Hartcran House, 231 Kenton Lane, Harrow, Middlesex, HA3 8RP, England Tel: +44 (0) 20 8909 9595, Fax: +44 (0) 20 8909 2233, www.radiometrix.com Issue 1, 31 July 2012 RMX2 NBFM Direct Interface Multi Channel Transceiver The RMX2 is an ETSI EN 300 220-3 compliant UHF FM narrow band semiduplex radio data module. It is a high performance transceiver designed for use in industrial applications requiring long range, high performance and reliability. The operating frequencies are available in the 315MHz, 433.05-434.79MHz European ISM band and 458.5-459.1MHz UK SRD band allocations. Figure 1: RMX2-433-10 Features +10dBm (10mW) RF power, 3.0V @ 35mA operation Programmable RF channel Fast TX/RX switching time (5ms) Receiver sensitivity -119dBm Class one receiver performance ETSI EN 300 220-3, EN 301 489-3 compliant RMX2 is a narrowband multichannel module with 25 kHz channel steps, but still achieves sub-10mS TX/RX switching speed, making it an ideal RF unit for inclusion in feedback systems. The narrow band technique used in RMX2 enables high interference rejection and concurrent operation with multiple modules. Applications Telemetry Water level monitor for rivers, dams, etc. Monitoring systems for environmental data such as temperature, humidity, etc. Transmission of measurement data (pressure, revolution, current, etc) to PC Security alarm monitoring Telecontrol Industrial remote control systems Remote control systems for factory automation machines Evaluation platforms: NBEK + RMX carrier Radiometrix Ltd RMX2 Data sheet Page 1/12 Figure 2: RMX2 block diagram Radiometrix Ltd RMX2 Data sheet Page 2/12 12 3 50 5.1 9 30 RXM2-433-10 UHF Multi Channel Narrow Band Transc eiver 0.7 22.5 18 2.5 1 2.5 CLK DATA LE LD RSSI D0 D1 22.5 18 2.5 7.13 12.7 15.24 2.54 9.67 2.54 7.13 Reference hole position for PCB mounting (bottom view) recommended PCB hole size: 1.2 mm pin pitch: 2.54 mm module footprint size: 30 x 50 mm Figure 3: Pinouts and dimensions Radiometrix Ltd RMX2 Data sheet Page 3/12 Condensed specifications All ratings at 25°c unless otherwise noted Parameter Rating General characteristics Operating frequency range Channel step Frequency stability Data rate PLL reference frequency Operating voltage range Supply Current Operating temperature range Dimensions Transmitter section RF output power Deviation (Digital In) Deviation frequency characteristics TX S/N Spurious emission Adjacent channel leakage power Total distortion and noise Switching time RX to TX Lock time Conditions 315 - 315.375 MHz 433.05 - 434.775 MHz 458.5 - 459.1MHz Programmable (PLL IC: Fujitsu MB15E03SL) ±3ppm 9600 bps max 21.25 MHz 3 – 15 V 35mA (TX) 24mA (RX) - 20 to + 70 °C 30 x 50 x 9 mm At 434.0MHz / 458.7MHz, Antenna impedance 50Ω PN9, 9600 bps, LPF 20 kHz DC to 4800Hz -30dB <-54dBm <-40dBm -37dBm 30dB 5 - 10ms 30 – 40ms 10 – 20ms 1kHz, Deviation = ±2.4kHz CCITT filter <1GHz, non-harmonic spurii 2nd and 3rd harmonics CH 25kHz, BW = 16kHz, PN9, 9600 bps 1kHz, Deviation = ±2.4kHz, CCITT filter *1 RX TX *2 Free Run TX *3 25kHz channel shift -119dBm (AF OUT) 35dB Distortion 5% All spurious responses Better than 60dB Better than 50dB 65dB Blocking Switching time TX to RX Lock Time -20 to +70 °C Input data pulse width: Min 104µs, Max 5ms 10mW ±1dB 2.4kHz ±0.3kHz ± 3dB Receiver section Receiver Sensitivity Receiver S/N Intermodulation Adjacent channel selectivity European ISM band (RMX2-433-10) UK SRD allocation (RMX2-458-10) >84dBm 5 - 10 ms 30 - 40 ms 10 - 20 ms 1kHz, Deviation ±2.4kHz, CCITT filter 1kHz, Deviation ±2.4 kHz, CCITT filter, RF level = -30dBm 1kHz, Deviation ±2.4kHz, CCITT filter, RF level=30dBm 2 signal method, Jamming signal = FM 2 signal method 2 signal method, ± 25kHz Jamming signal = FM ± 1, 2, 5, 10 MHz *1 TX RX *2 Free Run RX *3 25kHz channel shift NOTES: 1. 2. 3. Time until TX frequency or 1st Local frequency reach a steady frequency ±1.5ppm Time until TX frequency or 1st Local frequency reach a steady frequency ±1.5ppm after PLL setting data is set. Time until TX frequency or 1st Local frequency reach a steady frequency ±1.5ppm after setting PLL setting data to change the frequency for 25kHz Radiometrix Ltd RMX2 Data sheet Page 4/12 up to 1200MHz 2.2kΩ VCO LPF +2.8V Fin CLK Xf in Data GND LE D0 PS VCC ZC Vp Reference Oscillator LD/f out OSC out P OSC in R CLK 2.2kΩ DATA 2.2kΩ 2.2kΩ LE LD RMX2-XXX-10 Control pin name 21.25MHz Figure 4: PLL IC Control RMX2 has an internal PLL frequency synthesizer as shown in Figure 1. Channel frequency is set by loading data directly into the registers of the controlling IC over a simple, 3 wire serial bus (interface pins CLK, LE, DATA). Also RMX2 has a Lock Detect (LD) terminal that shows the lock status of the frequency. These signal lines are connected directly to the PLL IC through a 2.2kΩ resistor. The interface voltage of RMX2 is 2.8 V, so the control voltage must be the same. RMX2 comes equipped with a Fujitsu MB15E03SL PLL IC. Please refer to the manual of the PLL IC. http://www.fujitsu.com/downloads/MICRO/fme/pll/e421359.pdf The following is a supplementary description related to operation with RMX2. In this description, the same names and terminology as in the PLL IC manual are used, so please read the manual beforehand. How to calculate the setting values for the PLL register The PLL IC manual shows that the PLL frequency setting value is obtained with the following equation. f VCO = fvco : N: A: fosc: R: M: [(M × N ) + A]× f OSC R 2 N>M Equation 1 Output frequency of external Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Preset divide ratio of binary 11-bit programmable counter (3 to 2,047) Preset divide ratio of binary 7-bit swallow counter (0 ≤ A ≤ 127) Output frequency of the reference frequency oscillator Preset divide ratio of binary 14-bit programmable reference counter (3 to 16,383) Preset divide ratio of the dual modulus prescaler (64 or 128) Because of the circuitry used in the RMX2, the frequency programmed into the PLL must be 21.7MHz below the desired channel frequency. There is no need to re-program when switching between transmit and receive modes. Therefore the expected value of the frequency generated at VCO (fexpect) is as below. fvco = fexpect = (fch – 21.7MHz) Equation 2 The PLL generates channel frequencies as multiples of a 'comparison' frequency. This phase comparison frequency (fcomp) is made by dividing the frequency input to the PLL from the reference oscillator by reference counter R. The RMX2 uses a 21.25 MHz TCXO for the reference clock fosc. fcomp can be either 12.5kHz or 25 kHz. The above equation 1 results in the following with n = M x N + A, where “n” is the number for division. f VCO = n × f comp Equation 3 Radiometrix Ltd RMX2 Data sheet Page 5/12 n= f VCO f comp note: f comp = f OSC R Equation 4 Also, this PLL IC operates with the following R, N, A and M relational expressions. R= f OSC f comp n N = INT M A = n − (M × N ) Equation 5 INT: Integer portion of a division Equation 6 Equation 7 As an example, the setting value of RF channel frequency fch 434.6750MHz can be calculated as below. Conditions: Constant: Constant: Channel center frequency: Offset frequency: Reference frequency: fch = 434.6750MHz foffset=21.7 MHz fosc=21.25 MHz Set 25 kHz for Phase Comparison Frequency fcomp and 64 for Prescaler value M The frequency of VCO will be: fvco = fexpect = fch – foffset = 434.675 –21.7 = 412.975MHz Dividing value “n” is derived from Equation 4 n = fvco / fcomp = 412.975MHz/25kHz = 16519 Value “R” of the Reference Counter is derived from Equation 5. R = fosc/fcomp = 21.25MHz/25kHz = 850 Value “N” of the programmable counter is derived from Equation 6. N = INT (n/M) = INT(16519/64) = 258 Value “A“ of the swallow counter is derived from Equation 7. A = n – (M x N) = 16519 – 64 x 258 = 7 The frequency of RMX2 is locked at a centre frequency fch by inputting the PLL setting values N, A and R obtained with the above equations as serial data. The above calculations are the same for the other frequencies. Method of serial data input to the PLL After the RF channel table plan is decided, the data needs to be allocated to the ROM table and read from there or calculated with the software. Together with this setting data, operation bits that decide operation of the PLL must be sent to the PLL. The operation bits for setting the PLL are as follows. These values are placed at the head of the reference counter value and are sent to the PLL. CS: Charge pump current select bit CS = 0 ±1.5 mA select VCO is optimised to ±1.5 mA LDS: LD/fout output setting bit LDS = 0 LD select Hardware is set to LD output FC: Phase control bit for the phase comparator FC = 1 Hardware operates at this phase Radiometrix Ltd RMX2 Data sheet Page 6/12 2nd Data st 1 Data 2nd Data st 1 Data N11 N10 N9 N8 N7 N6 A1 CNT= 0 CS LDS FC SW R14 R13 R1 CNT= 1 Invalid data ∫∫ MSB DATA ∫∫ CLK LSB ∫∫ 11 12 13 16 10 LE ∫∫ 14 RMX2 # : t0,t5 > = 100 ns t1,t2,t6 > = 20 ns t3,t4 > = 30 ns Terminal name # : Keep the LE terminal at a low level, w hen write the data to the shift resister. Figure 5: PLL IC programming timing diagram 15 The PLL IC, which operates as shown in the block diagram in the manual, shifts the data to the 19-bit shift register and then transfers it to the respective latch (counter, register) by judging the CNT control bit value input at the end. CLK [Clock]: LE [Load Enable]: Data [Serial Data]: Data is shifted into the shift register on the rising edge of this clock. Data in the 19-bit shift register is transferred to respective latches on the rising edge of the clock. The data is transferred to a latch according to the control bit CNT value. You can perform either reference counter setup or programmable counter setup first. TIMING CHART Control timing in a typical application is shown in Figure 3. Initialisation of the radio is performed following power-up and successful reset of the controlling CPU. The FET switches controlling the radio module systems (controlled by RXSEL and TXSEL) must be set to inactive (pin high or floating) to avoid unwanted emissions. The power supply to the radio module is then turned on. When the radio module is first powered, the PLL internal registers are not yet set to meaningful values, and the VCO circuit will be unstable. Data transmission and reception is only possible 40 ms after the first set up data is sent to the PLL. Subsequent ‘channel change’ re-programming only takes 20 ms before data can be handled. Changing channels must be carried out in the receive mode. If switching is performed in transmission mode, unwanted interference will be generated. If the module is switched to the receive mode when operating in the same channel, (a new PLL setting is not *1 necessary) it can receive data within 5 ms of switching . For data transmission, if the RF channel to be used for transmission is set while still in receiving mode, data can be sent at 5 ms after the radio module is *2 switched from reception to transmission . Check that the Lock Detect signal is “high” 20 ms after the channel is changed. In some cases the Lock Detect signal becomes unstable before the lock is correctly detected, so it is necessary to note if processing of the signal is interrupted. *1: *2: DC offset may occur due to frequency drift caused by ambient temperature change. Customers are urged to verify operation at low temperature and nitiali their timing. Sending ‘10101…..’ preamble just after switching to transmission mode enables smoother operation of the data extraction circuit used by the receiver. For 9600 bps, a preamble of ‘11001100’ is effective. Recommended preamble length: -10 °C -+55°C: 7 ms -20 °C - +65 °C (for operation exceeding the above range): 15 ms Radiometrix Ltd RMX2 Data sheet Page 7/12 Norm al status States immediately after power c omes on No c hannel c hange CPJ Power on RMX2 Power on #3 RX SELECT CPU control CH change & Data rec overy Timing #1 #2 #4 CH #4 Data # 5 #4 5m s Data # 6 CH Data # 7 CH LO TX SELECT Data transmit 5m s 5m s 5m s Figure 6: Timing diagram for RMX2 #:1 Reset control CPU #:2 Initialize the port connected to the module. #:3 Supply pow er to the module after nitialising CPU. #:5 40 ms later, the receiver can receive the data after changing the channel.. #:6 10 to 20 ms later, the receiver can receive the data after changing the channel. #:7 5 ms later, the data can be received if the RF channel is not changed. #:4 Rfchannel change must be performed in receiving mode. Radiometrix Ltd RMX2 Data sheet Page 8/12 PLL frequency setting data reference RMX2-433-10: 433MHz European ISM band (433.050 – 434.790 MHz) Parameter name Phase Comparing Frequency Fcomp [kHz] Start Channel Frequency Fch [MHz] Channel Step Frequency [kHz] Number of Channel Prescaler M : For data input : Result of calculation : Fixed Vale Value 25 433.0750 25 69 64 Parameter name Value Reference Frequency FOSC[MHz] 21.25 Offset Frequency Foffset [MHz] 21.7 CH. No. Channel Frequency Fch 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Radiometrix Ltd (MHz) 433.0750 433.1000 433.1250 433.1500 433.1750 433.2000 433.2250 433.2500 433.2750 433.3000 433.3250 433.3500 433.3750 433.4000 433.4250 433.4500 433.4750 433.5000 433.5250 433.5500 433.5750 433.6000 433.6250 433.6500 433.6750 433.7000 433.7250 433.7500 433.7750 433.8000 433.8250 433.8500 433.8750 Expect Frequenc y Fexpect (MHz) 411.3750 411.4000 411.4250 411.4500 411.4750 411.5000 411.5250 411.5500 411.5750 411.6000 411.6250 411.6500 411.6750 411.7000 411.7250 411.7500 411.7750 411.8000 411.8250 411.8500 411.8750 411.9000 411.9250 411.9500 411.9750 412.0000 412.0250 412.0500 412.0750 412.1000 412.1250 412.1500 412.1750 Parameter name Reference Counter R Programmable Counter N Min. Value Programmable Counter N Max. Value Swallow Counter A Min. Value Swallow Counter A Max. Value Value 850 257 258 0 63 Lock Frequenc y FVCO Number of Division n Programmable Counter N Swallow Counter A (MHz) 411.3750 411.4000 411.4250 411.4500 411.4750 411.5000 411.5250 411.5500 411.5750 411.6000 411.6250 411.6500 411.6750 411.7000 411.7250 411.7500 411.7750 411.8000 411.8250 411.8500 411.8750 411.9000 411.9250 411.9500 411.9750 412.0000 412.0250 412.0500 412.0750 412.1000 412.1250 412.1500 412.1750 16455 16456 16457 16458 16459 16460 16461 16462 16463 16464 16465 16466 16467 16468 16469 16470 16471 16472 16473 16474 16475 16476 16477 16478 16479 16480 16481 16482 16483 16484 16485 16486 16487 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 RMX2 Data sheet Page 9/12 33 34 35 6 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Radiometrix Ltd 433.9000 433.9250 433.9500 433.9750 434.0000 434.0250 434.0500 434.0750 434.1000 434.1250 434.1500 434.1750 434.2000 434.2250 434.2500 434.2750 434.3000 434.3250 434.3500 434.3750 434.4000 434.4250 434.4500 434.4750 434.5000 434.5250 434.5500 434.5750 434.6000 434.6250 434.6500 434.6750 434.7000 434.7250 434.7500 434.7750 412.2000 412.2250 412.2500 412.2750 412.3000 412.3250 412.3500 412.3750 412.4000 412.4250 412.4500 412.4750 412.5000 412.5250 412.5500 412.5750 412.6000 412.6250 412.6500 412.6750 412.7000 412.7250 412.7500 412.7750 412.8000 412.8250 412.8500 412.8750 412.9000 412.9250 412.9500 412.9750 413.0000 413.0250 413.0500 413.0750 412.2000 412.2250 412.2500 412.2750 412.3000 412.3250 412.3500 412.3750 412.4000 412.4250 412.4500 412.4750 412.5000 412.5250 412.5500 412.5750 412.6000 412.6250 412.6500 412.6750 412.7000 412.7250 412.7500 412.7750 412.8000 412.8250 412.8500 412.8750 412.9000 412.9250 412.9500 412.9750 413.0000 413.0250 413.0500 413.0750 16488 16489 16490 16491 16492 16493 16494 16495 16496 16497 16498 16499 16500 16501 16502 16503 16504 16505 16506 16507 16508 16509 16510 16511 16512 16513 16514 16515 16516 16517 16518 16519 16520 16521 16522 16523 RMX2 Data sheet 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Page 10/12 RMX2-458-10: 458MHz UK SRD band (458.525 – 459.175 MHz) Parameter name Phase Comparing Frequency Fcomp [kHz] Start Channel Frequency Fch [MHz] Channel Step Frequency [kHz] Number of Channel Prescaler M : For data input : Result of calculation : Fixed Vale Value 25 458.5250 25 27 64 Parameter name Value Reference Frequency FOSC[MHz] 21.25 Offset Frequency Foffset [MHz] 21.7 CH No. Channel Frequency Fch (MHz) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Note: 458.5250 458.5500 458.5750 458.6000 458.6250 458.6500 458.6750 458.7000 458.7250 458.7500 458.7750 458.8000 458.8250 458.8500 458.8750 458.9000 458.9250 458.9500 458.9750 459.0000 459.0250 459.0500 459.0750 459.1000 459.1250 459.1500 459.1750 Expect Frequenc y Fexpect (MHz) 436.8250 436.8500 436.8750 436.9000 436.9250 436.9500 436.9750 437.0000 437.0250 437.0500 437.0750 437.1000 437.1250 437.1500 437.1750 437.2000 437.2250 437.2500 437.2750 437.3000 437.3250 437.3500 437.3750 437.4000 437.4250 437.4500 437.4750 Lock Frequenc y FVCO Parameter name Reference Counter R Programmable Counter N Min. Value Programmable Counter N Max. Value Swallow Counter A Min. Value Swallow Counter A Max. Value Number of Division n Programmable Counter N Value 850 273 273 1 27 Swallow Counter A (MHz) 436.8250 436.8500 436.8750 436.9000 436.9250 436.9500 436.9750 437.0000 437.0250 437.0500 437.0750 437.1000 437.1250 437.1500 437.1750 437.2000 437.2250 437.2500 437.2750 437.3000 437.3250 437.3500 437.3750 437.4000 437.4250 437.4500 437.4750 17473 17474 17475 17476 17477 17478 17479 17480 17481 17482 17483 17484 17485 17486 17487 17488 17489 17490 17491 17492 17493 17494 17495 17496 17497 17498 17499 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 In the 458MHz SRD band in the UK, channel frequencies 458.825MHz, 458.8375MHz and 458.900MHz are reserved for alarm usage, and should not be used for general telemetry applications Radiometrix Ltd RMX2 Data sheet Page 11/12 Radiometrix Ltd Hartcran House 231 Kenton Lane Harrow, Middlesex HA3 8RP ENGLAND Tel: +44 (0) 20 8909 9595 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8909 2233 sales@radiometrix.com www.radiometrix.com Copyright notice This product data sheet is the original work and copyrighted property of Radiometrix Ltd. Reproduction in whole or in part must give clear acknowledgement to the copyright owner. Limitation of liability The information furnished by Radiometrix Ltd is believed to be accurate and reliable. Radiometrix Ltd reserves the right to make changes or improvements in the design, specification or manufacture of its subassembly products without notice. Radiometrix Ltd does not assume any liability arising from the application or use of any product or circuit described herein, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from the use of its products. This data sheet neither states nor implies warranty of any kind, including fitness for any particular application. These radio devices may be subject to radio interference and may not function as intended if interference is present. We do NOT recommend their use for life critical applications. The Intrastat commodity code for all our modules is: 8542 6000 R&TTE Directive After 7 April 2001 the manufacturer can only place finished product on the market under the provisions of the R&TTE Directive. Equipment within the scope of the R&TTE Directive may demonstrate compliance to the essential requirements specified in Article 3 of the Directive, as appropriate to the particular equipment. Further details are available on The Office of Communications (Ofcom) web site: http://www.ofcom.org.uk/ Information Requests Ofcom Riverside House 2a Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 9HA Tel: +44 (0)300 123 3333 or 020 7981 3040 Fax: +44 (0)20 7981 3333 information.requests@ofcom.org.uk European Communications Office (ECO) Peblingehus Nansensgade 19 DK 1366 Copenhagen Tel. +45 33896300 Fax +45 33896330 ero@ero.dk www.ero.dk