CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK TS Series laboratory dc power supplies The Thurlby Than dar TS se ries of labo ra tory bench power supplies has be come highly re garded through out the world for its per form ance and re li abil ity. High reso lu tion con trols en able pre cise set ting of volt age and cur rent lev els whilst high ac cu racy digi tal me ters pro vide clear, un am bi gu ous read ings. Digital accuracy and convenience TS se ries units in cor po rate digi tal me ters with 3.5 digit LCD displays to provide greater accuracy and resolution than other PSUs. Sepa rate me ters are used for volt age and cur rent, elimi nat ing the need for me ter func tion switches with their at ten dant problems of mis in ter pre ta tion. Greater resolution and control The TS se ries sets the stan dard for sim ple and com pre hen sive con trol. Volt ages are set with coarse and fine con trols for speed with pre ci sion. Cur rents are set with a semi- logarithmic con trol for in creased reso lu tion at low cur rents. With the out put switch ‘off’ the cur rent limit set point is dis played. With the out put switch ‘on’ the ac tual out put cur rent flow ing is displayed. This in valu able fea ture al lows deli cate cir cuits to be pro tected by ac cu rately set ting the cur rent limit level (down to a few milliamps if nec es sary) bef ore con nect ing the cir cuit un der test. Constant voltage or constant current TS se ries units can op er ate in con stant volt age or con stant current mode (not TS3023 logic out put). Remote sense for high current precision TS series units in cor po rate in te grated band- gap ref er ence diodes as the ba sis for sta bi li sa tion of both volt age and cur rent. Re mote sense ter mi nals en able the pre ci sion to be main tained at high cur rents by elimi nat ing the ef fects of con nec tion lead resistance. With out re mote sense, lead re sis tance of just a few tens of mil liohms can se ri ously de grade regu la tion and pro duce mis lead ing re sults. (Two ca bles of just 0.05Ω each will drop a to tal of 0.3V at 3 Amps) Safety and protection TS se ries PSUs are de signed and built to meet the lat est safety and EMC re quire ments. All out puts are fully pro tected against short cir cuits, ex ter nal over volt age and re verse volt age. Model range MAIN OUTPUTS Out put Volt age Set ting: By coarse and fine con trols; reso lu tion bet ter than 5mV across the range. Out put Cur rent Set ting: By sin gle loga rith mic con trol. Out put Mode: The out puts op er ate in con stant cur rent or con stant volt age mode with auto mat ic cross- over. A dis play an nun cia tor in di cates con stant cur rent mode. Out put Switch: Iso lates the out put and per mits volt age and cur rent lim its to be set up bef ore con nect ing the load. Out put Ter mi nals: 4mm ter mi nals on 19mm (.75’) spac ing. Out put Im ped ance: Con stant Volt age Typi cally <5mOhm at 1kHz. Con stant Cur rent Typi cally 50kOhm with volt age limit at maxi mum. Out put Pro tec tion: Up to maxi mum out put volt age +20 Volts for ward; diode clamped for re verse volt ages at up to 3A. Load Regu la tion: <.01 % of maxi mum out put for 50% load change. Line Regu la tion: <.01 % of max. out put for 10% line volt age change. Rip ple and Noise: Typi cally <1mV rms. Tran sient Re sponse: <20usec to <50mV of set ting for 90% load change. Temp. Co ef fi cient: Typi cally <100ppm/oC . Me ter Type: In de pendent auto rang ing 0.5" 3.5- digit LCDs for voltage and cur rent in di ca tion. Me ter Reso lu tion: Volt age - 10mV up to 20V, 100mV above 20V Cur rent - 1mA up to 2A, 10mA above 2A. Me ter Ac cu racy: Volt age - 0.2% of read ing + 1 digit. Cur rent - 0.5% of read ing + 1 digit. MAIN OUT PUT(S) TS3021S 0 - 30V at 0 - 2A TS1541S 0 - 15V at 0 - 4A TS3022S (2) 0 - 30V at 0 - 2A each TS1542S (2) 0 - 15V at 0 - 4A each TS3023S (2) 0 - 30V at 0 - 2A each LOGIC OUT PUT TS Series LOGIC OUTPUT (3023S only) Out put Volt age Range: 4 to 6 Volts Out put Cur rent: 4 Amps mini mum; cur rent limit ap proxi mately 5 Amps. Out put Switch: Iso lates the out put and per mits out put volt age to be set bef ore con nect ing the load. Out put Ter mi nals: 4mm ter mi nals on 19mm (0.75") spac ing. Over- voltage Pro tec tion:Dual- speed cir cuit giv ing typi cally 20msec to 7 Volts and typi cally 2usec above 7 volts. Auto mati cally re set by mains switch. Out put Pro tec tion: Clamped by the over- voltage pro tec tion cir cuit for forward volt ages over 7 Volts and up to 3 Amps. Di ode clamped for re verse volt ages at up to 3 Amps. Load Regu la tion: <0.5% for 50% load change. Line Regu la tion: <0.5% for 10% line volt age change. Rip ple and Noise: <20mV rms, <50mV pk- pk. Me ter Type: 0.5" 3.5 digit LCD for volt age or cur rent. Me ter Reso lu tion: Volt age - 10mV, Cur rent - 10mA. Me ter Ac cu racy: Volt age - 0.5% of read ing + 1 digit Cur rent - 0.5% of read ing + 1 digit. GENERAL Power Requirements In put Volt age: In put Volt age Range: Power Con sump tion: Environmental Op er at ing Range: Stor age Range: Elec tri cal Safety: EMC: In ter nally set for 110, 120, 220 or 240V AC 50/60Hz. ± 10% of volt age set ting. 150VA for sin gle units, 300VA for dual and tri ple units. 5 oC to 40 oC, 20% to 80% RH. -20oC to +60oC. Com plies with EN61010-1. Com plies with EN55011 and EN50082-1. Mechanical MODEL THURLBY THANDAR INSTRUMENTS Size: Weight: 160mm wide x 160mm high x 238mm deep, sin gle unit 308mm wide x 160mm high x 238mm deep, dual unit 386mm wide x 160mm high x 238mm deep, tri ple unit 4.9kg sin gle unit, 9.6kg dual unit, 11.0kg tri ple unit. Laboratory dc power supplies ● ● 4 - 6V at >4A Thurlby Than dar In stru ments Ltd. op er ates a pol icy of con tinu ous de vel op ment and re serves the right to al ter speci fi ca tions with out prior no tice. ● ● De signed and built in the U.K. by: ● ● Thurlby Than dar In stru ments Ltd. Glebe Road, Hun ting don. Cambs. PE18 7DX Eng land Tel: 01480 412451 Fax: 01480 450409 82100-0014 Simultaneous metering of voltage & current via LCD meters True constant voltage or constant current opera tion Excellent stability, resolution and setting accuracy Remote sense facilities for high-current precision Precise control and monitoring of current limits Single, dual and triple output models available