Micrel, Inc. 2.5V/3.3V 3.0GHZ DUAL 2 x 2 CML CROSSPOINT SWITCH W/INTERNAL TERMINATION SuperLite™ SY55858U SuperLite™ SY55858U FEATURES ■ Guaranteed AC parameters over temperature: • fMAX > 3.0GHz (3Gbps) • tr/ tf < 120ps • Within-device skew < 25ps ■ Non-blocking “switch architecture” ■ Configurable as dual 2:1 mux, dual 1:2 fanout buffer, 1:4 fanout buffer, quad buffer, or dual 2 x 2 switch ■ 50Ω compatible outputs ■ Unique input termination and VT pin for DC-coupled and AC-coupled input signals–CML or PECL ■ Fully differential inputs/outputs ■ TTL/CMOS compatible control logic ■ Wide supply voltage range: 2.3V to 3.6V ■ Wide operating temperature range: –40°C to +85°C ■ Available in 32-pin EPAD-TQFP package SuperLite™ DESCRIPTION The SY55858U is a low-voltage, high-speed dual 2 x 2 crosspoint switch with a flexible input that accepts CML or PECL, and a 50Ω compatible differential CML (currentmode logic) output. The non-blocking design allows any input to connect to any output. Varying the state of the select inputs allows SY55858U to be used in backup, fault tolerant, protection and backplane distribution applications. The signal inputs (DA0–1 and DB0–1) have a unique internal termination design that allows access to the termination network through VT pins. This feature allows the device to easily interface to other logic standards such as AC-coupled or DC-coupled PECL/LVPECL signals. For applications that require a single-channel 2 x 2 crosspoint, consider the SY55854. APPLICATIONS ■ SONET/SDH optical transport ■ Backplane redundancy ■ Add-drop Multiplexers SuperLite is a trademark of Micrel, Inc. M9999-110705 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690 Rev.: D 1 Amendment: /0 Issue Date: November 2005 SuperLite™ SY55858U Micrel, Inc. VTA0 Ordering Information(1) DA0 SELA1 /DA0 VTA1 DA1 /DA1 SELA0 PACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATION DB1 1 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 GND VTB1 2 23 VCC /DB1 3 22 QA0 Top View EPAD-TQFP H32-1 VCC GND QB1 /QA1 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 VCC 18 8 /DB0 SELB1 VCC 7 6 /QB1 QA1 VTB0 QB0 19 5 /QB0 /QA0 VCC 4 DB0 VCC 21 20 SELB0 Part Number Package Type Operating Range Package Marking Lead Finish SY55858UHI H32-1 Industrial SY55858UHI Sn-Pb SY55858UHITR(2) H32-1 Industrial SY55858UHI Sn-Pb SY55858UHG(3) H32-1 Industrial SY55858UHG with Pb-Free Pb-Free bar-line indicator NiPdAu SY55858UHGTR(2, 3) H32-1 Industrial SY55858UHG with Pb-Free Pb-Free bar-line indicator NiPdAu Notes: 1. Contact factory for die availability. Dice are guaranteed at TA = 25°C, DC Electricals only. 2. Tape and Reel. 3. Pb-Free package recommended for new designs. 32-Pin EPAD-TQFP (H321) TRUTH TABLES SELA0 SELA1 QA0 QA1 Function 0 0 DA0 DA0 Fanout Buffer or Redundant Distribution 0 1 DA0 DA1 Dual Buffer or Crosspoint 1 0 DA1 DA0 Dual Buffer or Crosspoint 1 1 DA1 DA1 Fanout Buffer or Redundant Distribution Table 1. Input to Output Connectivity Crosspoint A SELB0 SELB1 QB0 QB1 Function 0 0 DB0 DB0 Fanout Buffer or Redundant Distribution 0 1 DB0 DB1 Dual Buffer or Crosspoint 1 0 DB1 DB0 Dual Buffer or Crosspoint 1 1 DB1 DB1 Fanout Buffer or Redundant Distribution Table 2. Input to Output Connectivity Crosspoint B M9999-110705 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690 2 SuperLite™ SY55858U Micrel, Inc. PIN DESCRIPTION Pin Number Pin Name 1 DB1 Channel B1 posititve signal input. 2 VTB1 Channel B1 termination center-tap. For CML inputs, leave this pin floating. Otherwise, see Figures 5a–5d in “Input Interface Application” section. 3 /DB1 Channel B1 negative signal input. 4 SELB0 5 DB0 Channel B0 positive signal input. 6 VTB0 Channel B0 termination center-tap. For CML inputs, leave this pin floating. Otherwise, see Figures 5a–5d in “Input Interface Application” section. 7 /DB0 Channel B0 negative signal input. 8 SELB1 9, 24 GND Supply Ground. 10, 13, 16, 17, 20, 23 VCC Positive supply normally connect to 2.5V, 3.3V, or 5V nominal supply, and bypass each pin with 0.1µF//0.01µF low ESR capacitors. 11 /QB0 Channel B0 negative signal output. 50Ω CML. 12 QB0 Channel B0 positive signal output. 50Ω CML. 14 /QB1 Channel B1 negative signal output. 50Ω CML. 15 QB1 Channel B1 positive signal output. 50Ω CML. 18 /QA1 Channel A1 negative signal output. 50Ω CML. 19 QA1 Channel A1 positive signal output. 50Ω CML. 21 /QA0 Channel A0 negative signal output. 50Ω CML. 22 QA0 Channel A0 positive signal output. 50Ω CML. 25 DA0 Channel A0 positive signal input. 26 VTA0 Channel A0 termination center-tap. For CML inputs, leave this pin floating. Otherwise, see Figures 5a–5d in “Input Interface Application” section. 27 /DA0 Channel A0 negative signal input. 28 SELA1 29 DA1 Channel A1 positive signal input. 30 VTA1 Channel A1 termination center-tap. For CML inputs, leave this pin floating. Otherwise, see Figures 5a–5d in “Input Interface Application” section. 31 /DA1 Channel A1 negative signal input. 32 SELA0 M9999-110705 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690 Pin Function Channel B0 output select. TTL/CMOS input. Channel B1 output select. TTL/CMOS input. Channel A1 output select. TTL/CMOS input. Channel A1 output select. TTL/CMOS input. 3 SuperLite™ SY55858U Micrel, Inc. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM DA0 50Ω VTA0 50Ω /DA0 A0 1 SELA0 QA0 0 CML /QA0 DA1 50Ω VTA1 50Ω /DA1 SELA1 0 A1 QA1 CML 1 /QA1 0 QB0 DB0 50Ω VTB0 50Ω /DB0 B0 1 SELB0 CML /QB0 DB1 50Ω VTB1 50Ω /DB1 0 B1 QB1 CML 1 SELB1 /QB1 INPUT AND OUTPUT STAGE VCC vcc D0 50Ω 50Ω Q 50Ω 1.2mA VT* /Q 50Ω /D0 16mA 1.2mA SY55858U SY55858U Figure 1. Input Stage Note 1. Figure 2. Output Stage See “Input Interface Applications” section for proper input connection. M9999-110705 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690 4 SuperLite™ SY55858U Micrel ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1) Symbol Rating VCC Power Supply Voltage VIN Input Voltage VOUT CML Output Voltage TA Operating Temperature Range TLEAD Lead Temperature (soldering, 20sec.) Tstore Storage Temperature Range θJA Package Thermal Resistance (Junction-to-Ambient) θJC Package Thermal Resistance (Junction-to-Case) Note 1. Value –Still-Air (multi-layer PCB) –500lfpm (multi-layer PCB) Unit –0.5 to +6.0 V –0.5 to VCC +0.5 V VCC –1.0 to VCC +0.5 V –40 to +85 °C 260 °C –65 to +150 °C 28 20 °C/W °C/W 4 °C/W Permanent device damage may occur if absolute maximum ratings are exceeded. This is a stress rating only and functional operation is not implied at conditions other than those detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratlng conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition VCC Power Supply Voltage 2.3 — 3.6 V ICC Power Supply Current — 150 190 mA No load, over temp. Condition TTL CONTROL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VCC = 2.3V to 3.6V; GND = 0V; TA = –40°C to +85°C(2) Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit VIH Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 — — V VIL Input LOW Voltage — — 0.8 V IIH Input HIGH Current — — — — +20 +100 µA µA VIN = 2.7V, VCC = Max. VIN = VCC, VCC = Max. IIL Input LOW Current –300 — — µA VIN = 0.5V, VCC = Max. Note 2. Specifications are guaranteed after thermal equilibrium has been establised. 5 SuperLite™ SY55858U Micrel, Inc. CML DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VCC = 2.3V to 3.6V; GND = 0V; TA = –40°C to +85°C(3) Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit VID Differential Input Voltage 100 — — mV RIN Differential Input Resistance D-to-/D 90 100 110 Ω VIH Input HIGH Voltage 1.6 — VCC V VIL Input LOW Voltage 1.5 — VCC – 0.1 V VOH Output HIGH Voltage VCC – 0.040 VCC – 0.010 VCC V No Load VOL Output LOW Voltage VCC – 1.00 VCC – 0.800 VCC – 0.650 V No Load 0.650 — 0.800 0.400 1.00 — V No Load 50Ω Environment 40 50 60 Ω VOUT(SWING) Output Voltage Swing(4) ROUT Output Source Impedance Condition Note 3. Device is guaranteed to meet the DC specifications, shown in the table above, after thermal equilibrium has been established. The device is tested in a socket such that traverse airflow ≥500lfpm is maintained. Note 4. VOUT(SWING) is defined as the swing on one output of a differential pair, that is |VOH – VOL| on one pin. The swing for common mode immunity purposes is 2 × VOUT(SWING). Actual voltage levels and differential swing will depend on customer termination scheme. Typically, a 400mV swing is available in the 50Ω environment. Refer to the “CML Output Termination Application” section, Figures 3 and 4, for more details. AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VCC = 2.3V to 3.6V; GND = 0V; TA = –40°C to +85°C(5) Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Maximum Frequency NRZ Data Rate 3.0 — — Gbps Frequency(6) 3.0 — — GHz tPLH tPHL Differential Propagation Delay D-to-Q 220 350 450 ps tSWITCH Select-to-Valid Output(7) — 0.50 1.0 ns fMAX Parameter Clock Skew(8) tSKEW Within-Device Within-Device Skew(9) Part-to-Part Skew (Diff.) — — — 12 25 100 25 50 — ps ps RJ Random Jitter — 2 5 psRMS DJ Deterministic Jitter — 5 20 psPP tr, tf CML Output Rise/Fall Times (20% to 80%) — 80 120 ps Condition Note 5. Tested using environment of Figure 3, 50Ω equivalent load. AC parameters are guaranteed by design and characterization. Note 6. fMAX clock is defined as the maximum toggle rate the device can operate while still achieving a 250mV minimum CML output swing, 50Ω equivalent load. Note 7. Input TTL/CMOS edge rate of <1.5ns. Note 8. Worst-case difference between QA0 and QA1 from either DA0 or DA1 (or between QB0 and QB1 from either DB0 or DB1 respectively), when both outputs come from the same input. Note 9. Worst-case difference between QA and QB outputs, when DA or DB inputs are shorted. M9999-110705 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690 6 SuperLite™ SY55858U Micrel, Inc. CML OUTPUT TERMINATION APPLICATION All CML inputs accept a CML output from any other member of this family. All CML outputs are source terminated 50Ω differential drivers as shown in Figure 3. vcc QOUT + 50Ω 50Ω 50Ω 400mV (Single-Ended) 100Ω 50Ω /QOUT QOUT 16mA 800mV (QOUT — /QOUT Differential SY55858U /QOUT Figure 3. 50Ω Output Termination Figure 4. Output Levels INPUT INTERFACE APPLICATIONS VCC VCC VCC VCC D D CML CML /D /D SY55858 NC SY55858 VT VT VCC – 1.3V Figure 5a. CML-to-CML (DC-Coupled) Input Interface Figure 5b. CML-to-CML (AC-Coupled) Input Interface VCC VCC VCC VCC D D PECL PECL /D /D SY55858 SY55858 220Ω VT VCC – 2.0V VT VCC – 1.3V Figure 5c. PECL-to-CML (DC-Coupled) Input Interface M9999-110705 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690 220Ω Figure 5d. PECL-to-CML (AC-Coupled) Input Interface 7 SuperLite™ SY55858U Micrel, Inc. 32 -PIN EPAD-TQFP (DIE UP) (H32-1) Rev. 01 MICREL, INC. 2180 FORTUNE DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA 95131 TEL + 1 (408) 944-0800 FAX + 1 (408) 474-1000 WEB USA http://www.micrel.com The information furnished by Micrel in this datasheet is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Micrel for its use. Micrel reserves the right to change circuitry and specifications at any time without notification to the customer. Micrel Products are not designed or authorized for use as components in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of a product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems that (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. A Purchaser’s use or sale of Micrel Products for use in life support appliances, devices or systems is at Purchaser’s own risk and Purchaser agrees to fully indemnify Micrel for any damages resulting from such use or sale. © 2005 Micrel, Incorporated. M9999-110705 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690 8