COMMUNICATIONS COMPONENTS 50/100 GHz, 100/200 GHz Passive Interleavers IBC Series Key Features • Low dispersion • Low insertion loss • High channel isolation • Wide clear bandwidth • Full C- or L-band coverage • Athermal design Applications • Extend existing network capacity • Bridge existing and new DWDM platforms • Ultradense DWDM mux/demux and add/drop applications • Bidirectional networks • Optical signal comb filtering NORTH AMERICA : 800 498-JDSU (5378) The JDSU interleaver is a terabit-enabling technology for ultradense wavelengthdivision multiplexing (DWDM) applications. When used in the mux configuration, the interleaver combines two streams of periodic optical signals (one stream carries even channels and the other carries odd channels) into one stream of signals of half the channel spacing. When used in the demux configuration, the signal is separated into two complementary streams (even and odd channels) of twice the channel spacing. The low dispersion interleaver, based on patented technology, features a wide clear bandwidth, minimal thermal drift, low insertion loss, low ripple, and low polarization dependent loss (PDL). Temperature control is not required. WORLDWIDE : +800 5378-JDSU WEBSITE : IBC SERIES 2 Package Drawing and Port Designations H Port 'x' W Port 'y' Port 'z' 17.2mm (Collimators) L Channel Spacing Device Type L 50/100 GHz 100/200 GHz Mux/Demux Mux/Demux Dimensions W 120.2 mm 84.2 mm 25.2 mm 25.2 mm H X 12.4 mm 12.4 mm Odd Even Port Designations Y Common Common Z Even Odd Notes: 1. See Table 1 below for channel designation of the even and odd ports. Detailed package drawings available on demand. 2. Excluding collimators and strain reliefs. 3. Excluding mounting holes. Please contact JDSU for detailed drawings. Table 1: Channel Designation of Even and Odd Ports Channel Spacing /ITU Offset C Band Even Port Frequency C Band Odd Port Frequency L Band Even Port Frequency L Band Odd Port Frequency 50/100 GHz on ITU 50/100 GHz, 25 GHz offset 100/200 GHz on ITU 100/200 GHz, 50 GHz offset 192.000 to 196.000 THz 192.025 to 195.925 THz 192.000 to 196.000 THz 192.050 to 195.850 THz 192.050 to 195.950 THz 192.075 to 195.975 THz 192.100 to 195.900 THz 192.150 to 195.950 THz 186.800 to 191.000 THz 186.825 to 190.925 THz 186.800 to 191.000 THz 186.850 to 190.850 THz 186.850 to 190.950 THz 186.875 to 190.975 THz 186.900 to 190.900 THz 186.950 to 190.950 THz IBC SERIES 3 Specifications Parameter 50/100 GHz Mux/Demux 100/200 GHz Mux/Demux Wavelength (C band, for end channel ITUs) Wavelength (L band, for end channel ITUs) Frequency (C band, for end channel ITUs) Frequency (L band, for end channel ITUs) Number of channels Clear bandwidth (standard) Clear bandwidth (wideband) Insertion loss within clear bandwidth1, 2 Ripple within clear bandwidth2, 3 PDL within clear bandwidth2, 4 Insertion loss uniformity2, 5 Adjacent channel isolation2, 6 Return loss1 Directivity Polarization mode dispersion Chromatic dispersion within clear bandwidth Optical power7 Operating temperature Fiber type 1529.55 to 1561.42 nm 1569.59 to 1604.88 nm 196.000 to 192.000 THz 191.000 to 186.800 THz 80 ±8 GHz ±10 GHz 2.0 dB 0.4 dB 0.4 dB 0.5 dB 14 dB (Mux)/25 dB (Demux) 45 dB 55 dB 0.2 ps ±20 ps/nm 250 mW 0 to 65°C 900 µm tight buffer SMF-28 1529.55 to 1561.42 nm 1569.59 to 1604.88 nm 196.000 to 192.000 THz 191.000 to 186.800 THz 40 ±15 GHz N/A 2.0 dB 0.4 dB 0.4 dB 0.5 dB 14 dB (Mux)/25 dB (Demux) 45 dB 55 dB 0.2 ps ±15 ps/nm 250 mW 0 to 65°C 900 µm tight buffer SMF-28 Minimum Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Maximum 1. Without connector. 2. Over all operating temperatures and states of polarization (SOP). 3. Measured at any given SOP. 4. Difference between insertion loss at any two SOP, measured at a given wavelength. 5. Difference between the maximum insertion loss over any two clear bandwidths, at any given SOP, and at any operating temperature. 6. Measured over clear bandwidth of both adjacent channels. 7. Across C and L band only. IBC SERIES 4 Ordering Information For more information on this or other products and their availability, please contact your local JDSU account manager or JDSU directly at 1-800-498-JDSU (5378) in North America and +800-5378-JDSU worldwide, or via e-mail at Sample: IBC-C05D01410 14 IBCCode C L Wavelength Range C band L band Code 1 5 Code 0 W Design Type1 Standard Wideband Code D M Narrower Channel Spacing 100 GHz 50 GHz Code 0 5 A Center Wavelength Aligned with ITU grid2 50 GHz offset (for 100/200 GHz) 25 GHz offset (for 50/100 GHz) Function Demux Mux Code 1 5 Fiber Length3 100 cm 50 cm Code 0 1 2 4 B Connector No connector FC/APC SC/UPC FC/UPC LC/PC 1. Dual stage modules available. Please contact JDSU for further details. 2. Standard. 3. Tolerance of ±0.1 meter. NORTH AMERICA : 800 498-JDSU (5378) WORLDWIDE : +800 5378-JDSU Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. © 2008 JDS Uniphase Corporation 10113978 009 0908 SMF-28 is a registered trademark of Corning Incorporated. LC is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies. WEBSITE : IBC.DS.CC.AE September 2008