GM6535 GM6535 60 MHz Universal Programmable Dual PLL Frequency synthesizer GENERAL DESCRIPTIONS FEATURES The GM6535 is a dual phase – locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer especially designed for CT-1 cordless phone applications worldwide. This frequency synthesizer is also for any products with frequency operation at 60 MHz or below. • Operating Voltage Range: 2.5 to 5.5 V • Operating Temperature Range:-40 to +75¡ É • Operating Power Consumption:3.0mA@2.5V • Maximum Operating Frequency: 60MHz@200mVp-p, VDD=2.5V • 3 or 4 Pins Used for serial MCU Interface • Power Saving Mode Controlled by MCU • Lock Detect Signal • On-Chip Reference Oscillator Supports External Crystals to 16.0 MHz • Reference Frequency Counter Division Range: 16 to 4095 • Auxiliary Reference Frequency Counter Division Range: 16 to 16,383 • Transmit Counter Division Range:16 to 65,535 • Receive Counter Division Range: 16 to 65,53 The device features fully programmable receive, transmit, reference, and auxiliary reference counters accessed through an MCU serial interface, this feature allows this device to operate in any CT1 cordless phone application. The device consists of two independent phase detectors for transmit and receive loops. A common reference oscillator, driving two independent reference frequency counters, provides independent reference frequencies for transmit and receive loops. The auxiliary reference counter allows the user to select an additional reference frequency for receive and transmit loops if required. PIN CONFIGURATION CLK AD in D in ENB MCUCLK Vss OSCout OSCi 1 16 2 15 3 14 4 13 5 12 6 11 7 10 8 9 LD Tx PDOUT CLK AD in D in ENB MCUCLK Vss OSCout OSCi fin-T TxPS/fTx VDD RxPS/fRx RxPDo 1 16 LD 2 15 3 14 4 13 5 12 6 11 7 8 10 Tx PDOUT fin-T TxPS/fTx VDD RxPS/fRx RxPDo fin-R 9 fin-R 16 SOP (150Mil) 16DIP ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Voltages Referenced to vss ) Ranting Symbol VDD DC Supply Voltage Vin Input Voltage, all Inputs Iin , Iout DC Current Drain Per Pin IDD , ISS DC Current Drain VDD or VSS Pins Tstg Storage Temperature Range 1 Value -0.5 to +6.0 -0.5 to VDD +0.5 10 30 -65 to + 150 Unit V V mA mA ¡ É GM6535 BLOCK DIAGRAM A OSCin 12-Bit Programmable Reference Counter 8 ÷4 ÷ 25 OSCout 14-Bit Programmable Auxiliary Reference Counter 7 B fR1 C fR2 D TRANSMIT SELECT MCUCLK ÷3 / ÷4 5 14-Bit Shift Register 12-Bit Shift Register Rx Phase Detector ADin TxPDout 15 2 CLK 1 Din 3 ENB 4 TxPS/fTX 13 PxPS/fRX 11 MCU Interface Programming Mode control Register LD 16 16-Bit Shift Register f in -T 14 16-Bit Tx Programmable Counter RECEIVE SELECT Rx Phase Detector 16-Bit Shift Register f in -R 9 16-Bit Rx Programmable Counter 2 VDD = PIN 12 VSS = PIN 6 RxPDout 10 GM6535 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to VSS, TA =25 ¡ É ) Symbol VDD VOL VOH VIL Characteristic VDD Power Supply Voltage Output Voltage (Iout = 0) 0 Level (Vin =VDD or 0) Input Voltage (Vout 0.5 V or VDD – 0.5V) 1 Level 0 Level 1 Level VIH VOH IOL IIL Output Current (Vout = 2.2V) (Vout = 5.0V) (Vout = 0.3V) (Vout = 0.5V) Input Current (Vin = 0) Source Sink OSCin , fin-T , fin-R ADin , CLK , Din , ENB (Vin = VDD –0.5) IIH IOZ Cin Cout IDD (standby) IDD OSCin , fin-T , fin-R ADin , CLK , Din , ENB Three-Stats Leakage Current (Vout = 0 V or 5.5 V) Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Standby Current (All Counters are in Power-Down Mode with Oscillator On) Operating Current (200mVp-p input at fin-T = 60MHz, and fin-R =60MHz, OSC = 10.24MHz) 3 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 Guaranteed Limit Min Max 2.5 5.5 0.1 0.1 2.45 5.45 0.75 1.65 1.75 3.85 -0.18 -0.55 0.18 0.55 -30 -66 -1.0 -1.0 30 61 5.0 5.0 ¡ ¾ 100 8.0 8.0 0.3 1.5 3.0 10 Unit V V V mA ¥ ì A ¥ ì A nA pF pF mA mA GM6535 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25¡ É, C L = 50 pF) Symbol tTLH tTHL tT, tf tW fmax tsu th trec tsul thl Characteristic Figure # Output Rise Time 1 Output Fall Time 1 Input Rise and Fall Time, OSCin 2 Input Pulse Width, CLK and ENB 3 Input frequency (Input = Sine Wave @ ≥ 200mVp-p Setup Time OSCin fin-T fin-R Data to CLK ENB to CLK 5 Hold Time, CLK to Data 5 Recovery Time, ENB to CLK 5 Setup Time, ENB to CLK Hold Time, CLK to ENB 4 4 SWITCHING WAVERORMS tTLH ANY OUTPUT tTHL 90% 10% Figure 1. tf tr CLK, OSC in f in-T, f in-R VDD 90% 10% VSS Figure 2. tW ENB, CLK VDD 50% VSS Figure 3. 4 VDD 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5-5.5 2.5-5.5 2.5-5.5 2.5-5.5 5.5-5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5-5.5 2.5-5.5 Min 80 60 100 200 80 40 80 40 80 600 Max 200 100 200 100 5.0 4.0 16 60 60 - Unit ns ns µs ns MHz ns ns ns ns ns GM6535 VDD CLK FIRST CLK LAST CLK VSS thl tsul VDD ENB VSS Figure 4.ENB High During Serial Transfer VDD AD in, D in 50% VSS tsu th VDD CLK 50% LAST CLK FIRST CLK VSS trec tsu VDD ENB 50% VSS PREVIOUS DATA LATCHED Figure 5. ENB Low During Serial Transfer 5 GM6535 fin-T/fin-R Transmit/Receive Counter Inputs (Pins14, 9) fin-T and fin-R are inputs to the transmit and the receive counters, respectively. These signals are typically driven from the loop VCO and ac-coupled. The minimum input signal level is 200mVp-p @ 60.0MHz. TxPDout/RxPDout Transmit/Receive Phase detector Outputs (Pins15, 10) These are three-state outputs of the transmit and receive phase detectors for use as loop error signals (see Figure7 for phase detector output waveforms). Frequency fV > fR or fV leading: output=negative pulse. Frequency fV < fR or fV lagging: output = positive pulse. Frequency fV = fR and phase coincidence: output = high impedance state. fR is the divided-down reference frequency at the phase detector input and fV is the divided-down VCO frequency at the phase detector input. LD Lock Detect (Pin16) The lock detect signal is associated with the transmit loop. The output at a high level indicates an out-oflock condition (see Figure 7 for the LD output waveform). VDD Positive Power Supply (Pin 12) VDD is the most positive power supply potential ranging from 2.5 to 5.5V with respect to VSS. VSS Negative Power Supply (Pin 6) VSS is the most negative supply potential and is usually connected to ground. PIN DESCRIPTIONS OSCin/OSCout Reference Oscillator Input/Output (Pins8, 7) These pins form a reference oscillator when connected to an external parallel-resonant crystal frequencies and reference frequencies for cordless phone applications in various countries. OSCin may also serve as input for an externally generated reference signal which is typically ac coupled. ADin, Din, CLK, ENB Auxiliary Data In, Data In, Clock, Enable (Pins2, 3, 1, 4) These four pins provide an MCU serial interface for programming the reference counter, the transmitchannel counter, and the receive-channel counter. They also provide various controls of the PLL including the power saving mode and the programming format. TxPS/fTx,RxPS/fRx Transmit Power Save, Receive Power Save (Pins 13, 11) For a normal application, these output pins provide the status of the internal power saving mode operation. If the transmit channels counter circuitry is in power down mode, TxPS/fTx outputs a high state. If the receive-channels counter circuitry is in power down mode, RxPS/fRx is set high. These output can be applied for controlling the external power switch for the transmitter and the receiver to save MCU control pins. In the Tx/Rx channel counter test mode, the TxPS/fTx and RxPS/fRx pins output the divided value of the transmit channel counter (fTx) and the receive channel counter (fRx), respectively. This test mode operation is controlled by the control register. Details of the counter test mode are in the Tx/Rx Channel Counter Test section of this data sheet. A B OSC in ÷ N (12 bits) f R1 ÷4 C ÷25 D OSC out ÷ M ( 14bits ) Crystal ¡ ÀN Value fR1 ¡ æB fR2 ¡ æC 11.150 MHz 446 6.25 MHz 1.0 MHz 11.150 MHz 223 12.5 MHz 10.240 MHz 512 5.0 MHz 12.000 MHz 600 5.0 MHz Figure 6. Reference Frequencies for Cordless Phone Applications of Various Countries 6 f R2 GM6535 VH f R ,REFERENCE (OSC in ÷ REFERENCE COUNTER) VL VH f v ,FEEDBACK (F in - T ÷ Tx COUNTER OR f in -_R ÷ Rx COUNTER) VL VH TxPDout OR RxPD out HIGH IMPEDANCE LD V H = High voltage level V L = Low voltage level *At this point, when both fR and fv are in phase, the output is forced to near mid supply. NOTE: The TxPDout and PxPDout generates error pulses during out-of-lock conditions. When locked in phase and frequency, the output is high impedance and the voltage at that pin is determined By the low-pass filter capacitor Figure 7. Phase Detector/Lock Detector Output Waveforms MCU PROGRAMMING SCHEME The MCU programming scheme is defined in two formats controlled by the ENB input. If the enable signal is high during the serial data transfer, control register/reference frequency programming is selected. If the ENB is low, programming of the transmit and receive counters is selected. During programming of the transmit and receive counters, both AD in and D in pins can input the data to the transmit and receive counters. Both counters data is clocked into the PLL internal shift register at the leading edge of the CLK signal. It is not necessary to reprogram the reference frequency counter/control register when using the enable signal to program the transmit/receive channels. In programming the control register/reference frequency scheme, the most significant bit (MSB) of the programming word identifies whether the input data is the control word. If the MSB is 1, the input data is the control word (Figure 8). Also see figure NO TAG and Table 1 for control register and bit function. If the MSB is 0, the input data is the reference frequency (Figure 9). The reference frequency data word is 32-bit word containing the 12-bit reference frequency data, the 14-bit auxiliary reference frequency counter information, the reference frequency selection plus, the auxiliary reference frequency counter enable bit(Figure 9). If the AUX REF ENB bit is high, the 14-bit auxiliary reference frequency counter provides an additional phase reference frequency output for the loops. If AUX REF ENB bit is low, the auxiliary reference frequency counter is forced into powerdown modes for current saving. (other power down modes are also provided through the control register per Table 2 and Figure 8). At the falling edge of the ENB signal, the data is stored in the registers. There are two interfacing schemes for the universal channel mode: the three-pin and four-pin interfacing schemes. The three-pin interfacing scheme is suited for use with the MCU SPI (serial peripheral interface) (Figure 10), while the four-pin interfacing scheme is commonly used for general I/O port connection (Figure 11). For the three-pin interfacing scheme, the auxiliary data select bit is set to 0. All 32 bits of data, which define both the 16-bit transmit counter and the 16-bit receive counter, latch into the PLL internal register though the data in pins at the leading edge of CLK. See Figure 12 and 13. For the four-pin interfacing scheme, the auxiliary data select bit is set to 1. In this scheme, the 16-bit transmit counter’s data enters into the ADin pin at the same time as the 16-bit receive. This simultaneous entry of the transmit and receive counters causes the programming period of the fourpin scheme to be half that of the three-pin scheme (see Figures 14 and 15). While programming Tx/Rx Channel Counter, the ENB pin must be pulsed to provide falling edge to latch the shifted data after the rising edge of the last clock. Maximum data transfer rate is 500 kbps. 7 GM6535 COMTROL REGISTER IDENTIFIER = 1 COMTROL REGISTER DATA D in 1 0 TEST BIT AUX Data Select REF OUT ÷3/÷4 TxPD Enable RxPD Enable MSB Ref PD Enable LSB CLK ENB NOTE: ENB must be high during the serial transfer. Figure 8. Programming Format of the control Register Table 1. Control Register Function Bits Description Test Bit Aux Data Select REF out÷3/÷4 TxPD Enable RxPD Enable Ref PD Enable Set to 1 for Tx/Rx channel counter test mode Set to 0 for normal application Set to 1 for both ADin and Din pins inputting the transmit 16-bits data and receive 16-bits data respectively Set to 0 for normal application interfacing with MCU serial peripheral interface. Does not use AD in pin; tie AD in to VSS. If set to 1, REFout output frequency is equal to OSC out ÷ 3. If set to 0, REFout output is OSC out ÷ 4. If set to 1, the transmit counter, transmit phase detector, and the associated circuitry is in power-down mode. TxPS/fTx is set “High”. If set to 1, the receive counter, receive phase detector, and the associated circuitry is in power-down mode. RxPS/fTx is set “High”. If set to 1, both 12-bit and 14-bit reference frequency counters are in power-down mode Table 2. Control Register Power Down Bits Function TxPD Enable 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 RxPD Enable 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 REF PD Enable 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Tx-Channel Counter Rx-channel Counter Power Down Power Down Power Down Power Down Power Down Power Down Power Down Power Down 8 Reference Frequency Counter Power Down Power Down Power Down Power Down GM6535 Reference Frequency Counter Identifier = 0 D in 0 Reference Frequency Select AUX Rx-0 Tx-0 REF ENABLE SELECT SELECT Select Aux Reference Frequency Counter Divide Ratio Reference Frequency Select Reference Frequency Counter Divide Ratio 12-BITS REF FREQ DATA fR1 S2 fR1 S1 14-BITS AUX REF FREQ DATA CLK ENB NOTE: ENB must be high during the serial transfer. Figure 9. Programming Format of Auxiliary/reference Frequency Counter D in MCU Using Serial Peripheral Interface Port Universal PLL Aux Data Bit = 0 CLK ENB Figure 10. MCU Interface Using SPI ADin MCU Using Normal I/O Port D in Universal PLL Aux Data Bit = 1 CLK ENB Figure 11. MCU Interface Using Normal I/O Ports with Both Din And A Din for Faster Programming Time Control Register Identifier = 1 Control Register Data D in 1 0 TEST BIT MSB AUX Data Select REF OUT ÷3/÷4 TxPD Enable RxPD Enable AUX DATA SELECT = 0 CLK ENB NOTE: ENB must be high during the serial transfer. Figure 12. Programming Format for control Register (3-Pin Interfacing Scheme) 9 Ref PD Enable LSB GM6535 16-BIT Rx COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO 16-BIT Tx COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO D in Last Clock CLK ENB NOTE: ENB must be low during the serial transfer. Figure 13. Programming Format for Transmit and Receive Counters (3-Pin Interfacing Scheme) Control Register Identifier = 1 Control Register Data D in 1 0 TEST BIT MSB AUX Data Select REF OUT ÷3/÷4 TxPD Enable RxPD Enable AUX DATA SELECT = 1 CLK ENB NOTE: ENB must be high during the serial transfer. Figure 14. Programming Format for control Register (4-Pin Interfacing Scheme) AD in 16-BIT Tx COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO D in 16-BIT Rx COUNTER DIVIDE RATIO Last Clock CLK ENB NOTE: ENB must be low during the serial transfer. Figure 15. Programming Format for Transmit and Receive Counters (4-Pin Interfacing Scheme) 10 Ref PD Enable LSB GM6535 Table 3. Global CT-1 Reference frequency Setting vs Channel Frequencies Country U.S.A Channel Frequency 46/49MHz(10,15,25 Channels) France 26/41 MHz Spain Australia U.K New Zealand 31/41 MHz 30/39 MHz 1.7/47 MHz 1.7/34/40 MHz fR1 5.0 KHz 6.25 KHz/12.5 KHz 5.0 KHz 5.0 KHz 6.25 KHz fR2 - 1.0 KHz 6.25 KHz 1.0 KHz - frequencies for global CT-1 transmit and receive channel requirements. Users can select their own reference frequency by introducing the additional 14-bit auxiliary reference frequency counter. Again, the 14-bit auxiliary reference frequency counter can be shut down by the auxiliary reference enable bit in the reference counter programming word by setting the bit to 0. At this state, the fR2 is automatically connected to point C (the ÷ 25 block output), and fR1 cha be connected to point A or B by setting the fR1-S1 and fR1-S2 bits in the reference counter program word. The 14-bit auxiliary reference frequency counter data will be in Don’t Care state. If the 14-bit auxiliary reference frequency counter is enabled (auxiliary reference enable = 1), the fR2 is automatically connected to point D (14-bit counter output), and fR1 can be selected to connect to point A,B, or C, depending on the bit setting of fR1-S1 and fR1-S2. Table 4 and Figure 16 describe the functions of the auxiliary reference enable bit and the fR1-S1 and fR1-S2 bits selection. REFERENCE FREQUENCY SELECTION AND PROGRAMMING Figure 16 shows the bit function of the reference frequency programming word. The user can either select the fixed reference frequency for all channels accordingly or provide a specific reference frequency for a particular channel by using two reference frequency counters (e.g., for an application in France, the base set transmit channel common fixed reference frequency is 6.25 KHz or 12.5 KHz). (See Table 3 Figure 6 for reference frequencies for various countries.) However, transmit channels 6, 8, and 14 can be set to 25 KHz, and channel 8 reference frequency can be set to 50 KHz. But this reference frequency may not be applied to the receiving side; therefore, the receiving side reference frequency must be generated by another reference frequency counter. The higher the reference frequency, the better the phase noise performance and faster the lock time, but the PLL consumes more current if both reference frequency counters are in operation. In general, the 12-bit reference frequency counter plus the ÷ 4 and ÷ 25 module can offer all the reference Table 4. Bit Function and the Reference Frequency Selection Bit Setting of the Reference Frequency Counter Programming Word N/A Not Applicable fR1 fR1 AUX REF Auxiliary Reference Frequency Module fR1 Routin S2 Enable Counter Mode Select S1 g N/A 14-Bit Auxiliary Reference Frequency fR2→ C 0 0 Counter Disable fR1→ A 0 1 0 1 0 fR1→ B 1 1 N/A 14-Bit Auxiliary Reference Frequency N/A fR2→ D 0 0 Counter Disable fR1→ A 1 0 1 1 0 fR1→ B 1 1 fR1→ C 11 GM6535 f R1 12-Bits Programmable Reference Counter OSC in ÷4 ÷25 f R2 14-Bits Programmable Auxiliary Reference Counter OSC out Tx Phase Detector 1 Maximum Crystal Frequency 16.0 MHZ 0 Tx-0 SELECT LD 1 0 Reffrequency Counter Identifier = 0 D in 0 Reference Frequency Select AUX REF Enable Select TxPDout Tx-0 Select Rx-0 Select Reference Frequency Counter Reference Frequency Select 12-BITS REF FREQ DATA fR1 S1 fR1 S2 CLK ENB NOTE: ENB must be high during the serial transfer. Figure 16. Reference Frequency Counter/selection Programming Mode 12 Rx-0 SELECT Rx Phase Detector Auxiliary Reference Frequency Counter 14-BITS AUX REF FREQ DATA RxPDout GM6535 POWER SAVING OPERATION This PLL has a programmable power-saving scheme. The transmit counter, receive counter and the reference frequency counter can be powered down individually by setting the TxPD enable, RxPD enable and Ref PD enable bits of the control register. The functions of the power down control bits are explained in Table 2 and the programming format is in Figure 8. The output pins TxPS/fTx and RxPS/fRx output the status of the internal power saving setting. If the bit TxPD enable is set high (transmit counter is set to power-down mode), then the TxPS/fTx pin will also output a high state. This TxPS/fTx output can control an external power switch to switch off the transmitter, as shown in Figure 17. This scheme can be applied to the RxPS/fRx output to control the receiver power saving operation as required. UNIVERSAL DUAL PLL Power Supply VDD TxPS/fTx Q POWER SWITCH FOR TRANSMITTER Tx Power-Down Enable Flag Tx Divider chain Counter, Phase Detector VDD TX Power AMP RxPS/fRx Q Rx Divider chain Counter, Phase Detector To control The Receiver Power Switch Figure 17. TxPS/fTx and RxPS/fRx Outputs to Control Power Switches of the Transmitter and Receiver 13 Rx Power-Down Enable Flag GM6535 TX/RX CHANNEL COUNTER TEST channel counter multiplex out to TxPS/fTx and RxPS/fRx respectively. The user can verify the divided-down output waveform associated with the RF input level in the PLL circuitry implementation (Figure 18). In normal applications, the TxPS/fTx and the RxPS/fRx output pins indicate the power saving mode status. However, the user can examine the Tx and Rx channel counter outputs by setting the Test bit in the control register to 1. The final value of the transmit-channel counter and the receive- 16-BIT Tx PROGAMMABLE CHANNELS COUNTER fin-T f Tx TxPS/f Tx TxPS IF TEST BIT TO 1, THE f Tx AND f Rx ARE MIXED OUT AT PINS TxPS/f Tx AND RxPS/f Rx RESPECTIVEY, FOR Rx/Tx CHANNEL COUNTER TEST. CONTROL REGISTER IDENTIFIER = 1 CONTROL REGISTER D in 1 TEST BIT 0 AUX DATA SELECT f in-R TxPS/f Rx REF OUT ÷3/÷4 TxPD RxPD Ref PD ENABLE ENABLE ENABLE 16-BIT Rx PROGRAMMABLE CHANNELS COUNTER fRx RxPS Figure 18. RF Buffer Sensitivity 14 GM6535 Table 5. France CT-1 Base Set Frequency Channel Number Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 26.4875 26.4750 26.4625 26.4500 26.4375 26.4250 26.4125 26.4000 26.3875 26.3750 26.3625 26.3500 26.3375 26.3250 26.3125 Tx Counter Value (Ref. Freq.= 6.25 KHz) 4238 4236 4234 4232 4230 4228 4226 4224 4222 4220 4218 4216 4214 4212 4210 fin-R Input Frequency(MHz) [1st IF = 10.7MHz] Rx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 6.25 KHz) 30.7875 30.7750 30.7625 30.7500 30.7375 30.7250 30.7125 30.7000 30.6875 30.6750 30.6625 30.6500 30.6375 30.6250 30.6125 4926 4924 4922 4920 4918 4916 4914 4912 4910 4908 4906 4904 4902 4900 4898 Table 6. France CT-1 Hand Set Frequency Channel Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) 41.4875 41.4750 41.4625 41.4500 41.4375 41.4250 41.4125 41.4000 41.3875 41.3750 41.3625 41.3500 41.3375 41.3250 41.3125 Tx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 6.25 KHz) 6638 6636 6634 6632 6630 6628 6626 6624 6622 6620 6618 6616 6614 6612 6610 15 fin-R Input Frequency(MHz) [1st IF = 10.7MHz] 37.1875 37.1750 37.1625 37.1500 37.1375 37.1250 37.1125 37.1000 37.0875 37.0750 37.0625 37.0500 37.0375 37.0250 37.0125 Rx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 6.25 KHz) 5950 5948 5946 5944 5942 5940 5938 5936 5934 5932 5930 5928 5926 5924 5922 GM6535 Table 7. Spain CT – 1 Base Set Frequency Channel Number Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) Tx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 5.00KHz) fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) [1st IF= 10.695 MHz] Rx counter value (Ref. Freq.=5.00KHz) 1 31.0250 6205 29.2300 5846 2 31.0500 6210 29.2550 5851 3 31.0750 6215 29.2800 5856 4 31.1000 6220 29.3050 5861 5 31.1250 6225 29.3300 5866 6 31.1500 6230 29.3550 5871 7 31.1750 6235 29.3800 5876 8 31.2000 6240 29.4050 5881 9 31.2500 6250 29.4550 5891 10 31.2750 6255 29.4800 5896 11 31.3000 6260 29.5050 5901 12 31.3250 6265 29.5300 5906 Channel Number Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) Tx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 5.00KHz) fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) [1st IF= 10.7 MHz] Rx counter value (Ref. Freq.=5.00KHz) 1 39.9250 7985 20.3300 4066 2 39.9500 7990 20.3550 4071 3 39.9750 7995 20.3800 4076 4 40.0000 8000 20.4050 4081 5 40.0250 8005 20.4300 4086 6 40.0500 8010 20.4550 4091 7 40.0750 8015 20.4800 4096 8 40.1000 8020 20.5050 4101 9 40.1500 8030 20.5550 4111 10 40.1750 8035 20.5800 4116 11 40.2000 8040 20.6050 4121 12 40.2250 8045 20.6300 4126 Table 8. Spain CT – 1 Hand Set Frequency 16 GM6535 Table 9. New Zealand CT – 1 Base Set Frequency Channel Number Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) [1st IF= 10.7 MHz] Rx counter value (Ref. Freq.=6.25KHz) 1 1.7820 1782 29.7625 4762 2 1.7620 1762 29.7500 4760 3 1.7420 1742 29.7375 4758 4 1.7220 1722 29.7250 4756 5 1.7020 1702 29.7125 4754 6 34.3500 5496 29.7000 4752 7 34.3625 5498 29.6875 4750 8 34.3750 5500 Ref. Freq. 29.6750 4748 9 34.3875 5502 = 6.25KHz 29.6625 4746 10 34.4000 5504 29.6500 4744 Tx Counter Value Ref. Freq. = 1.0KHz Table 10. New Zealand CT – 1 Hand Set Frequency 1 Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) 40.4625 6474 2.2370 2237 2 40.4500 6472 2.2170 2217 3 40.4375 6470 2.1970 Ref. Freq. 2197 Ref. Freq. 4 40.4250 6468 2.1770 =45.5KHz 2177 =1.0KHz 5 40.4125 6466 2.1570 2157 6 40.4000 6464 23.6500 3784 7 40.3875 6462 2.6625 8 40.3750 6460 23.6750 Ref. Freq. 3788 Ref. Freq. 9 40.3625 6458 23.6875 =10.7KHz 3790 =6.25KHz 10 40.3500 6456 23.7000 Channel Number Tx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 6.25KHz) 17 fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) Rx counter value 3786 3792 GM6535 Table 11. Australia CT – 1 Base Set Frequency Channel Number Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) Tx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 5.00KHz) fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) [1st IF= 10.695 MHz] Rx counter value (Ref. Freq.=5.00KHz) 1 30.0750 6015 29.0800 5816 2 30.1250 6025 29.1300 5826 3 30.1750 6035 29.1800 5836 4 30.2250 6045 29.2300 5846 5 30.2750 6055 29.2800 5856 6 30.1000 6020 29.1050 5821 7 30.1500 6030 29.1550 5831 8 30.2000 6040 29.2050 5841 9 30.2500 6050 29.2550 5851 10 30.3000 6060 29.3050 5861 Table 12. Australia CT – 1 Hand Set Frequency 1 Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) 39.7750 7955 Fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) [1st IF= 10.7 MHz] 19.3800 2 38.8250 7965 19.4300 3886 3 37.8750 7975 19.4800 3896 4 36.9250 7985 19.5300 3906 5 35.9750 7995 19.5800 3916 6 39.8000 7960 19.4050 3881 7 39.8500 7970 19.4550 3891 8 39.9000 7980 19.5050. 3901 9 39.9500 7990 19.5550 3911 10 40.0000 8000 19.6050 3921 Channel Number Tx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 5.00KHz) 18 Rx counter value (Ref. Freq.=5.00KHz) 3876 GM6535 Table 13. U.K. CT – 1 Base Set Frequency Channel Number Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) Tx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 1.00KHz) fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) [1st IF= 10.7 MHz] Rx counter value (Ref. Freq.=6.25KHz) 1 1.6420 1642 36.75625 5881 2 1.6620 1662 36.76875 5883 3 1.6820 1682 36.78125 5885 4 1.7020 1702 36.79375 5887 5 1.7220 1722 36.80625 5889 6 1.7420 1742 36.81875 5891 7 1.7620 1762 36.83125 5893 8 1.7820 1782 36.84375 5895 Table 14. U.K. CT – 1 Hand Set Frequency 1 Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) 47.45625 7593 fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) [1st IF= 45.5 KHz] 2.097 2 47.46875 7595 2.117 2117 3 47.48125 7597 2.137 2137 4 47.49375 7599 2.157 2157 5 47.50625 7601 2.177 2177 6 47.51875 7603 2.197 2197 7 47.53125 7605 2.217 2217 8 47.54375 7607 2.237 2237 Channel Number Tx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 0.25KHz) 19 Rx counter value (Ref. Freq.=1.00KHz) 2097 GM6535 Table 15. U.S.A. CT-1 Base Set Frequency Channel Number Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) Tx Counter Value (Ref.Freq. = 5.00 KHz) fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) [1st IF=10.695 MHz] Rx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 5.00 KHz) 1 46.610 9322 38.975 7795 2 46.630 9326 38.150 7830 3 46.670 9334 38.165 7833 4 46.710 9342 39.075 7815 5 46.730 9346 39.180 7836 6 46.770 9354 39.135 7827 7 46.830 9366 39.195 7839 8 46.870 9374 39.235 7847 9 46.930 9386 39.295 7859 10 46.970 9394 39.275 7855 Table 16. U.S.A. CT-1 Hand Set Frequency Channel Number Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) Tx Counter Value (Ref.Freq. = 5.00 KHz) fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) [1st IF=10.7 MHz] Rx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 5.00 KHz) 1 49.670 9934 35.915 7183 2 49.845 9969 35.935 7187 3 49.860 9972 35.975 7195 4 49.770 9954 36.015 7203 5 49.875 9975 36.035 7207 6 49.830 9966 36.075 7215 7 49.890 9978 36.135 7227 8 49.930 9986 36.175 7235 9 49.990 9998 36.235 7247 10 49.970 9994 36.275 7255 20 GM6535 Table 17. U.S.A. CT-1 Base Set Frequency Channel Number Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) Tx Counter Value (Ref.Freq. = 5.00 KHz) fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) [1st IF=10.7 MHz] Rx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 5.00 KHz) 1 43.72 8744 38.06 7612 2 43.74 8748 38.14 7628 3 43.82 8764 38.16 7632 4 43.84 8768 38.22 7644 5 43.92 8784 38.32 7664 6 43.96 8788 38.38 7678 7 44.12 8824 38.40 7680 8 44.16 8832 38.46 7692 9 44.18 8836 38.50 770 10 44.20 8840 38.54 7708 11 44.32 8864 38.58 7716 12 44.36 8872 38.66 7732 13 44.40 8880 38.70 7740 14 44.46 8892 38.76 7752 15 44.48 8896 38.80 7760 16 46.61 9322 38.97 7794 17 46.63 9326 39.145 7829 18 46.67 9331 39.16 7832 19 46.71 9342 39.07 7814 20 46.73 9346 39.175 7835 21 46.77 9354 39.13 7826 22 46.83 9366 39.19 7838 23 46.87 9374 39.23 7846 24 46.93 9386 39.29 7858 25 46.97 9394 39.27 7854 21 GM6535 Table 18 U.S.A. CT-1 Hand Set Frequency Channel Number Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) Tx Counter Value (Ref.Freq. = 5.00 KHz) fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) [1st IF=10.7 MHz] Rx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 5.00 KHz) 1 48.76 9752 33.02 6604 2 48.84 9768 33.04 6608 3 48.86 9772 33.12 6624 4 48.92 9748 33.14 6628 5 49.02 9804 33.22 6644 6 49.08 9816 33.26 6652 7 49.10 9820 33.42 6684 8 49.16 9832 33.46 6692 9 49.20 9840 33.48 6696 10 49.24 9848 33.50 6700 11 49.28 9856 33.62 6724 12 49.36 9872 33.66 6732 13 49.40 9880 33.70 6740 14 49.46 9892 33.76 6752 15 49.50 9900 33.78 6756 16 49.67 9934 33.91 7182 17 49.845 9969 33.93 7186 18 49.88 9972 33.97 7194 19 49.77 9954 36.01 7202 20 49.875 9975 36.03 7206 21 49.83 9966 36.07 7214 22 449.89 9978 36.13 7226 23 49.93 9986 36.17 7234 24 49.99 9998 36.23 7246 25 49.97 9994 36.27 7254 22 GM6535 Table 19 Korea CT-1 Base Set Frequency Channel Number Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) Tx Counter Value (Ref.Freq. = 5.00 KHz) fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) [1st IF=10.695 MHz] Rx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 5.00 KHz) 1 46.610 9322 38.975 7795 2 46.630 9326 38.150 7830 3 46.670 9334 38.165 7833 4 46.710 9342 39.075 7815 5 46.730 9346 39.180 7836 6 46.770 9354 39.135 7827 7 46.830 9366 39.195 7839 8 46.870 9374 39.235 7847 9 46.930 9386 39.295 7859 10 46.970 9394 39.275 7855 11 46.510 9302 39.000 7800 12 46.530 9306 39.015 7803 13 46.550 9310 39.030 7806 14 46.570 9314 39.045 7809 15 46.590 9318 39.060 7812 Table 20. Korea CT-1 Hand Set Frequency Channel Number Tx-Channel Frequency (MHz) Tx Counter Value (Ref.Freq. = 5.00 KHz) fin-R Input Frequency (MHz) [1st IF=10.7 MHz] Rx Counter Value (Ref. Freq. = 5.00 KHz) 1 49.670 9934 35.915 7183 2 49.845 9969 35.935 7187 3 49.860 9972 35.975 7195 4 49.770 9954 36.015 7203 5 49.875 9975 36.035 7207 6 49.830 9966 36.075 7215 7 49.890 9978 36.135 7227 8 49.930 9986 36.175 7235 9 49.990 9998 36.235 7247 10 49.970 9994 36.275 7255 11 49.695 9939 35.815 7163 12 49.710 9942 35.835 7167 13 49.725 9945 35.855 7171 14 49.740 9948 35.875 7175 15 49.755 9951 35.895 7179 23