LEO Series Industry’s Highest Current DC/DC Converter. 48V or 24V Input, 250W, 120A Output, 3.3V 90A, 2.5V 100A, 1.8V 120A, 1.5V 120A, 1.2V 120A standard with extra wide trim range The Leo is a 3/4 brick CoolConverter™ in the Galaxy family of high-efficiency DC/DC converters. The open frame 3/4 brick Leo is also available with an optional heatsink. Control Functions Uses Patented Power Supply Control and Architecture Primary/Secondary Microprocessor Controlled Three Enable Signals Standard for Maximum Flexibility Differential Remote Sense Active High Power-Good Signal Leo Series, Page 1 Typical Efficiency: 91% at 1.8V, 60A; 88% at 1.8V, 120A Highest Ripple Frequency, 600kHz, for Low EMI Industry Compatible Footprint Democratic Secondary-side Current Sharing Ultra High Initial Setpoint Accuracy, ±0.2% Wide Trim Range, +10 to -70% Single Pole Transient Response (No Ringing) Rapid Turn-on from Valid Input Voltage Two Year Warranty Protection Features Over Temperature Protection Over Voltage Protection Under Voltage Lockout Delayed Lockout for Over Input Voltage Continuous Constant Current Limit Typical Characteristics Output Setpoint Accuracy: ±0.2% Load Regulation: ±0.25% Line Regulation: ±0.25% Regulation over Line, Load, and Temperature: ±1% PRELIMINARY Part No. 99–001 Rev. 4.0–120902 General Specifications VIN = 48VDC, TA @25 °C, 300 LFM airflow, VOUT = rated output voltage , IOUT = Full Load unless otherwise noted. Available output power depends on ambient temperature and good thermal management. (See application graphs for limits.) Input Characteristics 48V Series 24V Series Parameter Min Max Min Max Units Operating Input Voltage Input Current (Model Dependent) Input Capacitance Input Hysteresis, Low Line Reflected Input Ripple through 10µH with 47µF on input Control Signal Low Input Voltage1 Control Signal High Input Voltage Maximum Input Voltage, non-operating No Load Input Current Output Characteristics Output Voltage, half-load, 48Vin, 25°C Regulation Over Line, Load & Temperature Voltage Ripple 5V 5V ≤ 3.3V ≤ 3.3V Current Range 5V 3.3V 2.5V ≤1.8V Short Circuit Trim Range Overvoltage Protection, Tracking, Latching Overvoltage Protection, Redundant, Latching Isolation Isolation Test Voltage, Input/Output (Basic) Isolation Resistance Features Over-temperature Protection, Thermal Sensor2 Input-output Capacitance Isense Signal, no load to current limit Ishare Accuracy (See application notes) Power Good Range Power Good High Level 35.5 75.5 8.6 6.6 3 1.5 17.5 36.5 17 20 3 20 VDC A µF VDC mARMS 1 100 100 VDC VDC VDC mA 100.2 101 50 12 35 9 45 85 100 120 125 +10 135 140 %VNOM %VNOM mVP-P mVRMS mVP-P mVRMS ADC ADC ADC ADC %IMAX %VNOM %VSET %VNOM 1 1 1 4 4 100 70 99.8 99 0 0 0 0 105 -70 125 135 100.2 101 50 12 35 9 60 90 100 120 125 +10 135 140 2250 10 120 2200 0 95 95 4.75 99.8 99 0 0 0 0 105 -70 125 135 2250 10 125 2.5 105 105 5.25 120 2200 0 95 95 4.75 VDC MΩ 125 2.5 105 105 5.25 °C pF VDC % %VSET VDC Notes: 1. Internal pull up on both Control_L Primary and Secondary and Control_H pins are provided which source <0.2mA. For the module to operate Control_L needs to be low with respect to Vin(-) and Control_H needs to be high, or open-circuited. 2. PCB less than 130°C. Approvals and Standards General Specifications Operating Temperature -40°C to +100°C Storage Temperature –55°C to +125°C Relative Humidity 10% to 95% RH,Non-condensing Vibration 2 to 9Hz, 3mm disp., 9 to 200Hz1g Material Flammability UL V-0 Weight (open frame) 55 grams MTBF Telcordia (Bellcore) 1,600,000 hours Leo Series, Page 2 PRELIMINARY UL and c-UL Recognized Component, TUV pending, UL60950, CSA 22.2 No. 950, IEC/EN60950** ** An external fuse shall be used to comply with the requirements. Part No. 99–001 Rev. 4.0–120902 Application Notes CoolConverter™ Family Galaxy’s COOLCONVERTER™ Family features: • Patented single-stage power conversion architecture, control, and magnetic design allow unprecedented power density and efficiency in an isolated power supply. • An advanced microcontroller reduces parts count while adding features, performance, and flexibility in the design. • Low common-mode noise as a result of lower capacitance in the transformer compared to planar magnetics and metal baseplate designs. • Higher reliability than planar transformer designs that can suffer from via fatigue from thermal cycling, and metal baseplate designs with board to board interconnects that are subject to mechanical stress on electrical connections. Protection and Control Valid Input Voltage Range: The converter measures the input voltage and will not allow operation outside of the input voltage specification. As shown by the graphs, hysteresis is added to both the high and low voltage to prevent the converter from turning on and off repeatedly when the voltage is held near either voltage extreme. At low line this assures the maximum input current is not exceeded; at high line this assures the semiconductor devices in the converter are not damaged by excessive voltage stress. Shut down for over-input voltages is inhibited for 100 ms transients to prevent false shut down due to transient input voltage conditions. ON/OFF Logic: The Leo family of converters comes standard with both positive and negative logic input-side shutdown pins and positive logic secondary-side shutdown. All enable pins have internal pull-ups of approximately 0.2mA. The secondary-side enable allows for system sequencing without the need for an opto-isolator. For the converter to operate all negative logic enable inputs must be less than one volt and the positive logic enable must be greater than 4V or open-circuited. Leo Series, Page 3 PRELIMINARY Part No. 99–001 Rev. 4.0–120902 APPLICATION NOTES Output Over Voltage Protection: The output voltage is monitored in two ways, by the microcontroller which looks at the sensed signal and a high-speed comparator that measures the power pins. The microcontroller OVP allows the OVP circuit to track the trimmed signal. However, this circuit does not allow OVP signal detection in the event the voltage sense pins are shorted together. In that case, a redundant OVP set at a fixed threshold will prevent excessive voltage. Thermal shutdown: The printed circuit board temperature is measured using a semiconductor sensor. If the maximum rated temperature is exceeded, the converter is shutdown until the temperature decreases to 90 degC. The time for this depends on the airflow and heatsink mass. Please consult Galaxy Power for your special needs. Remote Sense: The output voltage is regulated at the point where the sense pins connect to the power output pins. Total sense compensation should not exceed 0.4V or 10% of Vout, whichever is greater. If the unit is trimmed up, the application requires that, under all conditions including current transients, the output voltage must be kept less than the redundant OVP, otherwise the unit will shutdown. Safety: An external input fuse must always be used to meet these safety requirements. Trim: The Leo converter has a novel regulation circuit that uses a differential measurement technique to eliminate voltage sense current. To trim the unit up, a resistor is connected from the trim pin to the Negative Sense pin. To trim the unit down, a resistor is connected from the trim pin to the Positive Sense pin. All models follow these trim equations: RTRIM DOWN = 2250/D – 30kΩ RTRIM UP = 750/DkΩ would be connected from the trim pin to the Negative Sense Pin. Power Good Signal The Leo generates a power good signal when the output voltage falls in a 5% window of the nominal value. The circuit tracks the trimmed voltage. The circuit has a response time of approximately 1ms. The output signal is derived from an internal 5V power bus and can source up to 5mA. If interfacing to other logic is required, the output can drive a resistor divider to set a new high level. The voltage is referenced to the VO(-) pin. Transient Response and Stability The Leo uses a high-bandwidth control to keep the output voltage in regulation. The crossover frequency of the Leo is approximately 15kHz (depending on the model) with greater than 60 degrees of phase margin. The control circuit maintains high phase margin at lower frequencies allowing the use of large amounts of external capacitance to be applies without loss of stability. If you require a high di/dt solution, Galaxy can adjust the gain of the control to take advantage of the on-board capacitance and improve the transient performance up to 5X the nominal value. If several Leos are used in parallel with current sharing, the transient response is improved by the number of Leos. For example, with two Leos a 60A step will give the same response as a single Leo with a 30A step, or about 1/2 the peak over/undershoot. External Output Trimming + Sense Trim – Sense where D is the percentage of trim (i.e. 10 = 10%). For example, to trim up 10%, a 75kΩ resistor Leo Series, Page 4 PRELIMINARY Part No. 99–001 Rev. 4.0–120902 Leo Series OPERATION Efficiency GPLW3V3090 Efficiency (%) GPLW3V3090 94 35 92 30 90 25 88 20 86 15 36V Vin 48V Vin 60V Vin 84 82 36V Vin 48V Vin 60V Vin 10 5 80 0 0 40 20 60 20 80 40 60 80 Load Current (A) Efficiency Efficiency (%) GPLW2V5100 GPLW2V5100 94 35 92 30 90 25 88 20 86 36V Vin 48V Vin 60V Vin 15 36V Vin 48V Vin 60V Vin 84 82 10 5 80 20 0 40 0 100 80 60 20 60 40 80 100 Load Current (A) Efficiency GPLW1V5120 GPLW1V5120 45 94 Efficiency (%) 40 36V Vin 48V Vin 60V Vin 92 90 35 30 88 25 86 20 36V Vin 48V Vin 60V Vin 15 84 10 82 5 0 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 20 120 40 60 80 100 120 Load Current (A) Leo Series, Page 5 PRELIMINARY Part No. 99–001 Rev. 4.0–120902 Leo Series OPERATION Transient Response Voltage Ripple 1.81mV 7.81mV Ch1 75.0mV 1 Start-up Waveform T 2 Ch1 500mV Leo Series, Page 6 B W Ch2 2.00 V BW M 4.00ms A Ch1 300mV PRELIMINARY Part No. 99–001 Rev. 4.0–120902 Package Detail 3.450 3.050 2.000 2.000 11 2 -V 9 1.300 1.700 1.500 1.300 -Vo 15-17 12 1 CASE 14 1.700 0.700 4 +V 0.300 5 ENA_L 0 2.900 3.000 3 ENA_H 2.40 1.000 +Vo 6-8 1.100 1.000 0.900 0.700 0.500 0.300 0 BOTTOM VIEW 0.200 Function Pin Dia. (in.) 1 2 3 4 5 6-8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-17 Case -Vin ENA_H +Vin ENA_L +Vo +SEN TRIM -SEN P_GOOD ENA_H_S I_SHARE – Vo 0.040 dia 0.040 dia 0.040 dia 0.040 dia 0.040 dia 0.080 dia 0.025 sq 0.025 sq 0.025 sq 0.025 sq 0.025 sq 0.025 sq 0.080 dia Notes: 0 0.200 .50 Max 1. Mechanical tolerances x.xxx in. = ±0.005 in. x.xx in. = ±0.01 in. 2. Pin material: brass with tin/lead plating over nickel 3. Workmanship: Meets or exceeds IPC-A-610B Class II Pin Length SIDE VIEW Leo Series, Page 7 Pin No. PRELIMINARY Part No. 99–001 Rev. 4.0–120902 ORDERING INFORMATION Standard Model Number * Output Voltage Max Current 48V Input Models (Designated W) GPLW5V060 5.0V 60A GPLW3V390 3.3V 90A GPLW2V5100 2.5V 100A GPLW1V8120 1.8V 120A GPLW1V5120 1.5V 120A GPLW1V2120 1.2V 120A Typical Efficiency Half Load Full Load TBD 93% 91% 92% 90% 90% 87% 89% 84% TBD Heatsink Part Numbers Part Number Height Typical Thermal Performance Natural Convection Forced Convection Power Dissipation* Thermal Resistance** 001 0.25" 5W 5.8°C/W 002 003 004 0.50" 1.00" 0.13" 7W 11W TBD 3.2°C/W 2.0°C/W TBD *@ 60°C rise heatsink to ambient ** @ 300'/min. Ordering Information Example Part No.: GPLW5V060 48V Input 5.0V@60A Output Negative Logic 0.20" Pin Length Open Frame Standard Model Number* Output Voltage Max Current 24V Input Models (Designated C) GPLC5V050 5.0V 50A GPLC3V390 3.3V 90A GPLC2V5100 2.5V 100A GPLC1V8120 1.8V 120A GPLC1V8120 1.5V 120A GPLC1V2120 1.2V 120A Typical Efficiency Half Load Full Load TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD * Options: M = 0.145" Pins (±0.01") S = 0.12" Pins (±0.01") T = Tuned model** Heatsinks optional, consult factory. **T (Tuned Model) Option Designed for higher di/dt and ∆I applications, the transient response has been modified to take advantage of the capacitance on the customer's PCB. This unit requires a minimum load capacitance of 5600µF with an impedance magnitude of less than 0.005Ω at 15kHz. It offers a minimum 3X improvement in the peak response compared to a standard unit. Options Code: (All options shown) GPLW 1V8120 S T 00X Part Number (from chart above) Options: Optional Pin Length M = 0.145" S = 0.12" Tuned Model Heatsink Galaxy Power Inc. warrants to the original purchaser that the products conform to this data sheet and are free from material and workmanship defects for a period of two (2) years from the date of manufacture, if this product is used within specified conditions. Galaxy Power Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such products or information. For additional details on this limited warranty consult the factory. 155 Flanders Road Westborough, MA 01581 508-870-9775 Fax: 508-870-9796 e–mail: galaxy@galaxypwr.com website: http://www.galaxypwr.com Leo Series, Page 8 PRELIMINARY © Copyright 2002 Galaxy Power. Specifications subject to change without notice. Part No. 99–001 Rev. 4.0–120902