Power Supplies DC/DC Power Module DC/DC Power Module Series: Type: FD 10V, 28V Japan DC/DC power module can be used for down-sized, large-current and non-centralized power of power module for communication systems equipment Industrial Property ; Patent 16 (pending) n Features l Super power (500 W), down-sized highdensity (4.6 W/cm3 ) due to use of high heat conductive substrate l High-efficiency(D=90 % typ.) and low-noise level (compared with our conventional one : Approx. 20 dB less) by means of newly developed converter l Energy-saving design (8 W less than conventional Matsushita products) n Construction(Cross Section) n Recommended Applications l Radio communication equipment l Cable communication equipment l For non-centralized type power supply n Block Diagram (Example) $ESIGNANDSPECIlCATIONSARESUBJECTTOCHANGEWITHOUTNOTICE!SKFACTORYFORTECHNICALSPECIlCATIONSBEFOREPURCHASEANDORUSE 7HENEVERADOUBTABOUTSAFETYARISESFROMTHISPRODUCTPLEASECONTACTUSIMMEDIATELYFORTECHNICALCONSULTATION Power Supplies DC/DC Power Module Others Insulation Specifications Environment Ontput Conditions Input n Ratings l Typical Spec. Characteristics EUMFD40Y10A EUMFD40Y28A Input Voltage 36 VDC to 72 VDC(Rated 48 VDC) Input Current 10.5 A max. 11.0 A max. Efficiency 85 % typ. 90 % typ. Rated output Voltage 10 V 28 V Output Voltage Variable Range 9 V to 12.5 V 24 V to 28 V Rated output Current 40 A 16 A max. output Current 42.25 A 18 A Line Regulation 1 % max. 1 % max. Load Regulation 1.5 % max. 1.5 % max. Ripple Noise Voltage 200 mV [p-p] 300 mV [p-p] Operating Temperature -20 ¡C to 100 ¡C Operating Humidity 5 % to 85 % Storage Temperature -40 ¡C to 115 ¡C Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 1500 VDC for 1min (Input and Output or Base Plate) Insulation Resistance 100 MW 500 VDC (Input and Output or Base Plate) Over Current Protection, Over Voltage Protection Over Heat Protection, Remote ON/OFF Attached Function Parallel Operation With Forced Load Sharing Power Good Signal Applied Safety IEC 950 Size W 122.6 mm ´ D 64.2 mm ´ H 13.9 mm Mass 280 g n Efficiency Condition Rated Input and Output Rated Input and Output Base Plate Temp. Not Be Dewy Normal Temp. Normal Humidity n Output Conditions n Dimensions in mm (not to scale) $ESIGNANDSPECIlCATIONSARESUBJECTTOCHANGEWITHOUTNOTICE!SKFACTORYFORTECHNICALSPECIlCATIONSBEFOREPURCHASEANDORUSE 7HENEVERADOUBTABOUTSAFETYARISESFROMTHISPRODUCTPLEASECONTACTUSIMMEDIATELYFORTECHNICALCONSULTATION