MC44608 Few External Components Reliable and Flexible SMPS Controller The MC44608 is a high performance voltage mode controller designed for off−line converters. This high voltage circuit that integrates the startup current source and the oscillator capacitor, requires few external components while offering a high flexibility and reliability. The device also features a very high efficiency standby management consisting of an effective Pulsed Mode operation. This technique enables the reduction of the standby power consumption to approximately 1.0 W while delivering 300 mW in a 150 W SMPS. 8 1 General Features • • • • • • • • • • PDIP−8 P SUFFIX CASE 626 Integrated Startup Current Source Lossless Off−Line Startup Direct Off−Line Operation Fast Startup Flexibility Duty Cycle Control Undervoltage Lockout with Hysteresis On Chip Oscillator Switching Frequency 40 or 75 Secondary Control with Few External Components Pb−Free Packages are Available* MARKING DIAGRAM 8 MC44608Pxx AWL YYWWG 1 Protections • • • • • • Maximum Duty Cycle Limitation Cycle by Cycle Current Limitation Demagnetization (Zero Current Detection) Protection “Over VCC Protection” Against Open Loop Programmable Low Inertia Over Voltage Protection Against Open Loop Internal Thermal Protection MC44608Pxx A WL YY WW G PIN CONNECTIONS SMPS Controller • Pulsed Mode Techniques for a Very High Efficiency • • = Device Code xx = 40 or 75 = Assembly Location = Wafer Lot = Year = Work Week = Pb−Free Package Low Power Mode Lossless Startup Low dV/dT for Low EMI Radiations Demag 1 8 Isense 2 7 Control Input 3 6 VCC GND 4 5 Driver Vi (Top View) *For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D. © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2006 May, 2006 − Rev. 8 1 ORDERING INFORMATION See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 2 of this data sheet. Publication Order Number: MC44608/D MC44608 Demag Vi 1 DMG + − 8 UVLO2 50 mV /20 mV >24 mA 9 mA >120 m A Startup Source Latched off Phase Demag Logic Startup Phase Output Startup Phase 200 m A Switching Phase 0 1 Switching Phase Latched off Phase & Standby & OSC Enable S1 Standby Management OC NOC Leading Edge Blanking 2 Isense & + PWM − & Output & Thermal S Shutdown PWM Latch R Q Buffer 5 Driver 4 GND VPWM + CS − 1V V CC OUT Disable DMG Clock OSC 6 OVP UVLO1 UVLO2 2 mS Startup Phase V CC Management 4 kHz Filter Latched off Phase & Standby S2 S3 Regulation Block Switching Phase 3 Control Input Figure 1. Representative Block Diagram ORDERING INFORMATION Device Switching Frequency MC44608P40 40 kHz MC44608P40G MC44608P75 75 kHz MC44608P75G Package Shipping PDIP−8 50 Units / Rail PDIP−8 (Pb−Free) 50 Units / Rail PDIP−8 50 Units / Rail PDIP−8 (Pb−Free) 50 Units / Rail MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit Total Power Supply Current ICC 30 mA Output Supply Voltage with Respect to Ground VCC 16 V Vinputs −1.0 to +16 V Line Voltage Absolute Rating Vi 500 V Recommended Line Voltage Operating Condition Vi 400 V PD RqJA 600 100 mW °C/W Operating Junction Temperature TJ 150 °C Operating Ambient Temperature TA −25 to +85 °C All Inputs except Vi Power Dissipation and Thermal Characteristics Maximum Power Dissipation at TA = 85°C Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Air Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability. 2 MC44608 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit OUTPUT SECTION Output Resistor W Sink Resistance ROL 5.0 8.5 15 Source Resistance ROH − 15 − Output Voltage Rise Time (from 3.0 V up to 9.0 V) (Note 1) tr − 50 − ns Output Voltage Falling Edge Slew−Rate (from 9.0 V down to 3.0 V) (Note 1) tf − 50 − ns Duty Cycle @ Ipin3 = 2.5 mA d2mA − − 2.0 % Duty Cycle @ Ipin3 = 1.0 mA d1mA CONTROL INPUT SECTION Control Input Clamp Voltage (Switching Phase) @ Ipin3 = −1.0 mA 36 43 48 % 4.75 5.0 5.25 V Latched Phase Control Input Voltage (Standby) @ Ipin3 = +500 mA VLP−stby 3.4 3.9 4.3 V Latched Phase Control Input Voltage (Standby) @ Ipin3 = +1.0 mA VLP−stby 2.4 3.0 3.7 V VCS−th 0.95 1.0 1.05 V current sense section Maximum Current Sense Input Threshold Input Bias Current IB−cs −1.8 − 1.8 mA Standby Current Sense Input Current ICS−stby 180 200 220 mA Startup Phase Current Sense Input Current ICS−stup 180 200 220 mA TPLH(In/Out) − 220 − ns Propagation Delay (Current Sense Input to Output @ VTH T MOS = 3.0 V) Leading Edge Blanking Duration MC44608P40 TLEB − 480 − ns Leading Edge Blanking Duration MC44608P75 TLEB − 250 − ns Leading Edge Blanking + Propagation Delay MC44608P40 TDLY 500 680 900 ns Leading Edge Blanking + Propagation Delay MC44608P75 TDLY 370 470 570 ns Normal Operation Frequency MC44608P40 fosc 36 40 44 kHz Normal Operation Frequency MC44608P75 fosc 68 75 82 kHz Maximum Duty Cycle @ f = fosc dmax 78 82 86 % Tfilt − 250 − ns TPHL(In/Out) − 2.0 − ms IOVP 105 120 140 mA VCC−OVP 14.8 15.3 15.8 V VCC−OVP − Vstup 1.0 − − V oscillator section OVERvoltage section Quick OVP Input Filtering (Rdemag = 100 kW) Propagation Delay (Idemag > Iovp to output low) Quick OVP Current Threshold Protection Threshold Level on VCC Minimum Gap Between VCC−OVP and Vstup−th 1. This parameter is measured using 1.0 nF connected between the output and the ground. 3 MC44608 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 12 V, for typical values TA = 25°C, for min/max values TA = −25°C to +85°C unless otherwise noted) (Note 2) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Vdmg−th 30 50 69 mV Hdmg − 30 − mV tPHL(In/Out) − 300 − ns DEMAGNETIZATION DETECTION section (note 3) Demag Comparator Threshold (Vpin1 increasing) Demag Comparator Hysteresis (Note 4) Propagation Delay (Input to Output, Low to High) Input Bias Current (Vdemag = 50 mV) Idem−lb −0.6 − − mA Negative Clamp Level (Idemag = −1.0 mA) Vcl−neg−dem −0.9 −0.7 −0.4 V Positive Clamp Level @ Idemag = 125 mA Vcl−pos−dem−H 2.05 2.3 2.8 V Positive Clamp Level @ Idemag = 25 mA Vcl−pos−dem−L 1.4 1.7 1.9 V Trip Level Over Temperature Thigh − 160 − °C Hysteresis Thyst − 30 − °C Idem−NM 20 25 30 mA 10 x K1 2.4 2.9 3.8 − OVERTEMPERATURE section STANDBY MAXIMUM CURRENT REDUCTION section Normal Mode Recovery Demag Pin Current Threshold K FACTORS SECTION FOR PULSED MODE OPERATION ICCS / Istup MC44608P40 ICCS / Istup MC44608P75 10 x K1 2.8 3.3 4.2 − 103 x K2 46 52 63 − 102 x Ksstup 1.8 2.2 2.6 − 102 x Ksl 90 120 150 − 175 198 225 − Dmgr 3.0 4.7 5.5 − (V3 1.0 mA − V3 0.5 mA) / (1.0 mA − 0.5 mA) R3 − 1800 − W Vcontrol Latchoff V3 − 4.8 − V Vilow − − 50 V Vstup−th 12.5 13.1 13.8 V Vuvlo1 9.5 10 10.5 V Hstup−uvlo1 − 3.1 − V Vuvlo2 6.2 6.6 7.0 V Huvlo1−uvlo2 − 3.4 − V −(ICC) 7.0 9.5 12.8 mA ICCS 2.0 2.4 2.6 3.2 3.6 4.0 mA Latched Off Phase Supply Current ICC−latch 0.3 0.5 0.68 mA Hiccup Mode Duty Cycle (no load) dHiccup − 10 − % ICCL / Istup (Vstup − UVLO2) / (Vstup − UVLO1) (UVLO1 − UVLO2) / (Vstup − UVLO1) 106 ICS / Vcsth Demag ratio Iovp / Idem NM x Ycstby SUPPLY SECTION Minimum Startup Voltage VCC Startup Voltage Output Disabling VCC Voltage After Turn On Hysteresis (Vstup−th − Vuvlo1) VCC Undervoltage Lockout Voltage Hysteresis (Vuvlo1 − Vuvlo2) Absolute Normal Condition VCC Start Current @ (Vi = 100 V) and (VCC = 9.0 V) Switching Phase Supply Current (no load) MC44608P40 MC44608P75 2. Adjust VCC above the startup threshold before setting to 12 V. Low duty cycle pulse techniques are used during test to maintain junction temperature as close to ambient as possible. 3. This function can be inhibited by connecting pin 1 to GND. 4. Guaranteed by design (non tested). 4 MC44608 PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Pin Name 1 Demag Description 2 Isense 3 Control Input 4 Ground 5 Driver 6 VCC The Demag pin offers 3 different functions: Zero voltage crossing detection (50 mV), 24 mA current detection and 120 mA current detection. The 24 mA level is used to detect the secondary reconfiguration status and the 120 mA level to detect an Over Voltage status called Quick OVP. The Current Sense pin senses the voltage developed on the series resistor inserted in the source of the power MOSFET. When Isense reaches 1.0 V, the Driver output (pin 5) is disabled. This is known as the Over Current Protection function. A 200 mA current source is flowing out of the pin 3 during the startup phase and during the switching phase in case of the Pulsed Mode of operation. A resistor can be inserted between the sense resistor and the pin 2, thus a programmable peak current detection can be performed during the SMPS standby mode. A feedback current from the secondary side of the SMPS via the Opto−coupler is injected into this pin. A resistor can be connected between this pin and GND to allow the programming of the Burst duty cycle during the standby mode. This pin is the ground of the primary side of the SMPS. The current and slew rate capability of this pin are suited to drive Power MOSFETs. This pin is the positive supply of the IC. The driver output gets disabled when the voltage becomes higher than 15 V and the operating range is between 6.6 V and 13 V. An intermediate voltage level of 10 V creates a disabling condition called Latched Off phase. 7 This pin is to provide isolation between the Vi pin 8 and the VCC pin 6. 8 Vi This pin can be directly connected to a 500 V voltage source for startup function of the IC. During the startup phase a 9.0 mA current source is internally delivered to the VCC pin 6 allowing a rapid charge of the VCC capacitor. As soon as the IC starts−up, this current source is disabled. OPERATING DESCRIPTION Regulation The switch S3 is closed in standby mode during the Latched Off Phase while the switch S2 remains open. (See section PULSED MODE DUTY CYCLE CONTROL). The resistor Rdpulsed (Rduty cycle burst) has no effect on the regulation process. This resistor is used to determine the burst duty cycle described in the chapter “Pulsed Duty Cycle Control” on page 8. V LP−stby V CC Control Input 1 S3 0 1 S2 0 Stand−by Latched off Phase & 3 20 W 5V PWM Latch Switching Phase V dd The MC44608 works in voltage mode. The on−time is controlled by the PWM comparator that compares the oscillator sawtooth with the regulation block output (refer to the block diagram on page 2). The PWM latch is initialized by the oscillator and is reset by the PWM comparator or by the current sense comparator in case of an over current. This configuration ensures that only a single pulse appears at the circuit output during an oscillator cycle. PWM Regulation Comparator Output 4 kHz Filter 1.6 V Figure 2. Regulator The pin 3 senses the feedback current provided by the Opto coupler. During the switching phase the switch S2 is closed and the shunt regulator is accessible by the pin 3. The shunt regulator voltage is typically 5.0 V. The dynamic resistance of the shunt regulator represented by the zener diode is 20 W. The gain of the Control input is given on Figure 11 which shows the duty cycle as a function of the current injected into the pin 3. A 4.0 kHz filter network is inserted between the shunt regulator and the PWM comparator to cancel the high frequency residual noise. Current Sense The inductor current is converted to a positive voltage by inserting a ground reference sense resistor RSense in series with the power switch. The maximum current sense threshold is fixed at 1.0 V. The peak current is given by the following equation: Ipk max + 5 1 (A) R sense(W) MC44608 In standby mode, this current can be lowered as due to the activation of a 200 mA current source: Oscillator Buffer Output R Q DMG S 1 * (R cs(kW) 0, 2) Ipk + (A) max *stby R sense(W) Demag 200 m A 1 DMG & 50/20 mV STANDBY & 0 Idemag > 24 m A >120 m A STARTUP 1 + − Idemag Switching Phase Current Mirror Isense Rcs L.E.B. 2 Overcurrent Comparator + Figure 4. Demagnetization Block OC This function can be inhibited by grounding it but in this case, the quick and programmable OVP is also disabled. − Rsense 1V Oscillator The MC44608 contains a fixed frequency oscillator. It is built around a fixed value capacitor CT successively charged and discharged by two distinct current sources ICH and IDCH. The window comparator senses the CT voltage value and activates the sources when the voltage is reaching the 2.4 V/4.0 V levels. Figure 3. Current Sense The current sense input consists of a filter (6.0 kW, 4.0 pF) and of a leading edge blanking. Thanks to that, this pin is not sensitive to the power switch turn on noise and spikes and practically in most applications, no filtering network is required to sense the current. Finally, this pin is used: − as a protection against over currents (Isense > I) − as a reduction of the peak current during a Pulsed Mode switching phase. The overcurrent propagation delay is reduced by producing a sharp output turn off (high slew rate). This results in an abrupt output turn off in the event of an over current and in the majority of the pulsed mode switching sequence. ICH DMG from Demag logic block OSC SCH & 4V 2.4 V Window + comp Clock − SDCH IDCH CT Demagnetization Section The MC44608 demagnetization detection consists of a comparator designed to compare the VCC winding voltage to a reference that is typically equal to 50 mV. This reference is chosen low to increase effectiveness of the demagnetization detection even during startup. A latch is incorporated to turn the demagnetization block output into a low level as soon as a voltage less than 50 mV is detected, and to keep it in this state until a new pulse is generated on the output. This avoids any ringing on the input signal which may alter the demagnetization detection. For a higher safety, the demagnetization block output is also directly connected to the output, which is disabled during the demagnetization phase. The demagnetization pin is also used for the quick, programmable OVP. In fact, the demagnetization input current is sensed so that the circuit output is latched off when this current is detected as higher than 120 mA. Figure 5. Oscillator Block The complete demagnetization status DMG is used to inhibit the recharge of the CT capacitor. Thus in case of incomplete transformer demagnetization the next switching cycle is postpone until the DMG signal appears. The oscillator remains at 2.4 V corresponding to the sawtooth valley voltage. In this way the SMPS is working in the so called SOPS mode (Self Oscillating Power Supply). In that case the effective switching frequency is variable and no longer depends on the oscillator timing but on the external working conditions (Refer to DMG signal in the Figure 6). 6 MC44608 OSC 4V V CC 13 V Vcont 2.4 V 10 V Clock 6.5 V DMG Startup Phase Latched off Phase Switching Phase Iprim Figure 7. Hiccup Mode Figure 6. In case of the hiccup mode, the duty cycle of the switching phase is in the range of 10%. The OSC and Clock signals are provided according to the Figure 6. The Clock signals correspond to the CT capacitor discharge. The bottom curve represents the current flowing in the sense resistor Rcs. It starts from zero and stops when the sawtooth value is equal to the control voltage Vcont. In this way the SMPS is regulated with a voltage mode control. Mode Transition The LW latch Figure 8 is the memory of the working status at the end of every switching sequence. Two different cases must be considered for the logic at the termination of the SWITCHING PHASE: 1. No Over Current was observed 2. An Over Current was observed These 2 cases are corresponding to the signal labelled NOC in case of “No Over Current” and “OC” in case of Over Current. So the effective working status at the end of the ON time memorized in LW corresponds to Q=1 for no over current and Q=0 for over current. This sequence is repeated during the Switching phase. Several events can occur: 1. SMPS switch OFF 2. SMPS output overload 3. Transition from Normal to Pulsed Mode 4. Transition from Pulsed Mode to Normal Mode Overvoltage Protection The MC44608 offers two OVP functions: − a fixed function that detects when VCC is higher than 15.4 V − a programmable function that uses the demag pin. The current flowing into the demag pin is mirrored and compared to the reference current Iovp (120 mA). Thus this OVP is quicker as it is not impacted by the VCC inertia and is called QOVP. In both cases, once an OVP condition is detected, the output is latched off until a new circuit startup. Startup Management The Vi pin 8 is directly connected to the HV DC rail Vin. This high voltage current source is internally connected to the VCC pin and thus is used to charge the VCC capacitor. The VCC capacitor charge period corresponds to the startup phase. When the VCC voltage reaches 13 V, the high voltage 9.0 mA current source is disabled and the device starts working. The device enters into the switching phase. It is to be noticed that the maximum rating of the Vi pin 8 is 500 V. ESD protection circuitry is not currently added to this pin due to size limitations and technology constraints. Protection is limited by the drain−substrate junction in avalanche breakdown. To help increase the application safety against high voltage spike on that pin it is possible to insert a small wattage 1.0 kW series resistor between the Vin rail and pin 8. The Figure 7 shows the VCC voltage evolution in case of no external current source providing current into the VCC pin during the switching phase. This case can be encountered in SMPS when the self supply through an auxiliary winding is not present (strong overload on the SMPS output for example). The Figure 17 also depicts this working configuration. Latched Off Phase VPWM OUT & NOC OC S Q R LEB out 1V & LW Q + CS − & S Q Mode R1 R2 Standby & S1 Switch Startup Idemag Switching Startup Phase > 24 m A Phase Phase Figure 8. Transition Logic • 1. SMPS SWITCH OFF When the mains is switched OFF, so long as the bulk electrolithic bulk capacitor provides energy to the SMPS, the controller remains in the switching phase. Then the peak current reaches its maximum peak value, the switching frequency decreases and all the secondary voltages are reduced. The VCC voltage is also reduced. When VCC is equal to 10 V, the SMPS stops working. 7 MC44608 • 2. Overload according to the equation of the current sense section, page 5. The C.S. clamping level depends on the power to be delivered to the load during the SMPS standby mode. Every switching sequence ON/OFF is terminated by an OC as long as the secondary Zener diode voltage has not been reached. When the Zener voltage is reached the ON cycle is terminated by a true PWM action. The proper SWITCHING PHASE termination must correspond to a NOC condition. The LW latch stores this NOC status. The LATCHED OFF PHASE: The MODE latch is set. The startup PHASE is similar to the Overload Mode. The MODE latch remains in its set status (Q=1). The SWITCHING PHASE: The standby signal is validated and the 200 mA is sourced out of the Current Sense pin 2. In the hiccup mode the 3 distinct phases are described as follows (refer to Figure 7): The SWITCHING PHASE: The SMPS output is low and the regulation block reacts by increasing the ON time (dmax = 80%). The OC is reached at the end of every switching cycle. The LW latch (Figure 8) is reset before the VPWM signal appears. The SMPS output voltage is low. The VCC voltage cannot be maintained at a normal level as the auxiliary winding provides a voltage which is also reduced in a ratio similar to the one on the output (i.e. Vout nominal / Vout short−circuit). Consequently the VCC voltage is reduced at an operating rate given by the combination VCC capacitor value together with the ICC working consumption (3.2 mA) according to the equation 2. When VCC crosses 10V the WORKING PHASE gets terminated. The LW latch remains in the reset status. The LATCHED−OFF PHASE: The VCC capacitor voltage continues to drop. When it reaches 6.5 V this phase is terminated. Its duration is governed by equation 3. The startup PHASE is reinitiated. The high voltage startup current source (−ICC1 = 9.0 mA) is activated and the MODE latch is reset. The VCC voltage ramps up according to the equation 1. When it reaches 13 V, the IC enters into the SWITCHING PHASE. The NEXT SWITCHING PHASE: The high voltage current source is inhibited, the MODE latch (Q=0) activates the NORMAL mode of operation. Figure 3 shows that no current is injected out pin 2. The over current sense level corresponds to 1.0 V. As long as the overload is present, this sequence repeats. The SWITCHING PHASE duty cycle is in the range of 10%. • 4. Transition from Standby to Normal The secondary reconfiguration is removed. The regulation on the low voltage secondary rail can no longer be achieved, thus at the end of the SWITCHING PHASE, no PWM condition can be encountered. The LW latch is reset. At the next WORKING PHASE a NORMAL mode status takes place. In order to become independent of the recovery time constant on the secondary side of the SMPS an additional reset input R2 is provided on the MODE latch. The condition Idemag<24 mA corresponds to the activation of the secondary reconfiguration status. The R2 reset insures a direct return into the Normal Mode. Pulsed Mode Duty Cycle Control During the sleep mode of the SMPS the switch S3 is closed and the control input pin 3 is connected to a 4.6 V voltage source thru a 500 W resistor. The discharge rate of the VCC capacitor is given by ICC−latch (device consumption during the LATCHED OFF phase) in addition to the current drawn out of the pin 3. Connecting a resistor between the Pin 3 and GND (RDPULSED) a programmable current is drawn from the VCC through pin 3. The duration of the LATCHED OFF phase is impacted by the presence of the resistor RDPULSED. The equation 3 shows the relation to the pin 3 current. • 3. Transition from Normal to Pulsed Mode In this sequence the secondary side is reconfigured (refer to the typical application schematic on page 13). The high voltage output value becomes lower than the NORMAL mode regulated value. The TL431 shunt regulator is fully OFF. In the SMPS standby mode all the SMPS outputs are lowered except for the low voltage output that supply the wake−up circuit located at the isolated side of the power supply. In that mode the secondary regulation is performed by the zener diode connected in parallel to the TL431. The secondary reconfiguration status can be detected on the SMPS primary side by measuring the voltage level present on the auxiliary winding Laux. (Refer to the Demagnetization Section). In the reconfigured status, the Laux voltage is also reduced. The VCC self−powering is no longer possible thus the SMPS enters in a hiccup mode similar to the one described under the Overload condition. In the SMPS standby mode the 3 distinct phases are: The SWITCHING PHASE: Similar to the Overload mode. The current sense clamping level is reduced Pulsed Mode Phases Equations 1 through 8 define and predict the effective behavior during the PULSED MODE operation. The equations 6, 7, and 8 contain K, Y, and D factors. These factors are combinations of measured parameters. They appear in the parameter section “Kfactors for pulsed mode operation” page 4. In equations 3 through 8 the pin 3 current is the current defined in the above section “Pulsed Mode Duty Cycle Control”. 8 MC44608 EQUATION 1 Startup Phase Duration: C (Vstup * UVLO2) Vcc t start–up + I stup where: Istup is the startup current flowing through VCC pin CVcc is the VCC capacitor value EQUATION 2 Switching Phase Duration: C (Vstup * UVLO1) Vcc t + switch I )I ccS G where: IccS is the no load circuit consumption in switching phase IG is the current consumed by the Power Switch EQUATION 3 Latched−off Phase Duration: C (UVLO1 * UVLO2) t + Vcc latched*off I )I ccL pin3 where: IccL is the latched off phase consumption Ipin3 is the current drawn from pin3 adding a resistor EQUATION 4 Burst Mode Duty Cycle: d BM + t t start*up ) t switch )t switch latched*off EQUATION 5 C d BM + C (V *UVLO1) stup I )I ccS G (V *UVLO1) C (UVLO1*UVLO2) stup ) Vcc I )I I )I ccL pin3 ccS G Vcc (V * UVLO2) C stup Vcc ) I stup Vcc EQUATION 6 d BM + 1) ǒ 1 k I SńStup )I ccS G I stup Ǔ ǒ ) k Ǔ I SńL )I ccS G I )I ccL pin3 where: kS/Stup = (Vstup − UVLO2)/(Vstup − UVLO1) kS/L = (UVLO1 − UVLO2)/(Vstup − UVLO1) 9 MC44608 EQUATION 7 d BM + ǒ ȡIccS) IG ȧ Istup Ȣ 1) 1 k SńStup ) ǒ k ǓǓȣȧȤ I SńL stup I )I ccL pin3 EQUATION 8 d BM + 1 ȡ ȧ 1)ȥ ȧ Ȣ ǒ k1 ) I I G ȡ ȧk ȧ SńStup ) (kSńL ȧ Ȣ Ǔ stup 1 I pin3 k2) I stup ǒ Ǔ ȣȣ ȧȧ )ȧȦ ȧȧ ȤȤ where: k1 = Iccs/Istup k2 = IccL/Istup kS/Stup = (Vstup−UVLO2)/(Vstup−UVLO1) kS/L = (UVLO1−UVLO2)/(Vstup−UVLO1) PULSED MODE CURRENT SENSE CLAMPING LEVEL Equations 9, 10, 11 and 12 allow the calculation of the Rcs value for the desired maximum current peak value during the SMPS standby mode. EQUATION 9 Ipk stby V * (R cs + cs–th R S I cs) where: Vcs−th is the CS comparator threshold Ics is the CS internal current source RS is the sensing resistor Rcs is the resistor connected between pin 2 and RS EQUATION 10 1* Ipk stby + V cs–th ǒ Ǔ Ics V cs–th R cs R S EQUATION 11 Ipk + V stby cs–th 1 * (R cs Y ) cs–stby R S where: Ycs−stby = Ics/Vcs−th Taking into account the circuit propagation delay (dtcs) and the Power Switch reaction time (dtps): EQUATION 12 Ipk stby + ƪ V cs–th 1 * (R cs Y ) cs–stby R S ƫ V ) in (dt cs ) dt ps) Lp 10 MC44608 60 79.0 85° C 50 77.0 t_rise −25° C 75.0 Frequency Time (nS) 40 t_fall 30 25° C 73.0 71.0 69.0 20 67.0 10 10 11 12 13 14 65.0 10 15 11 12 Figure 9. Output Switching Speed 15 Figure 10. Frequency Stability 90 5.08 80 5.07 70 5.06 5.05 60 85° C 5.04 50 Vpin3 (V) Switching Duty Cycle (%) 14 VCC Voltage (V) Pin6 VCC Voltage (V) 85° C 40 −25° C 5.03 5.01 20 5.00 25° C 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 25° C 5.02 30 10 −25° C 4.99 1.5 2.0 4.98 0.5 2.5 1 Current Injected in Pin3 (mA) 2 2.5 Figure 12. Vpin3 During the Working Period 5.0 4.80 4.5 4.60 4.40 Pin6 Current (mA) −25° C 4.0 1.5 Current Injected in Pin 3 (mA) Figure 11. Duty Cycle Control Vpin3 Voltage (V) 13 3.5 25° C 3.0 85° C 2.5 −25° C 4.20 4.00 25° C 3.80 3.60 85° C 3.40 2.0 3.20 1.5 −1.6 −1.4 −1.2 −1.0 −.08 −.06 −.04 −.02 3.00 10 0.0 Current Injected in Pin 3 (mA) 11 12 13 14 15 Pin6 VCC Voltage (V) Figure 14. Device Consumption when Switching Figure 13. Vpin3 During the Latched Off Period 11 MC44608 11.00 12.00 −25° C 11.00 Switching Duty Cycle (%) 10.00 −Icc (mA) 9.00 8.00 25° C 7.00 85° C 6.00 −25° C 10.00 9.00 25° C 8.00 85° C 7.00 6.00 5.00 0 100 200 300 400 500 5.00 0 100 200 300 400 Vi Pin8 Voltage (Vi) Vi Pin Voltage (V) Figure 15. High Voltage Current Source Figure 16. Overload Burst Mode 500 Figure 17. Hiccup Mode Waveforms The data in Figure 16 corresponds to the waveform in Figure 17. The Figure 17 shows VCC, ICC, Isense (pin 2) and Vout (pin 5). Vout (pin 5) in fact shows the envelope of the output switching pulses. This mode corresponds to an overload condition. 12 MC44608 The Figure 19 represents a complete power supply using the secondary reconfiguration. The specification is as follows: Input source: 85 Vac to 265 Vac 3 Outputs 112 V/0.45 A 16 V/1.5 A 8.0 V/1.0 A Output power 80 W Standby mode @ Pout = 300 mW, 1.3 W R F6 47288900 FI WIDE C1 MAINS 100 nF C20 2N2FY RFI FILTER C11 220 pF 500 V R16 4.7 k W 4 kV C3 1 nF D18 MR856 14 D1, D2, D3, D4 1N5404 C5 220 mF 400 V C4 1 nF 12 R1 22 k W 5W 2 3 MC44608P75 Isense 4 + 7 6 1 D9 MR852 11 VCC 2 10 5 MTP6N60E C8 100 nF D14 MR856 R19 18 k W R4 3.9 k W R3 0.27 W D13 1N4148 D10 MR852 8 R17 2.2 k W 5W 2 C16 120 pF C9 470 pF 630 V R2 10 W DZ1 MCR22−6 C14 1000 m F 35 V 7 C7 22 m F 16 V 3 16 V/1.5 A 3 8 V/1 A + Post Reg. C15 + 1000 m F 16 V mP 9 R21 47 W R9 100 k W OPT1 R11 4.7 kW R12 1 kW DZ3 10 V C19 33 nF Figure 18. Typical Application 13 C18 100 nF R10 10 k W ON DZ2 TL431CLP J3 1 1N4934 D7 1N4148 8 2 D12 100 k W 6 C13 100 nF C17 120 pF R7 47 k W C6 47 nF 630 V D6 MR856 R5 1 1 C12 + 47 m F 250 V + D5 1N4007 112 V/0.45 A R8 2.4 k W OFF ON = Normal Mode OFF = Pulsed Mode J4 MC44608 The secondary reconfiguration is activated by the mP through the switch. The dV/dt appearing on the high voltage winding (pins 14 of the transformer) at every TMOS switch off, produces a current spike through the series RC network R7, C17. According to the switch position this spike is either absorbed by the ground (switch closed) or flows into the thyristor gate (switch open) thus firing the MCR22−6. The closed position of the switch corresponds to the Pulsed Mode activation. In this secondary side SMPS status the high voltage winding (12−14) is connected through D12 and DZ1 to the 8.0 V low voltage secondary rail. The voltages applied to the secondary windings 12−14, 10−11 and 6−7 (Vaux) are thus divided by ratio N12−14 / N9−8 (number of turns of the winding 12−14 over number of turns of the winding 9−8). In this reconfigured status all the secondary voltages are lowered except the 8.0 V one. The regulation during every pulsed or burst is performed by the zener diode DZ3 which value has to be chosen higher than the normal mode regulation level. This working mode creates a voltage ripple on the 8.0 V rail which generally must be post regulated for the microProcessor supply. Figure 19. SMPS Pulsed Mode voltage is the result of the 200 mA current source activated during the startup phase and also during the working phase which flows through the R4 resistor. The used high resolution mode of the oscilloscope does not allow to show the effective ton current flowing in the sensing resistor R11. The Figure 19 shows the SMPS behavior while working in the reconfigured mode. The top curve represents the VCC voltage (pin 6 of the MC44608). The middle curve represents the 8.0 V rail. The regulation is taking place at 11.68 V. On the bottom curve the pin 2 voltage is shown. This voltage represents the current sense signal. The pin 2 14 MC44608 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS PDIP−8 P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 626−05 ISSUE L 8 NOTES: 1. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEAD WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 2. PACKAGE CONTOUR OPTIONAL (ROUND OR SQUARE CORNERS). 3. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 5 −B− 1 4 F −A− NOTE 2 L C J −T− MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 9.40 10.16 6.10 6.60 3.94 4.45 0.38 0.51 1.02 1.78 2.54 BSC 0.76 1.27 0.20 0.30 2.92 3.43 7.62 BSC −−− 10_ 0.76 1.01 INCHES MIN MAX 0.370 0.400 0.240 0.260 0.155 0.175 0.015 0.020 0.040 0.070 0.100 BSC 0.030 0.050 0.008 0.012 0.115 0.135 0.300 BSC −−− 10_ 0.030 0.040 N SEATING PLANE D H DIM A B C D F G H J K L M N M K G 0.13 (0.005) M T A M B M The product described herein (MC44608), may be covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 6,208,538 B1; 6,392,906 B2. There may be other patents pending. ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303−675−2175 or 800−344−3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Fax: 303−675−2176 or 800−344−3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Email: N. American Technical Support: 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Phone: 421 33 790 2910 Japan Customer Focus Center Phone: 81−3−5773−3850 15 ON Semiconductor Website: Order Literature: For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative MC44608/D