Model 2944
Miniature Solderless Stackup
Banana Plug
Wire firmly held in place with internal set screw.
Miniature Banana Jack:
Material: Brass per QQ-B-626, Alloy 360, ½ Hard.
Finish: Gold plate per MIL-G-45204, Type II, Class 00 over electroless nickel per MIL-C-26074
Class 1, (.0002/.0003).
Miniature Banana Plug
Material: Plug Body, Brass per QQ-B-626, Alloy 360, ½ Hard.
Spring: Beryllium Copper per QQ-C-533, Alloy 172, Cond. H.T.
Finish: Gold plate per MIL-G-45204, Type II, Class 00 over electroless nickel per MIL-C-26074
Cross Hole: .082” (2.09mm) diameter with #3-56 slotted set screw to secure lead wires.
Insulation: ABS molded to Banana Jack and Banana Plug Body.
Operating Voltage: Hands free usage in controlled voltage environments: 2500 Vrms maximum. For CE compliance: not
intended for hand-held use at voltages above 33 Vrms/70 Vdc.
Current: 5 Amperes
Operating Temperature: +122 F (+50 C) Max.
Model: 2944-0 (Black)
Model: 2944-2 (Red)
All dimensions are in inches. Tolerances (except noted): .xx = ±.02” (,51 mm), .xxx = ± .005” (,127 mm).
All specifications are to the latest revisions. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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Sales: 800-490-2361 Fax: 888-403-3360 Technical Support: 800-241-2060 (technicalsupport@pomonatest.com)
For “Where to Buy” information, visit the Pomona web site at www.pomonaelectronics.com
Rev: 100
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