MITSUBISHI LASER DIODES ML6XX28 SERIES FOR OPTICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS TYPE NAME ML60128R, ML601J28 FEATURES • Output 60mW (CW), 75mW (pulse) • Small astigmatic distance • Low operation current DESCRIPTION ML6XX28 is a high power AlGaAs semiconductor laser which provides a stable, single transverse mode oscillation with emission wavelength of 785nm and standard light output power of 60mW. ML6XX28 is produced by a MOCVD crystal growth method which is excellent in mass production and characteristics uniformity. This is a high-performance, highly reliable, and low-operation-current semiconductor laser. APPLICATION CD-R/RW Drive MD Drive ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1) Symbol Po Parameter Light output power Based on Mitsubishi's measurement standards Conditions CW Pulse(Note 2) VRL VRD(Note 3) Reverse voltage (laser diode) Reverse voltage (Photodiode) - IFD(Note 3) Forward current (Photodiode) Tc Tstg Ratings 70 80 2 Unit mW 30 V V - 10 mA Case temperature - -10 ~ +60 °C Storage temperature - -40 ~ +100 °C Note1: The maximum rating means the limitation over which the laser should not be operated even instant time, and this does not mean the guarantee of its lifetime.As for the reliability,please refer to the reliability report issued by Quality Assurance Section, HF & Optical Semiconductor Division, Mitsubishi Electric Co.. Note2: TARGET SPEC /Condition Duty less than 50%,pulse width less than 1µs Note3: Applicable to ML60128R ELECTRICAL/OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc=25°C) Symbol Parameter Test conditions Ith Threshold current Operation current Iop η Vop λp Based on Mitsubishi's measurement standards Typ. CW Min. - Max Unit CW,Po=60mW - 30 45 mA 95 135 mA Slope efficiency CW,Po=60mW - 0.83 - mW/mA Operating voltage CW,Po=60mW - CW,Po=60mW 775 2.0 2.5 V 785 795 nm CW,Po=60mW 6.5 9 12.5 ° CW,Po=60mW 16.5 21.5 26.5 ° Im(Note 4) Peak wavelength Beam divergence angle (parallel) Beam divergence angle (perpendicular) Monitoring output current (Photodiode) CW,Po=60mW,VRD=1V RL=10Ω (Note 5) - 0.5 - mA ID(Note 4) Dark current (Photodiode) VRD=10V - - 0.5 µA Ct(Note 4) Capacitance (Photodiode) VRD=5V - 7 - pF θ// θ⊥ Note 4: Applicable to ML60128R Note 5:RL=the load resistance of photodiode (NSPF) as of January '00 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC (1/2) MITSUBISHI LASER DIODES ML6XX28 SERIES FOR OPTICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS OUTLINE DRAWINGS ML60128R CASE LD PD ML601J28 CASE (3) LD NC as of January '00 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC (2/2)