Introducing Corcom High Performance P Series Power Entry Module with Vertical Mounting Option Corcom High Performance P Series Power Entry Module with Vertical Mounting Option Key Features DESCRIPTION Vertical Mounting Style The P series power entry module offers a range of options in a compact size. The vertical mounting style in the P series helps reduce panel area requirements. This product line extension adds a vertical mounting option to the high performance filter types. 6 & 10 Amp Ratings High Performance EMI/ RFI Filtering Rated 250 VAC UL Recognized, CSA Certified, and VDE Approved Fits 1U High Enclosure APPLICATIONS Healthcare equipment High performance motor controller Linear and switch mode power supplies Test equipment Laboratory equipment ELECTRICAL Max. leakage current, line to ground: Capacitor Identifier L Models Z Models @ 120/VAC 60 Hz 2µA .25mA @ 250 VAC 50 Hz 5µA .50mA Rated currents: 6 & 10A Rated voltage (max.): 250 VAC Operating frequency: 50/60 Hz MINIMUM INSERTION LOSS IN dB: Line to ground in 50 ohm circuit Frequency Current Rating .01 .05 .1 .15 .5 Z Models 6A 8 21 27 30 37 10A 5 17 22 24 27 L Models 6A 8 21 27 29 34 10A 5 17 22 23 24 Tyco Electronics | Corcom High Performance P Series Power Entry Module with Vertical Mounting Option Line to line in 50 ohm circuit Current Rating .01 .05 Z Models 6A 10 15 10A 10 20 L Models 6A 10 15 10A 10 20 .1 MHz 1 5 10 30 43 32 49 52 52 47 42 40 35 25 25 21 21 18 16 14 Frequency - MHz .15 .5 1 5 10 30 34 20 44 35 75 67 75 75 75 75 70 70 60 60 34 20 44 35 75 67 75 75 75 75 70 70 60 60 Corcom High Performance P Series Power Entry Module with Vertical Mounting Option STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS UL Recognized CSA Certified VDE Approved PRODUCT PART NUMBERS PM000DL6C PM000SL6C PM0S0DL6C PM0S0SL6C PM000DLXC PM000SLXC PM0S0DLXC PM0S0SLXC PM000DZ6C PM000SZ6C PM0S0DZ6C PM0S0SZ6C PM000DZXC PM000SZXC PM0S0DZXC PM0S0SZXC ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC (represents PM000DL6C) L Model (represents PM000DZ6C) Z Model L L L L G G G G N N N N PRODUCT DIMENSIONS D B1 E C F Panel Cutout B2 A Case Dimensions: A B1 B2 C (max.) (max.) (max.) inch 1.23 4.42 mm 31.2 112.3 PM High Performance (max.) D +.008/-.00 0/+.20/-.00 E +.008/-.00 0/+.20/-.00 F ±.010 ±.254 3.93 2.88 1.15 2.20 2.49 99.8 73.2 29.2 55.9 63.4 Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in italics are metric equivalents. Dimensions are shown for reference purposes only. Specifications subject to change. For More Information Technical Support Corcom Phone: Internet: E-mail: 1-847-573-6597 [email protected] General Support Internet: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 1-800-522-6752 USA: 1-800-468-2023 Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Mexico: 1-800-733-8926 C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Germany: 49-6251-133-1999 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 UK: 44-8706-080208 Tyco Electronics Corporation Harrisburg, PA © 2008 by Tyco Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 5-1773450-6-2.5M-GIC/FP-11-08 Corcom, the TE Logo and Tyco Electronics are trademarks.