Illuminated Switches Miniature Audio/Video Pushbuttons (6.4) .252 (3.6) .142 (7.62) .300 (0.3) .012 (12.0) Sq .472 KP0115ACAKG03CF-1SJB 15.0mm Square Cap KP0115ANBKG03CF-2SJB 17.4mm Square Cap (6.4) .252 KP0115ANBKG03CF-3SJB KP 1 01 02 2 15A 3 C N S 4 A B 5 K 2 3 (2.54) Typ .100 (7.62) .300 (1.3) DiaTyp .051 1 1a L1 C L2 (0.6) Typ .024 (7.62) .300 (1.3) DiaTyp .051 (0.9) Dia Typ .035 (0.6) Dia Typ .024 L1 (4.5) .177 (12.7) .500 (2.54) Typ .100 (12.7) .500 (12.7) .500 (15.0) Sq .591 (6.0) .236 How to order: 1 L2 COM (4.5) .177 (12.7) .500 L2 (2.54) Typ .100 1 (1.1) .043 (11.5) (7.0) (4.5) .453 .276 .177 (23.0) .906 1a (12.7) .500 (0.45) Dia .018 1a L1 C (0.9) Dia Typ .035 (0.6) Dia Typ .024 L1 (7.62) .300 (0.3) .012 (4.5) .177 (17.4) Sq .685 (0.6) Typ .024 (12.7) .500 (15.0) Sq .591 (6.0) .236 (3.6) .142 COM L2 1 (12.7) .500 1 (1.1) .043 (7.0) (4.5) (11.5) .276 .177 .453 (23.0) .906 1a (12.7) .500 (0.45) Dia .018 (1.3) DiaTyp .051 (2.54) Typ .100 (7.62) .300 (0.3) .012 (4.5) .177 (15.0) Sq .591 L1 (12.7) .500 (15.0) Sq .591 (6.0) .236 (3.6) .142 (6.4) .252 COM L2 (7.62) .300 (0.9) Dia Typ .035 (0.6) Dia Typ .024 1 (1.1) .043 (6.5) (5.0) (11.5) .256 .197 .453 (23.0) .906 1a (4.5) .177 (12.7) .500 (0.45) Dia .018 (0.6) Typ .024 1 1a L1 C L2 (2.54) Typ .100 (12.7) .500 (4.5) .177 (12.7) .500 (2.54) Typ .100 Illuminated Switches 12.0mm Square Cap KP Series General Specifications: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Electrical Capacity (Resistive Load) Low Level: 100mA maximum @ 12V DC Other Ratings TRAVEL & FORCE: Stroke: 4.5mm (.177‘‘) Actuation Force: 1.9N Stroke: 3.5mm (.138‘‘) Actuation Force: 1.6N POLE & CIRCUITS: SPST OFF-(ON) Normally Open Contacts 6 CONTACTS & TERMINALS: Gold Contacts and Straight PC Terminals; 100mA @ 12V DC 7 LEDS: Red/Green Bicolor Red/Green/Blue G03 CF RGB Materials & Finishes 8 ACTUATION: Tactile Nontactile Tactile/Audible (just for 02 type) 1 2 3 PLUNGERS: 9.2mm Plunger for 12.0mm Cap 11.6mm Plunger for 15.0mm and 17.4mm Caps F S T HOUSING: Black Only 10 [email protected] Contact Resistance: 200 milliohms maximum Insulation Resistance: 100 megohms minimum @ 250V DC Dielectric Strength: 1,000V AC minimum between contacts for 1 minute minimum 1,500V AC minimum between contacts & case for 1 minute minimum Mechanical Life: 5,000,000 operations minimum; 1,000,000 operations minimum for custom Rectangular Switch/Cap Assembly (at center of cap) Electrical Life: 5,000,000 operations minimum Nominal Operating Force: KP01: 1.9N maximum for Tactile & Nontactile models (at center of cap) KP02: 1.6N maximum for Tactile, Nontactile & Tactile/Audible models (at center of cap) Travel: KP01: Pretravel .122” (3.1mm); Overtravel .055” (1.4mm); Total Travel .177” (4.5mm) KP02: Pretravel .091” (2.3mm); Overtravel .047” (1.2mm); Total Travel .138” (3.5mm) 9 JB CAPS SIZES: 12.0mm Square 15.0mm Square 17.4mm Square CAP TYPES: Flat Sculpured Home Key CAPS COLORS: Clear Lens & White Diffuser Plunger/Upper Housing: Lower Housing: Movable Contact: Stationary Contacts: Switch Terminals: Polyacetal Glass fiber reinforced PBT Stainless steel with gold plating Gold over copper alloy Brass with tin plating Environmental Data Operating Temp Range: –25°C through +50°C (–13°F through +122°F) Humidity: 90-95% humidity for 240 hours @ 40°C (104°F) Vibration: 10 ~ 55Hz with peak-to-peak amplitude of 1.5mm traversing the frequency range & returning in 1 minute; 3 right angled directions for 2 hours Shock: 51G (500m/s 2 ) acceleration (tested in 6 right angled directions, with 5 shocks in each direction) Installation Cap Installation Force : 50.0N maximum downward force on actuator PCB Processing Soldering: Wave Soldering: See Profile A in Supplement section. Manual Soldering: See Profile A in Supplement section. Cleaning: These devices are not process sealed. Hand clean locally using alcohol based solution. Standards & Certifications UL Recognition The KP Series pushbuttons have not been tested for UL recognition or or CSA Certification: CSA certification. These switches are designed for use in a low-voltage, low-current, logic-level circuit. When used as intended in a logic-level circuit, the results do not produce hazardous energy. 1 Illuminated Switches Miniature Audio/Video Pushbuttons KP Series 12.0mm Square Cap with RGB LED (7.62) .300 (0.3) .012 (6.4) .252 (0.2) Sq Typ .008 R(-) G(-) (7.62) .300 1a B(-)(+) (0.9) Dia Typ .035 (0.7) Dia Typ .028 (12.7) .500 (15.0)Sq .591 (4.0) .157 (7.62) .300 (1.3)Dia Typ .051 1 (1.52)Typ .060 (0.3) .012 (3.6) .142 Terminal Detail See Terminal Detail KP0115ACAKG03RGB-1SJB 15mm Square Caps with RGB LED Common Anode (+) B(-) (4.5) .177 1 (12.0) Sq .472 (1.1) .043 (11.5) (6.5) (5.0) .256 .197 .453 (23.0) .906 1a (12.7 .500 (3.81) .150 (0.6) Typ .024 1 (3.6) .142 1a (6.4) .252 R(-) G(-) (4.5) .177 (12.7 .500 (3.81) .150 (1.52) Typ .060 (12.7) .500 Common Anode (+) B(-) 1 1a (0.6) Typ .024 Terminal Detail (0.2) Sq Typ .008 (1.1) .043 (11.5) (7.0) (4.5) .276 .177 .453 (23.0) .906 (4.5) .177 (1.52)Typ .060 (12.7) .500 (15.0)Sq .591 1 1a (0.6) Typ .024 (0.2) Sq Typ .008 KP0115ANBKG03RGB-3SJB Terminal Detail R(-) G(-) Pole SP 1 (0.9) Dia Typ .035 (0.7) Dia Typ .028 KP0215A 1a B(-)(+) (4.5) .177 (12.7 .500 R(-) G(-) (3.81) .150 (1.52) Typ .060 (12.7) .500 CUTAWAY Plunger Position ( ) = Momentary Connected Terminals Throw & Switch Schematic Normal Down Normal Down Note: Switch terminals “1” & “1a” are actually marked on the switch. OFF (ON) Normally Open 1-1a SPST Model KP0115A (7.62) .300 (1.3)Dia Typ .051 POLE & CIRCUIT POLE & CIRCUIT R(-) G(-) (4.5) .177 (12.7 .500 (3.81) .150 Common Anode (+) B(-) See Terminal Detail (4.0) .157 1a B(-)(+) (12.7) .500 1 (17.4) Sq .685 1a (12.7 .500 (3.81) .150 (1.1) .043 (11.5) (7.0) (4.5) .276 .177 .453 (23.0) .906 (0.9) Dia Typ .035 (0.7) Dia Typ .028 (1.52) Typ .060 (7.62) .300 (0.3) .012 (3.6) .142 1 (12.7) .500 (15.0)Sq .591 (4.0) .157 (7.62) .300 (1.3)Dia Typ .051 (1.52)Typ .060 17.4mm Square Caps with RGB LED (6.4) .252 R(-) G(-) See Terminal Detail Illuminated Switches KP0115ANBKG03RGB-2SJB (4.5) .177 1 (15.0) Sq .591 1a (12.7 .500 (3.81) .150 1 (COM) 1a PLUNGERS A 9.2mm Plunger for 12.0mm Cap 9.2mm Plunger is designed with a narrower neck to hold the 12.0mm Cap. [email protected] B (9.2) .362 (6.4) .252 11.6mm Plunger for 15.0mm & 17.4mm Caps (11.6) .457 11.6mm Plunger is designed with a wider neck to hold both the 15.0mm and 17.4mm Caps. (6.4) .252 2 Illuminated Switches Miniature Audio/Video Pushbuttons KP Series BICOLOR LED SPECIFICATIONS AThe electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C (–) L2 Attention CF Green (+) COM Electrostatic Sensitive Devices Red LEDs are an integral part of the switch and are not avail able separately. LED circuit is isolated and requires an external power source. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula in the Supplement section. Colors Red Green Unit Minimum Luminous Intensity IV 30 50 mcd Standard Luminous Intensity IV 60 115 mcd Forward Peak Current I FM 30 (25 for amber) 25 (22 for amber) mA Continuous Forward Current IF 20 20 mA Forward Voltage VF 2.1 3.5 V Power Peak Dissipation PD 75 100 mW Reverse Peak Voltage V RM 4 4 V Wavelength at Peak Emission λ 619 ~ 630 520 ~ 535 nm Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ΔI F 0.38 0.32 mA/°C Ambient Temperature Range –25 ~ +50 °C Illuminated Switches (–) L1 Amber can be achieved by simultaneous illumination of Red & Green. CUSTOM RGB LED SPECIFICATIONS Red determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. LEDs are an integral part of the switch and are not available separately. LED circuit is isolated and requires an external power source. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula in the Supplement Section. Note: For applications that require white illumination, contact factory. [email protected] Green Common Anode (+) Attention RGB Electrostatic Sensitive Devices Blue Color Red Green Blue Unit Forward Peak Current I FM 30 30 30 mA Continuous Forward Current IF 20 15 15 mA Forward Voltage VF 2.0 3.3 3.4 V Power Peak Dissipation PD 40 80 80 mW Reverse Peak Voltage V RM 5 5 5 V Dominant Wavelength λd 625 525 470 nm Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C Δ IF 0.50 0.50 0.50 mA/°C Ambient Temperature Range –25 ~ +50 °C 3 Illuminated Switches Miniature Audio/Video Pushbuttons KP Series CAP TYPES & COLORS 12.0mm Square F Used on A Plunger S AT3083 Flat Cap (6.5) .256 15.0mm Square F AT3086 Home Key Cap (6.5) .256 (6.5) .256 (12.0) Sq .472 2 T AT3078 Sculptured Cap (2.6) Dia .102 (12.0) Sq .472 (12.0) Sq .472 Used on B Plunger S AT3084 Flat Cap T AT3079 Sculptured Cap AT3087 Home Key Cap (7.0) .276 (7.0) .276 (7.0) .276 (2.6) Dia .102 3 17.4mm Square F (15.0) Sq .591 (15.0) Sq .591 (15.0) Sq .591 Used on B Plunger S AT3085 Flat Cap (7.0) .276 T AT3080 Sculptured Cap Illuminated Switches 1 AT3088 Home Key Cap (7.0) .276 (7.0) .276 (2.6) Dia .102 (17.4) Sq .685 JB Lens & Diffuser Colors Available: Clear/White (17.4) Sq .685 (17.4) Sq .685 Clear Lens White Diffuser Materials & Finishes: Lens - Palycarbonate with glossy finish; Diffuser - Polycarbonate with textured finish Optional Protective Guard AT4170 available; contact factory. [email protected] 4 Illuminated Switches Miniature Audio/Video Pushbuttons KP Series CUSTOM RECTANGULAR CAP ASSEMBLY CAP ASSEMBLY DIMENSIONS (4.5) .177 (3.6) .142 Switch/Rectangular Cap Assembly 1 (12.7 .500 (34.8) 1.370 L+ (7.62) .300 (2.54) .100 L– 1a (0.6) .024 (0.45) Sq Typ .018 (0.3) .012 (7.0) .276 KP0115ACBKG03CJB for Tactile KP0115ANBKG03CJB for Nontactile (12.7) .500 (15.0) Sq .591 (6.0) .236 (23.0) .906 (17.4) .685 LED SPECIFICATIONS The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. Center LED is an integral part of the switch. LEDs are not sold separately. LED circuits are isolated and require an external power source. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula in the Supplement Section. (+) (-) Color Red Unit Forward Peak Current I FM 30 mA Continuous Forward Current IF 20 mA Forward Voltage VF 2.0 V Reverse Peak Voltage V RM 4 V Dominant Wavelength λd 623 nm Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ΔI F 0.32 mA/°C –25 ~ +50 °C Ambient Temperature Range Illuminated Switches See below for complete assembly of switch, LEDs and LED holders. Contact factory for other LED colors. ASSEMBLY & INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (3.1)Dia .122 Cathode (0.9) Dia Typ .035 (2.54) .100 LED (1.3) Dia Typ .051 (12.7) .500 Footprint (2.54) .100 (5.9) .232 LED Holder (4.8) .189 LED (6.7) .264 (10.4) .409 1 L– 1a (7.62) (12.7) (22.86) .300 .500 .900 (2.54) .100 (12.7) .500 LED Holder One LED (in center of switch bottom) is an integral part of the switch; the other 2 LEDs and 2 LED Holders are packaged separately. Switch L+ (0.8) Dia Typ .031 1 Install LED into LED Holder (quantity 2). 2 Solder LEDs and LED Holders into PCB. 3 Solder switch into PCB making sure that the two outer LEDs and LED Holders clear the bot tom side opening of the cap. Switch/Rectangular Cap assembly has 3 LEDs to achieve bright and even illumination. [email protected] (4.5) .177 PCB 5 Illuminated Switches Miniature Audio/Video Pushbuttons KP Series ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR SQUARE CAPS Attention Electrostatic Sensitive Devices Removal of Cap Assembly & Separation of Lens & Diffuser Cap Orientation As shown in the accompanying illustration, the cap and plunger are designed with tabs and notches to assure proper orientation of the cap on the switch. Installation or Replacement of Cap Holding the switch tightly, pull the cap off the switch. Once the cap as sembly is released from the plunger, the lens and diffuser can be separated. Pry up the lens Notch Tab Step Plunger Notches inserted at the step on the diffuser. After aligning notches with tabs, join the lens and diffuser. Hold the switch tightly without touching the terminals. Firmly press the cap onto the plunger by applying pressure from one side to the other until both are snapped together. Cap Assembly Plunger Switch LEGENDS Lens Recommended Methods: Laser Etch, Screen Print, or Pad Print on lens; Printing on Diffuser is not advisable. ST OP Epoxy based ink is recommended. Film Insert Diffuser Custom Rectangular Cap Lens Shaded areas are suggested printable areas for Lens & Film Inser t. (28.75) 1.132 Sculptured Cap Lens Flat Cap Lens Illuminated Switches General information and basic specifications are presented bere for customers who want to do their own legends. (30.28) 1.192 (9.8) Sq .386 (12.0) Sq .472 (13.4) Sq .528 (17.4) Sq .685 (12.8)Sq .504 (15.0) Sq .591 (8.97)Dia .353 (10.5) Dia .413 (0.76) Typ .030 (11.48) Dia .452 (13.0) Dia .512 (0.76) Typ .030 (13.77) Dia .542 (15.3) Dia .602 (0.76) Typ .030 (13.77) .542 (15.3) .602 (0.76) Typ .030 Custom Rectangular Film Insert (0.5) R .020 (2.125)Typ .084 (8.28) Sq .326 (9.8) Sq .386 (0.76) Typ .030 (0.5) R .020 (0.5) R .020 (0.5) R .020 (11.28) Sq .444 (12.8) Sq .504 (0.76) Typ .030 (11.88) Dia .468 (13.4) Sq .528 (0.76) Typ .030 (8.28)Dia .326 (9.8) Sq .386 (0.76) Typ .030 (0.5) R .020 (0.5) R .020 (0.5) R .020 Film Insert Material and Thickness: [email protected] (28.75) 1.132 Sculptured or Home Key Cap Film Inserts Flat Cap Film Inserts (11.28) Dia .444 (12.8) Sq .504 (0.76) Typ .030 (11.88) Dia .468 (13.4) Sq .528 (33.0) 1.299 (0.76) Typ .030 (13.77) .542 (15.6) .614 (0.91)Typ .036 Clear Polyester; 4 mil (100μ) maximum thickness 6