G1544 Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc. Low Power Quadruple Operational Amplifiers Features General Description The G1544 consists of four independent, high gain, internally frequency compensated operational amplifiers which were designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split power supplies is also possible. The input common mode range of the G1544 can be beyond the rails, and the G1544 are with rail-to-rails output voltage swing. The quiescent current is 500µA per amplifier. Wide Supply Operation Range +4.5V to +16V Input Common Voltage Range Beyond the Rails Rail-to-Rail Output Voltage Swing Low Input Offset Voltage 3mV (Typical) Wide Bandwidth (unit gain) 4MHz Low Quiescent Current: 500µA per Amplifier Large DC Voltage Gain 100dB (Typical) Slew-Rate 5.5V/us Unit-Gain Stable The G1544 also feature fast slewing and settle-times, as well as high output drive capability of 60mA (source/sink).These features make these amplifiers ideal for use as reference buffers for TFT-LCD. Other applications include battery power, portable devices, and anywhere low power consumption is important. Applications Portable Equipment LCD-TV Equipment Battery-Powered Equipment ASIC Input or Output Amplifier Low Power/Low Voltage Applications The G1544 is housed in a 10-pin MSOP packages. Ordering Information ORDER NUMBER MARKING TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE (Green) G1544P71U G1544 -40°C~ +85°C MSOP-10 Note: P7 : MSOP-10 1: Bonding Code U: Tape & Reel Pin Configuration G1544 VOA 1 10 VOD VIPA 2 9 VIPD VCC 3 8 VSS VIPB 4 7 VIPC VOB 5 6 VOC MSOP-10 TEL: 886-3-5788833 http://www.gmt.com.tw Ver: 0.2 Apr 29, 2009 1