HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 64K x 16 BANK-SWITCHABLE DUAL-PORTED SRAM WITH EXTERNAL BANK SELECTS IDT70V7288S/L Features ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ 64K x 16 Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM Architecture – Four independent 16K x 16 banks – 1 Megabit of memory on chip Fast asynchronous address-to-data access time: 15ns User-controlled input pins included for bank selects Independent port controls with asynchronous address & data busses Four 16-bit mailboxes available to each port for interprocessor communications; interrupt option ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Interrupt flags with programmable masking Dual Chip Enables allow for depth expansion without external logic UB and LB are available for x8 or x16 bus matching LVTTL-compatible, single 3.3V (±5%) power supply Available in a 100-pin Thin Quad Flatpack (14mm x 14mm) Industrial temperature range (-40°C to +85°C) is available for selected speeds Functional Block Diagram MUX R/WL CE0L CE1L UBL LBL OEL 16Kx16 MEMORY ARRAY (BANK 0) CONTROL LOGIC CONTROL LOGIC R/WR CE0R CE1R UBR LBR OER I/O CONTROL I/O8R-15R I/O0R-7R MUX I/O8L-15L I/O0L-7L A13L A0L(1) BA1L BA0L MUX I/O CONTROL 16Kx16 MEMORY ARRAY (BANK 1) ADDRESS DECODE ADDRESS DECODE MUX BANK DECODE BANK DECODE A13R A0R(1) BA1R BA0R MUX 16Kx16 MEMORY ARRAY (BANK 3) MUX BKSEL3(2) BKSEL0(2) MBSELL INTL BANK SELECT A5L(1) A0L(1) LBL/UBL OEL R/WL CEL MAILBOX INTERRUPT LOGIC A5R(1) A0R(1) LBR/UBR OER R/WR CER MBSELR INTR 4077 drw 01 NOTES: 1. The first six address pins for each port serve dual functions. When MBSEL = VIH, the pins serve as memory address inputs. When MBSEL = VIL, the pins serve as mailbox address inputs. 2. Each bank has an input pin assigned that allows the user to toggle the assignment of that bank between the two ports. Refer to Truth Table I for more details. JUNE 2000 1 ©2000 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. DSC-4077/6 IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Description The IDT70V7288 is a high-speed 64K x 16 (1M bit) Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM organized into four independent 16K x 16 banks. The device has two independent ports with separate controls, addresses, and I/O pins for each port, allowing each port to asynchronously access any 16K x 16 memory block not already accessed by the other port. Accesses by the ports into specific banks are controlled via bank select pin inputs under the user's control. Mailboxes are provided to allow inter-processor communications. Interrupts are provided to indicate mailbox writes have occurred. An automatic power down feature controlled by the chip enables (CE0 and CE1) permits the onchip circuitry of each port to enter a very low standby power mode and allows fast depth expansion. The IDT70V7288 offers a maximum address-to-data access time as fast as 15ns, and is packaged in a 100-pin Thin Quad Flatpack (TQFP). Functionality The IDT70V7288 is a high-speed asynchronous 64K x 16 BankSwitchable Dual-Ported SRAM, organized in four 16K x 16 banks. The two ports are permitted independent, simultaneous access into separate banks within the shared array. There are four user-controlled Bank Select input pins, and each of these pins is associated with a specific bank within the memory array. Access to a specific bank is gained by placing the associated Bank Select pin in the appropriate state: VIH assigns the bank to the left port, and VIL assigns the bank to the right port (See Truth Table IV). Once a bank is assigned to a particular port, the port has full access to read and write within that bank. Each port can be assigned as many banks within the array as needed, up to and including all four banks. The IDT70V7288 provides mailboxes to allow inter-processor communications. Each port has four 16-bit mailbox registers available to which it can write and read and which the opposite port can read only. These mailboxes are external to the common SRAM array, and are accessed by setting MBSEL = VIL while setting CE = VIH. Each mailbox has an associated interrupt: a port can generate an interrupt to the opposite port by writing to the upper byte of any one of its four 16-bit mailboxes. The interrupted port can clear the interrupt by reading the upper byte. This read will not alter the contents of the mailbox. If desired, any source of interrupt can be independently masked via software. Two registers are provided to permit interpretation of interrupts: the Interrupt Cause Register and the Interrupt Status Register. The Interrupt Cause Register gives the user a snapshot of what has caused the interrupt to be generated - the specific mailbox written to. The information in this register provides post-mask signals: Interrupt sources that have been masked will not be updated. The Interrupt Status Register gives the user the status of all bits that could potentially cause an interrupt regardless of whether they have been masked. Truth Table V gives a detailed explanation of the use of these registers. 6.42 2 IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges A5L A4L A3L A2L A1L A0L BA1L BA0L A12L NC BKSEL1 INTL GND GND INTR BKSEL2 A12R BA0R BA1R A0R A1R A2R A3R A4R A5R Pin Configurations(1,2,3) INDEX 2 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 3 73 4 72 5 71 6 70 7 69 8 68 1 9 67 10 66 IDT70V7288PF PN100-1(4) 11 12 13 65 64 63 100-Pin TQFP Top View(5) 14 15 62 61 16 60 17 59 18 58 19 57 20 56 21 55 22 54 23 53 24 52 51 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 I/O9L I/O8L Vcc I/O7L I/O6L I/O5L I/O4L I/O3L I/O2L GND I/O1L I/O0L GND I/O0R I/O1R I/O2R I/O3R I/O4R I/O5R I/O6R Vcc I/O7R I/O8R I/O9R NC A6L A7L A8L A9L A10L A11L A13L NC BKSEL0 LBL UBL CE0L CE1L MBSELL Vcc R/WL OEL GND GND I/O15L I/O14L I/O13L I/O12L I/O11L I/O10L NOTES: 1. All VCC pins must be connected to power supply. 2. All GND pins must be connected to ground supply. 3. Package body is approximately 14mm x 14mm x 1.4mm. 4. This package code is used to reference the package diagram. 5. This text does not indicate orientation of the actual part-marking. A6R A7R A8R A9R A10R A11R A13R NC BKSEL3 LBR UBR CE0R CE1R , MBSELR GND R/WR OER GND GND I/O15R I/O14R I/O13R I/O12R I/O11R I/O10R 4077 drw 02 Pin Names A0 - A13(1,6) (1) Address Inputs BA0 - BA1 Bank Address Inputs MBSEL(1) Mailbox Access Control Gate BKSEL0-3(2) Bank Select Inputs (1) Read/Write Enable R/W OE(1) Output Enable CE0, CE1 (1) UB, LB(1) Chip Enables I/O Byte Enables (1) I/O0 - I/O15 Bidirectional Data Input/Output INT(1) Interrupt Flag (Output)(3) VCC(4) 3.3VPower (5) GND Ground 4077 tbl 01 NOTES: 1. Duplicated per port. 2. Each bank has an input pin assigned that allows the user to toggle the assignment of that bank between the two ports. Refer to Truth Table IV for more details. When changing the bank assignments, accesses of the affected banks must be suspended. Accesses may continue uninterrupted in banks that are not being reallocated. 3. Generated upon mailbox access. 4. All Vcc pins must be connected to power supply. 5. All GND pins must be connected to ground supply. 6. The first six address pins (A0-A5) for each port serve dual functions. When MBSEL = VIH, the pins serve as memory address inputs. When MBSEL = VIL, the pins serve as mailbox address inputs (A6-A13 ignored). 3 6.42 IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Truth Table I Chip Enable CE Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges (1,2,3,4) CE0 CE1 VIL VIH < 0.2V >VCC -0.2V Port Selected (CMOS Active) VIH X Port Deselected (TTL Inactive) X VIL Port Deselected (TTL Inactive) >VCC -0.2V X Port Deselected (CMOS Inactive) X <0.2V Port Deselected (CMOS Inactive) L H Mode Port Selected (TTL Active) 4077 tbl 02 NOTES: 1. Chip Enable references are shown above with the actual CE0 and CE1 levels, CE is a reference only. 2. Port "A" and "B" references are located where CE is used. 3. "H" = VIH and "L" = VIL. 4. CE and MBSEL cannot be active at the same time. Truth Table II Non-Contention Read/Write Control Inputs(1) Outputs CE R/W OE UB LB MBSEL I/O8-15 I/O0-7 H X X X X H High-Z High-Z Deselected: Power-Down (2) (3) (3) Mode X X X H H X High-Z High-Z Both Bytes Deselected L L X L H H DATAIN High-Z Write to Upper Byte Only L L X H L H High-Z DATAIN Write to Lower Byte Only L L X L L H DATAIN DATAIN Write to Both Bytes L H L L H H DATAOUT High-Z Read Upper Byte Only L H L H L H High-Z DATAOUT Read Lower Byte Only L H L L L H DATAOUT DATAOUT Read Both Bytes X(3) X H X X X(3) High-Z High-Z Outputs Disabled 4077 tbl 03 NOTES: 1. BA0L - BA1L ≠ BA0R - BA1R: cannot access same bank simultaneously from both ports. 2. Refer to Truth Table I. 3. CE and MBSEL cannot both be active at the same time. Truth Table III Mailbox Read/Write Control(1) Inputs CE (2) R/W OE Outputs UB LB MBSEL I/O8-15 I/O0-7 Mode H H L X X L DATAOUT DATAOUT Read Data from Mailbox, ↓ clears interrupt H H L L L L DATAOUT DATAOUT Read Data from Mailbox, ↓ clears interrupt L DATAIN DATAIN L ____ ____ H L L X X X (3) (3) L X (3) (3) L X Write Data into Mailbox Not Allowed 4077 tbl 04 NOTES: 1. There are four mailbox locations per port written to and read from all the I/O's (I/O0-I/O15). These four mailboxes are addressed by A0-A5. Refer to Truth Table V. 2. Refer to Truth Table I. 3. Each mailbox location contains a 16-bit word, controllable in bytes by setting input levels to UB and LB appropriately. 6.42 4 IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects (1) Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol VTERM(2) Rating Terminal Voltage with Respect to GND Commercial & Industrial Unit -0.5 to +4.6 V Temperature Under Bias -55 to +125 TSTG Storage Temperature -65 to +150 IOUT DC Output Current TBIAS o o 50 Maximum Operating Temperature and Supply Voltage(1) Grade Ambient Temperature GND Vcc Commercial 0OC to +70OC 0V 3.3V + 5% 0V 3.3V + 5% C Symbol Output Capacitance Conditions(2) Max. Unit VIN = 3dV 9 pF VOUT = 3dV 10 pF Parameter VCC Supply Voltage GND Ground Min. Typ. Max. Unit 3.135 3.3 3.465 V 0 0 0 2.0 ____ Input High Voltage (1) Input Low Voltage -0.3 V VCC +5% ____ (2) 0.8 V V 4077 tbl 07 NOTES: 1. VIL > -1.5V for pulse width less than 10ns. 2. VTERM must not exceed Vcc + 5%. (TA = +25°C, f = 1.0mhz) TQFP Package COUT(3) 4077 tbl 06 Recommended DC Operating Conditions VIL Capacitance(1) Input Capacitance -40 C to +85 C mA VIH CIN O NOTES: 1. This is the parameter TA. This is the "instant on" case temperature. 4077 tbl 05 Parameter O Industrial C NOTES: 1. Stresses greater than those listed under ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. 2. VTERM must not exceed Vcc + 5% for more than 25% of the cycle time or 10ns maximum, and is limited to < 20mA for the period of VTERM > Vcc + 5%. Symbol Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges 4077 tbl 08 NOTES: 1. This parameter is determined by device characterization but is not production tested. 2. 3dV represents the interpolated capacitance when the input and output signals switch from 0V to 3V or from 3V to 0V. 3. COUT represents CI/O as well. DC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Temperature and Supply Voltage Range (VCC = 3.3V ± 5%) 70V7288S Symbol Parameter Test Conditions 70V7288L Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit 10 ___ 5 µA 5 µA Input Leakage Current(1) VCC = 3.465V, VIN = 0V to V CC ___ |ILO| Output Leakage Current CE = VIH, MBSEL = VIH, VOUT = 0V to V CC ___ 10 ___ VOL Output Low Voltage IOL = +4mA ___ 0.4 ___ 0.4 V VOH Output High Voltage IOH = -4mA 2.4 ___ 2.4 ___ V |ILI| 4077 tbl 09 NOTE: 1. At Vcc < 2.0V, input leakages are undefined. 5 6.42 IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges DC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Temperature and Supply Voltage Range(1,6) (VCC = 3.3V ± 5%) 70V7288X15 Com'l Only Symbol ICC ISB1 ISB2 ISB3 ISB4 Parameter Dynamic Operating Current (Both Ports Active) Standby Current (Bo th Ports - TTL Level Inputs) Standby Current (One Port - TTL Level Inputs) Full Standby Current (Both Ports - All CMOS Level Inputs) Full Standby Current (One Port - All CMOS Level Inputs) Test Condition CE = VIL, Outputs Disabled MBSEL = VIH f = fMAX(3) Version 70V7288X20 Com'l Only 70V7288X25 Com'l & Ind Typ.(2) Max. Typ.(2) Max. Typ. (2) Max. Unit mA COM'L S L 200 200 280 230 170 170 260 210 160 160 250 200 IND S L ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 160 160 280 230 COM'L S L 50 50 85 60 40 40 75 50 35 35 70 45 IND S L ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 35 35 80 55 COM'L S L 120 120 160 140 100 100 140 120 90 90 130 110 IND S L ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 90 90 150 130 Both Ports CEL and COM'L CER > VCC - 0.2V VIN > VCC - 0.2V or IND VIN < 0.2V, f = 0(4) MBSELR = MBSELL > VCC - 0.2V S L 1.5 1.5 6 3 1.5 1.5 6 3 1.5 1.5 6 3 S L ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 1.5 1.5 10 6 COM'L CE"A" < 0.2V and CE"B" > VCC - 0.2V(5) MBSELR = MBSELL > VCC - 0.2V IND VIN > VCC - 0.2V or V IN < 0.2V Active Port Outputs Disabled (3) f = fMAX S L 115 115 140 125 95 95 130 110 85 85 120 100 S L ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 85 85 140 120 CEL = CER = VIH MBSELR = MBSELL = VIH f = fMAX(3) CE"A" = VIL and CE"B" = VIH(5) Active Port Outputs Disabled, f=fMAX(3) MBSELR = MBSELL = VIH mA mA mA mA 4077 tbl 10 NOTES: 1. 'X' in part numbers indicates power rating (S or L). 2. VCC = 3.3V, TA = +25°C, and are not production tested. ICCDC = 120mA (Typ.) 3. At f = fMAX, address and control lines (except Output Enable) are cycling at the maximum frequency read cycle of 1 / tRC, and using “AC Test Conditions” of input levels of GND to 3V. 4. f = 0 means no address or control lines change. 5. Port "A" may be either left or right port. Port "B" is the opposite from port "A". 6. Refer to Truth Table I. 6.42 6 IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges AC Test Conditions 3.3V 3.3V GND to 3.0V Input Pulse Levels DATAOUT INT 1.5V Input Timing Reference Levels 1.5V Output Reference Levels 590Ω 590Ω 3ns Max. Input Rise/Fall Times DATAOUT 30pF 435Ω 5pF* 435Ω Figures 1,2 and 3 Output Load 4077 tbl 11 4077 drw 03 Figure 1. AC Output Test Load 8 7 - 10pF is the I/O capacitance of this device, and 30pF is the AC Test Load Capacitance 4077 drw 04 Figure 2. Output Test Load (for tLZ, tHZ, tWZ, tOW) *Including scope and jig. 6 5 ∆ tACE/tAA (Typical, ns) 4 3 2 1 0 -1 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Capacitance (pF) , 4077 drw 05 Figure 3. Lumped Capacitance Load Typical Derating Curve AC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Temperature and Supply Voltage Range(4) 70V7288X15 Com'l Only Symbol Parameter 70V7288X20 Com'l Only 70V7288X25 Com'l & Ind Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit Read Cycle Time 15 ____ 20 ____ 25 ____ ns Address Access Time ____ 15 ____ 20 ____ 25 ns 15 ____ 20 ____ 25 ns READ CYCLE tRC tAA tACE tABE tAOE tOH tLZ tHZ tPU Chip Enable Access Time (3) ____ Byte Enable Access Time (3) ____ 15 ____ 20 ____ 25 ns Output Enable Access Time ____ 9 ____ 10 ____ 11 ns 3 ____ 3 ____ 3 ____ ns 0 ____ 0 ____ 0 ____ ns ____ 8 ____ 9 ____ 10 ns 0 ____ 0 ____ 0 ____ ns ____ 15 ____ 20 ____ 25 ns ____ 10 ____ 10 ____ ns 15 ____ 20 ____ 25 Output Hold from Address Change Output Low-Z Time (1,2) Output High-Z Time (1,2) Chip Enable to Power Up Time (2,5) (2,5) tPD Chip Disable to Power Down Time tMOP Mailbox Flag Update Pulse (OE or MBSEL) 10 Mailbox Address Access Time ____ tMAA NOTES: 1. Transition is measured 0mV from Low or High-impedance voltage with Output Test Load (Figure 2). 2. This parameter is guaranteed by device characterization, but is not production tested. 3. To access RAM, CE = VIL and MBSEL = VIH. To access mailbox, CE= VIH and MBSEL = VIL. 4. 'X' in part numbers indicates power rating (S or L). 5. Refer to Truth Table I. 7 6.42 ns 4077 tbl 12 IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Assigning the Banks via the External Bank Selects There are four bank select pins available on the IDT70V7288, and each of these pins is associated with a specific bank within the memory array. The pins are user-controlled inputs: access to a specific bank is assigned to a particular port by setting the input to the appropriate level. The process of assigning the banks is detailed in Truth Table IV. Once a bank is assigned to a port, the owning port has full access to read and write within that bank. The opposite port is unable to access that bank until the user reassigns the port. Access by a port to a bank which it does not control will have no effect if written, and if read unknown values on D0-D15 will be returned. Each port can be assigned as many banks within the array as needed, up to and including all four banks. The bank select pin inputs must be set at either VIH or VIL - these inputs are not tri-statable. When changing the bank assignments, accesses of the affected banks must be suspended. Accesses may continue uninterrupted in banks that are not being reallocated. Truth Table IV Memory Bank Assignment (CE = VIH)(2,3) BKSEL0 BKSEL1 BKSEL2 BKSEL3 BANK AND DIRECTION (1) H X X X B A NK 0 LE FT X H X X B A NK 1 LE FT X X H X B A NK 2 LE FT X X X H B A NK 3 LE FT L X X X B A NK 0 RIGHT X L X X B A NK 1 RIGHT X X L X B A NK 2 RIGHT X X X L B A NK 3 RIGHT NOTES: 4077 tb l 1 3 1. Bank 0 refers to the first 16Kx16 memory spaces, Bank 1 to the second 16Kx16 memory spaces, Bank 2 to the third 16Kx16 memory spaces; and Bank 3 to the fourth 16Kx16 memory spaces. 'LEFT' indicates the bank is assigned to the left port; 'RIGHT' indicates the bank is assigned to the right port. 0-4 banks may be assigned to either port. 2. The bank select pin inputs must be set at either VIH or VIL - these inputs are not tristatable. When changing the bank assignments, accesses of the affected banks must be suspended. Accesses may continue uninterrupted in banks that are not being reallocated. 3. 'H' = VIH, 'L' = VIL, 'X' = Don't Care. Mailbox Interrupts and Interrupt Control Registers If the user chooses the mailbox interrupt function, four mailbox locations are assigned to each port. These mailbox locations are external to the memory array. The mailboxes are accessed by taking MBSEL LOW while holding CE HIGH. The mailboxes are 16 bits wide and controllable by byte: the message is user-defined since these are addressable SRAM locations. An interrupt is generated to the opposite port upon writing to the upper byte of any mailbox location. A port can read the message it has just written in order to verify it: this read will not alter the status of the interrupt sent to the opposite port. The interrupted port can clear the interrupt by reading the upper byte of the applicable mailbox. This read will not alter the contents of the mailbox. The use of mailboxes to generate interrupts to the opposite port and the reading of mailboxes to clear interrupts is detailed in Truth Table V. If desired, any of the mailbox interrupts can be independently masked via software. Masking of the interrupt sources is done in the Mask Register. The masks are individual and independent: a port can mask any combination of interrupt sources with no effect on the other sources. Each port can modify only its own Mask Register. The use of this register is detailed in Truth Table V. Two registers are provided to permit interpretation of interrupts: these are the Interrupt Cause Register and the Interrupt Status Register. The Interrupt Cause Register gives the user a snapshot of what has caused the interrupt to be generated - the specific mailbox written to by the opposite port. The information in this register provides post-mask signals: interrupt sources that have been masked will not be updated. The Interrupt Status Register gives the user the status of all bits that could potentially cause an interrupt regardless of whether they have been masked. The use of the Interrupt Cause Register and the Interrupt Status Register is detailed in Truth Table V. 6.42 8 IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Truth Table V Mailbox Interrupts (CE = VIH)(8,9) MB SEL R/W UB LB A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 L X X X L L L L L L RESERVED (7) L X X X • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RESERVED (7) L (1) (1) (1) H L L L L L X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MAILBOX 0 - SET INTERRUPT ON OPPOSITE PORT L (1) (1) (1) H L L L L H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MAILBOX 1 - SET INTERRUPT ON OPPOSITE PORT L (1) (1) (1) H L L L H L X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MAILBOX 2 - SET INTERRUPT ON OPPOSITE PORT L (1) (1) (1) H L L L H H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MAILBOX 3 - SET INTERRUPT ON OPPOSITE PORT ↓ H (2) (2) H L L H L L X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MAILBOX 0 - CLEAR OPPOSITE PORT INTERRUPT ↓ H (2) (2) H L L H L H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MAILBOX 1 - CLEAR OPPOSITE PORT INTERRUPT ↓ H (2) (2) H L L H H L X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MAILBOX 2 - CLEAR OPPOSITE PORT INTERRUPT ↓ H (2) (2) H L L H H H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MAILBOX 3 - CLEAR OPPOSITE PORT INTERRUPT L (3) (3) (3) H L H L L L (4) (4) (4) (4) (5) (5) (5) (5) (6) (6) (6) (6) X X X X MAILBOX INTERRUPT CONTROLS L X X X • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RESERVED (7) RESERVED (7) L X X X H H H H H H RESERVED (7) RESERVED (7) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 DESCRIPTION RESERVED (7) RESERVED (7) 4077 tbl 14 NOTES: 1. There are four independent mailbox locations available to each side, external to the standard memory array. The mailboxes can be written to in either 8-bit or 16-bit widths. The upper byte of each mailbox has an associated interrupt to the opposite port. The mailbox interrupts can be individually masked if desired, and the status of the interrupt determined by polling the Interrupt Status Register (see Note 6 for this table). A port can read its own mailboxes to verify the data written, without affecting the interrupt which is sent to the opposite port. 2. These registers allow a port to read the data written to a specific mailbox location by the opposite port. Reading the upper byte of the data in a particular mailbox clears the interrupt associated with that mailbox without modifying the data written. Once the address and R/W are stable, the actual clearing of the interrupt is triggered by the transition of MBSEL from VIH to VIL. 3. This register contains the Mask Register (bits D0-D3), the Interrupt Cause Register (bits D4-D7), and the Interrupt Status Register (bits D8-D11). The controls for R/W, UB, and LB are manipulated in accordance with the appropriate function. See Notes 4, 5, and 6 for this table. Bits D12-D15 are "Don't Care". 4. This register, the Mask Register, allows the user to independently mask the various interrupt sources. Writing VIH to the appropriate bit (D0 = Mailbox 0, D1 = Mailbox 1, D2 = Mailbox 2, and D3 = Mailbox 3) disables the interrupt, while writing VIL enables the interrupt. All four bits in this register must be written at the same time. This register can be read at any time to verify the mask settings. The masks are individual and independent: any single interrupt source can be masked with no effect on the other sources. Each port can modify only its own mask settings. 5. This register, the Interrupt Cause Register, gives the user a snapshot of what has caused the interrupt to be generated. Reading VOL for a specific bit (D4 = Mailbox 0, D5 = Mailbox 1, D6 = Mailbox 2, and D7 = Mailbox 3) indicates that the associated interrupt source has generated an interrupt. Acknowledging the interrupt clears the bit in this register (see Note 2 for this table). This register provides post-mask information: if the interrupt source has been masked, the associated bit in this register will not update. 6. This register, the Interrupt Status Register, gives the user the status of all interrupt sources that could potentially cause an interrupt regardless of whether they have been masked. Reading VOL for a specific bit (D8 = Mailbox 0, D9 = Mailbox 1, D10 = Mailbox 2, and D11 = Mailbox 3) indicates that the associated interrupt source has generated an interrupt. Acknowledging the interrupt clears the associated bit in this register (see Note 2 for this table). This register provides pre-mask information: regardless of whether an interrupt source has been masked, the associated bit in this register will update. 7. Access to registers defined as "RESERVED" will have no effect, if written, and if read unknown values on D0-D15 will be returned. 8. These registers are not guaranteed to initialize in any known state. At power-up, the initialization sequence should include the set-up of these registers. 9. 'L' = VIL or VOL, 'H' = VIH or VOH, 'X' = Don't Care. 9 6.42 IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Waveform of Read Cycles Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges (4) tRC ADDR tAA (3) tACE (3) (5) CE tAOE (3) OE tABE (3) UB, LB R/W tOH tLZ (1) DATAOUT VALID DATA (3) tHZ 4077 drw 06 NOTES: 1. Timing depends on which signal is asserted last, CE, OE, LB, or UB. 2. Timing depends on which signal is de-asserted first CE, OE, LB, or UB. 3. Start of valid data depends on which timing becomes effective last: tAOE, tACE, tAA or tABE. 4. MBSEL = VIH. 5. Refer to Truth Table I. Timing of Power-Up Power-Down CE (5) ICC tPU tPD 50% 50% ISB 4077 drw 07 6.42 10 (2) , IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges AC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Temperature and Supply Voltage(5) 70V7288X15 Com'l Only Symbol Parameter 70V7288X20 Com'l Only 70V7288X25 Com'l & Ind Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit WRITE CYCLE tWC Write Cycle Time 15 ____ 20 ____ 25 ____ ns tEW Chip Enable to End-of-Write (3) 12 ____ 15 ____ 20 ____ ns 12 ____ 15 ____ 20 ____ ns 0 ____ 0 ____ 0 ____ ns 0 ____ 0 ____ 0 ____ ns 12 ____ 15 ____ 20 ____ ns 0 ____ 0 ____ ns ____ ns tAW Address Valid to End-of-Write tAS Address Set-up Time tBS Bank Set-up Time tWP (3) Write Pulse Width tWR Write Recovery Time 0 ____ tDW Data Valid to End-of-Write 12 ____ 15 ____ 20 tHZ Output High-Z Time (1,2) ____ 8 ____ 9 ____ 10 ns 0 ____ 0 ____ 0 ____ ns (4) tDH Data Hold Time tWZ Write Enable to Output in High-Z(1,2) ____ 8 ____ 9 ____ 10 ns tOW Output Active from End-of-Write (1,2,4) 3 ____ 3 ____ 3 ____ ns 5 ____ 5 ____ 5 ____ ns tMWRD Mailbox Write to Read Time 4077 tbl 15 NOTES: 1. Transition is measured 0mV from Low or High-impedance voltage with Output Test Load (Figure 2). 2. This parameter is guaranteed by device characterization, but is not production tested. 3. To access RAM,CE = VIL and MBSEL = VIH. To access mailbox, CE = VIH and MBSEL = VIL. Either condition must be valid for the entire tEW time. Refer to Truth Tables I and III. 4. The specification for tDH must be met by the device supplying write data to the RAM under all operating conditions. Although tDH and tOW values will vary over voltage and temperature, the actual tDH will always be smaller than the actual tOW. 5. 'X' in part numbers indicates power rating (S or L). 11 6.42 IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of Write Cycle No. 1, R/W Controlled Timing(1,5,8) tWC ADDRESS tHZ (7) OE tAW CE or MBSEL UB or LB (9,10) (9) tAS (6) tWP (2) tWR (3) R/W tLZ tWZ (7) tOW VALID (4) DATAOUT (4) tDW tDH DATAIN 4077 drw 08 Timing Waveform of Write Cycle No. 2, CE, UB, LB Controlled Timing(1,5) tWC ADDRESS tAW CE or MBSEL (9,10) (6) tAS UB or LB tWR(3) tEW (2) (9) R/W tDW tDH DATAIN 4077 drw 09 NOTES: 1. R/W or CE or UB and LB must be HIGH during all address transitions. 2. A write occurs during the overlap (tEW or tWP) of a LOW CE and a LOW R/W for memory array writing cycle. 3. tWR is measured from the earlier of CE or R/W (or MBSEL or R/W) going HIGH to the end of write cycle. 4. During this period, the I/O pins are in the output state and input signals must not be applied. 5. If the CE or MBSEL LOW transition occurs simultaneously with or after the R/W LOW transition, the outputs remain in the High-impedance state. 6. Timing depends on which enable signal is asserted last, CE or R/W. 7. This parameter is guaranteed by device characterization, but is not production tested. Transition is measured 0mV from steady state with the Output Test Load (Figure 2). 8. If OE is LOW during R/W controlled write cycle, the write pulse width must be the larger of tWP or (tWZ + tDW) to allow the I/O drivers to turn off and data to be placed on the bus for the required tDW. If OE is HIGH during an R/W controlled write cycle, this requirement does not apply and the write pulse can be as short as the specified tWP. 9. To access RAM, CE = VIL and MBSEL = VIH. To access mailboxes, CE = VIH and MBSEL = VIL. tEW must be met for either condition. 10. Refer to Truth Table I. 6.42 12 IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of Left Port Write to Right Port Read of Same Data(1,2,3) tWC A0L-13L and A0R-13R ADDRESSES MATCH tWR tAW tEW CEL tACE CER tBS BKSEL0-3 tAS tWP R/WL tDW tDH DATAIN VALID I/O0L-15L R/WR OER tOH DATAOUT VALID tLZ I/O0R-15R Read Cycle Write Cycle tHZ 4077 drw 10 NOTES: 1. UB and LB are controlled as necessary to enable the desired byte accesses. 2. Timing for Right Port Write to Left Port Read is identical. 3. Refer to Truth Tables I and IV. Timing Waveform of Mailbox Read after Write Timing, Either Side(1,2) tOH tMAA A0-A5 VALID ADDRESS tAW VALID ADDRESS tWR tACE tEW MBSEL tMOP tDW DATAIN VALID I/O0-15 tAS tWP DATAOUT VALID tDH R/W tMWRD tAOE OE Write Cycle Read Cycle NOTES: 1. CE = VIH for the duration of the above timing (both write and read cycle), refer to Truth Table I. 2. UB and LB are controlled as necessary to enable the desired byte accesses. 13 6.42 4077 drw 11 IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges AC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Temperature and Supply Voltage Range(1) 70V7288X15 Com'l Only Symbol Parameter 70V7288X20 Com'l Only 70V7288X25 Com'l & Ind Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit INTERRUPT TIMING tAS Address Set-up Time 0 ____ 0 ____ 0 ____ ns tWR Write Recovery Time 0 ____ 0 ____ 0 ____ ns 15 ____ 20 ____ 25 ns 15 ____ 20 ____ 25 ns tINS tINR Interrupt Set Time ____ Interrupt Reset Time ____ 4077 tbl 16 NOTES: 1. 'X' in part numbers indicates power rating (S or L). Waveform of Interrupt Timing(1,5) tWC MAILBOX SET ADDRESS ADDR"A" (2) (3) tWR (4) tAS MBSEL"A" R/W"A" tINS(3) INT"B" 4077 drw 12 tRC MAILBOX CLEAR ADDRESS ADDR"B" tAS (2) (3) MBSEL"B" OE"B" tINR(3) INT"B" 4077 drw 13 NOTES: 1. All timing is the same for left and right ports. Port “A” may be either the left or right port. Port “B” is the port opposite from port “A”. 2. See Interrupt Truth Table V. 3. Timing depends on which enable signal (CE or R/W) is asserted last. 4. Timing depends on which enable signal (CE or R/W) is de-asserted first. 5. Refer to Truth Tables I. 6.42 14 IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Depth and Width Expansion The IDT70V7288 features dual chip enables (refer to Truth Table I) in order to facilitate rapid and simple depth expansion with no requirements for external logic. Figure 4 illustrates how to control the various chip enables in order to expand two devices in depth. The IDT70V7288 can also be used in applications requiring expanded width, as indicated in Figure 4. Since the banks are allocated at the discretion of the user, the external controller can be set up to drive the input signals for the various devices as required to allow for 32-bit or wider applications. A14(1) IDT70V7288 Bank-Switchable SRAM CE0 CE1 VCC CE0 CE1 VCC Control Inputs Control Inputs IDT70V7288 Bank-Switchable SRAM IDT70V7288 Bank-Switchable SRAM IDT70V7288 Bank-Switchable SRAM CE1 CE0 Control Inputs CE1 CE0 Control Inputs 4077 drw 14 Figure 4. Depth and Width Expansion with IDT70V7288 NOTE: 1. This signal is provided by external logic. It is not a bit present on the address bus. 15 6.42 BKSEL0-3 R/W LB, UB OE IDT70V7288S/L 64K x 16 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges Ordering Information IDT XXXXX Device Type A 999 A A Power Speed Package Process/ Temperature Range Blank I Commercial (0°C to +70°C) Industrial (-40°C to +85°C) PF 100-pin TQFP (PN100-1) 15 20 25 Commercial Only Commercial & Industrial Commercial & Industrial S L Standard Power Low Power 70V7288 1Mbit (4 x 16K x 16) 3.3V Bank-Switchable Dual-Ported SRAM with External Bank Selects , Speed in nanoseconds 4077 drw 15 Datasheet Document History 3/8/99: 6/11/99: 9/1/99: 3/10/00: 6/8/00: Initiated datasheet document history Converted to new format Cosmetic typographical corrections Page 3 Added additional notes to pin configurations Added 15ns speed grade Changed drawing format Removed Preliminary Added Industrial Temperature Ranges and removed corresponding notes Replaced IDT logo Page 1 Added industrial temperature note Changed ±200mV to 0mV in notes Page 5 Increated storage temperature parameter Clarified TA Parameter Page 6 DC Electrical parameters–changed wording from "open" to "disabled" CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 2975 Stender Way Santa Clara, CA 95054 for SALES: 800-345-7015 or 408-727-6116 fax: 408-492-8674 www.idt.com The IDT logo is a registered trademark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 6.42 16 for Tech Support: 831-754-4613 DualPortHelp@idt.com