Preliminary SF2062A ® • • • • Quartz Temperature Stability Small Size Hermetic 11.5x4.0mm Surface-Mount Case Complies with Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) 229.25 MHz SAW Filter Pb Absolute Maximum Ratings Rating Value Units Maximum Incident Power in Passband +10 dBm Max. DC voltage between any 2 terminals 30 VDC -40 to +85 °C Storage Temperature Range Suitable for lead-free soldering - Max. Soldering Profile SM1154-14 260°C for 30 s Electrical Characteristics Characteristic Nominal Center Frequency Passband Sym fC Insertion Loss at fc 3 dB Passband Min Typ 229.25 Max 8.35 IL BW3 ±150 Units MHz dB kHz Fc ±100 kHz Ripple 0.9 dB I/O Impedance 50 Ohm 150 nsec Group Delay Deviation across Fc±100 kHz (-20 to +60°C) Attenuation Notes 1 GDD fc±600 kHz 20 fc±900 kHz 34 fc±1.2 MHz 32 10 MHz to 2 GHz Operating Temperature Range dB 20 TA -20 6 SM1154-14 11.5 x 4.0 mm Nominal Footprint Matching to Unbalanced 50 Ω Case Style Lid Symbolization (YY=year, WW=week S=shift, ##=sequence code ) +80 1 °C External L-C RFM SF2062A YYWWS## Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Unless noted otherwise, all specifications apply over the operating temperature range with filter soldered to the specified demonstration board with impedance matching to 50 Ω and measured with 50 Ω network analyzer. Unless noted otherwise, all frequency specifications are referenced to the nominal center frequency, fc. Rejection is measured as attenuation below the minimum IL point in the passband. Rejection in final user application is dependent on PCB layout and external impedance matching design. See Application Note No. 42 for details. The design, manufacturing process, and specifications of this filter are subject to change. US and international patents may apply. RFM, stylized RFM logo, and RF Monolithics, Inc. are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. ©Copyright 1999, RF Monolithics Inc. Electrostatic Sensitive Device. Observe precautions for handling. RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 RFM Europe Phone: 44 1963 251383 Fax: 44 1963 251510 ©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. E-mail: SF2062A-022007 Page 1 229.25 MHz SAW Filter 15 Jun 2006 16:26:04 CH1 S11 1 U FS 1 : 43 . 055 6 . 3574 229 . 250 000 MHz sf2062A 4 . 4136 CH3 S22 1 : 46 . 869 229 . 250 000 nH 1 U FS 56 . 695 MHz 39 . 360 nH demo10_1 1 1 PRm Cor Cor Full CENTR CH2 229 . 250 S21 MHz LOG SPAN 4 . 000 10 dB/ CENTR MHz REF -40 dB 229 . 250 1 : 0 . 0000 MHz dB SPAN 0 . 000 4 . 000 000 MHz MHz 1 3 2 CH2 Max 4 BW : Cor Full cent : Markers REF=1 . 504463 MHz 229 . 239695 MHz Q: 454 . 42 PRm 1_ loss CENTER 229 . 250 000 MHz RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 RFM Europe Phone: 44 1963 251383 Fax: 44 1963 251510 ©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. SPAN 4 . 000 000 : -6 . 5451 dB MHz E-mail: SF2062A-022007 Page 2 229.25 MHz SAW Filter 15 Jun 2006 16:28:39 CH1 S11 1 U FS 1 : 46 . 875 5 . 9023 229 . 250 000 MHz sf2062A 4 . 0977 CH3 S22 1 : 44 . 410 229 . 250 000 nH 1 U FS 47 . 613 MHz 33 . 055 nH demo29_1 1 1 PRm Cor Cor Full CENTR CH2 229 . 250 S21 MHz LOG SPAN 4 . 000 10 dB/ CENTR MHz REF -40 dB 229 . 250 1 : 0 . 0000 MHz dB SPAN 0 . 000 4 . 000 000 MHz MHz 1 3 2 CH2 Max 4 BW : Cor Full cent : Markers REF=1 . 480371 MHz 229 . 243919 MHz Q: 477 . 22 PRm 1_ loss CENTER 229 . 250 000 MHz RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 RFM Europe Phone: 44 1963 251383 Fax: 44 1963 251510 ©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. SPAN 4 . 000 000 : -6 . 0778 dB MHz E-mail: SF2062A-022007 Page 3 229.25 MHz SAW Filter 15 Jun 2006 16:18:18 CH1 S21 LOG 1 dB/ 3 : . 38010 REF -6.575 dB dB - . 200 000 MHz sf2062A demo29_2 CH1 C 3 1 PRm Markers REF=2 mean : -6 . 3290 dB s . dev : . 23570 dB p-p : . 95400 dB 2 Full CH1 CH2 CENTER S21 DEL 229 . 250 000 100 ns/ MHz SPAN REF 1.984 us 3 : 9 . 6325 ns 2 . 000 - . 200 000 000 MHz MHz CH2 Smo mean C us 3 Full s . dev 1 PRm CH2 Markers REF=2 : 2 . 0406 CENTER 229 . 250 000 p-p 2 MHz RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 RFM Europe Phone: 44 1963 251383 Fax: 44 1963 251510 ©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. SPAN 2 . 000 000 : 44 . 884 ns : 138 . 28 ns MHz E-mail: SF2062A-022007 Page 4 229.25 MHz SAW Filter SM1154-14 Case 14-Terminal Ceramic Surface-Mount Case 11.5 x 4.0 mm Nominal Footprint Case Dimensions Dimension A B C D E F G H mm Nom 11.5 4.0 1.6 1.5 0.76 1.27 1.27 0.1 Max 11.6 4.2 1.8 1.7 Min .442 .150 .057 .053 Inches Nom 0.450 0.157 0.063 0.059 0.030 0.050 0.050 0.004 Max 0.458 .166 .069 .065 Electrical Connections Materials Solder Pad Termination Au plating 30 - 60 µinches (76.2-152 µm) over 80200 µinches (203-508 µm) Ni. Lid Fe-Ni-Co Alloy Electroless Nickel Plate (8-11% Phosphorus) 100-200 µinches Thick Body Min 11.4 3.8 1.4 1.3 Connection Terminals Input Al2O3 Ceramic 2 Output 9 Ground All Others Pb Free G E C 7 7 8 9 6 6 9 10 5 5 10 11 4 4 11 12 3 3 12 13 2 2 13 14 1 1 14 F 8 A 0.334 REF. (8.48) 0.067 TYP. (1.70) B 0.050 TYP. (1.27) 0.190 (4.84) 0.034 TYP. (0.86) Recommended PCB Footprint H RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 RFM Europe Phone: 44 1963 251383 Fax: 44 1963 251510 ©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. D E-mail: SF2062A-022007 Page 5 229.25 MHz SAW Filter COMPONENT ORIENTATION and DIMENSIONS 4.0 mm ±0.1 1.5 mm +0.1 -0.0 2.0 mm ±0.1 1.75 mm ±0.1 PIN #1 W (CARRIER TAPE SIZE) BO 1.5 mm +0.3 -0.0 P (PITCH) AO USER DIRECTION OF FEED COVER TAPE SIZE KO COVER TAPE Carrier Tape Dimensions Ao 4.55 mm ±0.1 Bo 12.04 mm ±0.1 Ko 2.13 mm ±0.1 Pitch 8.00 mm ±0.1 W 24.00 mm ±0.3 RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 RFM Europe Phone: 44 1963 251383 Fax: 44 1963 251510 ©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. E-mail: SF2062A-022007 Page 6 229.25 MHz SAW Filter Leader and Trailer specifications (Based upon EIA-481) Dimensions of the leader and trailer 7 Inch Reel Quantity 500 Symbol Dimension A N +0 -4 178 60 C ±1 D +0.5 -0.2 13 B +1.5 -0 20.2 2 W1 ±0.5 W2 +2 -0 24.4 30.4 MAX 13 Inch Reel Quantity 2000 Symbol Dimension A 330 N +0 -4 100 C ±2 13 D +0.5 -0.2 20.2 B +1.5 -0 2 W1 ±0.5 24.4 W2 +2 -0 30.4 MAX Dimensional drawing of the reel RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 RFM Europe Phone: 44 1963 251383 Fax: 44 1963 251510 ©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. E-mail: SF2062A-022007 Page 7 229.25 MHz SAW Filter Additional items (1) Cover tape peeling strength The cover tape shall be adhered evenly to the carrier tape along both sides in the pulling direction. The cover tape peeling strength shall be as follows for an angle between the cover tape and the pulling direction of 165° to 180° (see the figure) and a peeling speed of 300mm/min. ±10mm/min. [EIA-481] 0.1N to 1.3N for a tape width of 12 to 56mm Fixing method 1. Insert the tip of the carrier tape into the groove. 2. Fix the tip of the cover tape with adhesive tape. Tape material (1) Carrier tape [anti-charging treatment: carbon used] Surface resistivity: 1 x 108 or less Material: Polystyrene or Polycarbonate (2) Cover tape material: Polyester (anti-charging treated) Surface resistivity: 1 x 1012 or less t = 50 to 100µm Warranty periods Cover tape peeling strength and mounting performance of stored components. 2-1. Cover tape peeling strength: One year after delivery (Peeling strength: 0.1N to 1.3N) Number of missing components There shall not be two or more consecutive missing components. Also, the maximum number of missing components shall be the larger of one piece or 0.1%. Storage environment Keep the product on which taping has been performed to a temperature below 40°C and a humidity within 80% RH. Do not subject in the direct sun. RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 RFM Europe Phone: 44 1963 251383 Fax: 44 1963 251510 ©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. E-mail: SF2062A-022007 Page 8 229.25 MHz SAW Filter RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 RFM Europe Phone: 44 1963 251383 Fax: 44 1963 251510 ©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. E-mail: SF2062A-022007 Page 9 229.25 MHz SAW Filter Package for Shipment 7 Inch Reel 13 Inch Reel Quanity Per Reel Number Reels Per Carton External Caton Dimensions Reel Weight Shipping Carton Weight Total Weight 500 4 254 x 254 x 127 mm 10 x 10 x 5 inches 896 g 448 g 1344 g 500 10 254 x 254 x 203 mm 10 x 10 x 8 inches 2240 g 448 g 2688 g Quanity Per Reel Number Reels Per Carton External Caton Dimensions Reel Weight Shipping Carton Weight Total Weight 2000 2 356 x 356 x 102 mm 14 x 14 x 4 inches 1288 g 448 g 1736 g 2000 4 356 x 356 x 178 mm 14 x 14 x 7 inches 2576 g 448 g 3024 g 2000 8 356 x 356 x 356 mm 14 x 14 x 14 inches 5152 g 448 g 5600 g RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 RFM Europe Phone: 44 1963 251383 Fax: 44 1963 251510 ©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. E-mail: SF2062A-022007 Page 10