P01 Indicators Complement to MLW Rockers TYPICAL INDICATOR ORDERING EXAMPLE P01 C 12 LAMPS 1 A BEZEL COLORS BEZELS CAP COLORS Incandescent B White 1 .787” (20.0mm) Wide A Black 06 6-volt C Red 2 .937” (23.8mm) Wide B White 12 12-volt D Orange C Red 18 18-volt E Yellow D Orange 24 24-volt *F Green E Yellow 28 28-volt *G Blue F Green Neon *F & G not suitable with neon. G Blue H Gray N 110-volt DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLE P01-12-C-1A Red Cap 12-volt Incandescent Lamp Black .787” (20.0mm) Bezel LAMP CODES & SPECIFICATIONS Incandescent & Neon Lamps for Solid & Design Caps AT602 Incandescent AT602N Neon L(+) L(-) 06 12 18 24 28 N Voltage V 6V 12V 18V 24V 28V 110V Current I 80mA 50mA 35mA 25mA 22mA 1.5mA .159 .215 .398 .215 .247 NA MSCP Endurance Hours 2,000 Average Ambient Temperature Range 15,000 Avg. –10° ~ +50°C Recommended Resistor for Neon: 33K ohms for 110V AC & 100K ohms for 220V AC T-1 ⁄ 2 Pilot Slide Base 1 Electrical specifications are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. For dimension drawings of lamps, see Accessories & Hardware Index. If the source voltage is greater than rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The ballast resistor calculation and more lamp detail are shown in the Supplement section. CAP COLORS B C White D Red E Material: Polycarbonate Orange F Yellow G Finish: Glossy Green AT429 (15.8) .622 (16.2) .638 (9.78) .385 Blue F & G not suitable for neon (13.5) .531 NKK Switches • email: sales@nkkswitches.com • Phone (480) 991-0942 • Fax (480) 998-1435 • www.nkkswitches.com 03-07 P01 Indicators Complement to MLW Rockers OPTIONAL BEZELS & COLORS 1A 1E 1B 1F 1C 1G 1D 1H AT204 .787” (20.0mm) Wide Bezel (16.4) .646 (2.2) .087 (16.0) .630 (20.0) .787 (25.5) 1.004 Material: Polycarbonate Color Codes: A Black B C Red White 2A 2E 2B 2F 2C 2G 2D 2H AT9201 .937” (23.8mm) Wide Bezel (16.4) .646 (2.5) .098 (16.0) .630 (23.8) .937 (26.3) 1.035 Standard Finish: Glossy D Orange E Yellow F G Blue Green H Gray TYPICAL INDICATOR DIMENSIONS Without Bezel (1.2) Dia Typ .047 L1 (21.0) .827 (4.7) Typ .185 (17.0) .669 (15.8) .622 (18.7) .736 L2 (1.8) .071 (16.6) .654 (0.5) .020 (0.5) .020 (23.3) .917 (5.9) .232 (0.4) Typ .016 (16.7) .657 (3.0) Typ .118 Panel Thickness: .039” ~ .157” (1.0mm ~ 4.0mm) P01-12-C With Bezel (1.2) Dia Typ .047 L1 (16.0) .630 (4.7) Typ .185 (17.0) .669 (15.8) .622 (25.5) 1.004 (18.7) .736 L2 (16.2) .638 (20.0) .787 (2.8) .110 (2.2) .087 (0.5) .020 (22.3) .877 (5.9) .232 (0.4) Typ .016 (16.6) .654 (3.0) Typ .118 Panel Thickness: .039” ~ .157” (1.0mm ~ 4.0mm) P01-12-C-1A With Large Bezel (1.2) Dia Typ .047 L1 (16.0) .630 (4.7) Typ .185 (17.0) .669 (15.8) .622 (26.3) 1.035 L2 (0.5) .020 (16.2) .638 P01-12-C-2A (16.7) .657 (23.8) .937 (2.8) .110 (2.5) .098 (22.3) .877 (0.4) Typ .016 (5.9) .232 (16.6) .654 (3.0) Typ .118 (19.2) Sq .755 Panel Thickness: .039” ~ .157” (1.0mm ~ 4.0mm) NKK Switches • email: sales@nkkswitches.com • Phone (480) 991-0942 • Fax (480) 998-1435 • www.nkkswitches.com 03-07