RT9808 Preliminary Micro-Power Voltage Detectors General Description Features The RT9808 is a micro-power voltage detector z supervising the power supply voltage level for z microprocessors (µP) or digital systems. It provides z ±2% Accuracy Low Supply Current 3µ µA internally fixed threshold levels with 0.1V per step z Quick Reset within 20µ µS ranging from 1.5V to 5V, which covers most digital z Built-in Recovery Delay 200mS applications. It features low supply current of 3µA. z Low Functional Supply Voltage 0.9V z N-Channel Open Drain Output z Small 3-Pin SOT-23/SOT89 and 5-Pin SOT-25 The RT9808 performs supervisory function by sending out a reset signal whenever the VDD voltage Internally Fixed Threshold 1.5V to 5V in 0.1V Step Packages falls below a preset threshold level. This reset signal will last the whole period before VDD recovering. Once VDD recovered up-crossing the threshold level, the reset signal will be released if VDD is above Pin Configurations Part Number Pin Configurations threshold and last for the whole period of reset active RT9808- CV time out. (Plastic SOT-23) TOP VIEW 3 1. RESET 2. GND 3. VDD 2 1 RT9808 is n-channel, open-drain output. Applications RT9808- CX TOP VIEW (Plastic SOT-89) 1. RESET 2. VDD 3. GND z Computers z Controllers z Intelligent Instruments z Critical µP and µC Power Monitoring RT9808- CB Portable/Battery-Powered Equipment (Plastic SOT-25) z 1 Ordering Information 2 3 TOP VIEW 5 1 4 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 RT9808- Package Type V : SOT-23 X : SOT-89 B : SOT-25 Operating temperature range C: Commercial standard Typical Application Circuit VDD Reset Threshold 15 : 1.5V 16 : 1.6V : RESET VDD GND NC NC µP RESET Pull 100K Up RT9808 GND VDD RESET 49 : 4.9V 50 : 5.0V DS9808-01 January 2002 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 1 RT9808 Preliminary Pin Description Pin Name Pin Function GND Ground Pin RESET Reset Pulse Output, Negative Pulse VDD Power Pin NC No Connected Function Block Diagram VDD VSET CMP TIMER N RESET Threshold Voltage Setting POR Power On Reset www.richtek-ic.com.tw 2 DS9808-01 January 2002 RT9808 Preliminary Absolute Maximum Ratings z Terminal Voltage (with Respect to GND) VDD -0.3V to 6.0V All Other Inputs -0.3V to VDD+0.3V z Input Current, VDD 20mA z Output Current, RESET 20mA z Power Dissipation, PD @ TA = 25°C SOT-23 0.25W SOT-89 0.5W SOT-25 0.25W z Operating Junction Temperature Range -40°C ~ 125°C z Storage Temperature Range -65°C ~ 125°C z Package Thermal Resistance z SOT-23, θJA 250°C /W SOT-89, θJC 100°C /W SOT-89, θJA 300°C /W SOT-25, θJA 250°C /W Lead Temperature (Soldering, 5sec.) 260°C Electrical Characteristics (VDD = 3.0, unless specified) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units 0.9 -- 6 V Operating VDD (VOUT) Range VDD Supply Current IDD VDD = 1.5V ~ 5V, IOUT = 0 -- 3 -- µA Reset Threshold VTH TA = 27°C -- Note1 -- V Threshold Voltage Accuracy ∆VTH TA = 27°C -- -- 2 % VCC Drop to Reset Delay tRD Drop = -125mV -- -- 20 µS Reset Active Time Out Period tRP VDD ≥ 1.02×VTH -- 200 -- mS RESET Output Voltage VOL VDD < VTH, ISINK > 3.5mA -- 0.4 -- V Note1: 1.5V ~ 5V, step 0.1V DS9808-01 January 2002 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 3 RT9808 Preliminary Measuring Circuit (1) Detection Voltage (3) Output Transistor Current VDD VDD RT9808 V OUT Oscilloscope VSS VDD P.G www.richtek-ic.com.tw CL VDD VDD VDD V 6V (4) Dynamic Response RT9808 VSS 4 RT9808 100kΩ OUT CRT VSS (2) Current Consumption A VDD R (100kΩ) OUT V RT9808 VSS OUT V A VDS DS9808-01 January 2002 RT9808 Preliminary Typical Operating Characteristics Nch Driver Output Current vs. VDS 7 Output Current IOUT (mA) Output Current IOUT (mA) 1.7V 6 5 1.5V 4 3 2 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 2.2V 10 2.0V 8 6 1.5V 4 2 TA = 25°C RT9808-20CV 0 Nch Driver Output Current vs. VDS 12 TA = 25°C RT9808-24CV 0 3 0 0.5 1 VDS (V) Nch Driver Output Current vs. VDS 18 1.5 2 2.5 Nch Driver Output Current vs. VDS 36 4.0V Output Current IOUT (mA) Output Current IOUT (mA) 2.8V 15 12 9 2.0V 6 1.5V 3 30 3.5V 24 3.0V 18 2.5V 12 TA = 25°C RT9808-30CV 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 2.0V 6 1.5V 0 1 2 Nch Driver output Current vs. VDS 3.5V 24 3.0V 2.5V 2.0V 0 2 3 VDS (V) DS9808-01 January 2002 4 5.0V 5 4.5V 4 3.0V 3 2.4V 2.0V 2 1 TA = 25°C RT9808-50CV 1.5V TA = 25°C 6 Output Voltage VOUT (V) Output Current IOUT (mA) Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage 4.0V 32 1 4 7 4.5V 0 3 VDS (V) 40 8 TA = 25°C RT9808-45CV 0 3 VDS (V) 16 3 VDS (V) 5 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Input Voltage VIN (V) www.richtek-ic.com.tw 5 RT9808 Preliminary Supply Current vs. Input Voltage Supply Current vs. Input Voltage 4 Supply Current ISS ( µA) Supply Current ISS ( µ A) 4 3 80°C 2 25°C -30°C 1 3 80°C -30 °C 1 RT9808-20CV 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 Supply Current ISS ( µ A) 25°C -30 °C 1 RT9808-30CV 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 25°C -30°C 2 1 RT9808-45CV 0 6 1 2 3 4 5 5.1 80°C Reset Threshold Deviation vs. Temp. 5V 4.7 4 4.5V 4.3 Threshold (V) 25 °C -30 °C 2 3.9 3.5 3V 3.1 2.7 1 2.4V 2.3 RT9808-50CV www.richtek-ic.com.tw 6 2 3 4 Input Voltage VIN (V) 5 2V 1.9 0 1 6 Input Voltage VIN (V) Supply Current vs. Input Voltage 0 6 3 0 5 Supply Current ISS (µ A) 4 80°C 4 Input Voltage VIN (V) 3 3 5 80 °C 0 2 Supply Current vs. Input Voltage Supply Current vs. Input Voltage 2 1 Input Voltage VIN (V) 4 3 RT9808-24CV 0 6 Input Voltage VIN (V) Supply Current ISS ( µ A) 25°C 2 6 -40 -15 10 35 60 85 Temperture ( ° C) DS9808-01 January 2002 RT9808 Preliminary Nch Driver Output Current vs. Input Voltage 10 Nch Driver Output Current vs. Input Voltage 10 RT9808-20CV RT9808-24CV VDS = 0.5V 8 Output Current IOUT (mA) Output Current IOUT (mA) VDS = 0.5V -30°C 6 25°C 4 80°C 2 8 -30 °C 6 25°C 4 80°C 2 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 3 0.5 Input Voltage VIN (V) Nch Driver Output Current vs. Input Voltage 16 RT9808-30CV VDS = 0.5V 10 -30°C 25°C 6 80°C 4 2 2.5 3 -30 °C 12 10 25°C 8 6 80 °C 4 2 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 1 Input Voltage VIN (V) 18 3 4 5 Power-Up reset Timeout vs. Temp. 350 RT9808-50CV Power-Up Reset Timeout (ms) VDS = 0.5V 15 2 Input Voltage VIN (V) Nch Driver Output Current vs. Input Voltage Output Current IOUT (mA) 2 RT9808-45CV VDS = 0.5V 14 8 1.5 Nch Driver Output Current vs. Input Voltage Output Current IOUT (mA) Output Current IOUT (mA) 12 1 Input Voltage VIN (V) -30 °C 12 25 °C 9 6 80°C 3 300 2V 250 2.4V 3V 4.5V 200 5V 150 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 Input Voltage VIN (V) DS9808-01 January 2002 5 6 -40 -15 10 35 60 85 Temperture ( °C) www.richtek-ic.com.tw 7 RT9808 Preliminary Power-Down Reset Delay vs. Temp. Power-Down Reset Delay vs. Temp. 3.0 Power-Down Reset Delay ( µ s) Power-Down Reset Delay ( µ s) 4.0 3.0 2.0 Vdrop = 150mV Vdrop = 200mV 1.0 Vdrop = 250mV 2.5 2.0 1.5 Vdrop = 150mV 1.0 Vdrop = 200mV Vdrop = 250mV 0.5 RT9808-20CV 0.0 RT9808-24CV 0.0 -40 -15 10 35 60 85 -40 -15 Temperture ( ° C) Power-Down Reset Delay vs. Temp. Power-Down Reset Delay ( µ s) Power-Down Reset Delay ( µs) 60 85 1.5 1.2 Vdrop = 200mV 0.9 Vdrop = 150mV 0.6 Vdrop = 250mV 0.3 RT9808-30CV 0.0 -40 -15 10 35 1.2 0.9 Vdrop = 200mV Vdrop = 150mV 0.6 Vdrop = 250mV 0.3 RT9808-45CV 0.0 60 85 -40 Temperture ( °C) -15 10 35 Temperture ( °C) 60 85 Output Delay Time vs. Load Capacitance Power-Down Reset Delay vs. Temp. 1.2 0.9 Vdrop = 200mV Vdrop = 150mV 0.6 Vdrop = 250mV 0.3 RT9808-50CV 0.0 -40 -15 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 10 35 Temperture ( °C) 60 85 Output Delay Time tP (ms) 1000 1.5 Power-Down Reset Delay ( µs) 35 Power-Down Reset Delay vs. Temp. 1.5 8 10 Temperture ( °C) 100 2.4V 10 4.5V 5V 2V 3V 1 0.0001 TA = 25°C 0.001 0.01 0.1 Load Capacitance COUT (uF) DS9808-01 January 2002 RT9808 Preliminary Package Information D B C e A H b Symbol L A1 Dimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches Min Max Min Max A 0.889 1.295 0.035 0.051 A1 -- 0.152 -- 0.006 B 1.397 1.803 0.055 0.071 b 0.356 0.508 0.014 0.020 C 2.591 2.997 0.102 0.118 D 2.692 3.099 0.106 0.122 e 1.803 2.007 0.071 0.079 H 0.102 0.254 0.004 0.010 L 0.356 0.610 0.014 0.024 SOT-23 Plastic Surface Mount DS9808-01 January 2002 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 9 RT9808 Preliminary D A D1 H B C C1 e e A b Symbol b1 b Dimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches Min Max Min Max A 1.397 1.600 0.055 0.063 b 0.356 0.483 0.014 0.019 B 2.388 2.591 0.094 0.102 b1 0.406 0.533 0.016 0.021 C -- 4.242 -- 0.167 C1 0.787 1.194 0.031 0.047 D 4.394 4.597 0.173 0.181 D1 1.397 1.753 0.055 0.069 e 1.448 1.549 0.057 0.061 H 0.381 0.432 0.015 0.017 3-Lead SOT-89 Surface Mount www.richtek-ic.com.tw 10 DS9808-01 January 2002 RT9808 Preliminary D C B b H A e Symbol L A1 Dimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches Min Max Min Max A 0.889 1.295 0.035 0.051 A1 0.000 0.152 0.000 0.006 B 1.397 1.803 0.055 0.071 b 0.356 0.559 0.014 0.022 C 2.591 2.997 0.102 0.118 D 2.692 3.099 0.106 0.122 e 0.838 1.041 0.033 0.041 H 0.102 0.254 0.004 0.010 L 0.356 0.610 0.014 0.024 SOT- 25 Surface Mount Package DS9808-01 January 2002 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 11 RT9808 Preliminary RICHTEK TECHNOLOGY CORP. RICHTEK TECHNOLOGY CORP. Headquarter Taipei Office (Marketing) 6F, No. 35, Hsintai Road, Chupei City 8F-1, No. 137, Lane 235, Paochiao Road, Hsintien City Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. Taipei County, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: (8863)5510047 Fax: (8863)5537749 Tel: (8862)89191466 Fax: (8862)89191465 Email: marketing@richtek-ic.com.tw www.richtek-ic.com.tw 12 DS9808-01 January 2002