5mm FLANGE BASED LED LAMP BLF051SYC-6V-P SUPER BRIGHT YELLOW Features Description !BUILT-IN CURRENT LIMITING RESISTOR FOR DIRECT The Super Bright Yellow source color devices are made APPLICATION OF DIFFERENT ACROSS CURRENT. !LONG LIFE. ! LOW with DH InGaAlP on GaAs substrate Light Emitting Diode. CURRENT, POWER SAVINGS. !LOW MAINTENANCE. ! DIFFERENT COLOR AVAILABLE. ! SOLID STATE, HIGH VIBRATION RESISTANT. !6V INTERNAL RESISTOR. Package Dimensions Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). 2. Tolerance is ±0.25(0.01") unless otherwise noted. 3. Specifications are subject to change without notice. SPEC NO: DSAB3169 APPROVED: J.LU REV NO: V.2 CHECKED: Allen Liu DATE: APR/08/2003 DRAWN: L.ZHANG PAGE: 1 OF 3 Selection Guide P ar t N o . Dic e BLF051SYC-6V-P Iv (m c d ) V=6V L en s Ty p e SUPER BRIGHT YELLOW(InGaAlP) V i ew i n g An g l e Min . Ty p . 2θ1/2 280 500 30° WATER CLEAR Note: 1. θ1/2 is the angle from optical centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the optical centerline value. Electrical / Optical Characteristics at TA=25°°C Sy m b o l P ar am et er λpeak Peak Wavelength Super Bright Yellow λD Dominate Wavelength ∆λ1/2 D ev i c e Un its Tes t Co n d it io n s 590 nm VF=6V Super Bright Yellow 588 nm VF=6V Spectral Line Half-width Super Bright Yellow 28 nm VF=6V 25.8 mA VF=6V uA VR =5V IF ForwardCurrent Super Bright Yellow IR Reverse Current Super Bright Yellow Ty p . Max . 10 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA=25°°C P ar am et er Su p er B r ig h t Yello w Un its 150 mW Forward Voltage 7 V Reverse Voltage 5 V Power dissipation Operating Temperature -40 °C To + 70 °C Storage Temperature -40 °C To + 85 °C SPEC NO: DSAB3169 APPROVED: J.LU REV NO: V.2 CHECKED: Allen Liu DATE: APR/08/2003 DRAWN: L.ZHANG PAGE: 2 OF 3 Super Bright Yellow SPEC NO: DSAB3169 APPROVED: J.LU BLF051SYC-6V-P REV NO: V.2 CHECKED: Allen Liu DATE: APR/08/2003 DRAWN: L.ZHANG PAGE: 3 OF 3