机 的初始边界能量 。均衡信号 的直流恢复特性 能有效地把均衡信号 的逻辑 阈值恢复到正 确值 ,而 脚 的 电压 如何 ,都 会使 GS15⒄ 的输 出激 活 ;当 与 因交流耦合引起 的漂移无关 。当负载 电阻为 mΩ 当输 出静 噪时 ,CD/MUTE为 逻辑 高 电平 ;反 之 为 时 ,数 字输 出信号有 400m⒕ p的 差动或 200m⒕ p的 逻辑低 电平 。 单端输 出电压 。 4 GS1504还 有 通 用 的 模 拟 线 缆 长 度 指 示 器 (CLI)输 出及 一 个可编程 的静噪阈值 (MCLADJ)输 MUTE用 作输 出时 ,会 提供 输 出端静 噪状 态 指示 ; 典型应用 图 4为 GS1SO4的 典 型应用 电路 ,图 5给 出了 出。此外 ,多 功能的 CD/MUTE管 脚可对 GS15⒄ GS15⒄ 在大型路 由器 中的应用位置 。同时 ,GS1⒛ 4 的静噪功能进行控制 。 还可用 作路 由器 、分配放大器 、转换 电平开关或者 GS1504的 CLI管 脚 的 输 出 电 压 正 比 于 GS1504输 人 端 的 电缆 总 量 。 当 电 缆 长 度 为 0m (800mV输 人 信号 电平 )时 9CLI输 出电压近似为 1.4ssGb/s HDTV串 行数字接收机之 间的接 口设 廴 1绅 CD/MUTE Ⅴcc ⅤEE 理 。这种特性使得 GS1⒛ 4能 在元件输人端把低 幅 SDI信 号与噪声 区别开来 ;当 不需输 出静 图 4、 10nF 王 Vcc w w GS1m4的 典型应用 电路 蛳 螭 视出 行输 串频 2 ⅤEE NC NC 嘲 咖 图 CD/MUTE 跏一跏 自动增益控制 抚 CLI 丬 sD0 sD0 MCLADJ NC 长度达到预定值时就能对 GS1SO4输 出进行静噪处 电缆长度指示/调 节器 载波监测 静噪 ⅤEE sDI sDI ⅤEE 磊 塔 氢 了 F暝 箨 孑 噩 f莆 l罩 l甬 胥 羊 胥 ;|鼋 蠡 值 的 HD CL1 ⅤGc sD0 功 能框 图 图 5 大 型路 由器 HD-LINX ™ GS1504 HDTV Adaptive Equalizer PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION • SMPTE 292M compliant The GS1504 is a high performance cable equalizer designed to equalize HDTV component signal conforming to SMPTE 292M. The adaptive cable equalizer is capable of equalizing up to 100m of Belden 8281 co-axial cable. • Automatic, adjustment free cable equalization for 1.485Gb/s HDTV signals • Differential serial outputs capable of driving 50Ω loads The GS1504 features DC restoration for immunity to the DC content in pathological test patterns. The device also incorporates a Cable Length Indicator signal that provides an indication of the amount of cable being equalized. • Typically equalizes 100m of Belden 8281 or 150m of Belden 1694 high quality co-axial cable • Cable Length Indication • Output Mute • Maximum Cable Length Adjust • Low power • Minimal external components • Single +5V or -5V power supply operation APPLICATIONS 1.485Gb/s HDTV Serial Digital Receiver Interfaces for Routers, Distribution Amplifiers, Switchers, and other receiving equipment. A voltage programmable mute threshold (MCLADJ) is included to allow muting of the GS1504 output when a selected cable length is reached. This feature allows the GS1504 to distinguish between low amplitude HD SDI signals and noise at the input of the device. The CD/Mute pin provides an indication of the GS1504 mute status in addition to functioning as a mute control input. The output of the GS1504 may be forced to an active or a mute condition by applying a voltage to the CD/Mute pin. The GS1504 is a low power device that operates from a single 5V power supply. The GS1504 is packaged in a 16 pin narrow SOIC and does not need external pull-up resistors. ORDERING INFORMATION MCLADJ PACKAGE TEMPERATURE GS1504-CKD 16 pin narrow SOIC 0°C to 70°C GS1504-CTD 16 pin Tape and Reel 0°C to 70°C CABLE LENGTH INDICATOR/ADJUSTOR CARRIER DETECT MUTE SDI SDI PART NUMBER DC RESTORE EQUALIZER CLI CD/MUTE SDO OUTPUT SDO AGC PATENT PENDING BLOCK DIAGRAM Revision Date: March 2000 Document No. 522 - 05 - 02 GENNUM CORPORATION P.O. Box 489, Stn. A, Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7R 3Y3 Tel. +1 (905) 632-2996 Fax. +1 (905) 632-5946 E-mail: [email protected] www.gennum.com GS1504 FEATURES ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA = 25°C unless otherwise indicated PARAMETER VALUE Supply Voltage 5.5V Input Voltage Range (any input) -0.3 to (VCC +0.3)V GS1504 Operating Temperature Range 0°C to 70°C Storage Temperature -65°C to 150°C Power Dissipation 300mW Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) 260°C Input ESD Voltage 2000V DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VCC = 5V, VEE = 0V, TA = 0°C to 70°C, Data Rate = 1.485Gb/s SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS TEST LEVELS VCC 4.75 5.00 5.25 V 1 Power Consumption - 250 - mW 1 Supply Current - 50 65.0 mA 1 3.75 4 4.25 V 1 PARAMETER CONDITIONS Positive Supply Voltage Output CM Voltage Input DC Voltage Internal Bias. See Figure 2 - 2.7 - V 1 CLI DC Voltage (0m) CLI Output for 0m Cable - 3.3 - V 4 0.9 1.3 1.7 V 1 - 2 - V 2 2.80 3.1 3.4 V 1 V 2 V 1 CLI DC Voltage (no signal input) Cable Length Indicator Range 0 - Max m MCLADJ DC Voltage MCLADJ Input Voltage Required to Mute Output MCLADJ Range (max cable to 0m) Mute DC Voltage Output Voltage of CD/Mute when Output is Active Voltage Required to Force Outputs to Mute Min to Mute; VCD/Mute 4.2 V 2 Voltage Required to Force Outputs Active Max to Activate; VCD/Mute 3.8 V 2 TEST LEVELS: 1. 100% tested at 25°C. CLI 1 2. Guaranteed by design. 1.5 3. Correlated Value. GigaBERT 1400 4. Using EB1504 8281 or 1694A CABLE IN 50/75 2k CLI GS1504 EVAL. BOARD MCLADJ 10k 15k Fig. 1 Test Setup 2 522 - 05 - 02 2.1 DVM EXT. CLOCK DATA CLOCK OUT OUT EXT. CLOCK 1.485GHz 1.8 OUT CH. 1 OUT CH. 2 TDS 820 EXT. TRIGGER AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VCC = 5V, VEE = 0V, TA = 0°C to 70°C, Data Rate = 1.485Gb/s TYP MAX UNITS TEST LEVEL 100m (8281), PRN and pathological - 80 135 ps p-p 1 Belden 8281 - 100 - m 1 Belden 1694 - 150 - m 3 20% - 80% - 130 270 ps 1 Input Resistance Single Ended - 2.8 . kΩ 2 Input Capacitance Single Ended - 1 - pF 2 Output Resistance Single Ended - 50 - Ω 2 Into 50Ω Loads; See Figure 21. 160 200 240 mVp-p 1 CONDITIONS Jitter Equalization Output Rise/Fall Time Output Signal Swing SDO, SDO TEST LEVELS: 1. 100% tested at 25°C. SYMBOL 2. Guaranteed by design. 3. Correlated Value. 4. Using EB1504 PIN CONNECTIONS CLI 1 16 CD/MUTE VCC 2 15 VCC VEE 3 14 VEE 13 SDO 12 SDO GS1504 TOP VIEW SDI 4 SDI 5 VEE 6 11 VEE MCLADJ 7 10 NC NC 8 9 NC PIN DESCRIPTIONS NUMBER SYMBOL TYPE DESCRIPTION 1 CLI O Cable Length Indication. Provides a voltage output representing the amount of cable being equalized. See figures 19 and 20. The CLI voltage is an approximation of the cable length being equalized. It is intended as a guide for troubleshooting the initial design and not as an accurate indication of cable length. 2, 15 VCC I Most positive supply voltage. 3, 6, 11, 14 VEE I Most negative supply voltage. 4, 5 SDI, SDI I Differential Input Pins. AC coupled termination is recommended. 7 MCLADJ I Adjusts the maximum amount of cable to be equalized (from 0m to the maximum cable length). The output is muted (latched to the last state) when the maximum cable length is reached. To achieve maximum cable length, this pin should be left open. See figures 10 - 12. 8, 9, 10 NC - No Connect. Do not connect these pins to supply or ground. 12, 13 SDO, SDO O Differential Serial Data Output Pins, with 50Ω output resistance. 16 CD/Mute I/O Carrier Detect/Mute Indicator/Control. When the CD/Mute output is low, the carrier is present and the data output is active. When the CD/Mute output is high, the carrier is not present and the data output is muted (latched to the last state). This indicates that the maximum cable length as set by MCLADJ has been reached. The above default CD/Mute function can be overwritten as follows: if the CD/Mute pin is tied to ground the data output will not mute and the MCLADJ setting is overwritten. If the mute pin is tied high, the data output will always mute and the MCLADJ setting is overwritten. 3 522 - 05 - 02 GS1504 MIN PARAMETER INPUT/OUTPUT CIRCUITS All resistors in ohms, all capacitors in farads, unless otherwise shown. GS1504 VCC 10k 6k 6k SDI SDI 10k RC 7k 7k - CLI + Fig. 2 Input Equivalent Circuit Fig. 5 CLI Output Circuit VCC VCC 40k 20k OUTPUT STAGE + MCLADJ CD/MUTE MUTE CONTROL - 10k 42µ Fig. 3 MCLADJ Equivalent Circuit 50 Fig. 6 CD/Mute Circuit 50 SDO SDO Fig. 4 Output Circuit 4 522 - 05 - 02 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (unless otherwise shown, VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C) 300 250 200 GS1504 POWER CONSUMPTION (mW) 350 MCLADJ 150 MCLADJ 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 Uncompensated MCLADJ 80 Temperature Compensated MCLADJ TEMPERATURE (˚C) Fig. 7 Power Consumption Fig. 10 Temperature Compensation of MCLADJ 800 102 700 100 98 CABLE LENGTH (m) JITTER (ps) 600 500 400 300 200 96 Compensated 94 92 90 Uncompensated 88 100 86 84 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 20 CABLE LENGTH (m) 60 80 TEMPERATURE (˚C) 23 Fig. 8 Typical Peak to Peak Jitter, PRN 2 -1, Belden 1694A Fig. 11 Typical 1694A Cable Length vs. Temperature (%) 800 90 CC VOLTAGE NORMALIZED TO V 700 600 JITTER (ps) 40 500 400 300 200 100 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 0 200 CABLE LENGTH (m) 0 50 100 150 200 CABLE LENGTH (m) 23 Fig. 9 Typical Peak to Peak Jitter, PRN 2 -1, Belden 8281 Fig. 12 MCLADJ Input Voltage vs 1694A Cable Length 5 522 - 05 - 02 GS1504 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (unless otherwise shown VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C) Fig. 13 Input 100m (Belden 1694A) Fig. 16 Output 150m (Belden 1694A) 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 0.05 GHz Fig. 14 Output 100m (Belden 1694A) 1 GHz 2 GHz Fig. 17 Input Return Loss OUTPUT SIGNAL SWING (mV) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 TEMPERATURE (˚C) Fig. 15 Input 150m (Belden 1694A) Fig. 18 Output Signal Swing, p-p, Differential 6 522 - 05 - 02 80 CLI VOLTAGE (V) 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 +100mV CABLE LENGTH (m) VCM = 4.0V typical Fig. 19 CLI Voltage vs. Belden 1694A Cable Length SDO -100mV SDO +100mV 3.5 CLI VOLTAGE (V) 3 2.5 50 50 2 VCM = 4.0V typical -100mV 1.5 1 Fig. 21 Typical Output Voltage Levels 0.5 0 0 50 100 CABLE LENGTH INDICATION/CARRIER DETECT/MUTE 150 The GS1504 incorporates a versatile analog cable length indicator (CLI) output and a programmable threshold output mute (MCLADJ). In addition, a multi-function CD/MUTE pin allows control of the GS1504 MUTE functionality. CABLE LENGTH (m) Fig. 20 CLI Voltage vs. Belden 8281 Cable Length DETAILED DESCRIPTION The voltage output of CLI pin is an approximation of the amount of cable present at the GS1504 input. The CLI voltage versus cable length (signal strength) is shown in Figures 19 and 20. With 0m of cable (800mV input signal levels), the CLI output voltage is approximately 3.3V. As the cable length increases, the CLI voltage decreases providing an approximate correlation between the CLI voltage and cable length. The GS1504 is a high speed bipolar IC designed to equalize HD serial digital data at a rate of 1.485Gb/s. The device can typically equalize greater than 100 meters of Belden 8281 cable or 150 meters of Belden 1694 cable. Powered from a single +5V or -5V power supply, the device consumes approximately 250mW of power The HD serial data signal may be connected to the input pins (SDI/SDI) in either a differential or single ended configuration. AC coupling of the inputs is recommended, as the SDI and SDI inputs are internally biased at approximately 2.7 volts. The input signal passes through a variable gain equalizing stage whose frequency response closely matches the inverse cable loss characteristic. In addition, the variation of the frequency response with control voltage imitates the variation of the inverse cable loss characteristic with cable length. In applications where there are multiple input channels using the GS1504, it is advantageous to have a programmable mute output. The output of the GS1504 can be muted when the input signal decreases below a preselected input level. The voltage applied to the MCLADJ pin vs input cable length is shown in Figure 12. The MCLADJ pin may be left unconnected for applications where output muting is not required. This feature has been designed for use in applications such as routers where signal crosstalk and circuit noise cause the equalizer to output erroneous data when no input signal is present. The use of a Carrier Detect function with a fixed internal reference does not solve this problem since the signal to noise ratio on the circuit board The edge energy of the equalized signal is monitored by a detector circuit which produces an error signal corresponding to the difference between the desired edge energy and the actual edge energy. This error signal is integrated by an internal AGC filter capacitor providing a 7 522 - 05 - 02 GS1504 steady control voltage for the gain stage. As the frequency response of the gain stage is automatically varied by the application of negative feedback, the edge energy of the equalized signal is kept at a constant level which is representative of the original edge energy at the transmitter. The equalized signal is also DC restored, effectively restoring the logic threshold of the equalized signal to its correct level independent of shifts due to AC coupling. The digital output signals have a nominal voltage of 400mVpp differential, or 200mVpp single ended when terminated with 50Ω as shown in Figure 21. 3.5 could be significantly less than the default signal detection level set by the on chip reference. • Applying a LOW INPUT to the CD/Mute pin will force the GS1504 outputs to remain active regardless of the length of input cable and the voltage applied to the MCLADJ pin. See the DC electrical characteristics table for voltage level. • When used as an OUTPUT, the CD/Mute pin will provide an indication of the output mute status. The CD/Mute pin will be logic HIGH when the output is muted, and logic LOW when the outputs are not muted. The CD/Mute pin is a multi-function bidirectional pin that provides the following functions: GS1504 • Applying a HIGH INPUT to the CD/Mute pin forces the GS1504 outputs to a muted condition. See the DC electrical characteristics table for voltage level. In this condition the outputs will be latched to the last logic level present at the output. TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT VCC VCC 1 75 16 CLI CD/MUTE 2 10n 3 10nH 47p 4 VCC VCC VEE VEE SDI 75 5 GS1504 SDI 47p SDO 6 37.5 7 10n 1 2 J3 VCC SDO VEE VEE MCLADJ NC NC NC 8 2k 10n 15 14 13 + 4µ7 12 + 4µ7 11 10 10n 9 VCC VCC 10k 1µ 100n 1n 15k All resistors in ohms, all capacitors in farads, unless otherwise shown. 8 522 - 05 - 02 APPLICATION INFORMATION PCB LAYOUT • • The PCB ground plane is removed under the GS1504 input components to minimize parasitic capacitance. • The PCB ground plane is removed under the GS1504 output components to minimize parasitic capacitance. • High speed traces are curved to minimize impedance changes. A picture of the GS1504 PCB assembly is shown in Figure 28. PCB trace width for HD rate signals is closely matched to SMT component width to minimize reflections due to change in trace impedance. GS1504 EVALUATION BOARD J5 VCC R1 75 1 10n C6 L4 J1 10nH R4 75 37 R2 2 3 47p C7 C8 47p 4 5 6 10n C5 7 8 J4 VCC TP1 CLI CD/MUTE VCC VCC VEE VEE SDI SDO SDI SDO VEE VEE MCLADJ NC NC NC 2k R5 16 C3 10n 15 14 4.7µ 13 12 + C1 + C2 11 4.7µ 10 10n C4 9 J3 C1, C2 must be tantalum capacitors. All resistors in ohms, all capacitors in farads, unless otherwise shown. VCC VCC J2 10k R3 C10 1µ 15k R6 C9 100n C11 1n Fig. 22 GS1504 Application Schematic 9 522 - 05 - 02 GS1504 Special attention must be paid to component layout when designing serial digital interfaces for HDTV. Figures 23 through 27 show the artwork for a four layer printed circuit evaluation board for the GS1504. The schematic is shown in Figure 22. An FR-4 dielectric can be used, however, controlled impedance transmission lines are required for PCB traces longer than approximately 1cm. Note the following PCB artwork features used to optimize performance: GS1504 Fig. 23 Silk Screen of EB1504 PCB Layout Fig. 26 Bottom Layer of EB1504 PCB Layout Fig. 24 Top Layer of EB1504 PCB Layout Fig. 27 Power Layer of EB1504 PCB Layout Fig. 25 Ground Layer of EB1504 PCB Layout Fig. 28 Photograph of GS1504 Evaluation Board 10 522 - 05 - 02 GS1504 / GS1508 INTERFACING • PCB trace width for HD rate signals is closely matched to SMT component width to minimize reflections due to change in trace impedance. • The PCB ground plane is removed under the GS1504/GS1508 input components to minimize parasitic capacitance. • The PCB ground plane is removed under the GS1504/GS1508 output components to minimize parasitic capacitance. • High speed traces are curved to minimize impedance changes. A picture of the GS1504/08 PCB assembly is shown in Figure 34. VCC TP1 C1 1µ VCC C2 100n C3 1n TP2 GND VCC C6 10n J2 VIDEO IN R16 75 L4 10n R1 75 TP3 CLI CC 3 V EE 4 SDI 5 SDI 6 V EE C5 10n R15 37.5 CLOSE TO MUTE J1 1 CLI 2 V C7 47p C8 47p C16 1n R8 75 7 MCLADJ 8 nc 16 CD/MUTE 15 V CC VEE VCC VCC R7 75 R8 75 C20 10n 14 SDO 8 SDI 2 SDO 7 SDI 3 GND 6 VEE 5 4 V RSET CC 1 11 10 nc 9 nc C4 10n VCC R11 53.6 C15 10n L2 12n R9 75 C17 1p R7 75 U2 13 SDO 12 SDO VEE C10 100n VCC J4 SDO EDGEMNT_BNC J5 C12 4µ7 SDO EDGEMNT_BNC C11 C18 1p R10 75 GS1508 L3 12n 2 4µ7 C11 AND C12 ARE TC3216 TANTALUM CAPACITORS. J3 1 VCC R4 2k R5 10k All resistors in ohms, all capacitors in farads, unless otherwise shown. R6 15k Fig. 29 GS1504/08 Evaluation Board Assembly 11 522 - 05 - 02 GS1504 Figures 30 through 34 show the artwork for a four layer printed circuit evaluation board for the GS1504. The schematic is shown in Fig 29. An FR-4 dielectric can be used, however, controlled impedance transmission lines are required for PCB traces longer than approximately 1cm. Note the following PCB artwork features used to optimize performance: GS1504 Fig. 30 Top Layer of EB1504/08 PCB Layout Fig. 32 Ground Layer of EB1504/08 PCB Layout Fig. 31 Power Layer of EB1504/08 PCB Layout Fig. 33 Bottom Layer of EB1504/08 PCB Layout Fig. 34 Photograph of GS1504/GS1508 Evaluation Board REVISION NOTES: Updated ordering information, absolute maximum ratings, and pin descriptions; Replaced 1504/08 Evaluation Board assembly artwork, layouts, and photograph. For the latest product information, visit www.gennum.com CAUTION ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES DO NOT OPEN PACKAGES OR HANDLE EXCEPT AT A STATIC-FREE WORKSTATION DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET This product is in production. Gennum reserves the right to make changes to the product and to the documentation. GENNUM CORPORATION MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 489, Stn. A, Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7R 3Y3 Tel. +1 (905) 632-2996 Fax. +1 (905) 632-5946 SHIPPING ADDRESS: 970 Fraser Drive, Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7L 5P5 GENNUM JAPAN CORPORATION C-101, Miyamae Village, 2-10-42 Miyamae, Suginami-ku Tokyo 168-0081, Japan Tel. +81 (03) 3334-7700 Fax. +81 (03) 3247-8839 GENNUM UK LIMITED 25 Long Garden Walk, Farnham, Surrey, England GU9 7HX Tel. +44 (0)1252 747 000 Fax +44 (0)1252 726 523 Gennum Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits described herein and makes no representations that they are free from patent infringement. © Copyright August 1998 Gennum Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada. 522 - 05 - 02 12