SC1548 Linear Fet Controller POWER MANAGEMENT Description Features u ± 2.5% output accuracy over line, load and The SC1548 is a power supply controller designed to provide a simple single regulated power supply with over current protection. It is part of Semtechs SmartLDO family of products. The SC1548 can provide a 1.818V power supply for the I/O plane or 1.515V for GTL+ / AGP from either 3.3V or 2.5V. An adjustable option allows generation and control of any voltage from 1.263V up to 5V. temperature u 1.515V, 1.818V and adjustable output voltage options available u Enable control u Over current protection u 5-pin SOT-23 package Applications SC1548 features include tight output voltage regulation, an enable control and over current protection. Over current protection is provided by feedback to the sense pin. If the output drops below 50% of the nominal output voltage (typical) for greater than 4ms (typical), the output will be shut down. u u u u Motherboards Graphics cards Microcontrollers Simple power supplies The SC1548 is available in a tiny 5-pin SOT-23 surface mount package. Typical Application Circuit Fixed Output Voltage Versions 3.3V IN Q1 IRL530N 1.818V OUT + C1 100uF + C2 100uF + C3 22uF 12V IN U1 1 2 3 SNS EN 5 ENABLE GND DRV IN 4 SC1548CSK-1.8 C4 0.1uF Adjustable Output Voltage Version 3.3V IN Q1 IRL530N 2.5V OUT R1 97.6 + C1 100uF + C2 100uF + 12V IN C3 22uF U1 1 2 R2 100 3 ADJ EN 1 ENABLE GND DRV IN SC1548CSK Revision 1, January 2001 5 4 C4 0.1uF SC1548 POWER MANAGEMENT Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Sy mbol Maximum U nits VIN -0.5 to +15 V VADJ, VEN, VSNS -0.5 to +7 V Thermal Impedance Juncti on to C ase q JC 81 °C /W Thermal Impedance Juncti on to Ambi ent q JA 256 °C /W Operati ng Ambi ent Temperature Range TA 0 to +70 °C Operati ng Juncti on Temperature Range TJ 0 to +125 °C Storage Temperature Range TSTG -65 to +150 °C Lead Temperature (Solderi ng) 10 Sec TLEAD 300 °C Input Supply Voltage Input Pi ns Electrical Characteristics(1) Unless specified: TA = 25°C, VIN = 12V, VPWR = 3.3V, IOUT = 0A. Values in bold apply over full operating temperature range. Parameter Sy mbol Test C onditions Min Ty p Max U nits 11.28 12.00 12.72 V 1.0 1.5 mA IN Supply Voltage VIN Qui escent C urrent IQ 2.0 U nderv oltage Lockout Start Threshold UVLO 7 8 9 V 100 150 µA 2.3 V EN Enable Pi n C urrent IEN V E N = 0V Threshold Voltage VTH(EN) VEN ri si ng Hysteresi s VHYST Enable D elay Ti me(2)(3) tD(ON) D i sable D elay Ti me(2)(3) tD(OFF) 1.8 200 mV VEN = Low to Hi gh, measured from VEN = VTH(EN) to 10% VDRV 500 ns VEN = Hi gh to Low, measured from VEN = VTH(EN) to 90% VDRV 150 ns SN S (Fixed Output Voltage Parts) Sense Pi n C urrent ISNS Si nki ng 75 100 125 µA AD J (Adjustable Output Voltage Parts) Adjust Pi n C urrent IADJ Sourci ng Reference Voltage(2) V AD J 3.0V £ VPWR(4) £ 3.6V, 1mA £ IOUT £ 1A 0.25 -1.5% -2.5% ã 2001 Semtech Corp. 2 1.263 µA +1.5% V +2.5% SC1548 POWER MANAGEMENT Electrical Characteristics (Cont.)(1) Unless specified: TA = 25°C, VIN = 12V, VPWR = 3.3V, IOUT = 0A. Values in bold apply over full operating temperature range. Parameter Sy mbol Test C onditions Min Ty p Max U nits -1.5% VOUT +1.5% V Output Voltage R egulation (Fixed Output Voltage Parts) Output Voltage(2) VOUT 3.0V £ VPWR(4) £ 3.6V, 1mA £ IOUT £ 1A -2.5% +2.5% DRV Output C urrent IDRV VDRV = 4V, VSNS = 1.2V 5 10 mA Output Voltage VDRV Full On, IDRV = 0mA 9.0 10.5 V Ri se Ti me(2)(3) tr VEN = Low to Hi gh, measured from VEN = VTH(EN) to 90% VDRV 1.0 ms Fall Ti me(2)(3) tf VEN = Hi gh to Low, measured from VEN = VTH(EN) to 10% VDRV 550 µs Ov ercurrent Protection Tri p Threshold VTH(OC) Power-up Output Short C i rcui t Immuni ty Output Short C i rcui t Gli tch Immuni ty 30 50 70 %VOUT 1 5 60 ms 0.5 4 10 ms C ontrol Section Bandwi dth VDRV = 9V, THD = 5%, C L = 600pF 5 MHz Notes: (1) This device is ESD sensitive. Use of standard ESD handling precautions is required. (2) See Application Circuit on page 1. (3) See Timing Diagram on page 4. (4) Connected to FET drain. ã 2001 Semtech Corp. 3 SC1548 POWER MANAGEMENT Timing Diagram ã 2001 Semtech Corp. 4 SC1548 POWER MANAGEMENT Pin Configuration Ordering Information Top View Part N umber(1)(2) P ackag e SC 1548C SK-X.X.TR SOT-23-5 Notes: (1) Where -X.X denotes voltage options. Available voltages are: 1.515V (-1.5) and 1.818V (-1.8). Leave blank for adjustable version. (2) Only available in tape and reel packaging. A reel contains 3000 units. SOT-23-5L Block Diagram Pin Descriptions Pin 1 Pin N ame Pin Function SNS Regulator sense i nput for fi xed output voltage opti ons. Use as a remote sense to the source of the N-channel MOSFET. AD J Regulator sense i nput for adjustable output voltage versi on. S et output voltage as follows (refer to appli cati on ci rcui t on page 1): R1 VO = 1 . 263 • 1 + R2 2 GND Ground. 3 D RV O u t p u t o f r e g u l a t o r. D r i v e s t h e g a t e o f a n N - c h a n n e l M O S F E T t o m a i n t a i n t h e o u t p u t voltage desi red. 4 IN +12V supply. 5 EN A c t i ve hi g h e na b l e c o nt r o l w i t h i nt e r na l p ul l up . O ut p ut o f r e g ul a t o r t ur ns o f f w he n E N i s taken low. ã 2001 Semtech Corp. 5 SC1548 POWER MANAGEMENT Typical Characteristics(1) Quiescent Current vs. Start Threshold vs. Junction Temperature Junction Temperature 1000 9.0 VIN = 12V, VEN = 3.3V 900 8.5 800 8.0 600 UVLO (V) IQ (µA) 700 500 400 7.5 7.0 300 200 6.5 100 0 6.0 0 25 50 75 100 125 0 25 50 TJ (°C) Enable Threshold Voltage Enable Hysteresis vs. vs. Junction Temperature Junction Temperature 2.30 125 100 125 100 125 VIN = 12V VEN falling 450 2.20 400 2.15 350 VHYST (mV) VTH(EN) (V) 100 500 VIN = 12V VEN rising 2.25 2.10 2.05 2.00 300 250 200 1.95 150 1.90 100 1.85 50 1.80 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 0 25 50 TJ (°C) 150 75 TJ (°C) Enable Pin Current vs. Enable Delay Time vs. Junction Temperature Junction Temperature 1000 VIN = 12V VEN = 0V VIN = 12V 900 125 800 700 tD(ON) (ns) 100 IEN (µA) 75 TJ (°C) 75 50 600 500 400 300 200 25 100 0 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 0 TJ (°C) ã 2001 Semtech Corp. 25 50 75 TJ (°C) 6 SC1548 POWER MANAGEMENT Typical Characteristics (Cont.)(1) Disable Delay Time vs. Sense Pin Current vs. Junction Temperature Junction Temperature 200 125 VIN = 12V VIN = 12V VEN = 3.3V VSNS = VO(NOM) 120 175 115 150 ISNS (µA) tD(OFF) (ns) 110 125 100 75 105 100 95 90 50 85 25 80 0 75 0 25 50 75 100 125 0 25 50 TJ (°C) 12.00 Output Voltage (SC1548CSK-1.8) Junction Temperature vs. Junction Temperature 1.845 125 VIN = 12V VEN = 3.3V 3.0V ≤ VPWR ≤ 3.6V 1mA ≤ IO ≤ 1A 1.840 1.835 1.830 11.00 1.825 VO (V) VDRV (V) 100 Drive Output Voltage vs. VIN = 12V VSNS = 0V IDRV = 0mA 11.50 75 TJ (°C) 10.50 1.820 1.815 1.810 10.00 1.805 1.800 9.50 1.795 9.00 1.790 0 25 50 75 100 0 125 25 50 1.2 100 OCP Trip Threshold (SC1548CSK-1.8) Power-Up Output Short Circuit Immunity vs. Junction Temperature vs. Junction Temperature 125 10 Power-up Short Circuit Immunity (ms) VIN = 12V VEN = 3.3V 1 0.8 VTH(OC) (V) 75 TJ (°C) TJ (°C) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 VIN = 12V VEN switched from 0V to 3.3V ROUT = 0Ω Two representative parts shown 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 25 50 75 100 0 125 ã 2001 Semtech Corp. 25 50 75 100 125 TJ (°C) TJ (°C) 7 SC1548 POWER MANAGEMENT Typical Characteristics (Cont.)(1) Output Short Circuit Glitch Immunity Drive Pin Rise Time vs. vs. Junction Temperature Junction Temperature 1200 VIN = 12V VEN = 3.3V ROUT of 0Ω applied to output Two representative parts shown 7 6 1000 800 tr (µs) 5 4 3 600 400 2 VIN = 12V VEN switched from 0V to 3.3V Two representative parts shown 200 1 0 0 0 25 50 75 100 0 125 25 50 75 100 TJ (°C) Drive Pin Fall Time vs. SC1548CSK-1.8 Small Signal Gain Junction Temperature and Phase Shift vs. Frequency 80 1000 800 0 IOUT = 1.8A VIN = 12V VEN switched from 3.3V to 0V Two representative parts shown 900 60 -45 40 -90 700 Gain f (Hz) 600 tf (µs) 125 TJ (°C) 500 400 20 -135 0 -180 -20 -225 -40 -270 Phase (°) Short Circuit Glitch Immunity (ms) 8 300 200 -60 100 0 25 50 75 100 -80 1.00E+02 125 1.00E+03 TJ (°C) 1.00E+04 -360 1.00E+06 1.00E+05 Gain (dB) SC1548CSK-1.5 Small Signal Gain SC1548CSK Small Signal Gain and Phase Shift vs. Frequency and Phase Shift vs. Frequency 80 80 0 0 IOUT = 1.8A VOUT = 2V IOUT = 1.8A 60 60 -45 40 -90 40 -180 -20 -225 -40 -270 -60 Phase 1.00E+03 ã 2001 Semtech Corp. 1.00E+04 f (Hz) 1.00E+05 Gain (dB) 0 Phase (°) Gain (dB) -135 -45 -90 Gain Gain 20 -80 1.00E+02 -315 20 -135 0 -180 -20 -225 Phase (°) 0 Phase Phase -315 -40 -270 -60 -315 -80 1.00E+02 -360 1.00E+06 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 -360 1.00E+06 f (Hz) 8 SC1548 POWER MANAGEMENT Typical Characteristics (Cont.)(1) Load Transient Response, Expanded Load Transient Response Trace 1: VOUT, AC coupled, 50mV/div. Trace 2: VDRV, 2V/div. Trace M3: load stepping from 0A to 1A Timebase: 1µs/div Trace 1: VOUT, AC coupled, 50mV/div. Trace 2: VDRV, 2V/div. Trace M3: load stepping from 0A to 1A to 0A Timebase: 10µs/div Load Transient Response, Expanded Disable Delay Time, tD(OFF) Trace 1: VDRV, 1V/div. Trace 2: VEN, 2V/div. Timebase: 100ns/div tD(OFF) » 36ns Trace 1: VOUT, AC coupled, 50mV/div. Trace 2: VDRV, 2V/div. Trace M3: load stepping from 1A to 0A Timebase: 1µs/div ã 2001 Semtech Corp. 9 SC1548 POWER MANAGEMENT Typical Characteristics (Cont.)(1) Enable Delay Time, tD(ON) Drive Output Fall Time, tf Trace 1: VDRV, 1V/div. Trace 2: VEN, 2V/div. Timebase: 100ns/div tf » 350ns Trace 1: VDRV, 1V/div. Trace 2: VEN, 2V/div. Timebase: 250ns/div tD(ON) » 550ns Drive Output Rise Time, tr Power-up Output Short Circuit Immunity Trace 1: VDRV, 1V/div. Trace 2: VEN, 2V/div. Timebase: 500µs/div tr » 1ms ã 2001 Semtech Corp. Trace 1: VDRV, 5V/div. Trace 2: VEN, 2V/div. Timebase: 2ms/div SC1548 enabled into a short, therefore VOUT < VTH(OC) immediately the device is enabled. This device shuts down after 8ms. 10 SC1548 POWER MANAGEMENT Typical Characteristics (Cont.)(1) Note: (1) See Applications Circuit on page 1. Output Short Circuit Glitch Immunity Trace 1: VDRV, 5V/div. Trace 2: VOUT, 1V/div. Timebase: 1ms/div SC1548 enabled, then shorted, therefore VOUT < VTH(OC) immediately the short is applied. This device shuts down after 5ms. Applications Infomation Theory Of Operation The SC1548 linear FET controller provides a simple way to drive an N-channel MOSFET to produce a tightly regulated output voltage from an available, higher, supply voltage. It takes its power from a 12V supply, drawing typically 2mA while operating. Also included is an overcurrent protection circuit that monitors the output voltage. If the output voltage drops below 50% of nominal, as would occur during an overcurrent or short condition, the device will pull the drive pin low and latch off. It contains an internal bandgap reference which is compared to the output voltage via a resistor divider. This resistor divider is internal on the fixed output voltage options, and user selectable on the adjustable option. Since the drive pin can pull up to a 9V guaranteed minimum, the device can be used to regulate a large range of output voltages by careful selection of the external MOSFET (see component selection, below). Fixed Output Voltage Options Please refer to the Application Circuit on Page 1. The fixed output voltage parts have an internal resistor divider that draws a nominal 100µA from the output. The voltage at the common node of the resistor divider is then compared to the bandgap reference voltage of 1.263V. The drive pin voltage is then adjusted to maintain the output voltage set by the resistor divider. Referring to the block diagram on page 5, the nominal resistor values are: The SC1548 includes an active high enable control with an internal pullup resistor. If this pin is pulled low, the drive pin is pulled low, turning off the N-channel MOSFET. If the pin is left open or pulled up to 2.5V, 3.3V or 5V, then the drive pin will be enabled. ã 2001 Semtech Corp. 11 Output Voltage R 1 (kW) R 1 (kW) 1.515V 2.52 12.63 1.818V 5.55 12.63 SC1548 POWER MANAGEMENT Applications Infomation (Cont.) It is possible to adjust the output voltage of the fixed voltage options, by applying an external resistor divider to the sense pin (please refer to Figure 1 below). Since the sense pin sinks a nominal 100µA, the resistor values should be selected to allow 10mA to flow through the divider. This will ensure that variations in this current do not adversely affect output voltage regulation. Thus a target value for R2 (maximum) can be calculated: R2 ≤ V OUT ( FIXED ) Ω 10 mA The output voltage can only be adjusted upwards from the fixed output voltage, and can be calculated using the following equation: VOUT ( ADJUSTED ) R1 = VOUT ( FIXED ) • 1 + + R1 • 100 µ A R2 12V IN VPWR Q1 Volts VOUT R1 + C1 100uF + C2 100uF + C3 22uF U1 1 2 R2 3 SNS EN 5 ENABLE GND DRV IN 4 C4 0.1uF SC1548CSK-X.X Figure 1: Adjusting The Output Voltage of Fixed Output Voltage Options 12V IN VPWR Q1 VOUT R1 + C1 100uF + C2 100uF + C3 22uF U1 1 2 R2 3 ADJ EN 5 ENABLE GND DRV IN 4 SC1548CSK C4 0.1uF Figure 2: Setting The Output Voltage of the Adjustable Output Voltage Option Adjustable Output Voltage Option Again, a target value for R2 (maximum) can be calculated: The adjustable output voltage option does not have an internal resistor divider. The adjust pin connects directly to the inverting input of the error amplifier, and the output voltage is set using external resistors (please refer to Figure 2 above). In this case, the adjust pin sources a nominal 0.5µA, so the resistor values should be selected to allow 50µA to flow through the divider. ã 2001 Semtech Corp. R2 ≤ 1 . 263 V 50 µ A Ω The output voltage can be calculated as follows: R1 V OUT = 1 . 263 • 1 + − 0 . 5 µ A • R1 R 2 12 SC1548 POWER MANAGEMENT Applications Infomation (Cont.) Please see Table 1 below for recommended resistor values for some standard output voltages. All resistors are 1%, 1/10W. V OU T (V ) R 1 (W) R 2 (W) 1.5 18.7 100 1.8 42.2 100 2.5 97.6 100 2.8 124 102 3.0 140 102 3.3 169 105 To be most effective, the MOSFET RDS(ON) should not be selected artificially low. The MOSFET should be chosen so that at maximum required current, it is almost fully turned on. If, for example, a supply of 1.5V at 4A is required from a 3.3V ± 5% rail, the maximum allowable RDS(ON) would be: R DS ( ON )( MAX ) = Capacitor Selection Output Capacitors: low ESR aluminum electrolytic or tantalum capacitors are recommended for bulk capacitance, with ceramic bypass capacitors for decoupling high frequency transients. The maximum output voltage that can be obtained from the adjustable option is determined by the input supply voltage and the RDS(ON) and gate threshold voltage of the external MOSFET. Assuming that the MOSFET gate threshold voltage is sufficiently low for the output voltage chosen and a worst-case drive voltage of 9V, VOUT(MAX) is given by: ( MIN ) Input Capacitors: placement of low ESR aluminum electrolytic or tantalum capacitors at the input to the MOSFET (VPWR) will help to hold up the power supply during fast load changes, thus improving overall transient response. The 12V supply should be bypassed with a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor. − I OUT ( MAX ) • R DS ( ON )( MAX ) Short Circuit Protection Layout Guidelines The short circuit protection feature of the SC1548 is implemented by using the RDS(ON) of the MOSFET. As the output current increases, the regulation loop maintains the output voltage by turning the FET on more and more. Eventually, as the RDS(ON) limit is reached, the MOSFET will be unable to turn on any further, and the output voltage will start to fall. When the output voltage falls to approximately 50% of nominal, the LDO controller is latched off, setting output voltage to 0V. Power must be cycled to reset the latch. One of the advantages of using the SC1548 to drive an external MOSFET is that the bandgap reference and control circuitry do not need to be located right next to the power device, thus a very accurate output voltage can be obtained since heating effects will be minimal. The 0.1µF bypass capacitor should be located close to the supply pin, and connected directly to the ground plane. The ground pin of the device should also be connected directly to the ground plane. The sense or adjust pin does not need to be close to the output voltage plane, but should be routed to avoid noisy traces if at all possible. To prevent false latching due to capacitor inrush currents or low supply rails, the current limit latch is initially disabled. It is enabled at a preset time (nominally 5ms) after both IN and EN rise above their lockout points. If EN is left floating (using the internal resistor pullup), then VPWR should come up before VIN, or the device will latch off. If the enable function is not being used, EN should be tied to VPWR. ã 2001 Semtech Corp. 4 To allow for temperature effects 200mW would be a suitable room temperature maximum, allowing a peak short circuit current of approximately 15A for a short time before shutdown. Table 1: Recommended Resistor Values For SC1548 V OUT ( MAX ) = V PWR (0 . 95 • 3 . 3 − 1 . 5 • 1 . 025 ) ≈ 400 m Ω Power dissipation within the device is practically negligible, requiring no special consideration during layout. 13 SC1548 POWER MANAGEMENT Outline Drawing - SOT-23-5 Land Pattern - SOT-23-5 Contact Information Semtech Corporation Power Management Products Division 652 Mitchell Rd., Newbury Park, CA 91320 Phone: (805)498-2111 FAX (805)498-3804 ã 2001 Semtech Corp. 14